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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extrakce sémantických vztahů z nestrukturovaných dat v komerční sféře / Semantic relation extraction from unstructured data in the business domain

Rampula, Ilana January 2016 (has links)
Text analytics in the business domain is a growing field in research and practical applications. We chose to concentrate on Relation Extraction from unstructured data which was provided by a corporate partner. Analyzing text from this domain requires a different approach, counting with irregularities and domain specific attributes. In this thesis, we present two methods for relation extraction. The Snowball system and the Distant Supervision method were both adapted for the unique data. The methods were implemented to use both structured and unstructured data from the database of the company. Keywords: Information Retrieval, Relation Extraction, Text Analytics, Distant Supervision, Snowball

Lidské glutamátkarboxypeptidasy II a III / Human glutamate carboxypeptidases II and III

Navrátil, Michal January 2016 (has links)
The herein presented Ph.D. dissertation describes kinetic and structural characterization of human glutamate carboxypeptidases II and III (GCPII and GCPIII) using a complete panel of their natural substrates. These enzymes hydrolyze C-terminal glutamate from their substrates. They share 67 % sequence identity and also similar enzymatic activities. This thesis quantitatively compares human GCPII and GCPIII in terms of their ability to hydrolyze the substrates N-acetyl-L-aspartyl-L-glutamate (NAAG), folyl-poly-γ-L-glutamic acids (FolGlun) and β-citryl-L-glutamate (BCG). We demonstrated that GCPIII hydrolyzes its substrates in a metal- dependent manner, that BCG is a specific substrate of GCPIII, and that NAAG and FolGlun are specific substrates of GCPII. We also provide indirect biochemical evidence that GCPIII might feature a heterometallic active-site cluster. Additionally, we characterized the relevance of a surface exosite of GCPII, the arene-binding site (ABS), for the hydrolysis of FolGlun substrates using mutagenesis and enzyme kinetics and showed that polymorphic His475Tyr variant of GCPII hydrolyzes FolGlun substrates with the same kinetic parameters as the wild-type enzyme. Furthermore, this thesis focuses on structural aspects of the substrate specificities of GCPII and GCPIII: we present...

Psychology of pricing / Psychology of pricing

Bimaj, Arjola January 2012 (has links)
Price is the element of the marketing mix that has direct effect in the profits of a company. The right price can boost the profit and the wrong price can significantly shrink it. Thus, the businesses need to set the right price in order to maximize their revenues. However, the newest factors in the economic field, the continuous changes in the environment and the current financial situation in the world has eroded the pricing power and forces the managers to look in every direction in order to be able and keep up with the changes. Therefore, the aim of the thesis is to study the psychology of pricing related to the factors that affect the consumers' psychology and behavior when it comes to purchasing decision. The information will be then useful inputs for the companies in order to understand these factors and use them to set the most suitable pricing method for their product.

Spolehlivosti metody navržené Klales et al. (2012) k odhadu pohlaví podle pánevní kosti na základě CT snímků pánve / Reliability of Klales et al. (2012) method for sex assessment from hip bone based on CT imaging

Firlová, Radka January 2014 (has links)
The study is primarily focused on testing of the method which assesses sex from pubis. This method was originally proposed by Phenice (1969). Klales et al. (2012) modified this method in their study. They suggested to improve of the Phenice (1969) technique by extending the evaluation scale of three morphological traits from two values - present / absent to five development stage. Our study assumes that the success of Phenice (1969) method is related to the degree of sexual dimorphism of evaluated population. So the extension of evaluation scale will not lead to increased accuracy and will occur to decrease relibility of the method also. Intraobserver error was evaluated for Phenice (1969) a Klales et al. (2012) methods on the sample of isolated pelvic bones from Department of anthropology and human genetics of Charles university in Praque in first time. After we evaluated the whole sample, which consist of 200 three-dimensional models of pelvic bones. These models were segmented from CT images of adult individuals from contemporary French population. This sample was statistically evaluated by Cohen kappa, accuracy, senzitivity and specificity using confusion matrix and relationship between specificita and senzitivity was tested by ROC curves and area under curve (AUC). Results show that Phenice...

Informační systém restauračních a barových zařízení / Information System for Restaurants and Bars

Mašlaň, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this work is to study methods for requirement determination and specification methods to create information system on the .NET platform which will be specialized for restaurant and bar establishments. The information system will be therefore process and archive informations about condition of goods, employee's schedule of working shifts, summary of incomes and expenses and book of norms.

Bayesovský přístup k určování akustických jednotek v řeči / Discovering Acoustic Units from Speech: a Bayesian Approach

Ondel, Lucas Antoine Francois Unknown Date (has links)
Děti mají již od útlého věku vrozenou schopnost vyvozovat jazykové znalosti z mluvené řeči - dlouho předtím, než se naučí číst a psát. Moderní systémy pro rozpoznávání řeči oproti tomu potřebují k dosažení nízké chybovosti značná množství přepsaných řečových dat. Teprve nedávno založená vědecká oblast "učení řeči bez supervize" se věnuje přenosu popsaných lidských schopností do strojového učení. V rámci této oblasti se naše práce zaměřuje na problém určení sady akustických jednotek z jazyka, kde jsou k disposici pouze nepřepsané zvukové nahrávky. Pro řešení tohoto problému zkoumáme zejména potenciál bayesovské inference. V práci nejprve pro úlohu určování akustických jednotek revidujeme využití state-of-the-art neparametrického bayesovského modelu, pro který jsme odvodili rychlý a efektivní algoritmus variační bayesovské inference. Náš přístup se opírá o konstrukci Dirichletova procesu pomocí "lámání hůlky" (stick breaking) umožňující vyjádření modelu jako fonémové smyčky založené na skrytém Markovově modelu. S tímto modelem a vhodnou středopolní (mean-field) aproximací variační posteriorní pravděpodobnosti je inference realizována pomocí efektivního iteračního algoritmu, podobného známému schématu Expectation-Maximization (EM). Experimenty ukazují, že tento přístup zajišťuje lepší shlukování než původní model, přičemž je řádově rychlejší. Druhým přínosem práce je řešení problému definice smysluplného apriorního rozdělení na potenciální akustické jednotky. Za tímto účelem představujeme zobecněný podprostorový model (Generalized Subspace Model) - teoretický rámec umožňující definovat pravděpodobnostní rozdělení v nízkodimenzionálních nadplochách (manifoldech) ve vysokorozměrném prostoru parametrů. Pomocí tohoto nástroje učíme fonetický podprostor - kontinuum vektorových reprezentací (embeddingů) fonémů - z několika jazyků s přepsanými nahrávkami. Pak je tento fonetický podprostor použit k omezení našeho systému tak, aby určené akustické jednotky byly podobné fonémům z ostatních jazyků. Experimentální výsledky ukazují,že tento přístup významně zlepšuje kvalitu shlukování i přesnost segmentace systému pro určování akustických jednotek.

Řízení o určení a popření rodičovství / Legal Proceeding of Establishment and Disputing Parentage

Svobodová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
Legal Proceeding of Establishing and Disputing Parentage The topic of this thesis is the legal proceedings of establishing or disputing parentage. The aim of the thesis is to provide complex description and analysis of current framework of the proceedings for establishing or disputing parentage in relation to the substantive measures, point out problematic areas and weak spots of the legislation and provide possible solutions de lege ferenda. The text is divided into eight chapters. First chapter deals with the term "parentage" from various perspectives - biological, social, legal and the link between them, mainly with the case law of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Court and the European Court of Human Rights in mind. Second chapter provides the historical evolution of the legal framework for establishing and disputing parentage, going all the way back to the ancient Rome, Austrian Civil Code, the Family Law Code and the Family Code, to the present, where the civil law underwent re-codification and the whole area of family law has been included within the new Civil Code. The third chapter is devoted to the analysis of the substantive measures regarding the establishing and disputing of parentage as described in the Civil Code, because the substantive measures and procedural measures are closely...

Porovnání stávajících kritérií a nově navržených kritérií pro zařazování subjektů a prvků kritické infrastruktury v Jihočeském kraji a vliv na počet subjektů. / Comparing of current criteria and newly designed criteria for subjects classification and elements of critical infrastructure in the South Bohemian region and its influence on subjects quantity.

KREJČOVÁ, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
In my thesis, I focused on the issue of the critical infrastructure (CI), the Czech Republic was obliged to implement in its legislation by the January 12, 2011. This was performed by amending the crisis law. The thesis describes generally the critical infrastructure, its history and development in the conditions of the Czech Republic as well as the European Union, the basic legal regulations and it also characterizes the concepts associated with this issue. In the scope of the research I focused on comparing the fields of CI, changes in criteria and principles of determining CI elements and influence of these changes on the number of the subjects of critical infrastructure in the South Bohemian Region. As it turned out during the elaboration, it is not simple to find out the newly established numbers of CI subjects.

Zjišťování poklesu půdního horizontu na odvodněných plochách geodetickými metodami. / Geodetical detection of soil horizont subsidence in tile drainet areas.

PICHLÍKOVÁ, Jana January 2009 (has links)
The goal of my work is to verify the effectiveness of various methods of collecting geodetic data in order to locate the decline of soil horizont in the dewatered areas.

Promítnutí práva znát svůj původ do českého právního řádu (kritická studie) / Reflection of the right to know one's own origin in the Czech legal order (critical study)

Bednářová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
(Abstract) The diploma thesis deals with the reflection of the right to know one's own origin in the Czech legal order. Knowledge of one's own origin and the right to know one's own origin constitute not only a legal but also a moral and ethical question. The right to know one's own origin (i.e. the right to know one's parents, one's biological family and one's ancestors) is one of the subjective human rights, which belongs to every natural person. This right is more or less reflected in majority of institutes of family law. The thesis analyses the most important of them and indicates how the right to know one's own origin is reflected in these institutes or it is not, although it should be. The work seeks to highlight possible shortcomings of the legislation and tries to propose possible solutions de lege ferenda. There are also stated (for the purposes of comparison) some examples of foreign legislation in cases of some legal institutes. The diploma thesis is based on the legislation effective on the 26th March 2016. It is composed of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter deals with the right to know one's own origin and its legal regulation in the Czech Republic. It mainly discusses the international conventions that are (in compliance with the Art. 10 of the...

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