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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plasticité et diversité de l’efficience d’utilisation de l’eau chez deux espèces de chêne blanc d’Europe : les chênes pédonculé (Quercus robur L.) et sessile (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) : approche descriptive de la dynamique de réponse stomatique aux changements environnementaux / Plasticity and Diversity of water use efficiency in two white oak species : the pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) and sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) : Descriptive approach of stomatal dynamics in response to environmental changes

Gerardin, Théo 19 September 2019 (has links)
Quercus robur et Quercus petraea sont deux espèces de chêne sympatriques occupant des niches écologiques distinctes et présentant des différences de sensibilités à la sécheresse. La littérature disponible suggère qu’il existe des différences inter-spécifiques stables de l’efficience d’utilisation entre ces deux espèces, Q.petraea présentant des valeurs supérieures à Q.robur. L’efficience d’utilisation de l’eau peut être étudiées à différentes échelles d’intégration spatiales et temporelle. Sur la base de mesures instantanées d’échanges gazeux foliaires, l’efficience d’utilisation de l’eau intrinsèque (Wi) peut être déterminée. D’autre part, l’efficience d’utilisation de l’eau peut être caractérisée par des mesures de composition isotopique du carbone (δ13C) au sein des tissus végétaux ou par l’estimation de l’efficience de transpiration plante entière (TE), permettant ainsi une estimation de l’efficience intégrée dans le temps. La caractérisation de l’efficience à travers ces différents estimateurs a permis de mettre en évidence chez des semis croissant en conditions contrôlées une efficience de transpiration supérieure chez Q.robur bien qu’aucune différence ne soit détectable entre les deux espèces sur la base des mesures instantanées (Wi). Ces variations de TE étaient essentiellement liées aux variations de la production de biomasse par les plants tandis que les variations de Wi qui ont été observées étaient principalement associées à la conductance stomatique. Les variations intra et inter espèces de la dynamique de réponse stomatique au changement abrupte d’un facteur environnemental (lumière, CO2, VPD) n’ont pu être clairement reliées aux variations des différents estimateurs de l’efficience ou leur composantes respectives. Par ailleurs, les conditions de stress hydriques impactaient la dynamique de réponse stomatique chez les deux espèces de chênes. Cet impact se traduit par des réponses stomatiques plus rapides. Les principales différences observées entre les espèces étaient liées à la production de biomasse. Les deux espèces affichaient en effet des stratégies d’allocation du carbone divergentes notamment au niveau du compartiment racinaire. Ainsi Q.petraea produisait un système racinaire plus fin et ramifié que Q.robur. Par ailleurs, cet état de fait était plus marqué sous conditions de stress, conditions à laquelle Q.robur est plus sensible que Q.petraea en terme de production de biomasse. La complexité des relations entre efficience d’utilisation de l’eau et l’ensemble des traits physiologiques et anatomiques étudiés ainsi que leurs possibles implications dans la tolérance à la sécheresse des deux espèces de chênes sont discutées dans cette synthèse. / Quercus robur L. and Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. are two sympatric oak species occupying distinctive ecological niches as well as presenting disparate drought tolerances. Available litterature reports the existence of stable inter-specific differences of water use efficiency (WUE) between the two species, Q. petraea displaying higher values than Q. robur. Water use efficiency can be studied at several integration scales both spatially and temporally. Based on instantaneous foliar gaz exchange, the intrinsic water use efficiency can be determined (Wi). On the other hand, water use can be characterised by measurements of the carbon isotopic composition of plant tissues (13C) or by estimation of the whole plant transpiration efficiency (TE), thus allowing a time-integrated estimate of water use. The characterisation of WUE through these different estimators allowed us to put in evidence in oak seedlings grown under controlled conditions a higher transpiration efficiency in Q. robur even though no differences were observed between the two species regarding instantaneous measurements (Wi). TE variations were mainly linked to the variations of the biomass production by the plants while Wi variations were essentially associated to the stomatal conductance. Both intra and inter specific variations of the dynamics of stomatal response to step changes of environmental factors (light, CO2, VPD) could not be clearly linked to the variations of the different WUE estimates nor their respective components. Nevertheless, drought conditions impacted the stomatal dynamics in both species towards faster stomatal responses, especially for stomatal closing. Furthermore, the main observed differences between species were linked to biomass production. Both species displayed different carbon allocation strategies, especially regarding the root compartment. Thus, Q. petraea produced a significantly more ramified and thinner root system than Q. robur. Such behaviour was accentuated under drought stress, under which Q. robur was more sensitive than Q. petraea in term of biomass production. The complexity of the relationships between water use efficiency and all of these morphological and physiological traits as well as the possible drought tolerance implications in both oak species are discussed in this PhD thesis.

Potassium nutrition on tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) has an impact on production, postharvest behavior, and fruit sensory profile

Daoud, Bashar 05 February 2019 (has links)
No description available.


Taylor M Nelson (10716447) 28 April 2021 (has links)
Increased biodiversity generally enhances terrestrial ecosystem productivity. While niche-use efficiency is thought to drive the biodiversity-productivity relationship, the mechanisms within niche-use efficiency are not well understood. A potential mechanism for niche-use efficiency is nutrient-use efficiency. To measure nutrient-use efficiency, we calculated nitrogen-resorption efficiencies (NRE) because nitrogen is an important growth limiting nutrient for forest productivity. We used a plantation implemented as a full factorial design that included two levels of competition, implemented as different planting densities (one- and two-meter planting densities), and three diversity levels (monocultures, two-, and three-species plantings) that included three hardwood tree species (northern red oak (<i>Quercus rubra</i>), black cherry (<i>Prunus serotin</i><i>a</i>), and American chestnut (<i>Castanea dentata</i>). For our nitrogen-resorption efficiency data, we found that NRE increased as diversity and planting density decreased, but the magnitude of the response varied among species. This outcome suggests that while increased diversity likely provides a release from intra-specific competition, different combinations of species will play a critical role in shaping biodiversity-productivity relationships. Forest nutrient cycling can also be influenced by herbivory. To address the effects of forest diversity on herbivory rates, we monitored rates of foliar damage along with foliar nitrogen content. To measure foliar nitrogen content, we collected spectral data from early, midseason, and late season foliar samples. To assess foliar damage, we collected and imaged leaves from two canopy positions in order to measure late season foliar area and estimate pre damaged foliar area. We found that diversity and foliar nitrogen content have a positive relationship, and diversity does influence canopy damage but the effects vary among species and density. Upon further analysis, we found that foliar nitrogen content and canopy damage are correlated. Meaning individual trees showed a release from intraspecific competition, which lead to an increase in available nutrients and higher canopy quality, showing that stands with higher canopy quality experienced higher levels of damage.<br>

Effect of continued and regulated deficit irrigation on the productivity of four vegetable crops in open-field conditions in the Mediterranean area.

Abdelkhalik, Abdelsattar Gamal Abdelsattar 27 September 2020 (has links)
[ES] La escasez de agua se está convirtiendo en un problema en zonas áridas y semiáridas del mundo, donde se localiza parte de la producción de los principales cultivos hortícolas, como en el área mediterránea. La sequía es uno de los principales factores limitantes en la agricultura y está afectando gravemente a la producción de cultivos hortícolas. La mejora de la productividad del agua en la agricultura puede lograrse mediante la utilización de determinadas estrategias. El riego deficitario consiste en el aporte de agua por debajo de las necesidades de riego (NR) de los cultivos, de manera que se produce una reducción de la evapotranspiración. Puede realizarse de manera continua o sostenida (RDS) o controlada (RDC). Con el riego deficitario se puede mejorar la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego, manteniendo el rendimiento, e incluso en ocasiones, podría mejorarse la calidad de la cosecha. En este estudio, realizado en el Centro Experimental Cajamar de Paiporta (Valencia) se evalúa el efecto del riego deficitario en cuatro de los principales cultivos hortícolas cultivados al aire libre, en el área mediterránea: coliflor, cebolla, pimiento y sandía. En la evaluación se ha analizado: crecimiento y estado hídrico de las plantas, rendimiento, eficiencia del uso del agua de riego, calidad de la producción y rentabilidad de los cultivos. En la primera campaña se ensayó el RDS, lo que permitió establecer las diferentes etapas de crecimiento de cada cultivo, que se utilizaron en las siguientes campañas en el RDC. En los cuatro cultivos, las plantas control (100% NR) han mostrado un adecuado estado hídrico, tanto en el contenido relativo de agua como en el índice de estabilidad de la membrana, mientras que las sometidas a un RDS severo, han mostrado los menores valores de ambos índices. El efecto negativo del riego deficitario sobre el rendimiento ha resultado menos importante en los cultivos de otoño-invierno que en los cultivos de primavera-verano, especialmente en la coliflor. El RDS del 50% NR ha reducido drásticamente el rendimiento comercial y, consecuentemente, los ingresos brutos, aunque haya supuesto una mejora en la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego para los cultivos de otoño-invierno. Del análisis individual de los cultivos se deduce que el rendimiento en pellas de coliflor obtenidas con RDS al 75% NR o RDC al 50% NR durante la fase juvenil, se ha mantenido en niveles similares al control, mejorando la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego. En cebolla, en caso de restricción hídrica severa, sería aconsejable aplicar RDS con el 75% NR o RDC al 50% NR durante la maduración del bulbo, ya que estas estrategias han disminuido ligeramente el rendimiento, mejorando la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego. En condiciones menos restrictivas, RDC al 75% NR durante la maduración del bulbo ha dado lugar a un rendimiento satisfactorio, con un aumento de la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego. En pimiento dulce italiano, la aplicación de RDC al 75% NR durante la recolección ha dado lugar a una reducción considerable del rendimiento, y por tanto, de los ingresos brutos, aunque con importantes ahorros de agua y con un incremento en el contenido de sólidos solubles y de compuestos fenólicos de los frutos. Acortando el ciclo de cultivo hasta principios de septiembre, cuando ya se ha cosechado la mayor parte del rendimiento comercial, se conseguiría un importante ahorro de agua y permitiría utilizar la parcela en otros cultivos. El RDS al 75% y al 50% NR, o RDC al 50% NR durante la cosecha han dado lugar a una alta incidencia de frutos afectados por blossom-end rot. En sandía puede recomendarse la aplicación de RDC, tanto al 75% como al 50% NR durante la maduración del fruto, ya que ha conducido a rendimientos comerciales aceptables. De manera general se puede afirmar que la aplicación de RDS y de RDC en los cuatro cultivos, no ha afectado de manera importante a la calidad de la producción, / [CAT] Resum L'escassesa d'aigua s'està convertint en un problema en zones àrides i semiàrides del món, on es localitza part de la producció dels principals cultius hortícoles, com és el cas de l'àrea mediterrània. La sequera és un dels principals factors limitants en l'agricultura i està afectant greument a la producció de cultius hortícoles. La millora de la productivitat de l'aigua en l'agricultura en general, i en l'horticultura en particular, es pot aconseguir mitjançant la utilització de determinades estratègies. El reg deficitari consisteix en l'aportació d'aigua per sota de les necessitats de reg (NR) dels cultius, de manera que es produeix una reducció de l'evapotranspiració. Es pot fer de manera contínua o sostinguda (RDS) o controlada (RDC). Amb el reg deficitari es pot millorar l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg, mantenint el rendiment, i fins i tot de vegades, podria conduir a una millora de la qualitat de la collita. En aquest estudi, realitzat al Centre Experimental Cajamar de Paiporta (València, Espanya) s'avalua l'efecte del reg deficitari en quatre dels principals cultius hortícoles conreats a l'aire lliure, a l'àrea mediterrània: dos de cultiu de tardor-hivern (coliflor i ceba) i dues de cultiu primaveral-estival (pimentó i meló d'Alger). En l'avaluació s'han analitzat els següents paràmetres: creixement i estat hídric de les plantes, rendiment, eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg, qualitat de la producció i rendibilitat dels cultius. A la primera campanya es va assajar el RDS, el que va permetre establir les diferents etapes de creixement de cada cultiu, que es van utilitzar en les següents campanyes en el RDC. En els quatre cultius, les plantes control (100% NR) han mostrat un adequat estat hídric, tant en el contingut relatiu d'aigua com en l'índex d'estabilitat de la membrana, mentre que les sotmeses a un RDS sever, han mostrat els menors valors d'ambdós índexs. L'efecte negatiu del reg deficitari sobre el rendiment ha resultat menys important en els cultius de tardor-hivern que en els cultius de primavera-estiu, especialment en la coliflor. El RDS del 50% NR ha reduït dràsticament el rendiment comercial i, conseqüentment, els ingressos bruts, encara que hagi suposat una millora en l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg per als cultius de tardor-hivern. De l'anàlisi individual dels cultius es dedueix que el rendiment de coliflors obtingudes amb RDS al 75% NR o RDC al 50% NR durant la fase juvenil, s'ha mantingut en nivells similars al control, millorant l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg. En ceba, en cas de restricció hídrica severa, seria aconsellable aplicar RDS amb el 75% NR o RDC al 50% NR durant la maduració del bulb, ja que aquestes estratègies han disminuït lleugerament el rendiment, millorant l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg . En condicions menys restrictives, RDC al 75% NR durant la maduració del bulb ha donat lloc a un rendiment satisfactori, amb un augment de l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg. En pimentó dolç italià, l'aplicació de RDC al 75% NR durant la recol·lecció ha donat lloc a una reducció considerable del rendiment, i per tant, dels ingressos bruts, encara que amb importants estalvis d'aigua i amb un increment en el contingut de sòlids solubles i de compostos fenòlics dels fruits. Retallant el cicle de cultiu fins a principis de setembre, quan ja s'ha collit la major part del rendiment comercial, s'aconseguiria un important estalvi d'aigua i permetria utilitzar la parcel·la en altres cultius. El RDS al 75% i al 50% NR, o RDC al 50% NR durant la collita han donat lloc a una alta incidència de fruits afectats per blossom-end rot. En meló d'Alger es pot recomanar l'aplicació de RDC, tant al 75% com al 50% NR durant la maduració del fruit, ja que ha conduït a rendiments comercials acceptables. De manera general es pot afirmar que l'aplicació de RDS i de RDC en els quatre cultius, no ha afectat de maner / [EN] Water scarcity is becoming a critical problem in arid and semi-arid areas of the world, where part of the production of the main horticultural crops is located, as is the case of the Mediterranean area. Drought is one of the main limiting factors in agriculture and it is seriously affecting the production of horticultural crops. The improvement of water productivity in agriculture in general, and in horticulture in particular, can be achieved through the use of certain strategies. Deficit irrigation consists of the supply of water below the irrigation water requirements (IWR), so that there is a reduction in evapotranspiration. It can be done continuously (CDI) or regulated (RDI). With deficit irrigation, the irrigation water use efficiency can be improved, maintaining yield, and it could even lead to an improvement in the quality of the harvest. This study, carried out at the Cajamar in Paiporta Experimental Center (Valencia, Spain), analyzes the effect of deficit irrigation on four of the main cultivated horticultural crops, open field cultivated in the Mediterranean area: two of autumnal-winter crops (cauliflower and onion) and two spring-summer crops (pepper and watermelon). In the evaluation, the following parameters have been analyzed: plant growth and water status, yield, irrigation water use efficiency, quality of production and crop profitability. In the first season the CDI was tested, which allowed to establish the different growth stages for each crop, which were used in the following season for the RDI. In the four crops, the control plants (100% IWR) have shown an adequate water status, in terms of both relative water content and membrane stability index, while those subjected to a severe CDI, have shown the lowest values of both indexes. The negative effect of deficit irrigation on yield has been less important in autumn-winter crops than in spring-summer crops, especially in cauliflower. The CDI at 50% IWR has drastically reduced the marketable yield and, consequently, the gross revenue, although it has supposed an improvement in the irrigation water use efficiency for the autumn-winter crops. From the individual analysis of the crops, it can be stated that cauliflower yield obtained with CDI at 75% IWR or RDI at 50% IWR during the juvenile phase, has remained at levels similar to the control, improving the irrigation water use efficiency. In relation to onion, in case of severe water restriction, it would be advisable to apply CDI with 75% IWR or RDI at 50% IWR during bulb ripening, since these strategies have slightly decreased yield, improving the irrigation water use efficiency. In less restrictive conditions, RDI at 75% IWR during the bulb maturation has led to a satisfactory yield, with an increase in the irrigation water use efficiency. In Italian sweet pepper, the application of RDI to 75% IWR during the harvesting has resulted in a considerable reduction of the yield, and therefore, of the gross income, although with important water savings and increasing the fruit soluble solids and phenolic compounds content. By shortening the cultivation cycle until the beginning of September, when most of the marketable yield has already been harvested, significant water savings would be achieved, and the land could be used in other crops. CDI at 75% IWR and 50% IWR, or RDI at 50% IWR at harvesting have resulted in a high incidence of fruit affected by blossom-end rot. In watermelon the RDI application can be recommended, both 75% and 50% IWR, during the fruit ripening, since it has led to acceptable marketable yields. In general terms, it can be affirmed that the application of CDI and RDI in the four crops has not significantly affected the product quality, in terms of the analyzed parameters. / My grateful thanks to the Cultural Affairs and Mission Sector, Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education for supporting me with a scholarship. / Abdelkhalik, AGA. (2019). Effect of continued and regulated deficit irrigation on the productivity of four vegetable crops in open-field conditions in the Mediterranean area [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/129868 / TESIS

Characterization of Yield Production and Grain Quality of Erect Panicle Rice (Oryza sativa L.) under Varied Nitrogen FertilizerApplication / 異なる窒素施肥下における直立穂イネ品種の収量生産ならびに子実品質特性

Olusegun, Idowu 26 September 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第24239号 / 農博第2518号 / 新制||農||1094(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R4||N5410(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科農学専攻 / (主査)教授 白岩 立彦, 教授 中﨑 鉄也, 教授 那須田 周平 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Resilience of Forest Carbon Storage through Disturbance and Succession

Hardiman, Brady S. 19 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Genetic Variability of Growth and Development in Response to Nitrogen in Two Soft Winter Wheat Populations

Hoyt, Cameron Michael 11 July 2022 (has links)
The use of nitrogen (N) fertilizers is both costly to farmers and contributes to environmental degradation. N applied to wheat accounts for 18% of N applied to farmland globally, making it a prime target for reducing and optimizing N application. Chapter I is a review on nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in wheat, with emphasis on breeding efforts and genetic resources available to increase NUE. The concept of effective use of nitrogen (EUN) as yield per unit N applied as a measure of N use, is also introduced. Chapter II is a study using two bi-parental double haploid families to evaluate genetic variability of both the genetic main effects (intercept) and linear response to N (slope) and determine the feasibility of selection for EUN in wheat. Using cross validation, a genomic prediction accuracy of 0.68 for intercept and 0.50 for slope was found, indicating that EUN is under genetic control and can be selected for. The prospect of breeding for EUN under limited resources, i.e., using fewer N rates and fewer experimental plots, is also explored. It was found that two different N treatments can be used to produce accurate predictions of intercept and slope as high as 0.98 and 0.95, respectively. Chapter III uses the same population described in chapter II to further investigate feasibility of selection for EUN using a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) obtained from multi-spectral aerial images gathered throughout the growing season. Cumulative photosynthesis across the growing season was estimated by integration across the NDVI curve, and compared to grain yield estimates to determine the efficacy of aerial imaging to identify high EUN lines. NDVI values and the area under the NDVI curve were able to predict yield and had the strongest ability to predict yield in moderate to low N treatments, with R2 values as high as 0.81 and 0.78 respectively. / Master of Science / Chapter I is a review on nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in wheat, with emphasis on breeding efforts and genetic resources available to increase NUE. The concept of effective use of nitrogen (EUN) defined as grain yield per unit N applied, is contrasted to NUE as a more economic breeding goal. Chapter II uses two bi-parental mapping populations to evaluate genetic variability of both the genetic main effects and the linear response to N and determine the feasibility of selection for EUN in wheat. The efficacy of genomic prediction for EUN is explored and the prospect of breeding for EUN under limited resources is also explored. Chapter III uses the same populations described in chapter II to further investigate the feasibility of selection for EUN using a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) obtained from multi-spectral aerial images gathered throughout the growing season. Cumulative photosynthesis across the growing season was estimated and found to be predictive of grain yield estimates at accuracies ranging from 0.31 to 0.78.

Exploration of Physiological and Molecular Responses to Precipitation Extremes in Soybean and Nitrogen Fertility in Wheat

Gole Tamang, Bishal 27 September 2016 (has links)
Soybean and wheat are important crop species due to their significance for human consumption, animal feed, and industrial use. However, increasing global population and worsening climate change have put a major strain on the production system of these crops. Natural disasters such as flooding and drought can severely impact growth and productivity of these crops. In addition, increased application of synthetic nitrogenous fertilizers to meet the global food demand has led to environment related issues. Therefore, with a goal of understanding mechanisms of flooding and drought tolerance in soybean and nitrogen-use-efficiency in wheat, we explored their physiological and transcriptomic regulation. We characterized the fundamental acclimation responses of soybean to flooding and drought and compared the metabolic and transcriptomic regulation during the stresses in a tissue-specific manner. We demonstrated the dynamic reconfiguration of gene expression and metabolism during flooding, drought, and recovery from these stresses. Our study displayed that flooding triggers more dramatic adjustments than drought at the transcriptional level. We also identified that the soybean genome encodes nine members of group VII ERF genes and characterized their responses in leaves and roots under flooding and drought. Based on the expression patterns, it is estimated that two of the nine genes are promising candidate genes regulating tolerance to submergence and drought. In addition, our genome-scale expression analysis discovered commonly induced ERFs and MAPKs across both stresses (flooding and drought) and tissues (leaves and roots), which might play key roles in soybean survival of flooding and drought. In wheat, we evaluated the effect of three different nitrogen rates on yield and its components across four diverse soft red winter wheat genotypes. The cultivar Sisson displayed superior performance in grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency at low nitrogen levels. Our results suggested that improvement of nitrogen use efficiency in low nitrogen environments can be achieved through the selection of three components: grain number/spike, 1000-seed weight, and harvest index. Overall, this study has advanced our understanding of how plants respond to abiotic stresses such as flooding, drought, and nutrient limitation conditions. / Ph. D.

Effect of biochar on selected soil physical properties of sandy soil with low agricultural suitability

Zeelie, Angelique 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2012 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Biochar has been labelled to be a key factor in the global carbon mitigation act and has been described as the modern day equivalent (terra nova) to the terra preta dark earth soils of the Brazilian Amazon. Globally biochar has been evaluated as a means to improve soil fertility and to mitigate greenhouse gases (GHGs). Little research has however been published on the effects of biochar incorporation on soil physical properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of pine sawmill waste derived biochar (locally-produced via slow pyrolysis – 450°C) on selected soil physical properties, soil-water dynamics and crop production and- performance, when amended to a Kroonstad (Kd 1000 – Morgendal) soil form. This soil form is commonly found in the Western Cape area (South Africa) and can be classified as having low agricultural suitability for perennial- and annual crop species. Two pot trials were carried out in an atmospheric controlled greenhouse, where winter wheat and green beans respectively were planted, with five different application levels of biochar (0t/ha, 1t/ha, 10t/ha, 50t/ha and 200t/ha). Soil physical properties namely, water-stable aggregates, bulk density and water-retention capacity along with physiochemical characterisation of the sandy soil and biochar was determined. The water-use was monitored throughout the trials (evapotranspiration, volumetric water content and biomass water use efficiency, BWUE). The above- and below ground (specific leaf traits for the green bean and the root structural development for the winter wheat) biomass was collected and analysed at harvest. There was significantly higher volumetric water content measured for the 50t/ha and 200t/ha biochar treatments. This effect can be ascribed due to a change in the soil’s tortuosity and porosity where more meso- and micro-pores were present as the biochar rate increased. The same results were evident when a water-retention curve was established in vitro by means of the sandbox method. The bulk densities were only significantly lower for the 200t/ha biochar treatments. The wheat root systems differed greatly among the fertilised biochar treatments: the 50t/ha and 200t/ha treatments had a more complex fibrous root system (more extensive branching and thinner roots) than 0t/ha, 1t/ha and 10t/ha application levels. This is attributed to the increased water-holding capacity along with a reduction of N- and P availability with increasing addition of biochar. Several leaf traits were measured for the green bean crops; however the leaf nitrogen- and carbon content, chlorophyll content index (CCI) and carbon isotope fractionation yielded the most interesting findings. Concerning the fertilised biochar treatments, there was established that the 10t/ha treatments had the highest leaf nitrogen- and carbon content. The leaf chlorophyll content did not differ significantly between the fertilised biochar treatments; however a very interesting observation was evident regarding the measured leaf CCI for the unfertilised treatments. A decreasing trend and lower leaf CCI was measured as the biochar application levels increased. This effect was ascribed to be due to a decrease in N uptake by the plants as the biochar application increased, the C/N ratio also increased, and this leading to N immobilisation. The lowest leaf carbon isotope fractionation was measured for the 10t/ha fertilised treatments and is inversely correlated with BWUE and therefore endorses the conclusion that the 10t/ha biochar application had a positive effect on the long term water use efficiency for the green bean plants. Biochar promoted aggregation in the sand-rhizosphere interface for winter wheat, increased water-holding capacity and enhanced crop performance for green beans. The findings reported here provide new information on the effect of biochar on the structural development of sandy soil, combined with biochar- and root growth effects for winter wheat; along with detailed interpretations of specific leaf traits associated with crop production for commercial green beans. The addition of biochar at low application levels (approximately 1-10t/ha to 15 cm depth) increased the biomass yield and water use efficiency of the crop species. Besides long term carbon storage, biochar can have immediate positive effects on the physical properties of sand and plant growth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Biokoolstof word beskou as ‘n sleutel komponent rakende die wet op globale koolstofvermindering en is al beskryf as die moderne ekwivalent (terra nova) van die terra preta donker-aardgronde wat aangetref word in die Brasiliaanse Amasone. Wêreldwyd word biokoolstof tans geëvalueer met die doel om grondvrugbaarheid te verbeter asook kweekhuisgasse (KHG) se nadelige gevolge te verlig. Min navorsing was tot dus ver gedoen rakende die uitwerking met toediening van biokoolstof op grondfisiese-eienskappe. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effek van biokoolstof, wat afkomstig is van denne-saagmeul-afval (plaaslik geproduseer is en d.m.v. stadige perolise - 450°C) te evalueer aangaande die volgende faktore: geselekteerde grondfisiese-eienskappe, grond-waterdinamika interaksie en die uitwerking op gewasproduksie; met toediening aan 'n Kroonstad (Kd 1000 - Morgendal) grondvorm. Hierdie grondvorm word as algemeen in die Wes-Kaap (Suid-Afrika) bestempel en kan geklassifiseer word as ‘n lae-geskiktheid landbougrond vir meerjarige- en eenjarige gewasse. Twee potproewe is uitgevoer onder beheerde atmosfeer in ‘n kweekhuis, waar winter koring en groenbone geplant is, met vyf verskillende behandelings van biokoolstof (0t/ha, 1t/ha, 10t/ha, 50t/ha en 200t/ha). Die volgende grondfisiese-eienskappe is ondersoek, naamlik water-stabiele aggregaat formasie, bulkdigtheid en waterhouvermoë, asook die fisiochemiese karakterisering van die sanderige grond en biokoolstof wat gebuik is. Waterverbruik is gedurende die proewe gekontroleer (evapotranspirasie, volumetriese waterinhoud en die biomassa se water verbruiksdoeltreffendheid, BWVD). Die bo- en ondergrondse biomassa, spesifiek die blaareienskappe van die groenboontjie en die strukturele ontwikkeling van die winter koring se wortels, is tydens die oes ondersoek en ontleed. Die volumetriese waterinhoud was betekenisvol, asook hoër vir die 50t/ha en 200t/ha behandelings. Hierdie effek word toegeskryf as gevolg van 'n verandering in die grond se kronkeligheid en porositeit; waar meer meso- en mikroporieë teenwoordig was soos die biokoolstof inhoud toegeneem het. Dieselfde resultate was verkry met die opstelling van ‘n water-retensie kurwe in vitro d.m.v. die Sandboks metode. Bulkdigtheid was slegs betekenisvol verskilled asook aansienlik laer vir die 200t/ha biokoolstof behandelings. Die koring se wortelstelsel het drasties verskil tussen die verskillende bemeste biokoolstof behandelings: die 50t/ha en 200t/ha behandelings het 'n meer komplekse en veselagtige wortelstelsel gevorm (hoër graad van vertakking en dunner wortels was aanwesig) as die 0t/ha, 1t/ha en 10t/ha behandelings. Die effek word toegeskryf aan die toenemende waterhouvermoë, tesame met 'n tekort aan N- en P-beskikbaarheid soos die biokoolstof toedieningshoeveelhede verhoog het. Verskeie blaareienskappe is gemeet vir die groenboon gewasse, maar die blaar stikstof- en koolstof-inhoud, chlorofil inhoud indeks (CII) en koolstof-isotoop fraksionering het die mees interessante bevindinge opgelewer. Die hoogste blaar stikstof-en koolstof-inhoud is gemeet vir die 10t/ha bemeste biokoolstof behandelings. Die blaar chlorofil inhoud het nie beduidend verskil tussen die bemeste biokoolstof behandelings nie, maar daar was egter 'n baie interessante waarneming vir die onbemeste biokoolstof behandelings. ‘n Tendens was aanwesig waar die CII afgeneem het soos die biokoolstof toedieningshoeveelheid ook afgeneem het vir die onbemeste behandelings. Die effek word toegeskryf as gevolg van 'n afname in N-opname deur die plant soos die biokoolstof toedieningshoeveelheid verhoog is en tot gevolg gehad het dat die C/N-verhouding ook toegeneem het, wat gelei het tot N-immobilisasie. Die laagste blaar koolstof-isotoop fraksionering was geassioseer met die 10t/ha bemeste biokoolstof behandelings en is omgekeerd gekorreleerd met BWVD en onderskryf dus die gevolgtrekking dat die 10t/ha biokoolstof behandeling 'n positiewe uitwerking het op die langtermyn waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid vir groenboontjie plante. Biokoolstof het aggregasie bevorder binne die wortelsone, asook deurgans die waterhouvermoë verhoog en gewasproduksie verbeter. Hierdie bevindinge lewer nuwe inligting oor die effek van biokoolstof op die strukturele ontwikkeling van sanderige grond en die gekombineerde interaksie met biokoolstof toediening en hoe dit wortegroei beïnvloed van winter koring; asook 'n gedetailleerde interpretasie van spesifieke blaareienskappe wat verband hou met die produksie van gewasse vir kommersiële verbouing soos die groenboontjie. Die toediening van biokoolstof by die lae hoeveelhede (ongeveer 1-10t/ha tot op 15 cm diepte) het die opbrengs en waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid van die gewasse verbeter. Behalwe vir die langtermyn koolstofvaslegging, kan biokoolstof toediening onmiddellike positiewe resultate teweeg bring aangaande die fisiese eienskappe van sandgronde en plantegroei.

Variabilité structurale et fonctionnelle du xylème et plasticité en réponse à la sécheresse chez le peuplier / Variations in xylem structure and function and drought-induced plasticity in poplar

Fichot, Régis 23 June 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse visait à caractériser l’architecture hydraulique du xylème chez les hybrides de peuplier Populusdeltoides × P. nigra et à juger de ses relations avec le fonctionnement hydrique et carboné de l’arbre en conditions d’irrigation contrastées. A cette fin, huit génotypes se distinguant par leur discrimination isotopique vis-à-vis du carbone 13 ont été cultivés en pépinière. Nos travaux ont permis de mettre en évidence d’importantes variations entre génotypes pour les caractéristiques anatomiques du xylème, l’efficience hydraulique de la tige et de la plante entière ainsi que la résistance à la cavitation. Nos travaux démontrent également que l’anatomie et la résistance à la cavitation du xylème s’ajustent aux conditions hydriques du milieu de façon génotype-dépendante. En condition hydrique non limitante, nous avons mis en évidence un compromis entre l’efficience hydraulique et la résistance à la cavitation ou le potentiel de croissance. Ces deux compromis expliquent la relation positive observée entre la résistance à la cavitationet le potentiel de croissance. En condition hydrique limitante, cette relation n’était toutefois plus observable. Aucune relation n’a pu être identifiée entre les propriétés hydrauliques et l’efficience d’utilisation de l’eau. Ces travaux suggèrent que certaines relations couramment observées à l’échelle inter-spécifique ne sont pas nécessairement applicables à des échelles d’étude plus réduites. Ce travail ouvre des perspectives sur le plan fondamental pour l’identification du déterminisme moléculaire à l’origine de la plasticité structurale observée et sur le plan appliqué, pour la création variétale. / This work aimed at characterizing xylem hydraulic architecture and at describing its relationships with whole plant water and carbon relations among Populus deltoides × P. nigra hybrids under contrasting water regimes. Eight genotypes differing in carbon isotope discrimination were grown in the field in a common garden test. Significant variations were observed between genotypes for all xylem anatomical characteristics, stem or whole-plant hydraulic efficiency and xylem resistance to cavitation. Drought-induced acclimation was observed for xylem structural features and xylem resistance to cavitation, but in a genotype-dependant manner. Under optimal irrigation, a trade-off was observed between hydraulic efficiency and xylem resistance to cavitation or growth performance. These two trade-offs translated into an uncommon positive relationship between xylem resistance to cavitation and growth performance. Under water deficit,this relationship broke down. No relationship could be detected between xylem hydraulics and water-use efficiency estimates. Our results suggest in part that several common relationships that are observed at the between-species level may not necessarily hold true at narrower scales. Further, this work opens up prospects both for identifying the molecular basis of xylem structural acclimation and for breeding strategies.

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