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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utveckling av användargränssnitt med användbarhet i fokus

Pasic, Moris January 2016 (has links)
Vi lever i spännande tider, där vi har tillgång till olika användargränssnitt som hjälper oss att kommunicera med andra människor i realtid, oavsett var i världen de befinner sig. Ricoh är ett globalt IT företag som har utvecklat ett kompakt videokonferenssystem för dessa ändamål som heter ”P3500M”. Utveckling av mjukvara för denna typ av teknologi kan medföra olika tekniska utmaningar. Samtidigt håller organisationer viktiga möten via videokonferens och ställer ofta höga krav på kvalitén. Att skapa ett användbart gränssnitt som beaktar alla dessa aspekter kan bli en utmanande uppgift. Denna studie syftar till att utveckla ett nytt konceptgränssnitt som effekti- viserar utveckling, samt användning av videokonferenssystem och P3500M används som en ut- gångspunkt. Genom att utnyttja framväxande webbaserade teknologier och riktlinjer från tidigare studier inom produktutveckling med användbarhet i fokus, har man i denna studie resulterat i skapandet av en designlösningen som heter ”Cloud Vision”. Studien föreslår ett nytt sätt att ut- veckla användbara gränssnitt för videokonferenssystem, genom utveckling av en central webbap- plikation som tillhandahåller gränssnittet. Med gränssnitt som kan appliceras på olika videokon- ferenssystem som en separat modul, oberoende av plattform, kan det bli lättare att underhålla utvecklingen och hålla fokus på användbarhetsperspektiven. / We live in exciting times, where we have access to different user interfaces that help us commu- nicate with other people in real-time, regardless of where they are in the world. Ricoh is a global IT company that has developed a compact videoconferencing system for these purposes, called ”P3500M”. Development of software for this type of technology can lead to various technical challenges. At the same time, organizations have important meetings through videoconferencing and often make high demands on the quality. To create a useful interface that takes all these aspects into account can be a challenging task. This study aims to develop a new concept interface that streamlines the development and use of videoconferencing systems, where P3500M is used as a starting point. By making use of emerging web technologies and guidelines from previous studies in product development with usability in mind, this study results in the creation of a new design called ”Cloud Vision”. The study proposes a new way to develop usable interfaces for videoconfe- rencing systems, through the development of a central web application that provides the interface. With interfaces that can be applied to various videoconferencing systems as a separate module, regardless of platform, it can be easier to maintain the development and keep focus on usability perspectives.

Natural and Assistive Driving Simulator User Interfaces for CARLA

Saber Tehrani, Daniel, Johansson Lemon, Samuel January 2020 (has links)
As the autonomous vehicles are getting clo-ser to commercial roll out, the challenges for the developersof the software are getting more complex. One challenge thedevelopers are facing is the interaction between humans andautonomous vehicles in traffic.Such situation requires a hugeamount of data to in order to design and proof test autonomoussystem than can handle complex interactions with humans.Such data can not be collected in real traffic situations withoutcompromising the safety of the human counterparts, thereforesimulations will be necessary. Since human driving behavior ishard to predict, these simulations need human interaction inorder to get valid data of human behaviour.The purpose of thisproject is to develop a driving interface and then evaluate theusers experience in an experiment. To do this we have designedand implemented steering,braking and acceleration on a userinterface for a simulator used in autonomous driving researchcalled Car Learning to Act (CARLA) at the Smart Mobility Lab(SML) at KTH. We have implemented two driving simulatoruser interfaces, with different levels of information feedbackto the user. To evaluate the developed user interface, a surveywas designed to measure how intuitive the driving experiencewas while also comparing it to the original setup at SML. Thesurvey showed that the driving experience was more intuitivewith the two developed user interfaces and that 60% would feelcomfortable using the new systems on a real vehicle in traffic. / Allteftersom autonoma bilar kommer närmare kommersiell lansering blir utmaningarna för utvecklarna av mjukvaran mer komplexa. En utmaning som utvecklarna står inför är interaktionen mellan autonoma bilar och människor i och utanför trafiken. Dessa situationer kommer kräva en stor mängd data för att säkerhetställa att autonoma bilar kommer kunna agera optimalt. För att inhämta sådan data utan att riskera säkerheten för alla ute i trafiken kommer simulatorer behövas. Eftersom vi inte kan förutspå mänskligt beteende kommer industrin behöva använda mänskliga förare i dessa simulatorer för att få realistiska resultat. Syftet med detta projekt är att utveckla ett förargränssnitt för människor och sedan utvärdera autenticiten av upplevelsen från ett mänskligt perspektiv. Genom att implementera olika bilmekanismer så som styrning, inbromsning, accelerationen och retardation i en simulator för autonom bil forskning, Car Learning To Act(CARLA) i Smart Mobility Lab(SML) på KTH. Vi implementerade två användargränssnitt med olika nivåer av informations återkoppling till användaren. För att utvärdera användargränssnitten utformades ett frågeformulär för att mäta hur intuitivt körupplevelsen var och samtidigt jämföra med det originella användargränssnittet i SML. Undersökningen visade att körupplevelsen var mer intuitiv med det två utvecklade användargränssnitten och att 60% skulle vara bekväma med att använda ett utav dessa system för att styra ett riktigt fordon i trafik. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2020, KTH, Stockholm

Hidden Layers of Embroidered Stories

Markowicz, Domininka January 2022 (has links)
This paper describes the creative process of "hidden layers of embroidered stories". It shows the process of searching for answers to the questions of how to translate elements of folk culture into measurable units and how to place traditional Slavic embroidery in the context of algorithms and the digitalised world of today. It shows the process of giving meaning to a newly constructed symbol through the search for an aesthetic form, verbal designation and placement in a composition in folk crafts with seemingly rigid, well-established conventions. The final project of the project - a composition made with the use of cross-stitching encourages recipients to actively find the symbols contained within the embroidery, asking them to solve the puzzle hidden within; the solution of which carries the message of the project's author.

Designing Local Navigation for Chinese Populations : A qualitative study about how Chinese users’ local navigation preferences differ from the preferences of European users / Att designa lokal navigering för kinesiska befolkningar : En kvalitativ studie om hur kinesiska användares lokala navigeringspreferenser skiljer sig från europeiska användares preferenser

Chen, Julia Anna, Oudeh, Yousef Modar January 2022 (has links)
The international communities of user interface, user experience and interaction designers are in an increasing need of considering Chinese users’ experiences when designing websites. China, along with other mandarin speaking populations, consists of a huge market. Almost one-fifth of global Internet users used Chinese as preferred language in 2020. Additionally, more and more companies worldwide are interested in doing business with the Chinese market.  Targeting the needs of internet users coming from a different cultural background requires a special approach as cultural characteristics may influence the users’ expectations. Even though there have been attempts to characterise user interface menus suitable for Chinese users, as of 2022, it is still challenging to access a study on explicitly navigation. The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate how local navigation can be adapted to the needs of Chinese users. This study also aims to examine the differences between Chinese and European users’ local navigation preferences. During the study, 2 Chinese subjects and 2 European subjects tested three versions of a web prototype that been developed according to the already established research on designing user interface (UI) for Chinese users. Each prototype alternative presented one of the three local navigation alternatives: inverted L, horizontal and embedded vertical. The data has been collected through conducting contextual inquiry in the form of semi-structured interviews and observations. The gathered information was then analysed through thematic analysis. The two themes: Accessibility of content and Interpreting functionality emerged from the coded data. This study acknowledged that differences between local navigation for Chinese and European users arise in cognitive traits. The Chinese users tend to categorise based on interdependence and relationship (thematic cognitive style) rather than to classify by functions, analyse components and infer common features (functional cognitive style). Furthermore, it has been recognised that Chinese population performs better with horizontal menu layouts with English interfaces. Results from this study show that the horizontal local navigation gained the biggest amount of positive feedback from Chinese interviewees, whereas vertical one the least. Even though, the findings illustrate that both Chinese and European subjects considered horizontal local navigation to be the most effective solution, interviewed Chinese users represented the least homogeneity in preferences. This study suggests that in order to develop guidelines for a fully functioning navigation system with English interfaces suitable for Chinese users, more studies on not solely local but also global and contextual navigation should be carried out. / Interaktionsdesigners samt UI/UX-designers över hela världen världen är i ett ökande behov av att ta hänsyn till kinesiska användares erfarenheter när de designar webbplatser. Kineserna, tillsammans med andra mandarintalande befolkningar, består av en enorm marknad. Nästan en femtedel av de globala internetanvändarna använde kinesiska som sitt föredragna språk i 2020. Dessutom, fler och fler företag globalt blir mer intresserade av att göra affärer med den kinesiska marknaden. För att se till att behoven hos internationella internetanvändare tillgodoses, krävs det ofta ett speciellt tillvägagångssätt. Detta eftersom kulturella egenskaper möjligtvis kan påverka användarnas förväntningar. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att undersöka hur lokal navigering kan anpassas till kinesiska användarnas behov. Även om det redan finns några studier som satsar på att känneteckna användargränssnittsmenyer lämpliga för kinesiska användare, saknas det fortfarande studier som undersöker möjliga anpassningar av just navigering. Denna studie syftar vidare till att undersöka skillnaderna mellan kinesiska och europeiska användarnas lokala navigeringspreferenser. Under studien testade 2 kinesiska och 2 europeiska deltagare, tre versioner av en webbprototyp. Prototypen utvecklades enligt den redan etablerade forskningen kring design av användargränssnitt (UI) för kinesiska användare. Varje version av prototypen innehöll ett av de tre lokala navigeringsalternativen: inverted L, horizontal och embedded vertical. Data samlades in genom kontextuella undersökningar i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer och observationer. Den insamlade informationen analyserades sedan genom en tematisk analys. De två teman som framkom ur den kodade datan var: Tillgänglighet av innehåll och Tolkning av funktionalitet. Denna studie erkände att skillnader mellan lokal navigering för kinesiska och europeiska användare uppstår i kognitiva egenskaper. De kinesiska användarna tenderar att kategorisera baserat på ömsesidigt beroende och relation (tematisk kognitiv stil) snarare än att klassificera efter funktioner, analyskomponenter och härleda gemensamma drag (funktionell kognitiv stil). Dessutom har det insetts att den kinesiska befolkningen presterar bättre med horisontella menylayouter med engelska gränssnitt. Resultat från denna studie visar att den horisontella lokala navigeringen fick den största mängden positiv feedback från kinesiska intervjupersoner, medan den vertikala minst. Även om resultaten illustrerar att både kinesiska och europeiska ämnen ansåg horisontell lokal navigering vara den mest effektiva lösningen, representerade intervjuade kinesiska användare minst homogenitet i preferenser. Denna studie föreslår att för att utveckla riktlinjer för ett fullt fungerande navigationssystem med engelska gränssnitt lämpliga för kinesiska användare, bör fler studier om inte bara lokal utan även global och kontextuell navigering genomföras.

An Environmental User Interface (EUI) Framework to Convey Environmental Contexts In Interactive Systems Design

Kim, Si Jung 14 June 2010 (has links)
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates 488 million people worldwide suffer from a visual impairment and of these about 327 million have severe visual impairments. Some individuals with severe visual impairments can navigate and orient independently in well-known surroundings, but even for these people independent navigation and orientation are likely to be a challenge in unfamiliar places. To overcome these challenges, assistive technologies have been developed to support independent wayfinding tasks; however, those with severe visual impairments often experience frustration when they try to use assistive technologies since these technologies lack address the environmental factors that influence their independent wayfinding. This research developed and evaluated the efficacy of a framework called an environmental user interface (EUI). In particular, this research explored whether or not the proposed EUI framework was effective when used with user-centered design (UCD) to design a wayfinding system to capture environmental requirements, thus aiding those with severe visual impairments. Two studies, the first of which consisted of a requirements elicitation and the second usability testing, were conducted. The studies revealed that the EUI framework was indeed more effective than the conventional UCD design method alone in identifying environmental factors, and participants with severe visual impairments preferred to use the prototype designed using UCD and the EUI framework. The proposed EUI framework was found to be an effective way to enhance the design process as it played an important role in eliciting a greater number of environmental factors, and hence produced a device that was preferred by the users with visual impairments. Both prototypes influenced how well the wayfinding tasks were performed by the five participants with severe visual impairments, but the prototype implemented based on the requirements elicited by UCD and the EUI framework was much preferred by the participants. / Ph. D.

A Transformation-based Approach to Building Multi-Platform User Interfaces Using a Task Model and the User Interface Markup Language

Ali, Mir Farooq 25 May 2005 (has links)
The widespread emergence of computing devices that go beyond the capabilities of traditional desktop computers has created a challenge for user interface (UI) developers who face the problem of a lack of a unified development process for building these UIs. This dissertation research focuses on creating a simplified development process for building UIs for multiple platforms. As part of this, the necessary building blocks (and their relationships) that can be used in a process to develop multi-platform UIs (MPUIs) are identified and specified. A task model, which is an abstract representation of the tasks that users perform with a system, is used as a high-level platform-independent specification for representing UIs for multiple platforms. The task model is supplemented with additional navigation attributes and containment operators for each target platform to facilitate the UI development process. This contribution is based on the insight that an uncontaminated task model, in conjunction with additional operators, allows different styles of UIs to be derived for different platforms. This development process is evaluated by functional comparison with a few other multi-platform development processes, based on a set of criteria. In particular, a detailed comparison of this approach is performed with the approach used in the TERESA development environment. The process is also evaluated by demonstrating how the new features of this approach allow different styles of UIs to be built not only for a single platform, but also for different platforms. The two underlying notations that are used in this work include the Concurrent Task Tree (CTT) modeling notation for the task model and an intermediate language for UIs, the User Interface Markup Language (UIML). This research associates a new vocabulary with the UIML language to facilitate a multi-step transformation-based MPUI development process. / Ph. D.

Product usability and process improvement based on usability problem classification

Keenan, Susan Lynn 08 August 2007 (has links)
Although research and practice have shown that the success of a usability engineering program depends on the identification and correction of usability problems, these problems remain an underutilized source of information. Insufficient guidance regarding the capture of usability problem data results in the loss of information during the problem reporting phase as problem reports are often vague, imprecise, and incomplete. In addition, the absence of a framework for understanding, comparing, categorizing, and analyzing those problems, and their relationship to development context, not only constrains product improvement, but hampers efforts to improve the user interface development process. A new taxonomic model (the Usability Problem Taxonomy) is presented which contributes to both product and process improvement. The Usability Problem Taxonomy (UPT) is used to classify and organize usability problems detected on interactive software development projects. Individual UPT categories are associated with two aspects of development context: developer roles and skills, and development activities, methods, and techniques. Two studies were conducted during the course of this research. The first study showed that the UPT can be used to classify usability problems reliably. Findings indicated that level of agreement among classifiers (beyond chance agreement) was statistically significant. Findings in the second study led to the identification of roles and activities that address individual UPT categories as well as those that do not. Procedures for using the UPT in both product and process improvement are outlined. Examples are presented that illustrate how the UPT can be used to generate higher quality problem descriptions and to group those problem descriptions prior to prioritization and correction. In addition, steps that guide developers in diagnosing weaknesses in the current user interface development process are enumerated. Possible improvement strategies are presented that focus on the selection of specific development activities and team members appropriate for a given project. / Ph. D.

Implementierung eines Model-View-Controller-Modells zur Entwicklung einer grafischen Oberfläche zur Fernsteuerung eines Funktionsgenerators unter Verwendung der Entwicklungsplattform Python

Kramer, Fabian 10 December 2024 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit habe ich eine Software entwickelt, mit der ein realer Funktionsgenerator ferngesteuert werden kann. Als Grundlage diente die Programmiersprache Python und das Model-View-Controller-Modell. Ziel war es, eine grafische Benutzeroberfläche zu erstellen, die dem Gerät möglichst ähnlich ist, und einen Steuerungsmechanismus für die Befehlsübermittlung zu implementieren, um den digitalen Unterricht zu unterstützen.:Vorwort V Abbildungsverzeichnis IX Tabellenverzeichnis XI Formelverzeichnis XII Abkürzungsverzeichnis XIII 1 Einleitung 1 2 Theoretische Grundlagen 6 2.1 Fernsteuerung von Laborgeräten 6 2.2 Funktionsgenerator 7 2.3 Programmieren mit Python 8 2.4 Grundlagen des Model-View-Controller-Modells 9 2.4.1 Betrachtung der einzelnen Komponenten 9 2.4.2 Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Komponenten 10 3 Beschreibung des Untersuchungsgegenstandes 15 3.1 Analyse des Ist-Standes 15 3.1.1 Laborpraktika 15 3.1.2 Technische Daten des Funktionsgenerators 17 3.1.3 Stand der Digitalisierung 17 3.2 Soll-Zustand 19 3.3 Analyse des Funktionsgenerators 19 3.3.1 Aufbau des Funktionsgenerators 20 3.3.2 Funktionsanalyse des Funktionsgenerators 23 4 Rechentechnische Implementierung 34 4.1 Vorbereitung der Softwareentwicklung 34 4.1.1 Auswahl spezifischer Programmierwerkzeuge 34 4.1.2 Auswahl einer Entwicklungsumgebung 44 4.1.3 Aufstellung von Programmierungsprämissen 47 4.2 Softwaretechnische Umsetzung des MVC-Modells 51 4.2.1 View - grafischen Benutzeroberfläche 51 4.2.2 Model - Datenmodell 67 4.2.3 Controller - Steuerungslogik 82 4.2.4 Implementierung von Backend-Funktionen 98 5 Prototypische Inbetriebnahme 103 6 Zusammenfassung 105 7 Ausblick 107 Literaturverzeichnis XIV Anhang XVII

Design framework for the graphical user interface of a terminal area air traffic advisory system

Beamon, Courtney A. 18 November 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this research thesis was to develop a framework and methodology for the design of a graphical user interface to be used by air traffic controllers. The interface is intended to be only a part of a complete Advisory System designed to supplement the tasks of terminal area air traffic controllers. This research addresses many of the human factors issues associated with the development of the display. The research takes a user-perspective and applies the principles of rapid prototyping to develop the framework for the design of the interface. Attention is also given to the previous research that explores the implications of automating various air traffic control tasks. Finally, a prototype system was developed to fulfill one of the primary rapid prototyping steps. The prototype displays the general format for the various advisories and presents three typical scenarios where the system may be of particular use. In the future, the prototype can be used to gather additional information on the opinions and requirements of the future system users - air traffic controllers. It is anticipated that moderate benefits can be attained through the implementation of such a system, provided that the interface satisfies the user requirements. / Master of Science

Novel In-Vehicle Gesture Interactions: Design and Evaluation of Auditory Displays and Menu Generation Interfaces

Tabbarah, Moustafa 30 January 2023 (has links)
Driver distraction is a major contributor to car crashes, and visual distraction caused by using invehicle infotainment systems (IVIS) degrades driving performance and increases crash risk. Air gesture interfaces were developed to mitigate for driver distraction, and using auditory displays showed a decrease in off-road glances and an improved perceived workload. However, the design of auditory displays was not fully investigated. This thesis presents directional research in the design of auditory displays for air-gesture IVIS through two dual-task experiments of driving a simulator and air-gesture menu navigation. Experiment 1 with 32 participants employed a 2x4 mixed-model design, and explored the effect of four auditory display conditions (auditory icon, earcon, spearcon, and no-sound) and two menu-generation interfaces (fixed and adaptive) on driving performance, eye glance behavior, secondary task performance and subjective perception. Each auditory display (within-subjects) was tested with both a fixed and adaptive menu-generation interface (between-subjects). Results from Experiment 1 demonstrated that spearcon provided the least visual distraction, least workload, best system usability and was favored by participants; and that fixed menu generation outperformed adaptive menu generation in driving safety and secondary task performance. Experiment 2 with 24 participants utilized the best interface to emerge from Experiment 1 to further explore the auditory display with the most potential: spearcon. 70% spearcon and 40% spearcon were compared to text-to-speech (TTS) and no audio conditions. Results from Experiment 2 showed that 70% spearcon induced less visual distraction than 40% spearcon, and that 70% spearcon resulted in the most accurate but slowest secondary task selections. Experimental results are discussed in the context of the multiple resource theory and the working memory model, design guidelines are proposed, and future work is discussed. / Master of Science / Driver distraction is a major cause of car accidents, and using in-vehicle infotainment systems (IVIS) while driving can distract drivers and increase the risk of crashes. Air gesture interfaces and auditory displays were created to help reduce driver distraction, and using auditory displays has been shown to decrease the number of times a driver looks away from the road and to improve the perceived workload of the driver. However, the design of auditory displays has not been thoroughly studied. This study examined the design of auditory displays for air gesture IVIS through two experiments in which participants drove a simulator and used air gesture menus while navigating. The first experiment, which included 32 participants, looked at the effect of four different types of auditory displays (auditory icon, earcon, spearcon, and no sound) and two different types of menu-generation interfaces (fixed and adaptive) on driving performance, eye glance behavior, secondary task performance, and subjective perception. The second experiment, which included 24 participants, compared the use of 70% and 40% spearcon displays to text-to-speech and no audio conditions. The results of these experiments showed that using spearcon displays resulted in the least visual distraction and workload, the best system usability, and the most accurate but slowest secondary task selections. These findings are discussed in relation to existing theories of how the brain processes multiple tasks, and design guidelines for auditory displays are proposed for future research.

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