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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oceňování majetku (dle výběru studenta) / Property valuation

Lučanová, Kateřina January 2009 (has links)
The work is focused on the valuation of real estates. In the theoretical part of the work, firstly, there are explained basic concepts and methods which are used to valuation of real estates. There is also mentioned comparison of valuation regulations and describtion of market of real estates. The practical part of the work deals with market and administrative valuation. The results of both methods are compared in the end to the work.

Modes d'engagement dans les fonctions de directeur d'école : rôle des caractéristiques socio-biographiques et des significations accordées à l’activité / Patterns of teachers commitment who become principals / Modi d’impegno nelle funzioni del direttore didattico : ruolo delle caratteristiche socio-biografiche e dei significati dati all’ attività / Mòdos d’engagemen dens las fonctions de directùr d’escola : ròlo de las caracteristicas socio-biògraficas e de las significacions balhadas a l’activitat

Ménacq, Bernard 18 September 2012 (has links)
Nous explorons et analysons, dans cette recherche, les modes d’engagement d’enseignants qui deviennent directeur d’école. Il s’agit d’une transition personnelle et professionnelle qui a lieu dans un contexte d’évolution de l’environnement éducatif et de transformation institutionnelle. Ce passage dans de nouvelles fonctions s’accompagne souvent d’une restructuration identitaire. Au-delà de l’action, l’engagement repose sur un ensemble complexe et dynamique de conduites, d’attitudes mais aussi de processus psychoaffectifs, sociocognitifs et conatifs. Dans une approche active et plurielle de la socialisation, le modèle de l’interstructuration du sujet et des institutions (Baubion-Broye, A., Malrieu, P. & Tap, P., 1987) auquel nous nous référons, considère qu’au-delà d’influences externes et de composantes socio-biographiques, c’est bien le sujet qui reste l’agent de ses engagements. Nous montrons que les conduites d’engagement professionnel ne proviennent pas uniquement d’influences sociales ou d’intentions personnelles mais qu’elles sont orientées par des processus d’inter-signification du travail. Les origines de l’engagement se réfèrent à d’autres domaines de vie et temps d’existence pour les individus et reposent notamment surdes arbitrages de valeurs et de visées concurrentes. La recherche met à jour une typologie des trajectoires socioprofessionnelles des directeurs en trois classes, dont on mesure l’influence différentielle sur l’orientation de leurs engagements. Nos résultats indiquent comment certaines valeurs orientent les conduites et comment ces valeurs sont mises à l’épreuve quand, au cours de l’exercice professionnel, s’installe un sentiment de décalage entre attendu, prescrit et réalisé.Chaque type d’engagement apparaît comme dimension d’un projet de vie qui articule de manière singulière les visées, les ressources et les contraintes de différents domaines de vie (familial, professionnel, personnel, social). / We explore and analyze, in this research, patterns of teacher’s commitment who become principals. This is a personal and professional transition that takes place in a context of changing educational environment and institutional transformation.This passage of new features is often accompanied by a restructuring of identity. Beyond the action, the commitment is based on a complex and dynamic behavior, attitudes, but also processes psycho, socio-cognitive and conative.In an active and plural approach of socialization, the model of the subject and institutions interstructuration (Baubion-Broye, A., Malrieu, P. & Tap, P., 1987) which we refer, considers that beyond external influences and socio-biographical components, that is the subject who is the agent of its commitments.We show that the conducts of professional commitment are not confined to social influences or personal intentions but they are guided by the process of inter-service work. The origins of commitment refer to other areas of life and time of existence for individuals and based in particular on trade-offs of competing values and referred.Research updates a typology of socio-professional trajectories of directors into three classes, which we measure the differential influence on the direction of their commitments.Our results indicate how certain values drive behaviors and how these values are tested when in the course of professional practice, installs a sense of gap between expected, realized and prescribed.Each type of commitment appears as a dimension of life plan that articulates a singular way the aims, resources and constraints of different domains of life (family, professional, personal, social). / Esploriamo e analizziamo i coinvolgimenti di insegnanti che diventano direttori scolastici. Si tratta di una transizione personale e professionale che si svolge in un contesto di evoluzione educativa e di trasformazione istituzionale. Questo passaggio a nuove funzioni coincide spesso con una ristrutturazione dell'identità. Oltre all’ azione, l'impegno si basa non solo su un insieme complesso e dinamico dei comportamenti, ma anche su dei processi psico-affettivi , socio-cognitivi e conativi. In un approccio attivo e plurale della socializzazione, il modello dell’ interstructurazione del soggetto e delle istituzioni (Baubion-Broye, A., Malrieu, P. & Tap, P., 1987) alle quali ci riferiamo, ritiene che al di là di influenze esterne e di elementi socio-biografici, è al soggetto che spetta la decisione del suo impegno. Mostriamo che le linee di impegno professionale non si limitano solo alle influenze sociali o alle intenzioni personali, ma sono anche guidate dai processi d’inter-significato del lavoro. Le origini di questo impegno provengono da altri settori della vita e dai tempi di esistenza degli individui e si basano particolarmente sugli arbitraggi di valori e di ambizioni rivali. La ricerca evidenzia una tipologia delle traiettorie socio-professionali dei direttori in tre classi, di cui si misura l'influenza differenziale sulla direzione degli impegni assunti. I nostri risultati mostrano che certi valori orientano i comportamenti e che questi valori vengano testati quando, nel corso della pratica professionale, si installa un senso di discrepanza fra ciò che è atteso, previsto e realizzato. Ogni tipo di impegno appare comme una dimensione di un progetto di vita che organizza in modo singolare gli obiettivi, le risorse e gli obblighi dei diversi settori della vita (familiare, professionale, personale, sociale) / Dens la nosta recerca, qu’esploram e qu’analisam modos d’engagemen del regents que basan directùrs d’escola. Que pot estar ua transicion personela e professionella qu’arriva dens un contexto d’evolucion de l’educacion e de transformacion institucionela.Aquet passage dens naoeras foncions que va taben dabt ua restructuracion de l’identitat. Meij que l’accion, l’engagemen qu’ei contenut dens un ensemblo complexo e dinamico de comportaments, d’attitudas e taben de procesus psico-affectifs, sociocognitifs e conatifs.Dens ua approcha activa e pluriela de la socialisacion, lo modelo de l’interstructuracion do sujet dabt las institucions (Baubion-Broye, A., Malrieu, P. & Tap, P., 1987), qu’ei aquiu la nosta referença teorica, considera que meij qu’influenças externas e composantas socio-biograficas, qu’ei lo sujet qui, eht tot sol, megna lo son engagemen.Que mushem que los comportaments d’engagemen profesionel ne venguen pas sulamen d’ influenças socialas o d’intencions personalas ; au loc de quò que son guidadas per processus d’intersignificacion do travalh. Las originas de l’engagemen qu’es referan a d’autis dòmanis de vita et temps d’existença per los sujets e que dependan d’arbitrajos de valors e d’ambicions concurentas.La nosta estudia que presenta ua tipologia de trajectorias socioprofessionalas dos regents en trés classas, per cadùa que mesurem taben l’influença diferenciala sur l’orientacion do sons engagemens.Los nostos resultats que mushent cum caocas valors orientan los comportemens e cum aqueras valors son boutades a l’eprova quan, pendan lo travalh, qu’arrivo un sentimen de descalage entre ço qui ei attendut, prescrit et heit.Cado tipò d’engagemen qu’ei la dimension d’un projet de vita qui compren las ambicions, las resorças e las obligacions dos diferents dòmanis (familial, profesionel, personel, social).

Υπολογιστικά ζητήματα σε στρατηγικά παίγνια και διαδικασίες κοινωνικής επιλογής / Computational aspects in strategic games and social choice procedures

Κυροπούλου, Μαρία 10 June 2014 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διατριβή μελετάμε αγορές δημοπρασιών και εξετάζουμε διάφορες ιδιότητές τους καθώς και τον τρόπο που αυτές επηρεάζονται από τον τρόπο που συμπεριφέρονται και δρουν οι συμμετέχοντες. Η έννοια δημοπρασία αναφέρεται σε κάθε μηχανισμό, ή σύνολο κανόνων, που διέπει μια διαδικασία ανάθεσης αγαθών. Τέτοιοι μηχανισμοί είναι επιρρεπείς σε στρατηγικούς χειρισμούς (χειραγώγηση) από τους συμμετέχοντες, γεγονός που δικαιολογεί την έμφυτη δυσκολία στον σχεδιασμό τους. Σκοπός αυτής της εργασίας είναι η μελέτη σε θεωρητικό επίπεδο των ιδιοτήτων μηχανισμών δημοπρασίας έτσι ώστε να είμαστε σε θέση να προβλέψουμε, να εξηγήσουμε, ακόμα και να τροποποιήσουμε την απόδοσή τους στην πράξη. Εστιάζουμε την προσοχή μας σε δημοπρασίες χρηματοδοτούμενης αναζήτησης, οι οποίες αποτελούν την επικρατέστερη διαδικασία για την προβολή διαφημίσεων στο Διαδίκτυο. Υιοθετούμε παιγνιοθεωρητική προσέγγιση και υπολογίζουμε το Τίμημα της Αναρχίας για να φράξουμε την απώλεια αποδοτικότητας εξαιτίας της στρατηγικής συμπεριφοράς των παιχτών. Επίσης, αποδεικνύουμε εγγυήσεις εσόδων για να φράξουμε την απώλεια των εσόδων του μηχανισμού δημοπρασίας GSP (γενικευμένος μηχανισμός δεύτερης τιμής) σε αυτό το πλαίσιο. Για την ακρίβεια, ορίζουμε παραλλαγές του μηχανισμού δημοπρασίας GSP που δίνουν καλές εγγυήσεις εσόδων. Στη συνέχεια εξετάζουμε το πρόβλημα του σχεδιασμού της βέλτιστης δημοπρασίας ενός αντικειμένου. Αποδεικνύουμε ένα υπολογίσιμο φράγμα δυσκολίας στην προσέγγιση για την περίπτωση με τρεις παίχτες. Επίσης, αποδεικνύουμε ότι υπάρχει αξιοσημείωτη διαφορά ανάμεσα στα έσοδα που προκύπτουν από ντετερμινιστικούς φιλαλήθεις μηχανισμούς και πιθανοτικούς μηχανισμούς που είναι φιλαλήθεις κατά μέσο όρο. / In this dissertation we consider auction markets and examine their properties and how these are affected by the way the participants act. An auction may refer to any mechanism or set of rules governing a resource allocation process. Designing such a mechanism is not an easy task and this is partly due to their vulnerability to strategic manipulation by the participants. Our goal is to examine the theoretical properties of auction mechanisms in order to predict, explain, or even adjust their behavior in practice in terms of some desired features. We focus on sponsored search auctions, which constitute the leading procedure in Internet advertising. We adopt a game-theoretic approach and provide Price of Anarchy bounds in order to measure the efficiency loss due to the strategic behavior of the players. Moreover, we prove revenue guarantees to bound the suboptimality of GSP (generalized second price mechanism) in that respect. Ιn particular, we define variants of the GSP auction mechanism that yield good revenue guarantees. We also consider the problem of designing an optimal auction in the single-item setting. We prove a strong APX-hardness result that applies to the 3-player case. We furthermore give a separation result between the revenue of deterministic and randomized optimal auctions.

The appraisal remedy and the determination of fair value by the courts

Hillis, Kevin Ross 15 April 2014 (has links)
This paper examines the different share valuation methods and principles likely to be used by a court in determining the fair value of dissenting shareholders’ shares in appraisal proceedings in terms of section 164(14) of the Companies Act 2008. It is submitted that the valuation principles and methods used by the courts will affect the operation of the triggering actions contemplated in subsections 164(2)(a) - (b). It is proposed that section 164 court appraisals are likely to be guided by the valuation methods and principles developed in section 252 and section 440K court appraisals under the Companies Act 1973, as well as by the decisions of the courts in the state of Delaware relating to share valuations under the appraisal remedy. It is further proposed that the purpose ascribed to the appraisal remedy will influence the application of these valuation methods and principles. / Mercantile Law / LL.M. (Corporate law)

The appraisal remedy and the determination of fair value by the courts

Hillis, Kevin Ross 15 April 2014 (has links)
This paper examines the different share valuation methods and principles likely to be used by a court in determining the fair value of dissenting shareholders’ shares in appraisal proceedings in terms of section 164(14) of the Companies Act 2008. It is submitted that the valuation principles and methods used by the courts will affect the operation of the triggering actions contemplated in subsections 164(2)(a) - (b). It is proposed that section 164 court appraisals are likely to be guided by the valuation methods and principles developed in section 252 and section 440K court appraisals under the Companies Act 1973, as well as by the decisions of the courts in the state of Delaware relating to share valuations under the appraisal remedy. It is further proposed that the purpose ascribed to the appraisal remedy will influence the application of these valuation methods and principles. / Mercantile Law / LL. M. (Corporate law)

Configurações identitárias de uma autarquia pública no contexto da defesa sanitária e inspeção agropecuária na ótica dos gestores

Gomes, José Osmar 30 June 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-01T23:40:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 tese_9076_Dissertacao José Osmar - Configuracoes Identitarias Autarquia Publica.pdf: 1760544 bytes, checksum: a278cecc0eccaaa733fed241ac5e938e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-30 / Esta dissertação tem por objetivo compreender como as transformações no contexto da defesa sanitária e inspeção agropecuária entre 1996 e 2014 se relacionam com as configurações identitárias do Idaf manifestadas por gestores nesse contexto. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que descreve os processos identitários da organização por um olhar interpretativista, pelo entendimento das relações simbólicas que permeiam essa organização, observados em discursos dos sujeitos. Para coleta dos dados foram utilizadas pesquisa documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas individuais. As entrevistas foram realizadas com cinco sujeitos da organização nos meses de setembro e outubro de 2014. O método de análise foi a Análise de Conteúdo (KRIPPENDORFF, 1990) que busca investigar dados textuais através de técnicas que permitam compreendê-los com seus significados, referências, valorações e intenções. Pretendeu-se contribuir, com esse estudo, para a compreensão da identidade organizacional, em uma organização pública, no contexto da defesa sanitária e inspeção agropecuária. Os resultados permitiram identificar o Idaf como único e distinto de outras organizações e como essa identificação está relacionada às transformações do contexto agropecuário.

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