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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sur les traces de Benjamin Gastineau, littérateur révolutionnaire de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. / On Benjamin Gastineau’s tracks a revolutionary writer of the second part of the 19th century

Meldolesi, Tommaso 01 July 2015 (has links)
Benjamin Gastineau, dont l’oeuvre se situe entre 1845 et 1880 a été à la fois auteur de théâtre, de romans et de contes, d’articles de journaux et de traités d’histoire et d’analyse et de critique sociale. Héritier de la philosophie des Lumières et lié à des groupes socialistes et républicains, Gastineau considère son écriture comme un moyen pour atteindre le peuple et pour l’élever en suivant les principes de la morale bourgeoise. Seulement grâce à cette éducation le peuple, selon Gastineau, pourra un jour refaire la Révolution et rétablir des conditions favorables pour toute la société, où la justice, la liberté et le bonheur soient garantis. Cette étude permet alors d’une part de mener une enquête sur la diffusion du savoir par des articles de journaux et par des œuvres visant à toucher un public populaire ; d’autre part elle permet de considérer l’engagement politique de cet écrivain à partir de son opposition au coup d’Etat de Napoléon III, en passant par la Commune de Paris et jusqu’à son activité incessante pour la cause des communards, lors de son exil bruxellois. De plus Gastineau prend position contre les privilèges et les abus de l’Eglise de Rome et montre comment les femmes en sont les victimes privilégiées. Le rôle de la femme est à insérer dans un discours beaucoup plus vaste de critique sociale touchant au diable, aux croyances remontant au Moyen Age et à la dégradation des mœurs. C’est en ayant acquis une liberté intellectuelle et matérielle et en se libérant des contraintes dues à la religion que les hommes pourront s’acheminer vers l’avenir : un avenir matériel, symbolisé par le chemin de fer qui mène les hommes au delà du monde contingent, vers l’acquisition de nouveaux espaces, réels et imaginaires et d’une nouvelle réalité à édifier sur des principes de paix, justice et liberté. / Benjamin Gastineau’s work was written between 1845 and 1880. Gastineau wrote some theatre pieces, long and short novels, historical and social essays, and newspaper articles. He was influenced by Enlightenment philosophy and connected with Socialist and Republican thinkers. Gastineau considers his writing as a way to join people, and to give him an education, on following the principals of bourgeois moralism. Only in this way, people – he says – will have the possibility one day to make French Revolution again, and establish favourable conditions for the whole society, where justice, freedom and happiness could be guaranteed for everybody. Our work permits, thus, on the one hand, to investigate on diffusion of knowledge though newspaper articles and works written for popular readers. On the other hand, it permits to consider the political engagement of this writer, since the coup by Napoleon the 3th, passing through the Commune of Paris, and until his defence of the Communards when he was exiled in Brussels. In addition, Gastineau express his position against the abuses and the corruption of Roman Church and shows how women are its main victims. The rule of woman in XIX society takes part of a larger speech concerning social critics and including hell, medieval faith and the degradation of habits. As men have obtained intellectual and material freedom against the obligations impositions caused by religion that men could keep on walk together towards future; a material future represented by railway journey that takes men all over the acquisition of new spaces, real as well as imaginary ones, and of a new reality to build on following principals of peace, justice and freedom.

Pier Vittorio Tondelli: Letteratura Minore e Scrittura dell'Impegno Sociale

Gastaldi, Sciltian 20 March 2014 (has links)
Abstract This thesis illustrates the social engagement in the literary writings of Pier Vittorio Tondelli, an Italian gay author whose works have been described by many Catholic, Materialists, and gay critics as frivolous and disengaged. The dissertation summarizes the mutation of the Italian literary concept of impegno from Neorealism to Postmodernism, through a selection of the texts of Elio Vittorini, Italo Calvino, Franco Fortini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Leonardo Sciascia, and Umberto Eco. It shows how Tondelli’s interpretation of the role of the writer falls within the definitions given by Calvino and Eco. Moreover, the thesis demonstrates that Altri libertini and Pao Pao satisfy the characteristics of littérature mineure established by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, though Tondelli’s oeuvre is socially engaged instead of being politically engaged because of his lack of a political ideology. The dissertation highlights the core of Tondelli’s social commitment in his passionate defense of the outcasts in: Altri libertini where drug addicts, homosexuals, transsexuals, and bums are the protagonists; Pao Pao where a group of gay soldiers is described in its grotesque and camp attempt to “homosexualize” their barrack; Rimini where the Riviera Adriatica is portrayed as a place where everyone passes by and no one belongs; Camere separate through the love story of a gay couple in which one partner has to survive his lover’s death, due to an illness that is demonstrated in this thesis to be AIDS, while fighting against the homophobia of their families, institutions, society, and religion. Most of Tondelli’s socially excluded characters are introduced to the reader through an internal homodiegetic point of view. Another important component of Tondelli’s impegno is his open defense of both pop-culture and counter-cultures: gay, hippies, rockers, experimental theatre, street artists and alternative radio, which are central in all his writings.

Pier Vittorio Tondelli: Letteratura Minore e Scrittura dell'Impegno Sociale

Gastaldi, Sciltian 20 March 2014 (has links)
Abstract This thesis illustrates the social engagement in the literary writings of Pier Vittorio Tondelli, an Italian gay author whose works have been described by many Catholic, Materialists, and gay critics as frivolous and disengaged. The dissertation summarizes the mutation of the Italian literary concept of impegno from Neorealism to Postmodernism, through a selection of the texts of Elio Vittorini, Italo Calvino, Franco Fortini, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Leonardo Sciascia, and Umberto Eco. It shows how Tondelli’s interpretation of the role of the writer falls within the definitions given by Calvino and Eco. Moreover, the thesis demonstrates that Altri libertini and Pao Pao satisfy the characteristics of littérature mineure established by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, though Tondelli’s oeuvre is socially engaged instead of being politically engaged because of his lack of a political ideology. The dissertation highlights the core of Tondelli’s social commitment in his passionate defense of the outcasts in: Altri libertini where drug addicts, homosexuals, transsexuals, and bums are the protagonists; Pao Pao where a group of gay soldiers is described in its grotesque and camp attempt to “homosexualize” their barrack; Rimini where the Riviera Adriatica is portrayed as a place where everyone passes by and no one belongs; Camere separate through the love story of a gay couple in which one partner has to survive his lover’s death, due to an illness that is demonstrated in this thesis to be AIDS, while fighting against the homophobia of their families, institutions, society, and religion. Most of Tondelli’s socially excluded characters are introduced to the reader through an internal homodiegetic point of view. Another important component of Tondelli’s impegno is his open defense of both pop-culture and counter-cultures: gay, hippies, rockers, experimental theatre, street artists and alternative radio, which are central in all his writings.

Modes d'engagement dans les fonctions de directeur d'école : rôle des caractéristiques socio-biographiques et des significations accordées à l’activité / Patterns of teachers commitment who become principals / Modi d’impegno nelle funzioni del direttore didattico : ruolo delle caratteristiche socio-biografiche e dei significati dati all’ attività / Mòdos d’engagemen dens las fonctions de directùr d’escola : ròlo de las caracteristicas socio-biògraficas e de las significacions balhadas a l’activitat

Ménacq, Bernard 18 September 2012 (has links)
Nous explorons et analysons, dans cette recherche, les modes d’engagement d’enseignants qui deviennent directeur d’école. Il s’agit d’une transition personnelle et professionnelle qui a lieu dans un contexte d’évolution de l’environnement éducatif et de transformation institutionnelle. Ce passage dans de nouvelles fonctions s’accompagne souvent d’une restructuration identitaire. Au-delà de l’action, l’engagement repose sur un ensemble complexe et dynamique de conduites, d’attitudes mais aussi de processus psychoaffectifs, sociocognitifs et conatifs. Dans une approche active et plurielle de la socialisation, le modèle de l’interstructuration du sujet et des institutions (Baubion-Broye, A., Malrieu, P. & Tap, P., 1987) auquel nous nous référons, considère qu’au-delà d’influences externes et de composantes socio-biographiques, c’est bien le sujet qui reste l’agent de ses engagements. Nous montrons que les conduites d’engagement professionnel ne proviennent pas uniquement d’influences sociales ou d’intentions personnelles mais qu’elles sont orientées par des processus d’inter-signification du travail. Les origines de l’engagement se réfèrent à d’autres domaines de vie et temps d’existence pour les individus et reposent notamment surdes arbitrages de valeurs et de visées concurrentes. La recherche met à jour une typologie des trajectoires socioprofessionnelles des directeurs en trois classes, dont on mesure l’influence différentielle sur l’orientation de leurs engagements. Nos résultats indiquent comment certaines valeurs orientent les conduites et comment ces valeurs sont mises à l’épreuve quand, au cours de l’exercice professionnel, s’installe un sentiment de décalage entre attendu, prescrit et réalisé.Chaque type d’engagement apparaît comme dimension d’un projet de vie qui articule de manière singulière les visées, les ressources et les contraintes de différents domaines de vie (familial, professionnel, personnel, social). / We explore and analyze, in this research, patterns of teacher’s commitment who become principals. This is a personal and professional transition that takes place in a context of changing educational environment and institutional transformation.This passage of new features is often accompanied by a restructuring of identity. Beyond the action, the commitment is based on a complex and dynamic behavior, attitudes, but also processes psycho, socio-cognitive and conative.In an active and plural approach of socialization, the model of the subject and institutions interstructuration (Baubion-Broye, A., Malrieu, P. & Tap, P., 1987) which we refer, considers that beyond external influences and socio-biographical components, that is the subject who is the agent of its commitments.We show that the conducts of professional commitment are not confined to social influences or personal intentions but they are guided by the process of inter-service work. The origins of commitment refer to other areas of life and time of existence for individuals and based in particular on trade-offs of competing values and referred.Research updates a typology of socio-professional trajectories of directors into three classes, which we measure the differential influence on the direction of their commitments.Our results indicate how certain values drive behaviors and how these values are tested when in the course of professional practice, installs a sense of gap between expected, realized and prescribed.Each type of commitment appears as a dimension of life plan that articulates a singular way the aims, resources and constraints of different domains of life (family, professional, personal, social). / Esploriamo e analizziamo i coinvolgimenti di insegnanti che diventano direttori scolastici. Si tratta di una transizione personale e professionale che si svolge in un contesto di evoluzione educativa e di trasformazione istituzionale. Questo passaggio a nuove funzioni coincide spesso con una ristrutturazione dell'identità. Oltre all’ azione, l'impegno si basa non solo su un insieme complesso e dinamico dei comportamenti, ma anche su dei processi psico-affettivi , socio-cognitivi e conativi. In un approccio attivo e plurale della socializzazione, il modello dell’ interstructurazione del soggetto e delle istituzioni (Baubion-Broye, A., Malrieu, P. & Tap, P., 1987) alle quali ci riferiamo, ritiene che al di là di influenze esterne e di elementi socio-biografici, è al soggetto che spetta la decisione del suo impegno. Mostriamo che le linee di impegno professionale non si limitano solo alle influenze sociali o alle intenzioni personali, ma sono anche guidate dai processi d’inter-significato del lavoro. Le origini di questo impegno provengono da altri settori della vita e dai tempi di esistenza degli individui e si basano particolarmente sugli arbitraggi di valori e di ambizioni rivali. La ricerca evidenzia una tipologia delle traiettorie socio-professionali dei direttori in tre classi, di cui si misura l'influenza differenziale sulla direzione degli impegni assunti. I nostri risultati mostrano che certi valori orientano i comportamenti e che questi valori vengano testati quando, nel corso della pratica professionale, si installa un senso di discrepanza fra ciò che è atteso, previsto e realizzato. Ogni tipo di impegno appare comme una dimensione di un progetto di vita che organizza in modo singolare gli obiettivi, le risorse e gli obblighi dei diversi settori della vita (familiare, professionale, personale, sociale) / Dens la nosta recerca, qu’esploram e qu’analisam modos d’engagemen del regents que basan directùrs d’escola. Que pot estar ua transicion personela e professionella qu’arriva dens un contexto d’evolucion de l’educacion e de transformacion institucionela.Aquet passage dens naoeras foncions que va taben dabt ua restructuracion de l’identitat. Meij que l’accion, l’engagemen qu’ei contenut dens un ensemblo complexo e dinamico de comportaments, d’attitudas e taben de procesus psico-affectifs, sociocognitifs e conatifs.Dens ua approcha activa e pluriela de la socialisacion, lo modelo de l’interstructuracion do sujet dabt las institucions (Baubion-Broye, A., Malrieu, P. & Tap, P., 1987), qu’ei aquiu la nosta referença teorica, considera que meij qu’influenças externas e composantas socio-biograficas, qu’ei lo sujet qui, eht tot sol, megna lo son engagemen.Que mushem que los comportaments d’engagemen profesionel ne venguen pas sulamen d’ influenças socialas o d’intencions personalas ; au loc de quò que son guidadas per processus d’intersignificacion do travalh. Las originas de l’engagemen qu’es referan a d’autis dòmanis de vita et temps d’existença per los sujets e que dependan d’arbitrajos de valors e d’ambicions concurentas.La nosta estudia que presenta ua tipologia de trajectorias socioprofessionalas dos regents en trés classas, per cadùa que mesurem taben l’influença diferenciala sur l’orientacion do sons engagemens.Los nostos resultats que mushent cum caocas valors orientan los comportemens e cum aqueras valors son boutades a l’eprova quan, pendan lo travalh, qu’arrivo un sentimen de descalage entre ço qui ei attendut, prescrit et heit.Cado tipò d’engagemen qu’ei la dimension d’un projet de vita qui compren las ambicions, las resorças e las obligacions dos diferents dòmanis (familial, profesionel, personel, social).

Entre travail et engagement, les acteurs expatriés et nationaux de solidarité internationale au Maroc : volontaires, salariés, bénévoles et stagiaires. Le cosmopolitisme à l'épreuve ? / Between work and commitment, the international solidarity NGOs staff in Morocco : testing cosmopolitism / Entre trabajo y compromiso, los actores expatriados y locales de la solidaridad internacional que intervienen en Marruecos : los voluntarios, asalariados, voluntarios no retribuidos y pasantes. ¿El cosmopolitismo puesto a prueba? / Tra lavoro e impegno, gli agenti espatriati e nazionali operanti nella solidarietà internazionale in Marocco : volontari, lavoratori, stagisti. Il cosmopolitismo alla prova? / بين العمل الميداني والالتزام، الفاعلون المغتربون والوطنيون في مجال التضامن الدولي بالمغرب. الكونية في المحك.

Boudarssa, Chadia 10 October 2017 (has links)
Dans cette enquête ethno-sociologique sur la solidarité internationale au Maroc auprès de 24 ONG (de nationalités française, espagnole, italienne, canadienne et marocaine), nous avons pris le parti de focaliser notre recherche sur les expatriés et le personnel national (de 9 nationalités différentes) en tenant compte du sens que donnent les acteurs à cet engagement et ces pratiques de solidarité internationale tout en restituant les parcours et les conditions sociales de l’entrée dans la solidarité internationale.La première partie sera consacrée à la description du cadre d’intervention des ONG internationales au Maroc et les catégories objectives du personnel humanitaire : volontaire, stagiaire, bénévole et salarié. Puis, nous présenterons les processus de recrutement et les activités menées dans les ONG internationales tels qu’ils sont décrits par les acteurs. En définitive, nous questionnerons la tension entre travail et engagement, l’enchantement et le désenchantement.Dans un deuxième temps, nous nous attacherons à décrire les caractéristiques sociologiques des 68 acteurs humanitaires rencontrés en mettant en exergue les déterminants objectifs et subjectifs de l’engagement et du travail dans ce domaine d’activité. Nous finirons par établir une typologie des pratiques de la solidarité internationale donnant à voir un éthos commun d’une communauté partageant des affinités et des expériences culturelles d’autre part nous envisagerons les acteurs de la solidarité internationale comme un groupe professionnel.Enfin, la troisième section sera consacrée à questionner d’une part la pratique migratoire que constitue la mission de solidarité internationale et d’autre part les capitaux et pré-dispositions nécessaires pour la concrétiser. Nous montrerons que l’analyse du travail et de l’engagement via le cosmopolitisme permet de comprendre le sens à la fois objectif et subjectif que revêt ce type d’activité expatriée. Finalement, le travail en ONG est un moyen pour se réaliser et s’émanciper entre filiation et désaffiliation. Alors que cette action transnationale, orientée en valeurs et vers les autres, suppose une rencontre cosmopolite réussie, nous examinerons, à l’aune de la vie quotidienne, les décalages entre la rencontre attendue et la rencontre réalisée. / This dissertation contributes to the work of international solidarity NGOs in Morocco through examining the motivations and commitments of their personals. The research focuses on expatriates and national staff, by analysing their career paths and social background, as well as taking into account the sense given to their personal commitments and professional practices while involving in the international solidarity work. The first part devoted to describe the intervention framework of international NGOs in Morocco and the objective of different categories of their humanitarian personals: trainee, volunteer and employee. It examines the processes of recruitment and activities / projects implemented by these international NGOs. Hence, it sought to understand the tensions between job requirements and personal commitments that produced both enchantment and disenchantment among the international solidarity staff. The second part intended to study the sociological characteristics of 68 humanitarian personals that are interviewed from French, Canadian, Spanish, Italian and Moroccan organizations. It highlights the objective and subjective factors that determine their personal commitments and professional performance in this field of work. Therefore, a typology of practices for international solidarity work was set to identify the common ethos within a shared community of different affinities and cultural backgrounds. In addition, it considered the international solidarity actors as professional group. The third part was questioning the migratory practice of the international solidarity mission on the one hand and the financial and pre-arrangements necessary to realize it on the other hand. Furthermore, cosmopolitanism analysis of job requirements and personal commitments was conducted in order to understand the meaning of both objective and subjective in this type of work for the expatriates. Finally, working with international solidarity NGOs becomes a way of achieving and emancipating between affiliation and disaffiliation. While this transnational action is based on values toward others and supposed to develop a successful cosmopolitan encounter, findings from this study reveal the gaps between the expectations and the achievements. / En esta investigación etno-sociológica sobre la solidaridad en Marruecos (24 ONG de nacionalidad francesa, española, italiana, marroquí, canadiense), hemos centrado el estudio sobre los empleados expatriados y locales (de 9 nacionalidades diferentes) considerando a la vez el significado que los actores dan a este compromiso y a las prácticas de solidaridad restituyendo las carreras y las condiciones sociales de la entrada en la ONG. La primera parte está dedicada a la descripción del marco de intervención de las ONG internacionales en Marruecos y las categorías objetivas de los empleados humanitarios: voluntarios, asalariados, voluntarios no retribuidos y pasantes. Después, expondremos los procedimientos de selección y las actividades cumplidas. Finalmente, preguntaremos la tensión entre el trabajo y el compromiso, el encanto y el desencanto que produce el trabajo humanitario. Luego en la segunda parte, realizaremos la descripción de las características sociales de los 68 empleados destacando los determinantes objetivos y subjetivos del compromiso y del trabajo en este sector profesional. Acabaremos estableciendo una tipología de las prácticas de la solidaridad internacional dando a ver un ethos común de una comunidad compartiendo experiencias culturales considerándola como un grupo profesional. Por fin, la tercera parte será centrada por una vez preguntando la práctica migratoria que constituye la misión de solidaridad internacional y por otra vez las predisposiciones necesarias para su realización. Vamos a demostrar que el análisis del compromiso y del trabajo humanitario vía el cosmopolitismo permite entender el sentido objetivo y subjetivo que lleva este tipo de actividad. Finalmente, el trabajo humanitario es un medio para realizarse y emanciparse entre filiación y desafiliación. Mientras esta actividad internacional de valor y dirigida hacia los otros, supone un encuentro cosmopolita exitoso, examinaremos la vida cotidiana de los actores para destacar las disparidades entre un encuentro tan esperado y el encuentro cumplido. / In questa inchiesta etnico-sociologica sulla solidarietà internazionale in Marocco – che prende in esame 24 ONG (di nazionalità francese, spagnola, italiana, canadese e marocchina) – abbiamo scelto di focalizzare la nostra ricerca sugli espatriati e sul personale nazionale (di 9 nazionalità diverse) tenendo conto del senso che gli agenti hanno dato a questo impegno e a queste pratiche di solidarietà internazionale e ricostruendo i percorsi e le condizioni sociali dalla loro entrata nella solidarietà internazionale. La prima parte sarà dedicata alla descrizione dell’intervento delle ONG internazionali in Marocco e alle categorie oggettive del personale umanitario: volontari, stagisti, impiegati. Successivamente, presenteremo in cosa consiste il processo di selezione e assunzione del personale e parleremo delle attività svolte nelle ONG internazionali, esattamente come vengono descritte dagli agenti stessi. In ultima analisi, ci interrogheremo sulla tensione tra lavoro e impegno, ciò a cui aspiriamo e ciò che effettivamente realizziamo. In un secondo momento, descriveremo le caratteristiche sociologiche dei 68 agenti umanitari che abbiamo incontrato, valorizzando le caratteristiche oggettive e soggettive dell’impegno e del lavoro in questo campo di attività. Finiremo per stabilire l’esistenza di un modello di pratica di solidarietà internazionale, mostrando che esiste un ethos comune in una comunità che condivide delle affinità e delle esperienze culturali simili, e dall’altra parte prenderemo in considerazione gli agenti della solidarietà internazionale come gruppo professionale. Infine, la terza sezione sarà dedicata ad approfondire da una parte la pratica migratoria che la missione di solidarietà internazionale costituisce e dall’altra parte i capitali e le predisposizioni necessari per concretizzarla. Mostreremo, poi, che l’analisi del lavoro e dell’impegno permette di comprendere, attraverso il cosmopolitismo, il senso alla volta oggettivo e soggettivo che questo tipo di attività riveste. In ultimo possiamo dire che il lavoro in un’ONG è un mezzo per realizzarsi ed emanciparsi al di là dell’affiliazione e della disaffiliazione alle società. Poiché questa azione trans-nazionale, orientata ne dare valore agli altri, presuppone un incontro cosmopolita funzionante, esamineremo nella vita quotidiana, la differenza tra l’incontro atteso e quello che effettivamente abbiamo realizzato. / تعالج هذه الأطروحة القضايا المتصلة بالتضامن الدولي في المغ رب، وقد تم التركيز فيه على المغتربين والموظفينالوطنيين أخذا بعين الاعتبار المعنى الذي يعطوه هؤلاء الفاعلون لهذا الالتزام ولممارسات التضامن الدولي، مع استحضارالمسارات والشروط الاجتماعية التي أدت إلى دخولهم هذا العالم.وقد خصص الجزء الأول من هذه الأطروحة ل وصف إطار عمل المنظمات غير الحكومية الدولية في المغرب وأنواع أهدافهذه الفئة من الموظفين المشتغلين في المجال الإنساني: المتطوع وذا العالمن والمتدربون والموظفون. وكذا وصف مسلسلات انتقاءالمتعاقد معهم في كل واحدة من هذه الفئات والأنشطة التي تنظمها المنظمات غير الحكومية الدولية كما جاء وصفها علىلسان الفاعلين أنفسهم. حيث درسنا التوترات القائمة بين العمل المهني والالتزام الجمعوي، بين الرغبة الجامحة والإحباط.وقمنا في مرحلة ثانية بوصف الخاصيات والسمات الاجتماعية للفاعلين 68 الذين تم اللقاء بهم بمناسبة إعداد الأطر وحة،وكذا إماطة اللثام عن المحددات الموضوعية والذاتية للالتزام والعمل في هذا المجال. حيث انتهى بنا المطاف بتحديد نوعيةممارسات التضامن الدولي، القائمة على فكر مشترك تتقاسمه مجموعة لها قواسم وتجارب ثقافية مشتركة، على اعتبار العاملينفي هذا المجال مجموعة مهنية قائمة الذات.وعالج الجزء الثالث من الأطروحة ممارسة الهجرة المرتبطة بمهام التضامن الدولي وكذا الرساميل والمؤهلات المستبقة الضروريةلتجسيدها. وسنظهر أن تحليل هذه الجهود وهذا الالتزام عبر منظور الكونية كفيل بتوضيح الصورة وفهم المعاني الموضوعيةوالذاتية المتصلة بهذا النشاط. هذا ويعتبر العمل داخل المنظمات غير الحكومية أخيرا وسيلة لتحقيق الذات والتحرر ما بينالارتباط وفك الارتباط. حيث يقتضي هذا العمل العابر للحدود الوطنية، الموجه من حيث القيم والمستهدف للآخرين،نجاح اللقاء الكوني، وهو ما قمنا بفحصه انطلاقا من الحياة اليومية والتفاوت بين اللقاء المنتظر واللقاء الحقيقي.

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