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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Judesių tikslumas atliekant vertikalius šuolius įvairiais būdais / The accuracy of vertical jump in different ways

Bagotyrius, Andrius 16 May 2006 (has links)
The amylased object were healthy basketball players (22 - 26) and triathlonists (19 - 20) making jumps in different ways: CMJ - vertical jump with shockproof sit up (per crooked knee up to 90º); DJ – vertical jump from 40 cm platform (sit up to 90º); SJ – vertical jump from a static starting position (sit up to 90º). Research timing: November – December (2004) and March (2006). The variability of movement by making vertical jumps in different ways is the main point of this study. To measure the level of spring the contact platform was used. It was connected with the electronic meter of spring that measured spring’s height and take–off time. Sportsmens springs results were recorded into the individual springs protocol. Using the methods of statistical mathematics the results of research were treated. Main tasks: determinate variability of jumps before and after strain, also determinate feetback information and compare variability of movement during this tests. The thirst 5 jumps made were better at the beginning than at the end. The difference is unreliable (accordingly CMJ – 38.4 ± 1.4 and 38.3 ± 1.4 cm.; DJ – 38.6 �� 1.5 and 37.0 ± 1.3 cm.; SJ – 37.6 ± 1.2 and 36.4 ± 1.1 cm., p>0.05). After 10 jumps (with/without feetback information) before strain were: best in SJ (according 18.9 ± 0.7 and 18.8 ± 2.0 cm, p>0.05), worst DJ (according to feetback information 20.7 ± 2.8 and without it – 21.7 ± 2.2 cm.., p>0.05). After 50 jumps sportsmen made 10 jumps without feetback... [to full text]

Skirtingų kinezioteipavimo metodikų poveikis sveikų, fiziškai neaktyvių vyrų kelio sąnario propriocepcijai / The effect of different kinesiotaping techniques for knee proprioception of healthy physically inactive men

Ramanauskas, Martynas 21 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: skirtingų kinezioteipo metodikų poveikis blauzdą tiesiančių raumenų jėgos momento variabilumui ir tikslaus judesio atkartojimui tiesiant blauzdą. Tikslas - išsiaiškinti kaip skirtingos kinezioteipavimo metodikos veikia kelio sąnario propriocepciją. Uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti ir palyginti skirtingų kinezioteipavimo metodikų poveikį blauzdą tiesiančių raumenų jėgos momento variabilumui, su ir be vaizdinės grįžtamosios informacijos, kai kelio sąnarys sulenktas 60º kampu. 2. Ištirti ir palyginti skirtingų kinezioteipavimo metodikų poveikį blauzdą tiesiančių raumenų jėgos momento variabilumui, su ir be vaizdinės grįžtamosios informacijos, kai kelio sąnarys sulenktas 90º kampu. 3. Ištirti ir palyginti skirtingų kinezioteipavimo metodikų poveikį tikslaus judesio atkartojimui, tiesiant blauzdą be vaizdinės grįžtamosios informacijos. Hipotezė. Žinant, kad raumeninės kinezioteipavimo metodikos (KT1) naudojimas labiau veikia raumeninius judesio valdymo aspektus, manome, kad judesio variabilumas sumažės ypač prie vidutinio raumens ilgio, o raištinė kinezioteipavimo metodika (KT2) veikianti sąnarinius judesio valdymo aspektus pagerins tikslaus judesio atkartojimą tiesiant blauzdą. Tyrimo metodai ir organizavimas: Tyrimas atliktas Lietuvos kūno kultūros akademijos Judesių klinikinių ir fundamentaliųjų tyrimų centre. Tyrimo pradžioje buvo išmatuoti maksimalūs blauzdą tiesiančių raumenų valingos jėgos momentai, kai koja sulenkta per kelio sąnarį 90° ir 60° kampu. Vėliau buvo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the study: the effect of different kinesio taping techniques for knee isometric torque variability and joint position sense Aim of the study: to investigate the effect of different kinesio taping techniques for knee proprioception Goals of the study: 1. To investigate and compare the effect of different kinesio taping techniques for knee extensors torque variability with and without visual feedback when knee is in 60º flexion. 2. To investigate and compare the effect of different kinesio taping techniques for knee extensors torque variability with and without visual feedback when knee is in 90º flexion. 3. To investigate and compare the effect of different kinesio taping techniques for joint position sense with and without visual feedback. Hypothesis of the study: Knowing that kinesio taping technique for muscle (KT1) affects motor control of muscles, it might be supposed that movement variability will decrease when muscle will be in the medium length and it’s known that kinesio taping technique for ligament (KT2) affects motor control of joints so we believe that it will improve the joint position of the knee. Methods and organization of the study: The study was performed in the Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education in the Center of Movements Clinical and Basic Research. At the beginning maximal isometric knee extension torque at knee joint angles of 60º, 90º was measured. Furthermore, isometric knee extension torque variability at 20% of maximal voluntary... [to full text]

Judesių variabilumas atliekant šuolius į aukštį iš vietos / The variability of movement during the vertical standing jumps

Drebulys, Gintaras 15 May 2006 (has links)
The aim of the study – To determine and assess the variability of movements during the vertical standing jumps with and without the regressive information. Subjects: The subjects were healthy men who cultivate triathlon (age 19-20 years; n = 10). The objectives: to identify and evaluate the variability of vertical jumps when the jumps are performed at 50% of maximal intensity without using the backward information; to identify and evaluate the variability of vertical jumps when the jumps are performed at 50% of maximum with the regressive information about the accuracy of jump; to identify and evaluate the variability of vertical jumps when the jumps are performed at 30% of maximum (before and after the workload) and at maximal intensity (workload) without the use of regressive information; to evaluate the variability of vertical jumps when the jumps are performed at 30% of maximum (before and after the workload) and at maximal intensity (workload) with the backward information for the control jumps. The main conclusions of the study are the following: During the vertical jumps at 50 % of maximum, we have determined similar repetition of vertical jump. This similarity of vertical jumps’ accuracy was determined during the jumps before the workload, during the workload, and after the workload; The repetition of the similar vertical jump depended on the delivery of regressive information: first two jumps with the backward information were significantly increased in comparison to... [to full text]

Širdies ritmo sutrikimų, variabilumo ir kairiojo skilvelio disfunkcijos prognozinės vertės ūminiu miokardo infarkto periodu nustatymas / Prognostic value of cardiac arrhythmias, heart rate variability and left ventricular dysfunction in patients with acute myocardial infarction

Bakšytė, Giedrė 24 August 2005 (has links)
The scientific novelty of the study A large number of reports have demonstrated that depressed heart rate variability after myocardial infarction (MI), left ventricular dysfunction and arrhythmias are powerful predictors of mortality. Nevertheless there is a lack of detailed assessment of heart rate variability in the acute period of MI, especially during the first 24 hours, from long-term (24-h) recordings, and the value of different parameters of heart rate variability in predicting dangerous complications of MI was not fully evaluated. The indications of complex and constant monitoring of heart rate variability, left ventricular function, arrhythmias in acute MI are not based on scientific studies as well as their value in predicting the effect of different methods of management, course and outcomes of critical cardiac conditions. Thus, the current study differs from all the earlier studies in that we assessed heart rate variability in the very early period of myocardial infarction (the first and the third day) using long time recordings (24 h), both – time-domain and frequency-domain –methods, and evaluated its changes in relation to arrhythmias and left ventricular function, using not only conventional 2D-echocardiography but also left ventricular long axis function assessment by M-mode and tissue Doppler imaging. The aim of the study The aim of the study was to determine the association between heart rate variability, cardiac arrhythmias and left ventricular... [to full text]

Rankų ir kojų raumenų izometrinio susitraukimo variabilumo analizė po galvos smegenų insulto rezidualiniu periodu / Analysis of upper and lower extremities muscles isometric contraction variability of residual post - stroke period

Navickas, Marijus 21 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas: rankų ir kojų raumenų izometrinio susitraukimo variabilumo pokyčiai. Tyrimo problema: įvykus insultui, priklausomai nuo pažeidimo laipsnio, sutrinka ne tik dinaminės, bet ir kinematinės judesių savybės (pvz., tikslaus judesio trajektorija). Galvos smegenys reaguoja į pažeidimą kaip visuma, todėl sutrinka ne vienas, bet daugelis judesių (Skurvydas, 2008). Kadangi po insulto atsiranda apsitarnavimo problemos, ir yra ribojama kasdieninė veikla, norėjome ištirti ligonius, baigusius reabilitaciją, su nežymiais liekamaisiais reiškiniais bei nustatyti galūnių izometrinio susitraukimo variabilumo dydį, kuris atspindi atliekamo veiksmo stabilumą. Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti rankų ir kojų raumenų izometrinio susitraukimo variabilumo pokyčius po galvos smegenų insulto rezidualiniu periodu. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti ir palyginti tiriamosios bei kontrolinės grupės tiriamųjų dilbį lenkiančių ir blauzdą tiesiančių raumenų maksimalią valingą jėgą. 2. Nustatyti ir palyginti tiriamosios bei kontrolinės grupės tiriamųjų rankų ir kojų raumenų izometrinio susitraukimo variabilumo pokyčius. 3. Nustatyti grįžtamojo ryšio įtaką izometrinio raumens susitraukimo variabilumui. Tyrimo hipotezė: galvos smegenų insultą patyrusių žmonių rezidualiniu periodu rankų ir kojų raumenų izometrinio susitraukimo variabilumas yra didesnis negu nepatyrusių galvos smegenų insulto. Tyrimo metodai ir organizavimas: tyrimas buvo atliktas LKKA Žmogaus motorikos laboratorijoje 2010 – 2011 metais... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object: changes of variability of the upper and lower extremities muscles isometric contraction. Research question: Subject to the degree of lesion, both dynamic and kinematic properties of motions (e.c., pathway of an accurate motion) can be disturbed after stroke. The cerebral brain reacts to lesion as whole, therefore disturbs not only one but many motinos (Skurvydas, 2008). Patient gets self-service problems after stroke and it limits daily activities, and it is the reason why we wanted to investigate patients who have inappreciable residual appearances after rehabilitation as well as we wanted to establish the value of variability of extremities isometric contraction, which reflects stability of movemt. Research purpose: to assess the changes of isometric contraction of upper and lower extremities muscles of residual post-stroke periode. Research goals: 1.To assess and compare the experimental and control group maximum voluntary strength of the forearm flexors and calf extensors; 2.To assess and compare the experimental and control group alterations of variability of the upper and lower extremities muscle isometric contraction; 3.To assess the influence of feedback on the muscle contraction variability. Research hypothesis: people at residual post-stroke periode have a higher variability of isometric contraction of the upper and lower extremities muscles than people people who did not undergo cerebral brain stroke. Research methods and organization: the... [to full text]

Širdies ritmo variabilumo ir hemodinamikos žymenų vertė prognozuojant ūminio miokardo infarkto eigą ir baigtis sergantiesiems cukriniu diabetu / Value of heart rate variability and hemodynamic indices in prediction of the course and outcomes of acute myocardial infarction for diabetic patients

Ablonskytė- Dūdonienė, Rūta, Ablonskytė - Dūdonienė, Rūta 14 April 2014 (has links)
Disertacijoje iškelta sergančiųjų ūminiu miokardo infarktu ir cukriniu diabetu asmenų nepalankios ligos eigos problema bei apžvelgos galimybės prognozuoti tokių asmenų ligos baigtis.Darbo uždaviniais buvo: 1) įvertinti širdies ritmo variabilumo ir hemodinamikos žymenis sergantiesiems ūminiu miokardo infarktu bei cukriniu diabetu priklausomai nuo ligos eigos ir baigčių, palyginti juos su nesergančiųjų cukrininu diabetu atitinkamais žymenimis; 2) nustatyti sergančiųjų miokardo infarktu prognozinę širdies ritmo variabilumo ir hemodinamikos žymenų vertę mirties, skilvelinės aritmijos, grįžtamosios išemijos išsivystymui ar jungtinei vertinamajai baigčiai stacionare; 3) nustatyti prognozinę širdies ritmo variabilumo ir hemodinamikos žymenų vertę per 1 metus ir per 5 metus po persirgto miokardo infarkto įvykusiems: mirčiai dėl bet kokios ir dėl širdinės priežasties, pakartotino miokardo infarkto išsivystymui, neplanuotos širdies revaskuliarizacijos procedūros atlikimui, nekomplikuotos išeminės širdies ligos eigos buvimui; 4) nustatyti ar prognozinė širdies ritmo variabilumo ir hemodinamikos žymenų vertė analizuojamoms baigtims skiriasi tiriamųjų grupėse: a) cukriniu diabetu sergančiųjų asmenų, b) cukriniu diabetu nesergančiųjų asmenų; 5) gautų prognozinių modelių diskriminuojančias savybes palyginti tarpusavyje ir su pripažintais ūminio miokardo infarkto rizikos vertinimo kriterijais (kairiojo skilvelio išstūmio frakcija, GRACE ir TIMI rizikos vertinimo skalėmis). / Unfavourable outcomes of the diabetic patients with acute myocardial infarction were analysed in the dissertation and possibilities to predict the course of the disease was reviewed. The objectives of the study were: 1) to evaluate the measures of heart rate variability and impedance cardiography for the patients with acute myocardial infarction, and their alterations in reliance on the different outcomes, according to the patients’ status of diabetes mellitus; 2) to determine prognostic value of combined assessment of heart rate variability and impedance cardiographymeasures for in-hospital outcomes of myocardial infarction: in-hospital mortality, ventricular arrhythmia, recurrent ischemia and complicated in-hospital course; 3) to determine prognostic value of combined assessment of heart rate variability and impedance cardiography measures for long-term (1 and 5 years) outcomes after myocardial infarction: mortality (both all-cause death and cardiac death), ischemic complications (recurrent non-fatal myocardial infarction and need for revascularization procedures) and uncomplicated long-term course; 4) to assess whether prognostic value of combined heart rate variability and hemodynamic measures differs in separate patient groups: diabetic or non-diabetic; 5) to compare the discriminative power of the obtained prognostic models and widely recognized risk markers, such as ejection fraction of the left ventricle, GRACE and TIMI scores.

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