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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výpočtové modelování hluku v kabině letounu VUT 100 Cobra / Computational modelling of noise inside cabin of aircraft VUT 100 Cobra

Prnka, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the computational simulation of low-frequency noise inside the cabin of small commercial airplane VUT 100 Cobra. For this low-frequncy range deterministic methods: Final Element Method (FEM) and Boundary Element Method (BEM) are used for simulation of the dynamic behaviour of the object. FEM has been used to compute eigenmodes and eigenfrequences of the structure of the aeroplane cabin and of the acoustic space inside cabin. Then response to harmonic excitation of engine represented by unit forces in place of contact has been computed. Obtained velocities on the surface of the cabin are then used as the basis for the noise calculation inside the cabin using BEM. After that effect of some construction modifications on sound level inside cabin are evaluated by computational modelling.

Analýza šíření vibrací spojeným strukturálně akustickým prostorem / Vibration Propagation Analysis of Coupled Structure Acoustic Space

Kostelník, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this Master’s thesis Vibration Propagation Analysis of Coupled Structure Acoustic Space is to analyze vibration propagation in combustion engine, from combustion space through solid structure to fluid surroundings. Then analyze the noise increase as pressure changing in fluid space around the solid structure. There was made a analyze of single piston engine in different frequency and piston location. A simulation of distribution of a pressure waves was made in an ANSYS application.

Optimalizace nástrojové řezné geometrie pro vysokorychlostní obrábění tenkostěnných součástí / Optimization of tool cutting geometry for high-speed machining of thin-walled parts

Barcuch, Jakub January 2013 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis deals with materials used in the aircraft industry with a focus on aluminium alloys. Then it describes high speed machining, its characteristics and its comparison with conventional machining. The following chapters describe strategies of machining thin-walled parts and a description of vibration that occurs during machining. The practical part deals with selection appropriate tool geometry, machining of thin-walled parts and evaluation of their deflection during machining.

Analýza potíží výměníku tepla / Analysis of heat exchanger troubles

Bartošek, Nikola January 2015 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on analysis of specific cross-flow in-line tube bundle heat exchanger which deals with significant operational problems. Thermal, hydraulic and vibration calculation analysis of selected parts of the heat exchanger is performed based on CFD flow distribution results. Calculation is performed by using Maple software. Thermal and hydraulic calculations are compared with results obtained by commercial software HTRI.

Řádová analýza signálů / Order Analysis

Honc, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with order analysis. The first part of the thesis describes common methods for order analysis and methods for processing tacho and vibration signal. The second part contains a brief description of some open source tools for order analysis focusing on Sound and Vibration Measurement Suite (SVMS) package for LabVIEW by National Instruments company. The main purpose of the thesis has been designing and realization of own library for order analysis as a plugin for development tool LabVIEW. In the library, there are implemented methods for order analysis including basic functions for processing vibration and tacho signal. Their brief description with manual for its usage is in the third part of the thesis. In the last chapter, implemented functions are compared with those, which are implemented in SVMS by National Instruments, using both simulated and real data.

Klikové ústrojí s vysokou mechanickou účinností / Crank mechanism with a high mechanical efficiency

Drápal, Lubomír January 2022 (has links)
This document describes the possibilities of increasing the mechanical efficiency of the crank train of an internal-combustion engine. For this purpose, a concept with a reduced number of main bearings is chosen and its contribution is verified experimentally. The proposed solution consists of an innovative crankshaft design of a four-cylinder spark-ignition engine with only three main journal bearings and laser-welded sheet metal crank webs. The new design is compared to the mass-produced one in terms of friction losses, vibrations and loading of engine parts by means of simulations of crank train dynamics using the Multi-Body System. The increase in vibration, accompanied by a reduction in friction losses, is compensated by a torsional vibration damper and its effect is experimentally verified. Experimental research of laser welds on the crankshaft in terms of fatigue life is also described. The overall potential is also summarised and further possible development of this innovative and patented design is outlined.

Konstrukční návrh uložení měřící aparatury IMC ve vozidle / Design of Data Acquisition Equipment IMC Fastening System in the Car

Černý, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Devices for measuring the dynamic load and vibration of certain parts of the bodywork or parts of other parts of the vehicle are made using accelerometers and measuring instruments IMC. It must be simply installed into the interior of the vehicle so that it is not necessary to remove any parts of the interior and to avoid damage to all parts of the interior. The preparation must also withstand the considerable dynamic load generated by the harder operation tests.

Magnetorheological Strut for Vibration Isolation System of Space Launcher / Magnetorheological Strut for Vibration Isolation System of Space Launcher

Macháček, Ondřej January 2018 (has links)
Práce se zabývá návrhem magnetoreologické (MR) vzpěry vibroizolačního systému (VIS) pro kosmický nosič. V rešeršní části jsou popsány vybrané VIS a vzpěry těchto systémů, které byly v kosmických nosičích využity v minulosti. Každá z těchto vzpěr obsahující kapalinu byla těsněna pomocí statických těsnění a pružných vlnovců vyrobených z oceli. Důkladněji byla analyzována vzpěra pasivního systému VIS s označením ELVIS, jehož konstrukce se stala inspirací pro tuto práci. Jedná se o tříparametrický systém, v němž je tlumič uložen na pružině, jejíž tuhost přibližně odpovídá objemové tuhosti vlnovců respektive jejímu průmětu do axiálního směru (pressure thrust stiffness). V práci je představena metodika pro stanovení “pressure thrust stiffness” na základě geometrie vlnovce a také uvedeny parametry vlnovce díky kterým je možné měnit poměr mezi axiální a “pressure thrust stiffness” vlnovce. Tento poměr ovlivňuje v dané koncepci vzpěry její dynamické chování a tím i chování celého VIS. Pro predikci dynamického chování vzpěry byl vytvořen multi-body model VIS založeného na Stewartově plošině a detailnější model jediné vzpěry. Simulace provedené v tomto modelu odhalily parametry, které mají vliv na výkonost tlumiče ve VIS: časová odezva a dynamický rozsah. Díky modelu byl určen rozsah těchto parametrů, ve kterých bude zaručena efektivní funkce vzpěry ve VIS, konkrétně: časová odezva: 0-5ms, dynamický rozsah: 5-10. Před finálním návrhem vzpěry byla sestrojena vzpěra experimentální vzpěra, jejíž parametry byly přesně naměřeny a využity pro verifikaci jednotlivých modelů. Poznatky získané během experimentů byly využity při návrhu finální vzpěry. Jeden z nejdůležitějších poznatků byla nutnost náhrady feritového magnetického obvodu s ohledem na jeho křehkost. Proto byl odvozen tvarový přístup k navrhování rychlých magnetických obvodů z oceli s využitím 3D tisku, který byl následně patentován. Navržená vzpěra obsahuje magnetoreologický ventil jehož odezva je predikována na 1.2 ms a dynamický rozsah 10. V závěru práce je představena metodika, díky které byla vzpěra navržena.

CFD simulace vibrací vyvolaných prouděním / CFD simulation of fluid-induced vibration

Kubíček, Radek January 2019 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis focuses on flow-induced vibrations of a tube. The main aim and benefit is the analysis of tube stiffness in contact with the other one and the following use of obtained values and characteristics in CFD simulations. The work can be divided into three parts. The first part is about the current state of knowledge of flow-induced vibrations. It introduces the basic mechanisms of vibration and methods for their suppression. The second part deals with the determination of stiffness of defined geometry tube including the collision with the other tube. The final part demonstrates and evaluates the application of obtained characteristics in CFD simulations.

Analýza dynamického chování štíhlé mostní konstrukce a návrh zařízení na omezení vibrací / The assessment slender bridge structure subjected to dynamic loads and design of the damping devices

Řehová, Jana January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the dynamic analysis of a footbridge. Computational model of the footbridge was created using ANSYS software. The model was subjected to dynamic wind load in longitudal and lateral direction. Furthermore pedestrian load in lateral direction was analyzed. Afterwards, due to unsatisfactory response to the pedestrian laod, a tuned mass damper was introduced to reduce the vibration. This lead to decrease in the vibration to a satisfactory levels, as is shown in the analyses of the model.

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