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Motion Versus Non-Motion in Interactive Video Lessons in High School Physical ScienceSpeers, Jimmy D. (Jimmy Dale) 05 1900 (has links)
The most important question addresed in this study was whether there is any difference in student learning between a motion group and a non-motion group. The interactive video courseware is currently a part of the curriculum in this district. It was used in its original form with the contrast group. For the
experimental group one unit of the courseware was modified to remove the motion video and replace it with photorealistic graphics that served as the non-motion part of the study. Covariates were selected to compensate for any differences in the two groups. A pretest and posttest was administered to both groups. Analysis of the posttest scores indicated that there was no difference in learning if motion in the presentation was the only variable.
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Kvalitativní analýza a tvorba vzdělávacích videí pro výuku chemie online / Qualitative analysis and making of online educational videos for teaching chemistryBurjánek, Vít January 2018 (has links)
The thesis Qualitative analysis and making of online educational videos for teaching chemistry elaborates on the position of educational video in the field of educational tools and education generally. A theoretical research of international academic resources was conducted and the results were used to create a set of criteria and suggestions to increase the effectivity of an educational video. These were later used as a basis for analysis of various Czech educational video channels selected using key words from topics that students often find confusing or difficult. All the information gathered was then used to create a video focused on a selected chemistry topic.
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Aufgabentypen für das Zusammenspiel von E-Assessment und LernvideosSeidel, Niels 10 August 2018 (has links)
Lernvideos werden oft als Instruktionsmedien verstanden, die Lerninhalte in audiovisueller Form konservieren und transportieren. Dieser Beitrag ergänzt diese Sichtweise um den Aspekt der Überprüfung des Lernerfolgs mit Hilfe von E-Assessments. Durch die Integration von speziellen Aufgabentypen in den Ablauf der Videowiedergabe können höhere Kompetenzlevel geprüft und weiterführende didaktische Intentionen, Lernszenarien und -formen umgesetzt werden. Im Rahmen der Verbundförderung des Videocampus Sachsen (VCS) konnten entsprechende Feldstudien ausgewertet und Pilotanwendungen im Rahmen des Innovationsvorhabens ViAssess entwickelt werden.
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Los artistas del mundo de habla EspañolaOviedo-Loredo, Blanca January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Modern Languages / Douglas K. Benson / Students have opportunity to reach learner autonomy and achieve real world applications utilizing communicative competence, a learner centered environment and comprehensible input, incorporated into a unit for student success. The acquisition of language and culture is facilitated in the classroom environment with low affective filters and comprehensible input combining different learning strategies. The activities in this cultural thematic art unit engage student’s interest and activate his or her background knowledge, making meaningful connections with the unit content and their personal lives. Literature, paintings, grammar and vocabulary enable students to build communicative competence in L2. Language learners collaborate and engage in the target language while simultaneously learning about literature, history and culture and learning how artists and writers represent empathy for others as they process words by various Spanish speakers. Additionally, authentic texts and the use of technology enhance students’ linguistic performance. The unit begins with my teaching philosophy followed by a sequence of activities that allow students to process language while they study the consequences of war on those who are affected by it, and a brief section on potential learning outcomes for those who participate in the activities.
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Didaktické zapojení videa do výuky češtiny jako cizího jazyka / Didactic usage of video in Teaching Czech as a foreign languageŠturmová, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
Usage of a video at real-time Czech lessons (not distantly through YouTube) presents to students a very attractive way of learning a language and the socio- cultural competence quickly and entertainingly. The aim of this paper is to sum up findings of the specialized literature and to create special videos useable in foreign language classes of A0/A1 level based on those findings. The videos will be focused on development of sociocultural competence, the themes shall be following: 1.Lesson of the good manners in the Czech environment part 1. (formal X informal language) 2. Lesson of the good manners in the Czech environment part 2. ( Traveling with the Public transport, how to behave) 3. Holidays ( Christmas, Easter ) The empiric part of this thesis will be based on the hypothesis that using video in the classroom will make the acquisition of the sociocultural competence easier. The video materials will be shown in a couple of groups of student at the A0/A1 level while couple of group of other student will study without them. Those students shall get the competence through printed materials (for example books or materials prepared ad hoc by the teacher) and explanation of the teacher. There will also be prepared some supporting activities related to the videomaterials in order to confirm the...
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Internationalisierung von Videomaterial für den Einsatz in der LehreNeugebauer, Mario 10 August 2018 (has links)
Die Internationalisierung von Lehr-/Lernmaterial ist für den Lehrexport und internationale, kooperative Studiengänge von besonderer Bedeutung. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung für die Unterstützung der Internationalisierung von Lehr-/Lernmaterial vorgestellt. Inhalte des Beitrages sind die Anforderungen für die Internationalisierung von Lehr-/Lernmaterialien und die Bewertung/Diskussion von geeigneten Werkzeugen für die Übersetzung von Videomaterial. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Workflow bei der Untertitelung von Videos.
Das Projekt wurde im Rahmen des Verbundvorhabens Videocampus Sachsen (VCS) vom SMWK gefördert.
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Ausgewählte Beispiele digitaler/videobasierter Lehr-/Lernformate als Best-Practice-KonzepteLiebscher, Maja, Lehmann, Anke 10 August 2018 (has links)
Bei der folgenden Übersicht handelt es sich um ein Produkt des Teilprojekts Potenzialanalyse (Zusammenfassung aus Literatur und Expertenbefragungen).
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