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Les viromes associés aux plantes sauvages : vers des stratégies de caractérisation optimisées et variabilité dans divers environnements / Wild plant species associated viromes : towards improved characterization strategies and variability in various ecological environmentsMa, Yuxin 12 September 2019 (has links)
Les approches de métagénomique basées sur l’utilisation des techniques de séquençage haut débit ont ouvert une nouvelle ère pour la découverte non biaisée et la caractérisation génomique des virus. Comme pour les autres virus, de telles études montrent que la diversité des virus phytopathogènes a jusqu’à tout récemment été fortement sous-estimée. Ces virus constituant une composante potentiellement importante des écosystèmes naturels ou des agrosystèmes anthropisés, il est important d’explorer la diversité des virus associés aux populations végétales et de comprendre les forces structurant cette diversité dans le temps et dans l’espace. Dans le même temps, le développement de telles études reste confronté à des questions d’ordre méthodologique concernant, par exemple, le choix des populations d’acides nucléiques à séquencer, la reproductibilité des analyses ou la disponibilité d’une stratégie permettant de comparer de façon fiable la richesse virale dans différents environnements. Dans le présent travail, le virome associé à des populations végétales échantillonnées dans différents écosystèmes, avec un focus sur les adventices et les plantes sauvages, a été caractérisé par des approches de métagénomique par séquençage haut débit. Dans ces travaux, l’analyse bioinformatique de la richesse du virome a été conduite par deux approches, l’une classique basée sur l’annotation Blast pour l’identification des familles virales présentes dans un échantillon, et l’autre, décrite et validée ici, qui permet de classifier les séquences virales métagénomiques en unités taxonomiques opérationnelles (operational taxonomic units, OTUs) utilisées comme proxy des espèces virales. Toujours dans une perspective méthodologique, les résultats obtenus avec des pools complexes de plantes représentatifs de la diversité végétale au site d’échantillonnage (approche « tondeuse à gazon ») ont permis de comparer les performances des deux techniques actuellement utilisées pour enrichir les séquences virales, la purification d’ARN bicaténaires (double-stranded RNA, dsRNA) ou d’acides nucléiques associés aux virions (virion-associated nucleic acids, VANA). Les résultats obtenus par les deux approches ont mis en évidence des viromes riches mais montrent que l’approche dsRNA devrait être préférée pour l’analyse de tels pools complexes car elle permet de façon reproductible une description plus complète du phytovirome, à l’exception des virus ADN. Les viromes caractérisés montrent, pour les populations végétales de milieux cultivés ou non gérés tempérés échantillonnées, une forte incidence virale (jusqu’à 86.5% dans 126 pools monospécifiques collectés sur une période de deux ans) et confirment la prédominance des virus dsRNA qui représentent plus de 70% des OTU identifiés. Alors qu’une proportion significative des virus ssRNA détectés sont déjà connus, plus de 90% des virus dsRNA détectés sont nouveaux et n’avaient pas été caractérisés auparavant. Un effort important en culturomique visant à comparer le phytovirome avec le mycovirome de cultures fongiques obtenues à partir des mêmes échantillons végétaux a révélé un nombre remarquablement faible d’OTUs partagés, renforçant le questionnement sur la nature, phytovirus ou mycovirus, des virus dsRNA identifiés dans les viromes des plantes. La composition en OTU des viromes analysés s’est révélée variable entre sites d’échantillonnage mais aussi très dynamique dans le temps, avec seulement une très faible fraction des OTUs ré-échantillonnés de façon stable dans la même population végétale sur une période de deux ans. Pris dans leur ensemble, ces travaux exploratoires permettent de mieux raisonner les choix méthodologiques pour l’étude des viromes associés aux plantes et étendent notre connaissance de la diversité des phytovirus, en particulier dans des espèces végétales sauvages largement négligées, apportant des points de référence importants pour de nouveaux travaux en écologie et en évolution virale. / Metagenomics based on high throughput sequencing (HTS) has opened a new era of unbiased discovery and genomic characterization of viruses. As for other viruses, such metagenomic studies indicate that the diversity of plant viruses was until recently far underestimated. As potentially important components of unmanaged and cultivated ecosystems, there is a need to explore the diversity of the viruses associated with plant populations and to understand the drivers shaping their diversity in space and time. At the same time, the development of such studies is still faced by methodological questions concerning, for example, the choice of target nucleic acids populations, the reproducibility of the analyses or the implementation of a strategy to accurately compare virus richness in different environments. In the present thesis the phytovirome associated with plant populations sampled in various ecosystems, with an emphasis on wild plant or weed species was characterized using HTS-based metagenomics. In these experiments, the bioinformatic analysis of the virome complexity was performed using two strategies, a classical one based on Blast-based contigs annotation for the identification of the viral families present in a sample and a novel one, described and validated here, and which allows to classify the metagenomic viral sequences into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) as a proxy to viral species. Also from the methodological perspective, the results obtained using complex plant pools such as those used in the “lawn-mower” sampling strategy allowed to compare the performance of the two currently used viral enrichment methods, double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) or Virion-associated nucleic acids (VANA) purification. The results indicate both of approaches uncovered rich viromes and suggest that the dsRNA approach should be preferred when analyzing complex plant pools since it consistently provided a more comprehensive description of the analysed phytoviromes, with the exception of the DNA viruses. The virome characterization results obtained showed, for the temperate plant populations from unmanaged and cultivated sampling sites, a high virus incidence (up to 86.5% in 126 single species pools collected over a two-year period) and confirmed the predominance of dsRNA viruses with greater than 70% of the phytovirome OTUs. While a significant proportion of detected single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) viruses are already known agents, more than 90% of the dsRNA viruses are novel and had not previously been characterized. A large scale culturomics effort to contrast the phytovirome with the mycovirome of fungal cultures obtained from the same plant samples revealed an extremely low number of shared OTUs, further deepening the debate about the phytovirus or mycovirus nature of the dsRNA viruses identified in plant viromes. The OTU composition of the analyzed phytoviromes varied significantly between sampling sites but was also shown to be highly dynamic over time, with a very low proportion of OTUs consistently re-sampled in the same plant population over a 2 years period. Taken together, these exploratory studies allow a more reasoned choice of methodology for the study of plant-associated viromes and expand our knowledge of plant virus diversity especially in neglected wild plant populations, providing important references for the further viral ecology and evolution studies.
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Caractérisation des communautés virales de vecteurs & réservoirs de zoonoses : exemples des culicoïdes et de la viande de brousse / Characterization of viral communities of vectors and reservoirs of zoonoses : examples of biting midges and bushmeat.Temmam, Sarah 18 January 2016 (has links)
Les zoonoses constituent plus des deux tiers des pathologies virales qui concernent l’homme. Le développement et la démocratisation des outils de métagénomique en font de bons outils d’inventaire et de surveillance de virus potentiellement émergents.Dans un premier temps j’ai développé et validé un protocole expérimental de purification des viromes à ARN qui permettait le maintien de l’infectivité des particules virales. Ce protocole a ensuite été appliqué pour caractériser les communautés virales d’arthropodes hématophages et de prélèvements de faune sauvage. J’ai par la suite réalisé l’inventaire des communautés virales de viande de singe fumée illégalement importée en France et confisquée par les douanes, qui a révélé la présence de nombreux bactériophages, dont certains pourraient infecter des bactéries potentiellement pathogènes pour l’homme.Enfin j’ai caractérisé les communautés virales de culicoïdes collectés au Sénégal, ce qui a permis de mettre en évidence la présence de nombreux virus géants à ADN infectant les amibes. Le séquençage des viromes à ARN a quant à lui révélé la présence d'un certain nombre d'arbovirus qui pourraient constituer un risque d’émergence pour la santé humaine. Du fait de nombreux facteurs intrinsèques et extérieurs à l’agent infectieux, la prédiction des futures émergences de virus zoonotiques est très compliquée voire utopique, mais elle reste un challenge crucial et d’actualité. La stratégie de réalisation d’inventaires des communautés virales présentes dans les différents acteurs des cycles de transmission zoonotique est un premier pas indispensable dans la connaissance des risques potentiels d’émergence en population humaine. / Zoonoses are responsible of more than two thirds of human viral infections. The development of high-throughput sequencing tools and their application in metagenomics allow inventorying the viral communities of various reservoirs in order to detect the emergence of viruses before their infection to humans. In this context, I characterized the viral communities of simian bushmeat illegally imported into France and of Culicoides biting midges, recognized vectors of several viruses of human and veterinary medicine importance. I have first developed a protocol for the purification of RNA viromes which allowed maintaining the infectivity of viral particles. This protocol was subsequently applied to characterize viral communities of bloodsucking arthropods and wildlife samples. In a second part I realized the inventory of viral communities of smoked simian bushmeat illegally imported into France and confiscated by the French customs. This study revealed the presence of a wide diversity of bacteriophages, in which some of them could infect bacteria potentially pathogenic for humans.Finally I characterized the viral communities of Culicoides biting midges collected in Senegal, which revealed the presence of sequences related to several giant DNA viruses infecting amoeba. Sequencing of the RNA virome revealed the presence of several arboviruses that could constitute a risk of emergence of zoonoses for humans.The prediction of future emerging zoonotic viruses is very difficult, if not impossible. However the characterization of viral communities present in the different actors of zoonotic transmission cycle is a first step to evaluate potential risks of transmission to humans.
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Génotypage des papillomavirus humains par séquençage haut-débit : conséquences dans le dépistage du cancer du col de l’utérus et apport conceptuel au virome cutané / HPV genotyping by high-throughput sequencing : consequences in cervical cancer screening and conceptual contribution to human skin viromeMolet, Lucie 18 May 2018 (has links)
Les papillomavirus humains (HPV) sont classés en 5 genres α, β, γ, µ et η. Leur génome comprend six gènes précoces dont deux oncogènes E6 et E7 et deux gènes tardifs codant les protéines de capside. Les β- et γ-HPV constituent une part importante du virome cutané. Généralement asymptomatiques ils peuvent se manifester par des papillomatoses et sont associés à certains cancers de la peau, en particulier chez l’immunodéprimé. Les α-HPV ont un tropisme muqueux ; les α-HPV à haut risque (HR) HPV16 et 18 sont impliqués dans 99% des cancers du col de l’utérus.La détection des α-HR-HPV dans les frottis cervico-utérins (FCU) lors d’atypie cellulaire de signification indéterminée (ASCUS) constitue une information décisive dans le dépistage du cancer du col de l’utérus, bien que les tests de génotypage ne ciblent que les types les plus fréquents. Le génotypage des β- et γ-HPV devient nécessaire pour l’étude du virome notamment dans des contextes de susceptibilité aux pathogénies HPV (syndrome WHIM : Warts, Hypogammaglobulimemia, Infections and Myelokathexis). Cet immunodéficit congénital rare causé par une mutation gain de fonction du récepteur CXCR4 se manifeste dans 70% des cas par des papillomatoses cutanées étendues et ano-génitales évoluant souvent en cancer. Des études du laboratoire ont identifié le rôle intrinsèque de l’axe CXCL12/CXCR4 dérégulé dans la pathogénie virale en démontrant notamment l’action bénéfique du blocage de cet axe par un antagoniste de CXCR4 (AMD3100) in vitro et in vivo sur l’oncogenèse due à HPV.Nos objectifs étaient : (i) d’identifier dans des FCU ASCUS, les HPV dont le génotype n’avait pu être déterminé (HPV-X) par un test classique (INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping Extra II®), (ii) de caractériser le virome HPV d’un patient atteint de WHIM au cours d’un essai thérapeutique par AMD3100 administré à titre compassionnel pendant 7 mois avec pour objectif d’évaluer son impact sur les anomalies associées à HPV.Dans les deux cas, nous avons mis au point une méthode de génotypage par séquençage haut débit sur Illumina Miseq®. La distribution des génotypes et leur polymorphisme nucléotidique ont été étudiés par analyses comparatives et phylogénétiques. (i) Notre stratégie a permis d’identifier dans 54 ASCUS/HPV-X étudiés une majorité d'HPV bas risque réalisant dans 41% des cas une infection à multiples génotypes (2 à 7), et aussi l’existence de quasi-espèces (41% des FCU) comprenant jusqu’à 17 variants pour un même génotype. Ainsi, de probables compétitions ou défauts d’hybridation des variants minoritaires peuvent expliquer le manque de performance du test INNO-LiPA. (ii) Chez le patient WHIM, le séquençage a été complété par des qPCR spécifiques de types, permettant une étude qualitative et quantitative. L’AMD3100 n’a pas modifié qualitativement le virome HPV cutané composé de 16 types, principalement des β- et γ-HPV, déjà présents 3 ans auparavant dans des verrues cutanées analysées rétrospectivement. En revanche, l’analyse quantitative montre des modifications en proportion relative des génomes viraux suggérant un effet du traitement sur l‘expression de certains types pouvant être associés sélectivement à la papillomatose. A cet égard, un des HPV composant le virome cutané du patient qui se trouve être un des deux seuls types présents dans une biopsie profonde de verrue, étaye l’hypothèse d’une sélection dans le processus lésionnel. De plus, les protéines oncogènes E6 et E7 de ce virus présentent des mutations, en comparaison à la séquence du génome HPV de référence, qui pourraient favoriser le potentiel pathogène de ce varian; hypothèse en cours d’investigation.En conclusion, les techniques de séquençage haut débit que nous avons développées ont permis de mieux caractériser la composition du virome HPV démontrant à la fois sa complexité en génotypes viraux ou en dérivés de ceux-ci (concept de quasi-espèces) et sa dynamique d’évolution qui pourraient sous-tendre le potentiel pathogène de ce virome HPV. / Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are classified into 5 genera α, β, γ, μ and η. Their genome comprises six early genes including two oncogenes E6 and E7, and two late genes encoding the L1 and L2 capsid proteins. β- and γ-HPV constitute an important part of the cutaneous virome; usually asymptomatic, they can manifest as papillomatosis like warts and are associated with certain skin cancers, especially in immunocompromised patients. α-HPV has a mucosal tropism; high-risk (HR) α-HPV16 and 18 are involved in 99% of cervical cancers.Detection of α-HR-HPV in cervical samples guide the management of women whose Pap smear result shows atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS), although genotyping targets only the most common HPV types. Genotyping of β- and γ-HPV becomes necessary for the study of the virome especially in contexts of susceptibility to HPV pathogenesis (i.e. WHIM syndrome (for Warts, Hypogammaglobulimemia, Infections and Myelokathexis)). WHIM syndrome is a rare congenital immunodeficiency caused by a gain-of-function mutation of the CXCR4 receptor of the chemokine CXCL12 and manifests in 70% of cases by extensive cutaneous papillomatosis and ano-genital lesions that often evolve into cancer. Studies in our laboratory have identified the intrinsic role of the dysregulated CXCL12/CXCR4 axis in viral pathogenesis by demonstrating in particular the beneficial action of the blocking of this axis by an antagonist of CXCR4 (AMD3100) in vitro and in vivo on HPV-associated oncogenesis.Our objectives were: (i) to identify HPV whose genotype could not be determined (HPV-X) by a conventional test (INNO-LiPA HPV Genotyping Extra II®) in cervical samples with Pap smear report of ASCUS (ii) to characterize the HPV virome of a patient suffering from WHIM syndrom during a 7-month compassionate AMD3100 clinical trial to assess its impact on HPV-associated abnormalities.In both cases, we have developed a high-throughput sequencing genotyping method on Illumina Miseq®. The distribution of genotypes and their nucleotide polymorphism were studied by comparative and phylogenetic analyzes. (i) Our strategy identified in the 54 investigated ASCUS/HPV-X a majority of low-risk HPV, achieving a multiple infection (2 to 7 genotypes) in 41% of cases, and also the existence of quasi-species (41% of FCU) comprising up to 17 variants for the same genotype. Thus, probable competitions or hybridization defects of the minority variants may explain the lack of performance of the INNO-LiPA test. (ii) In the WHIM patient, sequencing was supplemented with type-specific qPCRs, allowing a qualitative and quantitative study. AMD3100 did not qualitatively modify the cutaneous HPV virome composed of 16 types, mainly β- and γ-HPV. In contrast, the quantitative analysis shows changes in the relative proportions of viral genomes suggesting a treatment effect on the expression of certain types that can be selectively associated with. papillomatosis. In this respect, one of the HPVs belonging to the cutaneous virome of the patient was found to be one of only two types present in a deep wart biopsy. This result supports the hypothesis of HPV selection in the lesion process. In addition, the oncogenic proteins E6 and E7 of this virus have mutations which could promote the pathogenic potential of this viral variant in comparison with the sequence of the reference HPV genome; a hypothesis that is under investigation.In conclusion, the high throughput sequencing techniques that we have developed have made it possible to better characterize the composition of the HPV virome demonstrating both its complexity in viral genotypes or in derivatives (i.e. quasi-species concept). The dynamics of which may underlie the pathogenic potential of this HPV virome.
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Determination of the virus diversity associated with Grapevine leafroll diseaseMolenaar, Nicholas 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Vitis vinifera is the woody crop most susceptible to intracellular pathogens. Currently 70 pathogens
infect grapevine, of which 63 are of viral origin. Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3 (GLRaV-3)
is the type species of the genus Ampelovirus, family Closteroviridae. It is considered to be the
primary causative agent of Grapevine leafroll disease (GLD) globally; however, the etiology of
GLD is not completely understood. Here we report on the viral populations present in GLD
symptomatic grapevines across the Western Cape province, South Africa. A widespread survey was
performed to screen 315 grapevines for 11 grapevine-infecting viruses using RT-PCR. Additionally,
GLRaV-3 variant groups were distinguished with high-resolution melt (HRM) curve analysis used
in conjunction with real-time RT-PCR. Members of the family Closteroviridae were detected with
the highest frequency, particularly GLRaV-3 that was detected in 87% of tested plants. Nextgeneration
sequencing (NGS) is capable of detecting known and novel viruses without prior
knowledge of viral sequences and when used in a metagenomic approach is able to detected viral
populations within diseased vines. A total of 17 grapevine samples were subjected to NGS using
either an Illumina MiSeq or HiSeq 2500 instrument to determine the virome within GLD vines.
Collectively, more than 190 million reads were generated through NGS. Read datasets were
trimmed and filtered for quality and subjected to both read-mapping and de novo assembly. Contigs
assembled de novo were analyzed with BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) against the
NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnology Information) database and it was determined that
GLRaV-3 was the best-represented virus, comprising 97.5% of the assembled contigs. Grapevine
virus F (GVF) was detected for the first time in South African vineyards through de novo
assemblies and the complete genome sequence validated through direct Sanger sequencing. The
complete genome of GVF isolate V5 spans 7 539 nucleotides and shares 89.11% nucleotide identity
to existing GVF genomes. The data generated through this study will assist in further understanding
the etiology of GLD, support the current hypothesis of GLRaV-3 as the primary contributor to GLD,
aid in understanding virus associations in diseased vines and potentially develop systems in which
to control disease spread and symptom severity. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vitis vinifera is die houtagtige oes wat die mees vatbaarste is vir intrasellulêre patogene. Tans word
wingerde deur 70 patogene geïnfekteer, waarvan 63 van virale oorsprong is. Grapevine leafrollassociated
virus 3 (GLRaV-3) is die tipe spesie van die genus Ampelovirus, familie Closteroviridae.
Dit word globaal beskou as die primêre oorsaak van Wingerd krulblaar-siekte (GLD), alhoewel die
etiologie van GLD nie heeltemal begryp word nie. In hierdie verslag word die virale populasies
teenwoordig in GLD simptomatiese wingerde oor die Wes-Kaap provinsie in Suid-Afrika
gerapporteer. ‘n Wydverspreide opname was uitgevoer om 315 wingerde met 11 wingerdinfekterende
virusse te ondersoek, deur gebruik te maak van tru-transkripsie polimerase ketting
reaksie (PKR). Verder is variantgroepe van GLRaV-3 onderskei met hoë-resolusie smeltingskurweanalise,
tesame met die gebruik van in-tyd tru-transkripsie PKR. Die hoogste frekwensie was van
die lede van die familie Closteroviridae, veral GLRaV-3 wat in 87% van die ondersoekte plante
gevind is. Nuwe-generasie volgorderbepaling (NGS) beskik oor die vermoë om bekende en nuwe
virusse te herken in virale populasies in geaffekteerde wingerde sonder vorige kennis van virale
volgorderbepalings en wanneer dit in ‘n metagenomiese benadering gebruik word kan die virale
bevolkings binne siek wingerde ontdek. ‘n Totaal van 17 wingerd-steekproewe was blootgestel aan
NGS deur die gebruik van of ‘n Illumina MiSeq of ‘n HiSeq 2500 instrument om die virome te
bepaal van GLD wingerde. In totaal is meer 190 miljoen lesings gegenereer deur NGS. Hierdie data
lesings was verwerk en gefilter vir kwaliteit om onderwerp te word vir beide kartering en de novo
samestellings. Contigs verkry deur de novo samestellings was geanaliseer met BLAST (Basic
Local Alignment Search Tool) teenoor die NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnology Information)
databasis en dit was vasgestel dat GLRaV-3 was die mees-verteenwoordigende virus, bestaande uit
97.5% van die saamgestelde contigs. Grapevine virus F (GVF) was vir die eerste keer in Suid-
Afrikaanse wingerde waargeneem deur de novo samestellings en die volledige genoom volgordger
is geverifieer deur middel van direkte Sanger volgorderbepaling. Die volledige genoom van GVF
isoleer V5 spanwydte van 7539 nukleotiedes en deel 89.11% nukleotied identiteite van bestaande
GVF genome. Die gegenereerde data van hierdie studie sal bykomende begrip van die etiologie
van GLD bystaan, die huidige hipotese van GLRaV-3 as die primêre bydraer tot GLD ondersteun,
verhoogde begrip van virus-assosiasies in wingerdsiektes verseker en potensiële sisteme ontwikkel
om siektes en simptome te beheer.
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The virome in primary and secondary immunodeficiencyStubbs, Samuel Christopher January 2018 (has links)
The afflictions suffered by immunocompromised individuals have historically been attributed to overt infections caused by bacterial and fungal pathogens. For this reason, treatment methods have focused on resolving these infections, with great success in terms of reducing short-term morbidity and mortality rates. This initial success only served to reinforce the dogmatic opinion that to ‘cure’ immunodeficiency, one needs only to resolve and prevent recurrence of bacterial and fungal infections. However, reports of long-term health problems in immunocompromised cohorts suggest that treatment of bacterial and fungal infections alone does not resolve all aspects of the disease, and that viruses may play a greater role than previously expected. This thesis investigates whether viral infections do indeed have a significant impact in the immunocompromised patient. The overall prevalence of blood-borne viral infections in immunocompromised cohorts was determined through the combined use of unbiased, metagenomic sequencing and qPCR. The viral species detected were compared with patient records in order to determine whether there were any correlations between viral presence and patient outcome following treatment. Furthermore, by investigating a cross-section of cohorts with both inherited and acquired immunodeficiences, commonalities and differences could be found in terms of the types of viruses that infect these cohorts and their abundance in patients with different types of immunodeficiency. The findings of this work suggest that a large number of clinically undiagnosed viruses infect immunocompromised patients, however the prevalence of these viruses varies according to the form of immunodeficiency and, to a lesser extent, according to differences between individuals in the same cohort. Importantly, some of the more common viruses detected appear to be correlated with poor patient outcomes such as graft rejection and future infectious complications. Overall, these results suggest that viral infections do indeed play a larger role in the health of immunocompromised patients than has previously been thought although whether this is due to a direct cause or as a consequence is yet to be determined.
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Viroma de plantas de amendoim (Arachis hypogaea) provenientes do Estado de São PauloREIS, Luciane de Nazaré Almeida dos 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Mario BC (mario@bc.ufrpe.br) on 2016-11-29T13:54:02Z
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Luciane de Nazare Almeida dos Reis.pdf: 1286764 bytes, checksum: e8ebbda7828d562331b43505ce6da593 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-29T13:54:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Luciane de Nazare Almeida dos Reis.pdf: 1286764 bytes, checksum: e8ebbda7828d562331b43505ce6da593 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / The peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important source of protein and oil, and considered one of the most cultivated plants in Brazil and worldwide, that provide products
consumed in different ways. It is the fourth world largest oleaginous in seed production,
cultivated in over 30 countries, where China leads with 40.8%, followed by India with 14% and Nigeria with 7.5%. Brazil occupies the 17th position, concentrated in the Southeast and South regions, and the State of São Paulo accounts for 91.4% of national production. Among the factors that limit the development of this crop, there are several viruses, which cause reduction on productivity and the value of the product for marketing. Up to now, 31 viral species, classified in the following genera and respective families have been recorded naturally infecting peanut: Begomovirus (Geminiviridae), Bromovirus (Bromoviridae), Carlavirus (Betaflexiviridae), Cucumovirus (Bromoviridae), Irlavirus (Bromoviridae), Luteovirus (Luteoviridae), Pecluvirus (Virgaviridae), Potexvirus (Alphafleviridae), Potyvirus (Potyviridae), Rhabdovirus (Rhabdoviridae), Soymovirus (Caulimoviridae), Tospovirus (Bunyaviridae), Tymovirus (Tymoviridae) e Umbravirus (Tombusviridae). Of these genera, Potyvirus has more species. The advent of metagenomics, combined with high-performance technologies (Next Generation Sequencing - NGS) provides the exploration of micro-universe in various areas of science, including the Plant Virology. These techniques, together with bioinformatics, act as excellent tools for detection and characterization of novel viruses, as well as, all the viral genomes of different species or strains present in certain samples. The objective of this work was to study the virome of peanut plants exhibiting typical virus symptoms, obtained from producing areas of 10
counties of the State of São Paulo by NGS. The viral isolates were maintained by successive passages to peanut plants by grafting, under greenhouse conditions at the University of Brasilia (UnB). To perform the NGN, samples were semipurified aiming enrichment of virus particles, followed by total RNA extraction and sequencing carried out by Illumina platform. The metagenomic analysis permitted the detection the complete genome of Peanut mottle virus virus - PeMoV (Potyvirus) and Groundnut ringspot virus - GRSV (Tospovirus). Biological (indicator plants), serological (Dot-ELISA) and molecular (RT-PCR) tests were performed in order to characterize some GRSV isolates from peanut, which sequences were identified by metagenomic. Molecular analysis of the gene encoding the N protein, used for species taxonomy within Tospovirus genus, was also carried out with the selected isolates A1, N1 and O1. These three isolates induced symptomatic response in at least one of the indicator species (Datura stramonium L.) used in this work and widely cited in the literature. Positive results for these isolates were also confirmed by serology, indicating the presence of GRSV in peanut producing counties in the State of São Paulo. Phylogenetic analyzes of the segments L, M and S of tospoviruses revealed that the peanut GRSV isolates studied in this work grouped with sequences of GRSV isolate from watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai) and a
recombinant isolate of GRSV and Tomato chlorotic spot virus - TCSV obtained from tomato
(Solanum lycopersicum L.). However, the phylogenetic analysis using the N protein sequence, demonstrated that the present peanut isolate grouped with sequences of GRSV isolates previously studied in Brazil. After phylogenetic analysis for proteins of all GRSV segments, it is believed that the species GRSV and TCSV share the same M segment. The comparison of PeMoV coat protein sequences revealed that the Brazilian peanut isolate reported in this work is more phylogenetically related with the isolate from South Korea, obtained from soybean (Glycine max L.) with 98% identity. This is the first report in Brazil and in the world of the complete genome sequences of PeMoV and GRSV in peanuts, by using NGS. / O amendoim (Arachis hypogaea L.) é uma importante fonte de proteína e óleo, sendo considerada uma das plantas mais cultivadas no Brasil e no mundo, com grande diversidade de formas de consumo de seus produtos. É a quarta oleaginosa com maior produção mundial, cultivada em mais de 30 países, em que a China lidera com 40,8%, seguida pela Índia com 14% e Nigéria com 7,5%. O Brasil ocupa a 17ª posição, concentrada nas regiões Sudeste e Sul, sendo o Estado de São Paulo responsável por 91,4% da produção nacional. Dentre os fatores que limitam o desenvolvimento dessa cultura, encontram-se diversos vírus, os quais ocasionam a redução da produtividade e valor do produto para comercialização. Até o momento, já foram registradas, infectando naturalmente o amendoim, 31 espécies virais, classificadas nos seguintes gêneros e respectivas famílias: Begomovirus (Geminiviridae), Bromovirus (Bromoviridae), Carlavirus
(Betaflexiviridae), Cucumovirus (Bromoviridae), Irlavirus (Bromoviridae), Luteovirus (Luteoviridae), Pecluvirus (Virgaviridae), Potexvirus (Alphafleviridae), Potyvirus (Potyviridae), Rhabdovirus (Rhabdoviridae), Soymovirus (Caulimoviridae), Tospovirus (Bunyaviridae), Tymovirus (Tymoviridae) e Umbravirus (Tombusviridae). Destes, o gênero Potyvirus é o que agrega maior número de espécies. O advento da metagenômica, aliada às tecnologias de alto desempenho (Next Generation Sequencing - NGS) vêm propiciando a exploração do universo de microrganismos em várias áreas das ciências, inclusive na Virologia Vegetal. Estas técnicas, juntamente com a bioinformática, atuam como excelentes ferramentas para detecção e caracterização de novos vírus e de todos os genomas virais presentes em determinadas amostras, sejam de diferentes espécies ou estirpes. O objetivo desse trabalho foi realizar estudo de viroma
de plantas de amendoim exibindo sintomas típicos de viroses, obtidas de áreas produtoras de 10
municípios do Estado de São Paulo por NGS. Os isolados virais foram mantidos por sucessivas passagens para plantas de amendoim por meio de enxertia, em casa de vegetação da Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Para a realização do NGS, as amostras foram semipurificadas objetivando um enriquecimento de partículas virais seguido de extração de RNA total e o sequenciamento, realizado pela Plataforma Illumina Miseq. A análise metagenômica permitiu a detecção do genoma completo do Peanut mottle virus - PeMoV (Potyvirus) e do Groundnut ringspot virus - GRSV (Tospovirus). Análises biológicas (plantas indicadoras), sorológicas (Dot-ELISA) e moleculares (RT-PCR) foram realizadas com intuito de caracterizar alguns isolados de GRSV de amendoim cuja sequência foi identificada por metagenômica. Análises moleculares do gene que codifica a proteína N, amplamente utilizado em trabalhos de taxonomia no gênero Tospovirus, foram também realizadas com os isolados selecionados A1, N1 e O1. Estes três isolados induziram reação sintomatológica em pelo menos uma das espécies indicadoras (Datura stramonium L.) utilizadas nesse trabalho e amplamente citada na literatura. Resultados positivos para estes isolados foram também confirmados por sorologia, evidenciando a presença de GRSV em municípios produtores de amendoim no Estado de São Paulo. Análises filogenéticas para os segmentos L, M e S de tospovírus revelaram que o isolado de GRSV de amendoim estudado neste trabalho agrupou-se com sequências de um isolado de GRSV de melancia (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai) e um isolado recombinante de GRSV e Tomato chlorotic spot virus - TCSV, obtido de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.). Entretanto, com a análise filogenética feita
com a sequência da proteína N, ficou demonstrado que o presente isolado de amendoim se agrupou com sequências de isolados de GRSV previamente estudado no Brasil. Após análises filogenéticas para as proteínas de todos os segmentos de GRSV, acredita-se que as espécies de GRSV e TCSV compartilham o mesmo segmento M. Comparação das sequências da capa proteica de PeMoV, revelaram que o isolado brasileiro de amendoim relatado neste trabalho está mais relacionado filogeneticamente com um isolado obtido de soja (Glycine max L.), encontrado na Coréia do Sul, apresentando 98% de identidade. Este é o primeiro relato no Brasil e no Mundo das sequências do genoma completo de PeMoV e GRSV em amendoim, por meio do uso de NGS.
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Transcriptome Analysis Of Lymphoma Associated Viruses And Analysis Of Viral Noncoding RnasJanuary 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Gut microbiome and virome response to spinal cord injuryDu, Jingjie January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Microbiome and Virome Dynamics in Lakes Impacted by Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms and the Fate of Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxin in Crops and SoilLee, Seungjun 25 May 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Molecular ecological studies on the effect of viral infection on abundant marine prokaryotes / 海洋優占原核生物へのウイルス感染の影響に関する分子生態学的研究Tominaga, Kento 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第23236号 / 農博第2443号 / 新制||農||1083(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R3||N5326(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科応用生物科学専攻 / (主査)教授 吉田 天士, 教授 澤山 茂樹, 准教授 神川 龍馬 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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