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Vision System Prototype for UAV Positioning and Sparse Obstacle DetectionJaroń, Piotr, Kucharczyk, Mateusz January 2012 (has links)
For the last few years computer vision due to its low exploitation cost and great capabilities has been experiencing rapid growth. One of the research fields that benefits from it the most is the aircrafts positioning and collision avoidance. Light cameras with low energy consumption are an ideal solution for UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) navigation systems. With the new Swedish law – unique to Europe, that allows for civil usage of UAVs that fly on altitudes up to 120 meters, the need for reliable and cheap positioning systems became even more dire. In this thesis two possible solutions for positioning problem and one for collision avoidance were proposed and analyzed. Possibility of tracking the vehicles position both from ground and from air was exploited. Camera setup for successful positioning and collision avoidance systems was defined and preliminary results for of the systems performance were presented. / Vision systems are employed more and more often in navigation of ground and air robots. Their greatest advantages are: low cost compared to other sensors, ability to capture large portion of the environment very quickly on one image frame, and their light weight, which is a great advantage for air drone navigation systems. In the thesis the problem of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is considered. Two different issues are tackled. First is determining the vehicles position using one down-facing or two front-facing cameras, and the other is sparse obstacle detection. Additionally, in the thesis, the camera calibration process and camera set up for navigation is discussed. Error causes and types are analyzed.
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Image optimization algorithms on an FPGAEricsson, Kenneth, Grann, Robert January 2009 (has links)
In this thesis a method to compensate camera distortion is developed for an FPGA platform as part of a complete vision system. Several methods and models is presented and described to give a good introduction to the complexity of the problems that is overcome with the developed method. The solution to the core problem is shown to have a good precision on a sub-pixel level.
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FPGA-Accelerated Dehazing by Visible and Near-infrared Image FusionKarlsson, Jonas January 2015 (has links)
Fog and haze can have a dramatic impact on vision systems for land and sea vehicles. The impact of such conditions on infrared images is not as severe as for standard images. By fusing images from two cameras, one ordinary and one near-infrared camera, a complete dehazing system with colour preservation can be achieved. Applying several different algorithms to an image set and evaluating the results, the most suitable image fusion algoritm has been identified. Using an FPGA, a programmable integrated circuit, a crucial part of the algorithm has been implemented. It is capable of producing processed images 30 times faster than a laptop computer. This implementation lays the foundation of a real-time dehazing system and provides a significant part of the full solution. The results show that such a system can be accomplished with an FPGA.
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Visual saliency and eye movement:modeling and applicationsRezazadegan Tavakoli, H. (Hamed) 04 November 2014 (has links)
Humans are capable of narrowing their focus on the highlights of visual information in a fraction of time in order to handle enormous mass of data. Akin to human, computers should deal with a tremendous amount of visual information. To replicate such a focusing mechanism, computer vision relies on techniques that filter out redundant information. Consequently, saliency has recently been a popular subject of discussion in the computer vision community, though it is an old subject matter in the disciplines of cognitive sciences rather than computer science. The reputation of saliency techniques – particularly in the computer vision domain – is greatly due to their inexpensive and fast computation which facilitates their use in many computer vision applications, e.g., image/video compression, object recognition, tracking, etc.
This study investigates visual saliency modeling, which is the transformation of an image into a salience map such that the identified conspicuousness agrees with the statistics of human eye movements. It explores the extent of image and video processing to develop saliency techniques suitable for computer vision, e.g., it adopts sparse sampling scheme and kernel density estimation to introduce a saliency measure for images.
Also, it studies the role of eye movement in salience modeling. To this end, it introduces a particle filter based framework of saccade generation incorporated into a salience model. Moreover, eye movements and salience are exploited in several applications.
The contributions of this study lie on the proposal of a number of salience models for image and video stimuli, a framework to incorporate a model of eye movement generation in salience modeling, and the investigation of the application of salience models and eye movements in tracking, background subtraction, scene recognition, and valence recognition. / Tiivistelmä
Ihmiset kykenevät kohdistamaan katseensa hetkessä näkymän keskeisiin asioihin, mikä vaatii näköjärjestelmältä valtavan suurten tietomäärien käsittelyä. Kuten ihmisen myös tietokoneen pitäisi pystyä käsittelemään vastaavasti suurta määrää visuaalista informaatiota. Tällaisen mekanismin toteuttaminen tietokonenäöllä edellyttää menetelmiä, joilla redundanttista tietoa voidaan suodattaa. Tämän vuoksi salienssista eli silmiinpistävyydestä on muodostunut viime aikoina suosittu tutkimusaihe tietotekniikassa ja erityisesti tietokonenäön tutkimusyhteisössä, vaikka sitä sinänsä on jo pitkään tutkittu kognitiivisissa tieteissä. Salienssimenetelmien tunnettavuus erityisesti tietokonenäössä johtuu pääasiassa niiden laskennallisesta tehokkuudesta, mikä taas mahdollistaa menetelmien käytön monissa tietokonenäön sovelluksissa kuten kuvan ja videon pakkaamisessa, objektin tunnistuksessa, seurannassa, etc.
Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan visuaalisen salienssin mallintamista, millä tarkoitetaan muunnosta kuvasta salienssikartaksi siten, että laskennallinen silmiinpistävyys vastaa ihmisen silmänliikkeistä muodostettavaa statistiikkaa. Työssä tarkastellaan keinoja, miten kuvan- ja videonkäsittelyä voidaan käyttää kehittämään salienssimenetelmiä tietokonenäön tarpeisiin. Työssä esitellään esimerkiksi harvaa näytteistystä ja ydinestimointia hyödyntävä kuvien salienssimitta.
Työssä tutkitaan myös silmänliikkeiden merkitystä salienssin mallintamisen kannalta. Tätä varten esitellään partikkelisuodatusta hyödyntävä lähestymistapa sakkadien generointiin, joka voidaan liittää salienssimalliin. Lisäksi silmänliikkeitä ja salienssia hyödynnetään useissa sovelluksissa.
Suoritetun tutkimuksen tieteellisiin kontribuutioihin sisältyvät useat esitetyt salienssimallit kuvasta ja videosta saatavalle herätteelle, lähestymistapa silmänliikkeiden laskennalliseen mallintamiseen ja generointiin osana salienssimallia sekä salienssimallien ja silmänliikkeiden sovellettavuuden tutkiminen visuaalisessa seurannassa, taustanvähennyksessä, näkymäanalyysissa ja valenssin tunnistuksessa.
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Filtering of Segmentation Hierarchies for Improved Region-to-Region MatchingWalzer, Oliver January 2011 (has links)
The representation and manipulation of visual content in a computer vision system requires a suitable abstraction of raw visual content such as pixels in an image. In this thesis, we study region-based feature representations and in particular, hierarchical segmentations because they do make no assumptions about region granularity. Hierarchical segmentations create a large feature space that increases the cost of subsequent processing in computer vision systems.
We introduce a segment filter to reduce the feature space of hierarchical segmentations by identifying unique regions in the images. The filter uses appearance-based properties of the regions and the structure of the segmentation for the selection of a small set of descriptive regions. The filter works in two phases: selection with a criteria based on relative region size and a sorting based on a variational criteria. The filter is applicable to any hierarchical segmentation algorithm, in particular to bottom-up and region growing approaches. We evaluate the filter's performance against an extensive set of ground-truth regions from a dataset containing image sequences with scenes of different complexity.
We demonstrate a novel region-to-region image matching approach as a possible application of our segment filter. A reduced segmentation tree is reconstructed based on the set of regions provided by the filtering. The reduction of the feature space by the segment filter simplifies our region-to-region matching approach. The correspondences between regions from two different images is established by a similarity measure. We use a modified mutual information measurement to compute the similarity of regions. The identified region correspondences are refined using the reduced segmentation tree. Our region-to-region matching approach is evaluated with an extensive set of ground-truth correspondences. This evaluation shows the large potential of both, our filtering and our matching approach.
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Systém pro automatické přistávání quadrocopteru. / Autonomous Landing System for QuadrocopterVomočil, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes the design and implementation of systems for automatic landing and stabilization of air vehicle known as Quadrocopter. It focuses on image processing from a camera placed on board of the robot. The aim of image processing is detect landing target and calculate the distance from the desired position. Further is solved vertical stabilization for higher altitudes. For this function is measured atmospheric pressure. Conversely, for low altitude flight is used a ultrasonic range finder. In the conclusion is solved the implementation of the system.
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Návrh kamerového systému / Design of a robotic vision systemStrapina, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis refers about design of vision system for industrial robot.
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Hardwarové a softwarové řešení diagnostiky a bezpečnosti provozu robotického manipulátoru / Hardware and software solution for diagnostics and safety operation for robotic manipulatorKlimeš, David January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with design and use of manipuilator with three degrees of freedom. The main objective is to develop appropriate educational platform. Firstly, it deals with definition of the goals and design method based on kinematic and dynamic models. Another section is dedicated to the design and implementation of the electronics needed for the safe and reliable operation of the manipulator as a educational platform. The last part deals with the use of manipulator together with additional sensors as well as vision system. The result is a demonstration of tasks use of manipulator. Example of use of this educational platform is implemented in a few demonstration tasks.
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Double Lighting Machine Vision System for Rice Quality Evaluation / コメの品質評価のためのダブルライティングマシンビジョンシステムMahirah, Binti Jahari 24 November 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第20767号 / 農博第2250号 / 新制||農||1054(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H29||N5087(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科地域環境科学専攻 / (主査)教授 近藤 直, 教授 清水 浩, 教授 飯田 訓久 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Potato Shape Grading Using Depth Imaging / 深度イメージングを用いたジャガイモの形状評価Su, Qinghua 23 May 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第21278号 / 農博第2294号 / 新制||農||1062(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H30||N5142(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科地域環境科学専攻 / (主査)教授 近藤 直, 教授 清水 浩, 教授 飯田 訓久 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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