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Assessing the Impact of Oral Vitamin B12 Supplementation on Vibration Sensitivity, Dexterity, and Balance in Young Adult Vegetarians and VegansJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: Vitamin B12, found only in animal products, is a water-soluble vitamin important for DNA methylation, purine and pyrimidine synthesis, and the myelination of nerves. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency include anemia, gait disturbances, altered vibration proprioception, impaired vision, psychosis, depression, dementia-like illness, and ultimately death. Because vegetarians and vegans consume fewer animal products in their diet than omnivores, they are inherently more at risk for developing these symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the correlation between nervous system markers (balance, dexterity, and vibration sensitivity) and markers of vitamin B12 nutriture (serum B12 and serum holo-transcobalamin II) in a cross-sectional study (n=38). In addition, the impact of daily oral vitamin B12 supplementation on these markers in an 8-week randomized controlled trial was also examined (n=18). The results of the cross-sectional study revealed a moderate correlation (R=-0.351, p=0.031) between serum B12 and left-hand functional dexterity. The results of the intervention study revealed no significant time*group interactions for markers of nervous system functions and biochemical values (after the removal of outliers). In addition, the time*group interaction appeared to be larger for those individuals with a baseline serum B12 of less than 303 pmol/L. These results suggest that vitamin B12 supplementation may have a more pronounced effect on those individuals who are in a state of vitamin B12 depletion (<303 pmol/L serum concentration). In addition, the results also suggest that 8 weeks of oral supplementation is not a long enough period to create significant clinical change, and it is likely that improvements in neurological measures would require long-term supplementation. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Physical Activity, Nutrition and Wellness 2016
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Prevalência de anemia em gestantes de primeira consulta em centros de saúde do estado no Subdistrito de Paz do Butantã, Município de São Paulo / Frequency of anemia in pregnant women from Health Centers of Butanta, São Paulo city, BrazilElvira Maria Guerra Shinohara 04 August 1989 (has links)
Foram estudadas 363 gestantes de primeira consulta, que não faziam uso de medicamentos que continham ferro, ácido fólico, vitamina B12 ou associação destes, na ocasião da coleta do material, em Centros de Saúde do Estado, no Subdistrito de Paz do Butantã, município de São Paulo. A prevalência de anemia (concentração de hemoglobina inferior a 11,6 g/dl) foi de 12,4%. As médias das concentrações de hemoglobina e as prevalências de anemia, segundo o trimestre de gestação, foram respectivamente: 13,47 g/dl e 3,57% no primeiro, 12,47 g/dl e 20,86% no segundo e 12,25 g/dl e 32,14% no terceiro trimestre. Não encontramos diferença. estatisticamente significativa entre as médias das concentrações de hemoglobina e entre as prevalências de anemia nas gestantes primigestas e multigestas. O mesmo aconteceu com as médias e as prevalências das gestantes multigestas com intervalo do último parto até dois anos e maior que dois anos. Na amostra estudada, encontramos maior prevalência de anemia naquelas gestantes que pertenciam às famílias que tinham renda per capita até 0,5 SMPC (salário mínimo per capita). As prevalências de verminose e de ancilostomídeos nas 300 gestantes foram respectivamente: 64,7% e 14,0%. Nas gestantes anêmicas foram respectivamente: 73,7% e 7,9%. Nas gestantes anêmicas, a prevalência de deficiência de ferro foi de 42,2% (concentração de ferro sérico <50 µg/dl) ou 46,7% (saturação da transferrina <15% ou 40,0% (concentração de ferro sérico <50 µg/dl e saturação de transferrina <15%). A prevalência de deficiência de ácido fólico foi 44,4%. A prevalência de deficiência de ferro e ácido fólico foi de 17,8%. Não encontramos deficiência de vitamina B<SUB<12 nas gestantes anêmicas. / Abstract not available
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Analys av vitamin B12 i tillagad och återuppvärmd lax genom bioassay med Lactobacillus delbrueckii subart lactis ATCC® 7830TMEdgren, Ellen January 2010 (has links)
Halten näringsämnen i livsmedel varierar bland annat med tillagningsmetod, lagringstid och lagringsförhållanden, som exponering för ljus och syre. Oklarheter finns för mikrovågors inverkan på näringsämnen och framförallt på vitamin B12. Eftersom många äldre drabbas av brist på vitamin B12, är detta av intresse eftersom många hemmaboende äldre människor får hemleverans av färdiga matportioner som är avsedda att värmas, ofta i mikrovågsugn. Syftet med studien var att kunna ge en indikation på om uppvärmning genom mikrovågor påverkar halten vitamin B12 i färdiga kylda måltider. Detta gjordes genom litteratursammanställning om vitamin B12 och mikrovågar samt genom bioassay med Lactobacillus delbrueckii. Vitamin B12 i ouppvärmd lax, lax värmd i mikrovågsugn samt lax värmd i konventionell ugn analyserades. Tillväxten av bakterier uppskattades genom mätning av turbiditet. Högst vitamin B12-halt sågs i mikrovågsvärmd lax, därefter ouppvärmd lax och ugnsvärmd lax. Statistiskt signifikanta skillnader sågs för analyserade vitamin B12-halter mellan ouppvärmt- och ugnsvärmt prov respektive mellan mikrovågsvärmt- och ugnsvärmt prov. De varierande vitaminhalterna kan bero på metodfel, otillräcklig vitaminextraktion eller att bakterierna inte konsumerat allt tillgängligt vitamin vid turbiditetsmätning. Slutsatsen av studien är att halten vitamin B12 i livsmedel inte verkar påverkas negativt av mikrovågor, däremot finns tendenser att halten minskar beroende av temperatur och tillagningstid.
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Studies on intrinsic factor in manBardhan, Karna Dev January 1968 (has links)
No description available.
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Vitamin B12 and folate are necessary for bone marrow progenitor growth and division. Deficiencies are common in lymphoproliferative disorders due to increased demands of rapidly growing malignant cells. Isolated vitamin B12 deficiency is seen in 13% of these patients and may be their only manifestation. We present the case of vitamin B12 deficiency anemia due to an underlying malignancy that was discovered following supplementation.
A 77-year-old nonsmoker female with chronic kidney disease and hypothyroidism presented to her internist with dyspnea, tachycardia and unintentional 7-pound weight loss. Age-appropriate cancer screenings were up-to-date. Physical exam was notable for an overweight female with tachycardia and trace ankle edema bilaterally. Electrocardiogram demonstrated sinus tachycardia. Labs were remarkable for hemoglobin 10.3 mg/dL (12.1 mg/dL one year ago) and serum B12/mL. She was started on intramuscular vitamin B12 supplementation. At her one-month follow-up, she reported debilitating gastrointestinal distress, rash, and fatigue lasting 5-6 days with every vitamin B12 injection. Physical exam was notable for 20-pound weight loss. Labs revealed hemoglobin 9.9 mg/dL despite serum B12 750 pg/mL and worsening kidney function with marked proteinuria. Additional work-up by primary team and subsequent Hematology & Oncology referral demonstrated elevated M-spike on urine protein electrophoresis and abnormal bone marrow biopsy suspicious for lymphoid malignancy. CT abdomen and whole body PET scan revealed increased uptake in the T12 vertebrae and multiple nodal basins consistent with stage IV lymphoma. Biopsy of vertebral body confirmed diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. The patient received one cycle of chemotherapy with R-CHOP (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine, and prednisone). Her course was complicated by pathologic hip fracture requiring hospitalization and surgical repair. The patient died following cardiac arrest in the setting of septic shock from sigmoid colon perforation 7 months from initial presentation.
Vitamin B12 and folate play critical roles in nucleic acid synthesis for bone marrow progenitors. Vitamin B12 deficiency arrests cell growth and division, leading to macrocytic anemia and various neuropsychiatric manifestations. It is a common diagnosis with numerous causes: autoantibodies to digestive proteins, poor dietary intake, small bowel malabsorption, etc. Diagnose with low hemoglobin (/dL or 13 mg/dL in non-pregnant women or men, respectively) and mean corpuscular volume >100 fL plus low serum B12 or elevated homocysteine and methyl-malonic acid levels. Replacement is given orally or intramuscularly. Vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies are found in lymphoproliferative disorders due to increased demands of rapidly growing malignant cells. Isolated vitamin B12 deficiency is seen in 13% of patients and may be the only clue. Replacement will not resolve their anemia. Physicians should monitor patients receiving supplementation. If anemia fails to improve or patients experience systemic symptoms, further investigation for lymphoid malignancies is warranted. This patient had dramatic deterioration with acceleration of underlying malignancy following vitamin B12 replacement. We believe supplementation enabled malignant lymphoid precursors to resume cell cycle growth and division. Only one report of vitamin B12 supplementation associated with unmasking a lymphoid malignancy exists in literature. Further research is needed to support whether supplementation can accelerate lymphoid malignancies.
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Characterisation and Solution Chemistry of N-Acetyl-Cobalt(III)-Microperoxidase 8Sannasy, Desigan 14 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 0010064D -
MSc dissertation -
School of Chemistry -
Faculty of Science / This dissertation describes the synthesis, physical characterisation and solution chemistry
of NAc-CoIIIMP8, a biomimetic model compound of vitamin B12a, synthesised from the
haemoctapeptide derived from horse heart cytochrome c. Peptic and tryptic digestion of
horse heart cytochrome c removes much of the globular protein encapsulating the iron
porphyrin prosthetic group. The resulting haemoctapeptide fragment retains residues 14
to 21 of the parent cytochrome (MP8) via thioether linkages to Cys-14 and Cys-17.
Reductive demetalation of MP8 yielded the metal free MP8. This was treated with
cobaltous acetate in an aerated aqueous solution to produce CoIIIMP8. CoIIIMP8 was
acetylated by treatment with acetic anhydride and yielded N-acetyl-Co(III)-
microperoxidase 8 (NAc-CoIIIMP8). It is well established that acetylation reduces
aggregation of these haempeptides. The starting materials and products of each step
during synthesis were characterised by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, high
performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and fast atom bombardment-mass
spectroscopy (FAB-MS). MP8 free base and Co(III)-MP8 were also analysed using
luminescence spectroscopy.
The molar extinction coefficients of NAcCoIII-MP8 in aqueous and ionic medium were
determined using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES)
and UV- visible absorption spectroscopy. The extinction coefficient, e, of NAcCoIIIMP8
(? = 420 nm, pH 7.00, 25 ºC) in distilled water and 1.0 M NaClO 4 was 1.80 + 0.01 x 105
M-1 cm-1 and 1.66 + 0.01 x 105 M-1 cm-1, respectively. Beer’s law studies show that
NAc-CoIIIMP8 remains monomeric in aqueous solution up to concentrations of at least 35
The spectroscopic changes observed for NAc-CoIIIMP8 during the course of a
spectrophotometric titration are very similar to those observed for NAc-FeIIIMP8, with
both being consistent with six successive ionisations. By analogy with NAc-FeIIIMP8,
we attributed the first (pK1 = 2.0 + 0.3) to the coordination of the c-terminal carboxylate
group (Glu-21) of the appended polypeptide. The second acid range transition (pK2 = 2.8 + 0.1) for NAcCoIIIMP8 involved the deprotonation of the cationic His-18 and
concomitant replacement of the c-terminal carboxylate by the neutral heterocyclic base.
The third and fourth pKa’s are attributed to the ionisation of the haem propanoic acid
groups (pK3 = 3.9 + 0.03) and (pK4 = 7.5 + 0.03). Ionisation of the cobalt-bound water
molecule above neutal pH was assigned to pK5 = 9.2 + 0.04. Finally, we attributed pK6
(12.1 + 0.03) to the ionisation of the coordinated histidine trans to the OH- to form the
histidinate complex (His--CoIII-OH-).
A principal aim of this work was to demonstrate that the kinetics and the thermodynamics
of the ligand substitution reactions of NAc-CoIIIMP8 can be studied
spectrophotometrically; a comprehensive investigation of these reactions will be
undertaken by othe rs. Towards this end the formation constants between NAc-CoIIIMP8
and N- methylimidazole and pyridine were determined. We observed the formation of a
bis-substituted complex in the reaction of NAc-CoIIIMP8 with the ligands, but only
mono-substitution with NAc-FeIIIMP8 and B12a. We attribute this first ligand binding to
the replacement of the axial water molecule, and the second replacement of the axial
histidine residue. The absence of the second reaction with NAc-FeIIIMP8 and B12a
suggest that the CoIII-N(His) bond in NAc-CoIIIMP8 is significantly weaker than the FeIIIN(
His) and CoIII-N(dimethylbenzimidazole) bond, respectively. When comparing the
formation constants of NAc-FeIIIMP8, NAc-CoIIIMP8 and B12a, we found that the value
of log K1 for NAc-CoIIIMP8 for these ligands is significantly higher than that reported for
NAc-FeIIIMP8 and B12a.
Kinetics studies of NAc-CoIIIMP8 with N-methylimidazole and methylamine were
investigated. The data obtained did not follow conventional pseudo-first order kinetics;
instead there was some evidence for biphasic kinetics. In the reaction of Nmethylimidazole
with NAc-CoIIIMP8, we observed that the rate of reaction is virtually
independent of the concentration of the incoming ligand. The results can be explained if
the mechanism proceeds through a purely dissociative mechanism, i.e., if the rate of the
reaction is controlled by the rate at which, firstly, the water molecule dissociates from the
CoIII centre and, secondly, the histidine dissociates from the metal. The second order rate constant, k2, could not be determined since the rate of reaction is independent of Nmethylimidazole
concentration. In the reaction of methylamine with NAc-CoIIIMP8, we
observed that the rate of reaction is dependent on the concentration and participation of
the incoming ligand. We propose that the displacement of water and histidine by
methylamine involves an interchange mechanism (Id), where the bond forming and bond
breaking occur simultaneously, and thus the rate of reaction becomes dependent on the
concentration of the incoming ligand.
The results showed that the rate of reaction for methylamine with NAc-CoIIIMP8 was
faster than with N-methylimidazole. We attributed these differences in rate constants to
the size of the incoming ligands. N-methylimidazole is a secondary amine and is
relatively more bulky than methylamine which is a primary amine; therefore it is easier
for methylamine to attach to the metal centre compared to N- methylimidazole.
For comparison, the rate of reaction of B12a with N-methylimidazole and methylamine
was determined. The results show that the rate of the reaction between NAc-CoIIIMP8
and B12a with N-methylimidazole and methylamine are significantly different.
Furthermore, we observe only mono -substitution in B12a and bisubstitution in NAc-
CoIIIMP8. Overall, the results presented in this work do give a general indication on how
thermodynamically stable a CoIII ion is in a porphyrin ring and also to a very limited
extent show that a porphyrin does not confer the same kinetic lability on the CoIII ion as
the corrin ring.
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Methionine auxotrophy in inborn errors of cobalamin metabolismKocic, Vesna Garovic January 1992 (has links)
No description available.
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Die urämische Neuropathie - ein Vitamin-B\(_{12}\)-Mangel? / Uremic Neuropathy - a Vitamin B\(_{12}\) Deficiency?Seager, Anna January 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Eine Vielzahl von Patienten mit fortgeschrittener, beziehungsweise dialysepflichtiger Niereninsuffizienz entwickeln eine Polyneuropathie. Die Pathogenese der urämischen Neuropathie (UN) ist nicht geklärt, sodass auf der Suche nach dem Pathomechanismus auch ein Vitamin-B12-Mangel diskutiert werden muss, da dieser ähnliche Symptome wie die UN hervorrufen kann. Ziel dieser Studie war es, den Zusammenhang zwischen den Parametern des Vitamin-B12-Stoffwechsels und der UN darzustellen. In einer prospektiven Studie mit insgesamt 54 teilnehmenden Patienten wurden diese vor und nach einer Vitamin-B12-Substitution laborchemisch untersucht. Zudem erhielten die Patienten neben einer klinischen Untersuchung eine elektroneurographische Diagnostik des N. suralis und des N. tibialis, sowie eine QST-Untersuchung. / Uremic neuropathy (UN) is the most common neurological disorder in end-stage renal disease. The pathophysiology of uremic neuropathy is complex and is not yet fully understood. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause severe neurological disorders and symptoms are similar to UN. To investigate whether UN is due to Vitamin B12 deficiency, we conducted a study measuring Vitamin B12 Biomarkers on 54 dialysis patients before and after administering Vitamin B12. In addition a full neurological clinical exam, as well as electroneurography and QST were conducted before and after Vitamin B12 supplementation.
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Biochemistry of Nitric Oxide Donors: Therapy Vs. ToxicityBauer, Joseph Alan January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Molecular genetics and characterisation of functional methionine synthase deficiency : mutation analysis and gene cloningWilson, Aaron. January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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