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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Zdeňková, Michaela January 2007 (has links)
Otázka jaderného odpadu je více než aktuální. Nejenom Česká republika, ale i ostatní státy řeší otázku, jak izolovat nebezpečný odpad. V ČR je v současné době jediná reálná varianta vybudování hlubinného úložiště, které musí zajistit bezpečnost po sto tisíc let. Zajištěna musí být nejenom dostatečná izolace, ale i ochrana před ať již chtěnou či nechtěnou lidskou činností. Tento technický problém, ale není ten největší, který je třeba v souvislosti s tímto tématem řešit. Ještě větší problém než právní nepřehlednost je váznoucí komunikace. Vláda vybrala lokalitu pro vybudování úložiště sama, bez souhlasu dotčených obyvatel. Veřejnost nedostala včas a dostatek informací a proto se teď bouří a požaduje nápravu. Nedostatek informací vyvolalo panický strach, který je podpořen katastrofami z minulosti. Jak vláda reagovala na protest veřejnosti a jak problém řeší? V současné době vláda vyhlásila pětiletou pauzu kvůli vzrůstajícím protestům veřejnosti. Bylo chování státu v zahraničí jiné? V chování vlády ani občanů však nelze vidět nic odlišného, než co se odehrávalo v okolních státech. Vláda by měla svůj postup plánování úložiště ze základu přehodnotit a pokud tak neučiní, měly by se obce připravit na to, jak využít všechny možné právní způsoby k obraně svého území. Vyhořelý odpad bude ovlivňovat život několika dalších generací a proto by problém nemělo řešit jen několik úředníků za zavřenými dveřmi. Nejedná se o věc jen ekologickou, technickou a ekonomickou, ale i morální.

Vliv stranického cyklu na deficity státních rozpočtů Visegrádské čtyřky a států Středomoří

Juřeník, Marek January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to examine the impact of ideology of government on state budget deficits in two groups of states. By research, there was discovered dependence between policy of government and development of balance state budget. Economical and political theory offers a hypothesis about partisan cycle theory, that left oriented governments have tendency to make higher deficits of state budget than right oriented governments. For confirmation this hypothesis is there econometric model made, in which dummy political variable is inserted. On research results of this variable there is an evaluation of this model.

The Existence of Political Business Cycle in the Czech Republic / Politicko ekonomický cyklus v České republice

Benko, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
This thesis seeks to analyze the phenomenon of political business cycle (PBC) in the Czech Republic. It follows up the efforts of previous authors to determine the existence and subsequent character of the PBC in the country. Based upon the related works, it summarizes the current situation. However, unlike the previous analyses, this work concerns the monetary side of the economy. To be more precise, it examines the role of the Czech National Bank (CNB) within the process of political business cycle. It questions the level of independency of the CNB and poses a question whether the institution might actively participate in the creation of PBC. The following empirical analysis reveals that the CNB actively reduces the monetary base level in the economy within the pre-election period. It might signal its tendency to mitigate opportunistic behavior of the government.

Pojem vlády zákona v Čínské lidové republice / Concept of the Rule of Law in the People's Republic of China

Sakmárová, Dominika January 2016 (has links)
The objective of this Master's thesis is to analyse the term of "rule of law" and its Chinese variations (fazhi 法治 , fazhi 法制 , yifazhiguo 依法治国 ) since establishment of the People's Republic of China until present, with the emphasis on contemporary understanding of the concept, affected by political environment. The concept of the rule of law is presented throughout analysis of collected works of influential political leaders, namely Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin and Xi Jinping, reflected in official documents crucial to the legal system, such as the Constitution. Each historical period represents a different stance on the conception of rule of law and position of legal system, which results in analysis of current situation with a prospective future attitude to this issue. Keywords: rule of law, constitutional rule, Communist Party of China, China

Úřednické vlády v kontextu vládního systému České republiky. Důvody vzniku, hodnocení činnosti, příčiny oblíbenosti. / The clerical governments in the context of a government system in the Czech Republic. Reasons for the creation, evaluation of activities, causes of popularity

Bernard, Aleš January 2013 (has links)
The presented thesis gives a comprehensive overview of the development of government systems in the Czech Republic since its inception in 1993 until the elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic in 2010. The main attention will be paid to the reasons for an occurrence of clerical governments, to the evaluation of their activities and to the causes of their popularity among the Czech public. The basis for meeting the objectives of this thesis was the study of literature, documents and publications dedicated to the issue of Czech governments. Important sources of information were electronic resources of state institutions, such as the Government of the Czech Republic, the Parliament of the Czech Republic, the Constitutional Court, the Czech Statistical Office, etc., but also data from polls conducted by reputable companies such as STEM, Ltd. or the Center for Public Opinion Research. The main research method are the semi-structured discussions with the direct players ( former ministers of the clerical government of Josef Tošovský and also of Jan Fischer ), with the Czech political scene experts and also with the present high politicians and the candidates for a president that was elected in January 2013.

Sociální a politické změny v Jihoafrické republice během apartheidu a po něm zachycené v románech od P. Jooste a J. M. Coetzee / Depiction of social and political changes in apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa in novels by P. Jooste and J. M. Coetzee

Laubová, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to depict the social and political state of South Africa during the apartheid and after in two novels, Dance with a Poor Man's Daughter (1998) by Pamela Jooste and Disgrace (1999) by J. M. Coetzee. The Theoretical Part analyses the apartheid as a political ideology which is based on racial segregation and its projection in ordinary life. The Practical Part shows concrete features of apartheid and post-apartheid in the aforementioned novels.

Protektorátní vlády a jejich legislativní činnost / Protectorate Governments and their Legislative Activities

Obermajer, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
Zusammenfassung Die Diplomarbeit "Die Protektoratsregierungen und ihren legislativen Tätigkeiten" zielt darauf ab, den Leser mit den Aktivitäten der einzelnen Protektoratsregierungen im zeitgenössischen Kontext und mit deren Gesetzgebungstätigkeit zwischen 15. 3. 1939 und 5.5.1945 vertraut zu machen. Die Arbeit ist in drei Teile gegliedert. Der erste Teil trägt den Titel "Historische Pfad zum Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren". Dieses Kapitel ist in zwei Teile geteilt. Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich mit dem Ende der zwanzigjährigen Existenz der Tschechoslowakei auf der Grundlage von Verhandlungen von vier europäischen Mächten auf der Münchner Konferenz. Das zweite Kapitel beschreibt die Entwicklung und die Wende in der Politik der neuen Regierung mit Orientierung auf Nazi-Deutschland. Im zweiten Kapitel "Anfang des Protektorats" werden in ihrem ersten Teil die Nachtverhandlungen von Emil Hácha in Berlin und die gleichzeitige Sitzung der Regierung in frühen Stunden des 15. März 1939 beschrieben. Die Abgrenzung der Hauptproblematik des zweiten Teils dieser Kapitel ist der staatsrechtliche Status und vor allem die Analyse Hitler Verordnung vom 16. März 1939 über die Errichtung des Protektorats Böhmen und Mähren. Der Kern der Arbeit befindet sich im dritten Kapitel genannt "Protektoratsregierungen". Dieses Kapitel...

Ekonomické faktory ovplyvňujúce popularitu vlády na Slovensku / Economic factors influencing government popularity in Slovakia

Bialko, Matúš January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this Master´s thesis is to find out whether there is a relation (mainly) between economic factors and government popularity in Slovakia, based on data from the period 2004-2016. The thesis is divided into two parts. The first part describes theoretical aspects of government popularity function and historical overview of past government cabinets in Slovakia. The second part is practical, that explains a methodology used in modelling and results of modelling itself. At the end of this thesis, there is final summary of attained results.

Státní dluh České republiky - příčiny, důsledky, řešení / National debt of the Czech republic- cause, impacts, solutions

Grimmer, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis called "Czech national debt -- cause, impacts, solutions" deals with deficient budgeting of the Czech republic which presents a current problem afterwards projecting itself into the creation of an actual debt. This thesis aims to anter the question concerning an achievement of balanced budgets and therefore generating no indebtness. Afterwards it deals with its cause and considers possible solutions seeking to reduce the amount of national debt. Therefore this diploma thesis is divided into four chapters. The first one defines the basic terms, which constitute theoretical way-outs of this thesis. The second chapter deals with the debt analysis in years of 1993 to 2013, its absolute and relative numeral expression, its structure and interest costs, which are directly related to this phenomenon. The third chapter subsequently describes the debt problem regarding the european setting and at the same time it shows the czech national debt in the european context. At the end of this diploma thesis, the possible scenarios are described as a solving of this unfavourable situation.

Vliv ideologie vládního uskupení na strukturu státního rozpočtu ČR v letech 1993 - 2014 / Influence of Ideology of Government Structure on State Budget of Czech Republic between 1993-2014

Doškářová, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with analysis of revenues and expenditures of state budget in the Czech Republic and investigate whether in the Czech Republic since its formation apply traditional theories and opinions regarding state revenues and expenditures or there is already almost no differences between the traditional right- and left-wing policy and populist politics that is not based on ideological grounds plays the primary role. In the theoretical part there is presented the basic theory in the area of ideology as the basis for following analysis of Czech political scene and Public choice theory as the basis for an economic analysis of political decision-making. Subsequently, this section also explains the basic theoretical knowledge of the state budget and understanding budgetary policy from the perspective of two most important ideologies, right- and left-wing. In the analytical part certain data about revenues and expenditures of the state budget variables are analyzed using a two-tailed Wilcoxon test which tests the equality of the medians of the selection group. Diploma thesis confirmed that the erasure of differences between right- and left-wing in budgetary policy in the Czech Republic are insignificant and since its formation still hold traditional views and theories about state revenues and expenditures.

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