Spelling suggestions: "subject:"vocalizations.""
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Vocalização dos fonemas /l/ e /r/ pós-vocálicos: Jaraguá-Goiás / Vocalization of postvocalic phonemes /l/ and /r/: Jaraguá-GoiásFERREIRA, Ester 06 October 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-10-06 / This research is an investigative study of a descriptive, comparative and interpretive
nature under the auspices of the Historical Linguistics. This study presents the
analysis of the vocalization of postvocalic /l/ and /r/ in speech community of Jaraguá,
located in the midwest of Goiás, Brazil. In the process of vocalization, the /l/ is
replaced by [y] and /r/, whose analyzed variant is [ö], with [y] and [w], providing
falling diphthongs (vowel + semivowel). The postvocalic vocalization occurs in CVC
and CV syllables within words, for example, salgada > saygada, alma > ayma, garfo
> gayfu ~ gawfu; at the end of words the process of erasure or resyllabication
predominated, as in enxoval > inxovali ~ inxová, cobertor > cubeytori ~ cubeytô. The
sample group consists of 17 speakers (male and female) above 65 years old, born
near the town, or people that have lived for more than 50 years in the place, with little
or no level of literacy. We applied the technique of data collection based on the
methodological assumptions of Ethnography, adopting a semi-structured interview.
The themes of the interviews were directed to narratives and dialogues about family,
childhood, migration, religious, cultural and professional activities, and especially
about history and the beginning of the locality. The focus is primarily phonological, so
it is used the terminology of this area of Linguistics. The theoretical section presents
the main theories and methods of Historical Linguistics from the perspectives of
Paixão de Sousa (2005-2009), Silva (1973), Coutinho (1975), Campbell (2004),
Maurer Jr. (1951), Faraco (2005), Callou e Leite (1993) and Ladefoged e Maddieson
(1996). The discussion and presentation of the Brazilian Portuguese Language and
its structural system is based on theorists such as Ilari (1990), Ilari e Basso (2006),
Mattos e Silva (2004), Camara Jr. ([1970] 2008a - [1953] 2008b), Amaral (1976),
Jakobson (1967) and others. Theoretically, the process of postvocalic vocalization is
shown and discussed on the perspectives by Camara Jr. ([1953] 2008a - [1970]
2008b), Coutinho (1975), Elia (1979), Silva (2008), Melo (1981), Moura (1993), Vieira
(1983), Silva Neto (1988) among others. Given these theoretical and methodological
assumptions, it is considered, in the analysis of data, the synchronic and diachronic
criteria of postvocalic vocalization, in the intralinguistic perspective. In a diachronic
point of view, we observe the evolution from Latin to Portuguese, and from the
synchronic point of view, the occurrences of the speech community of Jaraguá,
comparing them to recent studies from other regions of the country. / A presente pesquisa caracteriza-se por ser um estudo investigatório de natureza
descritiva, comparativa e interpretativa sob os auspícios da Linguística Histórica.
Este estudo apresenta a análise da vocalização dos fonemas /l/ e /r/ pós-vocálicos
na comunidade de fala de Jaraguá, localizada na região Centro-Oeste do Estado de
Goiás, Brasil. Nesse processo de vocalização, o /l/ é substituído por [y] e o /r/, cuja
variante analisada é [ö], por [y] e [w], criando ditongos decrescentes (vogal +
semivogal). A vocalização ocorre em sílabas CVC e VC, no interior de palavras em
posição pós-vocálica, por exemplo, salgada > saygada, alma > ayma, garfo > gayfu
~ gawfu; em final de palavras predominam os processos de apagamento ou de
ressilabação, como em enxoval > inxovali ~ inxová, cobertor > cubeytori ~ cubeytô.
O grupo de amostra é constituído por 17 falantes (homens e mulheres), acima de 65
anos de idade, nascidos nas proximidades do município, ou com mais de 50 anos de
residência na localidade, com pouco ou nenhum nível de letramento. Empregou-se a
técnica de coleta de dados baseada nos pressupostos metodológicos da Etnografia,
adotando a entrevista semi-estruturada. Os temas das entrevistas foram
direcionados às narrativas e diálogos sobre família, infância, migrações, atividades
religiosas, culturais, profissionais e, principalmente, sobre a história e o surgimento
do lugar. O foco deste trabalho é fundamentalmente fonológico, portanto são
utilizadas as terminologias dessa área da Linguística. A fundamentação teórica
apresenta as principais teorias e métodos da Linguística Histórica a partir das
perspectivas de Paixão de Sousa (2005-2009), Silva (1973), Coutinho (1975),
Campbell (2004), Maurer Jr. (1951), Faraco (2005), Callou e Leite (1993) e
Ladefoged e Maddieson (1996). A discussão e apresentação da Língua Portuguesa
do Brasil e do seu sistema estrutural encontram-se baseadas em teóricos como Ilari
(1990), Ilari e Basso (2006), Mattos e Silva (2004), Camara Jr. ([1970] 2008a
[1953] 2008b), Amaral (1976), Jakobson (1967) e outros. Teoricamente, o processo
da vocalização pós-vocálica é mostrado e discutido nas perspectivas de Camara Jr.
([1953] 2008a [1970] 2008b), Coutinho (1975), Elia (1979), Silva (2008), Melo
(1981), Moura (1993), Vieira (1983), Silva Neto (1988) dentre outros. Diante desses
postulados teóricos e metodológicos, são considerados, na análise dos dados, os
critérios diacrônicos e sincrônicos da vocalização pós-vocálica, na perspectiva
intralinguística. Do ponto de vista diacrônico são observadas as evoluções do Latim
ao Português; e do ponto de vista sincrônico, as ocorrências da fala da comunidade
de Jaraguá, comparando-as com estudos recentes de outras regiões do país.
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Taxonomia e bioacústica de uma nova espécie de Ololygon Fitzinger, 1843 (Amphibia, Anura) do grupo de Ololygon catharinae (Boulenger, 1888) para o bioma cerrado, Brasil Central / Taxonomy and bioacoustics of a new species of Ololygon Fitzinger, 1843 (Amphibia, Anura) of the Ololygon catharinae group (Boulenger, 1888) from cerrado biome, Central BrazilAndrade, Sheila Pereira de 24 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-03-27T13:46:46Z
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license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2017-03-27T13:47:04Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2017-02-24 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / The genus Ololygon belongs to Hylidae and currently includes 47 species, which are divided into two groups. The Ololygon catharinae species group is composed by 34 species. In the present work, we describe a new species of Ololygon belonging to O. catharinae species group, which has its identity supported by morphological and bioacoustic characters. The new species, here treated as Ololygon sp., is characterized by its medium size (male CRC 24.39-28.79 mm, female 33.11 – 38.76 mm), snout subovoid in dorsal view, vocal slit present in males, hypertrophied forearm, absence of externally differentiated glands in the inguinal region, and flanks and hidden surfaces of thigh with irregular dark brown spots on pale yellowish background. Short advertisement call (call duration 0.29 - 0.90s), characterized by a series of 4–11 pulsed notes, with 1–11 pulses per notes, peak energy between 2067-3100 Hz. We recognize three types of call in Ololygon sp. Tadpole presents oral disc with small dorsal gap in marginal papillae, a biseriate row of marginal elongated papillae, oral formula 2(2)/3 and internal oral morphology not very different from that described for other tadpoles of the genus Ololygon. The new species is known only at the municipality of Sítio d'Abádia, state of Goiás, Central Brazil. We noted that some acoustic parameters were influenced by the body condition of males, temperature and humidity. The dominant frequency was the only acoustic variable classified as static and, for all acoustic parameters showed more variability among-males than within-males, having potential for individual recognition. / O gênero Ololygon pertence à família Hylidae e, atualmente, inclui 47 espécies, divididas em dois grupos. O grupo Ololygon catharinae é composto por 34 espécies. No presente trabalho descrevemos uma nova espécie de Ololygon pertencente ao grupo de espécies O. catharinae, a qual tem sua identidade suportada por caracteres morfológicos e bioacústicos. A nova espécie, aqui tratada como Ololygon sp., é caracterizada pelo tamanho corporal moderado (CRC macho 24.39–28.79 mm; fêmea 33.11–38.76mm), focinho subovóide em vista dorsal, presença de fendas vocais, antebraço hipertrofiados, ausência de glândulas externamente diferenciadas na região inguinal, e regiões do flanco e parte interna da coxa com manchas irregulares marrom escuro sobre fundo amarelo pálido. Canto de anúncio curto pulsionado, com duração de 0.29 – 0.90s, caracterizado por uma série de 4 – 11 notas pulsionadas, com 1-11 pulsos por notas e pico de energia entre 2067–3100 Hz. Exitem três vocalizações distintas em Ololygon sp. Girino com disco oral com pequena interrupção dorsal, papilas marginais alongadas e dispostas em duas séries, fórmula oral (LTRF) 2(2)/3 e morfologia oral interna pouco distinta da descrita para outros girinos do gênero Ololygon. A nova espécie é conhecida apenas para o município de Sítio d’Abádia, Estado de Goiás, Brasil Central. Alguns parâmetros acústicos do canto de anúncio de Ololygon sp. foram influenciados pela condição corporal dos machos, temperatura e umidade. A frequência dominante foi a única variável acústica com propriedade estática e, para todos os parâmetros acústicos, foi observada maior variabilidade interindividual do que intraindividual. Todos os parâmetros acústicos podem atuar no reconhecimento entre os indivíduos.
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Revisão acústica do canto de anúncio de Hylodes do grupo H. lateristrigatus (Hylodidae; Anura; Amphibia): implicações taxonômicas / Bioacoustic review of advertisement call in Hylodes lateristrigatus group (Hylodidae; Anura; Amphibia): taxonomic implicationsJully Mitie Santos Iguchi 14 June 2013 (has links)
A comunicação acústica é um importante elemento do comportamento reprodutivo de muitos animais. Em anuros a comunicação que recebe o nome de canto de anúncio tem como principal função a atração de fêmeas coespecíficas. Assim, a vocalização é um mecanismo primário de isolamento reprodutivo, e mostra-se importante no trabalho de determinação de espécies, pois assegura uma diagnose confiável, principalmente em caso de espécies crípticas, como ocorre no gênero Hylodes. Esse gênero compreende 24 espécies descritas, encontradas quase em sua totalidade em ambientes de Floresta Atlântica, exceto por H. otavioi (mata rupestre), e sempre associadas a rios e riachos em terrenos acidentados, distribuídas do Espírito Santo ao Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o canto de anúncio de 9 populações e revisar a descrição da vocalização das 18 espécies descritas do grupo de H. lateristrigatus. Nós realizamos a redescrição do canto de H. lateristrigatus e H. sazimai; alteramos a distribuição de H. pipilans; e detectamos três possíveis novas espécies, que estão sob análise. / The bioacoustic communication is substantial on reproductive behaviour of many animal groups. In anurans the advertisement call is the main communication signal and its major function is conspecific female attraction. Therefore, calling is the primary reproductive isolation mechanism and it is essencial in determining species, because it guarantees a reliable diagnosis specially in cryptic species as Hylodes. This genus comprises 24 species, which occur in the Atlantic Forest, with the exception of H. otavioi (Rocky Forest). Hylodes species are always related with streams and waterfalls from Espírito Santo to Rio Grande do Sul. The purpose of this study is to analyse the advertisement call of nine populations and review the calling of 18 described species of H. lateristrigatus group. We redescribed the advertisement call of H. lateristrigatus and H. sazimai; broadened the distribution of H. pipilans; and detected three probable new species that are under study.
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Sociální chování a akustická komunikace u netopýra velkého (Myotis myotis) / Social behaviour and acoustic communication in greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis)Porteš, Michal January 2014 (has links)
Order Chiroptera is characterized by great variability in foraging, roost and social strategies. Greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis, Borkhausen 1797) is a model species of a bat in Europe and his seasonal organisation of population represents typical temperate bat cycle with females aggregated in large maternity colonies and solitery roosting males. Although the M.myotis is a model species, the majority of studies were focused on different aspects of maternity colonies biology and the biology of males is still poorly known. Recently founded aggregations of males of M. myotis in highway bridges allow to study social behaviour and acoustic communication of males on between individual level and discuss these findings with known information. While the bridge in Bernartice was inhabited by aggregation of males in individual roosts, in Voznice bridge we found besides males also a maternity colony of M. myotis. Harems of males were established from august until october. We found different pattern of seasonal roost occupancy in males with males with the highest level of mean occupancy having the highest level of female presence in roost. Vocalisation activity of males increased in august with highest level of activity in september. Males roosting closer to the flight entrance tended to have higher...
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Akustická detekce potencionálního predátora u koně domácího (Equus caballus) / The acoustic detection of potential predator in domestic horse (Equus caballus)Vidimská, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Equidae belong to a group of large herbivores, which survival in natural environment depends beside others on their capability of fast predator recognition and detection. They can sensually recognise a possible threat in advance and react by immediate escape, which increases their survival. Also domestic horses still show very sensitive reaction to sudden (unexpected) stimuli. So we assume, that the ability to detect predator immediately is conserved despite of the long domestication process. The supportive indirect evidence is given by the successful breeding of the feral herds all over the world. However, studies showing the direct reaction of domestic horse toward the canids (as the most common predators), are still absent. Aim of the work was to find, if the horses (Equus caballus) could recognize acoustic sign of dogs like predators and if they could recognize the level of potential threat according to the number of predators, similarly as their wild ancestors. The recordings of barking of big dog breeds were obtained and modified. The final recording contained the set of barking coming from one individual or three different. The recording was played to the experimental horses, under controled conditions, together with white sound as a control. The reactions were recorded. Altogether 12 horses out of...
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Akustická detekce potencionálního predátora u koně domácího (Equus caballus) / The acoustic detection of potential predator in domestic horse (Equus caballus)Vidimská, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
Equidae belong to a group of large herbivores, which survival in natural environment depends beside others on their capability of fast predator recognition and detection. They can sensually recognise a possible threat in advance and react by immediate escape, which increases their survival. Also domestic horses still show very sensitive reaction to sudden (unexpected) stimuli. So we assume, that the ability to detect predator immediately is conserved despite of the long domestication process. The supportive indirect evidence is given by the successful breeding of the feral herds all over the world. However, studies showing the direct reaction of domestic horse toward the canids (as the most common predators), are still absent. Aim of the work was to find, if the horses (Equus caballus) could recognize acoustic sign of dogs like predators and if they could recognize the level of potential threat according to the number of predators, similarly as their wild ancestors. The recordings of barking of big dog breeds were obtained and modified. The final recording contained the set of barking coming from one individual or three different. The recording was played to the experimental horses, under controlled conditions, together with white sound as a control. The reactions were recorded. Altogether 12...
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Ontogeneze vokalizace papoušků šedých ve srovnání s člověkem / Vocal ontogenesis in grey parrots in comparison to humansRoubalová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
Human speech is considered to be unique means of communication. The beginnings of human vocalization, which develops into the speech, however, have some patterns or principles which can also be found in animal communication. It has been discovered that there are similarities between humans and animals in terms of social organization, neural control, cognition and function of vocal signals. Moreover, it seems that birds, parrots specifically, have closer parallels with humans in these respects than with other primates. Vocal ontogeny was, however, at least in parrots, investigated only marginally. Therefore it has become the subject of this study. African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus) show a wide range of cognitive abilities and are thus suitable species for comparison with humans. The aim of this study was to map the early vocal development of African grey parrots until age of 11 weeks. Then it was possible to compare it theoretically with the early vocal development of children. The repertoire was mapped using video recordings of four fledglings of feral African grey parrots, which are in possession of FHS UK Prague. The recordings were analysed acoustically and visually with audio software Sound Forge Pro 11 and Sound Forge Audio Studio 10. After identifying the repertoire we used stage...
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The Role of Male Vocal Signals During Male-Male Competition and Female Mate Choice in Greater Prairie-Chickens (<i>Tympanuchus cupido</i>)Hale, Jennifer Ann 23 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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The Novel Application of Emotional Contagion Theory to Black andMantled Howler Monkey (Alouatta pigra and A. palliata) Vocal CommunicationSchwartz, Jay W. 22 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Influence of Daily Electrical Stimulation of Periaqueductal Grey on Vocalization and Depressive-like Behavior during Separation in Guinea PigsDazey, Jennifer January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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