Spelling suggestions: "subject:"void"" "subject:"vody""
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Optimalizace provozu stávající ČOV / Optimalization of WWTP operationOndráček, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the optimalitzation of an operation on SWTP and improvement of figures of drainge from sewage water treatment plants. Possible options of the optimalization are also included. The second part of the thesis deals with the optimalization of operation of the concrete sewage water treatment plant using the WEST programme.
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Chování českého uživatele na mediálních platformách Video on Demand / Behaviour of the czech user on media platforms Video on DemandKahánek, Adam January 2020 (has links)
In the last decade Video on Demand (VOD) services are becoming the centre of audiovisual entertainment consumption. American company Netflix is currently the biggest player on the market. Thanks to growing base of viewers it has become big competitor even for big hollywood studios. Those studios don't want to lose the track in this new, popular segment of on-line entertainment, therefore they are also coming out with their own platforms. Viewer's habits on VOD services has many specifics, for example in ways of consumption or in choosing the content. The subject of this thesis is to capture allround behaviour of czech user on VOD platforms.
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Vývoj elektrochemického detektoru pro monitorování těžkých kovůKoudelková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation thesis "Development of electrochemical detector for heavy metal monitoring" was to create sensible sensors for the determination of heavy metals in the aquatic ecosystem and which would be usable for real applications, determination of the content of various metals in waste industrial waters. For the simultaneous determination of Zn(II), Cd(II), Pb(II) and Cu(II), a carbon paste electrode modified with chromium oxide was developed, based on this modification were produced the screen printed electrodes for the simultaneous determination of said metals with good limit of detection. For the usability of printed sensors in situ, a new electrochemical cell design was designed. This proposed cell also facilitates dosing of samples and buffer necessary for electrochemical analysis. Further, for determination of the total chromium content in aqueous solutions, was introduced a new method using a silver film on a glassy carbon electrode. Finally, various methods for waste water treatment from heavy metals have been tested.
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Hodnocení provozně technologických charakteristik čistírny odpadních vod Uherský Brod, se zaměřením na problematické aspekty provozuGroman, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The thesis evaluates the technological and operational characteristics of the water purification plant in Uh. Brod, specifically focusing on the problematic issue of operation. The thesis is broken into two parts, a theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part focuses on water legislation in the EU and the Czech Republic, particularly on the operation of water purification plants. It also provides a general description of the technological processes used in wastewater treatment. The following practical part describes the methods and the technology of sewage treatment in the U. Brod plant. It also evaluates the effectiveness of wastewater purification in Uh.Brod. This is compared with legally permissible minimum levels of effectiveness of wastewater emissions. Furthermore, the emission values in the Uh. Brod plant are compared with emission limits set by law. The results are evaluated in the years of 2014-2017.
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Vliv čistírny odpadních vod v obci Luka nad Jihlavou na kvalitu řeky JihlavyHanáček, David January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the assessment of the impact of sewage treatment plant in the village of Luka nad Jihlavou on the quality of the river Jihlava. Assessment of the influence of the WWTP is based on field monitoring, with sampling of water for subsequent laboratory analysis. The literary research deals with the purification and treatment plants, water legislation, types of water, pollution of surface water, death of fish on accidental water pollution and evaluation of water quality according to ČSN 75 7221 and government Regulation no. 401/2015 Sb. In the literary overview is also given the description of the indicators field monitoring and laboratory determinations. The methodological section describes the principles of individual determination of the field survey and analyses of water samples in the laboratory and characteristics of the sampling sites. Results and discussion chapter based on the graphically processed results to assess the impact of WWTP on water quality in the river Jihlava. From the obtained data it follows, that, despite some exceedances of the limit the boundaries of reading to CSN 75 7221 and government Regulation no. 401/20015, does not significantly affect water quality in the receiving water and not accidental mortalities of the fish community.
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Hodnocení fytotoxicity průsakových vod ze skládky tuhých komunálních odpadů BukovŠourková, Markéta January 2019 (has links)
Master thesis is focused on the monitoring and evaluation of the phytotoxicity of lea-chate of municipal solid waste landfill from Bukov. Introduction includes statistical data, waste management methods, legislation and terminology of waste management. Further, the thesis contains a description of the landfilling process with a focus on water monitoring, description of phytotoxicity tests and basic information about Bukov municipal solid waste landfill. Experiment is focused on phytotoxicity tests of leachate water from a given landfill. The final part contains the evaluation of the results and their in-terpretation.
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Porovnání metod stanovení chemické spotřeby kyslíkuHalm, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is Comparison of methods for determination of chemical oxygen demand. Chemical oxygen demand is one of the basic indicators of water pollution. It indicates the degree of pollution by organic and oxidizable inorganic substances. The work is focused on comparison of methods, which are commonly used for the determination of COD in wastewater. The methods assessed are the titration method and the spectrophotometric method. The methods are compared on differently loaded samples. The aim of the comparison is to assess the repeatability of the results, the financial costs of the methods, and the labor and time demands.
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Accurately measuring content consumption on a modern Play service : Noggrann mätning av konsumtion på en modern Play-tjänstCederman, Mårten January 2015 (has links)
This research represents an attempt to define and accurately measure user consumption of content on a modern, advertised VOD service (AVOD), more specifically known in Sweden as a Play service. With a foundation of previous research in the area of VOD and AVOD services, the characteristics and flaws of these types of platforms are discussed to shine light on factors that might concern Play services. Optimizing the vast content inventory offered on these services is crucial for long term profitability, and to achieve this, content providers need to understanding how to measure the consumption properly. A contentcentric approach was used to focus on individual formats (e.g. TV shows) and the factors that can describe its consumption. A macro perspective was initially applied to investigate global factors that dictates consumption. Analysis on a micro level was carried out by analyzing tracking data collected for a full year from one of the biggest Play services in Sweden, TV3play.se. Ultimately, the development of a new method to measure consumption called Consumption Volume Score (CVS) is proposed. It is introduced as an alternative to the traditional unit which has been to measure the amount of video starts (VS). The validity was evaluated using comparison of rank difference for individual formats, using both methods and different criterias. The results shows that the method of using CVS to measure consumption yields little to no difference in ranking of highly popular formats, while less consumed formats had a more varied change in rank. Further analysis on some of these formats indicated that they might have a dedicated niche audience, where content editors might see potential gains from handpicking them to optimize the consumption further. The findings gives support to believe that CVS as a unit of measuring consumption can help to further understand how individual formats perform, especially less consumed and potentially niched ones. Future research on CVS is recommended to discern its feasibility in a live context. / Denna forskning ämnar att finna metoder för att definiera samt noggrant kunna mäta konsumtionen av streamad media på en modern, reklamfinansierad VODtjänst (AVOD), i Sverige är dessa mer kända som Playtjänster. Med utgångspunkt från tidigare forskning inom på streamingtjänster, belyses de egenskaper och brister dessa typer av plattformar kan påverkas av, i synnerhet de faktorer som kan vara relevanta för Playtjänster. Att kunna organisera och underhålla de stora mängder media som erbjuds på dessa tjänster är avgörande för långsiktig lönsamhet, och för att uppnå detta måste redaktörerna förstå hur man mäter konsumtionen med hög tillförlitlighet i sin uppgift att ta väl grundade beslut. En innehållscentrerat (contentcentric) tillvägagångssätt användes för att kunna fokusera på enskilda format (t.ex. TVprogram) och de inbördes faktorer som kan beskriva dess konsumtion. Ett makroperspektiv applicerades initialt för att undersöka de globala faktorer som styr konsumtion. Vidare tillämpades en analys på mikronivå genom att undersöka spårningsdata kopplat till det innehåll som finns tillgängligt på plattformen. Underlaget för spårningsdatan bestod av ett helt års konsumtion (2014) från en av de största Playtjänsterna i Sverige, TV3play.se. Framtagning av en ny metod för att mäta konsumtionen kallad Consumption Volume Score (CVS) föreslås och införs som ett alternativ till den traditionella metod som har varit att mäta den totala mängden av Videostarter (VS). Signifikansen av den nya metoden utvärderades genom jämförelse av rangordning av enskilda format baserat på CVS och VS samt olika kriterier. Resultaten visar att CVS för att mäta konsumtion ger ytterst liten eller ingen skillnad i ranking av mycket populära format, medan mindre konsumerade format hade en mer varierad förändring i rang. Vidare analys av en del av dessa format indikerade att de skulle kunna ha en nischad publik som uppskattar innehållet, trots relativt låg konsumption. För dessa format anser jag att det finns möjlighet för redaktörer att manuellt handplocka dem för att optimera konsumtionen ytterligare. Resultaten ger underlag för godta CVS som en signifikant mätenhet för konsumtion och kan bidra till att förstå hur enskilda format presterar, särskilt mindre konsumerade och potentiellt nischade sådana. Framtida forskning om CVS som metod för att mäta konsumtion rekommenderas, i synnerhet för att avgöra hur väl det lämpas att applicera i en skarp miljö.
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On-demand Television combined with non-real-time Peer-to-Peer Content Delivery for Television Content ProvidersVodopivec, Dario January 2010 (has links)
With the expansion of the Internet and an increasing fraction of consumers having broadband connections, more and more content is finding its way on-line. Video content is becoming one of the most popular types of media content on the Internet. Traditional media content providers, such as television networks, are placing their content on the Internet in order to gain a broader audience. On-demand websites such as kanal5play.se allow viewers to view the multimedia content they want at the time of their choice. While this gives viewers flexibility in their viewing, it creates resource problems for content providers. Statistics from Kanal5 AB show that, even with individual viewers requesting content when they want, there are still patterns in which multiple viewers watch the same content at the same time. This means there are correlations in the demand for content. With unicast distribution this leads to spikes in requirements for bandwidth to the viewers. These peaks lead to high costs for network and server resources to deliver the requested content, but these resources have low average utilization. This thesis project investigates how a content provider can make use of each viewer’s own resources to deliver content to other users using peer-to-peer techniques. The thesis evaluates what methods can be used in order to reduce the content provider’s resource requirements during peak hours by exploiting copies of contents that have already been delivered to viewers who requested this same content earlier. A prototype was made to evaluate the suggested design using Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI), which is built on top of the Transfer Control Protocol (TCP). Experiments show that an initial delay of several seconds is reached on a network with a simulated delay of 100ms, while a minimal initial delay was observed on a network with low delay, i.e. ideal conditions. The throughput results of the prototype show that the suggested solution is adequate for delivering on-demand content supplied by Kanal5 AB. However, the relatively poor startup performance of this solution argues for tuning the application to better work with the TCP protocol or to utilize another transport protocol - especially if the round-trip delay is large as TCP’s 3-way handshake and flow control algorithm limit the performance of the prototype system. / Med utbyggnaden av Internet och en ökande andel konsumenter med bredband, mer och mer innehåll hittar sin väg på nätet. Video innehåll blir en av de mest populära typer av media på Internet. Innehållsleverantörer som använder sig av traditionella medier, exempelvis tv-nät, lägger sitt innehåll på Internet för att nå en bredare publik. On-demand webbplatser som kanal5play.se låter tittarna se multimediainnehållet de vill, när de vill. Även om detta ger tittarna flexibilitet i sitt tittande så skapar det resursproblem för innehållsleverantörer. Statistik från Kanal5 AB visar att även med enskilda tittare som begär innehåll när de vill så finns det fortfarande mönster där flera tittare tittar på samma innehåll på samma gång. Detta innebär att det finns samband i efterfrågan på innehåll. Med unicast distribution leder detta till sprikar i krav på bandbredd till tittarna. Dessa toppar leda till höga kostnader för nät-och server för att leverera det efterfrågade innehållet, men dessa resurser har låga genomsnittliga utnyttjanden. Detta examensarbete undersöker hur en innehållsleverantör kan använda sig av varje tittares egna resurser för att leverera innehåll till andra användare med hjälp av peer-to-peer-teknik. Avhandlingen utvärderar vilka metoder kan användas för att minska innehållsleverantörens resursbehov under rusningstid genom att utnyttja kopior av innehåll som redan har levererats till tittarna som begärde samma innehåll tidigare. En prototyp gjordes för att utvärdera den föreslagna konstruktionen med Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI), som är byggd ovanpå Transfer Control Protocol (TCP). Experiment visar en uppstartsfördröjning på flera sekunder på ett nätverk med en simulerad fördröjning på 100 ms, samtidigt som en minimal uppstartsfördöjning observerades på ett nätverk med låg fördröjning, dvs idealiska förhållanden. Resultaten för genomströmningshastigheten hos prototypen visar att den föreslagna lösningen är tillräcklig för att leverera on-demand innehåll som tillhandahålls av Kanal5 AB. De relativt dåliga uppstartsresultaten för denna lösning säger dock att förbättringar bör göras i applikationen så att den kan arbeta bättre med TCP protokollet, eller att ett annat protokoll används - särskilt om nätverksfördröjningen är stor, då TCP:s 3-vägs handskakning och flödeskontroll algoritm begränsar prestandan hos det föreslagna systemet.
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Fytotoxicita průsakových vod ze skládky odpadů ŠtěpánoviceHeralová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
Thesis on Phytotocity leachate from landfills Štěpánovice deals with basic concepts and legislation related to municipal waste and landfill in theoretical part. There are also procedures in waste management, their hierarchy, and statistical evaluation of the amount of multicipan waste. Another part of a literature search is aimed at monitoring water, general description of the storage process and general description of phytotoxicity. The practical part describes the process of solid municipal waste landfill Štěpánovice, its natural circumstances, locations and the integration in the territory. There is also described and discussed experiment which was realized by semi-chronic toxicity leachate method with white mustard (Sinapis alba L.). Followed by evaluation of the results and their interpretation in the current comparison of results with other writers.
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