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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Adaptive evolution, sex-linkage, and gene conversion in the voltage-gated sodium channels of toxic newts and their snake predators

Gendreau, Kerry 27 May 2022 (has links)
Understanding how genetic changes ultimately affect morphology and physiology is essential for understanding and predicting how organisms will adapt to environmental changes. Although most traits are complex and involve the interplay of many different genetic loci, some exceptions exist. These include the convergent evolution of tetrodotoxin resistance in snakes, which has a simple genetic basis and can be used as a model system to investigate the genetic basis of adaptive evolution. Tetrodotoxin is a potent neurotoxin used as a chemical defense by various animals, including toxic newts. Snakes have evolved resistance through mutations in voltage-gated sodium channels, the protein targets of tetrodotoxin, sparking an evolutionary arms race between predator and prey. In this dissertation, I describe how genomic rearrangements have led to sex-linkage of four of the voltage-gated sodium channel genes in snakes and compare allele frequencies across populations and sexes to make inferences about how sex linkage has influenced the evolution of resistance in garter snakes. By measuring gene expression in different snake tissues, I show that three of these sex-linked sodium channel genes are dosage compensated in embryos, adult muscle, and adult brain. In contrast, two channels show sexual dimorphism in their expression levels in the heart, which may indicate differences in dosage compensation among tissues. I then use comparative genomics to track the evolutionary history of tetrodotoxin resistance across all nine sodium channel genes in squamate reptiles and show how historical changes have paved the way for full-body resistance in certain snakes. Finally, I use targeted sequence capture to obtain the sodium channel sequences of salamanders and show evidence that tetrodotoxin self-resistance in toxic newts was likely accelerated through gene conversion between resistant and non-resistant sodium channel paralogs. Together, these results illustrate parallelism in evolutionary mechanisms and processes contributing to the appearance of an extreme and complex trait that arose independently in two distinct taxa separated by hundreds of millions of years. / Doctor of Philosophy / Western North America is the site of an ongoing battle between highly toxic species of salamanders (toxic newts) and their garter snake predators. In certain regions, garter snakes have countered newt defenses by evolving resistance to their toxins, and the newts have become more toxic in response. This interaction has been the focus of scientists for decades because it teaches us about the ways in which animals can respond to changes in their environment. In living organisms, DNA is used a blueprint to determine the ultimate traits that are expressed (e.g., whether an organism will have five fingers or four, or whether it will be resistant or sensitive to a toxin). By comparing DNA sequences of different life forms, we are beginning to understand the rules that determine how these blueprints are read and how they can change over time. Because life is built upon the same basic building blocks (DNA, mRNA, and proteins), information about this snake-newt system can be used to understand the way that other systems, such as humans and pathogens, might interact. In my dissertation, I compare DNA sequences from snakes and lizards to identify the history of changes leading to the extreme toxin resistance in the garter snakes. I show that toxin resistance began hundreds of millions of years ago, with all lizards having a low baseline level of resistance, and that resistance built up slowly in the lineages leading to garter snakes. I also show that because of DNA rearrangements, female snakes have fewer copies of some of the genes involved in resistance, and this may have led to differences among the sexes. Lastly, I compare DNA sequences among salamanders, revealing a similar pattern to that in snakes and lizards. Specifically, newts have evolved self-resistance to their own toxin, and this has happened gradually over hundreds of millions of years, with all salamanders having some toxin resistance. I also show that an unusual process occurred within the DNA of toxic newts, resulting in a rapid change from toxin sensitivity to toxin resistance in some genes. Taken together, this work helps advance our understanding of the processes and limitations that determine how organisms can function and change over time.

Glucose reduces endothelin inhibition of voltage-gated potassium channels in rat arterial smooth muscle cells

Rainbow, R.D., Hardy, Matthew E., Standen, N.B., Davies, N.W. 09 1900 (has links)
No / Prolonged hyperglycaemia impairs vascular reactivity and inhibits voltage-activated K+ (Kv) channels. We examined acute effects of altering glucose concentration on the activity and inhibition by endothelin-1 (ET-1) of Kv currents of freshly isolated rat arterial myocytes. Peak Kv currents recorded in glucose-free solution were reversibly reduced within 200 s by increasing extracellular glucose to 4 mm. This inhibitory effect of glucose was abolished by protein kinase C inhibitor peptide (PKC-IP), and Kv currents were further reduced in 10 mm glucose. In current-clamped cells, membrane potentials were more negative in 4 than in 10 mm glucose. In 4 mmd-glucose, 10 nm ET-1 decreased peak Kv current amplitude at +60 mV from 23.5 ± 3.3 to 12.1 ± 3.1 pA pF−1 (n = 6, P < 0.001) and increased the rate of inactivation, decreasing the time constant around fourfold. Inhibition by ET-1 was prevented by PKC-IP. When d-glucose was increased to 10 mm, ET-1 no longer inhibited Kv current (n = 6). Glucose metabolism was required for prevention of ET-1 inhibition of Kv currents, since fructose mimicked the effects of d-glucose, while l-glucose, sucrose or mannitol were without effect. Endothelin receptors were still functional in 10 mmd-glucose, since pinacidil-activated ATP-dependent K+ (KATP) currents were reduced by 10 nm ET-1. This inhibition was nearly abolished by PKC-IP, indicating that endothelin receptors could still activate PKC in 10 mmd-glucose. These results indicate that changes in extracellular glucose concentration within the physiological range can reduce Kv current amplitude and can have major effects on Kv channel modulation by vasoconstrictors.


Ahmed Fahim (18989990) 03 September 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Seizure involves a sudden, uncontrolled electrical disturbance of the brain due to many different causes apart from epilepsy, for example, high fever, low level of blood sugar, alcohol withdrawal, and many more, including the infections in the brain. In fact, epilepsy is a group of chronic neurological disorders characterized by recurrent unprovoked sudden-onset seizures. It stands as one of the prevalent brain disorders globally, impacting over 70 million individuals. The origins of epilepsy are multifaceted, coming from a mix of genetic and environmental factors including genetic predispositions, brain-related conditions (like tumors or strokes), infectious diseases, and traumatic brain injuries. Seizures can be partly referred to the dysregulation of ion channels, including voltage-gated sodium channels which will impact the action potential (electrical impulses that are responsible for the communication that takes place between neurons in the brain). These voltage-gated sodium channels mediate the depolarization responsible for the generation and conduction of action potentials. They are crucial in the generation and continuous electrical signals of the tissues that respond rapidly, like the neurons, and thus forming part of their function. In epilepsy, therefore, it is relevant to that domain in which abnormal functions of these sodium channels come up. Any change or dysfunction of these channels affect the excitability of the neurons themselves, with the consequence that an increased probability occurs in which abnormal electrical activity can be generated, hence the convulsions. Voltage-gated sodium channels are made up of large transmembrane proteins, having a single alpha subunit and related beta subunits. The beta subunit is an auxiliary protein that modulates channel gating, kinetics, surface expression, and the unique resurgent current, thereby influencing neuronal excitability and signaling. Resurgent currents represent a kind of current that can develop during action potential repolarization. They are characterized by a resurgent sodium current, the current which follows the initial sodium inflow in depolarization. Resurgent sodium currents are characterized by a rebound increase in sodium current during the repolarization phase of the action potential. Unlike the classic transient sodium current that inactivates rapidly upon membrane depolarization, the resurgent current is facilitated by the partial block and unblock of the sodium 17 channel pore by the β subunit or other intracellular molecules during the repolarization phase. This allows sodium ions to flow into the cell when this blockage removed before it goes to closed state. It is believed widely to be of keen importance in neuronal excitability. The role of resurgent currents in epilepsy is likely genetically influenced with some environmental influence. Genetic mutations and dysregulation of the gene code for voltage-gated sodium channels, especially those related to beta subunits, can be linked to some atypical resurgent current. This increases the chance of having a seizure, which could develop into epilepsy. Four beta subunits have been identified up to now. As such, my investigation will focus on the beta 4 subunit and its possible involvement in increased susceptibility to seizures. My study will involve a genetically modified mouse β4 knockout (K.O) of the voltage-gated sodium channel, which will be compared with a wild type (WT) mouse model. To facilitate this comparison, I will prepare cortical brain slices from both the genetically modified and WT mice using a (Leica VT1200s vibratome). These slices will then be analyzed with multi-electrode arrays to detect electrical activity and measure the neurons' electrical responses. Additionally, I use 4- Aminopyridine, a potassium channel blocker, to stimulate electrical activity in the neurons and brain slices. Using the methodology outlined above, I aimed to investigate the ability to induce and measure neuronal activity in the β4 K.O mouse model. This involved comparing the neuronal activity between the β4 K.O and WT mice in terms of frequency and amplitude. The analysis of the recorded data was performed using Spike2 software, in conjunction with the multi-electrode array recordings. Furthermore, I explored whether variations in temperature (body temp vs 40℃) affect neuronal activity differently in β4 K.O compared to WT mice. In conclusion, my observations revealed that neuronal activity could indeed be induced in the β4 K.O mice, with a noted decrease in the frequency of this activity compared to WT mice, but an increase in amplitude. These outcomes were consistent at both normal body temperature and at an elevated temperature of 40°C, as analyzed using Spike2 software. However, when conducting a statistical analysis using a two-way ANOVA to compare between the β4 K.O and WT mice, and between body temperature and 40°C conditions, no significant differences were observed. Despite this, it is a general observation and conclusion that β4 K.O mice exhibit altered neuronal activity 18 compared to WT mice. To gain a deeper understanding of the role of the β4 subunit on the alpha subunit of the voltage-gated sodium channel, adopting alternative methods such as patch clamp techniques or in vivo studies with intracranial electrodes may be beneficial. This suggestion comes considering various challenges and limitations encountered during my study, such as maintaining the viability of the slices for extended periods and minimizing noise in multi-electrode array (MEA) recordings. Mutations of β-subunit-encoding genes have been associated with such a wide array of debilitating diseases that include epilepsy, cancer, neuropathic pain, and febrile seizures, to some of the most prevalent conditions in neurodegeneration. Further study will be needed to better understand the biology of these important proteins and their potential for use as new targets for several disease states. Even so, the role of β4 remains somewhat controversial.</p>

The Role of Sulfatide in the Development and Maintenance of the Nodal and Paranodal Domains in the Peripheral Nervous System

Herman, Heather 23 April 2012 (has links)
Sulfatide is a galactolipid and a major lipid component of the myelin sheath. Its production is catalyzed by the enzyme cerebroside sulfotransferase (CST). To determine the functions of sulfatide, the gene encoding CST was genetically disrupted resulting in mice incapable of sulfatide synthesis. Using these mice, it has been shown in the central nervous system (CNS) that sulfatide is essential for normal myelin synthesis and stability even though the onset of myelination is not impaired. Additionally, proper initial clustering of paranodal proteins and cluster maintenance of nodal proteins is impaired suggesting that paranodal domains are important for long-term node stability. In contrast to the CNS, a requirement for sulfatide in the initiation of myelination, and in initiation of paranodal and nodal clustering or in the long-term maintenance of these clusters in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) has not been analyzed. Therefore, we have employed a combination of electron microscopic, immunocytochemical, and confocal microscopic analyses of the CST KO mice to determine the role of sulfatide in PNS myelination and onset of protein domain formation and maintenance. For these studies we have quantified myelin thickness, paranodal structural integrity, and the number of paranodal and nodal protein clusters in the CST KO and wild type mice at 4 days, 7 days, and 10 months of age. Our findings indicate that myelination onset is not delayed in the absence of sulfatide and that both the node and paranode are grossly normal; however, closer analysis reveals that paranodal junctions are compromised, Schwann cell microvilli are disoriented and the myelin-axon interface along the internodal region is transiently disrupted. In addition, we report that the paranodal myelin protein neurofascin 155 (Nfasc155) shows a transient decrease in initial clustering in the CST null mice at 4 days of age that is restored to WT levels by 7 days of age that is also maintained in the adult mice. Whereas nodal clustering of neuronal voltage-gated sodium channels is initially normal, cluster number is significantly but also transiently reduced by 7 days of age. By 10 months of age, the number of sodium channel clusters is restored to normal levels. In contrast, clustering of neither the paranodal neuronal protein contactin nor the myelin nodal protein gliomedin is altered at any of the ages studied. Together our findings suggest that sulfatide is not essential for PNS myelination or for protein domain formation in contrast to its more vital role in the development and maintenance of the CNS.

N-methyl 4-methyl amphetamine N-alkyl chain extension differentially affects ion flux at the human dopamine and norepinephrine transporters

Harris, Alan C., Jr. 01 January 2016 (has links)
Amphetamine (AMPH) and its derivatives embody a remarkable breadth of pharmacology. These molecules exert their effects, both therapeutic and pathological, at the human monoamine transporters, which tune synaptic dynamics by evacuating monoamine neuromodulators from the synapse subsequent to neuronal impulses. These transporters are electrogenic, and the transporter-mediated current can be correlated to a surrogate measure of the change in membrane voltage: Ca++ currents from co-transfected L-type Ca++ channels. The present work makes use of this assay, with which it is possible to derive pharmacodynamic metrics from both substrates and inhibitors. This work presents data on a heretofore-unstudied class of amphetamine analogs: the enantiomers of N-Me 4-Me AMPH and N-Et 4-Me AMPH. Remarkably, while both enantiomers of the N-Me version of this compound function as substrates at hDAT, both enantiomers of the N-Et version are inhibitors. This switch does not occur at hNET, where all enantiomers of both N-Me and N-Et 4-Me AMPH function as substrates. Further, (S)-N-Et 4-Me AMPH is a substrate at dDAT. EC50 and IC50 values for all drugs at both transporters are presented. I present the results of super-resolution microscopic co-localization studies on the plasmalemmal spatial relation of the human dopamine transporter and voltage gated calcium channel, L-type 1.2 (CaV1.2). I discuss future aims toward a unified understanding of the mechanisms of monoamine transporter function, with an emphasis on what amphetamine can illuminate in this regard.

Purificação e caracterização da fração neurotóxica da peçonha da anêmona do mar Anthopleura cascaia / Purification and characterization of the neurotoxic fraction from the venom of the sea anemone Anthopleura cascaia

Madio, Bruno 14 June 2012 (has links)
A peçonha de anêmonas do mar é uma fonte conhecida de compostos bioativos, incluindo peptídeos, que atuam em canais voltagem-dependentes. Foram descritos 4 tipos de neurotoxinas de anêmonas do mar, que atuam em canais NaV e 4 tipos que atuam em canais KV. Essas toxinas têm permitido discriminar subtipos de canais voltagem-dependentes, estreitamente relacionados, e constituem poderosas ferramentas para estudar o funcionamento e estrutura desses canais. Neste estudo, foram isolados e caracterizados três peptídeos da fração neurotóxica da anêmona do mar Anthopleura cascaia. Esses peptídeos foram nomeados como AcaIII1425, AcaIII2970 e AcaIII3090, onde Aca faz referência a espécie e os números seguem os resultados obtidos nas etapas de purificação. A peçonha foi extraída por meio de estímulos elétricos e purificada por gel-filtração (Sephadex G-50) e fase reversa por HPLC (C-18). As massas moleculares foram obtidas por meio de MALDI-TOF, apresentando 3337,4 Da para a AcaIII1425, 4881,7 Da para a AcaIII2970 e 4880,5 Da para AcaIII3090. Através da técnica de voltage-clamp, esses peptídeos foram testados em diferentes subtipos de canais NaV e KV expressados em ovócito de Xenopus. As toxinas AcaIII2970 e AcaIII3090 retardam, de maneira seletiva, a inativação rápida dos subtipos rNaV1.3, mNaV1.6 e hNaV1.5, enquanto que as outras isoformas testadas permaneceram inalteradas. É importantemente salientar que, a AcaIII2970 e AcaIII3090 também foram examinadas no canal de inseto DmNaV1, revelando uma clara \"filo-seletividade\" na eficácia da atividade das toxinas. A AcaIII2970 e AcaIII3090 inibem fortemente a inativação do canal NaV de inseto, resultando em um aumento na amplitude do pico da corrente e removendo completamente a inativação rápida. Para quantificarmos essa \"filo-seletividade\", foram construídas curvas da dependência da concentração no retardo da inativação induzida pelas toxinas AcaIII2970 e AcaIII3090 nos canais em que apresentaram maior eficácia. Os IC50 foram obtidos após a plotagem dos dados em uma curva sigmoidal. Para a AcaIII2970, os seguintes valores de IC50 foram obtidos: DmNaV1 = 162,19 ± 11,22 nM, mNaV1.6 = 645,92 ± 18,52 nM, rNaV1.3 = 572,56 ± 44,96 nM. Para a AcaIII3090, os seguintes valores de IC50 foram obtidos: DmNaV1 = 99,03 ± 9,25 nM, mNaV1.6 = 158,30 ± 33,86 nM, rNaV1.3 = 371,60 ± 6,48 nM. A AcaIII1425 atua, bloqueando, de modo seletivo os subtipos rKV1.1, rKV1.6 e rKV4.3, enquanto que as outras isoformas testadas permaneceram inalteradas. Devido à maior especificidade da toxina AcaIII1425 pelos subtipos rKV1.1 e rKV1.6, foram realizados ensaios de bloqueio da corrente do canal em função da concentração da toxina (curva dose-resposta). Os valores de IC50 para os subtipos rKV1.1 e rKV1.6 são de 7642,98 ±1601,65 nM e 241,65 ±4,27 nM, respectivamente. Desta forma, a AcaIII1425 é cerca de 32 vezes mais potente em canais do subtipo rKV1.6 do que em relação aos canais do subtipo rKV1.1. A estrutura primária das toxinas foram determinadas por degradação de Edman. A sequência parcial da AcaIII2970 e AcaIII3090 revelou que estas são similares a toxinas de canal de sódio do tipo1 de anêmonas do mar. A sequência completa da AcaIII1425 não apresenta similaridade com toxinas de anêmonas do mar, mas é similar a toxinas de Conus e aranha que possuem um motivo estrutural conhecido como ICK. Dessa forma, propomos que a AcaIII1425 seja um novo grupo de toxinas de anêmonas do mar que bloqueiam KV. Dado o ineditismo da toxina AcaIII1425, foram feitos experimentos in silico para obtermos um maior refinamento do mecanismo de interação entre a toxina e o canal rKV1.6. Estes experimentos indicaram que diferentes regiões dos canais KV são importantes para a seletividade e potência da toxina, corroborando com as propostas que vem sendo descritas / The venom of sea anemones is a known source of bioactive compounds, including peptides that act on voltage-gated ion channels. Four types of neurotoxins from sea anemones, acting on NaV channels, and four types acting on KV channels, have been reported. These toxins have developed the ability to discriminate closely related subtypes of voltage-gated channels, making them powerful tools to studying the function and structure of these channels. In this study, we isolated and characterized three peptides of the neurotoxic fraction from the venom of the sea anemone Anthopleura cascaia. These peptides were named as AcaIII1425, and AcaIII2970 AcaIII3090, where Aca refers to the species and the following numbers refer to results obtained in the purification steps. The venom was milked by electric shock and purified by molecular exclusion (Sephadex G-50) and reverse phase HPLC (C-18). Their molecular weights are 3337.4 Da to AcaIII1425, 4881.7 Da to AcaIII2970 and 4880.5 Da to AcaIII3090, obtained through a MALDI-TOF. Using the voltage-clamp technique, we have assayed the effects of these peptides on different subtypes of NaV and KV channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. AcaIII2970 and AcaIII3090 toxins selectively slow down the fast inactivation of rNaV1.3, mNaV1.6 and hNaV1.5 subtypes, while the other mammalian isoforms remained unaffected. Importantly, AcaIII2970 and AcaIII3090 were also examined in insect DmNaV1 channel, revealing a clear phyla-selectivity with regards to the efficacy of the toxin. AcaIII2970 and AcaIII3090 strongly inhibit the inactivation of the insect NaV channel, resulting in an increase in the amplitude of the peak current, and complete removal of the fast and steady-state inactivation. In order to quantify this \"phyla-selectivity\", curves of the concentration dependence of the delayed inactivation induced by AcaIII2970 and AcaIII3090 toxins channels with higher efficacy, were built. After plotting the data on a sigmoidal curve the IC50 values were obtained. For AcaIII2970, the following IC50 values were obtained: DmNaV1 = 162.19 ± 11.22 nM, mNaV1.6 = 645.92 ± 18.52 nM and rNaV1.3 = 572.56 ± 44.96 nM. For AcaIII3090, the following IC50 values were obtained: DmNaV1 = 99.03 ± 9.25 nM, mNaV1.6 = 158.30 ± 33.86 nM and rNaV1.3 = 371.60 ± 6.48 nM. AcaIII1425 acts, selectively, blocking rKV1.1, rKV1.6 and rKV4.3 subtypes, while the others isoforms tested remained unaltered. Due the higher specificity of AcaIII1425 to rKV1.1 and rKV1.6 subtypes, assays were performed to evaluate the blocking channel current versus toxin concentration (dose-response curve). IC50 values for the subtypes rKV1.6 and rKV1.1 are 7642.98 ± 1601.65 nM and 241.65 ± 4.27 nM, respectively. Thus, AcaIII1425 is about 32 times more potent in the rKV1.6 than in the rKV1.1 channel. The primary structure of the toxins was determined by the Edman degradation. The partial sequence of AcaIII2970 and AcaIII3090 revealed that these toxins are similar to the type 1 sodium channel sea anemones neurotoxins. The complete sequence of AcaIII1425 has no similarity with other sea anemone toxins, but is similar to the Conus and spider neurotoxins which have a structural motif known as ICK. Thus, we propose that AcaIII1425 comprises a new group of sea anemones toxins that block KV channels. Given the unprecedented nature of the toxin AcaIII1425, in silico assays were carried out in order to further refining the proposed mechanism underlying the interaction between the toxin and the rKV1.6 channel. The results indicate that, in agreement to what has been proposed elsewhere, different regions of the KV channels are important for the toxin selectivity and potency

The Metabotropic glutamate receptor mGluR1 regulates the voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.2 through agonist-dependent and agonist-independent mechanisms

Madasu, Sharath Chandra 01 January 2019 (has links)
The voltage gated potassium channel Kv1.2 plays a key role in the central nervous system and mutations in Kv1.2 cause neurological disorders such as epilepsies and ataxias. In the cerebellum, regulation of Kv1.2 is coupled to learning and memory. We have previously shown that blocking Kv1.2 by infusing its specific inhibitor tityustoxin-kα (TsTX) into the lobulus simplex of the cerebellum facilitates eyeblink conditioning (EBC) and that EBC itself modulates Kv1.2 surface expression in cerebellar interneurons. The metabotropic glutamate receptor mGluR1 is required for EBC although the molecular mechanisms are not fully understood. Here we show that infusion of the mGluR1 agonist (S)-3,5-dihydroxyphenylglycine (DHPG) into the lobulus simplex of the cerebellum mimics the facilitating effect of TsTX on EBC. We therefore hypothesize that mGluR1 could act, in part, through suppression of Kv1.2. Earlier studies have shown that Kv1.2 suppression involves channel tyrosine phosphorylation and endocytocytic removal from the cell surface. In this study we report that an excitatory chemical stimulus (50mM K+-100µM glutamate) applied to cerebellar slices enhanced Kv1.2 tyrosine phosphorylation and that this increase was lessened in the presence of the mGluR1 inhibitor YM298198. More direct evidence for mGluR1 modulation of Kv1.2 comes from our finding that selective activation of mGluR1 with DHPG reduced the amount of surface Kv1.2 detected by cell surface biotinylation in cerebellar slices. To determine the molecular pathways involved we used an unbiased mass spectrometry-based proteomics approach to identify Kv1.2-protein interactions that are modulated by mGluR1. Among the interactions enhanced by DHPG were those with PKC-γ, CaMKII, and Gq/G11, each of which had been shown in other studies to co-immunoprecipitate with mGluR1 and contribute to its signaling. Of particular note was the interaction between Kv1.2 and PKC-γ since in HEK cells and hippocampal neurons Kv1.2 endocytosis is elicited by PKC activation. We found that activation of PKCs with PMA reduced surface Kv1.2, while the PKC inhibitor Go6983 attenuated the reduction in surface Kv1.2 levels elicited by DHPG and PMA, suggesting that the mechanism by which mGluR1 modulates cerebellar Kv1.2 likely involves PKC. mGluR1 has been shown to signal independently of the agonist through a constitutively active, protein kinase A-dependent pathway in the cerebellum. Using HEK293 cells we show that co-expression of mGluR1 increases the surface expression levels of Kv1.2. This effect occurs in absence of mGluR1 agonists and in the presence of a noncompetitive mGluR1 inhibitor YM298198. Co-expression of known downstream effectors of the agonist driven mGluR1 pathway such as PKC-γ, CaMKIIα, Grid2 had no effect on Kv1.2 surface expression or on the ability of mGluR1 agonist to modulate that expression. In contrast, the inverse agonist BAY 36-7620 significantly reduced the mGluR1 effect on Kv1.2 surface expression, as did pharmacological inhibition of PKA with KT5720. Therefore, mGluR1 is involved in regulation of surface Kv1.2 via dual mechanisms, the agonist dependent mechanism reduces surface Kv1.2 via PKC, while agonist independent constitutive mechanism increases surface Kv1.2 via PKA.

The Diversity of FHF-mediated Ion Channel Regulation

Benjamin Pablo, Juan Lorenzo January 2015 (has links)
<p>Fibroblast growth factor homologous factors (FHFs) are noncanonical members of the fibroblast growth factor family (FGFs, FGF11-FGF14) that bind directly to voltage gated sodium channels (VGSCs), thereby regulating channel activity and consequently neuronal excitability. Mutations in FGF14 cause spinocerebellar ataxia while FGF13 is a candidate for X-linked mental retardation. Since FGF13 and FGF14 are nearly identical within their respective VGSC-interacting domains, those distinct pathological consequences have generally been attributed to regional differences in expression. I have shown that FGF13 and FGF14 have non-overlapping subcellular distributions and biological roles even in hippocampal neurons where both are prominent. While both FHFs are abundant in the axon initial segment (AIS), only FGF13 is observed within the soma and dendrites. shRNA knockdown and rescue strategies showed that FGF14 regulates axonal VGSCs, while FGF13 only affects VGSCs in the somatodendritic compartment. Thus, FGF13 and FGF14 have nonredundant roles in hippocampal neurons, with FGF14 acting as an AIS-dominant positive regulator and FGF13 serving as a somatodendritic negative regulator. Both of these FHFs also perform important non-VGSC regulatory roles. FGF14 is a novel potassium channel regulator, which binds to KCNQ2 and regulates both localization and function. FGF14 is also capable of serving as a “bridge” between VGSCs and KCNQ2 thus implicating it as a broad organizer of the AIS. FGF13, on the other hand is involved in a new form of neuronal plasticity called axon initial segment structural plasticity. Knockdown of FGF13 impairs AIS structural plasticity and reduces L-type CaV current through channels known to be important to this new form of plasticity. Both of these novel non-VGSC roles are specific to the FHF in question because FGF13 does not regulate KCNQ2 whereas FGF14 knockdown does not affect AIS position. These data imply wider roles for FHFs in neuronal regulation that may contribute to differing roles in neural disease.</p> / Dissertation

Purificação e caracterização da fração neurotóxica da peçonha da anêmona do mar Anthopleura cascaia / Purification and characterization of the neurotoxic fraction from the venom of the sea anemone Anthopleura cascaia

Bruno Madio 14 June 2012 (has links)
A peçonha de anêmonas do mar é uma fonte conhecida de compostos bioativos, incluindo peptídeos, que atuam em canais voltagem-dependentes. Foram descritos 4 tipos de neurotoxinas de anêmonas do mar, que atuam em canais NaV e 4 tipos que atuam em canais KV. Essas toxinas têm permitido discriminar subtipos de canais voltagem-dependentes, estreitamente relacionados, e constituem poderosas ferramentas para estudar o funcionamento e estrutura desses canais. Neste estudo, foram isolados e caracterizados três peptídeos da fração neurotóxica da anêmona do mar Anthopleura cascaia. Esses peptídeos foram nomeados como AcaIII1425, AcaIII2970 e AcaIII3090, onde Aca faz referência a espécie e os números seguem os resultados obtidos nas etapas de purificação. A peçonha foi extraída por meio de estímulos elétricos e purificada por gel-filtração (Sephadex G-50) e fase reversa por HPLC (C-18). As massas moleculares foram obtidas por meio de MALDI-TOF, apresentando 3337,4 Da para a AcaIII1425, 4881,7 Da para a AcaIII2970 e 4880,5 Da para AcaIII3090. Através da técnica de voltage-clamp, esses peptídeos foram testados em diferentes subtipos de canais NaV e KV expressados em ovócito de Xenopus. As toxinas AcaIII2970 e AcaIII3090 retardam, de maneira seletiva, a inativação rápida dos subtipos rNaV1.3, mNaV1.6 e hNaV1.5, enquanto que as outras isoformas testadas permaneceram inalteradas. É importantemente salientar que, a AcaIII2970 e AcaIII3090 também foram examinadas no canal de inseto DmNaV1, revelando uma clara \"filo-seletividade\" na eficácia da atividade das toxinas. A AcaIII2970 e AcaIII3090 inibem fortemente a inativação do canal NaV de inseto, resultando em um aumento na amplitude do pico da corrente e removendo completamente a inativação rápida. Para quantificarmos essa \"filo-seletividade\", foram construídas curvas da dependência da concentração no retardo da inativação induzida pelas toxinas AcaIII2970 e AcaIII3090 nos canais em que apresentaram maior eficácia. Os IC50 foram obtidos após a plotagem dos dados em uma curva sigmoidal. Para a AcaIII2970, os seguintes valores de IC50 foram obtidos: DmNaV1 = 162,19 ± 11,22 nM, mNaV1.6 = 645,92 ± 18,52 nM, rNaV1.3 = 572,56 ± 44,96 nM. Para a AcaIII3090, os seguintes valores de IC50 foram obtidos: DmNaV1 = 99,03 ± 9,25 nM, mNaV1.6 = 158,30 ± 33,86 nM, rNaV1.3 = 371,60 ± 6,48 nM. A AcaIII1425 atua, bloqueando, de modo seletivo os subtipos rKV1.1, rKV1.6 e rKV4.3, enquanto que as outras isoformas testadas permaneceram inalteradas. Devido à maior especificidade da toxina AcaIII1425 pelos subtipos rKV1.1 e rKV1.6, foram realizados ensaios de bloqueio da corrente do canal em função da concentração da toxina (curva dose-resposta). Os valores de IC50 para os subtipos rKV1.1 e rKV1.6 são de 7642,98 ±1601,65 nM e 241,65 ±4,27 nM, respectivamente. Desta forma, a AcaIII1425 é cerca de 32 vezes mais potente em canais do subtipo rKV1.6 do que em relação aos canais do subtipo rKV1.1. A estrutura primária das toxinas foram determinadas por degradação de Edman. A sequência parcial da AcaIII2970 e AcaIII3090 revelou que estas são similares a toxinas de canal de sódio do tipo1 de anêmonas do mar. A sequência completa da AcaIII1425 não apresenta similaridade com toxinas de anêmonas do mar, mas é similar a toxinas de Conus e aranha que possuem um motivo estrutural conhecido como ICK. Dessa forma, propomos que a AcaIII1425 seja um novo grupo de toxinas de anêmonas do mar que bloqueiam KV. Dado o ineditismo da toxina AcaIII1425, foram feitos experimentos in silico para obtermos um maior refinamento do mecanismo de interação entre a toxina e o canal rKV1.6. Estes experimentos indicaram que diferentes regiões dos canais KV são importantes para a seletividade e potência da toxina, corroborando com as propostas que vem sendo descritas / The venom of sea anemones is a known source of bioactive compounds, including peptides that act on voltage-gated ion channels. Four types of neurotoxins from sea anemones, acting on NaV channels, and four types acting on KV channels, have been reported. These toxins have developed the ability to discriminate closely related subtypes of voltage-gated channels, making them powerful tools to studying the function and structure of these channels. In this study, we isolated and characterized three peptides of the neurotoxic fraction from the venom of the sea anemone Anthopleura cascaia. These peptides were named as AcaIII1425, and AcaIII2970 AcaIII3090, where Aca refers to the species and the following numbers refer to results obtained in the purification steps. The venom was milked by electric shock and purified by molecular exclusion (Sephadex G-50) and reverse phase HPLC (C-18). Their molecular weights are 3337.4 Da to AcaIII1425, 4881.7 Da to AcaIII2970 and 4880.5 Da to AcaIII3090, obtained through a MALDI-TOF. Using the voltage-clamp technique, we have assayed the effects of these peptides on different subtypes of NaV and KV channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. AcaIII2970 and AcaIII3090 toxins selectively slow down the fast inactivation of rNaV1.3, mNaV1.6 and hNaV1.5 subtypes, while the other mammalian isoforms remained unaffected. Importantly, AcaIII2970 and AcaIII3090 were also examined in insect DmNaV1 channel, revealing a clear phyla-selectivity with regards to the efficacy of the toxin. AcaIII2970 and AcaIII3090 strongly inhibit the inactivation of the insect NaV channel, resulting in an increase in the amplitude of the peak current, and complete removal of the fast and steady-state inactivation. In order to quantify this \"phyla-selectivity\", curves of the concentration dependence of the delayed inactivation induced by AcaIII2970 and AcaIII3090 toxins channels with higher efficacy, were built. After plotting the data on a sigmoidal curve the IC50 values were obtained. For AcaIII2970, the following IC50 values were obtained: DmNaV1 = 162.19 ± 11.22 nM, mNaV1.6 = 645.92 ± 18.52 nM and rNaV1.3 = 572.56 ± 44.96 nM. For AcaIII3090, the following IC50 values were obtained: DmNaV1 = 99.03 ± 9.25 nM, mNaV1.6 = 158.30 ± 33.86 nM and rNaV1.3 = 371.60 ± 6.48 nM. AcaIII1425 acts, selectively, blocking rKV1.1, rKV1.6 and rKV4.3 subtypes, while the others isoforms tested remained unaltered. Due the higher specificity of AcaIII1425 to rKV1.1 and rKV1.6 subtypes, assays were performed to evaluate the blocking channel current versus toxin concentration (dose-response curve). IC50 values for the subtypes rKV1.6 and rKV1.1 are 7642.98 ± 1601.65 nM and 241.65 ± 4.27 nM, respectively. Thus, AcaIII1425 is about 32 times more potent in the rKV1.6 than in the rKV1.1 channel. The primary structure of the toxins was determined by the Edman degradation. The partial sequence of AcaIII2970 and AcaIII3090 revealed that these toxins are similar to the type 1 sodium channel sea anemones neurotoxins. The complete sequence of AcaIII1425 has no similarity with other sea anemone toxins, but is similar to the Conus and spider neurotoxins which have a structural motif known as ICK. Thus, we propose that AcaIII1425 comprises a new group of sea anemones toxins that block KV channels. Given the unprecedented nature of the toxin AcaIII1425, in silico assays were carried out in order to further refining the proposed mechanism underlying the interaction between the toxin and the rKV1.6 channel. The results indicate that, in agreement to what has been proposed elsewhere, different regions of the KV channels are important for the toxin selectivity and potency

P/Q Type Calcium Channel Cav2.1 Defines a Unique Subset of Glomeruli in the Mouse Olfactory Bulb

Pyrski, Martina, Tusty, Mahbuba, Eckstein, Eugenia, Oboti, Livio, Rodriguez-Gil, Diego J., Greer, Charles A., Zufall, Frank 04 September 2018 (has links)
Voltage-gated calcium (Cav) channels are a prerequisite for signal transmission at the first olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) synapse within the glomeruli of the main olfactory bulb (MOB). We showed previously that the N-type Cav channel subunit Cav2.2 is present in the vast majority of glomeruli and plays a central role in presynaptic transmitter release. Here, we identify a distinct subset of glomeruli in the MOB of adult mice that is characterized by expression of the P/Q-type channel subunit Cav2.1. Immunolocalization shows that Cav2.1+ glomeruli reside predominantly in the medial and dorsal MOB, and in the vicinity of the necklace glomerular region close to the accessory olfactory bulb. Few glomeruli are detected on the ventral and lateral MOB. Cav2.1 labeling in glomeruli colocalizes with the presynaptic marker vGlut2 in the axon terminals of OSNs. Electron microscopy shows that Cav2.1+ presynaptic boutons establish characteristic asymmetrical synapses with the dendrites of second-order neurons in the glomerular neuropil. Cav2.1+ glomeruli receive axonal input from OSNs that express molecules of canonical OSNs: olfactory marker protein, the ion channel Cnga2, and the phosphodiesterase Pde4a. In the main olfactory epithelium, Cav2.1 labels a distinct subpopulation of OSNs whose distribution mirrors the topography of the MOB glomeruli, that shows the same molecular signature, and is already present at birth. Together, these experiments identify a unique Cav2.1+ multiglomerular domain in the MOB that may form a previously unrecognized olfactory subsystem distinct from other groups of necklace glomeruli that rely on cGMP signaling mechanisms.

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