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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dobrovolník - předvychovatel v České republice a Spojených státech amerických / A Volunteer - Puppy Raiser in the Czech Republich and the United States of America

Luksa, Linda January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis introduces a form of volunteering which is not well known to the public, so-called puppy raising of guide dogs for the visually impaired. This phenomenon is introduced on the background of a comparison of two civil society service organizations, one based in the Czech Republic and the other in the United States of America. These organizations both come from a different type of civil society but have many similarities as well. At the end of this thesis, the results found through qualitative research are presented, where these data were gained through interviews, documents, but also by participatory observation directly in the respective organizations.

Fungování dobrovolnictví v rámci rodiny / Functioning of Volunteering within the Family

Radová, Markéta January 2020 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the functioning of volunteering within the family. The theoretical part deals with the definition of concepts related to the definition of volunteering. This thesis also includes the search of foreign literature which is dedicated to the study of volunteering in the family. In the empirical part is applied a qualitative research which is performed by the method of grounded theory. In the thesis are employed in-depth interviews on members of three families in which more than one family member volunteers are actively involved. The aim of the thesis is to add a different point of view into the topic of transfer of volunteering in the family. This thesis points out the family dimension of volunteering which most studies nowadays marginalize. Exploring the transfer of volunteering in the family is able to provide a unique insight of how each member is aware of volunteering. It also considers how and for which reasons the family members are or are not committed to the volunteering.

What drives volunteer’s satisfaction, and how individuals can benefit from it? : Guide being a volunteer for dummies

Signate, Imane, Boubacar Sanda, Mariama January 2020 (has links)
Previous studies focused on the main factors of volunteer’s satisfaction and how the organizations can influence it. This paper set out what drives volunteer’s satisfaction and in which ways can individuals benefit from it. The authors implemented the ground theory to approach this problem. They conducted qualitative research and collected data from thirty-two (32) volunteers through a survey. Then, ten selected respondents passed systematic interviews. The survey was designed in French and English to reach the maximum of volunteers. The Volunteer’s Satisfaction index inspired the design of the survey, which aim to measure the outcomes of volunteering experiences. The interviews lasted forty-five (45) minutes on average and designed to support and elaborate on the survey’s responses. Results showed that diverse elements affect the volunteer’s satisfaction. The study ranged these statements into four main categories: Support and Guidelines provided by the organization; Social integration and colleagues support; Sense of achievement and skills learned, and Rewards and Attention received. These are the four primary sources of volunteer’s satisfaction highlighted by our respondents. Volunteers can benefit from it by embracing the guidelines and ask for definite objectives in their missions. Seek social interactions and bond with other volunteers, reach their objectives and take every opportunity to exploit or learn skills and share their experiences and accept the recognition. Thus, the findings identified volunteer’s satisfaction drivers and the control of these elements by volunteers. At the end of the paper, contributions for future volunteers, limitations and directions for future research are discussed.

Amatérský volejbal a sociální kapitál / Amateur volleyball and social capital

Rakovičová, Anna January 2020 (has links)
The thesis represents the environment of amateur volleyball and at the same time familiarizes with a concept of social capital. As the environment of amateur volleyball the author chooses seasonal contest Amateur volleyball league. To clarify the concept of social capital, she uses mainly the knowledge from works of sociologists Putnam, Coleman, and Bourdieu. The aim of the thesis is to know the degree of creation and usage of social capital in the environment of amateur volleyball with an emphasis on amateur concepts. Based on selected articles from some works of the mentioned authors, several hypotheses are developed. A sociological survey in the form of a specially compiled questionnaire and subsequent analyzes serves to verify these hypotheses. The analyzes confirmed all the developed hypotheses, namely that the actors included in the group of amateur volleyball players are able to successfully create and use the concept of social capital.

Dobrovolnictví v péči o seniory v období pandemie Covid - 19 / Volunteering in the Care of the Eldery during the Covid - 19 Pandemic

Krátká, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the subject of volunteering in seniors care in the times of the Covid-19 pandemic. The theoretical part of this study covers the definition of volunteering, its brief history, its legal background as well as possible forms of and motivations for volunteering work. A separate chapter is dedicated to the Covid-19 disease and describes its symptoms, prevention and possible effects. I also discuss the impact the pandemic can have on seniors. At the end of the theoretical part there are presented areas of support in the volunteering sector and specific projects that were run in this period. The practical part of this work explores individual views on volunteering and the impact of the pandemics through interviews with active volunteers. It displays the unique experiences of volunteering under such specific circumstances.

Dobrovolníci ve farnosti Chlumec nad Cidlinou / Volunteers in The Catholic Parish Chlumec nad Cidlinou

Krátká, Helena January 2012 (has links)
The thesis focuses on activity of volunteers in the Chlumec church community. The introduction describes the formation of the Church within which the parishes subsequently emerged and includes a definition of the parish in the ecclesiastical documents. It describes the Chlumec nad Cidlinou parish as well as its brief history. It defines the term "volunteer" and the layperson and their mutual relationship. The volunteers of the distant past of the Chlumec parish are portrayed through the activities of the local literary fraternity. The interwar period is characterised by the activity of the Czechoslovak People's Party and the Orel association. Describing the activities of the Parish charity in Chlumec nad Cidlinou, it demonstrates the enthusiasm and desire to be useful in the period after November 1989. The conclusion includes a brief summary indicating the number of inhabitants in relation to the number of volunteers in each aforementioned period. Keywords Parish; volunteer; volunteering; Chlumec nad Cidlinou; Parish charity.

Profesionalizace v kontextu strategického plánování (Případová studie mateřského centra) / Professionalization in Context of Strategic Planning (Case Study - Maternity Centre)

Raušová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Synopsis Professionalization of non-profit organizations means basically hiring of paid staff . Maternity centre is social space especially for mothers and their children, that rely mainly on mothers' voluntary work and is based on non-professional rather than professional principle. This case study reflects situation in which non-professional, amateur work is being replaced by hiring of paid staff and paid attention especially to an impact on internal organization's atmosphere and position of the main participants of maternity centre - mothers. The situational analysis is a partial goal of this thesis, served as a basic step not only for strategic planning but mostly for considering of accessing to professionalized organization.

Dobrovolní hasiči z hlediska rozvoje sociálního kapitálu / Volunteer Fire Fighters from the Point of View of Social Capital Development

Sadílková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the status of volunteer fire fighters from the point of view of social capital development. Because of that subject it belongs to studies exploring phenomenon volunteering. Association of volunteer fire fighters is traditional volunteer organization and its success and expansion in the individualistic present society are the basic questions of the study. The answers on the questions connected with unique status of volunteer fire fighters between Czech volunteers were searching by using analysis of collective social capital. Importance of traditions, social networks and status of volunteer fire fighters in their communities were revealed by quantitative and qualitative approaches. It seems that the main sense of existence of volunteer fire departments is not only the protection of people against fires and accidents but also helping communities to maintain their collective social life. By this action are volunteer fire fighters instrumental in keeping cohesion of local citizens and in social capital development.

Rozvoj lidských zdrojů v projektu Fusion / People Development in Fusion Project

Vyvialová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focusses on the subject of leadership. It describes various leadership styles, considers the personality of a leader and whether or not it is possible to learn to be a good leader. It also addresses the issue of teamwork; what is a team, what are the characteristics of a successful team, and what causes a team to fail in its task. In addition, the thesis also looks at volunteer work; who is a volunteer, what is the volunteer's role in an organization, and what are their needs, and some issues faced in developing human resources. The practical part on this thesis is focussed on Fusion; it describes Fusion's activities, and how it functions in the Czech Republic and abroad. Based on field research, it highlights the needs of Fusion leaders, and proposes the needed leadership training and development to fulfill this need. Key words: Leadership, Teamwork, Volunteering, Human Resource Development, Fusion

Využití personálního managementu v dobrovolnictví / Utilization of personnel management in volunteering

Hrubešová, Šárka Ivana January 2015 (has links)
Utilization of personnel management in volunteering The diploma theses deals with a comparison of methods of personnel management in business and volunteering and answers the question of whether coordinators of volunteers utilize knowledge of personnel management in their work or whether they choose different strategies. Four theoretical chapters introduce the necessary information to understand the practical part. The first chapter anchors the area of volunteering by stating the basic concepts. The text continues to analyze the law on volunteering in more detail and thus provides insight into legislation in the area of volunteering. The description of volunteer centres and their function in the work with volunteers gives basic picture of this topic, before moving on to the main chapter, which discusses the different elements of human resource management and highlights the common and different approaches when working with staff and volunteers, as described in the literature. The empirical part then captures the methodology of the survey, its analysis and the conclusions which could be drawn on the ground of a limited number of realized interviews. The conclusions are demonstrated using extracts of realized interviews. Keywords Volunteering, volunteer, non-profit organization, personnel management m

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