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Resistive studies of vortices and fluctuations in single crystal YBa2Cu3O7-Björnängen, Therese January 2004 (has links)
High-temperature superconductors have been intensely studiedsince the discovery, almost 20 years ago. Their layeredstructure, extreme type-II behavior, large anisotropy, andstrong fluctuations have led to a large number of new andinteresting problems. In this work the resistive transitionhave been studied in YBa2Cu3O7-δsingle crystals, from the superconductingfluctuations above Tcdown to the vortex matter near the onset of resistivity.Superconducting fluctuations above Tcare suitably studied by measuring themagnetoconductivity Δσ = 1/ρ(B)-1/ρ(0).Such experiments were performed on untwinned, optimally dopedsamples, forI||ab. ForH||c, fluctuations in the CuO-chains was not important, andfluctuations in the CuO2 planes seemed isotropic. The in-planecoherence length anisotropy was determined to be close tounity. ForH||ab, Δσbdepended on the field direction, indicating an effect ofthe chains on the magnetoconductivity in thisconfiguration. The nature of the vortex phase below Tccan be examined through vortex-correlation measurements.Using a modified pseudo-flux transformer (PFT) geometry forin-plane experiments, the magnetic field could be appliedparallel to both the a, b, and c axis. A strong Lorentz forcewas detected, and observed to be a requirement for the meltingstep feature. The resistive anisotropy close to Tcwas strongly field and temperature dependent, which wasexplained by an almost isotropic fluctuation contribution. The effect of anisotropy on vortex-liquid correlation infieldsH||ab, was studied byc-axis transport measurements in oxygen-deficientsamples, using a PFT configuration. Increasing disordersuppressed both longitudinal and transverse correlation. Inheavily underdoped samples, vortex correlation was enhanced formagnetic fields exactly aligned with theabplane because of the strong anisotropy. Also, thesolid-to-liquid transition temperature became nearly fieldindependent. Attempts were also made to connect the fluctuation regime ofthe resistive transition with the vortex region,by accountingfor critical fluctuations close to the transition. Keywords:high-temperature superconductors, YBa2Cu3O7-δ, untwinned YBCO, oxygen deficiency,superconducting fluctuations, magnetoconductivity, in-planeanisotropy, vortex liquid, vortex solid, vortex correlation
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Resistive studies of vortices and fluctuations in single crystal YBa2Cu3O7-Björnängen, Therese January 2004 (has links)
<p>High-temperature superconductors have been intensely studiedsince the discovery, almost 20 years ago. Their layeredstructure, extreme type-II behavior, large anisotropy, andstrong fluctuations have led to a large number of new andinteresting problems. In this work the resistive transitionhave been studied in YBa<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>7-δ</sub>single crystals, from the superconductingfluctuations above T<i>c</i>down to the vortex matter near the onset of resistivity.Superconducting fluctuations above T<i>c</i>are suitably studied by measuring themagnetoconductivity Δσ = 1/ρ(B)-1/ρ(0).Such experiments were performed on untwinned, optimally dopedsamples, for<b>I</b>||<b>ab</b>. For<b>H</b>||<b>c</b>, fluctuations in the CuO-chains was not important, andfluctuations in the CuO2 planes seemed isotropic. The in-planecoherence length anisotropy was determined to be close tounity. For<b>H</b>||<b>ab</b>, Δσ<i>b</i>depended on the field direction, indicating an effect ofthe chains on the magnetoconductivity in thisconfiguration.</p><p>The nature of the vortex phase below T<i>c</i>can be examined through vortex-correlation measurements.Using a modified pseudo-flux transformer (PFT) geometry forin-plane experiments, the magnetic field could be appliedparallel to both the a, b, and c axis. A strong Lorentz forcewas detected, and observed to be a requirement for the meltingstep feature. The resistive anisotropy close to T<i>c</i>was strongly field and temperature dependent, which wasexplained by an almost isotropic fluctuation contribution.</p><p>The effect of anisotropy on vortex-liquid correlation infields<b>H</b>||<b>ab</b>, was studied by<i>c</i>-axis transport measurements in oxygen-deficientsamples, using a PFT configuration. Increasing disordersuppressed both longitudinal and transverse correlation. Inheavily underdoped samples, vortex correlation was enhanced formagnetic fields exactly aligned with the<i>ab</i>plane because of the strong anisotropy. Also, thesolid-to-liquid transition temperature became nearly fieldindependent.</p><p>Attempts were also made to connect the fluctuation regime ofthe resistive transition with the vortex region,by accountingfor critical fluctuations close to the transition.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>high-temperature superconductors, YBa<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>7-δ</sub>, untwinned YBCO, oxygen deficiency,superconducting fluctuations, magnetoconductivity, in-planeanisotropy, vortex liquid, vortex solid, vortex correlation</p>
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Resistivity and the solid-to-liquid transition in high-temperature superconductorsEspinosa Arronte, Beatriz January 2006 (has links)
<p>In high-temperature superconductors a large region of the magnetic phase diagram is occupied by a vortex phase that displays a number of exciting phenomena. At low temperatures, vortices form a truly superconducting solid phase which at high temperatures turns into a dissipative vortex liquid. The character of the transition between these two phases depends on the amount and type of disorder present in the system. For weak point disorder the vortex solid-to-liquid transition is a first-order melting. In the presence of strong point disorder the solid is thought to be a vortex-glass and the transition into the liquid is instead of second order. When the disorder is correlated, like twin boundaries or artificially introduced columnar defects, the transition is also second order, but has essentially different properties. In this work, the transition between the solid and liquid phases of the vortex state has been studied by resistive transport measurements in mainly YBa2Cu3O7-[delta](YBCO) single crystals with different types of disorder.</p><p>The vortex-glass transition has been investigated in an extended model for the vortex-liquid resistivity close to the transition that takes into account both the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the transition line. The resistivity of samples with different properties was measured with various contact configurations at several magnetic fields and analyzed within this model. For each sample, attempts were made to scale the transition curves to one curve according to a suitable scaling variable predicted by the model. Good scaling was found in a number of different situations. The influence of increasing anisotropy and angular dependence of the magnetic field in the model were also considered.</p><p>The vortex solid-to-liquid transition was also studied in heavy-ion irradiated YBCO single crystals. The ions create columnar defects in the sample that act as correlated disorder. A magnetic field was applied at a tilt angle with respect to the direction of the columns. At the transition the resistance disappears as a power law with different exponents in the three orthogonal directions considered. This provides evidence for a new type of critical behavior with fully anisotropic critical scaling properties not previously found in any physical system.</p><p>The effect on the vortex solid-to-liquid transition of high magnetic fields applied parallel to the superconducting layers of underdoped YBCO single crystals was also studied. Some novel features were observed: a sharp kink appearing close to Tc at high magnetic fields and a triple dip in the angular dependence of the resistivity close to B||ab in some regions of the phase diagram.</p> / <p>I högtemperatursupraledare består en stor del av det magnetiska fasdiagrammet av en vortexfas som uppvisar ett flertal spännande fenomen. Vid låga temperaturer bildar vortexarna en fast vortexfas utan elektriskt motstånd. Vid högre temperatur övergår denna fas till en dissipativ vortexvätska. Egenskaperna hos denna fasövergång beror på oordningen i form av defekter. Vid svag punktoordning är fasomvandlingen mellan det fasta och flytande vortextillståndet en första ordningens smältövergång. Vid stark punktoordning anses den fasta fasen vara ett vortexglas och övergången till vortexvätskan är istället av andra ordningen. När oordningen är korrelerad, som för tvillinggränser eller artificiellt skapade kolumndefekter, är övergången också av andra ordningen men med väsentligt annorlunda egenskaper. I detta arbete har övergången mellan det fasta och det flytande vortextillståndet studerats med resistiva transportmätningar i framförallt enkristaller av YBa2Cu3O7-[delta] (YBCO) med olika typer av oordning.</p><p>Vortexglasövergången har undersökts i en utvidgad modell för resistansen i vortexvätskan nära fasövergången där hänsyn tas till såväl temperatur- som fältberoendet. Resistansen hos prover med olika egenskaper mättes i varierande magnetfält och i flera kontaktkonfigurationer och analyserades inom denna modell. Övergångskurvorna skalades till en kurva med en skalningsvariabel som givits av modellen. God skalning uppnåddes i flera olika fall. Effekten av ökande anisotropi och vinkelberoendet i modellen undersöktes också.</p><p>Vortexövergången mellan det fasta och det flytande vortextillståndet undersöktes även i enkristaller av YBCO bestrålade med tunga joner. Jonerna skapade kolumndefekter som fungerar som korrelerad oordning. Vinkeln mellan pålagt magnetfält och dessa kolumndefekter varierades. Vid fasövergången avtar resistansen som en potenslag med olika exponenter i de tre undersökta ortogonala riktningarna. Detta ger experimentell belägg för en ny typ av kritiskt beteende med fullständigt anisotropa kritiska skalningsegenskaper.</p><p>Egenskaparna hos på vortexövergången mellan fast och flytande fas vid höga magnetfält parallella med de supraledande lagren hos underdopade YBCO enkristaller undersöktes också. Några nya effekter observerades: en skarp knyck uppstod nära Tc vid höga magnetfält och en tredubbel dipp i den vinkelberoende resistiviteten nära B||ab i några regioner av fasdiagrammet.</p>
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Resistivity and the solid-to-liquid transition in high-temperature superconductorsEspinosa Arronte, Beatriz January 2006 (has links)
In high-temperature superconductors a large region of the magnetic phase diagram is occupied by a vortex phase that displays a number of exciting phenomena. At low temperatures, vortices form a truly superconducting solid phase which at high temperatures turns into a dissipative vortex liquid. The character of the transition between these two phases depends on the amount and type of disorder present in the system. For weak point disorder the vortex solid-to-liquid transition is a first-order melting. In the presence of strong point disorder the solid is thought to be a vortex-glass and the transition into the liquid is instead of second order. When the disorder is correlated, like twin boundaries or artificially introduced columnar defects, the transition is also second order, but has essentially different properties. In this work, the transition between the solid and liquid phases of the vortex state has been studied by resistive transport measurements in mainly YBa2Cu3O7-[delta](YBCO) single crystals with different types of disorder. The vortex-glass transition has been investigated in an extended model for the vortex-liquid resistivity close to the transition that takes into account both the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the transition line. The resistivity of samples with different properties was measured with various contact configurations at several magnetic fields and analyzed within this model. For each sample, attempts were made to scale the transition curves to one curve according to a suitable scaling variable predicted by the model. Good scaling was found in a number of different situations. The influence of increasing anisotropy and angular dependence of the magnetic field in the model were also considered. The vortex solid-to-liquid transition was also studied in heavy-ion irradiated YBCO single crystals. The ions create columnar defects in the sample that act as correlated disorder. A magnetic field was applied at a tilt angle with respect to the direction of the columns. At the transition the resistance disappears as a power law with different exponents in the three orthogonal directions considered. This provides evidence for a new type of critical behavior with fully anisotropic critical scaling properties not previously found in any physical system. The effect on the vortex solid-to-liquid transition of high magnetic fields applied parallel to the superconducting layers of underdoped YBCO single crystals was also studied. Some novel features were observed: a sharp kink appearing close to Tc at high magnetic fields and a triple dip in the angular dependence of the resistivity close to B||ab in some regions of the phase diagram. / I högtemperatursupraledare består en stor del av det magnetiska fasdiagrammet av en vortexfas som uppvisar ett flertal spännande fenomen. Vid låga temperaturer bildar vortexarna en fast vortexfas utan elektriskt motstånd. Vid högre temperatur övergår denna fas till en dissipativ vortexvätska. Egenskaperna hos denna fasövergång beror på oordningen i form av defekter. Vid svag punktoordning är fasomvandlingen mellan det fasta och flytande vortextillståndet en första ordningens smältövergång. Vid stark punktoordning anses den fasta fasen vara ett vortexglas och övergången till vortexvätskan är istället av andra ordningen. När oordningen är korrelerad, som för tvillinggränser eller artificiellt skapade kolumndefekter, är övergången också av andra ordningen men med väsentligt annorlunda egenskaper. I detta arbete har övergången mellan det fasta och det flytande vortextillståndet studerats med resistiva transportmätningar i framförallt enkristaller av YBa2Cu3O7-[delta] (YBCO) med olika typer av oordning. Vortexglasövergången har undersökts i en utvidgad modell för resistansen i vortexvätskan nära fasövergången där hänsyn tas till såväl temperatur- som fältberoendet. Resistansen hos prover med olika egenskaper mättes i varierande magnetfält och i flera kontaktkonfigurationer och analyserades inom denna modell. Övergångskurvorna skalades till en kurva med en skalningsvariabel som givits av modellen. God skalning uppnåddes i flera olika fall. Effekten av ökande anisotropi och vinkelberoendet i modellen undersöktes också. Vortexövergången mellan det fasta och det flytande vortextillståndet undersöktes även i enkristaller av YBCO bestrålade med tunga joner. Jonerna skapade kolumndefekter som fungerar som korrelerad oordning. Vinkeln mellan pålagt magnetfält och dessa kolumndefekter varierades. Vid fasövergången avtar resistansen som en potenslag med olika exponenter i de tre undersökta ortogonala riktningarna. Detta ger experimentell belägg för en ny typ av kritiskt beteende med fullständigt anisotropa kritiska skalningsegenskaper. Egenskaparna hos på vortexövergången mellan fast och flytande fas vid höga magnetfält parallella med de supraledande lagren hos underdopade YBCO enkristaller undersöktes också. Några nya effekter observerades: en skarp knyck uppstod nära Tc vid höga magnetfält och en tredubbel dipp i den vinkelberoende resistiviteten nära B||ab i några regioner av fasdiagrammet. / QC 20110125
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