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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die Bedeutung von Fermentation, Photosynthese und Pyrophosphat für das Überleben von Pflanzen unter Sauerstoffmangel

Mustroph, Angelika 06 March 2006 (has links)
Sauerstoffmangel in Pflanzenzellen führt durch Hemmung der mitochondrialen Atmung zur Akkumulation von NADH und zu ATP-Mangel. Reis kann, im Gegensatz zu Weizen oder Kartoffeln, längere Sauerstoffmangel-Perioden überstehen. Ziel dieser Promotionsarbeit war es, einige Aspekte des Primär-Stoffwechsels zu untersuchen, die für das Überleben solcher Stresssituationen verantwortlich sein können, wie die Ethanol-Gärung, die Photosynthese sowie die Nutzung alternativer Energiedonoren. Die Ethanol-Gärung ermöglicht es Pflanzen, NAD zu regenerieren, und so die glycolytische ATP-Bildung aufrechtzuerhalten. Tolerante Reis-Pflanzen bildeten unter Anoxie in Dunkelheit mehr Ethanol als sensitive Weizen-Pflanzen. Dieser Unterschied war allerdings nur im Spross nachzuweisen und resultierte aus hohen Aktivitäten der Gärungsenzyme sowie aus großen Substratmengen in Reis-Blättern. Mehr als 24 h Anoxie konnten aber auch vom Reis aufgrund von Substratmangel nicht überlebt werden. Wurden Pflanzen bei Anoxie belichtet, verbesserten sich die Überlebensraten erheblich. Die Ethanol-Bildung war deutlich verringert, so dass neben der Gärung lichtabhängige Energie-liefernde Prozesse vermutet werden. Allerdings verlief die Photosynthese unter Anoxie aufgrund von CO2-Mangel nur vermindert ab. Eventuell könnte zyklischer Elektronentransport unter diesen Bedingungen zusätzliches ATP produzieren. In der Vergangenheit wurde vermutet, dass Pflanzen unter Sauerstoffmangel für Phosphorylierungsreaktionen statt ATP auch PPi nutzen könnten. In transgenen Kartoffelpflanzen, die infolge von Überexpression der E. coli-Pyrophosphatase weniger PPi enthielten als Wildtypen, wurde unter Hypoxie-Bedingungen nachgewiesen, dass PPi als alternativer Energiedonor bei der Saccharose-Spaltung eine bedeutende Rolle spielt. Dagegen konnte in transgenen Kartoffelpflanzen mit drastisch verminderter Aktivität der PPi-abhängigen Phosphofructokinase keine Beeinträchtigung der Stoffwechsel-Leistungen unter Hypoxie gezeigt werden. / Oxygen deficiency stress in plant cells leads through inhibition of mitochondrial respiration to an accumulation of NADH and a decrease in ATP content. Rice plants can survive oxygen deficiency better than wheat or potato plants. The aim of this PhD-work was to examine, which biochemical processes are responsible for plant tolerance against low oxygen stress. The studies were focused on the analysis of ethanolic fermentation, photosynthesis and the function of pyrophosphate (PPi) as an alternative energy source. By using ethanolic fermentation, plants can regenerate NAD and maintain ATP formation during glycolysis. Tolerant rice plants produced much higher amounts of ethanol during anoxia in darkness compared to sensitive wheat plants. The high fermentation rate mainly occurred in the shoots as a result of high activities of fermentative enzymes as well as high availability of carbohydrates. Nevertheless, rice plants could not survive more than 24 h of anoxia in the dark because of carbohydrate depletion. Illumination during anoxia extended survival of plants. Ethanolic fermentation rate was reduced during light exposure of plants, indicating that other energy-producing processes can compensate. However, it could be shown that the complete photosynthesis was slowed down during oxygen deficiency due to CO2 deficiency. It is likely that cyclic electron transport could at least partially contribute to ATP production during these conditions. In the past, it was speculated that PPi could replace ATP for phosphorylating processes during low oxygen stress. With transgenic potato plants expressing E. coli pyrophosphatase and therefore containing less PPi it was demonstrated that PPi is a significant alternative energy donor for sucrose cleavage during hypoxia. However, in transgenic potato plants with a reduction of synthesis and activity of PPi-dependent phosphofructokinase it could not be demonstrated that these plants suffer more from oxygen deficiency than the wildtype.

Influência do manejo do nível freático e doses de nitrogênio em culturas sob hipoxia no solo / Effects of water table management and nitrogen supplies in crops under hypoxia conditions in soil

Sá, Jocelito Saccol de 10 February 2006 (has links)
Em diversos países, extensas áreas agrícolas são afetadas por inundações temporárias que ocasionam significativos prejuízos à produção de alimentos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) avaliar os efeitos da exposição de plantas de lentilha (Lens culinaris Medik) ao estresse por excesso hídrico em relação ao manejo do nível freático; b) avaliar o comportamento de cultivares de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill) a hipoxia e à aplicação de nitrogênio na atenuação dos danos ocasionados pelo excesso hídrico e c) avaliar as respostas de plantas de trigo (Triticum aestivum, L.) à saturação hídrica, total ou parcial, da camada de solo correspondente à zona radicular da cultura. Em plantas de lentilha, o excesso de água no solo reduziu a expansão foliar, o acúmulo de biomassa, a produção de grãos e reduziu a concentração de N, K, Ca, Mn e Mg nas folhas e intensificou o processo de senescência foliar. As taxas de ascensão e de rebaixamento do nível freático de 15 e 30 cm dia-1 influenciaram positivamente o desenvolvimento e a produção. Os danos mais drásticos foram ocasionados pela elevação e pelo rebaixamento do nível freático em 5 cm dia-1. O efeito negativo da inundação do solo na produção de grãos foi reduzido em 21% pelo aumento da taxa de ascensão e de rebaixamento do nível freático de 5 para 30 cm dia-1. A adição de 50 kg N ha-1 não minimizou os danos ocasionados pela hipoxia. Em soja, a área foliar, o acúmulo de matéria seca, a produção e a qualidade dos grãos dos cultivares decresceram com o prolongamento da inundação do solo. Os teores foliares de N, K, Mg e Mn decresceram linearmente e a concentração de Fe aumentou com a inundação do solo. O cultivar FT-Abyara apresentou maior crescimento vegetativo e o cultivar CD205 maior produtividade e maior teor protéico. Os maiores danos à produção foram ocasionados pela inundação do solo por período superior a 48 h. A aplicação de 50 e 100 kg N ha-1 aumentou o crescimento da parte aérea das plantas, a produção e a concentração de proteína dos grãos. O cultivar FT-Abyara apresentou melhores resultados à adição de N. A aplicação de N reduziu em 15% os danos causados pelo excesso de água no solo à produção de grãos. Em plantas de trigo, a saturação hídrica do solo intensificou a senescência das folhas, reduziu a produção de matéria seca, a taxa de crescimento da cultura e prejudicou a produção de grãos. Os efeitos ocasionados pela ocupação total dos poros do solo pela água foram mais severos para o desenvolvimento e a produção de grãos do que a saturação parcial dos poros pela água. O nível freático a 15 cm de profundidade minimizou em 30% os danos ocasionados pelo excesso de água no solo à produção de grãos. A aplicação de 50 kg N ha-1 reduziu em 16% os danos ocasionados pela saturação hídrica do solo à produção de grãos. / In many countries, extensive agricultural areas are affected by short-term waterlogging that cause significant damages to the crop yields. The objectives of this work were: a) to evaluate the stress effect of the soil water excess on lentil plants (Lens culinaris Medik) related to water table management; b) to evaluate the behavior of soybean cultivars (Glycine max L. Merrill) to hypoxia conditions and to the nitrogen supplying for reducing flood damages c) to evaluate wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) responses to complete or partial soil water saturation in the root zone. On lentil plants the excess of water reduced the growth of the leaves, the dry matter and grain production and the concentration of N, K, Ca, Mn and Mg in leaves. Also the senescence process was increased. The elevation and lowering by 15 and 30 cm day-1 affected positively the crop development and yield production. The most severe damage was induced by rate elevation of 5 cm day-1 and drawdown of water table. The increasing of water table ascension and lowering rate from 5 to 30 cm day-1 alleviated the damage effect on grain production in 21%. Hypoxia injuries were not minimized by a supplemental addition of 50 kg ha-1 of nitrogen. The leaves area, shoot dry matter accumulation, the grain production and the grain protein concentration of soybean plants were reduced proportionally to the flooding duration. The N, K, Mg and Mn concentration in leaves decreased linearly while Fe concentration increased for the waterlogging duration. The soybean cultivar FT-Abyara showed the higher vegetative growth, while CD205 produced a greater grain yield and grain protein concentration. A flooding period of 48 h caused severe damage to grain yield. The leaf area, shoot growth, grain yield and grain protein increased with supplemental N application of 50 and 100 kg N ha-1. The soybean cultivar FT-Abyara showed the best results due to the nitrogen supply. The N addition reduced the grain production damages by 15%. In wheat plants, the water excess increased leaves senescence, reduced dry matter and the growth rate and produced a significant decreasing on grain weight. The effects caused by total water saturation of soil pores were more severe to the plant growth and grain yield than those caused by partial water saturation, even for large periods. A water table at 15 cm depth minimized by 30% the harmful effects of water excess to the grain production. The application of 50 kg N ha-1 reduced by 16% the damages on the crop yield caused by flooding.

Resistive studies of vortices and fluctuations in single crystal YBa2Cu3O7-

Björnängen, Therese January 2004 (has links)
High-temperature superconductors have been intensely studiedsince the discovery, almost 20 years ago. Their layeredstructure, extreme type-II behavior, large anisotropy, andstrong fluctuations have led to a large number of new andinteresting problems. In this work the resistive transitionhave been studied in YBa2Cu3O7-δsingle crystals, from the superconductingfluctuations above Tcdown to the vortex matter near the onset of resistivity.Superconducting fluctuations above Tcare suitably studied by measuring themagnetoconductivity Δσ = 1/ρ(B)-1/ρ(0).Such experiments were performed on untwinned, optimally dopedsamples, forI||ab. ForH||c, fluctuations in the CuO-chains was not important, andfluctuations in the CuO2 planes seemed isotropic. The in-planecoherence length anisotropy was determined to be close tounity. ForH||ab, Δσbdepended on the field direction, indicating an effect ofthe chains on the magnetoconductivity in thisconfiguration. The nature of the vortex phase below Tccan be examined through vortex-correlation measurements.Using a modified pseudo-flux transformer (PFT) geometry forin-plane experiments, the magnetic field could be appliedparallel to both the a, b, and c axis. A strong Lorentz forcewas detected, and observed to be a requirement for the meltingstep feature. The resistive anisotropy close to Tcwas strongly field and temperature dependent, which wasexplained by an almost isotropic fluctuation contribution. The effect of anisotropy on vortex-liquid correlation infieldsH||ab, was studied byc-axis transport measurements in oxygen-deficientsamples, using a PFT configuration. Increasing disordersuppressed both longitudinal and transverse correlation. Inheavily underdoped samples, vortex correlation was enhanced formagnetic fields exactly aligned with theabplane because of the strong anisotropy. Also, thesolid-to-liquid transition temperature became nearly fieldindependent. Attempts were also made to connect the fluctuation regime ofthe resistive transition with the vortex region,by accountingfor critical fluctuations close to the transition. Keywords:high-temperature superconductors, YBa2Cu3O7-δ, untwinned YBCO, oxygen deficiency,superconducting fluctuations, magnetoconductivity, in-planeanisotropy, vortex liquid, vortex solid, vortex correlation

Vortex Properties from Resistive Transport Measurements on Extreme Type-II Superconductors

Rydh, Andreas January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Vortex Properties from Resistive Transport Measurements on Extreme Type-II Superconductors

Rydh, Andreas January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

Resistive studies of vortices and fluctuations in single crystal YBa2Cu3O7-

Björnängen, Therese January 2004 (has links)
<p>High-temperature superconductors have been intensely studiedsince the discovery, almost 20 years ago. Their layeredstructure, extreme type-II behavior, large anisotropy, andstrong fluctuations have led to a large number of new andinteresting problems. In this work the resistive transitionhave been studied in YBa<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>7-δ</sub>single crystals, from the superconductingfluctuations above T<i>c</i>down to the vortex matter near the onset of resistivity.Superconducting fluctuations above T<i>c</i>are suitably studied by measuring themagnetoconductivity Δσ = 1/ρ(B)-1/ρ(0).Such experiments were performed on untwinned, optimally dopedsamples, for<b>I</b>||<b>ab</b>. For<b>H</b>||<b>c</b>, fluctuations in the CuO-chains was not important, andfluctuations in the CuO2 planes seemed isotropic. The in-planecoherence length anisotropy was determined to be close tounity. For<b>H</b>||<b>ab</b>, Δσ<i>b</i>depended on the field direction, indicating an effect ofthe chains on the magnetoconductivity in thisconfiguration.</p><p>The nature of the vortex phase below T<i>c</i>can be examined through vortex-correlation measurements.Using a modified pseudo-flux transformer (PFT) geometry forin-plane experiments, the magnetic field could be appliedparallel to both the a, b, and c axis. A strong Lorentz forcewas detected, and observed to be a requirement for the meltingstep feature. The resistive anisotropy close to T<i>c</i>was strongly field and temperature dependent, which wasexplained by an almost isotropic fluctuation contribution.</p><p>The effect of anisotropy on vortex-liquid correlation infields<b>H</b>||<b>ab</b>, was studied by<i>c</i>-axis transport measurements in oxygen-deficientsamples, using a PFT configuration. Increasing disordersuppressed both longitudinal and transverse correlation. Inheavily underdoped samples, vortex correlation was enhanced formagnetic fields exactly aligned with the<i>ab</i>plane because of the strong anisotropy. Also, thesolid-to-liquid transition temperature became nearly fieldindependent.</p><p>Attempts were also made to connect the fluctuation regime ofthe resistive transition with the vortex region,by accountingfor critical fluctuations close to the transition.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>high-temperature superconductors, YBa<sub>2</sub>Cu<sub>3</sub>O<sub>7-δ</sub>, untwinned YBCO, oxygen deficiency,superconducting fluctuations, magnetoconductivity, in-planeanisotropy, vortex liquid, vortex solid, vortex correlation</p>

Influência do manejo do nível freático e doses de nitrogênio em culturas sob hipoxia no solo / Effects of water table management and nitrogen supplies in crops under hypoxia conditions in soil

Jocelito Saccol de Sá 10 February 2006 (has links)
Em diversos países, extensas áreas agrícolas são afetadas por inundações temporárias que ocasionam significativos prejuízos à produção de alimentos. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram: a) avaliar os efeitos da exposição de plantas de lentilha (Lens culinaris Medik) ao estresse por excesso hídrico em relação ao manejo do nível freático; b) avaliar o comportamento de cultivares de soja (Glycine max L. Merrill) a hipoxia e à aplicação de nitrogênio na atenuação dos danos ocasionados pelo excesso hídrico e c) avaliar as respostas de plantas de trigo (Triticum aestivum, L.) à saturação hídrica, total ou parcial, da camada de solo correspondente à zona radicular da cultura. Em plantas de lentilha, o excesso de água no solo reduziu a expansão foliar, o acúmulo de biomassa, a produção de grãos e reduziu a concentração de N, K, Ca, Mn e Mg nas folhas e intensificou o processo de senescência foliar. As taxas de ascensão e de rebaixamento do nível freático de 15 e 30 cm dia-1 influenciaram positivamente o desenvolvimento e a produção. Os danos mais drásticos foram ocasionados pela elevação e pelo rebaixamento do nível freático em 5 cm dia-1. O efeito negativo da inundação do solo na produção de grãos foi reduzido em 21% pelo aumento da taxa de ascensão e de rebaixamento do nível freático de 5 para 30 cm dia-1. A adição de 50 kg N ha-1 não minimizou os danos ocasionados pela hipoxia. Em soja, a área foliar, o acúmulo de matéria seca, a produção e a qualidade dos grãos dos cultivares decresceram com o prolongamento da inundação do solo. Os teores foliares de N, K, Mg e Mn decresceram linearmente e a concentração de Fe aumentou com a inundação do solo. O cultivar FT-Abyara apresentou maior crescimento vegetativo e o cultivar CD205 maior produtividade e maior teor protéico. Os maiores danos à produção foram ocasionados pela inundação do solo por período superior a 48 h. A aplicação de 50 e 100 kg N ha-1 aumentou o crescimento da parte aérea das plantas, a produção e a concentração de proteína dos grãos. O cultivar FT-Abyara apresentou melhores resultados à adição de N. A aplicação de N reduziu em 15% os danos causados pelo excesso de água no solo à produção de grãos. Em plantas de trigo, a saturação hídrica do solo intensificou a senescência das folhas, reduziu a produção de matéria seca, a taxa de crescimento da cultura e prejudicou a produção de grãos. Os efeitos ocasionados pela ocupação total dos poros do solo pela água foram mais severos para o desenvolvimento e a produção de grãos do que a saturação parcial dos poros pela água. O nível freático a 15 cm de profundidade minimizou em 30% os danos ocasionados pelo excesso de água no solo à produção de grãos. A aplicação de 50 kg N ha-1 reduziu em 16% os danos ocasionados pela saturação hídrica do solo à produção de grãos. / In many countries, extensive agricultural areas are affected by short-term waterlogging that cause significant damages to the crop yields. The objectives of this work were: a) to evaluate the stress effect of the soil water excess on lentil plants (Lens culinaris Medik) related to water table management; b) to evaluate the behavior of soybean cultivars (Glycine max L. Merrill) to hypoxia conditions and to the nitrogen supplying for reducing flood damages c) to evaluate wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) responses to complete or partial soil water saturation in the root zone. On lentil plants the excess of water reduced the growth of the leaves, the dry matter and grain production and the concentration of N, K, Ca, Mn and Mg in leaves. Also the senescence process was increased. The elevation and lowering by 15 and 30 cm day-1 affected positively the crop development and yield production. The most severe damage was induced by rate elevation of 5 cm day-1 and drawdown of water table. The increasing of water table ascension and lowering rate from 5 to 30 cm day-1 alleviated the damage effect on grain production in 21%. Hypoxia injuries were not minimized by a supplemental addition of 50 kg ha-1 of nitrogen. The leaves area, shoot dry matter accumulation, the grain production and the grain protein concentration of soybean plants were reduced proportionally to the flooding duration. The N, K, Mg and Mn concentration in leaves decreased linearly while Fe concentration increased for the waterlogging duration. The soybean cultivar FT-Abyara showed the higher vegetative growth, while CD205 produced a greater grain yield and grain protein concentration. A flooding period of 48 h caused severe damage to grain yield. The leaf area, shoot growth, grain yield and grain protein increased with supplemental N application of 50 and 100 kg N ha-1. The soybean cultivar FT-Abyara showed the best results due to the nitrogen supply. The N addition reduced the grain production damages by 15%. In wheat plants, the water excess increased leaves senescence, reduced dry matter and the growth rate and produced a significant decreasing on grain weight. The effects caused by total water saturation of soil pores were more severe to the plant growth and grain yield than those caused by partial water saturation, even for large periods. A water table at 15 cm depth minimized by 30% the harmful effects of water excess to the grain production. The application of 50 kg N ha-1 reduced by 16% the damages on the crop yield caused by flooding.

Metabolismo fermentativo em raízes e nódulos de soja sob condições de hipoxia e pós-hipoxia / Fermentative metabolism in soybean roots and nodules under hypoxia and post-hypoxia conditions

Borella, Junior 10 October 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:59:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertacao_junior_borella.pdf: 624661 bytes, checksum: c2eaffe012f5616bb86c7276e9b33e73 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-10-10 / Plant metabolism is sensitively to changes in oxygen availability by waterlogging. The immediate consequences of oxygen depletion are the activation of anaerobic metabolism and a reduction in energy production. This study aimed to evaluate the fermentative metabolism in soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] roots and nodules under hypoxia and post-hypoxia conditions. Two experiments were conducted in greenhouse conditions with soybean genotypes Fundacep 53 RR and BRS Macota grown in 3L pots containing vermiculite as substrate, in association with Bradyrhizobium elkanii. The treatments were applied when the plants reached the R2 stage (reproductive). Experiment I - the root system of plants was subjected to hypoxia by fitting a second pot without holes and flooded with nutrient solution diluted to one-third of the original, in order to keep a blade of 20 mm on the surface of the substrate. Plants were maintained flooded for eight days, and so the pot without drilling holes was removed for recovery assessment. Non-waterlogging plants were maintained as control (normoxic condition). The activities of fermentation enzymes, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were quantified in roots and nodules collected at 2, 4, 6 and 8 days after flooding or recovery . Experiment II - soybean plants were transferred to a hydroponic system and roots were subjected to hypoxia by flowing N2 gas during 24 and 72 h. For recovery, plants returned to vermiculite for 24 and 72 h. A control group of plants was maintained in vermiculite.The enzymatic activities of ADH, PDC and LDH, levels of anaerobic metabolites (ethanol, lactate and pyruvate) and carbohydrate content (sucrose, soluble sugars, starch and water soluble polysaccharides) were quantified in roots and nodules. The experiments were completely randomized with four replications and data were analyzed by ANOVA and compared by the Tukey test (P 0.05). Experiment I - activities of ADH, PDC and LDH increased significantly in roots and nodules of flooded plants and decreased during recovery. Fundacep 53 RR responded more effectively to treatments effects. Experiment II - the activity of ADH, PDC and LDH enzymes, as well as the content of ethanol and lactate, increased with hypoxia in roots and nodules, and returned to pre-hypoxic levels with the recovery in both genotypes. The pyruvate content increased in nodules and decreased in roots, sugars and sucrose levels increased in roots and decreased in nodules under hypoxia for both genotypes. Fundacep RR 53 was more responsive to the effects caused by hypoxia and post-hypoxia than BRS Macota. The effects were more pronounced in plants subjected to hypoxia by hydroponic system due to the rapid depletion of oxygen in the solution. / O metabolismo das plantas reage sensivelmente às mudanças de disponibilidade de oxigênio impostas pelo alagamento. Uma das consequências imediatas da depleção do oxigênio é a ativação do metabolismo anaeróbico e uma redução significativa na produção de energia. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o metabolismo fermentativo em raízes e nódulos de soja [Glycine max (L.) Merril] sob condições de hipoxia e pós-hipoxia. Para isso dois experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação com os genótipos Fundacep 53 RR e BRS Macota, cultivados em vasos de 3L contendo vermiculita como substrato, em associação com Bradyrhizobium elkanii. Os tratamentos foram aplicados quando as plantas atingiram o estádio R2 (reprodutivo). Experimento I - o sistema radicular da soja foi submetido à hipoxia pelo encaixe de um segundo vaso sem perfurações e inundado com solução nutritiva diluída a 1/3 da concentração original, de forma a se manter uma lâmina de 20 mm sobre a superfície do substrato. A inundação das plantas foi conduzida por 8 dias, após este período foi retirado os vasos sem perfurações para avaliação da recuperação. O material vegetal foi coletado no 2º, 4º, 6º e 8º dia após a inundação (DAI) ou recuperação (DAR), juntamente com seus respectivos controles (mantidos em normoxia) para a dosagem da atividade das enzimas fermentativas, álcool desidrogenase (ADH), piruvato descarboxilase (PDC) e lactato desidrogenase (LDH) em raízes e nódulos. Experimento II - as plantas foram transferidas para um sistema hidropônico e submetidas à hipoxia do sistema radicular pelo borbulhamento de N2 gasoso por 24 e 72 h ou mantidas em vermiculita (controle). Posteriormente retornaram para vermiculita sob condições de normoxia por 24 e 72 h. Foram avaliadas a atividade das enzimas ADH, PDC e LDH , metabólitos anaeróbicos (etanol, lactato e piruvato) e conteúdo de carboidratos (sacarose, açúcares solúveis totais, amido e polissacarídeos solúveis em água) em raízes e nódulos. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições. Os dados foram submetidos à ANOVA e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. No experimento I a inundação promoveu aumento significativo da atividade da ADH, PDC e LDH, bem como a diminuição da atividade com a recuperação em raízes e nódulos. Fundacep 53 RR respondeu de forma mais efetiva aos tratamentos. No experimento II, a atividade das enzimas ADH, PDC e LDH, bem como os teores de etanol e lactato, aumentaram com a hipoxia em raízes e nódulos e retornaram aos níveis pré-hipóxicos com a recuperação em ambos os genótipos. O teor de piruvato aumentou nos nódulos e diminuiu nas raízes e os teores de açúcares e sacarose aumentaram nas raízes e diminuíram nos nódulos em hipoxia para ambos os genótipos. Fundacep 53 RR foi mais responsiva aos efeitos provocados pela hipoxia e pós-hipoxia que BRS Macota. Os efeitos foram mais pronunciados nas plantas submetidas à hipoxia pelo sistema hidropônico em função da rápida depleção do oxigênio na solução.

Resistivity and the solid-to-liquid transition in high-temperature superconductors

Espinosa Arronte, Beatriz January 2006 (has links)
<p>In high-temperature superconductors a large region of the magnetic phase diagram is occupied by a vortex phase that displays a number of exciting phenomena. At low temperatures, vortices form a truly superconducting solid phase which at high temperatures turns into a dissipative vortex liquid. The character of the transition between these two phases depends on the amount and type of disorder present in the system. For weak point disorder the vortex solid-to-liquid transition is a first-order melting. In the presence of strong point disorder the solid is thought to be a vortex-glass and the transition into the liquid is instead of second order. When the disorder is correlated, like twin boundaries or artificially introduced columnar defects, the transition is also second order, but has essentially different properties. In this work, the transition between the solid and liquid phases of the vortex state has been studied by resistive transport measurements in mainly YBa2Cu3O7-[delta](YBCO) single crystals with different types of disorder.</p><p>The vortex-glass transition has been investigated in an extended model for the vortex-liquid resistivity close to the transition that takes into account both the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the transition line. The resistivity of samples with different properties was measured with various contact configurations at several magnetic fields and analyzed within this model. For each sample, attempts were made to scale the transition curves to one curve according to a suitable scaling variable predicted by the model. Good scaling was found in a number of different situations. The influence of increasing anisotropy and angular dependence of the magnetic field in the model were also considered.</p><p>The vortex solid-to-liquid transition was also studied in heavy-ion irradiated YBCO single crystals. The ions create columnar defects in the sample that act as correlated disorder. A magnetic field was applied at a tilt angle with respect to the direction of the columns. At the transition the resistance disappears as a power law with different exponents in the three orthogonal directions considered. This provides evidence for a new type of critical behavior with fully anisotropic critical scaling properties not previously found in any physical system.</p><p>The effect on the vortex solid-to-liquid transition of high magnetic fields applied parallel to the superconducting layers of underdoped YBCO single crystals was also studied. Some novel features were observed: a sharp kink appearing close to Tc at high magnetic fields and a triple dip in the angular dependence of the resistivity close to B||ab in some regions of the phase diagram.</p> / <p>I högtemperatursupraledare består en stor del av det magnetiska fasdiagrammet av en vortexfas som uppvisar ett flertal spännande fenomen. Vid låga temperaturer bildar vortexarna en fast vortexfas utan elektriskt motstånd. Vid högre temperatur övergår denna fas till en dissipativ vortexvätska. Egenskaperna hos denna fasövergång beror på oordningen i form av defekter. Vid svag punktoordning är fasomvandlingen mellan det fasta och flytande vortextillståndet en första ordningens smältövergång. Vid stark punktoordning anses den fasta fasen vara ett vortexglas och övergången till vortexvätskan är istället av andra ordningen. När oordningen är korrelerad, som för tvillinggränser eller artificiellt skapade kolumndefekter, är övergången också av andra ordningen men med väsentligt annorlunda egenskaper. I detta arbete har övergången mellan det fasta och det flytande vortextillståndet studerats med resistiva transportmätningar i framförallt enkristaller av YBa2Cu3O7-[delta] (YBCO) med olika typer av oordning.</p><p>Vortexglasövergången har undersökts i en utvidgad modell för resistansen i vortexvätskan nära fasövergången där hänsyn tas till såväl temperatur- som fältberoendet. Resistansen hos prover med olika egenskaper mättes i varierande magnetfält och i flera kontaktkonfigurationer och analyserades inom denna modell. Övergångskurvorna skalades till en kurva med en skalningsvariabel som givits av modellen. God skalning uppnåddes i flera olika fall. Effekten av ökande anisotropi och vinkelberoendet i modellen undersöktes också.</p><p>Vortexövergången mellan det fasta och det flytande vortextillståndet undersöktes även i enkristaller av YBCO bestrålade med tunga joner. Jonerna skapade kolumndefekter som fungerar som korrelerad oordning. Vinkeln mellan pålagt magnetfält och dessa kolumndefekter varierades. Vid fasövergången avtar resistansen som en potenslag med olika exponenter i de tre undersökta ortogonala riktningarna. Detta ger experimentell belägg för en ny typ av kritiskt beteende med fullständigt anisotropa kritiska skalningsegenskaper.</p><p>Egenskaparna hos på vortexövergången mellan fast och flytande fas vid höga magnetfält parallella med de supraledande lagren hos underdopade YBCO enkristaller undersöktes också. Några nya effekter observerades: en skarp knyck uppstod nära Tc vid höga magnetfält och en tredubbel dipp i den vinkelberoende resistiviteten nära B||ab i några regioner av fasdiagrammet.</p>

Resistivity and the solid-to-liquid transition in high-temperature superconductors

Espinosa Arronte, Beatriz January 2006 (has links)
In high-temperature superconductors a large region of the magnetic phase diagram is occupied by a vortex phase that displays a number of exciting phenomena. At low temperatures, vortices form a truly superconducting solid phase which at high temperatures turns into a dissipative vortex liquid. The character of the transition between these two phases depends on the amount and type of disorder present in the system. For weak point disorder the vortex solid-to-liquid transition is a first-order melting. In the presence of strong point disorder the solid is thought to be a vortex-glass and the transition into the liquid is instead of second order. When the disorder is correlated, like twin boundaries or artificially introduced columnar defects, the transition is also second order, but has essentially different properties. In this work, the transition between the solid and liquid phases of the vortex state has been studied by resistive transport measurements in mainly YBa2Cu3O7-[delta](YBCO) single crystals with different types of disorder. The vortex-glass transition has been investigated in an extended model for the vortex-liquid resistivity close to the transition that takes into account both the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the transition line. The resistivity of samples with different properties was measured with various contact configurations at several magnetic fields and analyzed within this model. For each sample, attempts were made to scale the transition curves to one curve according to a suitable scaling variable predicted by the model. Good scaling was found in a number of different situations. The influence of increasing anisotropy and angular dependence of the magnetic field in the model were also considered. The vortex solid-to-liquid transition was also studied in heavy-ion irradiated YBCO single crystals. The ions create columnar defects in the sample that act as correlated disorder. A magnetic field was applied at a tilt angle with respect to the direction of the columns. At the transition the resistance disappears as a power law with different exponents in the three orthogonal directions considered. This provides evidence for a new type of critical behavior with fully anisotropic critical scaling properties not previously found in any physical system. The effect on the vortex solid-to-liquid transition of high magnetic fields applied parallel to the superconducting layers of underdoped YBCO single crystals was also studied. Some novel features were observed: a sharp kink appearing close to Tc at high magnetic fields and a triple dip in the angular dependence of the resistivity close to B||ab in some regions of the phase diagram. / I högtemperatursupraledare består en stor del av det magnetiska fasdiagrammet av en vortexfas som uppvisar ett flertal spännande fenomen. Vid låga temperaturer bildar vortexarna en fast vortexfas utan elektriskt motstånd. Vid högre temperatur övergår denna fas till en dissipativ vortexvätska. Egenskaperna hos denna fasövergång beror på oordningen i form av defekter. Vid svag punktoordning är fasomvandlingen mellan det fasta och flytande vortextillståndet en första ordningens smältövergång. Vid stark punktoordning anses den fasta fasen vara ett vortexglas och övergången till vortexvätskan är istället av andra ordningen. När oordningen är korrelerad, som för tvillinggränser eller artificiellt skapade kolumndefekter, är övergången också av andra ordningen men med väsentligt annorlunda egenskaper. I detta arbete har övergången mellan det fasta och det flytande vortextillståndet studerats med resistiva transportmätningar i framförallt enkristaller av YBa2Cu3O7-[delta] (YBCO) med olika typer av oordning. Vortexglasövergången har undersökts i en utvidgad modell för resistansen i vortexvätskan nära fasövergången där hänsyn tas till såväl temperatur- som fältberoendet. Resistansen hos prover med olika egenskaper mättes i varierande magnetfält och i flera kontaktkonfigurationer och analyserades inom denna modell. Övergångskurvorna skalades till en kurva med en skalningsvariabel som givits av modellen. God skalning uppnåddes i flera olika fall. Effekten av ökande anisotropi och vinkelberoendet i modellen undersöktes också. Vortexövergången mellan det fasta och det flytande vortextillståndet undersöktes även i enkristaller av YBCO bestrålade med tunga joner. Jonerna skapade kolumndefekter som fungerar som korrelerad oordning. Vinkeln mellan pålagt magnetfält och dessa kolumndefekter varierades. Vid fasövergången avtar resistansen som en potenslag med olika exponenter i de tre undersökta ortogonala riktningarna. Detta ger experimentell belägg för en ny typ av kritiskt beteende med fullständigt anisotropa kritiska skalningsegenskaper. Egenskaparna hos på vortexövergången mellan fast och flytande fas vid höga magnetfält parallella med de supraledande lagren hos underdopade YBCO enkristaller undersöktes också. Några nya effekter observerades: en skarp knyck uppstod nära Tc vid höga magnetfält och en tredubbel dipp i den vinkelberoende resistiviteten nära B||ab i några regioner av fasdiagrammet. / QC 20110125

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