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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Van snyerspak tot voorskoot : analise van die veranderinge in feminisme en uitbeeldings van vroulikheid in hedendaagse televisie vanaf 1997 tot vandag (Afrikaans)

Van der Walt, Martine 03 December 2012 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Die teenwoordigheid van vroue in die massamedia, en spesifiek in televisie, is vroeg in die een-en-twintigste eeu groter as ooit vantevore. Reekse waarin uitbeeldings van vroue beperk was tot dié van meestal onderontwikkelde, periferale of sekondêre karakters, is iets van die verlede. Die wyse waarop vroue in televisie uitgebeeld word is dus uiters belangrik aangesien so ’n groot hoeveelheid televisiereekse spesifiek die vrouegehoor teiken wat, hetsy aktief of passief, met wat hulle in hierdie reekse sien omgaan. Boodskappe wat deur televisiereekse versprei word, sal waarskynlik onbewustelik ’n uitwerking hê op hoe vroue hulleself beskou, hoe hulle ander vroue beskou, sowel as op hulle houding jeens kwessies soos feminisme en vroulikheid. Die doel van hierdie studie is om dominante diskoerse oor feminisme en vroulikheid wat deur hedendaagse televisiereekse aan die samelewing voorgehou word, te ondersoek. Die studie konsentreer spesifiek op drie gewilde en veelbekroonde Amerikaanse televisiereekse van 1997 tot 2012, naamlik Ally McBeal (Kelley 1997- 2002), Sex and the City (Starr 1998-2004) en Desperate Housewives (Cherry 2004- 2012) – reekse wat al drie as sogenaamde zeitgeist-televisie beskryf kan word. Die artikulering van feministiese doelstellings, hetsy dié afkomstig uit die tweede generasie of uit meer onlangse bewegings in feminisme, val onder die soeklig en die wyse waarop hierdie doelstellings aangespreek word, word bespreek. Deur aspekte wat teoreties nóύ verband hou met feminisme (aspekte soos melodrama as ’n vroulik-geïdentifiseerde genre en verbruikerswese) te identifiseer, word daar aangvoer dat die drie reekse beslis in ’n feministiese sfeer geposisioneer is. Die teenwoordigheid van hierdie aspekte in die drie reekse het dan ook dieperliggende narratiewe oor feminisme blootgelê – narratiewe waarvan die alledaagse kyker waarskynlik nie bewus sal wees nie, maar wat onderbewustelik moontlik ’n invloed kan hê op kykers se denke oor en begrip van feminisme. Die belangrikste gevolgtrekking van hierdie studie is dat die drie gekose televisiereekse op verskillende en uiteenlopende wyses met feminisme en vroulikheid omgaan. Verder ondersteun die studie die uitgangspunt dat daar ’n behoefte is aan kritiese debat rakende die uitbeeldings van feminisme en vroulikheid in hedendaagse voorbeelde van populêre massamedia. ENGLISH: The presence of women in mass media, specifically in television, in the twenty-first century is larger than ever and the days of series featuring women that are generally underdeveloped, peripheral or secondary characters is a thing of the past. The way in which females are portrayed in television is thus of the utmost importance since such a large number of television series cater to an extensive female audience, who engage (whether actively or passively) with that which they see. Messages received from popular television series are likely to inadvertently have an effect on how women view themselves, how they view other women, as well as their attitudes towards issues like feminism and femininity. The purpose of this study is to examine dominant discourses on feminism and feminity that are being propagated by contemporary television series. The specific focus of the study falls on three highly successful and critically acclaimed television series running from 1997 until 2012, namely Ally McBeal (Kelley 1997-2002), Sex and the City (Starr 1998-2004) and Desperate Housewives (Cherry 2004-2012) – series that have all been described as so-called Zeitgeist television. The articulation of feminist goals, whether from the second wave or more recent feminist movements, is examined and the ways in which these goals are addressed are discussed. By identifying aspects that are theoretically related to feminism (aspects like melodrama as a female identified genre and consumerism), it is argued that these three series are definitely positioned in a feminist sphere. The presence of these aspects also uncovered deep-seated feminist narratives – narratives that the everyday audience member will most likely not be aware of, but which could unconsciously influence viewers’ thoughts on and understanding of feminism. The main conclusion of this study entails that the three chosen television series deal with feminism and femininity in very different and diverse ways. Furthermore, the study supports the view that there is a need for critical debates on the representation of feminism and femininity in contemporary examples of popular mass media / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Visual Arts / unrestricted

Die konstruering van die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal : ʼn analise van twee Afrikaanse, Christelike vrouetydskrifte in Suid-Afrika (Afrikaans)

Mans, Hettie 27 July 2012 (has links)
ʼn Visuele analise van twee Afrikaanse, Christelike vrouetydskrifte het ten doel om die aard van ʼn hedendaagse Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal te ondersoek, soos dit in alledaagse kultuur gekonstrueer word. Hierdie studie bestaan uit ʼn visuele analise wat fokus op populêre media, naamlik die Afrikaanse, Christelike glansvrouetydskrifte Finesse en Lééf. Die tiende verjaardaguitgawe van Finesse in Mei 2008 dui op ʼn mylpaal vir Christen-Afrikaanse vroulikheid. Daarom ag hierdie studie die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal as ʼn waardige onderwerp om te bestudeer. Die studie stel ondersoek in na die agtergrond rondom die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal, wat insluit: die sosio-politieke konteks rondom die Afrikaner/Afrikaanses, ʼn Godsdienstige kultuurgeskiedenis, en die bydrae van vrouetydskrifte tot die konstruering ʼn vroue-ideaal. Hierdie visuele analise bepaal dat die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal subtiel gekonstrueer word deur sekere kodes wat met vroulikheid geassosieer word. Dit sluit onder meer in: visuele tekens wat ʼn denkbeeldige gemeenskap simboliseer, teekoppies, inskrywings, mooimaaksessies, vrugte, see, skoenlappers en skoonheid. Hierdie tekens simboliseer mitiese vroulikheid wat vergestalt in die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal, wat deur die raamwerk van Finesse en Lééf ondersteun word. ʼn Kritiese, visuele analise van Finesse en Lééf volg, met spesifieke verwysing na visuele beelde waar ʼn vrou as individu in ʼn foto verskyn. Hierdie analise eien sekere karaktereienskappe wat die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal voorhou, terwyl sekere tekens of kodes wat bepalend is tot haar uiterlike voorkoms, uitgelig word. Die studie bepaal dat die rolle wat die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal voorhou, dié van eggenote en moeder insluit en word ondersteun deur die visuele analise. Die belang van iii haar rolle lei waarskynlik tot die Christen-Afrikaanse vroue-ideaal se beperking tot die huislike sfeer. Die huislike sfeer in die betrokke tydskrifte word visueel uitgebeeld aan die hand van resepte en dekor. Deur middel van die visuele analise van Finesse en Lééf bepaal hierdie studie die aard van Christen-Afrikaanse vroulikheid soos dit tydens 2008 in alledaagse kultuur weerspieël word. ENGLISH : The aim of a visual analysis of two Christian, Afrikaans, women's magazines is to explore the nature of the contemporary Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal, as it is constructed in popular culture. Therefore, this study consists of a visual analysis which focuses on popular media, in this case the Christian, Afrikaans, glossy women's magazines, Finesse and Lééf. This coincides with the tenth birthday celebration of Finesse, which represents a milestone for Christian-Afrikaans femininity. Therefore, this research regards the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal as a significant topic to be studied. The construction of the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal is considered in terms of: the social-political context surrounding the Afrikaner/Afrikaanses; a religious cultural history; and the contribution of women's magazines to the construction of a feminine ideal. From the visual analysis it is clear that the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal is subtly constructed by codes that may be associated with femininity. These include: visual signs that symbolise an imagined community, tea cups, subscriptions, make-overs, fruit, the sea, butterflies and beauty. These signs, which are supported by the frameworks of Finesse and Lééf respectively, work together to construct not only a myth of femininity, but more importantly to this study, the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal. The critical visual analysis of Finesse and Lééf focuses on photographs of individual women in these magazines. This allows the study to pinpoint specific characteristics that form part of the persona of the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal. Signs and codes that contribute to the physical appearance of the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal are also pointed out. This study discovers that the various roles expected from the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal include that of wife and mother. These two primary roles then lead to the association of the Christian-Afrikaans feminine ideal with the private sphere. The visual analysis reveals that the private sphere is constituted by articles on decor and recipes in both magazines. Through a visual analysis of Finesse and Lééf, this study explores the nature of Christian-Afrikaans femininity as it was portrayed in 2008 in two popular magazines. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Visual Arts / unrestricted

Conflict dynamics within the gender spectrum of a large South African sugar manufacturing company / Alicia Beneke

Beneke, Alicia January 2015 (has links)
Objective: The primary objective of this study was to investigate the perception and handling of interpersonal conflict within the gender spectrum compilation of biological sex and gender identity. Methods: The research of this study was conducted by means of a theoretical study and a quantitative empirical analysis. Literature analysis and scientific theories form the basis for the first three chapters of this study. These include the philosophies of Karl Marx and Max Weber, followed by a detailed discussion on the dynamics of conflict. The empirical analysis utilized cross-sectional survey design, with a combined convenience quota sample of employees (n=133) within the company taken. This consisted of top management, middle management and lower management. The empirical study utilized the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) and the Rahim Organisational Conflict Inventory-II (ROCI-II). The Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) provided self-determining assessments of masculinity and femininity in terms of the respondent’s self-reported control of socially desirable, stereotypically masculine and feminine personality characteristics. The Rahim Organisational Conflict Inventory-II (ROCI-II) measured the present methods of conflict management specifically within an organizational environment. Results: It was noted that there was no difference in how pure biological sex (males and females) perceived and handled conflict within the workplace; but there was a difference in how the different gender identity groups (masculine males vs. feminine males and feminine females vs. masculine females) perceived and handled conflict. Conclusion: This study highlighted the conflict-dynamics within the gender-spectrum of a large South African sugar manufacturing company. Results of the study proved that the motivation towards this study was achieved in the sense that, although there were no differences in how different genders perceive and handle conflict, differences were found in the different gender identities within each of those genders. It is recommended that further research include a comparative study between two or three manufacturing companies to see how different companies within the same industry deviate from or resemble the results of this study. Further research could also determine whether there are differences, by cross-checking all four gender identity groups (masculine males, feminine males, feminine females and masculine females) using the MANOVA statistical procedure. / MCom (Labour Relations Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Conflict dynamics within the gender spectrum of a large South African sugar manufacturing company / Alicia Beneke

Beneke, Alicia January 2015 (has links)
Objective: The primary objective of this study was to investigate the perception and handling of interpersonal conflict within the gender spectrum compilation of biological sex and gender identity. Methods: The research of this study was conducted by means of a theoretical study and a quantitative empirical analysis. Literature analysis and scientific theories form the basis for the first three chapters of this study. These include the philosophies of Karl Marx and Max Weber, followed by a detailed discussion on the dynamics of conflict. The empirical analysis utilized cross-sectional survey design, with a combined convenience quota sample of employees (n=133) within the company taken. This consisted of top management, middle management and lower management. The empirical study utilized the Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) and the Rahim Organisational Conflict Inventory-II (ROCI-II). The Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) provided self-determining assessments of masculinity and femininity in terms of the respondent’s self-reported control of socially desirable, stereotypically masculine and feminine personality characteristics. The Rahim Organisational Conflict Inventory-II (ROCI-II) measured the present methods of conflict management specifically within an organizational environment. Results: It was noted that there was no difference in how pure biological sex (males and females) perceived and handled conflict within the workplace; but there was a difference in how the different gender identity groups (masculine males vs. feminine males and feminine females vs. masculine females) perceived and handled conflict. Conclusion: This study highlighted the conflict-dynamics within the gender-spectrum of a large South African sugar manufacturing company. Results of the study proved that the motivation towards this study was achieved in the sense that, although there were no differences in how different genders perceive and handle conflict, differences were found in the different gender identities within each of those genders. It is recommended that further research include a comparative study between two or three manufacturing companies to see how different companies within the same industry deviate from or resemble the results of this study. Further research could also determine whether there are differences, by cross-checking all four gender identity groups (masculine males, feminine males, feminine females and masculine females) using the MANOVA statistical procedure. / MCom (Labour Relations Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

The feasibility of the statement of generally accepted accounting practice for small and medium enterprises / Daniël Petrus Schutte

Schutte, Daniël Petrus January 2011 (has links)
Governments are becoming increasingly aware of SMEs as economical role players. As a result many initiatives were introduced to address the unique challenges of the SME sector. One of these initiatives was the introduction of a global accounting framework for SMEs by the International Accounting Standards Board entitled the IFRS for SMEs. South Africa became the first country to formally adopt the contents thereof as the Statement of GAAP for SMEs. The adoption of a formal accounting framework by SMEs is however challenged by, amongst other factors, the informal nature of SMEs, limited global focus, the involvement of owner–managers and different classifications of SMEs worldwide. Owing to these unique attributes it is possible that SMEs have alternative informational needs and as a result the impact of environmental factors on the adoption of the Statement of GAAP for SMEs was considered. Culture is considered the most important environmental factor affecting the accounting environment. The Value Survey Model of Hofstede was utilised to determine cultural dimensions of accounting students (n = 301) in South Africa and the United Kingdom (UK). The cultural dimensions were extended to the accounting values of Gray after which a distinct set of accounting values was identified for i) the adoption of formal, global and prescriptive accounting standards, ii) based on principles iii) by an informal SME sector. The results also revealed distinct cultural differences within South Africa as well as between South Africa and the UK. Thereafter the contents of the Statement of GAAP for SMEs/IFRS for SMEs were evaluated against reporting practices of the SME sector in South Africa. Firstly, an assessment of the contents was conducted amongst SME accountants (n = 157) using a five–point Likert–type scale. Secondly, financial statements compiled by the SME sector in South Africa were analysed to determine the relevance of the contents of the illustrative financial statements contained in the Statement of GAAP for SMEs. The analysis entailed a consolidation of a sample of SME financial statements from South Africa (n = 100). The study revealed that the accounting environment of the SME sector is affected by a wide range of environmental and related factors. These factors were summarised and discussed and recommendations for future research were made. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Accounting))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

The feasibility of the statement of generally accepted accounting practice for small and medium enterprises / Daniël Petrus Schutte

Schutte, Daniël Petrus January 2011 (has links)
Governments are becoming increasingly aware of SMEs as economical role players. As a result many initiatives were introduced to address the unique challenges of the SME sector. One of these initiatives was the introduction of a global accounting framework for SMEs by the International Accounting Standards Board entitled the IFRS for SMEs. South Africa became the first country to formally adopt the contents thereof as the Statement of GAAP for SMEs. The adoption of a formal accounting framework by SMEs is however challenged by, amongst other factors, the informal nature of SMEs, limited global focus, the involvement of owner–managers and different classifications of SMEs worldwide. Owing to these unique attributes it is possible that SMEs have alternative informational needs and as a result the impact of environmental factors on the adoption of the Statement of GAAP for SMEs was considered. Culture is considered the most important environmental factor affecting the accounting environment. The Value Survey Model of Hofstede was utilised to determine cultural dimensions of accounting students (n = 301) in South Africa and the United Kingdom (UK). The cultural dimensions were extended to the accounting values of Gray after which a distinct set of accounting values was identified for i) the adoption of formal, global and prescriptive accounting standards, ii) based on principles iii) by an informal SME sector. The results also revealed distinct cultural differences within South Africa as well as between South Africa and the UK. Thereafter the contents of the Statement of GAAP for SMEs/IFRS for SMEs were evaluated against reporting practices of the SME sector in South Africa. Firstly, an assessment of the contents was conducted amongst SME accountants (n = 157) using a five–point Likert–type scale. Secondly, financial statements compiled by the SME sector in South Africa were analysed to determine the relevance of the contents of the illustrative financial statements contained in the Statement of GAAP for SMEs. The analysis entailed a consolidation of a sample of SME financial statements from South Africa (n = 100). The study revealed that the accounting environment of the SME sector is affected by a wide range of environmental and related factors. These factors were summarised and discussed and recommendations for future research were made. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Accounting))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

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