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Wireless sensor network for volcano monitoringZhang, Yan January 2005 (has links)
The monitoring of volcanoes for risk assessment has deployed single sensors for years. This kind of system requires manual supervision to monitor each sensor, which makes the monitoring work not flexible and efficient enough to adapt to variable volcano environments. With the development of wireless sensor networks, the accuracy and coverage of volcano observations can be improved by deploying networked sensors. This paper proposes a wireless sensor network prototype for volcano remote monitoring, which was built and tested in a field campaign in volcano Etna, Italy in September of 2004.Hardware design of sensors, in-depth sensor network design and software module architecture will be introduced in this paper. The experience gained from the practical work in volcano Etna will be used in an upcoming volcano monitoring project. / Vulkaner har, i syfte för riskuppskattning, under en lång tid observerats med enkel sensorteknik.Det systemet behöver dock manuell övervakning av varje sensor, vilket gör att övervakningssystemet inte blir nog flexibelt eller effektivt för att kunna anpassas till en variabel vulkanmiljö. Med utvecklingen av trådlösa sensornätverk kan noggrannheten och täckningen av vulkanövervakning förbättras. I denna rapport föreslås en prototyp för ett trådlöst sensornätverk avsett för övervakning av vulkaner.Denna prototyp byggdes och provades i en fältkampanj på vulkanen Etna i september 2004. I denna rapport presenteras även hårdvarudesign av sensorer, fördjupad design av sensornätverket och arkitektur av mjukvarumoduler.Erfarenheten från det praktiska arbetet på Etna kommer att användas i ett kommande vulkanprojekt. / 数年耒, 火山庐盎'情予页手贝哑工儡乍中普遍采用的是单传感器系茎充。 这手中系彗充需要人工监控每个传 感器, 由于其不可多灵活高效, 不苜旨适应多变的火山壬不土竞。 随着无线传感器网络的岌展, 采用 网络互连的传感器苜旨句多提高火山监暑贝畦的子崔确'性养口宗置盖范围o 本文提出了一茉中用于火山远程监 控的无线传感器网络原型, 在 2口口4年 日 月薏犬禾lj士矣特男B火山的科学考察活动中, i亥网络芋皮搭 建井寄贝哑试应用。 本文轧寻介妻召宝亥网络中的传感器的丑更儡牛设元十, 传感器网络设无十以及软儡牛摸块结 构。 在士矣特丑B火山的实地考禀工儡乍中获宁导的宝贵经验耳幂儡故为下一唇介段火山监手贝哑项目的守旨南。
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Riskanalyskartor i GIS över tsunamidrabbade områden vid ett skredscenario av vulkanen Cumbre Vieja på La Palma, Kanarieöarna / Vulnerability Maps in GIS of Tsunami Affected Areas for a Landslide Scenario of the Cumbre Vieja Volcano on La Palma, Canary IslandsHagerfors, Erika, Lagrosen, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
På Kanarieön La Palma finns sprickzonen och vulkanen Cumbre Vieja. Under ett vulkanutbrott år 1949 bildades ett förkastningssystem längs vulkanens västra sida som skulle kunna vara ett förstadium till en framtida kollaps av vulkanen. Denna kollaps skulle kunna leda till bildandet av en tsunami när kollapsmaterial rasar ner i havet likt ett jordskred. Tsunamin kan komma att spridas över stora delar av Atlanten och i olika grad påverka de omkringliggande kontinenterna. Det finns olika teorier om hur stort jordskredet kommer att bli och om det kommer att ske successivt eller kollapsa som en enda enhet. I detta arbete studeras fyra kollapsscenarier med volymer av 20 km3, 40 km3, 80 km3 och 450 km3 närmare. Utifrån dessa volymer skapas riskanalyskartor i GIS över ön Teneriffa och New Yorks storstadsområde som visar hur långt över land tsunamin når vid de olika kollapsscenarierna. Dessa kartor jämförs sedan med markanvändningskartor över Teneriffa och New Yorks storstadsområde. Trots att tsunamivågen kan bli mycket hög vid Teneriffas kust kommer stora delar av ön att undkomma tsunamin, vilket bl.a. beror på öns höga höjd över havet. Då de flesta byggnader är belägna vid kusten innebär det att många människor ändå riskerar att drabbas. New Yorks storstadsområde är istället lågt beläget, vilket bidrar till att många kustnära områden kommer att drabbas trots att våghöjden har avtagit väsentligt. Då detta område är mycket tätbefolkat kan en tsunami därför leda till en stor påverkan. / On the Canary Island La Palma there is a volcanic ridge called Cumbre Vieja. During an eruption in 1949 a fault system was formed along the western flank of the volcano that can be an early stage of a future flank collapse of Cumbre Vieja. During this collapse a large volume of rock material will fall into the ocean like a landslide, which could lead to the formation of a tsunami. The tsunami could spread over large parts of the Atlantic Ocean and to varying extent affect the surrounding continents. There are different theories of how big the landslide will be and if it will collapse gradually or as a coherent block. In this study four collapse scenarios with different volumes, 20 km3, 40 km3, 80 km3 and 450 km3, are studied more closely. Based on these volumes, vulnerability maps are created in GIS covering the island Tenerife and the New York metropolitan area. The maps show the land reach of the tsunami for each of the collapse scenarios. These maps are thereafter compared with land use maps over Tenerife and the New York metropolitan area. Despite the high amplitude of the tsunami wave at the coast of Tenerife, large parts of the island will remain unaffected by the tsunami. This is due to, among other things, the high altitude of the island. However, most buildings are located along the coast, which means that many people are at risk. The New York metropolitan area has, on the other hand, low altitude which is one explanation why many coastal areas will be affected despite the significant decrease in tsunami wave height. A tsunami would have a major impact due to these areas being densely populated.
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Dispersion modelling of volcanic emissions / Spridningsmodellering av utsläpp från vulkanerDingwell, Adam January 2016 (has links)
Gases and particles released by volcanoes pose a serious hazard to humans and society. Emissions can be transported over long distances before being reduced to harmless concentrations. Knowing which areas are, or will be, exposed to volcanic emissions is an important part inreducing the impact on human health and society. In this thesis, the dispersion of volcanic emissions is studied using a set of atmospheric models. The work includes contribution to the development of the Lagrangian Particle Dispersion Model FLEXPART-WRF. Three case studies have been performed, one studying potential ash emissions from potential future eruptions on Iceland, a second covering SO2 emissions from Mt. Nyiragongo in D.R. Congo, and a third studying the SO2 emission rate of the Holuhraun eruption (Iceland) in 2014–2015. The first study covers volcanic ash hazard for air traffic over Europe. Three years of meteorological data are used to repeatedly simulate dispersion from different eruption scenarios. The simulations are used to study the probability of hazardous concentrations in ash in European airspace. The ash hazard shows a seasonal variation with a higher probability of efficient eastward transport in winter, while summer eruptions pose a more persistent hazard. In the second study, regional gas exposure around Mt. Nyiragongo is modelled using flux measurements to improve the description of the emission source. Gases are generally transported to the north-west in June–August and to the south-west in December–January. A diurnal variation due to land breeze around lake Kivu contributes to high concentrations of SO2 along the northern shore during the night. Potentially hazardous concentrations are occasionally reached in populated areas in the region, but mainly during the nights. The third study uses inverse dispersion modelling to determine the height and emission rates based on traverse measurements of the plume at 80–240 km from the source. The calculated source term yields better agreement with satellite observations compared to commonly used column sources. The work in this thesis presents improvements in dispersion modelling of volcanic emissions through improved models, more accurate representation of the source terms, and through incorporating new types of measurements into the modelling systems. / Gas- och partikelutsläpp från vulkaner utgör en fara för människor och för vårt samhälle. Utsläppen kan transporteras över långa avstånd innan de reduceras till oskadliga halter. Att känna till vilka områden som utsätts för, eller kommer utsättas för, utsläppen är ett viktigt verktyg föratt minska påverkan på folkhälsa och samhälle. I avhandlingen studeras spridningen av utsläpp från vulkanutbrott med hjälp av en uppsättning numeriska atmosfärsmodeller. Den Lagrangiska Partikelspridningsmodellen FLEXPART-WRF har förbättrats och applicerats för spridningsmodellering av vulkanutbrott. Tre studier har utförts, en fokuserar på vulkanaska från potentiella framtida utbrott på Island, den andra studerar SO2-ustläpp från vulkanen Nyiragongo i Demokratiska Republiken Kongo, och den tredje studerar SO2-ustläpp från utbrottet i Holuhraun (Island) 2014–2015. Den första studien uppskattar sannolikheten för att vulkanaska från framtida vulkanutbrott på Island ska överskrida de gränsvärden som tillämpas för flygtrafik. Tre år av meteorologisk data används för att simulera spridningen från olika utbrottsscenarier. Sannolikheten för skadliga halter aska varierar med årstid, med en högre sannolikhet för effektiv transport österut under vintermånaderna, sommarutbrott är istället mer benägna att orsaka långvariga problem överspecifika områden. In den andra studien undersöks spridningen av SO2 från Nyiragongo över en ettårsperiod. Flödesmätningar av plymen används för att förbättra källtermen i modellen. Gaserna transporteras i regel mot nordväst i juni–augusti och mot sydväst i december–februari En dygnsvariation, kopplad till mesoskaliga processer runt Kivusjön, bidrar till förhöjda halter av SO2 nattetid längs Kivusjöns norra kust. Potentiellt skadliga halter av SO2 uppnås av och till i befolkade områden men huvudsakligen nattetid. Den tredje studien utnyttjar inversmodellering för att avgöra plymhöjd och gasutsläpp baserat på traversmätningar av plymen runt 80–240 km från utsläppskällan. Den beräknade källtermen resulterar i bättre överensstämmelse mellan modell- och satellitdata jämfört med enklare källtermer. Arbetet i den här avhandlingen presenterar flertalet förbättringar för spridningsmodellering av vulkanutbrott genom bättre modeller, nogrannare beskrivning av källtermer, och genom nya metoder för tillämpning av olika typer av mätdata.
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Ověření, analýza a interpretace tíhové anomálie u Žírovic v Chebské pánvi / Verification, analysis and interpretation of gravity anomaly at locality Žírovice in the Cheb BasinVaško, Oskar January 2018 (has links)
In the vicinity of the Žírovice village near Františkovy Lázně in West Bohemia there exists a striking gravimetric isometric negative anomaly. Similar gravimetric anomaly near Mýtina, about 17 km to the SE of Žírovice, was interpreted by Mrlina et al. (2009) as a Quaternary volcanic structure of a maar-diatreme type. It is possible that the Žírovice anomaly and some other similar anomalies in the Cheb Basin may also reflect Tertiary or Quaternary volcanic structures. For this reason we performed a detailed gravimetric and magnetometric survey, followed by geophysical modeling. The presence of a volcanic structure was not confirmed by this work, on the contrary, it was rather excluded. The anomaly was interpreted as a sunken tectonic 3D block/graben.
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Rozšíření programu VRUT o zobrazovací plugin v rozhraní Vulkan / Vulkan Rendering Plugin for VRUT SoftwareKáčerik, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The master’s thesis submitted deals with realtime rendering of three-dimensional CAD data using Vulkan API. The thesis also covers possibilities of connecting the API with VRUT, complex solution for renderig developed by ŠKODA AUTO a.s. Design of such connection is presented in form of Vulkan rendering plugin for VRUT application. Performance of the designed module is compared with another rendering module, based on different rendering technologies.
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Fundamental Studies on Direct Injection Nebulisers for Sample Introduction in ICP Spectrometry : Aerosol Properties, ICP Characteristics and Analytical PerformanceGoitom Asfaha, Daniel January 2006 (has links)
<p>The performance of different types of nebulisers: Vulkan direct injection nebuliser (Vulkan DIN), direct injection high efficiency nebuliser (DIHEN), microconcentric nebuliser coupled to cyclonic or double pass spray chamber (MCN-C or MCN-DP, respectively) was investigated and compared when used for sample introduction to ICP-MS or ICP-OES. With ICP-OES, in axial viewing mode, intensity distributions across the radius of the plasma (radial intensity profiles) were determined for different spectral lines with Esum 1.85-15.41 eV to determine fundamental plasma properties for various matrices using Vulkan DIN and MCN-C. The results showed that with the MCN-C the ionisation temperature (Tion) was about the same across the measured region of the plasma (±3.0 mm) whereas with the Vulkan DIN the Tion was significantly lower in the centre of the plasma. A large deviation from local thermodynamic equilibrium, as well as deteriorated stability, was observed for the plasma when using the Vulkan DIN.</p><p>With ICP-MS noise power spectra (NPS) were generated to identify sources of noise. NPS showed that the magnitude of white noise for the tested sample introduction systems decreased in the following order: Vulkan DIN > DIHEN > MCN-C > MCN-DP. This order follows the decrease of mean droplet size and span of the size distribution, indicating that the white noise is caused by spatial and temporal non-uniform desolvation and ionisation. Another source of noise arose from the peristaltic pump and the magnitude of pump interference noise decreased in the following order: DIHEN > MCN-C/DP > Vulkan DIN. Mains power interference noise and 1/f noise were lower for the direct injection nebulisers compared to the spray chamber systems. The contribution or effects of these noise components on relative standard deviations of steady-state ion-count rate and isotope ratio measurements is discussed in this thesis.</p><p>Aerosols generated by the Vulkan DIN and the DIHEN were also directly characterised using Particle Dynamic Analysis. The Vulkan DIN produced particles with a mean diameter of ~30 µm and a size distribution between 2-80 µm. With the DIHEN the corresponding values were ~11 µm and 1-40 µm, respectively, with a few particles at 55-78 µm. The mean velocity of particles from the Vulkan DIN was ~10 m s-1 and from the DIHEN ~18 m s-1. The lower velocity allows longer residence time counteracting the effects of the larger droplet size.</p>
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Fundamental Studies on Direct Injection Nebulisers for Sample Introduction in ICP Spectrometry : Aerosol Properties, ICP Characteristics and Analytical PerformanceGoitom Asfaha, Daniel January 2006 (has links)
The performance of different types of nebulisers: Vulkan direct injection nebuliser (Vulkan DIN), direct injection high efficiency nebuliser (DIHEN), microconcentric nebuliser coupled to cyclonic or double pass spray chamber (MCN-C or MCN-DP, respectively) was investigated and compared when used for sample introduction to ICP-MS or ICP-OES. With ICP-OES, in axial viewing mode, intensity distributions across the radius of the plasma (radial intensity profiles) were determined for different spectral lines with Esum 1.85-15.41 eV to determine fundamental plasma properties for various matrices using Vulkan DIN and MCN-C. The results showed that with the MCN-C the ionisation temperature (Tion) was about the same across the measured region of the plasma (±3.0 mm) whereas with the Vulkan DIN the Tion was significantly lower in the centre of the plasma. A large deviation from local thermodynamic equilibrium, as well as deteriorated stability, was observed for the plasma when using the Vulkan DIN. With ICP-MS noise power spectra (NPS) were generated to identify sources of noise. NPS showed that the magnitude of white noise for the tested sample introduction systems decreased in the following order: Vulkan DIN > DIHEN > MCN-C > MCN-DP. This order follows the decrease of mean droplet size and span of the size distribution, indicating that the white noise is caused by spatial and temporal non-uniform desolvation and ionisation. Another source of noise arose from the peristaltic pump and the magnitude of pump interference noise decreased in the following order: DIHEN > MCN-C/DP > Vulkan DIN. Mains power interference noise and 1/f noise were lower for the direct injection nebulisers compared to the spray chamber systems. The contribution or effects of these noise components on relative standard deviations of steady-state ion-count rate and isotope ratio measurements is discussed in this thesis. Aerosols generated by the Vulkan DIN and the DIHEN were also directly characterised using Particle Dynamic Analysis. The Vulkan DIN produced particles with a mean diameter of ~30 µm and a size distribution between 2-80 µm. With the DIHEN the corresponding values were ~11 µm and 1-40 µm, respectively, with a few particles at 55-78 µm. The mean velocity of particles from the Vulkan DIN was ~10 m s-1 and from the DIHEN ~18 m s-1. The lower velocity allows longer residence time counteracting the effects of the larger droplet size.
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Estimation of Relative Seismic Velocity Changes Around Katla Volcano, Using Coda in Ambient Seismic NoiseJonsdottir, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Relative seismic velocity variations in the Earth’s crust can be estimated by using ambient seismic noise records from a pair of stations. Velocity variations can be caused by stress perturbations in the subsurface. Therefore, information on stress changes in the crust can possibly be retrieved from measured velocity variations in the medium. The measurement is done by comparing the coda part of two cross-correlation functions (CCFs) obtained from ambient noise recordings at two seismic stations; a current CCF that is considered to represent the actual state in the study medium at a specific time and a reference CCF that is considered to represent its average state. Here, the method is applied to the area around Katla volcano in southern Iceland. Katla is an active subglacial volcano and therefore frequent stress changes can be expected to take place there. Long-term changes (of the order of 1-2 months) in relative seismic velocity were estimated over a period of 7 months in 2011. These changes were of the order of about 0.1% for a frequency range of 0.2-1.0 Hz. For this frequency range, surface waves around Katla have been estimated to be most sensitive to velocity changes taking place at depths of about 1-5 km but the sensitivity kernels also have a peak at the surface. The scattering volume (in this case area since we are working with surface waves) depends on both the inter-station distance and how far into the coda the measurements are made. The inter-station distances vary between 5.8 and 23.4 km. Measurements are made 30 s into the coda. This results in scattering areas on the order of 100 km2. The velocity variations have a negative trend over July and over a two month period from the end of August until early November, and a positive trend in August and from early November until the end of the study period in late December. These variations are possibly the results of a combination of changes in the ground water level beneath the glacier, surface load changes and possibly hydrothermal and magmatic pressurization changes. No significant velocity change was estimated in the area associated with the tremor event that took place in early July in 2011. / Seismiska vågor är vibrationer i jordytan som genereras av jordbävningar, explosioner eller andra processer som skakar jorden. Seismiska vågor färdas genom jordens lager och innehåller därför information om jordens inre struktur. Dessa vibrationer kan hämtas med ett känsligt instrument som kallas seismometer. Seismiska vågor färdas med en viss hastighet som beror på hur hård och tung berggrunden är. Förändringar av dessa egenskaper kan därför resultera i förändringar av hastigheten. Dessa förändringar kan orsakas av spänningsförändringar under marken, till exempel trycket i porer eller variationer i vikten ovanför marken, exempelvis från en glaciär. I denna uppsats studeras förändringar av seismiska vågors hastighet kring vulkanen Katla på Island under 7 månader, 2011. Katla är en av Islands mest aktiva vulkaner och är belägen under en glaciär, Mýrdalsjökull. Detta görs genom att använda omgivande seismiskt brus, som består av seismiska vågor. Bruset genereras av tryckvariationer i samband med havsvågor. Bruset analyseras med en korrelationsanalys som bland annat isolerar spridda vågor från detaljer i strukturen och variationer av dessa med tid kan användas til mätningar av hastighets förändringar. Resultaten tyder på förändringar i relativ seismik hastighet avstorleken 0.1% som varar i en till två månader. Hastigheten minskar i juli och över en tvåmånadersperiod från slutet av augusti till början av november, men ökar i augusti och från början av november till slutet av december. Dessa variationer kan ha orsakats av en kombination av förändringar i grundvattennivån under glaciären, förändringar i glaciärens vikt och magmatiska processer. Inga tydliga förändringar i samband med sekvenser av små jordbävningar som ägde rum i början av juli 2011 kunde observeras frånförändringar i relativ seismisk hastighet runt Katla.
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Simulace kapalin na GPU / Fluid Simulation Using GPUFrank, Igor January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses on fluid simulation, particularly on coupling between particle based simulation and grid based simulation and thus modeling evaporation. Mentioned coupling is based on the article Evaporation and Condensation of SPH-based Fluids of authors Hendrik Hochstetter a Andreas Kolb. The goal of this thesis is not purely implementing ideas of the mentioned article, but also study of different methods used for fluid simulation.
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Demonstrace a proměření "next-gen" grafických API / Demonstration and Benchmarking of Next-Gen Graphics APIsMainuš, Matěj January 2016 (has links)
The goal of master’s thesis was to demonstrate and benchmark peformance of Mantle and Vulkan APIs with different optimization methods. This thesis proposes a rendering toolkit with optimization methods based on parallel command buffer generating, persistent staging buffers mapping, minimal pipeline configuration and descriptor sets changing, device memory pre-allocating with managing and sharing between multiple resources. The result is reference implementation that could render dynamic scene with thousands of objects in real time.
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