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Geoportal Röcknitz - Zeit - Wandel - Stein / Geoportal Hohburg - Museum SteinarbeiterhausHeß, Viola, Heidenfelder, Wolfram 12 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Darstellung magmatischer Prozesse über die U-Th Ungleichgewichts-Methode. Vergleich von zwei andinen magmatichen Systemen: Vulkan El Misti (Südperu) versus des Taapaca Vulkankomplexes (Nordchile). / Magmatic processes by U-Th disequilibria method.Comparison of two Andean systems:El Misti Volcano (S. Peru) and Taapaca Volcanic Center (N. Chile).Kiebala, Aneta 03 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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500 Jahre Ersterwähnung Stolpener Basalt: Eine kurze KulturgeschichteGaitzsch, Jens 23 November 2020 (has links)
Das heutige Naturdenkmal Stolpener Basalt (Nationaler Geotop) kann auf eine lange und vielseitige kulturgeschichtliche Entwicklung verweisen. Seine schriftliche Ersterwähnung lag in der Zeit der Reformationsauseinandersetzungen und jährt sich 2020 zum 500. Mal.
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Vybrané otázky překonávání majetkové samostatnosti kapitálových společností ve srovnávacím pohledu / Piercing the Corporate Veil - Selected Issues in International ComparisonKostohryz, Milan January 2012 (has links)
Milan Kostohryz Piercing the Corporate Veil - Selected Issues in International Comparison Abstract The main purpose of the thesis is to give recommendation for possible application of the piercing doctrine in the Czech Republic. Secondary purposes are (i) analysis of effects caused by disregarding the principles of limited liability and separate legal personality because of piercing and (ii) detailed description of approaches to the piercing issue in selected legal systems (USA, UK and Germany). The thesis starts with some terminological issues; it introduces the possible Czech equivalents of the notion "piercing the corporate veil" and explains that it can have slightly different meaning depending on the individual author. The differences stem especially from the questions whether piercing negates only the principle of limited liability or also the principle of separate personality; whether so called inner piercing (Innenhaftung) shall be part of the doctrine and whether the piercing doctrine shall be regarded as product of case-law only. Also some special forms of piercing (reverse piercing, lateral piercing and insider piercing) are introduced. The third chapter analyses the relationship between the piercing doctrine and the principles of limited liability and separate legal personality. In particular it...
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Magma Evolution of the Cerro Bayo Laccolith in the Chachahuén Volcanic Complex, Argentina / Evolution av Cerro Bayo lakkolitens magma i vulkankomplexet Chachahuén, ArgentinaSun, Yang January 2018 (has links)
The Chachahuén volcanic complex, with the Cerro Bayo laccolith as one of the largest intrusions, is part of back-arc Payenia volcanic province in western central Argentina. Laccoliths show potential for generating oil in sedimentary basins and producing ore deposits. It is crucial to put more effort into understanding the magma plumbing system beneath the Chachahuén volcanic complex, which the Cerro Bayo laccolith is part of. Thus this project present the first thermobarometric modelling for the Cerro Bayo laccolith and the Chachahuén volcanic complex. Several thermometers and barometers were applied to plagioclase, amphibole and clinopyroxene to understand magma evolution in the underlying plumbing system. The dacitic to rhyodacitic laccolith rocks from Cerro Bayo have porphyric textures with plagioclase in the form of both clots (glomerocrysts) and single crystals, amphibole and clinopyroxene as main phenocrysts, while enclaves are more mafic in composition and have equigranular textures. Plagioclase in the sample varies from andesine to labradorite with a composition of An22-An68, while the clinopyroxene can be classified into diopside to augite with cores (Mg#=76-84) and rims (Mg#62-72). Amphibole, varies from pargasite, ferropargasite to magesiohastingsite and hastingsite, which can be grouped into three groups according to the Mg#: low Mg# amphibole (Mg# = 40-51), medium Mg# amphibole (Mg# = 52-61) and high Mg# amphibole (Mg# = 62-78). Besides, most of the Fe-Ti oxides in the samples are titanomagnetite with Usp mol.% in the range of 0.04-0.54. Results from clinopyroxene-liquid thermobarometers suggest a crystallization depth of 44 to 51 km for clinopyroxene cores and a crystallization depth of 19 to 31 km for rims, of which the derived crystallization temperatures are in the range of 1144 to 1170 °C and 973 to 1002 °C respectively. On the other hand, different thermobarometers of amphibole give consistent results of crystallization temperatures and depths. According to the amphibole-liquid thermometer, low Mg# (Mg#= 40-51) amphiboles have the lowest crystallization temperature in the range of 898 to 931°C, while medium Mg# (Mg#=52-61) amphiboles have higher crystallization temperatures in the range of 951 to 972°C and high Mg# (Mg# = 62-78) amphiboles have highest crystallization temperatures between 991 and 1013°C. The depth translated from pressure derived from amphibole-liquid barometers give a shallower crystallization depth range from 19 to 30 km for low Mg# amphiboles, a deeper crystallization depth in the range of 22 to 39 km for high Mg# amphiboles and deepest crystallization depth range of 27 to 41 km for medium Mg# amphiboles. Moreover, a depth from 2 to 20 km could be gained from the plagioclase-liquid thermobarometry which crystallized at 883 to 910°C. It is worth to point out that crystallization depth of clinopyroxene cores is deeper than the Moho in the Chachahuén area, while crystallization depth and temperatures of clinopyroxene rims are consistent with those of high Mg# amphiboles. Consistent temperatures and depths are also found for crystallization of plagioclase and low Mg# amphiboles which intergrow with each other. Thus, a multi-level magma plumbing system began from below the Moho, with a mushy zone in the upper crust, could be suggested to exist beneath the Cerro Bayo laccolith. Evidence from both petrology and geochemistry also indicate fractional crystallization as well as processes of magma mixing and recharge during magma evolution. / Chachahuén火山综合体,包含其最大的侵入体Cerro Bayo岩盘,是位于阿根廷中西部Payenia弧后火山区的一部分。前人研究多着重于岩石学、地球化学和地层学方面,因而针对下伏岩浆涌升系统的研究在该地区极具前瞻性,需要投入更多工作。本文首次尝试对Chachahuén火山复合体应用温压计进行研究,针对斜长石、角闪石和单斜辉石应用了不同的温度计和压力计,以揭示下伏于Cerro Bayo岩盘的岩浆涌升系统中的岩浆演化。 来自Chachahuén火山复合体Cerro Bayo岩盘的英安质-流纹英安质火成岩具有板状-似斑状结构,其斑晶主要为单晶或聚合物形式存在的斜长石、角闪石及单斜辉石。此外,岩盘中还发现具等粒结构的酸性捕虏体的存在。样品中斜长石(An=22-68)主要成分为中长石至拉长石.单斜辉石主要为透辉石和普通辉石,常发育高镁值核部(Mg#=76-84)和低镁值环带(Mg#62-72)。角闪石主要为韭闪石、铁韭闪石、镁绿钙闪石和绿钙闪石,可根据镁值进一步划分为三个组:低镁值组(Mg# = 40-51),低镁值组(Mg# = 52-61)和高镁值组(Mg# = 62-71)。此外,样品中的钛铁氧化物重要为钛磁铁矿(Usp%=0.04-0.54)。 单斜辉石-熔体温压计的结果表明单斜辉石的核部和环带的结晶温度和深度有所差异:核部具有较高的结晶温度(1144-1170 °C)和较深的结晶深度(44-50km),而环带具有较低的结晶温度(973-1002 °C)和较浅的结晶深度(18-31 km)。与角闪石相关的不同温压计给出了类似的结晶温度和压力,其中存在的微小差异均在误差范围内。因此本文将角闪石-熔体温压计的结果作为最终结果,其显示低镁值角闪石具有较低结晶温度(898-931°C),中镁值角闪石具较高结晶温度(951-972°C),而髙镁值角闪石具最高结晶温度(991-1013°C)。角闪石的结晶深度特征有所不同:低镁值角闪石的结晶深度最浅(19-30km),髙镁值角闪石的结晶深度较深(22-39 km),反而中镁值角闪石结晶深度最深(27-41 km)。斜长石-熔体温压计给出的斜长石结晶温度和深度分别为883-910°C及1-20km。 值得一提的是单斜辉石核部的结晶深度位于研究区莫霍面之下。同时,单斜辉石的环带与髙镁值角闪石具有相似的结晶温度和深度,而斜长石及共生的低镁值角闪石具有相似的结晶温度。因此可以推测,Cerro Bayo岩盘之下,发育一个自莫霍面之下开始的多层岩浆上涌系统。而岩石学和地球化学的证据还表明在岩浆发育过程中岩浆分化结晶和岩浆重注和混合作用并存。 / En lakkolit är en grund magmaficka och en vanligt förekommande del av en vulkan, vilken kan bilda en länk mellan djupa magmatiska aktiviteter och vulkanutbrott. Forskning om kompositionen och bildandet av grunda magmafickor kan hjälpa till att öka förståelsen om geologiska faror och naturresurser. Vid Cerro Bayo exponeras en grund magmakammare vilken utgör en del av Chachahuén vulkankomplexet i Argentina. Det här projektet fokuserar på det magmatiska lagringssystemet och magmautvecklingen vid Cerro Bayo. Magmasammansättningen och magmakammarens förhållanden såsom tryck, temperatur och vattenhalt samt vattensystemets struktur är viktiga faktorer som styr magmatiska processer. För att förstå magmautvecklingen under Cerro Bayo inleddes projektet med en kompositionsanalys av bergprover och mineral. Därefter genomfördes termobarometrisk modellering för att bestämma temperatur- och tryckförhållandena för kristalliseringen av mineraler i det magmatiska systemet. Resultaten av modelleringen tyder på att ett magmatiskt rörsystem av flera nivåer existerar under Cerro Bayo lakkoliten. Det djupaste magmamagasinet ligger på 44-50 km och når upp till 22-41 km i nedre jordskorpan, medan de grunda reservoarerna av magma ligger på ett djup av 2-20 km i övre jordskorpan som slutligen når den grunda magmafickan. Vidare indikerar analysen av mineralstruktur och mineralkemi processer av fraktionerad kristallisering samt påfyllning och blandning av magma under magmautvecklingen. Magman genomgick fraktionerad kristallisering under rörelser uppåt från de djupaste magmakammarna. Magmans temperatur varierar från högre än 1100 ° C till ~ 900 ° C. Ansamlingar av magma fortsatte att fylla på magmamagasin i nedre och övre jordskorpan. Blandning av magma inträffade när en ansamling varmare magma rörde sig från nedre till övre jordskorpreservoarer och påverkade såväl migrering av magma som placeringen av Cerro Bayo lakkoliten
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Kompozitní elektrodové materiály pro lithium-iontové akumulátory na bázi LiFePO4 / Composite electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries based on LiFePO4 prepared using GAC methodVilhelm, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
Presented work investigates the problem of secondary lithium-ion cells and the different available cathode materials. We have prepared samples of LiFePO4 with the addition of different kinds of carbon materials such as Super P, Vulcan and expanded graphite. We have always created the sample with and without surfactant. Developed samples were compared by measuring electrochemical methods (cyclic voltammetry, charge and discharge cycles and impedance spectroscopy). We also modeled the three-point cell for measuring electrochemical electrode materials.
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Voltametrijske metode zasnovane na primeni jednostavnih i savremenih elektroda/senzora na bazi ugljeničnih materijala za određivanje vodonik-peroksida u odabranim uzorcima / Voltammetric methods based on the application of simple and contemporary carbonaceousmaterials-based electrodes/sensors for the determination of hydrogen-peroxide in the selected samplesAnojčić Jasmina 22 November 2018 (has links)
<p>Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je bio razvoj brzih i pouzdanih voltametrijskih metoda zasnovanih na primeni jednostavnih i savremenih elektroda/senzora na bazi ugljeničnih materijala (ugljenične paste napravljene od grafitnog praha i parafinskog ulja i štampanih ugljeničnih elektroda) za određivanje H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>u odabranim složenim model i realnim uzorcima. U tu svrhu, ispitana je primenljivost različitih radnih elektroda. Amperometrijska metoda zasnovana na elektrodi od ugljenične paste (CPE) zapreminski modifikovane sa 5% (m:m) MnO2 je, pri optimizovanim uslovima i pri radnom potencijalu od 0,40 V u odnosu na zasićenu kalomelovu elektrodu (ZKE) u fosfatnom puferu pH 7,50 kao pomoćnom elektrolitu, omogućila kvantifikaciju H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> u opsegu koncentracija od 1,4 do 65 µg mL -1 sa relativnom standardnom devijacijom (RSD) manjom od 10%. Ova metoda je primenjena za određivanje sadržaja H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>u uzorcima podzemne vode iz centralnog Banata (Pokrajina Vojvodina, Srbija) tretirane Fentonovim (Fe<sup> 2+</sup> i H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> ) i Fentonu-sličnim (Fe <sup>3+</sup> i H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> ) reagensima u cilju uklanjanja prirodnih organskih materija (POM) pri čemu su korišćene različite početne koncentracije gvožđa i različiti odnosi molarnih koncentracija gvožđa i H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> . Utvrđeno je da oksidaciono stanje gvožđe (Fe<sup> 2+</sup> ili Fe <sup>3+</sup>) i molarni odnos jona Fe i H<sub> 2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> utiču na stepen potrošnje/razgradnje H<sub> 2</sub>O<sub>2</sub><br />u podzemnoj vodi sa visokim sadržajem POM. Takođe, u slučaju Fentonu-sličnog procesa, za sve početne koncentracije Fe <sup>3+</sup> i H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 ,</sub> signifikantna količina H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>ostaje neiskorišćena, što ukazuje na nižu efikasnost ovakvog sistema u poređenju sa Fentonovim procesom.Štampana ugljenična elektroda (SPCE) zapreminski modifikovana sa MnO 2 kao medijatorom je primenjena za određivanje sadržaja H<sub> 2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> u toku Fentonovog (Fe <sup>2+</sup> , H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> ) i vidljivom svetlošću potpomognutog foto-Fentonovog (Fe<sup> 2+ </sup>, H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>, hν) procesa uklanjanja neonikotinoidnog insekticida acetamiprida (ACT). Pri optimizovanim uslovima (radni potencijal 0,40 V u odnosu na ZKE, fosfatni pufer pH 7,50 kao pomoćni elektrolit) amperometrijskog određivanja H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> , postignuta je linearnost u opsegu koncentracija 0,01–1,24 mmol L-1(0,34– 42,2 µg mL -1<br />) i vrednost RSD nije prelazila 4,2%. U ispitivanimuzorcima (nakon odgovarajućeg<br />podešavanja pH vrednosti od 2,8 do 7,5 odmah nakon uzorkovanja radi stopiranja ili maksimalnog usporavanja procesa oksidacije, filtriranja, zamrzavanja i odmrzavanja neposredno pre merenja) sadržaj H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> je određen metodom standardnog dodatka analiziranjem odgovarajućih amperometrijskih krivi. Paralelna HPLC-DAD merenja su vršena u cilju praćenja koncentracije/uklanjanja ACT. U slučaju foto-Fentonovog procesa (početne koncentracije 0,31; 2,0 i 3,0 mmol L -1 (70,0; 111,7 i 102,1 µg mL -1 ) za ACT, Fe<br /><sup>2+</sup> i H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>, redom) nakon 10 min H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>je izreagovao, a može se smatrati da je ACT uklonjen nakon 5 min. U toku Fentonovog procesa ACT je uklonjen nakon 20 min tretmana i oko 10% početne koncentracije H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> je ostalo u sistemu<br />neiskorišćeno.CPE je površinski modifikovane kompozitom na bazi nanočestica Pt (< 5 nm) i grafitizovanog ugljenika (Pt-C, 10% Pt na Vulkanu XC72) etodom nanošenja kapi. Nemodifikovana CPE i modifikovana (Pt-C/CPE) su okarakterisane primenom SEM/EDS i CV merenja. Pt-C/CPE je pokazala izuzetne elektrokatalitičke osobine u pogledu elektrohemijskeredoks reakcije H<br /><sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> u poređenju sa nemodifikovanom CPE u fosfatnom puferu (0,1 mol L -1 ;<br />pH 7,50), a takođe i u acetatnom puferu (0,1 mol L -1 ; pH 4,50) kao pomoćnim elektrolitima. Prilikom amperometrijskog određivanja H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> primenom Pt-C/CPE u model sistemima, zadovoljavajuća linearnost je postignuta u koncentracionom opseguH<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>od 0,15 do 1,45 µg mL -1 ,dok su vrednosti GO iznosile 0,06 µg mL -1 (pH 7,50, radni potencijal 0,20 V) i 0,10 µg mL -1 (pH<br />4,50, radni potencijal 0,50 V). Optimizovane analitičke metode su primenjene za određivanje sadržaja H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> u komercijalno dostupnim proizvodima za ličnu negu: rastvoru za dezinfekciju (pH 7,50) i rastvoru za čišćenje kontaktnih sočiva (pH 4,50). Amperometrijski dobijeni rezultati su u dobrom slaganju sa rezultatima dobijenim primenom tradicionalne spektrofotometrijske metode bazirane na titanijum-sulfatu kao reagensu sa određenim koncentracijama 2,91% i 2,94% za<br />dezinfekcioni rastvor i 3,04% i 3,17% za rastvor zakontaktna sočiva, redom. RSD je bila manja od 2%. Postignuti rezultati su u dobrom slaganju sa sadržajem H<br /><sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>deklarisanim od strane proizvođača (3%) u oba ispitivana uzorka. Pt-C/CPE je takođe testirana za praćenje koncentracije H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> u rastvoru za kontaktna sočiva u toku procesa njegove neutralizacije/razgradnje. Nakon 6 h procesa neutralizacije, 24,68 µg mL -1 je bila određena koncentracija H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 ,</sub> što je ispod dozvoljene<br />H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>koncentracije u rastvoru za kontaktna sočiva imajući u vidu granicu koja izaziva iritaciju oka. CPE je površinski modifikovana višezidnim ugljeničnim nanocevima (MWCNT) i kompozitima MnO 2 -MWCNT ili Pt-MWCNT metodom nanošenja kapi radi pripreme jednostavnih, osetljivih i pouzdanih voltametrijskih senzora za određivanje H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>u odabranom uzorku. Rezultati SEM/EDS analize kompozitnih materijala su potvrdili da su medijatori, čestice MnO 2 i Pt, nasumično raspoređeni na površini MWCNT i zastupljeni sa blizu 5% (m:m) u kompozitu izraženo<br />preko Mn i Pt. CV merenja su vršena sa pripremljenim radnim elektrodama u acetatnom (pH 4,50), fosfatnom (pH 7,50) i boratnom (pH 9,18) puferu kako bi se okarakterisalo osnovno elektrohemijsko ponašanje H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>i odabrali pogodni radni potencijali za amperometrijsko određivanje ovog ciljnog analita. Pt- WCNT/CPE je primenljiva za rad kako u fosfatnom puferu pH 7,50 tako i u acetatnom puferu pH 4,50 V kako pri negativnim tako i pri pozitivnim radnim<br />potencijalima, pri čemu su vrednosti RSD uglavnom ispod 2,5%. U slučaju MnO 2<br />-MWCNT/CPE, na potencijalu 0,30 V i višim vrednostima, oksidacioni signali H<br /><sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> su signifikantni u blago alkalnoj sredini (pH 7,50), pri pH 4,50 ova elektroda pokazuje nezadovoljavajuće ponašanje, dok pri pH 9,18 ima prihvatljive performanse. Granice određivanja (GO) su bile u oblasti µg mL -1 . H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> je određen u spajkovanom uzorku mleka metodom standardnog dodatka nakon odgovarajuće pripreme uzorka (pH podešavanje i centrifugiranje) i primenom optimizovane amperometrijske procedure (acetatni pufer pH 4,50, radni potencijal-0,75 V) koristeći Pt-MWCNT/CPE kao radnu elektrodu. RSD za tri ponovljena merenja je iznosila 2,5%, dok je prinos metode bio nešto veći od 71%.<br />Kompozitni materijali koji se sastoje od MWCNT i čestica na bazi Pd (Pd-MWCNT) ili Pt (Pt-MWCNT) su primenjeni za pripremu zapreminski modifikovanih SPCE (Pd-MWCNT-SPCE i Pt-MWCNT-SPCE) i površinski modifikovane SPCE (Pd-MWCNT/SPCE). Ove elektrode, kao i nemodifikovana SPCE i MWCNT-SPCE, su okarakterisane primenom CV i amperometrije u fosfatnom puferu pH 7,50 radi određivanja H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> . Pd-MWCNT-SPCE i Pd-MWCNT/SPCE su se pokazale pogodnim za određivanje H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> na radnim potencijalima između -0,50 i 0,50 V, a PtMWCNT-SPCE na ispitivanim radnim potencijalima od -0,80 do 0,70 V. Ove elektrode su zatim modifikovane enzimom glukoza oksidazom (GOx) metodom nanošenja kapi rastvora GOx i Nafion ® -a na njihovu površinu, pri čemu je optimizovana količina nanetog biofilma. GOx/PdMWCNT-SPCE je pokazala bolje analitičke performanse za određivanje glukoze u poređenju sa GOx/Pd- WCNT/SPCE. Kao optimalan radni potencijal GOx/Pd-MWCNT-SPCE je odabrana<br />vrednost potencijala -0,40 V u odnosu na ZKE, sa zadovoljavajućom linearnošću u ispitivanom opsegu koncentracija glukoze od 0,16 do 0,97 mmol L -1 (od 29,1 do 174 µg mL -1), dok je GO iznosila 0,14 mmol L -1 (25 µg mL<br />-1 ). Optimizovana metoda zasnovana na GOx/Pd-MWCNT-SPCE je uspešno primenjena za određivanje glukoze u uzorku livadskog meda. Dobijeni rezultati su u dobroj saglasnosti sa onima dobijenim primenom komercijalno dostupnog aparata za merenje glukoze. Pogodan radni potencijal za GOx/Pt-MWCNT-SPCE je bio -0,50 V u odnosu na ZKE, pri čemu je zadovoljavajuća linearnost postignuta u ispitivanom opsegu koncentracija glukoze od 65,8 do 260,6 µg mL -1 , sa GO 35 µg mL -1 . Optimizovana metoda zasnovana na GOx/Pt-MWCNT-SPCE je uspešno primenjena za određivanje glukoze u u uzorku belog grožđa i uzorku tableta (Traubenzucker-bonbons), pri čemu su dobijeni rezultati u dobroj saglasnosti sa rezultatima dobijenim primenom Accu-Chek aparata.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da su razvijene analitičke metode pre svega jednostavne, pouzdane i pogodne za dobijanje brzih informacija o sadržaju H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> u različitim tipovima uzoraka. Svakako odabir pogodne radne elektrode, kao i optimizacija eksperimentalnih uslova su ključni faktori za uspešno određivanje H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub></p> / null / <p>The aim of this doctoral dissertation was the development of fast and reliable voltammetric methods based on the application of simple and contemporary electrodes/sensors based on carbonaceous materials (carbon paste made of graphite powder and paraffin oil and screen printed carbon electrodes) for the determination of H <span id="cke_bm_571S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_571E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2</sub> in the selected complex model and real samples.For this purpose, applicability of different working electrodes was investigated.The amperometric method based on carbon paste electrode (CPE) bulk- modified with 5% (m:m) MnO 2 , under optimized conditions, with a working potential of 0.40 V vs. the saturated calomel elect<span id="cke_bm_572E" style="display: none;"> </span>rode (SCE) and a phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.50) as supporting electrolyte, enabled the quantitation of H <span id="cke_bm_577S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_577E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2</sub>in the concentration interval from 1.4 to 65 µg mL −1 with a relative standard deviation (RSD) of less than 10%. This meth<span id="cke_bm_578E" style="display: none;"> </span>od was applied for the determination of the H<span id="cke_bm_583S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_583E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2 </sub>consumption in samples of groundwater fro<span id="cke_bm_584E" style="display: none;"> </span>m the Central Banat region (Province of Vojvodina, Serbia) treated by the Fenton (Fe <sup>2+ </sup>and H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> ) and Fenton- like (Fe <sup>3+</sup>and H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> ) reagents to remove natural organic matter (NOM) at differentinitial concentrations of iron species, and of their molar ratios to the initial concentration of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> . It was found that the form of Fe (Fe <sup>2+</sup> or Fe <sup>3+</sup> )and the molar ratio to H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>influenced the degree of the H<sub> 2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> decomposition in the groundwater with high NOM content. Besides, in the case of the Fenton-like process, for all initial doses of Fe <sup>3+</sup> and H<span id="cke_bm_604S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub> 2</sub><span id="cke_bm_604E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2</sub>, a sign<span id="cke_bm_605E" style="display: none;"> </span>ificant amount of H<span id="cke_bm_610S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub> 2</sub><span id="cke_bm_610E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2</sub> remained unused, whi<span id="cke_bm_611E" style="display: none;"> </span>ch also indicates a lower efficiency of such system compared to the Fenton process. Screen printed carbon electrode (SPCE) bulk-modified with MnO <sub> 2</sub> as a mediator was applied for amperometric determination of the H <span id="cke_bm_617S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_617E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2</sub> content during the Fenton (Fe <sup>2+</sup> , H <span id="cke_bm_624S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_624E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2 </sub>) and <span id="cke_bm_625E" style="display: none;"> </span>visible light-assisted<span id="cke_bm_618E" style="display: none;"> </span>, photo-Fenton (Fe <sup>2+ </sup> , H <span id="cke_bm_631S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_631E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2</sub> , hν)<span id="cke_bm_632E" style="display: none;"> </span> based removal of neonicotinoid insecticide acetamiprid (ACT). Under optimized conditions (working potential of 0.40 V vs. SCE, phosphate buffer pH 7.50 as supporting electrolyte) amperometric determination of H <span id="cke_bm_637S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_637E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2 </sub>showed a linear dynamic range from 0.01 to 1.24 mmol L -1 (from 0.34 to 42.2 µg mL -1) and the RSD did not exceed 4.2%. In the investigated samples (after appropriate pH adjustment from 2.8 to 7.5 instantly after the sampling<span id="cke_bm_638E" style="display: none;"> </span> to stop or maximum decelerate the oxidation processes, filtering, and storage of the deep- frozen sample with defrosting immediately before the measurements) the H <span id="cke_bm_643S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_643E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2</sub> contents were determined by the standard addition method by analyzing the corresponding amperometric curves. Parallel HPLC-DAD measurements were performed to monito<span id="cke_bm_644E" style="display: none;"> </span>r the concentration/removal of ACT. In the case of the photo- Fenton process (initial concentrations: 0.31; 2.0 and 3.0 mmol L -1 (70.0; 111.7 and 102.1 µg mL -1 ) of ACT, Fe<sup> 2+</sup> and H <span id="cke_bm_650S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_650E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2</sub>, respec<span id="cke_bm_651E" style="display: none;"> </span>tively) after 10 min of irradiation H <span id="cke_bm_656S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_656E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2</sub> was consumed and it can be consi<span id="cke_bm_657E" style="display: none;"> </span>dered that ACT was removed after 5 min. During the Fenton process ACT was removed after 20 min of treatment and around 10% of the initial concentration of the H 2O2 remained still unused.<br />CPE was surface modified with a composite of Pt nanoparticles (< 5 nm) on graphitized carbon (Pt-C, 10% Pt on Vulcan XC72) by simply dropcoating method. The unmodified CPE and the modified one (Pt-C/CPE) were characterized by EM/EDS and CV measurements. The PtC/CPE showed remarkable electrocatalytic propertiestoward the electrochemical redox reaction of H<span id="cke_bm_662S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_662E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2</sub> compared to modified CPE in phosphate buffer (0.1 mol L -1 ; pH 7.50), as well in acetatebuffer (0.1 mol L -1 ; pH .50) supporting electrolytes. Amperometry of H2O2 in the concentration range from 0.15 to 1.45 µg mL -1 with the Pt-C/CPE showed acceptable linearity, while the obtained values of LOQs were 0.06 µg mL -1 (pH 7.50, working potential 0.20 V) and 0.10 µg mL -1 (pH 4<span id="cke_bm_663E" style="display: none;"> </span>.50, working potential 0.50 V). The proposed analytical methods were applied to the determination of the H 2O2 content in commercially available personal care products; i.e., disinfection (pH 7.50) and contact lens cleaning solutions (pH 4.50). The obtained amperometric results are in good agreement with those measured by traditional titanium sulfatereagent based spectrophotometric method with determined concentrations as 2.91% and 2.94% for the disinfection product, and 3.04% and 3.17% for the contact lens solution, respectively. RSD was lower than 2%. The obtained results are in a good agreement with the amounts of the H<span id="cke_bm_668S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub> 2</sub><span id="cke_bm_668E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2 </sub>declared by producers (3%) in the both investigated samples. The Pt-C/CPE was also tested for monitoring of the H<span id="cke_bm_674S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub> 2</sub><span id="cke_bm_674E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2</sub> residual concentration in contact lens solution during its neutralization/decomposition rocess. At 6 h of<span id="cke_bm_675E" style="display: none;"> </span> neutralization treatment 24.68 µg mL -1 of the H <span id="cke_bm_680S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_680E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2 </sub>was determined which is almost half of the allowedH2<span id="cke_bm_681E" style="display: none;"> </span>O2 concentration in the case of the contact lens solution concerningthe limit of eye irritation. CPE was surface modified with multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) and with composites of MnO<sub> 2 </sub>-MWCNT or Pt-MWCNT by drop coating method to prepare simply, sensitive and reliable volta<span id="cke_bm_669E" style="display: none;"> </span>mmetric sensors for the determination of H <span id="cke_bm_687S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_687E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2 </sub>in selected sample. The results of the SEM/<span id="cke_bm_688E" style="display: none;"> </span>EDS analysis of composite materials have confirmed that the mediators, MnO <sub>2</sub> and Pt articles, are randomly distributed on the surface of MWCNT and represent nearly 5% (m:m) of the composite expressed as Mn and Pt. CV measurements were performed with prepared electrodes in acetate (pH 4.50), phosphate (pH 7.50) and borate (pH 9.18) buffers to characterize the basic electrochemical behavior of H <span id="cke_bm_694S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_694E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2</sub> and to select the working potentials suitable for amperometric determination of this target analyte. The Pt-MWCNT/CPE performs well in phosphate buffer pH .50 and acetate buffer solution pH 4.50 in the negative as well as in the positive polarization range with RSD mainly lower than 2.5%. In case of MnO<sub> 2 </sub>-MWCNT/CPE at <span id="cke_bm_695E" style="display: none;"> </span>0.30 V and above the H<span id="cke_bm_701S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_701E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2 </sub>oxidation signal is rem<span id="cke_bm_702E" style="display: none;"> </span>arkable in slightly alkaline media (pH 7.50), at pH 4.50 this electrode showed poor behavior and at pH 9.18 offered acceptable performance. LOQs were in the µg mL -1 concentration range. H<span id="cke_bm_707S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub>2</sub><span id="cke_bm_707E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2 </sub>was determined in a spiked milk sample by standard addition method after appropriate sample preparation (pH adjustment and centrifugation) and using optimized amperometric p<span id="cke_bm_708E" style="display: none;"> </span>rocedure (acetate buffer pH 4.50, working potential -0.75 V) by Pt-MWCNT/CPE as a working electrode. RSD for three repeated measurements was 2.5%, while the recovery of the method was a bit higher than 71%. The composite materials consisting of MWCNT and Pd (Pd-MWCNT) or Pt containing particles (Pt-WCNT) were applied to the preparation of bulk- modified SPCEs (Pd-MWCNTSPCE and Pt-MWCNT-SPCE) and surface modifiedSPCE (Pd- MWCNT/SPCE). These electrodes, as well as unmodified SPCE and MWCNT-SPCE, were characterized by CV and amperometry in phosphate buffer solution of pH 7.50 for the H<span id="cke_bm_713S" style="display: none;"> </span><sub> 2</sub><span id="cke_bm_713E" style="display: none;"> </span>O<sub>2 </sub>determination. Pd-MWCNT-SPCE and PdMWCNT/SPCEare convenient for the etermination of H 2O2 at working potentials from -0.50 to 0.50 V, and Pt-MWCNT-SPCE at investigated working potentials in the range from -0.80 to 0.70 V. These electrodes were then modified with glucose oxidase (GOx) by drop coating a solution of GOxand Nafion ® on their surface, whereby the applied amount of biococktail was optimized. GOx/PdMWCNT-SPCE showed better analytical performance for glucose determination in comparison with GOx/Pd-MWCNT/SPCE. The optimal working potential for GOx/Pd-MWCNT- SPCE was -0.40 V vs. SCE and <span id="cke_bm_714E" style="display: none;"> </span>satisfactory linearity was obtained in the investigated glucose concentration range from 0.16 to 0.97 mmol L -1 (from 29.1 to 174 µg mL -1 ), hile the LOQ was 0.14 mmol L -1 (25 µg mL -1 ). The optimized method based on GOx/Pd-MWCNT-SPCE was successfully applied to the determination of glucose in multifloral honey sample. The results are in a good agreement with those obtained by commercially available equipment for determination of glucose. Optimal working potential for GOx/Pt-MWCNT-SPCE was -0.50 V vs. SCE, and the satisfactory linearity was obtained in the investigated concentration range ofglucose from 65.8 to 260.6 µg mL -1 , with LOQ of 35 µg mL -1 . The optimized method based on GOx/Pt- MWCNT-SPCE was successfully applied for determination of glucose in white grape and glucose tablets (Traubenzucker-bonbons) samples, whereby the obtained results were in a good agreement with the results obtained by Accu-Chek device. Based on the results, the developed analytical methods are first of all simple, reliable and suitable for obtaining fast information about the content of H <sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> in different types of samples. Certainly the selection of a suitable working electrode, as well as the optimization of experimental conditions are key factors for the successful determination of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>.</p>
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