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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Gestão de resíduos sólidos: estudo no Campus Manaus Distrito Industrial do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas

Cardozo, Raimunda Helena Gomes 27 September 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-22T22:11:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Raimunda Helena Cardozo.pdf: 2840188 bytes, checksum: e6bb536c12ac0a99d2402ad08f684131 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-27 / Currently there is worldwide concern about our environment. One of our biggest environmental problems is due to the lack of adequate management of solid wastes and the involvement of society. This research has proposed a management plan of solid wastes to Manaus Industrial District of the Federal Education Institute, Amazon Science and Technology (CMDI/IFAM). The method used consists of research of specific literature, photographic archives, interviews and a questionnaire given to the workers of the CMDI. The study used descriptive research and documented analysis of the area studied. Through this research, the result obtained was the identification of Class 1, 2 and 3 residues. The one that called our attention most was office wastes, health and laboratory waste, as well as, the quantity of waste generated in different sectors, the processes of collection in the CMDI. Also it was noticed the importance of the viewpoint of workers in relation to the management of solid wastes in the institution. We came to the conclusion that workers of the particular organization that was studied are conscious of their part in, and the necessity of, protecting the environment. A plan for solid waste management, drawn from the information of the search results, in line with the current legislation was proposed. Among the proposals can be mentioned: the handling, collection and proper disposal for hazardous waste, recycling and recovery of non-hazardous waste, such as paper and plastic; establishment of agreements and partnerships with the association of collectors and companies involved in the collection and disposal; implementing an awareness program, among others. Even so, there is still a lot more to be done in the sense of the organization becoming socially and environmentally responsible. / Atualmente, existe uma preocupação mundial sobre a questão do meio ambiente, pois um dos maiores problemas ambientais causados são gerados por falta de um gerenciamento adequado dos resíduos sólidos e o envolvimento de toda a sociedade. O presente trabalho de pesquisa propôs um Plano de gestão de resíduos sólidos para o Campus Manaus Distrito industrial do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas (CMDI/IFAM). A metodologia usada consistiu um estudo de caso. Utilizou-se de pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e descritiva. Os dados primários foram coletados através de registros fotográficos, entrevistas e da aplicação de questionários aos servidores do CMDI. Por meio destas pesquisas, obteve-se como resultados a identificação dos resíduos das classes I, II e III presentes no CMDI/IFAM, dentre os quais, destacaram-se os resíduos de escritório, serviços de saúde e laboratório, bem como, a quantidade de geração aproximada dos resíduos e os processos de coleta nos setores do CMDI. Além disso, se identificou a percepção dos servidores em relação ao gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos no Campus da instituição. Chegou-se à conclusão de que os servidores da organização pesquisada têm consciência do seu papel e da necessidade de se proteger o meio ambiente. Foi proposto um Plano de gestão de resíduos sólidos, elaborado a partir das informações dos resultados da pesquisa, em consonância com as legislações vigentes. Dentre as propostas, pode-se citar: o manuseio, coleta e disposição final adequada para os resíduos perigosos; reciclagem e aproveitamento de resíduos não perigosos, como papel e plástico; estabelecimento de convênios e parcerias com associação de catadores e empresas envolvidas na coleta e destinação final; implementação de um programa de conscientização, entre outras. Contudo, ainda há muito a ser feito no sentido de a organização se tornar social e ambientalmente responsável.

A destinação dos resíduos sólidos domiciliares em megacidades: o caso de São Paulo / Household waste management in megacities: the case study of São Paulo

Claudia Ruberg 09 February 2006 (has links)
A alta complexidade da destinação dos resíduos sólidos nas megacidades, como é o caso do Município de São Paulo advém, não apenas da grande quantidade de resíduos gerados, mas também da sua extensão urbana.Os dois aterros sanitários localizados na periferia da Capital paulista – Bandeirantes e São João – recebem, diariamente, doze mil toneladas de resíduos urbanos, dentre as quais quase nove mil de resíduos domiciliares. Esses aterros ocupam, respectivamente, 140 e 85 hectares e estarão esgotados até o início da próxima década. O mero afastamento dos resíduos, destinação amplamente empregada nos municípios brasileiros, tem se mostrado como uma opção pouco viável nas megacidades, principalmente devido aos problemas urbanos a ele associados. Faz-se mister reduzir, significativamente, o volume de resíduos enviados aos aterros, meta não alcançada somente com o emprego da reciclagem. Através da incineração tem-se a redução necessária, sendo essa tecnologia já utilizada em diversos países.Com objetivo de modificar a atual destinação dos resíduos domiciliares de São Paulo para um sistema de estações redutoras de volume associado ao sistema viário principal, foi elaborada a proposta de implantação de seis incineradores localizados nas imediações de um anel viário metropolitano. Em cada unidade foi previsto um buffer de vegetação com a finalidade de minimizar os ruídos e os particulados no entorno, bem como proteger visualmente a área.A distribuição de unidades de redução de volume de resíduos permitiu a montagem de um sistema mais racional de transporte, com a eliminação das estações de transferência de resíduos e a diminuição das distâncias de transporte.Essa proposta, que respeita o zoneamento e as áreas de proteção ambiental, visa diminuir a dependência de grandes áreas para aterramento dos resíduos, reduzir os problemas resultantes do deslocamento de veículos coletores, ao mesmo tempo em que minimiza os efeitos negativos ao meio ambiente. / The extreme complexity of the solid waste management in mega cities like São Paulo is caused not only by the great amount of waste the city generates, but also by its huge urban area.The two existent sanitary landfills located in the outskirts of the city of São Paulo – namely Bandeirantes and São João – receive twelve thousand metric tons of urban solid waste daily, almost nine thousand metric tons of which are originated by household waste. These sanitary landfills occupy 140 and 85 hectares respectively, and it has been prognosticated that both areas will close before the next decade. The simple waste removal to areas outside the urban perimeter, a waste management concept implemented by most Brazilian cities, has been proved inefficient when mega cities are concerned, mainly due to urban problems associated with it. It is then necessary to reduce significantly the amount of waste sent to the sanitary landfills, a goal that has not been reached by simply recycling the waste. The technology of incineration on the other hand is an alternative that promotes this reduction and has been successfully used in many countries. A proposal has been devised to change the present management of household waste in São Paulo city to a system of reduction stations of the amount of waste linked to the main metropolitan road system. This proposal consists on the implementation of six incinerators placed in the vicinity of the metropolitan ring road. Each unit includes a vegetation buffer that both reduces the noise and particulates in the surroundings, and protects the area from visual pollution. The distribution of waste reduction units allowed the implementation of a more rational system of transportation, resulting in the elimination of the waste transfer stations and the shortening of the transportation distances. This proposal pays heed to the zone division of the city and the areas under environment protection, and aims at reducing the destination of large areas to the burying of waste as well as reducing the problems caused by the flow of the collecting vehicles, at the same time that it lessens the negative effects on the environment.

Model za evaluaciju sistema upravljanja komunalnim otpadom primenom metode ocenjivanja životnog ciklusa / Model for evaluating municipal waste management system applying themethod of life cycle assessment

Stepanov Jasna 23 May 2018 (has links)
<p>Cilj disertacije je razvoj fleksibilnog modela za evaluaciju sistema upravljanja<br />komunalnim otpadom baziran na LCA metodi. Model je baziran na bilansu<br />mase i energije. LCA analiza sistema komunalnog otpada omogućava<br />sagledavanje uticaja kako svih faza životnog ciklusa otpada, tako<br />i celokupnog sistema upravljanja otpadom. Model je koncipiran kroz module<br />koji prate osnovne faze LCA metode. Evaluacija i komparacija različitih<br />scenarija upravljanja otpadom sprovedena je kroz pet indikatora. Ostvareni<br />rezultati istraživanja pokazuju jasne razlike između definisanih scenarija<br />upravljanja otpadom po pitanju odabranih indikatoria i daju dobru osnovu u<br />procesu dono&scaron;enja odluka za unapređenje i izbor optimalnog sistema<br />upravljanja čvrstim komunalnim otpadom.</p> / <p>The goal dissertation is to develop a flexible model for the evaluation<br />waste management system based on LCA methods. The model is<br />based on mass and energy balance. LCA analysis of municipal waste<br />system assess environmental impacts to all phases of the life cycle of<br />waste, and the entire system of waste management. The model is<br />based on modules corresponding to the main phases of LCA<br />methods. Evaluation of different scenarios of waste management is<br />carried out through five indicators. The results show clear differences<br />between the scenarios in terms of impact on selected indicators and<br />provides basis for decision-making processes for the selection of the<br />optimal solid waste management system.</p>

Gerenciamento de resíduos de serviços de saúde em hospitais do município de Ribeirão Preto-SP: diagnóstico da situação / Medical Waste Management in hospitals in the city of Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo: diagnosis of the situation

André, Sílvia Carla da Silva 07 August 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo realizar um diagnóstico sobre a situação do gerenciamento dos Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde (RSS) em hospitais do município de Ribeirão Preto-SP. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, exploratório e documental, desenvolvido em 11 hospitais do município, com a participação de 33 sujeitos (três participantes de cada hospital), respectivamente, nas funções de gestor, gerente de RSS e responsável pelo serviço de higiene e limpeza. A coleta de dados constou-se de: pesagem dos RSS, entrevistas, análise dos Planos de Gerenciamento de Resíduos de Serviços de Saúde (PGRSS) e observação em campo. Os dados foram compilados e analisados por meio da estatística descritiva. A coleta de dados foi iniciada após autorização dos hospitais, aprovação pelo CEP da EERP/USP e assinatura do TCLE pelos participantes da pesquisa. Os 11 hospitais incluídos no estudo apresentaram uma geração de 44.489,91 kg de RSS durante seis dias, com uma média diária de 7.414,98 kg/dia. Os dados obtidos revelaram uma geração de 29.846,08 kg (67,1%) de resíduos comuns (Grupo D); e, de 11.236,69 kg (25,3%) de resíduos infectantes (somando-se os Grupos A e E). No que se refere à análise dos PGRSS, somente o registro da segregação dos resíduos foi classificado como satisfatório. No conjunto, a maioria das categorias analisadas dos PGRSS foi considerada como insatisfatória, como os registros da identificação, transporte interno, armazenamento temporário, coleta e transporte externo. Em relação aos dados obtidos com as entrevistas, 7 (63,6%) gestores não souberam informar sobre os tipos de tratamento disponibilizados para os RSS; também no que se refere à gestão, 8 (72,7%) desses sujeitos afirmaram que os hospitais não apresentam dificuldades para cumprir a legislação específica sobre o gerenciamento dos RSS. Em relação aos gerentes de RSS, 10 (90,9%) afirmaram que os hospitais realizam a segregação dos RSS de acordo com a legislação; ressalta-se que 6 (54,5%) gerentes de RSS afirmaram ter vivenciado algum tipo de problema operacional durante o manejo dos RSS, como acúmulo de resíduos nos armazenamentos externos devido à ausência de coleta externa. Igualmente para a categoria de entrevistados relacionados aos responsáveis pelo serviço de higiene e limpeza, 7 (63,6%) afirmaram ter presenciado algum tipo de problema operacional durante o manejo dos RSS, como segregação inadequada dos resíduos. Por fim, os resultados obtidos com a observação mostraram que em 3 (27,3%) hospitais a coleta interna não possuía um fluxo definido. Conclui-se que apesar da existência da legislação federal brasileira (RDC n° 306/2004, da Anvisa e Res. n° 358/2005, do Conama) regulamentando as diretrizes para o gerenciamento dos RSS, verificou-se neste estudo inadequações relacionadas a esse processo. Neste estudo, portanto, revelou-se a necessidade de um maior comprometimento em relação aos RSS, principalmente dos gestores hospitalares e dos gerentes de RSS, oferecendo treinamentos periódicos a todas as categorias profissionais inseridas nos estabelecimentos de saúde, com programas de educação permanente, com vistas a fortalecer o conhecimento dos trabalhadores e a alcançar um manejo seguro e adequado dos RSS / This research aimed to perform a diagnosis of the situation of the Medical Waste (MW) management in hospitals in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo. This is a descriptive, exploratory and documentary study, conducted in 11 hospitals in the city, with the participation of 33 subjects (three participants from each hospital), respectively, in the roles of manager, medical waste manager and in charge of the hygiene and cleaning services. The data collection were weighing of medical waste, interviews, analysis of MW Management Plans and field observation. Data were a descriptive statistical analysis was performed. Data collection was initiated after authorization of hospitals, approval by the Research Ethics Committee of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing, and signing of the informed consent by the participants. The 11 hospitals included in the study had a generation of 44489.91 kg/day of MW during six days, with a daily average of 7414.98 kg/day. The data revealed a generation of 29846.08 kg (67.1%) of common waste (Group D); and of 11236.69 kg (25.3%) of infectious waste, (adding the Groups A and E), 11236.69 kg (25.3%). As regards the analysis of MW Management Plans, only the record of waste segregation was rated satisfactory; most of the categories analyzed were considered unsatisfactory, such as the records of identification, internal transportation, temporary storage, collection and external transport. Regarding the data obtained through interviews, 7 (63.6%) managers could not inform about the types of treatment available for MW; also with regard to the management, 72.7% (8) of these subjects said that hospitals have no difficulties to fulfill the specific legislation on the management of MW. Regarding MW managers, 10 (90.9%) stated that hospitals perform the segregation of MW in accordance with the legislation; it is noteworthy that 6 (54.5%) managers reported having experienced some kind of operational problem during the handling of MW, such as waste accumulation in external storage due to lack of external collection. Also for the category of respondents responsible for cleaning and hygiene services, 7 (63.6%) reported to have seen some sort of operational problem during the handling of MW as inadequate segregation of waste. Finally, the results obtained in the observation showed that in 3 (27.3%) hospitals, the internal collection had not a defined flow. It is concluded that despite the existence of the Brazilian federal legislation (RDC n°306/2004 of ANVISA and Res n° 358/2005 of Conama) regulating guidelines for the medical waste management, it was found inadequacies related to this process. Therefore, this study reveals the need for a greater commitment towards MW, mainly of hospital managers and MW managers, providing periodic training to all professional categories of health facilities, with continuing education programs, in order to strengthen the knowledge of professionals and to achieve a safe and proper handling of MW

Gestão e gerenciamento de resíduos da construção civil em obras de grande porte: estudos de caso / Civil construction waste management in large construction works: case studies

Martins, Flávia Gadelha 15 June 2012 (has links)
O crescimento da economia brasileira proporcionou uma intensificação na quantidade de obras de infraestrutura iniciadas no país nos últimos anos. A adoção e ampliação de estratégias utilizadas pelo governo para combater os efeitos da crise internacional sobre a economia e as obras necessárias ao país, em razão de eventos internacionais que acontecerão, como a Copa do Mundo de Futebol em 2014, e de programas como o Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC), foram uma resposta às atuais necessidades do Brasil. Com essas inúmeras obras, houve um crescimento na geração dos resíduos da construção civil (RCC), o que fez com que autoridades, pesquisadores e a sociedade voltassem seus esforços para enfrentar as dificuldades de manejo e disposição final adequada desses resíduos. A ausência de políticas públicas que promovessem a fiscalização do gerenciamento desses resíduos, em relação aos geradores, provocava diversos impactos como, por exemplo, o surgimento de vários depósitos clandestinos nas áreas mais afastadas do perímetro urbano e gastos por parte da administração pública com modelos de gestão corretiva. Contudo, com a elaboração da Resolução CONAMA nº 307/2002 e da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, Decreto nº 7.404/2010 que regulamenta a Lei nº 12.305, ficou instituído que os geradores devem ser responsáveis pelos resíduos das atividades voltadas à construção civil, contemplando, assim, a minimização dos impactos causados ao meio ambiente e à saúde humana. Dessa forma, esse quadro de descaso com a situação dos resíduos começou a mudar. Com a intenção de contribuir com essa área de conhecimento, esta pesquisa teve como finalidade estudar a situação do sistema de gerenciamento de RCC de obras de grande porte, após a regulamentação da Resolução CONAMA nº 307/2002 e do Decreto nº 7.404/2010, que regulamenta a Lei nº 12.305, referente à Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo da situação da gestão e do gerenciamento dos RCC na demolição e construção da Arena Fonte Nova, em Salvador - BA, e na construção da Arena Pernambuco, em São Lourenço da Mata - PE, realizadas para a Copa do Mundo de Futebol de 2014, por meio de três etapas de estudo: análise das variáveis e indicadores locais; caracterização qualitativa dos resíduos; e, por fim, comparação do gerenciamento da obra com o preconizado em ambas as leis. Esta pesquisa utilizou metodologia de classificação qualitativa do RCC, por meio de observações e entrevistas de campo, com o objetivo de identificar e analisar sua gestão e seu gerenciamento nessas obras, e teve como principal importância ajudar as empresas construtoras de obras de grande porte a fazerem uma autoavaliação de sua gestão e gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos. Portanto, concluiu-se que as obras pesquisadas atendem às exigências das leis e que, para que haja um efetivo sistema de gestão e gerenciamento dos resíduos da construção civil, deve-se influenciar a mudança cultural das pessoas, visando a efetiva compreensão e concordância das necessidades ambientais. / The Brazilian economy has provided an enhancement in the amount of infrastructure works initiated in the country in recent years. The adoption and expansion of strategies used by the government to combat the effects of global crisis on the economy and the works necessary for the country due to international events that will happen as the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and programs such as PAC (Program Growth Acceleration), were a response to the current needs of Brazil. With these numerous works, there was an increase in the generation of civil construction waste (CCW), which meant that the authorities, researchers and society return their efforts to face the difficulties of handling and final disposal of such waste. The absence of public policies that promote the monitoring of waste management in relation to generators, caused many impacts, for example, the emergence of several underground deposits in the areas furthest from the urban perimeter and spending by the public administration models corrective management. However, the drafting of the CONAMA Resolution 307/2002 and the National Policy on Solid Waste Decree 7.404/2010 which regulates Law 12,305, it was established that the generators should be responsible for waste from activities related to construction, encompassing thus minimizing the impacts to the environment and human health. Thus, this picture of neglect with the waste situation began to change. Intending to contribute to this area of knowledge, the present study was aimed to study the situation of the CCW management system for large works, after the implementation of Resolution CONAMA 307/2002 and Decree regulating 7.404/2010 Law 12,305, on the National Policy on Solid Waste. To that end, a study of the CCW management situation was conducted in the demolition and construction of the Arena Fonte Nova in Salvador - Bahia, and in the construction of the Arena Pernambuco in São Lourenço da Mata - PE, performed for the FIFA World Cup 2014, through three stages of study: analysis of variables and local indicators, qualitative characterization of the waste and, finally, comparing the CCW management as recommended in both laws. This research used the qualitative methodology of the CCW, through field observations and interviews, in order to identify and analyze the management of these same works and its main importance to help manufacturers of major works to make a self- evaluation of its management and solid waste management. Therefore,it was concluded that the works researched met the requirements of laws and that to have an effective management system of civil construction waste, must influence cultural change in the people, in order to enhance comprehension and compliance of environmental needs.

The livelihoods of municipal solid waste workers – sustainable or a vicious cycle of debt and vulnerability? : A case study in Babati, Tanzania

Vikblad, Carl Johan, Lekare, Denise January 2019 (has links)
This essay examines sanitation workers who work with solid waste management and analyses their ability to create a sustainable livelihood based on livelihood assets and strategies. The study was undertaken in Babati, Tanzania and a qualitative method was applied, consisting of interviews and observations. The main findings were that sanitation workers employed four livelihood strategies, however, only two of these were sustainable and contributed towards a positive livelihood outcome. Multiple stresses were identified, such as low wages, inability to save money, unsafe work conditions, exposure to bacteria and other contaminants and no access to social services. Shocks were identified as work-related injuries resulting in extended time off work, wages being paid out late and sudden illness. This made the sanitation workers terms of employment in Babati almost equivalent to that of waste workers and waste pickers in the informal sector, despite being employed by the local government authorities. As a result, the workers were not able to attain a sustainable livelihood and the livelihood outcome appear to be a vicious cycle of debt and vulnerability. A key characteristic for this study is its examination of Tanzania’s political context and institutional framework as important factors that affect the sanitation workers’ resource base and strategies as well as their exposure to vulnerabilities.

Proactive Adaptation of Behavior for Smart Connected Objects

Fejzo, Orsola January 2019 (has links)
The great amount of generated data from IoT infrastructures in Smart Cities, if properly leveraged, presents the opportunity to shift towards more sustainable practices in rapidly increasing urban areas. Reasoning upon this data in a proactive way, by avoiding unwanted future events before they occur, leads to more efficient services. For a system to do so, a robust reasoning model, able to anticipate upcoming events and pick the most suitable adaptation option is needed. Recently deployed smart waste management systems for monitoring and planning purposes report substantial cost-savings and carbon footprint reductions, however, such systems can be further enhanced by integrating proactive capabilities. This work proposes a novel reasoning model and system architecture called ProAdaWM for more effective and efficient waste operations when faced with severe weather events. A Bayesian Network and Utility Theory, as the basis of Decision Theory, are utilized to model the uncertainties and handle how the system adapts; the proposed model utilizes weather information and data from bin level sensor for reasoning. The approach is validated through the implementation of a prototype and the conduction of a case study; the results demonstrate the expected behavior.

Organic Household Waste in Developing Countries : An overview of environmental and health consequences, and appropriate decentralised technologies and strategies for sustainable management

Bobeck, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
<p>This paper reports on environmental impacts and health hazards as a result from inadequate management of organic household waste in developing countries. It gives details of water and soil contamination, air pollution and spread of diseases through expanding breeding grounds for pathogens, vectors and rodents. To manage this waste flow sustainably, decentralised composting and anaerobic digestions technologies have been studied to give an overall picture of existing appropriate technologies, including: windrow, box/bin/barrel, THM, aerated static pile, in-vessel, vermi, ARTI compact biogas digester and BARC’S NISARG-RUNA. Comparing different technologies showed that it is crucial to consider local conditions and markets when choosing which method to implement. However, the manual composting methods: windrow/box/bin/barrel, THM and vermi, are more likely to be appropriate in regard to current conditions in developing countries. A comparison between the environmental impacts of anaerobic digestion and composting did not result in a clear indication of which technology is most favourable. However, in the literature studied, biogas production showed an overall better energy balance, and composting a better result regarding nutrient recycling and xenobiotic compounds. In terms of the mitigation effect on global warming, the results varied essentially depending on the technology used and its loss of methane during the biogas production process. Finally, this paper investigates common constraints for implementation of the above-mentioned technologies, as well as recommendations for future projects. The study of general constraints revealed the need for directing attention to education, key consequences and benefits, co-operation, exchange of knowledge and bottom-up driving forces, for sustainable and successful implementation of organic household waste management practices in developing countries.</p>

Evaluation of an alternative organic waste disposal system in Chevron-Escravos : a case study / O.I. Bojor

Bojor, Olire Innocent January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

Organic Household Waste in Developing Countries : An overview of environmental and health consequences, and appropriate decentralised technologies and strategies for sustainable management

Bobeck, Michaela January 2010 (has links)
This paper reports on environmental impacts and health hazards as a result from inadequate management of organic household waste in developing countries. It gives details of water and soil contamination, air pollution and spread of diseases through expanding breeding grounds for pathogens, vectors and rodents. To manage this waste flow sustainably, decentralised composting and anaerobic digestions technologies have been studied to give an overall picture of existing appropriate technologies, including: windrow, box/bin/barrel, THM, aerated static pile, in-vessel, vermi, ARTI compact biogas digester and BARC’S NISARG-RUNA. Comparing different technologies showed that it is crucial to consider local conditions and markets when choosing which method to implement. However, the manual composting methods: windrow/box/bin/barrel, THM and vermi, are more likely to be appropriate in regard to current conditions in developing countries. A comparison between the environmental impacts of anaerobic digestion and composting did not result in a clear indication of which technology is most favourable. However, in the literature studied, biogas production showed an overall better energy balance, and composting a better result regarding nutrient recycling and xenobiotic compounds. In terms of the mitigation effect on global warming, the results varied essentially depending on the technology used and its loss of methane during the biogas production process. Finally, this paper investigates common constraints for implementation of the above-mentioned technologies, as well as recommendations for future projects. The study of general constraints revealed the need for directing attention to education, key consequences and benefits, co-operation, exchange of knowledge and bottom-up driving forces, for sustainable and successful implementation of organic household waste management practices in developing countries.

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