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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of a phosphate detergent ban on a biological nutrient removal plant and anaerobic digester /

Randall, William O., January 1990 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1990. / Vita. Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 150-155). Also available via the Internet.

Exploring denitrifying communities in the environment /

Noredal Throbäck, Ingela, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2006. / Härtill 3 uppsatser.

Desenvolvimento de Metamodelos Kriging e otimização de uma planta de tratamento de efluentes (BSM2). / Development of Metamodels Kriging and optimization of an effluent treatment plant (BSM2).

COSTA, Adriana Barbosa da. 09 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-03-09T21:45:39Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ADRIANA BARBOSA DA COSTA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEQ 2016..pdf: 2381705 bytes, checksum: 9ae8c9d691a6fa4d5aa82e113e910d76 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-09T21:45:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ADRIANA BARBOSA DA COSTA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGEQ 2016..pdf: 2381705 bytes, checksum: 9ae8c9d691a6fa4d5aa82e113e910d76 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-14 / Um constante estudo para o tratamento de águas residuais e descarte de efluentes é necessário a fim de lidar com normas cada vez mais rígidas nesse âmbito. As estações de tratamento de águas residuais podem ser consideradas sistemas altamente não-lineares, devido a existência de perturbações, bem como a interação de um número considerável de variáveis do processo. Neste contexto, o estudo, otimização e controle dessas plantas são essenciais para o bom funcionamento do processo em atenção às exigências. Vários métodos de otimização são propostos na literatura, e suas implementações em aplicações de engenharia podem ser significativamente melhoradas pelo uso de metamodelos representando o modelo rigoroso do processo a partir de dados computacionais. O presente trabalho trata do desenvolvimento de metamodelos, pela aplicação do modelo Kriging, para um processo de tratamento de águas residuais. Para tal, são realizadas as etapas de amostragem de pontos, por meio do Latin Hypercube Sampling, estimação dos parâmetros e validação. A metodologia proposta baseiase na geração de dados computacionais por meio do modelo rigoroso para o Benchmark Simulation Model N°2, implementado no Simulink®, e na otimização do processo utilizando os metamodelos Kriging. Estes modelos obtidos através de dados de processo rigoroso mostram uma alta precisão e minimização do esforço computacional para o processo de otimização. A Programação Quadrática Seqüencial e o Algoritmo Genético são utilizados para a tarefa de otimização, bem como a geração do modelo de Otimização em Tempo Real. Os resultados obtidos no modelo de referência demonstram a potencialidade da metodologia proposta para minimizar o custo do processo enquanto obedecem as restrições do efluente para as águas residuais tratadas. / A continuous study for improving the treatment of wastewater and the effluent disposal is necessary in order to deal with increasingly stringent environmental laws in this field. Wastewater treatment plants can be considered as highly non-linear systems, due to the existing disturbances as well as the interaction of a considerable number of process variables. In such a context, the study, optimization and control of these plants are essential for the proper operation of the process with respect to requirements. Several optimization methods are proposed in the literature and, their implementation for engineering applications can be significantly improved by the use of metamodels representing the rigorous model of the process starting from computational data. The present work deals with the development of metamodels, such as the Kriging model, a wastewater treatment process. To this end, the steps of data sampling, through Latin Hypercube Sampling, parameter estimation and validation are performed. The proposed methodology is based on the generation of computational data through the rigorous model of the Benchmark Simulation Model No. 2, implemented in Simulink®, and the optimization of the process using of the Kriging metamodels. These models obtained through the rigorous process data show a high accuracy and the computational effort of the optimization methods. The Sequential Quadratic Programming and Genetic Algorithm are used for the optimization task, as well as the generation of the Real Time Optimization model. The achieved results on benchmark model demonstrate the potentiality of the proposed methodology, to minimize the process cost while obeying the effluent restrictions of the treated wastewater.

The Siemens Hybrid Process: Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of an Innovative and Sustainable Pilot Wastewater Treatment Process

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: To address sustainability issues in wastewater treatment (WWT), Siemens Water Technologies (SWT) has designed a "hybrid" process that couples common activated sludge (AS) and anaerobic digestion (AD) technologies with the novel concepts of AD sludge recycle and biosorption. At least 85% of the hybrid's AD sludge is recycled to the AS process, providing additional sorbent for influent particulate chemical oxygen demand (PCOD) biosorption in contact tanks. Biosorbed PCOD is transported to the AD, where it is converted to methane. The aim of this study is to provide mass balance and microbial community analysis (MCA) of SWT's two hybrid and one conventional pilot plant trains and mathematical modeling of the hybrid process including a novel model of biosorption. A detailed mass balance was performed on each tank and the overall system. The mass balance data supports the hybrid process is more sustainable: It produces 1.5 to 5.5x more methane and 50 to 83% less sludge than the conventional train. The hybrid's superior performance is driven by 4 to 8 times longer solid retention times (SRTs) as compared to conventional trains. However, the conversion of influent COD to methane was low at 15 to 22%, and neither train exhibited significant nitrification or denitrification. Data were inconclusive as to the role of biosorption in the processes. MCA indicated the presence of Archaea and nitrifiers throughout both systems. However, it is inconclusive as to how active Archaea and nitrifiers are under anoxic, aerobic, and anaerobic conditions. Mathematical modeling confirms the hybrid process produces 4 to 20 times more methane and 20 to 83% less sludge than the conventional train under various operating conditions. Neither process removes more than 25% of the influent nitrogen or converts more that 13% to nitrogen gas due to biomass washout in the contact tank and short SRTs in the stabilization tank. In addition, a mathematical relationship was developed to describe PCOD biosorption through adsorption to biomass and floc entrapment. Ultimately, process performance is more heavily influenced by the higher AD SRTs attained when sludge is recycled through the system and less influenced by the inclusion of biosorption kinetics. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Civil and Environmental Engineering 2011

Aplicação de sedimentadores de fluxo vertical na separação sólido-líquido de água de processo em usinas de beneficiamento de carvão mineral na região sul de Santa Catarina

Smaniotto, André Luiz Amorim January 2017 (has links)
O processo de espessamento e clarificação dos efluentes das usinas de beneficiamento de carvão mineral com a adoção de sedimentadores é uma prática consagrada ao longo de todo o mundo uma vez que é necessário o reaproveitamento da água utilizada tanto por questões econômicas como ambientais. O primeiro sedimentador, tipo espessador, a entrar em operação industrial na região carbonífera de Santa Catarina foi instalado na Mina Barro Branco da Carbonífera Rio Deserto em 2007. O equipamento era dotado de lamelas de PVC e foi instalado como alternativa às bacias de decantação, que apresentam alto custo de construção e operação. Contudo, o equipamento se mostrou ineficaz devido a deposição de sólidos nas lamelas. Essa dificuldade levou a adoção de outros modelos de sedimentadores de fluxo vertical que não utilizam lamelas. Esse trabalho apresenta os dados disponíveis da operação do equipamento com as lamelas na Mina Barro Branco e resultados atuais da operação dos sedimentadores da Mina Esperança sem lamelas. Nesse segundo caso foi medida a vazão, concentração de sólidos e dos metais ferro, alumínio e manganês, nos fluxos de entrada e saída. No efluente clarificado mediu-se ainda o pH e a turbidez. Registraram-se dados de uma operação satisfatória, com impacto importante na redução dos custos no transporte e deposição dos rejeitos finos e no tratamento do overflow clarificado possibilitando o descarte de acordo com a Legislação Ambiental. / The process of thickening and clarifying the effluents of mineral coal processing plants with the use of settlers is a well-established practice throughout the world since it is necessary to reuse the water used for both economic and environmental reasons. The first settler, a thickener type, to enter into industrial operation in the Santa Catarina coal region was installed at the Barro Branco Mine of the Carbonifera Rio Deserto in 2007. The equipment was equipped with PVC lamellae and was installed as an alternative to the decantation basins, which have a high cost of construction and operation. However, the equipment proved to be ineffective due to deposition of solids in the lamellae. This difficulty led to the adoption of other models of vertical flow settlers that do not use lamellae. This work presents the available data of the operation of the equipment with lamellae in the Mina Barro Branco and current results of the operation of the settlers in the Mina Esperança without lamellae. In this second case the flow, concentration of solids and iron, aluminum and manganese metals in the inflow and outflow were measured. In the clarified effluent the pH and turbidity were also measured. Data were recorded for a satisfactory operation, with a significant impact on the reduction of costs in the transportation and deposition of the fine tailings and in the treatment of the clarified overflow, allowing the disposal according to the Environmental Legislation.

Environmentální bezpečnost systému odpadních vod / Protection of the untreated sewage water environmental

BELEŠOVÁ, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The topic "Environmental Security of Wastewater System" was selected for the creation of my thesis by several fundamental reasons.The main one is the vital importance of water for the functioning of human society.Drinking water sources are limited and the current relatively easy access to good quality water leads to irresponsible waste of this commodity.Besides wasting there is another big problem with environmental pollution,which is closely related to the degradation of sources of drinking water.With the increase of human population,environmental conditions began to worsen rapidly and this issue became to be discussed by multinational organizations.The so-called Environmental Security is currently very topical subject.It is introduced gradually into school curricula.Large amounts of funds have been invested to the environmental safety of water management in the past few years.An especially,there have been build many waste water treatment plants.The thesis is oriented locally on the municipality of Příbram.Its administrative area covers 74 municipalities and military training area of Brdy.The administrative area is mostly formed by smaller communities that are self-sustaining in water management.It is necessary to ensure sufficiently good conditions of the environment to prevent its degradation.The aim of this thesis is mainly to map the impacts of failure of sewage system and eventual propose of appropriate interim solutions of such failure.The research question is closely related to it: What is the current level of environmental safety of water? To achieve the set objectives,primarily I applied the method of literary research,through which was described the basic information necessary to understand the issue.It was also used method of qualitative research,which was carried out on the basis of interviews with experts in that field.The collected data were organized in a logical survey and analyzed by the a SWOT analysis.The thesis is divided into two main sections.The first one is a theoretical part,which describes the water cycle,explains what is infrastructure and,consequently,it highlights the importance of critical infrastructure.It also explains the concept of water management and presents the basic characteristics and methods of processing and treatment of drinking and waste water.It also states the basic legislation governing the issue of water and ultimately defines the concept of environmental security.The second part describes the sewage system in the area of Příbram and maps the ways of creation and the subsequent magnitude of failure of analyzed wastewater treatment plants.In direct relation to this,it assesses the possible emergence of environmental impact.Waste water can be divided into several groups according to where and how they arise.Taking account of their origin,wastewater may contain a wide variety of harmful substances.A failure of the wastewater system would be not only a current problem of environmental pollution at the site where the waste water was getting into the nature,but a long term adverse effect,which would be later manifested in the form of,for example,contamination of soil and groundwater,which would subsequently mix with drinking water resources.It could also lead to the death of some animals,disabling eating crops in that location and spread of various infectious diseases.This condition is highly undesirable and therefore it is necessary to implement preventive measures to prevent environmental safety.From this research,it was found that the formation of potentially serious impacts on the environment due to the failure of the sewage disposal plants in the area of Příbram is not expected.The operators are ready to remove immediately and quite efficiently incurred defects in order to avoid serious long-term failure.In relation to this,the environmental safety of the sewage disposal plants in the area of Příbram can be evaluated as very good.

Biorreator à membrana aplicado ao tratamento de efluentes

Giacobbo, Alexandre January 2010 (has links)
A preocupação com a qualidade das águas está intensificando estudos com tecnologias avançadas para tratamento de efluentes. Uma tecnologia promissora no Brasil é a de biorreatores à membrana (MBR), pois há a possibilidade de trabalhar com altas taxas de aplicação e ainda pode obter um efluente tratado passível de reuso. Assim, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar um MBR com módulo de membranas externo. Para tanto, foram estipulados os parâmetros operacionais em ensaios preliminares, tais como compactação da membrana, permeabilidade hidráulica e permeabilidade ao lodo ativado. Desta forma, efetuou-se a montagem do MBR, o qual foi inicialmente alimentado com um efluente sintético e posteriormente com efluente de curtume coletado pós-tratamento convencional. Operando com efluente sintético, obteve-se redução superior a 95% para DQO e turbidez. Com efluente de curtume pós-tratamento, obteve-se eficiência de 46%, 88%, 16%, 67% e 48% para DQO, DBO5, NTK, P-Total e cromo, respectivamente. Ademais, após 15 dias de operação, o sistema estabilizou com fluxo permeado elevado: 43 L/m².h. / The preoccupation with the quality of water resources is intensifying studies about advanced technologies for wastewater treatment. A promising technology in Brazil is the membrane bioreactors (MBR), due its capacity to operate with high application rates and may also obtains a treated effluent able to reuse. Thus, this work aimed to study a MBR with external membrane module. Firstly, it has been determined operational parameters by preliminary studies, namely: membrane compactation, hydraulic permeability and permeability to activated sludge. After that, the MBR was setting. Then, it was initially fed a synthetic wastewater and, then, with tannery wastewater collected after conventional treatment. Operating with synthetic wastewater, it was obtained a reduction of more than 95% for COD and turbidity. The operation with tannery wastewater post treatment resulted in efficiency of 46%, 88%, 16%, 67% and 48% for COD, BOD5, TKN, Total-P and chromium, respectively. Moreover, after 15 days of operation, the system has stabilized with high permeate flux: 43 L/m².h.

Tratamento combinado de drenagem ácida de minas e esgoto doméstico

Nunes, Marco Antonio da Silva January 2010 (has links)
Muitos locais de mineração de carvão estão próximos a centros urbanos, coexistindo, nestas regiões, a drenagem ácida de minas (DAM) e os esgotos domésticos, sendo que, ambos os efluentes afetam a qualidade da água dos corpos receptores se ali lançados sem o devido tratamento. A drenagem ácida de minas afeta a qualidade da água baixando o pH, aumentando a acidez e acrescendo quantidades indesejáveis de ferro, manganês, alumínio, sulfatos e outros metais enquanto que o esgoto doméstico caracteriza-se pela presença de alcalinidade, matéria orgânica e microrganismos potencialmente patogênicos. Estudos anteriores demonstraram que a DAM pode ser utilizada como agente coagulante no tratamento físico-químico dos esgotos e, baseado nisto, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o tratamento combinado da DAM com o esgoto doméstico de modo que também ocorra a redução dos metais e acidez presentes na DAM. O processo baseia-se no fato de que a alcalinidade do esgoto pode, pelo menos em parte, neutralizar a acidez da DAM, proporcionando uma economia no consumo de reagentes para a correção do pH. Com a elevação do pH, o ferro e o alumínio presentes na DAM sofrem hidrólise e coagulam na forma de hidróxidos dos referidos metais, separando-se da fase líquida na forma de um precipitado gelatinoso que carrea consigo os sólidos suspensos presentes no esgoto constituídos, principalmente, de matéria orgânica e microrganismos patogênicos, fósforo e nitrogênio. Assim, a metodologia do presente trabalho consistiu em realizar o tratamento em laboratório de ambos os efluentes considerando diferentes proporções de mistura. Nas condições empregadas no presente trabalho, obteve-se um efeito coagulante ótimo, em pH próximo a 7,0, para a proporção DAM:esgoto de 1:2, correspondendo a concentrações de Fe e Al acima de 80 mg/L na mistura. Para estas condições a redução de carga orgânica, nutrientes, metais e microrganismos foi elevada. A remoção de carga orgânica em termos de DQO foi 67%, a redução de nitrogênio foi de 40%, a redução de fósforo foi de 90% e a remoção de bactérias do grupo coliforme comparável aos processos convencionais de tratamento de esgoto sanitário. Dos metais presentes na DAM, o Fe e Al sofreram reduções de 99% e o Zn de 95%. O Mn, reduziu apenas 13 % na faixa de pH 7,0 utilizada no trabalho, sendo necessário tratamento adicional para atingir os limites de emissão previstos em legislação.A partir dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que a mistura dos fluxos é uma alternativa para o tratamento combinado dos efluentes DAM e esgoto doméstico, onde coexistam em proporções e características físico-químicas definidas neste trabalho. / Many coal mining places are close to inhabited concentrations, where there are the acid mine drainage (AMD) and domestic sewage and both effluent affect the quality of water bodies if released without proper treatment. The AMD affects water´s quality decreasing pH, increasing acidity and the concentration of undesirable metals such as iron, manganese, aluminum, sulphates and other metals while the domestic sewage is characterized by the presence of alkalinity, organic matter and microorganisms, with possible presence of pathogenic. Previous studies have shown that the AMD can be used as an coagulant agent on physico-chemical treatment of sewage and, based on this, the aim of this work was to study the combined treatment of AMD and domestic sewage so that also occur metals and acidity reduction present in the AMD. The process is based on the fact that the sewage´s alkalinity could neutralize part of the AMD acidity, providing an economy in reagents for pH correction. At the same time, the pH increasing provides that the iron and aluminium present in the AMD, became hydrolyzed in the form of hydroxides of these metals, and provide a coagulation effect separating themselves from the liquid phase like as gelatinous precipitate which carry on suspended solids present in domestic sewage constituted mainly of pathogenic micro-organisms and organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus. Thus, the methodology of the present work consisted of laboratory experiments considering different proportions of mixtures. Over the conditions employed in this work, the best coagulant effect was obtained with pH value around 7,0 and effluent proportion of 1:2 (DAM:sewage) corresponding to concentrations of Fe and Al above 80 mg/L in the mixture. For these conditions the organic load reduction, nutrients, metals and microorganisms was high. Removal of organic load in terms of COD was 67%, the reduction of nitrogen was 40%, phosphorus was 90% and the removal of bacteria of coliform bacteria group comparable to conventional processes for the treatment of sewage. The metals present in the AMD also was removed; the Fe and Al cut of 99% each and the Zn cut of 95%. The Mn, reduced only 13% in the range of pH 7.0 used at work, and additional treatment is needed to achieve the emission limits laid down in legislation for this metal. It was concluded that the combined treatment of AMD and sewage can be an alternative to reduce the pollutants load in sanitary effluents. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that the mixture flows is an alternative to the combined treatment of domestic sewage and DAM effluents, where they could coexist in the proportions and physico-chemical properties defined in this work.

Tratamento combinado de lixiviados de aterro sanitário e drenagem ácida de minas

Konarzewski, Vitor Hugo Cordeiro January 2009 (has links)
Efluentes contaminados por lixiviados de resíduos sólidos urbanos (LRSU), proveniente de aterros sanitários, ou a drenagem ácida de minas (DAM), originados pela oxidação da pirita em rejeitos de carvão, são problemas atuais em termos de impacto ambiental, especialmente na região do Município de Butiá, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. O tratamento destes efluentes, via de regra, é bastante oneroso, mas necessário, uma vez que a liberação in natura destas fontes poluidoras pode ser responsável pela degradação severa do ambiente. Em geral, metodologias convencionais de tratamento (como a precipitação/sedimentação, no caso da DAM, e processos biológicos, no caso do LRSU) mostram-se economicamente custosas ou tecnicamente deficientes. Frente a este desafio, esta pesquisa baseou-se na avaliação do tratamento conjunto de DAM e LRSU, via homogeneização, a fim de diminuir custos tradicionais decorrentes. O processo consiste no aproveitamento da alcalinidade do LRSU para neutralizar a acidez da DAM. Ao mesmo tempo, o ferro e o alumínio presentes na DAM permitem a coagulação dos sólidos suspensos, removendo uma significativa carga de poluentes. Resultados obtidos em laboratório no tratamento inicial destes efluentes permitiram uma significativa redução de carga orgânica, nutrientes, metais pesados e bactérias do grupo coliforme. O efluente final apresentou redução na carga lançada de 100% para sólidos suspensos, 36% para DBO, 56% para DQO, 11% para N, 72% para Fe, 73% para Al e 9% para Mn, atenuando suas características iniciais em consonância a alguns padrões de emissão de efluentes líquidos estabelecidos para o Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Resolução número 128/2006 do CONSEMA). / Municipal landfills wastewaters (MLW) and acid mine drainages (AMD) from coal mines are environmental issues faced, in special case at the city of Butia, in Rio Grande do Sul State. The treatment of such effluents is necessary to avoid undesirable environmental degradation. The conventional treatment techniques (e.g. chemical neutralization for DAM and biological processes for municipal landfills wastewaters) are costly and sometimes inefficient. This work considered a new alternative based in the combined treatment of MLW and AMD. The alkalinity of MLW can neutralize the acidity of the AMD while the iron and aluminum present in the AMD allow the coagulations of the suspended solids of the MLW, reducing considerably the amount of pollutants. The initial results obtained at laboratory scale allowed the reduction of organic load, nutrients, heavy metals and bacteria. The final effluent showed reduction at the charge reaching 100% to solids in suspension, 36% to BOD, 56% to COD, 11% to N, 72% to Fe, 73% to Al e 9% to Mn, without addiction of coagulations polymers, and improving its characteristics considering the emission standards established in the Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil (Resolution number 128/2006 from CONSEMA).

Avaliação da sustentabilidade de sistemas de tratamento de esgotos sanitários : uma proposta metodológica

Sanches, Andréa Bandeira January 2009 (has links)
A sustentabilidade pode ser encarada como uma nova disciplina do conhecimento humano, agregando em seu escopo o conflito entre as dimensões ambiental, econômica e social. Esta Tese desenvolveu uma Metodologia de Avaliação da Sustentabilidade, aplicada a sistemas de tratamento de esgotos, bem como a sua aplicação na forma de um estudo de caso. A referida metodologia insere-se como uma ferramenta que pode ampliar o processo decisório, quando de um Estudo de Concepção, etapa anterior ao desenvolvimento de um projeto de uma estação de tratamento de esgotos, indo além dos critérios técnicos e econômicos. Ainda, dentro de sua estrutura, foi implementada uma plataforma participativa composta pela comunidade em estudo e por especialistas na área de saneamento ambiental. Foram comparadas três alternativas de processos de tratamento passíveis de serem implantadas em uma estação de tratamento de esgotos, situada no município de Capão da Canoa: reator anaeróbio e banhados construídos, lagoas de estabilização e banhados construídos, assim como o sistema de lodos ativados seguidos por uma etapa de desinfecção. Da análise dos referidos processos, a alternativa que contemplou as lagoas de estabilização associadas aos banhados construídos mostrou o melhor desempenho à luz das três dimensões da sustentabilidade. Com base nos resultados obtidos, observou-se que a Metodologia de Avaliação proposta, pode, efetivamente, elucidar os projetistas sobre a questão da sustentabilidade associada aos sistemas de tratamento de esgotos, bem como promover um processo decisório participativo, onde resultem soluções técnicas mais justas e transparentes. / The sustainability can be seen as a new discipline of human knowledge, adding to the scope of the conflict between the environmental, economic and social dimensions. This Thesis developed a methodology for assessment of the sustainability applied to wastewater treatment systems and its application as a case study. The methodology should be seen as a tool that can extend the decison making process, starting from a preliminary study of design, the stage preceding the development of a project from a wastewater treatment plant, going beyond the technical and economical criteria. More, inside its structure was implemented a participatory platform, compound by the community under study and by experts in the field of environmental sanitation. Were compared three alternatives of procedures that can be implanted in a wastewater treatment plant, located in Capão da Canoa: UASB reactor and constructed wetlands, stabilization ponds and constructed wetlands, as well as the activated sludge system followed by a stage of disinfection. From the analyses of those cases, the alternative that included the stabilization ponds associated with constructed wetlands showed the best performance under the perspective of the three dimensions of sustainability. Based on the results, it was observed that the assessment methodology proposed can, indeed, elucidate the designers on the issue of sustainability associated with wastewater treatment systems and promote a participatory decision process with more fair and transparent technical solutions.

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