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Nutrient removal and fouling reduction in electrokinetic membrane bioreactor at various temperaturesWei, Chunliang January 2012 (has links)
With the aim of mitigating membrane fouling, an electrocoagulation (EC) based electrokinetic membrane bioreactor (EMBR) was developed and operated with real municipal wastewater under low temperatures. Both batch tests and continuous EMBR experiments demonstrated the significant advantages in membrane fouling reduction over the conventional antifouling strategies, ushering its potential applications as an attractive hybrid MBR technology for decentralized wastewater treatment in remote cold regions. The main research observations and findings could be summarized as follows: (1). Effective membrane fouling mitigation at low temperatures was due to destruction of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and subsequent reduction of the biocake resistance. The transmembrane pressure (TMP) increased at a much slower rate in EMBR and the filtration resistance was about one third of the control MBR prior to chemical cleaning cycle; (2). A new membrane parameter, the specific fouling rate (SFR) was proposed, relating the fouling rate with permeate flux and temperature-dependent viscosity. Pore clogging and biocake resistances were quantified for the first time with the same membrane module and operating conditions as in regular MBR, rather than resorting to the use of batch filtration setups; (3). The floc size in EMBR did not increase as a result of the air scouring shear force and decrease in the extracellular polymeric substances (EPS); (4). When current intensity was less than 0.2 A, polarity reversal had minimal impact on electrode passivation reduction due to insignificant hydrogen yield, however, if current intensity was above 0.2 A, frequent polarity reversal (< 5 min per cycle) was detrimental to electrode passivation if no sufficient mixing was provided; (5). Viability of the microorganisms in the EMBR system was found to be dependent on duration of the current application and current density. The bacterial viability was not significantly affected when the applied current density was less than 6.2 A/m2; (6). Significant abiotic ammonification was found in electrocoagulation (EC). DO in the treated liquid was depleted within an hour, under the anaerobic condition in EC, nitrate was chemometrically reduced to ammonium following a two-step first order reaction kinetics. Aeration (DO > 2 mg/L) was shown effective in suppressing abiotic ammonification; (7). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology was used for the first time as an in-situ non-invasive imaging tool to observe membrane fouling status in an EMBR. / October 2016
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Energy and material balances of wastewater treatment, including biogas production, at a recycled board millAssis Lana e Cruz, Igor January 2016 (has links)
Challenges surrounding energy have gained increased attention, which is not least reflected in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Energy issues have also become a pressing matter for most countries in the last decades. The reasons for this are not only related to the effects of the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) from fossil fuels and their impact in climate change, but also span through other issues such as security of energy supply with geopolitical considerations and competitiveness of industry. To address these issues, a collection of public policies ranging from the international to local levels have been implemented. Sweden has historically had lower energy prices than its European counterparts, which has resulted in its industry having a relatively higher share of electricity in the total energy use by industry. The share of electricity accounts for 35% of total energy use in Swedish industry. This has led to efficiency measures being overlooked by industry, and the pulp and paper industry is by far the biggest energy user, with a share of 51% of the total energy use by industry. The variation of energy prices, and particularly electricity prices have obvious implications on the competitiveness of this sector. Production of biogas in pulp and paper mills has been gaining attention, and is now the target of an increasing number of scientific studies. The interest for this industry is not only related to security of energy supply and the environmental performance of the biogas itself, but there are also considerations regarding the biogas plant as an alternative to treat the large flows of wastewaters and other waste stream in this sector. There is an estimated biogas production potential of 1 TWh within this industry in Sweden, which accounts for 60% of the current biogas production in the country. Pulp and paper mills commonly rely on aerated biological treatment to deal with waste streams with high organic content This biological process has a high energy demand, and the integration of an anaerobic treatment, along with the use of the biogas for heat and electricity can yield a net positive energy recovery for the combined plant. This project analyses the current energy and material performance of an anaerobic biological treatment combined with an aerobic biological treatment in a recycled board mill. The anaerobic treatment is performed upstream of the aerobic one and removes most of the chemical oxygen demand of the wastewater. Energy and material balances for the plant are presented, and a comparison of the wastewater treatment plant running before and after the start-up of the biogas plant is made. The plant operation with the anaerobic digestion has shown an increased energy use of 9.4% coupled to an increased flow of wastewater of 7.7%. The average biogas production is 72 Nm³/h, which accounts for 440 kWh and is currently being flared. The introduction of AD has largely decrease the organic load in the aerobic treatment, by nearly 50%. This project ends with an optimisation model implemented with the optimisation tool reMIND to investigate potential optimisation strategies for the operation of the combined plant. The model has shown to be adequate to describe electricity use with mean error below 10%. For the biogas production, the mean error was of 16%.
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The use of natural remediation methods to remove contaminants from waste water is becoming more popular. Plants have been used for several decades, yet their use for municipal waste water contaminated by heavy metals is limited to a few studies which focus on the Mercury and Chromium (Bennicelli, et.al, 2004). This study specifically attempted to determine the viability for using Lemna minor to remediate municipally generated wastewater contaminated with copper. The study used 100 ml samples of wastewater, artificially spiked with 8 mg/L of copper sulfate and seeded with approximately 100 Lemna minor fronds. Each treatment was repeated 15 times and distilled water was added daily to maintain 100 ml samples. The addition of Lemna minor statistically lowered the copper concentration of the treatment groups (55% reduction in total Cu concentration). No significant decrease was seen in the control groups. While Lemna minor has metals accumulation potential, its wide spread use is limited by the toxic effect of copper on Lemna minor at relatively low levels.
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The efficiency of the Zeekoegat artificial wetland as a biological filter of waste water11 September 2013 (has links)
M.Sc. (Aquatic Health) / Located largely in a semi-arid part of the world, South Africa’s water resources, in global terms are extremely scarce and limited. (South Africa is one of the 30 driest countries of the world). South Africa is already categorised as water stressed with annual freshwater availability of less than 1700 mm³ /person (the index for water stress) (Blignaut and Van Heerden, 2009). South Africa is a water scarce country due to low rainfall (less than 500 mm per annum, some parts less than 200 mm: the average of 475 mm is well below the global average of 860 mm p/a.) and due to the uneven distribution of its water resources (more than 60% of the river flow arising from only 20% of the land area) which is a direct result of the climate and topography of the country (Davis and Day, 1998). South Africa is a large piece of land, far larger than for instance Germany (population of 82.7 million- Bergman and Renwick, 2003). When compared, Germany has 2169 cubic meters of water available per person while South Africa has only 1208 (Bergman and Renwick, 2003). Compared with another arid country, Australia has a population of 19.1 million and freshwater resources of 18 722 cubic meters per person (Bergman and Renwick, 2003). South Africa has close to the lowest conversion of rainfall to usable run-off from rivers of all the countries in the world (South Africa 8.6%, Australia 9.8%, and Canada 66%) (Bergman and Renwick, 2003). South Africa will also be negatively impacted by both changes in climate and the prevalence and spread of alien invasive species (Blignaut and Van Heerden, 2009). Prosperity for South Africa depends upon the sound management and utilisation of many resources, with water playing a pivotal role. Any decrease in the quality and therefore the usability of water in South Africa by 1% may result in the loss of 200 000 jobs, a drop of 5.7% of disposable income per capita, and an increase of 5% or R18.1 billion in government spending. This will further result in a 1% decrease in the GDP growth rate (Du Toit, 2010). This is reiterated by a number of other studies.
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Relationship between Land Use and Surface Water Quality in a Rapidly Developing Watershed in Southeast LouisianaBourgeois-Calvin, Andrea 07 August 2008 (has links)
The Tangipahoa River and Natalbany River watersheds (Tangipahoa Parish/County) in the Lake Pontchartrain Basin (southeastern Louisiana) are experiencing rapid urbanization, particularly in the wake of the 2005 hurricane season. To document the impact of land use on water quality, thirty sites were monitored for surface water physiochemical, geochemical, and bacteriological parameters. Water quality data was compared to land use within four sub-watersheds of the Tangipahoa Watershed and three sub-watersheds of the Natalbany Watershed. Urbanization had the most profound impact on water quality of all land uses. In watersheds with little urban land cover (< 7% with the sub-watershed) waterbodies had low dissolved salt, nutrient, and fecal coliform concentrations and high dissolved oxygen levels. Waterbodies within the urban region (> 28% urban land cover within the sub-watershed) of the parish had significantly greater dissolved salt, nutrient, and fecal coliform concentrations and decreased dissolved oxygen concentrations. Specifically, nutrient and fecal coliform concentrations increased as streams flowed through urban areas. The specific conductance, fecal coliform counts, concentrations of sulfate, HCO3-C, sodium, and nutrients (NO3-N, NO2-N, NH4-N, and PO4-P), and the ratios of Na:Cl, Cl:Br, and SO4:Cl were shown to be the parameters most indicative of urban impacts. Many of the geochemical parameters correlated significantly with each other, particularly within the urban streams (the streams with the greatest concentrations). While fecal coliform counts were high within the urban streams, programs to address malfunctioning wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) appear to be working, with fecal coliform counts declining and dissolved oxygen levels rising during the course of the data collection. In contrast, sites undergoing rapid development showed an increase in turbidity levels and a decrease on dissolved oxygen levels (both going from healthy to unhealthy levels) during the 18-month course of the data collection. By understanding the impacts of urbanization on streams of the Gulf Coast, local and regional municipalities may be able to reduce the impacts in already urbanized areas or mitigate the impacts at the outset of development.
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Odor Monitoring at Wastewater Treatment PlantsHalageri, Natasha 15 December 2012 (has links)
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is notable for its toxicity and corrosion is one of the major sources of odor in wastewater treatment plants. Evaluation of existing or potential odor problems requires knowledge of the type of compounds likely to cause such problems and the mechanism of their formation in wastewater systems which is discussed in this paper. For the present study, the East Bank wastewater treatment plant was chosen since it is the largest wastewater treatment facility within Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. To combat the odor problems in this facility, a monitoring program was designed and developed to characterize the severity of the problem. The program involved continuous ambient monitoring followed by careful evaluation of the data obtained from sample collection and analysis. Different instruments were strategically placed within the facility after a hot-spot analysis to determine the major sources of odor generation.
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Electrochemical Disinfection of Municipal Wastewater using Alternating CurrentChavez Reyes, Xavier A 18 December 2014 (has links)
This research focused on chlorine-free disinfection of wastewater by complying with today's regulations. The equipment used was a continuous flow electrochemical reactor connected to an alternating current (AC) power supply. The electrodes used were made out of titanium coated with iridium oxide. To determine the inactivation of Escherichia Coli, a bacterial count method based on the USEPA method 1603 was used.
After several experiments it was determined that electrochemical disinfection using AC was not efficient and economic enough to be classified as a viable alternative to chlorine disinfection. It was demonstrated that chlorine can be produced by electrolysis using AC and that no hydrogen could be noticed as a byproduct of the electrolysis of wastewater. When the results from this investigation were compared to the ones obtained using DC in Acosta (2014), it was determined that the belief that AC and DC are equally efficient at disinfecting wastewater is wrong.
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Anammox-based systems for nitrogen removal from mainstream municipal wastewaterMalovanyy, Andriy January 2017 (has links)
Nitrogen removal from municipal wastewater with the application of deammonification process offers an operational cost reduction, especially if it is combined with a maximal use of organic content of wastewater for biogas production. In this thesis, two approaches for integration of the deammonification process into the municipal wastewater treatment scheme were studied. The first approach is based on ammonium concentration from municipal wastewater by ion exchange followed by biological removal of ammonium from the concentrated stream by deammonification process. Experiments with synthetic and real municipal wastewater showed that strong acid cation resin is suitable for ammonium concentration due to its high exchange capacity and fast regeneration. Since NaCl was used for regeneration of ion exchange materials, spent regenerant had elevated salinity. The deammonification biomass was adapted to NaCl content of 10-15 g/L by step-wise salinity increase. The technology was tested in batch mode with 99.9 % of ammonium removal from wastewater with ion exchange and up to 95 % of nitrogen removal from spent regenerant by deammonification process. The second studied approach was to apply anammox process to low-concentrated municipal wastewater in a moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) and integrated fixed film activated sludge (IFAS) system without a pre-concentration step. After a 5 months period of transition to mainstream wastewater the pilot plant was operated during 22 months and stable performance of one-stage deammonification was proven. Clear advantage of IFAS system was shown. The highest stable nitrogen removal efficiency of 70 % and a nitrogen removal rate of 55 g N/(m3·d) was reached. Moreover, the influence of operation conditions on competition between ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) was studied by literature review, batch tests and continuous pilot plant operation. / <p>QC 20170309</p>
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Photosynthetic Oxygenation and Nutrient Utilization by Chlorella vulgaris in a Hybrid Membrane Bioreactor and Algal Membrane Photobioreactor SystemNajm, Yasmeen Hani Kamal 11 1900 (has links)
Aerobic activated sludge membrane bioreactors (AS-MBR) in municipal wastewater treatment are compact systems that can efficiently perform biological organic oxidation. However, aerobic processes require mechanical aeration accounting for over 40% of total expenditure of a wastewater facility. Additionally, a global urgency for nutrient (Nitrogen/Phosphorus) removal strategies due to surges of eutrophication events requires complex MBR configurations. An innovative and cost-effective process was developed with a dual income-stream: high-quality treated effluent and value-added microalgal biomass for several applications. The proposed process involved several integrated components; an ultrafiltration AS-MBR for organic oxidation followed by a microalgal membrane photobioreactor (MPBR) to remove nutrients (N/P) through assimilation while simultaneously photosynthetically generating dissolved oxygen effluent that was recirculated back into the AS-MBR, thereby reducing the need for mechanical aeration for oxidation. A lab-scale system was fed with a synthetic medium-strength municipal wastewater. The microalgal species C. vulgaris was initially tested in batch trials as a proof-of-concept study on its potential as a photosynthetic oxygenator for the AS-MBR and identify its nutrient utilization efficiencies. The MPBR and MBR were later constructed for continuous operation,
with the aim to identify an optimal process configuration. The unit processes were subsequently isolated, where the AS-MBR was subjected to a modelled algal effluent to assesses the impact of varying influent characteristics and effluent recycle rates. A microbial community analysis was performed by high-throughput sequencing and a statistical data-driven modeling approach to assess treatment performances. The MPBR stage was then subjected to the effluent achieved by the AS-MBR stage under varying operating conditions to assess its treatment performance and the resulting algal biomass biochemical composition to identify its suitability for bioethanol, biodiesel, or animal feed production. The findings of this study ultimately confirmed the ability of C. vulgaris to support the AS-MBR for organic removal and fractional nutrient removal by supplying the oxygen demand, and further achieve an effluent polish stage for nutrient removal. The process configuration also demonstrated the ability to achieve a high microalgal biomass production with the potential of extracting valuable products as an added benefit of the wastewater treatment.
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Development of a simple technique for selective removal of cesium in wastewater in the presence of mixed alkali metalsPholosi, Agnes 08 1900 (has links)
Amongst treatment technologies, adsorption is rapidly gaining prominence because it can remove metal pollutants at low concentrations, economical, ease of operation, and the adsorbent can be regenerated for reuse. This study therefore, aimed at developing a simple material for selective removal of cesium from wastewater. An agricultural waste material (pine cone) was used as a cheap solid support for transition metal hexacyanoferrate and applied as biosorbents for cesium removal. The preparation and characterization of biosorbent for cesium removal in the presence of alkali metals is reported.
The experimental procedure was carried out in three phases; the first phase described the sample preparation. Toluene-ethanol mixtures of different ratios were investigated as surface treatment method for pine cone and the optimum treatment ratio determined by measuring the improvement in surface properties of the pine cone such as bulk density, iodine number, and surface negative charge. The modification of pine cone with iron hexacyanoferrate was examined in the second phase. The preparation of potassium iron(III) hexacyanoferrate (KFeHCF) supported toluene-ethanol modified pine cone powder was studied in order to consider its application for cesium removal from aqueous solution. The biosorbent was designed to incorporate the hexacyanoferrate ligand which is known to have a high affinity for cesium ions in aqueous solution. Fe(III) was loaded onto the toluene-ethanol treated pine cone powder followed by hexacyanoferrate ligand incorporation on the biosorbent producing the potassium iron hexacyanoferrate supported toluene-ethanol treated pine cone.
The modified pine cone was characterized by FTIR, XRD and TGA analysis. The influence of solution pH and adsorbent dose were studied. The application of potassium iron hexacyanoferrate for the selective removal of cesium in the presence of sodium and calcium was investigated in the third phase. Batch adsorption kinetic studies were performed to determine the effect of modification on cesium removal. Coefficient of correlation, r2, and Chi-square, χ2, methods were applied in the determination of the best fit kinetic method.
Increasing the ratio of toluene in the extractant mixture increased formation of esters and iodine capacity of the material, but reduced carboxylate ions and surface charge. Maximum cesium
adsorption was observed for the 2:1 toluene-ethanol treated sample. Structural characterization using FTIR, XRD and TGA confirmed the successful modification of KFeHCF pine cone powder. Cesium adsorption experiments indicate that KFeHCF supported toluene-ethanol modified pine was more efficient for cesium removal than the raw pine cone powder. Kinetic modeling of Cs+ adsorption was done using the pseudo-first, pseudo-second order and diffusion chemisorption kinetic models. The pseudo first order kinetics could not accurately predict the experimental data. The kinetics data fitted the pseudo-second order and diffusion-chemisorption models. The chemisorption diffusion model only accurately describes the experimental data after 5 min of contact whereas the pseudo second order describes the experimental data over the range of contact time. The application of the FeHCF modified pine cone for cesium removal from aqueous solution revealed that the FeHCF modified pine was less affected by the presence of competitive cations than the toluene-ethanol treated sample and the raw pine cone sample.
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