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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desnitrificação de efluente de abatedouro de tilápia utilizando manipueira como fonte de carbono / Denitrification of tilápia wastewater from slaughterhouse using cassava effluet as a carbon source

Kummer, Ana Carolina Barbosa 11 June 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T19:24:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Carolina Barbosa Kummer.pdf: 2432972 bytes, checksum: 041cfd6e3edd437ca4bfbc2ee7551291 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-06-11 / Fundação Araucária / The processing fish industry is responsible for the production of high amounts of wastewater, rich in organic matter, grease and high concentration of nitrogen, so, conventional use of primary and secondary treatment is not enough to reach the standard demand from the environmental agencies. Consequently, it is necessary the application of wastewater treatment techniques to reduce the impacts produced by those effluents on the environment. The biological treatment of nitrogen compounds has been an alternative to improve their quality. One of the biological processes is based on nitrification followed by denitrification, where oxidized compounds by nitrogen are transformed in molecular nitrogen that rises to the atmosphere. This trial aimed at checking the denitrification of tilápia wastewater from slaughterhouse, in a batch reactor. So, the wastewater from a cassava processing industry (manipueira) was evaluated as a carbon source, as well as the shaking conditions of the process. The experiments were carried out in laboratory series. Five shaking levels were tested (20; 32; 60; 88 e 100 rpm) as well as five COD/N ratio levels (0.1; 1.0; 3.2; 5.4 and 6.3), forming a planning as a Central Composite Rotational Design (CCRD), with four essays in levels +1 and -1; four essays on the axial points levels (-1.414 and +1.414) and one more triplicate in the central point (0), which meant 11 (eleven) essays. The denitrification performance through the nitrate removal (%) and COD removal (%) were evaluated. During this process, temperature (°C), pH and alkalinity (mgCaCO3.L-1) were also observed. The results showed that the COD/N ratio had significant influence, with a 95 % of confidence interval on the process of nitrate and nitrite removal, with a great operation range, from 3.2 to 5.4, whose nitrogen removal efficiencies were 100 %. On the other hand, shaking did not have a significant effect on the process. / A indústria processadora de peixe caracteriza-se por gerar elevadas quantidades de efluentes, ricos em matéria orgânica, gorduras e concentração de nitrogênio. Consequentemente, apenas o emprego de tratamentos primário e secundário convencionais não é suficiente para atingir os padrões exigidos pelos órgãos ambientais. Desta forma, faz-se necessário o emprego de técnicas de tratamento de efluentes que minimizem os impactos gerados por esses no meio ambiente. O tratamento biológico dos compostos nitrogenados tem sido uma alternativa para melhorar a qualidade dos efluentes. Um dos processos biológicos constitui-se na nitrificação seguida da desnitrificação, em que os compostos oxidados de nitrogênio são, então, transformados em nitrogênio gasoso que é devolvido à atmosfera. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a desnitrificação de efluente de abatedouro de tilápia, em reator em batelada. Para isto, foi avaliado o efluente gerado por uma indústria processadora de mandioca (manipueira) como fonte de carbono. Também foram avaliadas as condições de agitação do sistema. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em escala de laboratório, em que foram testados cinco níveis de agitação (20; 32; 60; 88 e 100 rpm) e cinco freqüências da relação DQO/N (0,1; 1,0; 3,2; 5,4 e 6,3), configurando-se um planejamento do tipo Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional (DCCR), com quatro ensaios nos níveis +1 e -1; quatro ensaios nos níveis dos pontos axiais (-1,414 e +1,414) e mais uma triplicata no ponto central (0), totalizando 11 ensaios. Avaliaram-se o desempenho da desnitrificação através da remoção de nitrato (%), a remoção de nitrito (%) e a remoção de DQO (%). Durante o processo também foram monitorados temperatura (ºC), pH, e alcalinidade (mgCaCO3.L-1). Os resultados mostraram que a relação DQO/N teve influência significativa, com intervalo de confiança de 95 % sobre o processo de remoção de nitrato e nitrito, com faixa ótima de operação entre 3,2 e 5,4, cujas eficiências de remoção de nitrogênio foram de 100%. Contudo, a agitação não teve efeito significativo sobre o processo.

Desnitrificação de efluente de abatedouro de tilápia utilizando manipueira como fonte de carbono / Denitrification of tilápia wastewater from slaughterhouse using cassava effluet as a carbon source

Kummer, Ana Carolina Barbosa 11 June 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-12T14:47:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Carolina Barbosa Kummer.pdf: 2432972 bytes, checksum: 041cfd6e3edd437ca4bfbc2ee7551291 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-06-11 / Fundação Araucária / The processing fish industry is responsible for the production of high amounts of wastewater, rich in organic matter, grease and high concentration of nitrogen, so, conventional use of primary and secondary treatment is not enough to reach the standard demand from the environmental agencies. Consequently, it is necessary the application of wastewater treatment techniques to reduce the impacts produced by those effluents on the environment. The biological treatment of nitrogen compounds has been an alternative to improve their quality. One of the biological processes is based on nitrification followed by denitrification, where oxidized compounds by nitrogen are transformed in molecular nitrogen that rises to the atmosphere. This trial aimed at checking the denitrification of tilápia wastewater from slaughterhouse, in a batch reactor. So, the wastewater from a cassava processing industry (manipueira) was evaluated as a carbon source, as well as the shaking conditions of the process. The experiments were carried out in laboratory series. Five shaking levels were tested (20; 32; 60; 88 e 100 rpm) as well as five COD/N ratio levels (0.1; 1.0; 3.2; 5.4 and 6.3), forming a planning as a Central Composite Rotational Design (CCRD), with four essays in levels +1 and -1; four essays on the axial points levels (-1.414 and +1.414) and one more triplicate in the central point (0), which meant 11 (eleven) essays. The denitrification performance through the nitrate removal (%) and COD removal (%) were evaluated. During this process, temperature (°C), pH and alkalinity (mgCaCO3.L-1) were also observed. The results showed that the COD/N ratio had significant influence, with a 95 % of confidence interval on the process of nitrate and nitrite removal, with a great operation range, from 3.2 to 5.4, whose nitrogen removal efficiencies were 100 %. On the other hand, shaking did not have a significant effect on the process. / A indústria processadora de peixe caracteriza-se por gerar elevadas quantidades de efluentes, ricos em matéria orgânica, gorduras e concentração de nitrogênio. Consequentemente, apenas o emprego de tratamentos primário e secundário convencionais não é suficiente para atingir os padrões exigidos pelos órgãos ambientais. Desta forma, faz-se necessário o emprego de técnicas de tratamento de efluentes que minimizem os impactos gerados por esses no meio ambiente. O tratamento biológico dos compostos nitrogenados tem sido uma alternativa para melhorar a qualidade dos efluentes. Um dos processos biológicos constitui-se na nitrificação seguida da desnitrificação, em que os compostos oxidados de nitrogênio são, então, transformados em nitrogênio gasoso que é devolvido à atmosfera. O objetivo deste trabalho foi a desnitrificação de efluente de abatedouro de tilápia, em reator em batelada. Para isto, foi avaliado o efluente gerado por uma indústria processadora de mandioca (manipueira) como fonte de carbono. Também foram avaliadas as condições de agitação do sistema. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em escala de laboratório, em que foram testados cinco níveis de agitação (20; 32; 60; 88 e 100 rpm) e cinco freqüências da relação DQO/N (0,1; 1,0; 3,2; 5,4 e 6,3), configurando-se um planejamento do tipo Delineamento Composto Central Rotacional (DCCR), com quatro ensaios nos níveis +1 e -1; quatro ensaios nos níveis dos pontos axiais (-1,414 e +1,414) e mais uma triplicata no ponto central (0), totalizando 11 ensaios. Avaliaram-se o desempenho da desnitrificação através da remoção de nitrato (%), a remoção de nitrito (%) e a remoção de DQO (%). Durante o processo também foram monitorados temperatura (ºC), pH, e alcalinidade (mgCaCO3.L-1). Os resultados mostraram que a relação DQO/N teve influência significativa, com intervalo de confiança de 95 % sobre o processo de remoção de nitrato e nitrito, com faixa ótima de operação entre 3,2 e 5,4, cujas eficiências de remoção de nitrogênio foram de 100%. Contudo, a agitação não teve efeito significativo sobre o processo.

Laboratory Studies of Virus Survival During Aerobic and Anaerobic Digestion of Sewage Sludge

Scheuerman, Phillip R., Farrah, Samuel R., Bitton, Gabriel 01 March 1991 (has links)
The survival of three enteroviruses (polio 1, coxsackie B3 and echo 1) and a rotavirus (SA-11) was studied under laboratory conditions. The effects of temperature, dissolved oxygen, detention time, sludge source and virus type on virus inactivation were determined. Temperature was the single most important factor influencing the rate of virus inactivation. No significant differences were found for virus inactivation rates at dissolved oxygen levels between 0.9 and 5.8 mg/l. However, the inactivation rate of the viruses under aerobic conditions was found to be significantly greater than the inactivation rate under anaerobic conditions (−0.77log10/day vs −0.33 log10/day). Sludge source, detention time and virus type did not significantly influence the rate of virus inactivation.

Evaluation of microbial health risks associated with the reuse of source-separated humna urine

Höglund, Caroline January 2001 (has links)
Human excreta contain plant nutrients and have the potentialto be used as a fertiliser in agriculture. Urine contributesthe major proportion of the nutrients (N, P and K) in domesticwastewater whereas faeces contribute a smaller amount andinvolves greater health risks if reused due to the possiblepresence of enteric pathogens. Human urine does not generallycontain pathogens that can be transmitted through theenvironment. Source-separation of urine and faeces is possible by usingurine-separating (or urine-diverting) toilets, available assimple dry toilets or porcelain flush toilets with dividedbowls. The risk for transmission of disease when handling andreusing the urine is largely dependent on thecross-contamination by faeces. In this research, the presenceof human faeces in urine samples was successfully determined byanalysing for faecal sterols. Cross-contamination was evidentin 22% of the samples from urine collection tanks, and in thesequantified to an average (± SD) of 9.1 ± 5.6 mgfaeces per litre urine. Testing for indicator bacteria wasshown to be an unsuitable method for determining faecalcontamination in human urine sinceE. colihad a rapid inactivation in the urine and faecalstreptococci were found to grow within the system. The fate of any enteric pathogens present in urine iscrucial for the risk for transmission of infectious diseases.Gram-negative bacteria (e.g.SalmonellaandE. coli) were rapidly inactivated (time for 90%reduction, T90&lt;5 days) in source-separated urine at itsnatural pH-value of 9. Gram-positive faecal streptococci weremore persistent with a T90of approximately 30 days. Clostridia sporenumbers were not reduced at all during 80 days. Similarly,rhesusrotavirus andSalmonella typhimuriumphage 28B were not inactivated inurine at low temperature (5°C), whereas at 20°C theirT90-values were 35 and 71 days, respectively.Cryptosporidiumoocysts were less persistent with a T90of 29 days at 4°C. Factors that affect thepersistence of microorganisms in source-separated human urineinclude temperature, pH, dilution and presence of ammonia. By using Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA), therisks for bacterial and protozoan infections related tohandling and reuse of urine were calculated to be&lt;10-3for all exposure routes independent of the urinestorage time and temperature evaluated. The risk for viralinfection was higher, calculated at 0.56 for accidentalingestion of 1 ml of unstored urine. If the urine was stored at20°C for 6 months the risk for viral infection was reducedto 5.4 × 10-4. By following recommendations for storage and reuse, whichare dependent on the type of crop to be fertilised, it ispossible to significantly decrease the risk for infections. Sofar, the level of risk that is acceptable is unknown. Theacceptable risk will be one of the main factors determining thefuture utilisation of source-separated human urine inagriculture. <b>Keywords:</b>urine-separation, urine, wastewater systems,wastewater reuse, recycling, enteric pathogens, faecal sterols,indicator bacteria, hygiene risks, microbial persistence,microbial risk assessment, QMRA, fertiliser, crop.

Dealing with Wastewater and Water Purification from the Age of Early Modernity to the Present: An Inquiry Into the Management of the Ottawa River

Murray, Matthew 16 July 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines the impact of urban water infrastructure on the Ottawa River through an exploration of the City of Ottawa's historical development from the early modern period to the present. The primary aim is to explain how the Ottawa River came to be removed or ignored from the City of Ottawa's urban development strategy. The thesis focuses on the periods of 1910-1920 (early modernity) and 1999-2012 (present). The theories applied are risk, risk management, normal accident theory and the politics of infrastructure. The data and information for this thesis were primarily retrieved from the City of Ottawa website as well as from the archives of the City of Ottawa. The thesis identifies several factors explaining why the Ottawa River has been mistreated over time, as well as the challenges involved in reforming present-day practices and infrastructure. Several recommendations to fix the situation are advanced.

Estudi del comportament de sistemes biològics de depuració d'aigües residuals mitjançant models mecanístics, optimitzant la informació disponible de les dades obtingudes en línia

Colprim Galceran, Jesús 20 July 1998 (has links)
The use of simulation as an upgrading tool has been tested on real wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). Currently, the new WWTP have the possibility to monitor some process variables as the flows, oxygen concentrations and, some physical properties as temperature or pH. This thesis has been divided in two main sections: i) the use of the GPS-X software as an upgrading tool for real WWTP and ii) the use of the wavelet filter for the analysis of the online data / Els objectius que es planteja la present tesi doctoral són: i) efectuar una revisió dels models mecanístics de depuració d’aigües residuals, ii) avaluar-ne la fiabilitat en la simulació d’estacions depuradores d’aigües residuals reals, iii) estudiar la problemàtica de disposar de gran quantitat de dades en línia, iv) presentar la tècnica de filtrat de dades amb wavelets i v) avaluar la capacitat de filtrat de les wavelets en les dades disponibles en línia d’una EDAR urbana que enregistra els cabals d’operació i concentracions d’oxigen dissolt en línia

Evaluation of microbial health risks associated with the reuse of source-separated humna urine

Höglund, Caroline January 2001 (has links)
<p>Human excreta contain plant nutrients and have the potentialto be used as a fertiliser in agriculture. Urine contributesthe major proportion of the nutrients (N, P and K) in domesticwastewater whereas faeces contribute a smaller amount andinvolves greater health risks if reused due to the possiblepresence of enteric pathogens. Human urine does not generallycontain pathogens that can be transmitted through theenvironment.</p><p>Source-separation of urine and faeces is possible by usingurine-separating (or urine-diverting) toilets, available assimple dry toilets or porcelain flush toilets with dividedbowls. The risk for transmission of disease when handling andreusing the urine is largely dependent on thecross-contamination by faeces. In this research, the presenceof human faeces in urine samples was successfully determined byanalysing for faecal sterols. Cross-contamination was evidentin 22% of the samples from urine collection tanks, and in thesequantified to an average (± SD) of 9.1 ± 5.6 mgfaeces per litre urine. Testing for indicator bacteria wasshown to be an unsuitable method for determining faecalcontamination in human urine since<i>E. coli</i>had a rapid inactivation in the urine and faecalstreptococci were found to grow within the system.</p><p>The fate of any enteric pathogens present in urine iscrucial for the risk for transmission of infectious diseases.Gram-negative bacteria (e.g.<i>Salmonella</i>and<i>E. coli</i>) were rapidly inactivated (time for 90%reduction, T<sub>90</sub><5 days) in source-separated urine at itsnatural pH-value of 9. Gram-positive faecal streptococci weremore persistent with a T<sub>90</sub>of approximately 30 days. Clostridia sporenumbers were not reduced at all during 80 days. Similarly,<i>rhesus</i>rotavirus and<i>Salmonella typhimurium</i>phage 28B were not inactivated inurine at low temperature (5°C), whereas at 20°C theirT<sub>90</sub>-values were 35 and 71 days, respectively.<i>Cryptosporidium</i>oocysts were less persistent with a T<sub>90</sub>of 29 days at 4°C. Factors that affect thepersistence of microorganisms in source-separated human urineinclude temperature, pH, dilution and presence of ammonia.</p><p>By using Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment (QMRA), therisks for bacterial and protozoan infections related tohandling and reuse of urine were calculated to be<10<sup>-3</sup>for all exposure routes independent of the urinestorage time and temperature evaluated. The risk for viralinfection was higher, calculated at 0.56 for accidentalingestion of 1 ml of unstored urine. If the urine was stored at20°C for 6 months the risk for viral infection was reducedto 5.4 × 10<sup>-4</sup>.</p><p>By following recommendations for storage and reuse, whichare dependent on the type of crop to be fertilised, it ispossible to significantly decrease the risk for infections. Sofar, the level of risk that is acceptable is unknown. Theacceptable risk will be one of the main factors determining thefuture utilisation of source-separated human urine inagriculture.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>urine-separation, urine, wastewater systems,wastewater reuse, recycling, enteric pathogens, faecal sterols,indicator bacteria, hygiene risks, microbial persistence,microbial risk assessment, QMRA, fertiliser, crop.</p>

Anaerobic Digestion of Wastewaters from Pulp and Paper Mills : A Substantial Source for Biomethane Production in Sweden

Larsson, Madeleine January 2015 (has links)
The Swedish pulp and paper industry is the third largest exporter of pulp and paper products worldwide. It is a highly energy-demanding and water-utilising industry, which generates large volumes of wastewater rich in organic material. These organic materials are to different extents suitable for anaerobic digestion (AD) and production of energy-rich biomethane. The implementation of an AD process within the wastewater treatment plant of a mill would increase the treatment capacity and decrease the overall energy consumption due to less aeration and lower sludge production and in addition produce biomethane. Despite the many benefits of AD it is only applied at two mills in Sweden today. The reason for the low implementation over the years may be due to problems encountered linked to the complexity and varying composition of the wastewaters. Due to changes in market demands many mills have broadened their product portfolios and turned towards more refined products. This has increased both the complexity and the variations of the wastewaters´ composition even further, as the above changes can imply an increased pulp bleaching and utilisation of more diverse raw materials within the mills. The main aim of this thesis was therefore to generate knowledge needed for an expansion of the biomethane production within the pulp and paper industry. As a first step to achieve this an evaluation of the biomethane potential and the suitability for AD of wastewaters within a range of Swedish pulp and paper mills was performed. Thus, around 70 wastewater streams from 11 different processes at eight mills were screened for their biomethane potential. In a second step, the impact of shifts in wood raw material and bleaching on the AD process and the biomethane production was investigated and further evaluated in upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactors. The screening showed that the biomethane potential within the Swedish pulp and paper industry could be estimated to 700 GWh, which corresponds to 40% of the Swedish biomethane production during 2014. However, depending on the conditions at each specific mill the strategy for the establishment of AD needs to differ. For mills producing kraft pulp the potential is mainly found in wastewaters rich in fibres, alkaline kraft bleaching wastewaters and methanol-rich condensates. The biomethane potential within thermo-mechanical pulp- (TMP) and chemical thermo-mechanical pulp (CTMP) mills is mainly present in the total effluents after pre-sedimentation and in the bleaching effluents as these holds high concentrations of dissolved organic material. The screening further showed that the raw material used for pulp production is an important factor for the biomethane potential of a specific wastewater stream, i.e. hardwood (HW) wastewaters have higher potentials than those from softwood (SW) pulp production. This was confirmed in the lab-scale UASB reactor experiments, in which an alkaline kraft bleaching wastewater and a composite pulping and bleaching CTMP wastewater were used as substrates. AD processes were developed and maintained stable throughout shifts in wastewater composition related to changes in the wood raw materials between SW and HW for the kraft wastewater and spruce, aspen and birch for the CTMP wastewater. The lower biomethane production from SW- compared to HW wastewaters was due to a lower degradability together with a higher ratio of sulphuric compounds per TOC for the SW case. The impact of shifts between bleached and unbleached CTMP production could not be fully  evaluated in the continuous process mainly due to technical problems. However, due to the large increase in dissolved organic material when bleaching is applied, the potential biomethane production will increase during the production of bleached pulp compared to unbleached pulp. Based on the biomethane potentials obtained for one of the included CTMP mills, their yearly production of biomethane was estimated to 5-27 GWh with the lowest and the highest value corresponding to the production of unbleached spruce pulp vs. bleached birch pulp. Thus, the results of the investigations presented in this thesis show that the UASBreactor is suitable for AD of wastewaters within the pulp and paper industry. The results also show that challenges related to variations in the organic material composition of the wastewaters due to variations in wood raw materials could be managed. The outcome of the thesis work also imply that the production of more refined products, which may include the introduction of an increased number of raw materials and extended bleaching protocols, could increase the potential biomethane production, especially if the pulp production will make use of more HW. / Den svenska pappers- och massaindustrin är den tredje största exportören av massa och pappersprodukter och en viktig industriell aktör i Sverige. Det är en industri med hög energi- och vattenanvändning, som genererar stora mängder avloppsvatten rika på organiskt material. Detta organiska material kan via anaerob nedbrytning användas för att producera energirik biometan. Användandet av anaerob behandling, som ett steg i brukens vattenrening, genererar inte bara biometan utan kan också öka reningskapaciteten och minska energiförbrukning och kostnader tack vare minskat behov av luftning och minskad slamproduktion. Trots de många fördelarna med anaerob behandling är den idag bara tillämpad på två bruk i Sverige. En av orsakerna till detta kan vara processproblem som relaterats till avloppsvattnens komplexitet samt varierande sammansättning och flöden. Många pappers- och massabruk har utökat sina produktportföljer med bl a mer förfinade produkter, som en följd av en förändrad marknad. Dessa förändringar har ökat avloppsvattnens komplexitet och variation än mer, då ovan exempelvis kan medföra en ökad produktion av blekt massa samt att fler typer av träråvaror används vid ett och samma bruk. Huvudsyftet med föreliggande avhandling är att bidra med kunskap för en ökad produktion av biometan inom pappers- och massaindustrin. Som ett första steg genomfördes en övergripande utvärdering av ca 70 avloppsvattenströmmar från totalt 11 olika processer vid åtta svenska pappers- och massabruk med fokus på biometanpotential samt lämplighet för anaerob behandling. I ett andra steg utvärderades hur skiften i träråvara samt blekning påverkar biometanproduktionen samt processtabiliteten för en kontinuerlig anaerob nedbrytningsprocess i en UASBreaktor. Den initiala utvärderingen visade att den svenska pappers- och massaindustrin skulle kunna bidra med 700 GWh biometan per år, vilket motsvarar 40% av biometanproduktionen i Sverige under 2014. Beroende på utformningen av det enskilda bruket kommer strategier för implementering av anaeroba processer att se olika ut. För bruk som producerar sulfatmassa återfanns huvuddelen av biometanpotentialen i fiberrika avloppsvattenstömmar, alkaliska blekeriavlopp samt metanolrika kondensat. För bruk som producerar termomekanisk- (TMP) eller kemitermomekanisk (CTMP) massa föreligger biometanpotentialen framförallt i avloppsvatten rika på löst organiskt material såsom totalavlopp efter sedimentering och blekeriavlopp. Den initiala utvärderingen visade också att användandet av lövved ger en högre biometanpotential jämfört med barrved. Dessa resultat kunde bekräftas vid kontinuerliga experiment med anaerob nedbrytning i UASB-reaktorer, där ett alkaliskt blekeriavlopp från ett sulfatmassabruk och ett kombinerat massaproduktions- och blekeriavlopp från ett CTMP-bruk användes som substrat. Stabila anaeroba processer etablerades och bibehölls vid förändrad avloppsvattensammansättning på grund av skiften i träråvara (löv- och barrved för sulfatmassabruket samt gran, asp och björk för CTMP bruket). Den lägre produktionen av biometan för barrved jämfört med lövved kunde förklaras med en lägre nedbrytbarhet samt ett ökat svavelinnehåll i relation till mängden organiskt material. Skiften mellan avloppsvatten från blekt- och oblekt CTMP massa kunde inte utvärderas fullständigt i den kontinuerliga processen på grund av tekniska problem. Produktionen av blekt massa ökar dock mängden organiskt material i  avloppsvattnet, vilket medför att mer biometan kan produceras jämfört med då oblekt massa produceras. Baserat på biometanpotentialerna för ett av i studien ingående CTMP bruk uppskattas den årliga produktionen av biometan till 5-27 GWh, där den lägsta produktionen motsvarar oblekt granmassa och den högsta produktionen motsvarar blekt björkmassa. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att UASB-reaktorer är lämpliga för anaerob behandling av avloppsvatten inom pappers- och massaindustrin. Vidare visar resultaten från de kontinuerliga försöken att de utmaningar som medförs av den varierande sammansättningen av avloppsvattnens organiska material knutet till träråvaran kan hanteras. Slutligen, breddade produktportföljer samt produktionen av mer förfinade produkter, vilket kan innebära en ökad massablekning och ett ökat användande av olika träråvaror, kan öka brukens potentiella biometanproduktion, särskilt om mer lövved används för massaproduktion.

Sustainable Municipal Water and Wastewater Management Using System Dynamics

Rehan, Rashid 06 November 2014 (has links)
The overall goal of this research is to develop an integrated system dynamics framework for sustainable management of municipal water and wastewater systems. Canadian municipalities have traditionally relied on grants received from senior levels of government to finance construction of water supply and wastewater collection infrastructure. User fees for water and wastewater services were determined so as to recover only the operating expenditures with no allowance to recoup the capital costs of infrastructure. As the infrastructure assets started approaching the end of their service life, investments needed to rehabilitate these assets were deferred in the expectation of receiving further grants for this purpose. Hence, a significant backlog of deteriorated infrastructure has accumulated over the years. Recently enacted regulations require that all expenditures incurred on provision of water and wastewater services should ultimately be financed from user fee based revenues. Another piece of legislation provides for establishment of service performance standards. Urban water and wastewater systems involve interconnections among physical infrastructure, financial, and socio-political factors. Several interacting feedback loops are formed due to these interconnections and render the management of water and wastewater infrastructure as a complex, dynamic problem. Existing asset management tools in the literature are found inadequate to capture the influence of feedback loops. A novel system dynamics approach is used to develop a demonstration model for water and wastewater network management. Model results for a case study show significance of feedback loops for financial sustainability of the system. For example, user fees have to be substantially increased to achieve financial sustainability, especially when price elasticity of water demand is considered. A detailed causal loop diagram for management of wastewater collection networks is presented. The causal loop diagram lays out qualitative causal relationships among system components and identifies multiple interacting feedback loops. Based on this causal loop diagram, a system dynamics model comprised of a wastewater pipes sector, a finance sector, and a consumers sector, is developed. Policy levers are included in the model to facilitate formulation of different financing and rehabilitation strategies for the wastewater collection network. Financial and service performance indicators included in the model allow comparison of different financing and rehabilitation strategies. Data requirements for implementation of the model are discussed. The wastewater collection network model is implemented for a case study of a medium-sized Canadian municipality with a substantial backlog of deteriorated pipes. A methodology for parameterization of the model using existing data sources is presented. Simulation results indicate that different financing strategies ranging from no borrowing to full utilization of debt capacity can achieve similar total life-cycle costs but with significantly varying impacts for consumers in terms of service performance and financial burden. A detailed causal loop diagram for management of a watermain distribution network is employed to identify feedback loops. The causal loop diagram is then developed into a system dynamics model comprised of watermain pipes, financial, and consumer sectors. Data requirements for implementation of the model are discussed.

Systems analysis of small-scale systems for food supply and organic waste management /

Thomsson, Olof, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv.

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