631 |
Systems analysis of small-scale systems for food supply and organic waste management /Thomsson, Olof, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv.
632 |
Integrating farming and wastewater management : a system perspective /Tidåker, Pernilla, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2007. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
633 |
Εκτίμηση της τοξικότητας των τελικών εκροών από το σταθμό βιολογικής επεξεργασίας των αστικών αποβλήτων της Πάτρας με την χρήση βιοδεικτών (biotest)Κονταλή, Ματίνα 03 April 2012 (has links)
Στην παρούσα μελέτη πραγματοποιήθηκε εκτίμηση της τοξικότητας των τελικών
εκροών πριν και μετά το στάδιο της απολύμανσης (με τη χρήση της μεθόδους της
χλωρίωσης) από το σταθμό βιολογικής επεξεργασίας των αστικών αποβλήτων της Πάτρας με
την χρήση βιοδεικτών (biotest). Η μελέτη των τοξικών επιπτώσεων αυτών των εκροών και
από τα δύο στάδια πραγματοποιήθηκε σε οργανισμούς-Βιοδείκτες τόσο των γλυκών όσο και
αλμυρών υδάτων, όπως οι οργανισμοί Thamnocephalus platyurus και Artemia franciscana
(με τη μορφή βιοτέστ Thamnotoxkit F και Artoxkit MTM αντίστοιχα), όσο και σε φυτικά είδη,
όπως τα Sorghum saccharatum, Lepidum sativum και Sinapis alba (με τη μορφή
Phytotoxkit). Επιπλέον έγινε ανίχνευση του μικροβιακού φορτίου πριν και μετά το στάδιο της
χλωρίωσης, για την εκτίμηση της αποτελεσματικότητας της μεθόδου απολύμανσης των
εκροών, καθώς και χημική ανάλυσή τους. Σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας
μελέτης, οι τελικές εκροές υγρών αποβλήτων που καταλήγουν στο στάδιο της απολύμανσης,
με τη μέθοδο της χλωρίωσης παρουσιάζουν μεγάλες διακυμάνσεις τόσο στις φυσικοχημικές
παραμέτρους και στη συγκέντρωση βαρέων μετάλλων που μετρήθηκαν, όσο και στην
τοξικότητα που μπορεί να επιφέρουν στους οργανισμούς που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν. Τα
αποτελέσματα της παρούσας μελέτης έδειξαν την αποτελεσματικότητα της μεθόδου όσο
αφορά τη μείωση του μικροβιακού φορτίου των τελικών εκροών. Αντίθετα, η μελέτη
τοξικότητας των τελικών εκροών με τη χρήση οργανισμών τόσο του γλυκού όσο και του
αλμυρού νερού (Thamnocephalus platyurus και Artemia franciscana αντίστοιχα), καθώς και
σε φυτικούς οργανισμούς (Sorgum saccharatum, Sinapsis alba και Lepidum sativum) έδειξε
σημαντικές εποχικές μεταβολές στην επαγωγή τοξικών φαινομένων. Συγκεκριμένα, οι εκροές
(μετά το στάδιο της χλωρίωσης effluents) φαίνεται να είναι λιγότερο τοξικές για τους
οργανισμούς του αλμυρού νερού, συγκριτικά με τις τοξικές επιπτώσεις που προκαλούν οι
εκροές πριν το στάδιο της χλωρίωσης (influents). Αντίθετα, οι εκροές που προκύπτουν μετά
το στάδιο της χλωρίωσης παρουσιάζουν μεγαλύτερη τοξικότητα σε οργανισμούς του γλυκού
νερού, σε σχέση με τις επιπτώσεις που προκαλούν οι εκροές πριν το στάδιο της χλωρίωσης,
ενώ παρατηρήθηκε σημαντική αναστολή της αυξητικής ικανότητας των ειδών Sorgum
saccharatum και Sinapsis alba σε κάθε περίπτωση.
Συμπερασματικά, από τα αποτελέσματα της παρούσας μελέτης, φαίνεται η
αποτελεσματικότητα της μεθόδου απολύμανσης των τελικών εκροών, όσο αφορά την
απαλλαγή τους από μολυσματικούς παράγοντες, αλλά αναδεικνύονται τα προβλήματα
τοξικότητας που μπορεί να επιφέρουν οι τελικές εκροές σε οργανισμούς των τελικών
υδάτινων αποδεκτών (γλυκό και αλμυρό νερό), καθώς και η αναποτελεσματικότητα της
χρήσης των τελικών εκροών σε δραστηριότητες όπως η άρδευση, λόγω της αναστολής που
προκαλεί η χρήση τους σε φυτικούς οργανισμούς. / In this study was estimated the toxicity of the final effluents before and after the stage of disinfection (using the method of chlorination) in the wastewater treatment plant of Patras
using bioindicators (biotest).The study of the toxic effects of these effluents and of the two
stages was performed on organisms bioindicators both in freshwater and salt water, such as
Thamnocephalus platyurus and Artemia franciscana (in the form of biotest Thamnotoxkit F
and Artoxkit MTM respectively) and on plant species such as Sorghum saccharatum, Lepidum
sativum and Sinapis alba (in the form of Phytotoxkit). Moreover the treated effluents were
tested for microbiological parameters before and after the stage of chlorination, to assess the
effectiveness of the method of disinfection of effluents, and also a chemical analysis was
performed. According to the results of this study, the final effluents of wastewater that end in
the process of disinfection, with the method of chlorination, vary widely both in
physicochemical parameters and heavy metals that were measured, and as well the toxicity
that can cause to organisms used. The results of this study showed the effectiveness of the
method as regards reducing the microbial load of the final effluents. Instead, the study of final
effluents toxicity using organisms of both fresh and saltwater (Thamnocephalus platyurus and
Artemia franciscana, respectively) and in plant organisms (Sorgum saccharatum, Sinapsis
alba and Lepidum sativum) showed significant seasonal changes in the induction of toxic
reactions. Specifically, the effluents (after-chlorination effluents) seem to be less toxic for
organisms of salt water, compared with the toxic effects caused by effluents before the stage
of chlorination (influents). However, the effluents after the stage of chlorination are toxic in
freshwater organisms compared to the effects caused by effluents before the stage of
chlorination, while there was significant inhibition of growth capacity of species Sorgum
saccharatum, Sinapsis alba in each case.
In conclusion, the results of this study show the effectiveness of the method of
disinfection of final effluents, as regards the discharge from contaminants, but highlighted the
problems of toxicity that the final effluents can cause to organisms in the final water receiver
(fresh and salty water), and the inefficiency of using of final effluents in activities such as
irrigation, due to the inhibition caused by their use in plant organisms.
634 |
Evaluation d'un système de traitement à base de biomasse végétale pour le traitement décentralisé des eaux usées : du pilote à l'échelle industrielle / Evaluation of a lignocellulosic biomass-based processing system for decentralized wastewater treatment : from pilot plant to full-scaleVillalobos Garcia, Jésus 15 June 2018 (has links)
L'assainissement a de tout temps été une préoccupation majeure pour des questions d'hygiène et de santé publique. Une installation d'assainissement non collectif (ANC) assure la collecte, le transport, le traitement et l'évacuation des eaux usées domestiques. En France, l’ANC représente 20 % des installations de traitement des eaux usées domestiques. Cela concerne une population de 12 millions d'habitants, soit environ cinq millions d'installations en zones rurales. Parmi les technologies utilisées dans l’ANC, les systèmes de filtration biologique utilisant un milieu filtrant sont souvent mis en oeuvre. Le traitement des eaux usées (élimination des matières en suspension et de la matière organique) est effectué par les actions conjointes de filtration, et de biodégradation par des bactéries se développant au sein du milieu filtrant. Historiquement, des matériaux comme le sable et la tourbe sont les plus utilisés, et plus récemment des milieux à base de copeaux de coco venus remplacer la tourbe dont l’extraction est interdite, sont en développement croissant. Cependant, l’empreinte carbone produite par l'importation depuis l'étranger de matériaux tels que ce dernier est très importante. Dès lors l’utilisation de sousproduits agro-industriels locaux pourrait la diminuer et rendre l’utilisation de ces nouveaux milieux filtrants plus compatible avec des critères environnementaux. Le premier objectif de cette thèse est de déterminer le degré de fiabilité en conditions réelles d’un milieu filtrant innovant d’origine végétale ayant fait ses preuves en conditions de laboratoire. L’étude est basée sur la mise en parallèle de résultats obtenus en laboratoire et sur le terrain. Au laboratoire, une approche hydraulique a permis de caractériser le fonctionnement du lit filtrant. Sur le terrain, l’évaluation d’un filtre compact qui fonctionne de façon continue depuis plus de quatre ans et de cinq autres installations a été réalisée. Pour l’ensemble des installations, le milieu filtrant testé permet d’obtenir une qualité des eaux rejetées en accord avec la règlementation en vigueur. Les pourcentages moyens de réduction estimés de la DCO, de la DBO5 et des MES sont respectivement de plus de 79 %, 98 % et 88 %, confirmant ainsi la forte dégradation de la matière carbonée et de la pollution particulaire. Le second objectif de cette thèse consiste à établir un jeu de paramètres physicochimiques permettant de guider le choix de nouveaux matériaux potentiellement utilisables en ANC. Pour ce faire, la caractérisation des paramètres physicochimiques clés de nouveaux matériaux et des paramètres hydrauliques des lits filtrants correspondants a été effectuée. Une analyse statistique a permis d’étudier les corrélations entre ces paramètres et les performances épuratoires des matériaux. Au final, une méthodologie de sélection a été proposée. / Sanitation has always been a major concern for hygiene and public health issues. An on-site sewage facility (OSSF) ensures the collection, transportation, treatment and disposal of domestic wastewater. In France, the OSSF represents 20% of domestic wastewater treatment facilities. This represents a population of 12 million or about five million rural settlements. Among the technologies used in the OSSF, biological filtration systems using a filter media are often implemented. The treatment of wastewater (removal of suspended solids and organic matter) is carried out by the joint actions of filtration, and biodegradation by bacteria developing within the filter media. Historically, materials such as sand and peat are the most used. More recently coconut-based media to replace peat, the extraction of which is prohibited, are in increasing development. However, the carbon footprint of foreign imports of materials such as coconut is very important. Therefore, the use of local agro-industrial by-products could reduce the carbon footprint and make the use of these new filter media more compatible with environmental criteria. The first objective of this PhD thesis is to determine the degree of reliability under real conditions of an innovative filtering medium of lignocellulosic origin that has been proven successful in laboratory conditions. The study is based on the comparison of results obtained in the laboratory and in the field. In the laboratory, a hydraulic approach allowed the characterisation of the filter bed operation. In the field, the evaluation of a compact filter that has been running continuously for more than four years and five other installations has been completed. For all installations, the filter media tested allowed a quality of the discharged water in accordance with the current regulations. The estimated average reduction percentages of COD, BOD5 and TSS, are respectively over 79%, 98% and 88%, thus confirming the important degradation of the organic matter and particulate pollution. The second objective of this PhD thesis is to establish a set of physicochemical parameters to guide the choice of new materials potentially usable in OSSF. To do this, the characterisation of the key physicochemical parameters of new materials and the hydraulic parameters of the corresponding filter beds were carried out. Statistical analysis made it possible to study the correlations between these parameters and the purification performances of the materials. In the end, a selection methodology has been proposed.
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Účinnost technologie ČOV České Budějovice pro eliminaci farmak / Efficiency of the technology of WWTP České Budějovice for the elimination of pharmaceuticalsBARTOŇ, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The main aim of this study was to investigate the efficiency of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in České Budějovice for the elimination of selected pharmaceuticals (carbamazepine, diclofenac, atenolol, metoprolol, sotalol, bisoprolol, valsartan, verapamil and tramadol) over a long time period (March 2011 - February 2012). Time-proportional 24 hours pooled samples of wastewater from influent and effluent of the WWTP were used to assess the efficiency of WWTP. The concentrations of target compounds were determined by using in line SPE/LC-MS/MS analysis. The average annual concentrations in the effluent of WTP were in the range of 0,019 microgram/l (verapamil) to 1,00 microgram/l (atenolol). Average annual efficiencies of pharmaceutical elimination in WWTP based on pooled samples were found in the case of carbamazepine (-22 %), tramadol (-15 %), sotalol (-1 %), diclofenac (15 %), metoprolol (16 %), verapamil (43 %), bisoprolol (48 %) and valsartan (85 %). The statistical analysis of daily results in the winter and in the summer period showed significantly higher efficiency of the WWTP in the summer for 5 target compounds (diclofenac, atenolol, valsartan, sotalol and bisoprolol). Removal efficiency for the rest of pharmaceuticals did not show significant differences. Elevated temperature and longer irradiation period in summer can positively affect biodegradation or increased photolysis respectively.
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Estudo da qualidade de água residuária doméstica pós-tratada em fluxo descendente intermitente. / Quality study of post-treated domestic wastewater in flow down flashing.SOUSA, Eliana Pereira de. 14 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-05-14T19:03:21Z
No. of bitstreams: 1
ELIANA PEREIRA DE SOUSA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2015..pdf: 1692020 bytes, checksum: 07e521abb68031a2118412065788e72e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-05-14T19:03:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
ELIANA PEREIRA DE SOUSA - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGSA PROFISSIONAL 2015..pdf: 1692020 bytes, checksum: 07e521abb68031a2118412065788e72e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015 / A presente pesquisa investigou o desempenho do pós-tratamento de efluente de tanque séptico em filtros de areia de fluxos intermitentes, visando obter um esgoto tratado com qualidade adequada para reuso na irrigação. O esgoto doméstico foi proveniente do bloco de aulas II do Centro de Ciências e Tecnologia Agroalimentar (CCTA), da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG). O controle de entrada do fluxo no sistema também foi quantificado. O sistema experimental foi constituído de um tanque séptico, três filtros de areia com fluxo intermitente e uma caixa de armazenamento. Os três filtros aeróbios de areia foram preenchidos com brita e areia na seguinte proporção: 10 cm de brita nº 1 na base, 50 cm de areia na porção mediana e 5 cm de brita nº 0 na porção superior. A areia utilizada nos três filtros foi a mesma, sendo peneirada numa peneira com diâmetro de 0,50 mm. O primeiro filtro recebeu 200 L/dia (50 L a cada 6hs) de efluente do tanque séptico, o segundo filtro recebeu 150 L/dia (50 L a cada 8hs) e o terceiro filtro recebeu 100 L/dia (50 L a cada 12hs). Realizaram-se campanhas de medição, no período de Novembro/2014 a Fevereiro/2015 para caracterizar os efluentes nos aspectos físico-químicos e microbiológicos como indicadores de transformação da qualidade
da água. Os parâmetros analisados foram: OD, temperatura, turbidez, pH, CE, cor, dureza
total, Ca, Mg, cloretos, N, Na, K, P, DQO, DBO5, CT, CTT e E.coli. A análise de variância
(ANOVA) foi realizada para comparar as concentrações de todos os parâmetros entre os efluentes, com nível de significância de 5%. Temperatura, turbidez, CE, cor, dureza total, Ca, Mg, cloretos, Na, K, P, DQO, DBO5, CT, CTT e E.coli não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas significantes. O OD apresentou significância. O N, muita significância e o pH, extrema significância estatística. Os filtros reduziram as concentrações de nutrientes, matéria orgânica e microorganismos patógenos, porém, com os reduzidos tempos de intermitências adotados não foi possível encontrar diferenças estatísticas entre os tratamentos. Os valores encontrados não foram compatíveis com os recomendados para uso na agricultura, segundo a Resolução do CONAMA. / This research investigated the performance of the post-treatment of septic tank effluent sand
filters intermittent flows, to obtain a treaty with sewage quality suitable for reuse in irrigation.
The sewage was coming from the classes of block II of the Center for Science and Technology
Agrifood (CCTA), the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). The input flow
control in the system was also quantified. The experimental system was composed of a septic
tank of three sand filters with intermittent flow and a storage box. The three aerobic sand filters
were filled with gravel and sand at the following ratio: 10 cm crushed base # 1, 50 cm in
the middle portion sand and crushed stone No. 5 0 cm in the upper portion. The sand used in
the three filters was the same, being sieved through a sieve with a diameter of 0.50 mm. The
first filter received 200 L / day (50 L each 6am) of effluent from septic tank, the second filter
received 150 L / day (50 L every 8h) filter and the third received 100 L / day (50 L each
12pm). There were measurement campaigns, from November / 2014 to February / 2015 to
characterize the effluents in the physical, chemical and microbiological aspects as processing
indicators of water quality. The parameters analyzed were: OD, temperature, turbidity, pH,
EC, color, total hardness, Ca, Mg, chlorides, N, Na, K, P, COD, BOD 5, CT, CTT and E. coli.
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to compare the concentrations of all the
parameters in the effluent, at 5% significance level. Temperature, turbidity, EC, color, total
hardness, Ca, Mg, chlorides, Na, K, P, COD, BOD 5, CT, CTT and E. coli showed no statistically
significant differences. The OD showed significant. The N, much significance and the
pH, extreme statistical significance. The filters reduced the concentrations of nutrients, organic
matter and pathogenic microorganisms, but with reduced flickers adopted times could not
find statistical differences between treatments. These values were not compatible with those recommended for agricultural use, according to CONAMA resolution.
637 |
Uso de efluente de lagoa anaerobia em cultura de eucaliptos : avaliação da toxicidade da agua percolada e da produtividade da cultura / Use of anaerobic effluent in eucalyptus : assessment of percolating water toxicity and culture productivityBertaco Ramirez, Daniele 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ronaldo Stefanutti / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T17:23:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
BertacoRamirez_Daniele_M.pdf: 18606373 bytes, checksum: 7bac41396a222dd1c89c754f3a3a77e5 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: O uso de efluente doméstico, para fins agrícolas, deve receber especial atenção quanto aos poluentes presentes antes de ser lançado no solo. Neste sentido, análises ecotoxicológicas podem ser empregadas no monitoramento de efluentes com o intuito de minimizar o impacto ambiental e avaliar a eficiência de estações de tratamento quanto à remoção da toxicidade. Este trabalho teve como proposta aliar o póstratamento do efluente de uma lagoa anaeróbia no solo, ao fornecimento de água e nutrientes a uma cultura de eucalipto, analisando os parâmetros dendrométricos para análise do crescimento das plantas. Verificou-se que o efluente anaeróbio, até o momento, tem sido adequado para utilização na irrigação. Contudo, em alguns tratamentos, verificou-se a presença de nitrato, chumbo e zinco em excesso na água percolada. Praticamente todos os tratamentos apresentaram focos de toxicidade aguda, ao menos uma vez, seja em ensaio em Daphnia similis, ou Vibrio fischeri. Até o momento, a contaminação de nitrato não atingiu os poços de monitoramento, apesar de praticamente todos terem mostrado focos de toxicidade aguda ao menos em ensaio com Daphnia similis. Em relação aos parâmetros dendrométricos, observou-se a obtenção de uma boa correlação entre a oferta de efluente e adubação e o crescimento das plantas, e não houve correlação entre a contaminação no solo e a diferença de crescimento nos tratamentos. / Abstract: The domestic wastewater reuse for agricultural purposes should receive special attention regarding pollutants before being released into the soil. In this sense, ecotoxicological assays can be used in effluents monitoring in order to minimize environmental impact and evaluate the efficiency of wastewater treatment on the removal of toxicity. This work has proposed combining the post-treatment of anaerobic effluent, the supply of water and nutrients to a eucalyptus culture and dendrometric analyzing for assessment of plant growth. The anaerobic effluent, until now, has been suitable for use in irrigation. However, in some treatments, there was the presence of nitrate, lead and zinc in excess in water percolation. Almost all treatments showed points of acute toxicity, at least for once, in Daphnia similis assay or Vibrio fischeri. So far, the contamination of nitrate did not reach the monitoring wells, although virtually all have shown outbreaks of acute toxicity at least in Daphnia similis assay. It was observed a good correlation between the provision of sewage and fertilizer and plant growth. There was no correlation between the contamination in the soil and the difference of growth in treatments. / Mestrado / Saneamento e Ambiente / Mestre em Engenharia Civil
638 |
Estudo em escala real da disposição de resíduo de decantador de ETA em lagoa de estabilização de esgoto / Real scale study on WTP residuals disposal in wastewater stabilization pondAngelim, Susane Campos Mota 29 April 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-12-07T10:42:20Z
No. of bitstreams: 3
Dissertação - Susane Campos Mota Angelim - 2015 (1).pdf: 18841997 bytes, checksum: 81d8b3c8746995f8815dfec4fc05909b (MD5)
Dissertação - Susane Campos Mota Angelim - 2015 (2).pdf: 3115044 bytes, checksum: fb522cec32010b346517744c51a7c7c7 (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2015-12-07T10:45:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 3
Dissertação - Susane Campos Mota Angelim - 2015 (1).pdf: 18841997 bytes, checksum: 81d8b3c8746995f8815dfec4fc05909b (MD5)
Dissertação - Susane Campos Mota Angelim - 2015 (2).pdf: 3115044 bytes, checksum: fb522cec32010b346517744c51a7c7c7 (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-07T10:45:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 3
Dissertação - Susane Campos Mota Angelim - 2015 (1).pdf: 18841997 bytes, checksum: 81d8b3c8746995f8815dfec4fc05909b (MD5)
Dissertação - Susane Campos Mota Angelim - 2015 (2).pdf: 3115044 bytes, checksum: fb522cec32010b346517744c51a7c7c7 (MD5)
license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-04-29 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / In Brazil water treatment plants (WTP) residuals are usually discharged into
waterways, with negative impacts on water quality, aquatic biota and sediments, which may
also pose risks to human health. This paper presents a study on real scale disposal of
aluminum sludge from the settling of a WTP in a primary facultative pond, both located in
Piracanjuba-GO, wishing to contribute as an alternative for residuals management. The study
aimed to evaluate the effects of WTP residuals (WTPR) in the performance of the wastewater
stabilization pond (WSP), in terms of quality of the effluent and volume of bottom sludge
accumulated. Worked up in two identical parallel ponds, one in which WTPR was applied
(test pond) and another without application (control pond) to serve as comparison of results.
The study was carried out in two stages, with dosage of 37 mg TS/L in Phase 1 and
44 mg TS/L in Phase 2, totaling 125 days of application and 191 days of monitoring. It was
evaluated several effluent parameters such as BOD, solids, nitrogen, total phosphorus,
Escherichia coli, metals, among others. Sludge volumes in the ponds were obtained from
bathymetric survey using a sludge depth meter (sludge gun) and modeling by Surfer 8.0
software. The addition of the WTPR did not impair the performance of the test pond, with
minimal reduction of BOD and nitrogen. It was not possible to identify any influence of
WTPR for the removal of total phosphorus of the sewage, which was attributed to high pH
and low dosage. There was no statistical difference (95% confidence level) between the
means of 15 parameters evaluated in two phases, except for nitrogen ammonia. There was no
difference between the increases of sludge volume accumulated in the bottom of the ponds,
although total solids content was higher in the test pond. This behavior was associated with
particle size characteristics of the material. The study indicates technical feasibility of WTP
residuals disposal in the WSP studied, revealing an alternative for its management that can
also be applied in other same type systems if evaluated the specific conditions in each case. / A realidade brasileira atual é de que a grande maioria dos resíduos de ETA são
lançados diretamente em cursos d'água, com impactos negativos sobre a qualidade das águas,
biota aquática e sedimentos, podendo também representar riscos à saúde humana. O trabalho
apresenta um estudo em escala real da disposição do resíduo do decantador da ETA do tipo
convencional (ou de ciclo completo) da cidade de Piracanjuba-GO, cujo coagulante utilizado
é o sulfato de alumínio, na lagoa facultativa primária da ETE Piracanjuba, visando contribuir
como alternativa adequada para a gestão dos resíduos sólidos de sistemas de saneamento. O
trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da disposição do resíduo no desempenho da
lagoa quanto à qualidade do efluente líquido e ao volume do lodo de fundo acumulado.
Trabalhou-se com duas lagoas idênticas em paralelo, uma de teste, onde foi aplicado o
resíduo, e outra de referência, sem aplicação, para servir de comparação dos resultados. O
estudo foi realizado em duas fases de aplicação do resíduo e monitoramento das lagoas, com
dosagem de 37 mgSTresíduo (bs)/Lesgoto na Fase 1 e 44 mgSTresíduo (bs)/Lesgoto na Fase 2,
totalizando 125 dias de aplicação e 191 dias de monitoramento. Foram avaliados diversos
parâmetros físico-químicos do efluente, tais como DBO, SST, Namoniacal, fósforo total, E.coli,
metais, dentre outros. Os volumes de lodo nas lagoas foram obtidos a partir de levantamento
batimétrico com uso de medidor de óptico de lodo (Sludge Gun) e calculados por modelagem
matemática pelo programa Surfer 8.0. A adição do resíduo de ETA não prejudicou o
desempenho da lagoa facultativa de teste, com discreta redução de DBO e Namoniacal. Não foi
possível apontar nenhuma influência do resíduo de ETA sobre a remoção de fósforo total do
esgoto, o que foi atribuído a fatores como elevado pH e baixa dosagem. Na análise estatística
dos resultados do efluente, ao nível de confiança de 95%, não foram verificadas diferenças
estatísticas entre as médias dos 15 parâmetros avaliados nas duas fases, exceto para Namoniacal.
Não houve diferença entre os acréscimos de volume de lodo de fundo acumulado nas lagoas,
sendo que concentração de sólidos totais do lodo de fundo foi maior na lagoa de teste. Esse
comportamento foi associado a características granulométricas do material. O estudo indica a
viabilidade técnica da disposição do resíduo da ETA nas lagoas facultativas da ETE
Piracanjuba, mostrando-se como uma alternativa ambientalmente adequada para a gestão do
resíduo, que pode ser aplicada também em outros sistemas de mesmas tipologias, desde que
avaliadas as condições específicas de cada caso.
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Desempenho de estações de tratamento de esgoto: uma análise de sistemas de lagoas de estabilização de pequeno e médio porte integrada à avaliação da qualidade dos corpos hídricos na UGRHI 12 - Baixo Pardo/Grande / Performance of wastewater treatment plants: an analysis of small and medium wastewater treatment pond systems integrated with evaluation of water bodies quality in UGRHI 12 - Baixo Pardo/GrandeLetícia Franco Leonel 02 September 2016 (has links)
Apesar dos avanços nos índices de coleta e tratamento de esgotos no Estado de São Paulo, ainda existem incertezas sobre a efetividade dos sistemas de tratamento existentes, uma vez que são escassas as informações sobre o desempenho das ETEs em operação no país. Por meio da aquisição e análise de dados de desempenho do sistema, é possível a avaliação do cumprimento da legislação ambiental e a melhoria das condições operacionais, reduzindo, efetivamente, o impacto do lançamento sobre os recursos hídricos. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar estatisticamente o desempenho de lagoas de estabilização - tecnologia de tratamento mais utilizada no Estado de São Paulo - localizadas na UGRHI 12 - Baixo Pardo/Grande, todas com vazão de projeto inferior a 300 L/s, utilizando dados de automonitoramento fornecidos pelos prestadores de serviço. A avaliação compreendeu um período de 10 anos (2005 a 2014) e abrangeu desde os projetos das lagoas até a caracterização dos dados afluentes e efluentes das ETEs, incluindo também o impacto do lançamento dos esgotos tratados nos corpos receptores e a qualidade dos corpos d\'água em escala de bacia hidrográfica, utilizando os dados da rede de monitoramento da CETESB na UGRHI 12. O desempenho das ETEs foi avaliado quanto aos parâmetros DBO, DQO, CT, E. coli, SS, N-amoniacal e P-total, considerando tanto as faixas típicas apontadas na literatura, como o atendimento aos padrões de lançamento e qualidade. Os dados disponibilizados foram bastante heterogêneos, apresentando, em sua maioria, periodicidades de amostragem variáveis e interrupções no monitoramento, o que impediu, em alguns casos, a realização de uma análise mais consistente. As concentrações afluentes de matéria orgânica foram mais elevadas do que os valores usuais expressos na literatura, sendo a causa mais provável o baixo consumo de água aliado ao tipo de amostragem praticado (amostragem simples). De maneira geral, o desempenho das lagoas, considerando as eficiências médias de remoção de DBO e DQO, ficou dentro do esperado, o que não foi suficiente, contudo, para garantir percentuais elevados de conformidade com a legislação do estado de São Paulo, os quais resultaram abaixo de 80% na maioria das ETEs. Quanto às concentrações nos esgotos tratados, o desempenho ficou aquém do esperado, o que implicou no lançamento de efluentes com concentrações elevadas de matéria orgânica, embora de acordo com os padrões de lançamento pelo critério da eficiência de remoção. A avaliação do corpo receptor mostrou que, mesmo se tratando de vazões relativamente baixas, tais lançamentos foram capazes de impactar os cursos d\'água, notadamente aqueles com baixas razões de diluição. Finalmente, em escala de bacia hidrográfica, verificou-se que, nos corpos d\'água da UGRHI 12, ainda permanecem percentuais elevados de desconformidade para P-total e E. coli, contribuindo para esse cenário tanto as fontes de poluição pontuais como as difusas. / Despite advances in wastewater collection and treatment indicators in São Paulo state, there are still uncertainties about the effectiveness of existing treatment systems, since they is little information on the performance of WTPs operating in the country. Throughout the acquisition and analysis of system performance data, it is possible to evaluate the compliance with environmental legislation and improve operating conditions, effectively reducing the impact of the discharge on water resources. In this sense, the present study aimed to evaluate statistically the performance of stabilization ponds - wastewater treatment technology most widely used in São Paulo state - located in UGRHI 12 - Baixo Pardo/Grande, all of them with design flow rates below 300 L/s, using self-monitoring data given by the service providers. The evaluation comprised a period of 10 years (2005-2014), including from the projects of the ponds to the characterization of WTPs influent and effluent data, also incorporating the impact of treated wastewater release in receiving bodies and the quality of water bodies in watershed scale, using the data from CETESB\'s monitoring network in UGRHI 12. The performance of the WTPs was evaluated for BOD, COD, total coliforms, E. coli, suspended solids, ammonia and total phosphorus, considering the typical ranges mentioned in the literature and compliance with discharge and water quality standards. The provided data were quite heterogeneous, most of them presenting variable sampling periodicities and interruptions in monitoring, sometimes hindering a more consistent analysis. The influent\'s concentrations of organic matter were higher than the usual values expressed in the literature, which was most likely caused by low water consumption combined with the type of sampling practiced (single sampling). In general, the ponds\' performance, considering the average BOD and COD removal efficiencies, was as expected, however, such values weren\'t enough to ensure high percentage of compliance with São Paulo\'s environmental legislation, since the percentages were below 80% in most WTPs. Regarding the concentrations in treated wastewater, the performance was less than expected, which resulted in the discharge of effluents with high concentrations of organic matter, even though they were in compliance with discharge standards by the removal efficiency criterion. The evaluation of the receiving stream showed that, even consisting of relatively low flow rates discharges, such releases were able to impact the water bodies, especially those with low dilution ratio. Finally, in watershed scale, it was found that, in UGRHI 12 water bodies, there are still high percentages of non-conformity for total phosphorus and E. coli, contributing to this scenario both point and non-point sources of pollution.
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Desenvolvimento de sistemas de controle ótimo para a operação de processos aeróbios de tratamento de esgotos / Development of optimal control system for the operation of aerobic wastewater treatment processesJosé Antonio Tosta dos Reis 17 January 2003 (has links)
Neste trabalho, a partir da aplicação da teoria de controle ótimo, são estabelecidos sistemas de controle aplicáveis a três importantes sistemas aeróbios de tratamento de esgotos - filtros biológicos, processos de lodos ativados e os processos combinados formados a partir da combinação dos filtros biológicos e lodos ativados. Para a definição dos sistemas de controle são necessários modelos dinâmicos que descrevam o comportamento dos diferentes sistemas de tratamento. Da literatura são obtidos os modelos dinâmicos destinados à descrição do comportamento do processo de lodos ativados; para o filtro biológico, é proposto um modelo combinando à equação de balanço do reator e o modelo de ordem variável, este último destinado ao cálculo do fluxo de substrato para o interior de biofilmes profundos. Os resultados demonstram que, independentemente do sistema de tratamento considerado, os sistemas de controle reduzem substancialmente os tempos de acomodação e os desvios apresentados pelas variáveis de estado em relação as suas condições de equilíbrio. Por fim, função da inviabilidade de monitoramento de todas as variáveis de estado utilizadas para caracterizar os sistemas de tratamento, são propostos, a partir de modelos simplificados, controladores que incorporam a observação de estados. Também neste caso, os controladores estabelecidos permitem melhorar significativamente o desempenho dos sistemas de tratamento de esgotos analisados. / This paper constructs automatic control systems by means of optimal control theory for three different combinations of wastewater treatment units, namely, trickling filter, activated sludge process and a combined process. The dynamic model for the activated sludge process available in literature and a model proposed for the trickling filter were used in the construction of control systems. It is shown that the controls obtained in this study substantially reduce the durations necessary for the reestablishment of the equilibrium conditions in terms of state variables and the attenuation of oscillations around these conditions. Controls including observers for the state variables were devised on the basis of simplified models for the process in order to deal with the difficulties involved in monitoring all the state variables. These control systems were also found to be quite effective in improving the performance of the wastewater treatment plants considered in this paper.
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