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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lead and Copper Contamination in Potable Water: Impacts of Redox Gradients, Water Age, Water Main Pipe Materials and Temperature

Masters, Sheldon 06 May 2015 (has links)
Potable water can become contaminated with lead and copper due to the corrosion of pipes, faucets, and fixtures. The US Environmental Protection Agency Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) is intended to target sampling at high-risk sites to help protect public health by minimizing lead and copper levels in drinking water. The LCR is currently under revision with a goal of better crafting sampling protocols to protect public health. This study examined an array of factors that determine the location and timing of "high-risk" in the context of sampling site selection and consumer health risks. This was done using field studies and well-controlled laboratory experiments. A pilot-scale simulated distribution system (SDS) was used to examine the complex relationship between disinfectant type (free chlorine and chloramine), water age (0-10.2 days), and pipe main material (PVC, cement, and iron). Redox gradients developed in the distribution system as controlled by water age and pipe material, which affected the microbiology and chemistry of the water delivered to consumer homes. Free chlorine disinfectant was the most stable in the presence of PVC while chloramine was most stable in the presence of cement. At shorter water ages where disinfectant residuals were present, chlorine tended to cause as much as 4 times more iron corrosion when compared to chloramine. However, the worst localized attack on iron materials occurred at high water age in the system with chloramine. It was hypothesized that this was due to denitrification-a phenomenon relatively unexplored in drinking water distribution systems and documented in this study. Cumulative chemical and biological changes, such as those documented in the study described above, can create "high-risk" hotspots for elevated lead and copper, with associated concerns for consumer exposure and regulatory monitoring. In both laboratory and field studies, trends in lead and copper release were site-specific and ultimately determined by the plumbing material, microbiology and chemistry. In many cases, elevated levels of lead and copper did not co-occur suggesting that, in a revised LCR, these contaminants will have to be sampled separately in order to identify worst case conditions. Temperature was also examined as a potentially important factor in lead and copper corrosion. Several studies have attributed higher incidence of childhood lead poisoning during the summer to increased soil and dust exposure; however, drinking water may also be a significant contributing factor. In large-scale pipe rigs, total and dissolved lead release was 3-5 times higher during the summer compared to the winter. However, in bench scale studies, higher temperature could increase, decrease, or have no effect on lead release dependent on material and water chemistry. Similarly, in a distribution system served by a centralized treatment plant, lead release from pure lead service lines increased with temperature in some homes but had no correlation in other homes. It is possible that changes throughout the distribution system such as disinfectant residual, iron, or other factors can create scales on pipes at individual homes, which determines the temperature dependency of lead release. Consumer exposure to lead can also be adversely influenced by the presence of particulate iron. In the case of Providence, RI, a well-intentioned decrease in the finished water pH from 10.3 to 9.7, resulted in an epidemic of red water complaints due to the corrosion of iron mains and a concomitant increase in water lead levels. Complementary bench scale and field studies demonstrated that higher iron in water is sometimes linked to higher lead in water, due to sorption of lead onto the iron particulates. Finally, one of the most significant emerging challenges associated with evaluating corrosion control and consumer exposure, is the variability in lead and copper during sampling due to semi-random detachment of lead particles to water, which can pose an acute health concern. Well-controlled test rigs were used to characterize the variability in lead and copper release and compared to consumer sampling during the LCR. The variability due to semi-random particulate detachment, is equal to the typical variability observed in LCR sampling, suggesting that this inherent variability is much more important than other common sources including customer error, customer failure to follow sampling instructions or long stagnation times. While instructing consumers to collect samples are low flow rates reduces variability, it will fail to detect elevated lead from many hazardous taps. Moreover, collecting a single sample to characterize health risks from a given tap, are not adequately protective to consumers in homes with lead plumbing, in an era when corrosion control has reduced the presence of soluble lead in water. Future EPA monitoring and public education should be changed to address this concern. / Ph. D.

Impact of Flow Rate and Water Age on Opportunistic Pathogen Growth: Implications for Water Conservation, Fixture Design, and Policy

Busch, Sarah Elizabeth 22 January 2020 (has links)
Water conservation efforts have led to a decrease of flow rates in buildings, increasing water retention time (WRT) and sometimes opportunistic pathogens (OPs) growth. A novel experiment with replicated distal pipes operated at commonly used flow rates was designed to evaluate the effects of water age, flush frequency, flow rate, pipe diameter, water temperature, disinfectant residual presence, and microbial regrowth in hot and cold pipes. In cold water, total bacterial regrowth was a function of water age, plateauing after approximately 6 days at cell counts 20 times higher than influent water with minimal disinfectants. In warm (40 °C) water, most regrowth occurred in the heater tank, reducing the relative growth in the pipes. When cold water with ~1 mg/L chloramine was present, cold-water total bacteria regrowth plateaued after about 2 days WRT with cell counts 14 times higher than influent water, but regrowth still occurred in the heater tank. With 1 mg/L chloramine and elevated heater temperature (60 °C), regrowth in the tank was suppressed and cell counts in the pipes increased 82 times above cold-water influent levels at 7.5 days WRT. Legionella spp. and Mycobacterium spp. demonstrated opposite responses to flow rate with chloramine minimization. The highest levels of Legionella spp. (1.7 log higher than influent) were present when flow velocity was >2 feet per second (fps), but the highest levels of Mycobacterium spp. (1.5 log higher than influent) were observed at the lowest flow velocity (0.33 fps). This study highlights the tradeoffs between water conservation and water quality. / Master of Science / Regulations that decrease flow rates of faucets and showers have driven water conservation in buildings, increasing the time water sits in pipes and tanks (i.e., water retention time or WRT) elevating the likelihood of harmful bacterial growth. A novel faucet rig was designed to carry out a comprehensive experiment revealing the combined effects of WRT, flush frequency, flow rate, pipe diameter, water temperature, and disinfectant residual presence on water quality at the tap. In water without disinfectant, growth in cold water pipes increased with WRT, but in hot water the growth of bacteria occurred mostly in the warm water tank at 40 °C, which is a temperature known to leave a system vulnerable to bacterial growth. Cold pipes with a disinfectant residual saw a decrease in bacterial regrowth in comparison to cold pipes without disinfectant. However, if there was a disinfectant residual and an elevated water heater temperature set point in the tank, regrowth occurred when water was in the pipes at room temperature and there were lower disinfectant residuals. Potentially harmful bacteria, like Legionella spp. and Mycobacterium spp., which cause Legionnaires' disease and nontuberculous Mycobacteria (NTM) infections, grew more readily at higher flow rates, whereas others grew less readily, but all harmful bacteria were reduced by lowering WRT to less than ≈ 2 days and maintaining the water at 60 °C with a disinfectant. This study has important implications for regulations requiring minimum disinfectant levels to buildings, faucet flow rates regulations, and design and operation of building plumbing systems.

Hydrological Transport in Shallow Catchments: : tracer discharge, travel time and water age

Soltani, Sofie Safeyeh January 2017 (has links)
This focuses on hydrological transport in shallow catchments with topography-driven flow paths. The thesis gives new insight to kinematic pathway models for estimation of tracer discharge at the catchment outlet. A semi-analytical methodology is presented for transient travel time and age distributions referred to as "kinematic pathway approach“(KPA) that accounts for dispersion at two levels of morphological and macro-dispersion. Macro-dispersion and morphological dispersion components are reflected in KPA by assuming an effective Péclet number and topographically driven pathway length distributions, respectively. The kinematic measure of the transport, defined as a characteristic velocity of water flow through the catchment is obtained from the overall water balance in the catchment. To include transformation process in its simplest form of linear decay/degradation a framework is presented that solves one-dimensional reactive transport with numerically simulated travel times as the independent variable. The proposed KPA and coupled transport framework for quantifying tracer discharge at the shallow catchment outlet are applied to two selected catchments in Sweden. KPA is applied to modeling of a 23-year long chloride data series for the Kringlan catchment whereas the implantation of the framework for quantifying natural attenuation is illustrated for the Forsmark catchment. Numerical simulations of Forsmark catchment advective travel times are obtained by means of particle tracking using the fully-integrated flow model MIKE SHE. The KPA is found to provide reasonable estimates of tracer discharge distribution when considering the transport controlled by hillslope processes associated with short topographically driven flow paths to adjacent discharge zones, e.g. rivers and lakes. Simulated natural attenuation for Forsmark is also estimated well provided that the pathway length distribution is skewed toward short pathway lengths. This fact is indicative of the controlling impact of topography on flow path length and travel time distributions in shallow catchments. Our work has shown that the pathway (Lagrangian) methodologies are promising as predictive tools for hydrological transport. / <p>QC 20170928</p>

Modelování jakosti vody ve vodovodní síti / Modeling of water quality in the water supply network

Dukát, Petr January 2022 (has links)
This thesis looks at water quality modelling in the water network, focusing on water age. The initial part of the work identifies the factors that lead to an increase in water age in water supply networks. The theoretical part of the work presents the mathematical relationships and logistical steps that software tools apply to simulate water quality indicators in a water supply network. In the practical part of the work, a hydraulic model of a water distribution system with a total length of 302,1 km was constructed. Measurement campaign was carried out to calibrate and verify created hydraulic model. Using this hydraulic model, water age for existing and possible scenarios was simulated. The results of the work have revealed parts of the water supply network containing high water age and are intended to encourage the progressive water distribution systems management philosophy.

Festlegung von Radionukliden und Arsen in Feuchtgebieten an Bergbaualtstandorten – Ein Beitrag zur Passiven Wasserreinigung

Dienemann, Holger 28 February 2008 (has links)
Im Abstrom von Uranbergbauobjekten (Sachsen, Deutschland) wurden Uran, Radium-226 und Arsen in unterschiedlichen Feuchtgebieten untersucht. Dabei wurden Wasser (vor¬wiegend neutrale bis leicht basische pH-Werte), Sedimente und im Wasser befindlicher Bestandesabfall (CPOM) beprobt. Zur Klärung der Genese der Urangehalte im Sediment erfolgten Untersuchungen an Pb-Isotopen. Sie zeigen u. a., dass das Uran in den obersten Zentimetern des Sediments (organische Auflage) aus der wässrigen Phase und nicht von ca. 300 Millionen Jahre alten Erzteilchen stammt. Für die Verlagerung von Radionukliden und Arsen aus dem Wasserkörper in das Sediment wird ein neuer Weg aufgezeigt. Eine Fixierung dieser Stoffe an Bestandesabfällen (plant litter) ist möglich. Allochthoner Bestandesabfall (Blätter, Früchte, Zweige von Alnus spec. und Quercus spec.) weist nach Kontakt mit kontaminiertem Wasser (ca. 100 - 300 µgU L-1) Urangehalte von 50 - 2.000 µgU g-1 auf. Im Vergleich zu Uran sind Ra-226 und Arsen labiler am Bestandesabfall gebunden. Für die Genese der Gehalte in den subhydrischen Auflagen sind die Herkunft des (autochthonen bzw. allochthonen) Bestandesabfalls und der Abbau eine entscheidende Rolle. Sedimente aus leicht abbaubaren Bestandesabfällen (z.B. Lemna spec., Algen) weisen im Vergleich mit allochthonen Bestandesabfällen (von Bäumen) deutlich geringere Urangehalte auf. Exemplarisch wurde für einen aus allochthonen Bestandesabfällen bestehenden Sedimentkern mittels Cs-137-Bestimmung eine maximale Uranfestlegung von 1 – 2 g m-² a-1 ermittelt. Neben allochthonem Bestandesabfall führen Eisen- und Manganhydroxide, die unmittelbar an den Sickerwasseraustrittstellen ausfallen, bei relativ geringen Arsen- und Radiumkon¬zentrationen im Wasser zu hohen Arsen- bzw. Radiumgehalten im Sediment (As ≤ 5 mg g-1; Ra-226 ≤ 25 Bq g-1). Unter reduktiven Bedingungen werden Ra-226 und Arsen jedoch leicht freigesetzt. Ausgehend von den Untersuchungsergebnissen wird eine mögliche Anordnung für eine naturnahe passive Sickerwasserbehandlung vorgeschlagen.

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