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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Eastern Shore of Virginia in the Civil War

Krogh, Matthew Ostergaard 13 July 2006 (has links)
Gen. John Adams Dix, the Union commander of the Department of Maryland, wrote in an 1861 letter to Francis Blair of President Lincoln's administration that "we are in the most danger on the Eastern Shore [of Virginia]." Dix did not exaggerate when he implied that Accomac and Northampton County embodied secessionist sentiment on the Delmarva Peninsula in 1861. Dix knew that the Eastern Shore of Virginia, the most southern region of Delmarva, heavily influenced its neighbors to the north. If it made a strong demonstration in favor of the Confederacy, the Eastern Shore of Maryland might go spiraling toward secession. It could also decrease Union sentiment and progress in lower Delaware. With this in mind, Dix decided to make a preemptive strike on the Eastern Shore of Virginia in late 1861. Although this campaign describes only part of the question that this thesis entails it embodies the overarching importance of what occurred in the area.¹ 1. Delmarva is a modern connotation denoting the peninsula made up by parts of Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia. Susie M. Ames, "Federal Policy Toward the Eastern Shore of Virginia." Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 69 (1961) : 432-459. / Master of Arts

Projeto de arquitetura de infraestruturas urbanas fluviais do rio Tamanduateí / Architecture Project of the fluvial urban infrastructures of the Tamanduateí river.

De Luccia, Oliver Paes de Barros 14 June 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho adota a visão de projeto como pesquisa e desenvolve estudos de projeto para as infraestruturas urbanas fluviais da bacia hidrográfica do rio Tamanduateí, tendo como ponto de partida a ideia de recuperação da navegação nos principais rios desta bacia, presente na pesquisa de Delijaicov (1998; 2005) e nos estudos para o Hidroanel Metropolitano de São Paulo (GMF, 2011). O canal Billings-Tamanduateí cruzaria o centro da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo através dos rios Tamanduateí, Meninos e Couros e do canal de ligação com o braço Alvarenga da represa Billings, permitindo o aumento significativo da área de influência do sistema hidroviário e possibilitando a conexão com a Plataforma Logística Urbana Vila Carioca, que integra o novo sistema logístico de cargas previsto para a Macrometrópole Paulista. As eclusas e barragens móveis necessárias à navegação possibilitariam o controle das vazões e a eventual reversão das águas para a Billings, contribuindo para a macrodrenagem da bacia. Os canais e lagos navegáveis seriam eixos de infraestrutura a partir dos quais os bairros das planícies fluviais seriam reconstruídos, sendo apresentado o projeto dos Bairros Fluviais do Tamanduateí, que ocupariam o antigo parque industrial do bairro da Mooca. A partir de uma gestão integrada das águas urbanas essa infraestrutura se ramificaria pelos afluentes menores, e, na escala das microbacias hidrográficas, seriam aplicadas medidas de retenção dos escoamentos na fonte e de preservação da qualidade das águas, através de parques fluviais e microestações de tratamento, sendo desenvolvido como estudo de caso o projeto de reforma urbana para a sub-bacia do córrego Moinho Velho, afluente do Tamanduateí. Como bases para a ação projetual, a pesquisa apresenta o histórico dos projetos para as bacias hidrográficas do Alto Tietê e do Tamanduateí; discorre sobre instrumentos da legislação que representam avanços para a gestão integrada das águas urbanas; e apresenta conceitos e referências que amparam a ideia da cidade fluvial, onde os rios seriam os principais logradouros públicos, propiciando significativa melhoria na qualidade ambiental urbana. Esta pesquisa se alinha aos interesses do Grupo Metrópole Fluvial (GMF), pertencente ao Laboratório de Projeto do Departamento de Projeto (LabProj) da Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo (FAU USP). / The present work adopts the vision of design as research and develops design studies for the fluvial urban infrastructures of the Tamanduatei River basin, having, as a starting point, the idea of restoring navigation in the basin\'s main rivers, present in Delijaicov\'s research (1998; 2005) and in the studies for the Metropolitan Waterway Ring of Sao Paulo (GMF, 2011). The Billings- Tamanduatei canal would cross the center of the Metropolitan Region of Sao Paulo through the rivers Tamanduatei, Meninos and Couros, and the artificial canal with the Alvarenga branch of the Billings Reservoir, allowing a significant increase in the area of influence of the waterways system and the connection to the Vila Carioca Urban Logistics Platform, which integrates the new cargo logistics system for the Paulista Macrometropolis. The locks and barrages necessary for navigation would permit to control the flow rate and an eventual reversion of water to Billings, contributing to the basin\'s drainage. The canals and navigable lakes would be the infrastructural axis from where the fluvial plains\' neighborhoods would be redeveloped, therefore the project for the Tamanduatei Fluvial Neighborhoods is then presented, which would occupy the old industrial site in Mooca neighborhood. From an integrated urban waters management, this infrastructure would spread to the smaller tributaries and, at the micro basin\'s scale, retention of flow at the source and water quality preservation measures would be applied, by installing treatment microstations and creating fluvial parks, having as a case study the project for urban reform for the Moinho Velho sub-basin, a tributary to Tamanduatei. As basis for design, the research brings the history of projects for the Alto Tiete River basin and the Tamanduatei basin; discourse about legislation that represents advancements for the integrated urban waters management; and presents concepts and references that support the idea of a fluvial city, where rivers are the main public place, propitiating significant improvements in the quality of the urban environment. This research aligns with the interests of the Fluvial Metropolis Group (Grupo Metrópole Fluvial - GMF), which belongs to the Design Lab of the Design Department (Laboratório de Projeto do Departamento de Projeto - LabProj) of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Sao Paulo (FAU USP).

Metamorfose da várzea paulistana: energia, saneamento e urbanização / The metamorphosis of São Paulo´s floodplain: energy, sanitation and urbanization

Gabriel Rodrigues Grinspum 09 May 2014 (has links)
O complexo hidrelétrico da Serra de Cubatão foi considerado a grande obra de engenharia da primeira metade do século XX no Brasil. Este complexo polêmico foi possível graças à opção do poder público de legitimar o predomínio das forças produtivas e do capital na incorporação das planícies aluviais do rio Pinheiros à malha urbana da cidade, permitindo a execução de um projeto de infraestrutura que transformou o leito natural e sinuoso do rio Pinheiros em um canal de derivação das águas do rio Tietê, que passam pela bacia de São Paulo e são desviadas para a geração de energia, lançando esta água Serra do Mar abaixo. A sinergia obtida com as múltiplas funções incorporadas ao projeto da São Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Company acelerou o processo de construção da cidade sobre os novos terrenos metamorfoseados. Este ganho de tempo, proporcionado pelo capital internacional investido, contrapõe-se à ausência, no espaço urbano, de infraestruturas e equipamentos públicos essenciais para o equilíbrio socioambiental da metrópole paulistana. A dissertação aborda a transformação da natureza do lugar e a transformação das prioridades na infraestrutura urbana já instalada. Apresenta, em seu desenvolvimento, um diálogo entre o Projeto da Serra executado pela Companhia Light e o plano apresentado pelo Município de São Paulo, através da Comissão de Melhoramentos do Rio Tietê, para o combate às enchentes, diluição de efluentes e navegação no trecho do rio que fazia frente à cidade. Os dois projetos, delineados na década de 20, são partes distintas de uma mesma iniciativa da sociedade, que tinha como os principais propósitos o progresso, o avanço sobre as planícies aluviais paulistanas, a valorização da terra, o saneamento e a integração da metrópole. / The hydropower complex of Serra de Cubatão was considered the greatest engineering work of the first half of the 20th Century in Brazil. This controversial complex was made viable because the government has chosen to legitimize the predominance of the forces of production and capital in the incorporation of the floodplains of the Pinheiros River into the urban network of the city allowing the implementation of an infrastructure project that turned the river\'s natural and sinuous bed into a bypass channel of the waters from the Tietê River, which flow through the basin of São Paulo and are diverted for power generation , being discharged down the Serra do Mar. The synergy resulting from the multiple functions that were incorporated to the Project implemented by São Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Company accelerated the process of construction of the city on new metamorphosed land plots. This time saving initiative, which was enabled by the international capital invested, is opposed to the lack of essential public infrastructure and equipment in the urban space, which are essential for the socio-environmental balance of the metropolis of São Paulo. This dissertation addresses the transformation in the nature of the place and the changes in the priorities related to the infrastructure already installed. It introduces throughout its development a dialog between the Projeto da Serra performed by Companhia Light and the plan created by the City of São Paulo, through the Comissão de Melhoramentos do Rio Tietê (Comission for Improving the Tietê river), which established initiatives to fight floods, approached the dilution of effluents and navigation in the part of the river that stretched along the city. Both projects, outlined during the 20\'s, are different parts of the same initiative performed by society, whose main objectives were progress, the occupation of the floodplains of São Paulo, increasing land value, sanitation and the integration of the metropolis.

Metamorfose da várzea paulistana: energia, saneamento e urbanização / The metamorphosis of São Paulo´s floodplain: energy, sanitation and urbanization

Grinspum, Gabriel Rodrigues 09 May 2014 (has links)
O complexo hidrelétrico da Serra de Cubatão foi considerado a grande obra de engenharia da primeira metade do século XX no Brasil. Este complexo polêmico foi possível graças à opção do poder público de legitimar o predomínio das forças produtivas e do capital na incorporação das planícies aluviais do rio Pinheiros à malha urbana da cidade, permitindo a execução de um projeto de infraestrutura que transformou o leito natural e sinuoso do rio Pinheiros em um canal de derivação das águas do rio Tietê, que passam pela bacia de São Paulo e são desviadas para a geração de energia, lançando esta água Serra do Mar abaixo. A sinergia obtida com as múltiplas funções incorporadas ao projeto da São Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Company acelerou o processo de construção da cidade sobre os novos terrenos metamorfoseados. Este ganho de tempo, proporcionado pelo capital internacional investido, contrapõe-se à ausência, no espaço urbano, de infraestruturas e equipamentos públicos essenciais para o equilíbrio socioambiental da metrópole paulistana. A dissertação aborda a transformação da natureza do lugar e a transformação das prioridades na infraestrutura urbana já instalada. Apresenta, em seu desenvolvimento, um diálogo entre o Projeto da Serra executado pela Companhia Light e o plano apresentado pelo Município de São Paulo, através da Comissão de Melhoramentos do Rio Tietê, para o combate às enchentes, diluição de efluentes e navegação no trecho do rio que fazia frente à cidade. Os dois projetos, delineados na década de 20, são partes distintas de uma mesma iniciativa da sociedade, que tinha como os principais propósitos o progresso, o avanço sobre as planícies aluviais paulistanas, a valorização da terra, o saneamento e a integração da metrópole. / The hydropower complex of Serra de Cubatão was considered the greatest engineering work of the first half of the 20th Century in Brazil. This controversial complex was made viable because the government has chosen to legitimize the predominance of the forces of production and capital in the incorporation of the floodplains of the Pinheiros River into the urban network of the city allowing the implementation of an infrastructure project that turned the river\'s natural and sinuous bed into a bypass channel of the waters from the Tietê River, which flow through the basin of São Paulo and are diverted for power generation , being discharged down the Serra do Mar. The synergy resulting from the multiple functions that were incorporated to the Project implemented by São Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Company accelerated the process of construction of the city on new metamorphosed land plots. This time saving initiative, which was enabled by the international capital invested, is opposed to the lack of essential public infrastructure and equipment in the urban space, which are essential for the socio-environmental balance of the metropolis of São Paulo. This dissertation addresses the transformation in the nature of the place and the changes in the priorities related to the infrastructure already installed. It introduces throughout its development a dialog between the Projeto da Serra performed by Companhia Light and the plan created by the City of São Paulo, through the Comissão de Melhoramentos do Rio Tietê (Comission for Improving the Tietê river), which established initiatives to fight floods, approached the dilution of effluents and navigation in the part of the river that stretched along the city. Both projects, outlined during the 20\'s, are different parts of the same initiative performed by society, whose main objectives were progress, the occupation of the floodplains of São Paulo, increasing land value, sanitation and the integration of the metropolis.

Zpoplatnění vodní dopravní infrastruktury v EU / Charging of inland waterways in the European Union

Horynová, Dana January 2017 (has links)
Continuous growth in transport performance leads to deterioration of the transport infrastructure and there is also a need for states to raise funds to cover the costs of repairs, maintenance and modernization of this infrastructure. One option is to charge users of such infrastructure. In the Czech Republic there is a system of charges only for the use of road and rail transport routes. There is no charging of waterways in the Czech Republic, but it exists in some european countries. This diploma thesis deals with the issue of the charging of waterways in the European Union and thus points out the existence of an alternative possibility of financing expenditures for repairs, maintenance or modernization of the transport infrastructure serving the Czech water transport. The first three chapters contain the theoretical background, focusing in particular on the importance of freight water transport and European policy. The other chapters include an analysis of the established charging system for waterways in Germany. Subsequently, the total revenue from the charging of users of waterways for freight transport is calculated. From this analysis, the thesis is also based on the creation of a model for charging the Elbe waterway in the Czech Republic. After creating the preconditions for charging the Elbe waterway, the potential revenue obtained by this charging was also calculated and compared with the average annual cost of repairs and maintenance of watercourses in the Czech Republic.

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