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Návrh a optimalizace tělesa vřeteníku pro obráběcí stroj / Design and optimization of a headstock for machine toolsLekeš, Petr January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and optimization of a headstock for machine tool. Thesis was focused to comparison of several types of slide-ways and linear guides of headstock, considering their static and dynamic rigidity. An overview in the field of machine tools, their static and dynamic properties, use materials and design of headstocks, considering types of guideways, types of guideways drives and types of drives of spindle was made. Among the other main goals is included design of several types of guideway of headstock for horizontal machine tool, elaboration of computational models and evaluation of results.
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Flying is Dangerous - That is why it is so safe : Miscommunication in aviationThörnqvist, Christer January 2020 (has links)
In this essay one has been investigating some of the reasons why aviation incidents take place and also examine what strategies there are to minimize the risks - primarily regarding miscommunication which often seems to be a contributing element or a direct cause in aviation mishaps. The aim of this study is to highlight and raise awareness about this field of study from a communicative point of view.The study has been performed using qualitative interviews with pilots, Air Traffic Controllers and other professionals within the aviation industry. The research has been somewhat hampered by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic but not to an extent that would have corrupted the findings.The key results have indicated that miscommunication still is a problem in the aviation industry, but less so on the local national stage than in a global perspective. Two particular occurrences that have been given extra attention are runway incursions and the use of Controller Pilot Data-Link Communications.One has established that there are technical systems available on the market to improve communication performance and that runway incursion is a problem that grows with the complexity of the airport environment. One has also been made aware of the fact that human factors can only be mitigated so far with technology. The principal question has been: How can Miscommunication in Aviation be reduced? / I denna uppsats har vi tittat på några av de bakomliggande orsakerna till att incidenter fortfarande sker inom trafikflyget samt undersökt vilka strategier som föreligger för att minimera dessa risker - primärt pga felkommunikation vilken ofta tenderar att vara en bakomliggande eller direkt utlösande faktor i flygolyckor. Syftet med denna studie är att uppmärksamma och öka medvetenheten om dessa fenomen från en kommunikativ synvinkel.Studien har genomförts medelst en kvalitativ intervjumetod med piloter, flygledare och andra initierade yrkesgrupper inom flygindustrin. Forskningen har hämmats något pga utbrottet av COVID-19 pandemin men inte i en sådan omfattning att resultatet har förvanskats.De huvudsakliga resultaten har indikerat att felkommunikation fortfarande är ett problem inom flygbranschen, men i en långt mindre omfattning på lokal nationell nivå än i ett globalt perspektiv. Två specifika företeelser som har getts extra uppmärksamhet är rullbaneintrång samt användandet av CPDLC (datalänk).Vi har konstaterat att det finns tekniska system på marknaden för att förbättra prestandan på kommunikationen samt att rullbaneintrång är ett problem som växer med flygplatsens storlek och komplexitetsgrad. Vi har också uppmärksammats på att den mänskliga faktorn endast delvis kan undanröjas med hjälp av teknologi. Den huvudsakliga fågeställningen har varit: Hur kan felkommunikation inom flyget reduceras
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Návrh modernizace železniční stanice Čadca / Design of Modernization of Čadca Railway StationJuchelková, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with a design of modernization of Čadca railway station. Content of the thesis is the design of reconstruction of station heads, increasing the speed in the main tracks to 140 km/h, removal of level crossings for passengers at platforms access and the width adjustment arrangement of the platforms for the safe movement of people with reduced mobility.
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Návrh rekonstrukce železničních stanic Ždírec nad Doubravou a Hlinsko v Čechách / Design of Reconstruction of Ždírec nad Doubravou Railway Station and Hlinsko v Čechách Railway StationFabiánová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to design of reconstruction of the Ždírec nad Doubravou railway station and Hlinsko v Čechách railway station, and to allow access for persons with reduced mobility. Resolving a modification of the track (reconstruction gridiron), design the reconstruction of the substructure and drainage railway stations.
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Návrh roštu výtahového stroje a vodítek / Design Grid of Lift Machine and Slide-wayViktora, Luboš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the control of grid of lift machine and rigid hanging of ropes for elevator with a capacity of 675 kg. The main focus is strength analysis using finite element method. Furthermore, a calculation was performed also for anchoring of slide-ways and strength check was done according to standard ČSN EN 81-1. The thesis contains also the assembly drawing of grid of lift machine and it was executed in cooperation with LIFTMONT CZ s.r.o.
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Mikroprocesorové řízení ohřevu bazénu se slunečními kolektory / Microprocessor control of heating of swimming pool with solar collectorKahánek, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is pointed on draft of controller unit, used for control of swimming pool with solar collectors. Controller detect water temperature in a pool and collerctor. With these values controller control pump activation and 3-way valve position. Operator can set all settings in user interface which are needed for a right working. Controller unit attempt minimize energy used for a pump while working.
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Pevnostní analýza a optimalizace kabiny dvoucestného rypadla MH Plus S / Strength analysis and optimization of the two-way excavator MH Plus S cabZavadil, Milan January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with stress analysis and optimization of two-way cab excavator MH Plus S with total weight of machine 19375 kg. Stress analysis has been performed using the finite element method (FEM). As next step the structure design of protective frame and strength analysis of the cab and protective frame, which protect crew when the machine is rolled over protective structure (ROPS) according to ČSN EN ISO 3471 standard, have been made. The design documentation is a part of diploma thesis. This diploma thesis was conducted in cooperation with the firm Agrotec a.s.
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Porovnání tržních cen nemovitostí s cenami zjištěnými porovnávacím způsobem podle oceňovacích předpisů / Comparasion of property market prices with prices discovered in a comparative way according to estimate regulationsKomosná, Milada Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis deals with a comparison of the market prices of Brno family houses. The compared prices are estimated using the comparative way based on the price regulations and using the comparative method. A new coefficient for the comparative method is proposed in the thesis. This coefficient takes into account the influence of the distance of the estimate property from the city centre in the connection with the position. One of the main reasons to introduce this coefficient was to obtain the best result when estimating the price, the result which is the closest to the required market price. The use of the coefficient of the global position may lead to better results of the price estimate, especially in bigger cities where this influence is revealed the most.
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Znalecká činnost při vyvlastňovacím řízení / Expert activity in the expropriation proceedingsKožušníková, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to define the position of an expert on an expropriating proceedings and creating an expert opinion for these uses. In the theoretical part the definitions connected to expropriation and expropriating proceedings are explained. An expert activity and an expert opinion are defined in other chapters in the theoretical part. Last two chapters deal with transportation infrastructure and evaluating of the immovable assets where there are the established price, the common price and the ways of evaluating. The practical part of the thesis is devoted to the expert opinion in expropriating proceedings. The established price, the standart price of expropriated immovable assests and compensation for moving are set in a comparing way within the expert opinion.
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Technický výklad vybraných ustanovení zákona č. 361/2000 Sb., o provozu na pozemních komunikacích / Technical interpretation of selected provisions of Act No 361/2000 Coll. concerning road trafficStáňa, Ivo January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with oficial causes of road accidents and their consequences. In the first part are defined basic terms connected with traffic accidents, their classification and statistical records. The second part is focused on analysis of long – term statistics of traffic accidents in the the Czech Republic for the years 1996-2015, which aim has been assed the total number of accidents, their causes and consequences. The results of the analysis have been compared to other European countries or states associated in OECD. In the context of theoretical part have been characterized legal and also technical interpretation of selected terms of act no 361/200 coll. concerning road traffic. Conclusion of the thesis is based on application of legal and also technical interpretation in case studies with real road accident.
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