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[pt] A presente pesquisa é uma reflexão que consiste em apresentar, a partir da Teologia Pastoral, temas que se entrelaçam na compreensão do espaço e projeto formativo com catequista. A discussão está centrada na dimensão catequética e busca uma correlação entre a Via da Beleza, a formação com catequista, a arte cristã e o Museu Sagrada Família. A pesquisa ora apresentada, se desenvolve em consonância com a Carta Apostólica, Antiquum Ministerium, que aponta para a necessária qualificação dos catequistas, elevados à condição de ministros leigos, bem como, uma urgência da Igreja que, sob à luz da Iniciação à Vida Cristã e de uma catequese permanente, procura desenvolver um itinerário de educação da fé, que proporcione o encontro com a pessoa de Jesus Cristo, favorecendo o surgimento do discípulo missionário. Essa urgência exige uma compreensão sobre o papel do catequista, sob enfoque da dimensão do ser, saber e saber fazer, em vista de oferecer espaços adequados para a formação; além de um itinerário formativo, que aponte para uma compreensão integral da pessoa, a partir da ótica humano-cristã. Um novo paradigma na catequese provoca uma reinterpretação sobre a Pedagogia e Metodologia a serem adotadas no itinerário formativo do catequista, dando ferramentas necessárias para que este assuma, com eficiência e eficácia, esse ministério na Igreja. A superação de um modelo formativo fragmentado, tendo em vista atender as necessidades de um novo tempo, é uma resposta criativa, aberta ao diálogo com a cultura e a arte, buscando, na tradição da Igreja, uma inspiração que se manifesta como Via da Beleza. Trata-se de viabilizar um caminho seguro, que responda com objetividade ao propósito de um itinerário formativo humano-cristão, conduzido por um diálogo entre arte, liturgia e catequese, através de uma experiência que converge ao encontro com a Beleza Encarnada, Jesus Cristo. Neste estudo, a formação com catequista é compreendida como um itinerário humano-cristão, que se dá pela via da beleza. Essa via é o espírito do espaço e projeto formativo, que se manifesta no Museu Sagrada Família-Catequese e Arte. A Via da Beleza é interpretada como um caminho que se faz a partir de uma experiência querigmática e mistagógica. Remete a um processo espiritual de construção do papel de catequista, envolvendo a superação de um olhar puramente estético, chegando aos fundamentos teológicos do conceito, revelado na experiência cristã, como um itinerário Pascal. O estudo teológico-pastoral é um caminho de síntese do processo, que se realizou através do movimento prático e teórico sobre um tema de grande relevância na ação evangelizadora da Igreja. A formação, que se faz no espaço de arte, pela Via da Beleza, gera catequistas abertos ao diálogo com a cultura e dispostos a viver um protagonismo com fé, esperança e comunhão, aparando arestas que surgem na ação evangelizadora e lançando-se na novidade, que se revela como Caminho da Beleza. / [en] The research is a reflection that consists in presenting, from Pastoral Theology, themes that are intertwined in the understanding of space and formative project with catechists. The discussion is centered on the catechetical dimension and seeks a correlation between the Way of Beauty, training with a catechist, Christian Art and the Holy Family Museum. The research presented here is developed in line with the Apostolic Letter, Antiquum Ministerium, which points to the necessary catechists qualification, elevated to the condition of layman ministers, as well, as an urgent need for the Church, which, in the light of the Initiation to the Christian Life and from a permanent catechesis, it seeks to develop an itinerary of education in the faith, which provides an encounter with the person of Jesus Christ, favoring the emergence of the missionary disciple. This urgency requires an understanding of the catechist role, focusing on the dimension of being, of the knowing and knowing how to do, in view of offering adequate spaces for formation; in addition to a formative itinerary, which points to an integral understanding of the person, from a human-christian perspective. A new paradigm in catechesis provokes a reinterpretation of Pedagogy and Methodology adopted in the catechist s formative itinerary, providing the necessary tools for him to assume, with efficiency and effectiveness, this minister in the Church. Overcoming a fragmented training model, with a view to meeting the needs of a new time, is a creative response, open to dialogue with culture and art, seeking, in the Church s tradition, an inspiration that manifests itself as the Way of Beauty. It is about making a safe pathway viable, which responds objectively to the purpose of a human-christian formative itinerary, guided by a dialogue between art, liturgy and catechesis, through an experience that converges with the encounter with the Incarnate Beauty, Jesus Christ. In this study, formation with a catechist is understood as a human-christian journey, which takes place through the beauty route. This path is the spirit of space and training project, which is manifested in the Holy Family Museum - Catechesis and Art. The Way of Beauty is interpreted as a route based on a kerygmatic and mystagogical experience. It refers to a spiritual process of construction the catechistrole, involving the overcoming of a purely aesthetic look, reaching the theological foundations of the concept, revealed in christian experience, as a Paschal itinerary. The theological-pastoral study is a route of synthesis of the process, which took place through the practical and theoretical movement on a topic of great relevance in the evangelizing action of the Church. The formation, which takes place in the art space, through the Way of Beauty, generates catechists open to dialogue with the culture and willing to live a leading role with faith, hope and communion, cutting corners that arise in the evangelizing action and launching themselves in the new, which reveals itself as the Way of Beauty.
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Följsamhet gentemot riktlinjer vid kateterspolning : en observationsstudieBengtsson Akkad, Linn, Ringström, Anna January 2007 (has links)
Efterföljs handbokens riktlinjer vid kateterspolning? En observationsstudie om följsamheten kring Handbokens riktlinjer och hygienrutiner vid kateterspolning.Patienter med urinkatetrar är frekvent förekommande inom stora delar av vården och är därför något som vårdpersonalen kommer i kontakt med. Momentet då katetern spolas är förenat med komplikationer och därför har en jämförande kvalitativ studie här genomförts utifrån Handbokens riktlinjer för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal gällande hygien, material och tillvägagångssätt för att säkerställa en god och säker omvårdnad. Föreliggande studie syftar till att beskriva överensstämmelsen mellan hur kateterspolningar genomförs i praktiken och de riktlinjer som ges i Handboken avseende kateterspolning. Observationerna genomfördes på en vårdavdelning och deltagarna i studien bestod av undersköterskor samt patienter som bar kvarliggande katetrar. Resultatet av studien visar att materialkategorin hade bäst överensstämmelse med Handboken, medan hygienrutiner och tillvägagångssättet skiljde sig på flest punkter. / Are the guidelines of the Handbook being met regarding catheter irrigation? An observation study about the guidelines adherence and hygiene routines during catheter irrigation according to the Handbook. Patients with urethral catheters are frequently occurring in the healthcare, and are therefore something that the nursing staff often gets in contact with. Irrigation of catheters is associated with complications, which is why a comparative qualitative study has been made from the point of the Handbook for health and care staff and it’s guidelines regarding hygiene material and way of execution to ensure a good and safe care. The study is intended to describe the agreement between how the irrigation of catheters is executed in reality with the guidelines given in the Handbook. The observations were carried out at a ward and the participations were assistant nurses and patients who had indwelling catheters. The result of the study shows that the material category had the best agreement with the Handbook, whereas the hygiene routines and way of execution differed on most points.
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Networking And Security Solutions For Vanet Initial Deployment StageAslam, Baber 01 January 2012 (has links)
Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is a special case of mobile networks, where vehicles equipped with computing/communicating devices (called "smart vehicles") are the mobile wireless nodes. However, the movement pattern of these mobile wireless nodes is no more random, as in case of mobile networks, rather it is restricted to roads and streets. Vehicular networks have hybrid architecture; it is a combination of both infrastructure and infrastructure-less architectures. The direct vehicle to vehicle (V2V) communication is infrastructure-less or ad hoc in nature. Here the vehicles traveling within communication range of each other form an ad hoc network. On the other hand, the vehicle to infrastructure (V2I) communication has infrastructure architecture where vehicles connect to access points deployed along roads. These access points are known as road side units (RSUs) and vehicles communicate with other vehicles/wired nodes through these RSUs. To provide various services to vehicles, RSUs are generally connected to each other and to the Internet. The direct RSU to RSU communication is also referred as I2I communication. The success of VANET depends on the existence of pervasive roadside infrastructure and sufficient number of smart vehicles. Most VANET applications and services are based on either one or both of these requirements. A fully matured VANET will have pervasive roadside network and enough vehicle density to enable VANET applications. However, the initial deployment stage of VANET will be characterized by the lack of pervasive roadside infrastructure and low market penetration of smart vehicles. It will be economically infeasible to initially install a pervasive and fully networked iv roadside infrastructure, which could result in the failure of applications and services that depend on V2I or I2I communications. Further, low market penetration means there are insufficient number of smart vehicles to enable V2V communication, which could result in failure of services and applications that depend on V2V communications. Non-availability of pervasive connectivity to certification authorities and dynamic locations of each vehicle will make it difficult and expensive to implement security solutions that are based on some central certificate management authority. Nonavailability of pervasive connectivity will also affect the backend connectivity of vehicles to the Internet or the rest of the world. Due to economic considerations, the installation of roadside infrastructure will take a long time and will be incremental thus resulting in a heterogeneous infrastructure with non-consistent capabilities. Similarly, smart vehicles will also have varying degree of capabilities. This will result in failure of applications and services that have very strict requirements on V2I or V2V communications. We have proposed several solutions to overcome the challenges described above that will be faced during the initial deployment stage of VANET. Specifically, we have proposed: A VANET architecture that can provide services with limited number of heterogeneous roadside units and smart vehicles with varying capabilities. A backend connectivity solution that provides connectivity between the Internet and smart vehicles without requiring pervasive roadside infrastructure or large number of smart vehicles. A security architecture that does not depend on pervasive roadside infrastructure or a fully connected V2V network and fulfills all the security requirements. v Optimization solutions for placement of a limited number of RSUs within a given area to provide best possible service to smart vehicles. The optimal placement solutions cover both urban areas and highways environments
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Barns rättigheter till en likvärdig utbildning : En studie om barnets rätt till hjälpmedel och stöd / Children´s rights to an equivalent education : A study on the child´s right to aids and supportSköld, Emelie, Andersson, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Syfte med studien är att undersöka hur förskollärarna arbetar med barn som är i behov av särskilt stöd, hur barnen inkluderas i undervisningen och vilka hjälpmedel och resurser de har att tillgå, samt om förskollärarnas arbetssätt och kompetens har betydelse i verksamheten. Genom en kvalitativ metod har strukturerade intervjuer av fyra förskollärare genomförts i Gävle kommun. Utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv har vi sammanställt det insamlade materialet och kommit fram till fyra olika teman som sammanfattar förskollärarnas svar. Resultatet visar att förskollärarnas tolkningar av vilka barn som är i behov av särskilt stöd är en definitionsfråga, förskollärarna inkluderar barnen genom att anpassa undervisningen och miljöerna. Relationen till vårdnadshavare framgår i resultatet som viktigt. Hjälpmedel som förskollärarna har att tillgå kan vara en specialpedagog och olika material som underlättar barnets tillvaro på förskolan. Förskollärarna anser sig ha tillräckligt med kompetens men antyder att mer utbildning alltid är bra. Slutsatsen är att förskollärarna tycker de har tillräcklig med kompetens att möta barnen som är i behov av särskilt stöd, förskollärarna anser även att det är deras uppdrag att anpassa verksamheten för barnen och vikten av att bygga bra relationer till barn och vårdnadshavare. Tillgång till hjälpmedel och resurser ansågs vara tillgängliga när behovet fanns för det individuella barnet som är i behov av särskilt stöd.
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Finding new members of the VelHel-4 streamJohansson, Lucas January 2023 (has links)
According to the paradigm of lambda-CDM cosmology, the stellar halo ofour Galaxy has been built-up over time through the accretion of other galaxiesand star clusters. The remnants of some of these are still observable today asstellar streams, but are typically very faint and difficult to resolve amidst the farmore numerous foreground Milky Way stars. The VelHel-4 stream, discoveredby Helmi et al. [2017], consists of seven members selected based on their energiesand angular momenta. Further studies of these stars has shown evidence ofglobular cluster (GC) abundance patterns, suggesting that the stream originatedfrom a GC progenitor, but a larger sample is needed to verify this signature. Theobjective of this thesis is to find new candidate members of the VelHel-4 stellarstream in order to better characterize its properties and to confirm a possibleGC origin.The preliminary selection of stars was done kinematically, by computing theorbital actions and energies using astrometric data and radial velocities for abright subset of the Gaia DR3 database, and then analyzing the clustering ofstream members in different combinations of action space. The selected samplewas then cleaned by analyzing the positions of these stars in a colour-magnitudediagram. In total, 34 stars were included in the final selection. Follow-up high-resolution spectroscopy of these candidates is needed to study their stellar abun-dances and confirm the possible GC origin of this stream.
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L'Art de l'interprétation chez Pierre HadotComtois, Nicolas 05 1900 (has links)
La présente étude a pour but d’examiner la place qu’occupe l’art de l’interprétation dans la trajectoire du philosophe français Pierre Hadot. Celui-ci est connu avant tout pour avoir redéfini la philosophie comme un mode de vie fondé sur la pratique d’exercices spirituels. Or il a indiqué dans des entretiens où il est revenu sur son propre parcours que c’étaient les difficultés posées par la lecture des textes anciens qui l’avaient poussé à formuler cette thèse. L’hypothèse que nous défendons est que l’on peut retracer à partir de cette indication l’itinéraire herméneutique de Pierre Hadot et ainsi offrir un éclairage nouveau sur la philosophie comme manière de vivre. Cet itinéraire prend sa source dans un moment de conversion, qu’il faut associer à sa formation à l’histoire et à la lecture, concomitante, des Recherches philosophiques de Wittgenstein. Il se présente ensuite selon deux voies qui sont à la fois concurrentes et complémentaires. Pierre Hadot ouvre d’abord une enquête au sujet des métaphores et des images, qui l’amène à forger le concept de contresens créateur, lequel trouve notamment son inspiration dans la métaphorologie de Hans Blumenberg. Il développe dans la foulée une réflexion sur la notion d’auteur qui le conduit à s’intéresser aux notions de sens et de signification telles que mises en avant par Eric Donald Hirsch et à formuler lui-même l’idée d’une « coincidentia oppositorum » entre l’interprétation objective du texte et son appropriation subjective. La redéfinition de la philosophie que développe Pierre Hadot dans sa pensée plus tardive peut être considérée comme étant le fruit de la convergence entre cet itinéraire herméneutique et l’itinéraire spirituel qui remonte à ses années de jeunesse et à l’expérience du sentiment océanique. Elle est révélatrice de l’influence qu’a pu exercer sur lui sa formation théologique, notamment à travers les œuvres du cardinal John Henry Newman et du théologien luthérien Rudolf Bultmann. Notre recherche a par ailleurs pour résultat de montrer le rôle de fil conducteur que joue dans l’itinéraire herméneutique de Pierre Hadot la notion de topos, notamment sous l’influence de la topique historique d’Ernst Robert Curtius. L’exercice spirituel, notion centrale de la philosophie comme manière de vivre, se présente au bout du compte comme un topos pratique, offrant une forme stable qui est néanmoins susceptible d’être réinventée dans le temps et qui peut servir de support à la conversion philosophique pour des générations successives. / Our goal in the present thesis is to examine what role is devoted to the art of interpretation in the trajectory of the French philosopher Pierre Hadot. Pierre Hadot is known, first and foremost, for his redefinition of philosophy as a way of life grounded in the practice of spiritual exercises. He stipulated in conversations where he looked back on his own personal and intellectual journey that the difficulties he found in old texts were what led him to defend this thesis. We argue that it is possible, based on that observation, to sketch Pierre Hadot’s hermeneutical itinerary and thus to shed a new light on philosophy as a way of life. The origin of this itinerary is to be found in a time of conversion related to his training as a historian and the coincident reading of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. It unfolds in two paths that compete with one another at the same time as they complement one another. Pierre Hadot first opens an investigation regarding metaphors and images, which leads him to draw up the concept of creative mistake (contresens créateur) and that finds part of its inspiration in the metaphorology of Hans Blumenberg. He then develops a defense of the author that is related to the notions of meaning and significance as they present themselves in the thought of Eric Donald Hirsch and formulates the idea of a “coincidentia oppositorum” between the objective interpretation of a text and its subjective appropriation. The redefinition of philosophy that we find in Pierre Hadot’s later thinking can be seen as the product of a convergence between that hermeneutical itinerary and the spiritual itinerary that goes back to his youth and the experience of the oceanic feeling (sentiment océanique). It is revelatory of the influence his theological training had upon him and particularly the works of Cardinal John Henry Newman and Lutheran theologian Rudolf Bultmann. Another result of our investigation is to show how the concept of topos acts as a unifying thread in Pierre Hadot’s hermeneutical itinerary, in part due to the influence of Ernst Robert Curtius’ historical topics. The spiritual exercises that are so central to philosophy as a way of life in the end present themselves as practical topoi, whose form is stable and that nevertheless can be reinvented through time and thus can be the support of philosophical conversion from one generation to the next.
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Three-way catalyst calibration and system modelling for CNG engine exhaust aftertreatment / Kalibrering av trevägskatalysator och systemmodellering för avgasefterbehandling med CNG-motorParikh, Khyati January 2022 (has links)
Detta projekt behandlar metodutveckling för att modellera en trevägskatalysator som skulle kunna användas vidare för att uppskatta utsläppen från en Ottomotor. Modellen är byggd i AVL Cruise M för att bestämma omvandlingarna för de tre lagstiftade föroreningarna kolmonoxid, kväveoxider (NOx) och metan baserat på reaktioner som sker i trevägskatalysatorer. Projektet tar också upp olika experimentella metoder och specifika kalibreringsmetoder som används för att samla in data och bygga modellen. Projektet diskuterar två olika kalibreringsprocesser baserade på insamlade experimentella data och antalet reaktioner kalibrerade i varje steg. Dessutom diskuteras programvaran som används och ändringarna som gjorts i den fördefinierade modellen av programvaran. Resultatet efter kalibreringen visade att den andra kalibreringsprocessen gav bättre resultat, men vissa avvikelser observerades i den byggda modellen. Avvikelserna antas bero på följande tre anledningar. För det första, försummar ytreaktionsmodellen föroreningarnas diffusionshastigheter. Dessutom kan komplexiteten hos objektfunktionen som matas in i optimeraren samt de stationära data som används för kalibreringsändamål också ge avvikelser. Dessa tre argument testas i projektet och slutsatserna som dras för att kunna förbättra modellen är följande. Objektfunktionen behöver förenklas så mycket som möjligt, diffusion av föroreningar genom washcoaten kan inkluderas i olika komplicerade steg och syrelagringsreaktioner blir viktiga när man tar hänsyn till transienta förhållanden. / This project discusses about development of a method to model the three-way catalyst which could be used further to estimate the emissions from an Otto engine. The model is built in the commercial software called AVL Cruise M to determine the conversions of three legislative pollutants namely, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and methane based on reactions occurring within the three-way catalyst. The project also discusses about different experimental and calibration methods used for collecting the data and building the model. The project discusses two different calibration process based on the experimental data used and number of reactions calibrated on each step. Furthermore, the software used, and the modifications made in the predefined model of the software are also discussed. The result after the calibration showed that the second calibration process gave better results, but some deviations were observed in the model built. The deviations are assumed to be because of three arguments present. Firstly, considering the surface reaction model which neglects the diffusion rates of the species. Secondly, the complexity of the objective function fed into the optimiser. The optimiser is also a software by AVL named design explorer which helps to optimise the parameters. And thirdly, the use of steady state data only and not including transient conditions for the calibration purposes. These arguments are tested in the project, and it is concluded to improve the model, the objective function needs to be simplified as much as possible, diffusion of species through washcoat could be considered at advance stages and oxygen storage reactions become important when transient conditions are taken into consideration.
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Writing the Apocalypse: Pedagogy at the End of the WorldMay, Talitha 28 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Salvation through Suffering: Imaginative Pilgrimage in Schongauer's <i> Christ Carrying the Cross</i>Lamm, Debra Z. 25 August 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Essays in Experimental and Behavioral EconomicsBradfield, Anthony J. 30 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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