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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tracer populations in the local group

Watkins, Laura Louise January 2011 (has links)
So often in astronomy, an object is not considered for its individual merits, but for what we may learn from its properties regarding some larger population. The existence of dark matter is a prime example of this; we cannot see it directly but we can infer its presence by noting its effects on the stars orbiting within its potential. This thesis describes how various sets of tracer populations can be used to probe the properties of a variety of galaxies in the Local Group. I begin by describing the extraction of a variable catalogue from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe 82 dataset and then use the catalogue to select a high-quality set of RR Lyrae stars. Analysing the distribution of the RR Lyraes reveals three significant substructures in the Milky Way halo: the Hercules-Aquila Cloud and the Sagittarius Stream, which were already known to exist, and the Pisces Overdensity, which was previously undetected. It is a faint, extended structure found at ~80 kpc and is of unknown origin. Altogether, I find that nearly 80% of the RR Lyraes are associated with substructures, consistent with the theory that galaxy halos are predominantly, or even entirely, made up from disrupted satellites. I also investigate the density distribution of RR Lyraes in the halo, finding that it is best fit by a broken-power-law model, in good agreement with previous work. I go on to develop a set of tracer mass estimators that build on previous work which make use of actual (and not projected) distance and proper motion data, reflecting the amount and quality of data now available to us. I show that proper motion data is, in theory, very useful and can greatly increase the accuracy of the mass estimates; in practice, however, current analysis is hampered by the large errors inherent in the proper motion data. The results are also subject to mass-anisotropy degeneracy, which current data is not yet able to break. Nevertheless, I am able to estimate the mass of the Milky Way to be M = 2.7 ± 0.5 x 10¹² Msun and the mass of M31 to be M = 1.5 ± 0.4 x 10¹² Msun. Andromeda XII and Andromeda XIV are two M31 satellites that have been dubbed 'extreme' and are thought to be on first infall into the M31 system. I modify the classical Timing Argument so that it can be applied to two external galaxies and then apply it to M31 and each of And XII and And XIV in turn to investigate the properties of their orbits. I then run a series of Monte Carlo simulations to investigate how likely such satellites are to exist and conclude that they are not as unusual as previously believed. Finally, I discuss three upcoming wide-field, all-sky surveys and their implications for the future of the study of the Local Group.

Étude du bulbe galactique avec le Gaia-ESO survey / Study of the galactic bulge with the Gaia-ESO survey

Rojas-Arriagada, Álvaro 09 September 2016 (has links)
Le bulbe Galactique, est cruciale pour comprendre les processus physiques responsables de la formationde la galaxie. L'étude spectroscopique des étoiles vieilles de faible masse permettre de caractériser endétail la chimie et la cinématique du bulbe. Dans cette thèse, nous avons utilisé des données provenantdu Gaia-ESO survey pour mener une étude détaillée du système du disque ainsi que du bulbeGalactique. La distribution de métallicité du bulbe est bimodale. La population riche en métaux montreune cinématique typique de la barre. Elle présente une caractéristique de double RC et recouvre laséquence du disque mince à haute métallicité dans le plan [Mg/Fe] vs. [Fe/H]. Nous associons cesétoiles avec celles de la barre formée à la suite de l'évolution séculaire du disque mince primordial.D'autre part, la population pauvre en métaux présente une cinématique chaude et ne participe pas à laforme en X du bulbe. Ces étoiles semblent imiter la distribution de celles du disque épais dans le plan[Mg/Fe] vs. [Fe/H]. Quand nous comparons la position en métallicité du genou de cette distribution,qui se trouve à [Fe/H]=-0.37+/-0.09 dex, elle est plus élevée de 0.6 dex par rapport au disque épais. Unmodèle d'évolution chimique permet de bien ajuster cette distribution pour les étoiles du bulbe ensupposant un épisode de formation stellaire rapide (<1 Gyr) et intense. L'origine du bulbe pauvre enmétaux reste encore relativement incomprise, mais divers projets futurs devraient permettre de faire ladistinction entre les processus violents ou ceux liés à une évolution séculaire qui ont pu contribuer à saformation / The Galactic bulge, as a massive and old Galactic component, is key to understand the physicalprocesses responsibles for the formation of the Galaxy. The spectroscopic study of long lived low massstars represents an opportunity to characterize the detailed chemical and kinematical patterns of theeventual mix of stellar populations building up the bulge. In this thesis we made use of data comingfrom the Gaia-ESO survey to conduct a detailed analysis of the disk system as well as bulge stellarpopulations. The bulge metallicity distribution function is bimodal. The metal-rich population exhibitsbar-like kinematics, displays the double RC feature and overlaps the metal-rich end of the thin disksequence in the [Mg/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] plane. We associate these stars with the bar X-shape bulge formedas the product of secular evolution of the early thin disk. On the other hand, the metal-poor populationpresents isotropic hot kinematics and does not participate in the X-shaped bulge. When compared to thethick disk, bulge stars seem to mimic their distribution in the [Mg/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] plane. Whencomparing the metallicity position of the so called ``knee'', that of the bulge is found to be at [Fe/H]=-0.37+/-0.09 dex, being 0.6 dex higher than that of the thick disk. A chemical evolution model suitablyfits the whole bulge sequence by assuming a fast (<1 Gyr) intense burst of star formation taking place atearly epochs. The origin of the metal-poor bulge still remains unconstrained, but further research shouldallow to distinguish between violent processes or secular evolution for its origin

The Metallicity Structure of the Milky Way Halo II : Characterising the distant halo substructure

Byström, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
The Milky Way galaxy, like all spiral galaxies, is surrounded by a roughly spherical distribution of stars called the halo. The halo was largely formed when the galaxy merged with smaller galaxies. The stellar population of the inner halo is dominated by debris from one major such merging event, called the Gaia-Enceladus-Sausage, and the outer halo population is completely built up by several mergers. To properly understand this accretion history, the halo needs to be investigated out to large distances so that as much substructure as possible can be traced. The substructure is expected to leave an imprint in the halo's metallicity structure. In this thesis, we use a catalogue of intrinsically bright stars, giants, to probe the metallicity structure of the halo to large distances. It contains 205,727 stars that all have photometric metallicities from the Pristine survey and distances derived from isochrone fitting, and reaches down to [Fe/H] = -4.0 dex and out to d = 96.16 kpc. Its purity is 90 % and completeness is 67 %. We calculate the distance errors by Monte Carlo simulations and introduce a new cut in colour that is dependent on metallicity to reduce contaminants in the sample. This introduces a metallicity bias in the sample that we can correct for because we coupled metallicity and colour. The correction is done by computing weights for different metallicity bins. The final catalogue allows us to create metallicity distribution functions of the halo as a function of distance. These show us that as heliocentric distance, the distance from the Galactic centre or the Galactic plane increases, the overall metallicity decreases. At the closest distances, the thick disk metallicity peak at -0.7 dex dominates, but as we move further out this smoothly shifts to -1.3 dex and then to -1.6 dex, representing the inner halo, while a peak at -2.2 dex, representing the outer halo, starts to become visible beyond 6 kpc and dominates the metallicity distribution past 26 kpc. These peaks are remnants of merger events in the halo, with the inner halo peak being due to the massive Gaia-Enceladus-Sausage merger and the outer halo peak being due to the many, low-mass and thus low-metallicity galaxies accreted there. We are able to see signals from the Sagittarius stream and Gaia-Enceladus-Sausage's apocentric pile-ups in the metallicity distribution functions, showing that the halo's metallicity changes with not only distance but also sightline. We also detect a diffuse, very metal-poor cloud in the southern footprint that may be an until now unknown structure. This catalogue and its resulting metallicity distribution functions are thus a suitable addition to literature at the metal-poor and distant end, as well as the faint end where e.g. Gaia mission data is unable to provide metallicities and distances. / Vintergatan är, som alla spiralgalaxer, omringad av en ungefärligen sfärisk distribution av stjärnor som kallas halon. Denna halo bildades när galaxen sammansmälte med mindre galaxer. Stjärnpopulationen i den inre halon domineras av stjärnor som kom in med en sådan, väldigt stor, sammanslagning med en annan galax som eter Gaia-Enceladus-Sausage, och den yttre halons stjärnpopulation har helt och hållet byggts upp av sammanslagningar med flera galaxer. För att kunna kartlägga Vintergatans alla sammanslagningar med andra galaxer behöver vi därför undersöka den yttre halon så långt ut som möjligt, för att spåra så mycket substruktur i halon som uppstod till följd av sammanslagningar som möjligt. Sådan substruktur förväntas göra ett avtryck i halons metallicitetsstruktur. I denna masteruppsats används en katalog av intrinsiskt ljusstarka stjärnor, jättar, för att kartlägga halons metallicitetsstruktur till stora avstånd. Katalogen innehåller 205,727 stjärnor som alla har fotometriska metalliciteter från Pristine-undersökningen samt avstånd från isokronanpassning. Den når [Fe/H] = -4.0 dex och d = 96.16 kpc. Mängden jättar i katalogen är 90 % och katalogen behåller 67 % av alla jättar i ursprungskatalogen. Avståndens osäkerhet beräknas med Monte Carlo-simulationer, och det införs ett nytt klipp med färg som är beroende av metallicitet för att undvika kontamination. Detta inför en metallicitetssnedvridning av katalogen som vi kan korrigera eftersom att vi kopplade ihop metallicitet och färg. Korrektionen sker genom att vi beräknar vikter för olika metallicitetsintervall i katalogen. Den slutgiltiga katalogen låter oss skapa metallicitetsdistributioner för halon som beror på avstånd. Dessa distributioner visar oss att när stjärnors avstånd till solen, från galaxens centrum samt från galaxdisken ökar, så minskar den genomsnittliga metalliciteten. Vid väldigt nära avstånd är distributionerna centrerade runt -0.7 dex som motsvarar den tjocka disken, men när avstånden ökar, flyttas denna topp till -1.3 dex och sedan till -1.6 dex, vilket motsvarar den inre halon, samtidigt som en topp vid -2.2 dex, som motsvarar den yttre halon, framträder bortom 6 kpc och dominerar metallicitetsdistributionen för halon bortom 26 kpc. Dessa toppar är kvarlevor efter sammanslagningar mellan Vintergatan och mindre galaxer, där toppen i den inre halon uppstod p.g.a. Gaia-Enceladus-Sausage och toppen i den yttre halon kommer från de många lågmassiva och därmed metallfattiga dvärggalaxer som assimilerats där. Metallicitetsdistributionerna visar signaler från Sagittariusströmmen och Gaia-Enceladus-Sausages apocentriska hopsamlingar, vilket visar att halons metallicitet inte bara beror på avstånd utan även på observationsvinkel. Katalogen visar spår av ett diffust metalfattigt moln i det södra observationsfönstret som potentiellt är en hittills oupptäckt struktur. Denna katalog och dess resulterande metallicitetsdisitributioner är en viktig addering till existerande litteratur i den metallfattiga och avlägsna regimen, samt i den ljussvaga regimen där t.ex. data från Gaiateleskopet inte kan bidra med metallicitets- eller avståndsvärden.

The Metallicity Structure of the Milky Way halo I : Creating a stellar catalogue of the distant halo’s red giants

Byström, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
The Milky Way's halo is an approximately spherical distribution of stars surrounding the Galaxy that carries the history of the Milky Way. The outer halo is a Galactic region with long dynamical timescales largely built up by accreted material. Probing its stellar constituents has been historically difficult due to the distances of outer halo stars, making them appear faint. To characterise the distant halo and unravel the history of our galaxy, we thus need to use stars that are intrinsically bright, i.e. giant stars. To draw useful conclusions about the distant halo, these target giants should have metallicity and kinematics information. Therefore a catalogue of distant halo giants with Pristine survey metallicities, Gaia mission data and distances has been created in this work. The cuts used to create this catalogue are made to remove as many dwarf stars as possible and have been tested on a training sample containing spectroscopic metallicities and surface gravities as well as Gaia mission data. Defining giants as being all stars with log(g) &lt; 3.5 dex, we can calculate the purity and completeness of the sample after the cuts have been applied to test which cuts optimise the catalogue. The methods used to cut away the dwarfs are to first plot all stars with positive Gaia parallaxes and fractional parallax uncertainties smaller than 50% in a colour-absolute magnitude diagram and remove all stars from the sample that in this plot populate the main sequence. We then colour-code the colour-apparent magnitude diagram by purity and completeness after this parallax cut has been performed, and select a region in this diagram in which both purity and completeness are maximised, with the final region being (GBP,0 - GRP,0) &gt; 0.8 and G0 &lt; 17.6. The distances to the stars in this region are then computed by comparing their apparent magnitudes to the absolute ones of isochrones. These cuts are then applied to a sample of 6,884,547 stars with Pristine survey and Gaia mission data. The final catalogue is kinematically unbiased and contains 345,303 halo giants. It contains 78% giants and only 4% of giants are erroneously deselected.  With the final sample we are able to probe as deep as 103 kpc into the halo and have created preliminary metallicity distribution functions of different regions of the halo. This sample will be used to further investigate the distant halo metallicity structure and its substructure that was created through merger events.

Finding new members of the VelHel-4 stream

Johansson, Lucas January 2023 (has links)
According to the paradigm of lambda-CDM cosmology, the stellar halo ofour Galaxy has been built-up over time through the accretion of other galaxiesand star clusters. The remnants of some of these are still observable today asstellar streams, but are typically very faint and difficult to resolve amidst the farmore numerous foreground Milky Way stars. The VelHel-4 stream, discoveredby Helmi et al. [2017], consists of seven members selected based on their energiesand angular momenta. Further studies of these stars has shown evidence ofglobular cluster (GC) abundance patterns, suggesting that the stream originatedfrom a GC progenitor, but a larger sample is needed to verify this signature. Theobjective of this thesis is to find new candidate members of the VelHel-4 stellarstream in order to better characterize its properties and to confirm a possibleGC origin.The preliminary selection of stars was done kinematically, by computing theorbital actions and energies using astrometric data and radial velocities for abright subset of the Gaia DR3 database, and then analyzing the clustering ofstream members in different combinations of action space. The selected samplewas then cleaned by analyzing the positions of these stars in a colour-magnitudediagram. In total, 34 stars were included in the final selection. Follow-up high-resolution spectroscopy of these candidates is needed to study their stellar abun-dances and confirm the possible GC origin of this stream.

Archaeologic inspection of the Milky Way using vibrations of a fossil : Seismic, spectroscopic and kinematic characterization of a binary metal-poor Halo star

Byström, Amanda January 2020 (has links)
The Milky Way has undergone several mergers with other galaxies during its lifetime. The mergers have been identified via stellar debris in the Halo of the Milky Way. The practice of mapping these mergers is called galactic archaeology. To perform this archaeologic inspection, three stellar features must be mapped: chemistry, kinematics and age. Historically, the latter has been difficult to determine, but can today to high degree be determined through asteroseismology. Red giants are well fit for these analyses. In this thesis, the red giant HE1405-0822 is completely characterized, using spectroscopy, asteroseismology and orbit integration, to map its origin. HE1405-0822 is a CEMP-r/s enhanced star in a binary system. Spectroscopy and asteroseismology are used in concert, iteratively to get precise stellar parameters, abundances and age. Its kinematics are analyzed, e.g. in action and velocity space, to see if it belongs to any known kinematical substructures in the Halo. It is shown that the mass accretion that HE1405-0822 has undergone has given it a seemingly younger age than probable. The binary probably transfered C- and s-process rich matter, but how it gained its r-process enhancement is still unknown. It also does not seem like the star comes from a known merger event based on its kinematics, and could possibly be a heated thick disk star. / Vintergatan har genomgått flera sammanslagningar med andra galaxer under sin livstid. Dessa sammanslagningar har identifierats genom rester av stjärnor i Vintergatans Halo. Arbetssättet för att kartlägga dessa sammanslagningar kallas galaktisk arkeologi. För att kunna göra en arkeologisk undersökning krävs tre egenskaper hos de undersökta stjärnorna: kemi, kinematik och ålder. Historiskt sett har den sistnämnda varit svår att bestämma, men kan idag bestämmas med hög precision m.h.a. asteroseismologi. Röda jättar lämpar sig väl för dessa analyser. I denna uppsats undersöks den röda jätten HE1405-0822. Den kartläggs helt m.h.a. spektroskopi, asteroseismologi och bananalys. HE1405-0822 är en CEMP-r/s-förhöjd stjärna i ett binärt system. Spektroskopi och asteroseismologi används tillsammans, iterativt, för att få precisa stjärnparametrar, kemiskt innehåll och ålder. Dess kinematik analyseras, t.ex. i verkan- och hastighetsrummet, för att se om den tillhör någon känd kinematisk substruktur i Halon. Det visas att massöverföringen som HE1405-0822 genomgått har gett den en skenbart yngre ålder än vad som är troligt. Denna binära kompanjon har troligtvis övertfört C- och s-process-rikt material, men hur den fick sin mängd r-processämnen är fortfarande okänt. Det verkar inte som att stjärnan kommer från någon tidigare kartlagd sammanslagning baserat på dess kinematik, och skulle kunna vara en stjärna med upphettad kinematik från Vintergatans tjocka disk.

L’archéologie galactique et son application au centre galactique / Galactic archaeology and its application to the galactic center

Nandakumar, Govind 14 September 2018 (has links)
L'archéologie galactique consiste à disséquer et analyser les nombreuses composantes de la Voie Lactée afin de mettre en évidence et distinguer les processus physiques qui contribuent à sa formation et son évolution. Ceci est possible grâce à une estimation précise des positions, des vitesses ainsi que des propriétés de l'atmosphère stellaire des étoiles individuelles qui appartiennent aux différents populations stellaires qui composent chacune de ces composantes. De ce fait, ce domaine dépend non seulement d'observations photométriques, astrométriques et spectroscopiques permettant de mesurer en détail les propriétés stellaires mentionnées mais également de modèles théoriques précis afin de les confronter avec les données observationnelles. Au cours de cette thèse, j'ai mené une étude détaillée sur les effets de fonction de sélection sur les abondances métalliques en utilisant des sondages spectroscopiques aux grandes échelles, suivi d'observations spectroscopiques de petites et grandes résolutions sur les parties internes de la Voie Lactée afin de caractériser la nature chimique du bulbe galactique ainsi que le taux de formation stellaire dans la zone centrale moléculaire (CMZ). Avec les présents et futurs grands sondages dédiés à l'archéologie galactique tels que APOGEE, RAVE, LAMOST, GALAH, etc.., il est essentiel de connaître la fonction de sélection spécifique qui est associée à la stratégie de ciblage de chacun de ces sondages. En utilisant des champs communs et des lignes de visée similaires entre APOGEE, LAMOST, GES et RAVE, et tout en considérant des modèles de synthèse de population stellaire, J'ai étudié les effets de fonction de sélection sur la fonction de distribution de la métallicité (MDF) et sur le gradient vertical de métallicité dans le voisinage solaire. Mes résultats indiquent qu'il y a un négligeable effet de fonction de sélection sur la MDF ainsi que sur le gradient vertical de métallicité. Ces résultats suggèrent alors que différents sondages spectroscopiques (de différentes résolutions et de longueurs d'onde) peuvent être combinés dans des études similaires à condition que les métallicité soient placées sur la même échelle. Tandis que de plus en plus d'observations spectroscopiques des régions externes du bulbe de la Voie Lactée révèlent la complexité de sa morphologie, sa cinétique et de sa nature chimique, les études détaillées sur les abondances chimiques de la région interne du bulbe (400-500 pc) font en revanche défaut. Je présenterai alors des spectres de haute résolution dans la bande K d'étoiles géantes K/M issues de cette région obscure et obtenus à partir du spectrographe de haute résolution dans l'infrarouge, CRIRES (R-50,000) situé au VLT. Je discuterai ensuite la MDF et les abondances chimiques détaillées de notre échantillon dans cette région et également la symétrie Nord-Sud dans la MDF le long du petit axe du bulbe. Un enjeu majeur dans les modèles d'évolution chimique est le manque de connaissance vis à vis de l'histoire et du taux de la formation stellaire de la Voie Lactée. La partie centrale de la Voie Lactée (<200 pc), appelée communément la zone centrale moléculaire, possède un grand réservoir de gaz moléculaire avec des indications d'activités de formation stellaire durant les 100 000 dernières années. J'ai utilisé des spectres KMOS (VLT) de petite résolution afin d'identifier et analyser les objects stellaires jeunes et massifs (YSOs) et afin d'estimer le taux de formation stellaire dans la CMZ en utilisant la méthode de contage YSO. / Galactic archaeology deals with dissecting the Milky Way into its various components with the objective to disentangle processes contributing to the Milky Way formation and evolution. This relies on precise estimation of positions, velocities as well as stellar atmosphere properties of individual stars belonging to different stellar populations that make up each of these components. Thus this field relies on photometric, astrometric and spectroscopic observations to measure the above mentioned stellar properties in detail in addition to accurate models to compare the observed results with. In this thesis, I have carried out a detailed study of selection function effects on metallicity trends using larges scale spectroscopic surveys, followed by high and low resolution spectroscopic observations towards the inner Milky Way to characterise the chemical nature of the inner Galactic bulge and to measure the star formation rate in the central molecular zone (CMZ), respectively. With ongoing and upcoming large Galactic archaeology spectroscopic surveys such as APOGEE, RAVE, LAMOST, GALAH etc, it is essential to know the specific selection function which is related to the targeting strategy of each of them. By using common fields along similar lines of sight between APOGEE, LAMOST, GES and RAVE, and together with stellar population synthesis models, I investigate the selection function effect on the metallicity distribution function (MDF) and the vertical metallicitiy gradients in the solar neighborhood. My results indicate that there is negligible selection function effect on the MDF and the vertical metallicity gradients. These results suggest that different spectroscopic surveys (different resolutions and wavelength range) can be combined for such studies provided their metallicities are put on the same scale. While more and more spectroscopic observations of the outer bulge regions reveal the complex morphological, kinematic and chemical nature of the Milky Way bulge, there is a lack of detailed chemical abundances studies in the inner bulge region (400-500 pc). I will present high resolution K-band spectra of K/M giants in this highly obscured region obtained using the high resolution infrared spectrograph, CRIRES (R-50,000), on VLT. I will discuss the MDF and detailed chemical abundances of our sample in this region as well as the North-South symmetry in MDF along the bulge minor axis. A major challenge in the chemical evolution models is the lack of knowledge about the star formation history and the star formation rate in the Milky Way. The inner 200 pc of the Milky way, the so called central molecular zone, has a large reservoir of molecular gas with the evidence of star formation activity during the last 100,000 years. I used low resolution KMOS spectra (VLT) to identify and analyse massive young stellar objects (YSOs) and estimated the star formation rate in the CMZ using the YSO counting method.

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