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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Weak gravitational lensing studies using radio information

Demetroullas, Constantinos January 2016 (has links)
Weak gravitational lensing has developed to be one of the most powerful tools for studying the (dark) matter distribution in the Universe. Most weak lensing studies thus far were con- ducted in the optical and near infrared. Measuring weak lensing in the radio though, provided it is feasible, can be very advantageous. One can exploit the well known and deterministic beam pattern of a radio telescope and the polarisation information in radio data to reduce shape biases and intrinsic alignment effects respectively. Combining the information from an optical and a radio survey can also help remove systematics from both datasets. This has motivated this study that uses archival radio and optical data to treat telescope systematics and measure an unbiased weak lensing signal using shape information derived from radio observations. Using simulations I have shown that an unbiased convergence cross power spectrum can be measured in the presence of the large scale (θ > 1◦) systematics detected in FIRST and SDSS. The method however amplifies the uncertainties by a factor ∼2.5 compared to the errors due to cosmic variance and noise due to galaxy intrinsic shape alone. Using the shape information from the two surveys I measure a Ckappakappa spectrum signal that is inconsistent with zero at the 2.7sigma. The placed constraints are consistent with the expected signal in the concordance cosmological model assuming recent estimates of the cosmological parameters from the Planck satellite and literature values for the median redshifts of SDSS and FIRST.Through simulations I also show that I can successfully remove position based small scale systematics (θ5). Using the deconvolved information for the resolved sources I calculate a FWHM median size and flux density of 0.5'' and 300μJy respectively. Comparing the source number density and RMS noise of the study with those of FIRST, I extrapolate to predict that the number density of sources at > 5sigma will be ∼5arcmin-2, assuming the target noise threshold for the survey is reached.

Computational modelling approaches for studying protein-protein and protein-solvent interactions in biopharmaceuticals

Hebditch, Max January 2018 (has links)
Antibodies and antibody fragments are the largest class of biotherapeutics in development with many products already available in the clinic. Antibodies are promising due to their naturally high affinity and specificity for biological targets. A key stumbling block to biopharmaceutical development compared to small molecule drugs is the general requirement for a stable liquid formulation, which is often difficult to obtain due to issues with aggregation, phase separation, particle formation, and chemical instabilities. Aberrant solution behaviour limits the production, storage and delivery of the monoclonal antibody. Biopharmaceutical solution behaviour is determined by weak, transient protein-protein and protein-solvent interactions. An attractive interaction potential between proteins in solution can lead to association. Irreversible association occurs when proteins undergo large scale structural changes and aggregate. Reversible association is less severe, but can lead to undesirable solution properties such as high viscosity, phase separation and opalescence, which can lead to difficulties throughout the downstream processing and formulation steps. These problems can become exacerbated during formulation of antibodies when trying to achieve high protein concentrations often required for effective antibody dosage. Firstly, we studied the domains of the Fab fragment using statistical models and continuum electrostatic calculations and found that the CH1 domain is more soluble than the other domains and has properties of intrinsically disordered like proteins which is supported by observations in the literature. We then investigated the immunoglobulin superfamily and found 11 proteins which may have a similarly disordered nature. We present a new web server for predicting protein solubility from primary sequence using an in-house algorithm that weighs the contribution of various sequence properties for predicting solubility. Lastly, we conducted physical characterisation of an antibody and human serum albumin in pharmaceutically relevant buffers and found that the interaction potential can be modelled using spherical models from low to high protein concentration. We hope that the work outlined in this thesis will contribute to the theoretical understanding and modelling of protein solution behaviour.

Att bygga broar : Unga vuxnas användning av sociala kontakter i anskaffande av arbete

Olender, Klaudia, Ask Josefsson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the following essay is to study and explain how young adults use their social networks when it comes to finding a job. This study was conducted using nine semi-structured interviews with young adults with some form of employment. We used Granovetter’s theory about strong and weak ties, Bourdieu’s capital theory, Lin’s social reources theory and Putnam’s reasoning about generalized reciprocity. The result shows that social capital is a decisive factor in how young individuals use their social contacts. The volume of social capital is determined by economic resources, social background and the size of the social network. Less resourceful groups have a tendency to take advantage of the strong ties, i.e. family and relatives, often when looking for their first job. The weak ties, i.e. acquaintances, are used later in life when the individual has greater resources and networks. Individuals from the privileged groups may not always be able to work on their parents’ company as a first job, because they might require certain qualifications to do so. However, these job positions become possible for the young individuals from resourceful groups when they accomplish a relevant education. That's when they get the chance to use the resources that are embedded in their strong ties.

Pohyb stlačitelné tekutiny v časově proměnných oblastech / Compressible fluid motion in time dependent domains

Sýkora, Petr January 2012 (has links)
In this work we study the existence of weak solutions for compressible Navier-Stokes equations in unbounded time dependent domains. Using the methods introduced in Feireisl E. Dynamics of Viscous Compressible Fluids we extend the results of article Feireisl E. Neustupa J. Stebel J., Convergence of a Brinkman-type penalization for compressible fluid flows, which studies the flow with a "no-slip" boundary condition on bounded domains. Next, we extend results of article Feireisl E. Kreml O. Nečasová Š. Neustupa J. Stebel J., Weak solutions to the barotropic Navier- Stokes system with slip boundary conditions in time dependent domains, which studies flow with compete Navier boundary condition. Finally, we discuss solutions for rotating fluid system. In this case, there are new members in momentum equation, representing the Coriolis and centrifugal force, which cause problems.

Kritéria regularity pro nestacionární nestlačitelné Navier-Stokesovy rovnice / Regularity criteria for instationary incompressible Navier-Stokes equations

Axmann, Šimon January 2012 (has links)
Title: Regularity criteria for instationary incompressible Navier-Stokes equations Author: Šimon Axmann Institute: Mathematical Institute of Charles University Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Milan Pokorný, Ph.D., Mathematical Institute of Charles University Abstract: In the present thesis we study the global conditional regularity of weak solutions to the Cauchy problem for instationary incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in three space dimensions. In the first section, we present an overview of known conditions implying the full regularity of the equations under conside- ration. For the sake of clarity, we expose only the regularity criteria on the scale of Lebesgue spaces, especially in terms of the velocity and its components, the gradient of the velocity and its components, the pressure and the vorticity. In the subsequent sections, we generalize four regularity criteria using two different techniques. We are able to replace one velocity component or its gradient, consi- dered in the known results, by a projection of the velocity into a general vector field. For the purpose of the second method, we also generalize the multiplicative Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality.

Matematická analýza regularizovaného modelu viskoelastické nenewtonovské tekutiny / Matematická analýza regularizovaného modelu viskoelastické nenewtonovské tekutiny

Šalom, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis we provide an existence result for a regularized model of viscoelastic non- newtonian fluid. We consider incompressible fluid with shear rate dependent viscosity and with Cauchy stress tensor capable to describe stress relaxation. An elastic part of the Cauchy stress tensor is governed by Oldroyd-type differential equation. In particular, we are interested in fluids with strong shear thinning effect. We prove that if the viscosity function µ (D) is such that tensor µ (D) D is p-coercive, monotone and has (p − 1)-growth for p > 6 5 and some other additional assumptions are satisfied, then there exists a solution to the system of PDEs describing the flow in a bounded domain. The proof is not simple because the convective term is not integrable with a high power. The problem is solved using Lipschitz truncation method for evolution PDEs. 1

Pensiero debole e tempo do espÃrito em Gianni Vattimo / Pensiero debole and time of the spirit in Gianni Vattimo

Francisco Elvis Rodrigues de Oliveira 03 March 2017 (has links)
nÃo hà / Esta dissertaÃÃo pretende examinar, a partir da perspectiva do pensamento fraco de Gianni Vattimo, a questÃo do retorno do religioso no contexto contemporÃneo compreendido como pÃs-modernidade e como tal fenÃmeno à por ele compreendido como realizaÃÃo de uma era do EspÃrito. De sua perspectiva, Vattimo realiza uma reflexÃo a partir da dissoluÃÃo da metafÃsica e das grandes narrativas, identificando estes elementos como caracterÃsticas da modernidade e, a dissoluÃÃo destes, como sendo a passagem crÃtica para o pÃs-moderno. à luz da aproximaÃÃo que Vattimo faz de Nietzsche e Heidegger, os respectivos anÃncios da morte de Deus e o do fim da metafÃsica, ganham relevo para sua abordagem sobre o retorno da religiÃo e a proposta de um cristianismo nÃo religioso. Uma vez que Vattimo associa a metafÃsica com a violÃncia e a crenÃa tradicional associa-se, por sua vez, com a metafÃsica, este trabalho tenciona demonstrar que a tese do pensamento fraco de Gianni Vattimo surge como agente redutor desta violÃncia metafÃsica.

A teia Browniana radial / The Radial Brownian Web

León Alexander Valencia Henao 29 February 2012 (has links)
Introduzimos uma familia de trajetorias aleatorias coalescentes com certo tipo de comportamento radial a qual chamaremos de Teia Poissoniana radial discreta. Mostramos que o limite fraco na escala difusiva desta familia e uma familia de trajetorias aleatorias coalescentes que chamaremos de Teia Browniana radial. Por m, caraterizamos o objeto limite como um mapeamento continuo da Teia Browniana restrita num subconjunto de R2. / We introduce a family of coalescing random paths with certain kind of radial behavior. We call them the discrete radial Poisson Web. We show that under diusive scaling this family converges in distribution to a family of coalescing random paths which we call radial Brownian Web. Finally, we characterize the limiting object as a continuous mapping of the Brownian Web restricted to a subset of R2.

Os primórdios da fonética e da fonologia na literatura hebraica medieval na Andaluzia em uma \"nova\" leitura da Messorá por Abū Zakariyaʾ Yaḥya Ibn Dāwūd Ḥayyūdj Alfesi / The origins of phonetics and phonology in Medieval Hebrew Literature in Andalusia in a \"new\" reading of the Masorah by Abū Zakariyaʾ Yaḥya Ibn Dāwūd Ḥayyūj Alfesi

Fabio Faldini 08 May 2013 (has links)
Abū Zakariyaʾ Ibn Dāwūd Ḥayyūdj nasceu em Fez, Marrocos, e viveu em Córdoba, Andaluzia, entre os anos 960 e 1010 A.D. Ḥayyūdj ganhou o título de \"grande gramático\" por desvendar o mistério dos verbos fracos. Até então, palavras difíceis eram solucionadas por métodos comparativos (Seʿádia Gaʾon e Yehudá Ben Quraish); ou eram associadas à raízes, atualmente reconhecidas como compostas por três letras diferentes, à mesma raiz reduzida a duas letras ou até uma (Menaḥem, Dunash e David Alfesi). Prima facie, as teorias de Ḥayyūdj emergiram a partir de estudos gramaticais que se iniciaram como um continuum dos sábios tardios da Messorá. Porém, o presente trabalho pretende mostrar a conexão que havia entre Ḥayyūdj e a Messorá, que não foi tratada nos trabalhos acadêmicos consultados. Por isso, espera-se preencher essa lacuna existente na literatura explorando os contextos histórico, gramatical e massorético nos quais Ḥayyūdj estava inserido. Consequentemente perceber-se-á como Ḥayyūdj superou seus antecessores. No decorrer da exposição discute-se como o Texto Bíblico foi veiculado em dois canais paralelos (escrito e oral) e por tradições diferentes (judaicas babilônicas, tiberienses, israelense e Andaluz). Desmembra-se o Texto Massorético em três camadas: Texto Consonantal, sinais massoréticos e anotações massoréticas. Apresenta-se um modelo triangular no qual as anotações massoréticas (qere–ketiv) encontram-se no topo para harmonizar entre o Texto Consonantal e os sinais massoréticos. Analisa-se, diacronicamente, segundo a fonologia gerativa, a profundidade da escrita do Texto Massorético abrangendo a visão dos massoretas tiberienses (produtores) e dos andaluzes (consumidores). Discute-se a afinidade entre a Messorá, as teorias gramaticais anteriores e Ḥayyūdj. Mostra-se que Ḥayyūdj foi o primeiro gramático, fora dos círculos massoréticos, que interpretou os qere–ketiv marcados nas marginais dos códices massoréticos. Discute-se como Ḥayyūdj solucionou as contradições existentes entre as vogais massoréticas e as vogais do Texto Consonantal. Mais especificamente mostra-se como as teorias de Ḥayyūdj permearam os planos ortográfico, fonético, fonológico, melismático e morfológico da gramática. Na ortografia, as formas plenas e defectivas seriam equivalentes; no plano fonético, qamats e pataḥ, tseire e segol e por fim, ḥolam e ḥataf-qamats seriam pares de fones iguais; no plano fonológico, o qamats diferentemente do pataḥ, tseire diferentemente do segol, e ḥolam diferentemente do ḥataf-qamats seriam seguidos por uma espécie de arquifonema amorfo inspirado na Messorá e nas letras de prolongação do árabe: o sākin layyin traduzido para o português como \"repouso frágil\"; no plano melismático, as vogais massoréticas precederiam os melismas; no plano morfológico, o hebraico seria enquadrado no modelo estrutural das línguas semíticas. Em suma, mostra-se que com base no sākin layyin, Ḥayyūdj abandonou o modelo mental arraigado em seus antecessores para desenvolver teorias sólidas que solucionariam o problema dos verbos fracos e que simultaneamente traria harmonia entre o Texto Massorético e a tradição oral andaluza. / Abū Zakariyaʾ Ibn Dāwūd Ḥayyūj was born in Fez, Morocco and lived in Cordova, Andalusia between 960 and 1010 A.D. He earned the title of \"the great grammarian\" for unveiling the mystery of the weak verbs. Until Ḥayyūj, difficult words were elucidated by comparative methods (Seʿadia Gaʾon and Yehuda ben Quraish); or were associated to roots, nowadays recognized as triliteral, reduced to two or even one letter (Menaḥem, Dunash and David Alfesi). Prima facie, Ḥayyūj\'s theories emerged from grammar studies that started as a Masorah\'s continuum. However, the present work we show the link between Ḥayyūj and the Masorah, something that was not well explained in in the academic papers checked by the author. For this reason, we expect to fill the gap left in the literature analyzing Ḥayyūj theories vis-à-vis their historical, grammatical and Masoretic contexts. Therefore, we see the way Ḥayyūj revolutionized the grammar at all the levels studied at that time. The present work, discusses how the Biblical Text was transmitted by two parallel channels (written and oral) and by different traditions (Jewish-Babylonian, Tiberian, Andalusian and Israeli). We show how the Masoretic Text is composed by three layers: Consonantal Text, Masoretic signs and Masoretic annotations. We show a triangular model in which Masoretic annotations (qere-ketiv) are at the top in order to harmonize the Consonantal Text and the Masoretic signs. We diachronically analyze, according to the Orthographic Depth Hypothesis – a generative phonology\'s branch – the depth of the script of the Masoretic Text, covering the points of view of both the Tiberian (producer) and the Andalusian schools (consumer). We discuss the affinity between the Masorah, the previous grammar theories and Ḥayyūj theories. We show that Ḥayyūj was the first grammarian that clarified the Masorah, out of the Masoretic circles, who explained the qere-ketiv written in the Masoretic codice\'s margins. We discuss how Ḥayyūj solved contradictions between the Masoretic vowels, the Text Consonantal vowels and the qere-ketiv. More specifically, we discuss how Ḥayyūj\'s theories permeated into orthographic, phonetic, phonological, melismatic and morphological grammar levels. Ḥayyūj showed that in orthographic level, the full and defective forms were equivalent; in the phonetic level, qamats and pataḥ, tseire and segol, and ḥolam and ḥataf-qamats were pairs of equal phones; in the phonological level, qamats differently from pataḥ, tseire differently from segol, and ḥolam differently from ḥataf-qamats were followed by a kind of amorphous archiphoneme inspired in the Masorah and in the Arabic long letters: the sākin layyin; on the melismatic level, the Masoretic vowels had priority over the melismatic signs. In the morphological level, the Hebrew language could be considered within the structural model of Semitic languages. In other words, we show that, based on the sākin layyin, Ḥayyūj abandoned the mental model deep-rooted in his predecessors to develop consistent theories that solved the weak verbs problem and, at the same time, showed the harmony between the Masoretic Text and the Andalusian oral tradition.

Control and stability enhancement of grid-interactive voltage source inverters under grid abnormalities

Adib, Aswad January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering / Behrooz Mirafzal / Voltage source inverters (VSIs) are an essential interface for grid integration of renewable energy resources. Grid-tied VSIs are employed in power grids to integrate distributed generation units, e.g. photovoltaic arrays, wind turbines and energy storage units, to the utility and extract the maximum energy from the DG units in an efficient manner. However, the stability of VSIs and by extension the entire DG system can be degraded under abnormal grid conditions. In this dissertation, new control and switching techniques for stability and power quality improvement of grid-tied VSIs under abnormal grid conditions are presented. For grids with a low inertia and a low short-circuit ratio, commonly referred to as weak grids, grid connection may make VSIs susceptible to voltage distortion and instability. In this dissertation, through root locus analysis of a detailed state-space model, the design of several circuit and control parameters of the grid-tied VSI are evaluated for improving stability in weak grids. It is shown that grid-side filter inductances can be increased for stable operation of VSIs in weak grids. Accordingly, a virtual inductance emulating the effect of an increased inductance in the grid-side filter is developed in this dissertation, which enables stable operation of VSIs in weak grids without the tradeoffs, i.e. additional voltage drop, increased cost and larger size, associated with a larger inductor. The virtual inductance scheme is realized through the injection of a feedforward current element in the VSI controller through a gain component. The measured grid currents, which are sensed for regular VSI controller operation, are employed as the feedforward component eliminating the need for any additional sensors for the utilization of this control scheme. Furthermore, a direct model reference adaptive control (MRAC) scheme is employed in this dissertation to tune the virtual inductance gain block according to a stable reference model for varying grid conditions. The use of direct MRAC scheme allows tuning of the virtual inductance block without the need for a plant parameter estimation stage. The virtual inductance scheme enables stable operation of VSIs in weak grids without system parameter redesign, thereby maintaining the steady-state performance of the system. The efficacy of the virtual inductance feedforward scheme is verified through hardware tests carried out on a three-phase grid-tied experimental setup. Along with extracting energy from the DG sources, grid-tied VSIs are capable of providing various ancillary services to the utility under abnormal conditions. However, providing ancillary services could drive the inverter voltages beyond the linear modulation region resulting in grid current distortions, which could violate the requirements for grid integration of DGs. An atypical pulse width modulation (PWM) technique is proposed in this dissertation, which maximizes the dc-bus utilization of VSIs, which in turn enables the VSIs to supply the maximum extracted power from the DG units to the grid when providing ancillary services while operating in the linear modulation region. The switching scheme is realized by injecting common mode components in the PWM references, computed based on instantaneous reference magnitudes. The proposed scheme is suitable when providing both symmetrical and asymmetrical ancillary services. In this dissertation, negative-sequence compensation and harmonic compensation are employed as instances of symmetrical and asymmetrical ancillary services. The proposed scheme can be integrated with any control scheme and carrier-based PWM combinations. The efficacy of the proposed atypical PWM scheme is verified through both simulation and hardware tests.

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