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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementation of a Geoserver Applicatoin For GIS Data Distribution and Manipulation

Kommana, Karteek January 2013 (has links)
Accessibility and Interactivity are keywords of information today and that is equally important in science as anywhere else. When scientists share information it benefits if it is intuitive, informative and simple and does not demand expert skills in complicated formats. This master thesis has the aim to investigate open source software tools to design a web map application that can be used by any institute or NGO to distribute their data over internet. The Java platform to be implemented is the open source OpenLayers which allow users to view and potentially manipulate GIS map data through a web map application. Whatever GIS data made available on the Geoserver (the host site for the application) can be shared to users worldwide. The user can then: add from a list of available data layers, choose background (e.g. Google Earth, Open Street Map, etc.), zoom in and out, pan, change symbols and colors, add their own data on top and start animation (if applicable). The data distributed from the Geoserver can also be viewed and accessed from smartphones whichopens the possibility to make the public part of the larger data gathering task of specific scientific inventories like observations of migrating birds, or whatever indicator a specific scientist is interested in. Data is uploaded to the Geoserver and can then be analyzed and the result is distributed to the public.

Interopérabilité des éléments de métadonnées : vers une approche sémantique

Bizimana, Bernard January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le contexte aussi ouvert et évolutif que celui du Web, les ressources à décrire se sont diversifiées créant ainsi de nouveaux besoins de description auxquels un schéma générique tel que le Dublin Core ne pouvait répondre. De nombreux schémas de métadonnées ont été ainsi développés, le plus souvent sans aucune concertation; les concepteurs étant généralement guidés par la nécessité de répondre à des objectifs spécifiques de leurs communautés respectives. Cette prolifération des schémas est à l'origine de plusieurs problèmes, notamment celui de l'interopérabilité des éléments de métadonnées. L'interopérabilité des métadonnées peut être considérée selon deux niveaux: syntaxique et sémantique. Le niveau syntaxique porte sur la structure des messages échangés et vise à garantir la cohérence dans la manière dont les informations échangées sont représentées. C'est ici qu'entre en jeu le langage XML qui fournit un format de données standard pour permettre l'échange de données entres systèmes hétérogènes. Le niveau sémantique porte sur la signification des messages. Son rôle est de s'assurer que les échanges qui s'effectuent conservent leur sens afin que les parties communicantes aient une compréhension commune de la signification des données qu'elles s'échangent. L'interopérabilité sémantique est actuellement considérée comme le problème le plus important qui affecte la qualité de la recherche et de l'échange d'information. La solution à ce problème d'interopérabilité des métadonnées repose sur une approche centrée sur les communautés d'intérêt. En effet, les niveaux de difficulté et les défis à relever sont d'autant plus grands que l'on s'éloigne d'une communauté spécifique donnée et les coûts pour atteindre l'interopérabilité augmentent sans que la qualité des résultats soit garantie. Par contre, au sein d'un même domaine de connaissances ou d'une même communauté, l'homogénéité si relative soit-elle, réduit le taille des obstacles à surmonter et rend l'interopérabilité sémantique tout à fait réalisable. Plusieurs techniques ont été proposées afin d'assurer l'interopérabilité des métadonnées. Le mapping est la technique la plus utilisée. Néanmoins, ce processus est extrêmement coûteux surtout lorsque le nombre de schémas devient important et il est peu efficace pour résoudre des problèmes de sémantique puisque, dans la plupart des cas, une intervention humaine est requise. La véritable solution au problème d'interopérabilité des métadonnées s'appuie sur les technologies du Web sémantique et plus particulièrement sur RDF et les ontologies. Malheureusement, le déploiement de ces technologies s'est avéré fort limité du fait de leur complexité et il faut recourir à des solutions transitoires telles que les microformats ou les annotations RDF incorporées (RDFa). Comme les microformats n'offrent pas l'extensibilité et le niveau d'expressivité essentielle à l'interopérabilité, RDFa a été privilégié et est devenu une recommandation du W3C. Cette approche a été testée en prenant comme exemple la future norme ISO/IEC 19788, le Metadata for Learning Resources (MLR). L'utilisation de RDFa permet de distribuer dans le Web sémantique des notices MLR centralisés dans un référentiel de ressources d'enseignement et d'apprentissage. RDFa permet également de répondre aux attentes du Web 2.0 pour la contribution distribuée à l'indexation des ressources en utilisant les étiquettes MLR. Cette approche permet d'ores et déjà de contribuer à la mise en oeuvre du Web sémantique mais la simplicité de cette solution n'élimine pas, en définitive, la nécessité de passer un jour aux ontologies et au langage OWL lesquels offrent une solution générique d'interopérabilité des métadonnées. Le besoin d'outils faciles à utiliser reste un défi de taille pour la recherche sur le Web sémantique d'autant plus que l'indexation des ressources sera de plus en plus un processus distribué.

Intranät 2 : 0

Zetterström, Johannes, Göras, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen redogör för en studie om hur intranät används i organisationerna Ericsson och KPMG och hur intranätets möjligheter att stödja organisationens verksamhet förändras i en Webb 2.0 miljö. Syftet med studien var att underlätta olika organisationers överväganden om att ta till sig och använda sig av en Webb 2.0 standard i deras intranät. Studien består av en teoretisk referensram som sedan kopplas ihop med de intervjuer vi genomfört som mynnar ut i olika förslag på hur intranätet kan förbättras med Webb 2.0. Den teoretiska referensramen behandlar litteratur och artiklar inom området intranät och Webb 2.0. Vi kom bland annat fram till i vår studie att båda dessa organisationers intranät knappt eller inte alls stödjer den tvärfunktionella kommunikation och sökningar på intranätet gav ofta alldeles för många träffar som resulterade i att personalen inte alltid fick tag i det material de var ute efter och vi visade på hur Webb 2.0 kan lösa många av de här problemen.

Web service matching based on semantic classification

Deng, Feng January 2012 (has links)
This degree project is mainly discussing about a web service classification approach based on suffix tree algorithm. Nowadays, Web Services are made up of WSDL web Service, RESTful web Service and many traditional component Services on Internet. The cost of manual classification cannot satisfy the increasing web services, so this paper proposes an approach to automatically classify web service because of this approach only relies on the textual description of service. Though semantic similarity calculation, we achieve web service classification automatically. Experimental evaluation results show that this approach has an acceptable and stable efficiency on precision and recall.

Superfighters Deluxe : A Game Utilizing Web Technologies

Siigur, Alexander, Hjärpe, Johan January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to provide a deeper understanding of web services, particularlyin the context of an online multi-player game. This paper describes the designand implementation of certain features of the action game Superfighters Deluxe. Thesefeatures include a dynamic website, a user account system, a multi-player game serverbrowser and a system for automatic software updates. This thesis reviews strengths andweaknesses of web technologies such as ASP.NET and PHP and database technologiessuch as MySQL and SQL Server. The technologies used in this project were ASP.NETand MySQL. We determined that these technologies are powerful, reliable and flexibletools for creating web applications. The conclusions of this research are supported by theresults of internal and public testing of the applications. / Syftet med det här projektet var att ge en djupare förståelse för web services, speciellt isamband med ett online-multi-playerspel. Rapporten beskriver designen och implementationenav vissa beståndsdelar av actionspelet Superfighters Deluxe. Bland dessa featuresfinns en dynamisk webbplats, ett användarkontosystem, en game server browser för onlinespelsamt ett system för automatiska mjukvaruuppdateringar. Den här rapporten undersökerstarka och svaga sidor hos webbteknologier såsom ASP.NET och PHP och databasteknologiersåsom MySQL och SQL Server. Teknologierna som användes i projektetvar ASP.NET och MySQL. Vi konstaterade att dessa teknologier är kraftfulla, pålitligaoch flexibla verktyg för att skapa webbapplikationer. Slutsatserna av vår forskningstöds av resultaten från interna och publika tester av de olika applikationerna.

Influencing the run-time behaviour of complex services using contexts

Harrington, Zachary Thomas Tristrum John 22 February 2011 (has links)
Service oriented architecture (SOA) and web services make it possible to construct rich and complex distributed systems which operate at internet scales. However, the underlying design principles of SOA can lead to management problems for processes over web services.<p> This thesis identifies several potential problems with the management of processes over web services, and proposes the use of explicit context as a possible solution. The available options are explored, and the WS-Context specification is implemented and evaluated.<p> The SOA design principles of loose coupling, interaction at an interface, autonomy, and composablity can lead to management problems for processes over web services. Processes over web services where one composite service invokes other composite services which in turn invoke other composite services can lead to complex invocation trees. These invocation trees may be different at different times due to the shifting effect of loose coupling, as new services are swapped in to replace those in previous invocations. In such an environment how well can we define the interface of the top level service in a static document such as a WSDL? Because there is a separation between the ultimate service consumer, and the ultimate service provider how can the service consumer correctly assign fault when a service fails? When concurrency is used, and encouraged, how can we deal with the inevitable race conditions and deadlock? In distributed systems where portions of processes execute on systems beyond our organizational control, how can we pause, or kill these processes? Many of these systems model long-running business processes. How do we communicate changes in process requirements?<p> The use of an explicit context is a potential solution to these types of problems. The abstraction context provides an environment in which the process participants can describe their requirements, query those of other process participants, and react to changes in the environment.<p> A sample context server, based on the WS-Context specification, was implemented using the Erlang language. The sample context server provides the basic operations required to manage and store contextual information about a process.<p> The sample context server was evaluated to determine the cost of employing a context as part of a web service based software system. The performance of the sample server was also evaluated.<p> Test were conducted on the time costs of the basic operations of the context server, and they were found to have a constant time cost. The operations for getting and setting the contents of the context were found to have a time cost dependant on the size of the context. The cost of propagating the context along a chain of service invocations was tested and found to have an overhead which increased linearly with the length of the service invocation chain.<p> The context server was stress tested using a closed loop test which simulated the interaction of a number of concurrent clients, and an open loop test which simulated bursts of arriving requests. The open loop testing showed that the context server could handle 75 concurrent clients. Beyond 75 concurrent clients, the response times of the context server began to slowly increase. The closed loop testing showed that the context server had a maximum throughput of 190 requests per second for bursts of 200 requests with an interarrival time of 4 milliseconds.

Mobile cloud computing

Wang, Qian 15 March 2011 (has links)
As mobile network infrastructures continuously improve, they are becoming popular clients to consume any Web resources, especially Web Services (WS). However, there are problems in connecting mobile devices to existing WS. This thesis focuses on three of the following challenge: loss of connection, bandwidth/latency, and limited resources. This research implements and develops a cross-platform architecture for connecting mobile devices to the WS. The architecture includes a platform independent design of mobile service client and a middleware for enhancing the interaction between mobile clients and WS. The middleware also provides a personal service mashup platform for the mobile client. Finally, the middleware can be deployed on Cloud Platforms, like Google App Engine and Amazon EC2, to enhance the scalability and reliability. The experiments evaluate the optimization/adaptation, overhead of the middleware, middleware pushing via email, and performance of Cloud Platforms.

Verification of Web Services in Support of Choreography

Hsieh, Wen-Fan 02 June 2011 (has links)
In recent years, Web services had been widely used on the Internet. Thanks to the convenient communication technologies and their inexpensive cost, communications between organizations is much easier, and Web services have become a de-facto standard for organizations to provide information and services. There are two different perspectives to describe Web service composition: orchestration and choreography. Works that verify a choreography model so as to alleviating some correctness problem such as deadlock have also been proposed. However the verification of implementations based on a choreography model has not be addressed. In this thesis, we propose an approach to verify the conformance of a set of Web services to a given choreography model and prune some candidate Web services which do not comply with the choreography model to avoid discordance with the choreography model and run-time errors. The proposed approach is evaluated by simulating 10,000 execution sequences of composite Web services. The experimental results show that our proposed method improves the performance of success rate and space usage by pruning the unsuitable candidate Web services.

The Study of Learning Activity Supporting Mechanism on LMS

Chuang, Chia-Yi 08 September 2004 (has links)
The teaching itself involves the factors , such as environment to learn theory , educational psychology , and study ,etc.. A high-quality network teaching website must combine the education expert and specialized information engineering personnel with education speciality , doing the part of one's own speciality each, the education expert designs the teaching schemes needed on the teaching platform, the information expert offers a function interface apt to use to a education expert , do not look for only suitable teaching theory in the specific field to design the system at will . Probe into the teaching activity type that the regular meeting uses the education expert's teaching scheme mainly in this research, including webpage teaching material , person who comment test, on-line homework , topic discuss and is it study as how 's merger give teacher make it plan the teaching activity not to used for activity to cooperate in, and do further treatment to teacher's designed teaching scheme. Not only can protect the advantage with network teaching like this , can also avoid the shortcoming on network teaching , for instance: (1)The beginner is apt to lose the study direction, result in studying the setback ; (2)The aimless one is had a look around, it is unable to build and construct the intact knowledge structure; (3)Cognitive question that overloads ; (4)The knowledge structure is difficult with question that is combined ,etc.. So this research is made in fact: First, offer a interface of course progress to a teacher's editor, the teaching activity of planning course that enables teacher easily , implement teaching tactics of teacher in order to reach automation , teaching of goal arrange system. Second, the inter dynamic increasing between the system and user is designed. After teacher establish course arrange, information notify system will convey teacher or message that student correlated with to in accordance with different situation in advance.

Automatic Web Service Selection for FSM-based composite Web Services

Chan, Chih-chieh 20 July 2006 (has links)
Apply Page rank-like approach to web service workflow field. At the same time, no one try to device an engine that validates a composite web service workflow by means of FSM, which has formal theoretical base. In this work, we presented an algorithm to build up the composition FSM, which is a criterion to know a composition is feasible or not. We introduce nested cycle hierarchy to address the problem that PageRank weight assignment would favor cycle structure.

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