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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza a srovnání uživatelského rozhraní webových stránek oborových knihoven na FF UK a návrhy na jejich inovaci / Analysis and comparison of user interface of the websites of special libraries at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague and proposals for its innovation

Šebestová, Eva January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the analysis and assessment of the existing user interface of the departmental libraries of Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. The theoretical part generally characterizes the discipline of Human Computer Interaction. Furthermore, it characterizes concepts such as user interface, web usability and web accessibility and information architecture. Besides, it introduces the organisation, functions and services of the Central Library of the Faculty of Arts, including departmental libraries. The practical part explores and assesses current condition of the websites of the departmental libraries. The aim of this research is to determine users' satisfaction based on their experience with these library websites. Moreover, the research monitors the users' idea of an ideal website. A further concern is the usability, accessibility, content, design and information architecture of the websites researched. In accordance with the results of the research, a schema of a new human interface for the departmental libraries is designed.

Automatizovaná extracia informácií z internetu / Automated web information extraction

Smotrila, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
1 Web sites offer a huge amount of information. Often it is a page generated from data stored in databases. However, emphasis is placed on the display of information, but not on their machine processing. Part of the thesis is design and implementation of a prototype system to retrieve data from dynamically generated web using programming by demonstration technique. Such a system allows the user to show with mouse to the system how to proceed with gathering information from the website. Based on such a example, the system will derive a procedure to acquire information on similar sites. The implemented system is able to collect user relevant information from similar sites for example in form of a simple table suitable for further machine processing.

Analýza uživatelského chování na webu / Analysis of the Consumer Behaviour on Web

Charvát, Michal January 2010 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to analyze the behaviour of Faculty of Management website users and to formulate on its grounds the recommendations leading to increase of website usability and conversion statistics. The tool used in the thesis for this purpose are the heatmaps, in particular these two variants - mouse-tracking heatmaps and predictive heatmaps. The theoretical part describes the different types of heatmaps, their position within the framework of the web analytics and the principles of working with them. The content of the practical part is formed by the analysis of seven specific web pages and a recommendation for their optimization.

Využití analýzy návštěvnosti ke zvýšení efektivnosti internetových prezentací

Tesař, Milan January 2006 (has links)
Práce se zabývá efektivností internetových prezentací, jejím hodnocením a zvyšováním. Vychází z konceptů posuzování efektivnosti informačních systémů, které adaptuje na podmínky internetových prezentací. Definuje model pro posuzování efektivnosti internetových prezentací. Tento model dokáže integrovat všechny v současnosti používané metody pro hodnocení efektivnosti internetových prezentací a dokáže tak určit jejich roli při zvyšování efektivnosti. Ve druhé části je vysvětlena aplikace jedné z metod - analýzy návštěvnosti - na definovaný model. Práce popisuje teoretické pozadí analýzy návštěvnosti a její techniky použitelné pro hodnocení a zvyšování efektivnosti internetových prezentací.

Využití internetu v podnikání

Krňák, David January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zaměřuje na využití internetu jako prostředí pro podnikání. Pozornost je věnovávána především online marketingovým aktivitám s důrazem na propagaci webu. V práci jsou analyzovány jednotlivé nástroje marketingu na internetu a jejich vliv na návštěvnost a konverzní poměr. Cílem práce je zhodnotit tyto nástroje ve vztahu ke konkrétnímu online projektu a vytvořit efektivní kombinaci internetové propagace danému projektu.

Obsah a pozice copywritingu v životním cyklu webu / Content and position of copywriting in web life-cycle

Přikryl, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Main purpose of this thesis based on analysis, searching and synthesis of accessible sources is to describe web copywriter's role concerning content, to position copywriting into web life-cycle and to prove efficiency of copywriting by its application on specific web site. Thesis' contribution, except from outlining important -- but still unappreciated -- web copywriter's role, is to integrate web copywriting into separate phases of web development life-cycle. Practical part of thesis is beneficial as an illustrative sample of application web copywriting's principles onto existing web site. Thesis is divided into four chapters (except introduction and conclusion). In first chapter, Internet culture and its specialities concerning web copywriting are described, followed by detailed specification of principles and characteristics of web copy in terms of its structure and content construction. The second chapter is dedicated to binding web copywriting to rapidly growing marketing tool called search engine optimalization. The chapter also includes description of content and qualification aspect of SEO copywriter's role. The third chapter explains integration of web copywriting activities into web life-cycle's process model. The last chapter demonstrates on application of web copywriting onto running web site on practical example. Keywords: web copywriting, web life-cycle, SEO, web copywriter, web content

Aplikace metod internetového marketingu a jejich vliv na návštěvnost webu HradecŽije.cz / Application of Methods of Internet Marketing and their Impact on Site Traffic HradecŽije.cz

Krásný, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
The main purpose of this master's thesis is the application of selected methods of internet marketing, checking their effectiveness and controlling their impact to visit rate of regional website. Due to the limited budget my work is mainly focused on inexpensive ways of applications of internet marketing. In the theoretical part I firstly demonstrate the techniques that I deal with. In the practical part I introduce the initial situation of the regional website, including the specifics of its visit rate. After the describing and application of marketing changes, I analyze the same metrics one year later to detect differences and development of website. In the conclusion I offer the concrete recommendations for managers of regional website.

Změna v přístupech v SEO po updatech Penguin a Panda / Changes in the approach to SEO after Panda and Penguin Updates

Potužáková, Karolína January 2014 (has links)
Search engine algorithms are constantly improved in order to provide the highest quality and most relevant results for the user. Google algorithm updates called Panda and Penguin have recently been one of the most significant and many websites that use black hat SEO techniques were hit by them. Nowadays, using this search optimization's techniques raises the risk of Google penalty, which in most of the cases cause decrease in traffic from organic search. The aim of this thesis is to describe techniques of search engine optimization (SEO) and their possible impact on website's ranking. The thesis also aims to verify whether Penguin and Panda updates have the impact on websites for which the methods of black hat SEO have been used and specify the result of this impact. In the theoretical part of this thesis it is described function of search engines Seznam.cz and Google, their algorithm change in history and possible factors on which the ranking score is based. Briefly are also described tools, which can be used to identify and analyze possible causes of penalization. After reading this thesis, the reader will have a basic orientation in search engine optimization methods and their appropriate use. Also, he will be able to recognize possible causes of Google penalty and propose an appropriate strategy for its removal.

Content strategy: Příprava a návrh obsahu pro web organizace / Content strategy: preparation and designing web content for the organization

Ambrož, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The work deals with the content strategy, methods and techniques how to prepare, design and create web content according to established goals. The theoretical part defines role of the content strategy, introduces methods, content life cycle and potential benefits and outputs of the content strategy in its phases: preparation, analysis, creation, evaluation and content management. Work also discussed the interaction with other fields of web design and legal limits, which affect online content in the Czech Republic. The main objective of this diploma thesis is to design new web content strategy for organization. After describing the initial situation and goals, mentioned methods are used to the systematic management of web content. Thanks to the results of this content strategy (target group definition, competitive content analysis, existing content inventory, keyword analysis, information architecture, style guide, content plan, content model, creation process and content management), readers get the guidance, which can inspire them in their practice.

Vybrané aplikace a služby webu 2.0

Chudán, David January 2008 (has links)
Předkládaná diplomová práce je rozdělena do dvou hlavních částí. První část je teoretická, která se zaměřuje na popis jednotlivých oblastí webu 2.0 a na popis vybraných aplikací a služeb. Druhá, praktická část se zaměřuje na srovnání vybraných aplikací webu 2.0, konkrétně na srovnání blogovacích systémů, online textových editorů a online map. V příloze je uvedeno vlastní šetření formou dotazníku. Hlavním cílem práce je poskytnout celkový přehled o této problematice. Kromě vymezení samotného termínu web 2.0 tedy především přehled aplikací a služeb, které splňují charakteristiky webu 2.0. Vedlejšími cíli je potom pomocí srovnání umožnit uživatelům výběr optimálního blogovacího systému, online textového editoru, nebo online mapy s ohledem na jejich požadavky.

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