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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Study of Absorption and Fluorescence Spectra of Nitric Oxide with Synchrotron Radiation

Tseng, Cheng-Ying 19 July 2000 (has links)
In the absorption spectra, photoabsorption cross sections and oscillator strengths were measured. Quantum defects were calculated to identify the assignments of absorption features. The measured quantities were also compared with previous results. In fluorescence excitation spectra, ultraviolet and visible emissions were observed, and fluorescence cross sections were measured in the excitation region between 140 and 170 nm. The ultraviolet emission is due to the transition B¡¦2£G¡÷X2£S and the visible emission is associated with B¡¦2£G¡÷B2£S and E2£U+¡÷A2£U+ transitions. In the presence of foreign gas, the collisional quenching effect plays an important role on the fluorescence intensity of C(0) and D(0).We measure the quenching half pressure P1/2 of D(0) respectively. The potential well depth of van der Walls molecule NO-M can be derived from the measured quenching half pressure. In contrast to quenching, the fluorescence intensity of C(1), B(9), B(10) and B(11) are enhanced as the pressure of foreign gas is increased. The enchancement of the fluorescence intensity is attributed to the collisional removal of predissociation.

Evaluation of Well Designs to Improve Access to Safe and Clean Water in Rural Tanzania

Kilungo, Aminata, Powers, Linda, Arnold, Nathan, Whelan, Kelli, Paterson, Kurt, Young, Dale 04 January 2018 (has links)
The objective of this study was to examine three well designs: drilled wells (20-30 m deep), closed dug wells (>5 m deep), and hand-dug open wells (<5 m deep), to determine the water quality for improving access to safe and clean water in rural communities. Heterotrophic plate count (HPC), total coliforms (TC), Escherichia coli (E. coli) and turbidity, were used to assess the water quality of 97 wells. Additionally, the study looked at the microflora diversity of the water, focusing on potential pathogens using outgrowth, PCR, and genome sequencing for 10 wells. Concentrations of TC for the open dug wells (4 x 10(4) CFU/100 mL) were higher than the drilled (2 x 10(3) CFU/100 mL) and closed dug wells (3 x 10(3) CFU/100 mL). E. coli concentration for drilled and closed dug wells was <22 MPN (most probable number)/100 mL, but higher for open wells (>154 MPN/100 mL). The drilled well turbidity (11 NTU) was within the standard deviation of the closed well (28 NTU) compared to open dug wells (49 NTU). Drilled and closed wells had similar microbial diversity. There were no significant differences between drilled and closed dug wells. The covering and lining of hand-dug wells should be considered as an alternative to improve access to safe and clean water in rural communities.

Risker och åtgärder för saltvatteninträngning i dricksvattenbrunnar i ett nutids- och framtidsperspektiv / Risks and preventive measures of saltwater intrusion in drinking water wells in a present and future perspective

Bizet, Alicia January 2022 (has links)
Drygt en miljon invånare i Sverige är beroende av enskild dricksvattenförsörjning från grundvatten. För låga grundvattennivåer i grundvattenmagasin, kan bland annat leda till saltvatteninträngning i dricksvattenbrunnar. Syftet med studien var att fastställa om topografi, avstånd till hav, brunnsdjup, jorddjup och jordart är kopplat till kloridhalter i dricksvatten, att undersöka om och vad det finns för risker för saltvatteninträngning i ett framtida förändrat klimat, av klimatförändringar, samt om det finns några åtgärder mot saltvatteninträngning.  Korrelationstestet Kendall’s tau användes för att undersöka om det fanns en signifikant korrelation mellan kloridhalter och topografi, avstånd till hav, brunnsdjup och jorddjup och Wilcoxon rank sum test användes för att undersöka om det fanns någon signifikant skillnad mellan de olika jordarterna. I denna studie fastställdes negativ korrelation mellan kloridhalter och avstånd till hav (p=0,000341), samt kloridhalter och topografi (p=0,0124). Studien visade på att det inte fanns någon signifikant korrelation mellan kloridhalter och resterande parametrar, vilket tidigare forskning dock indikerar. Vad gäller brunnsdjup, fanns en signifikant korrelation mellan topografi och brunnsdjup, vilket kan tyda på att brunnar generellt är borrade grundare i låglänta områden. Gällande jorddjupet kopplat till kloridhalter, antogs det vara för tunt (cirka en meter) för att kunna se något tydligt resultat av korrelationstestet, då ett för tunt jordlager inte påverkar grundvattenbildningen i tillräckligt stor utsträckning. Detta bidrog även till att det inte fanns någon signifikant skillnad mellan jordarterna.  För den andra delen av studien utformades en modell i Matlab, för att undersöka om och hur klimat- förändringar kommer påverka grundvattennivåförändring och därmed även saltvatteninträngning. Referensperioden var 2004-2020 och framtidsscenariona var RCP4.5 och RCP8.5, vilka delades upp i två olika perioder: 2021-2060 och 2061-2099. Modellen visade på att grundvattennivåer blir lägre i ett framtida påverkat klimat, vilket kan tyda på att det är en större risk för saltvatteninträngning. Dock fanns det många osäkerheter och modellen skulle kunna göras mer nyanserad.  För den tredje delen av studien gjordes en litteraturstudie där sju olika åtgärder undersöktes: kontrollering av grundvattenuttag, vattensnåla åtgärder i hemmet, att borra grundare brunnar i riskområden, anslutning till kommunalt vatten, omvänd osmos, ADR (abstraction, desalination, recharge) och SWT (subsurface water technologies). Dessa jämfördes därefter mot varandra genom att ställa upp för- och nackdelar för alla åtgärder. Överlag är förebyggande åtgärder att föredra, dock tycks SWT eller ADR vara bättre än omvänd osmos för redan kontaminerat vatten. / Just over one million inhabitants in Sweden are dependent on individual drinking water supply from groundwater. When the groundwater levels are too low in a groundwater reservoir, it can lead to saltwater intrusion in drinking water wells. The purpose of this study was to establish whether topography, distance to sea, well depth, soil depth and type of soil correlated with chloride in drinking water, to investigate whether there is a risk for saltwater intrusion in a future changed climate, due to climate change, and to investigate if there are any measures to minimize saltwater intrusion.  Kendall’s tau was used to investigate if there were any significant correlations between chloride and topography, distance to sea, well depth and soil depth. Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to investigate if there was a significant difference between the soil types. In this study the results only showed a significant correlation between chloride and distance to sea (p=0,000341) and between chloride and topography (p=0,0124). There was no significant correlation between chloride and the rest of the parameters. However, earlier research has shown that there is a correlation between chloride and all previous mentioned parameters. There was a significant correlation between topography and well depth, which can imply that the wells are drilled shallower in lowland areas. Regarding the soil depth connected to chloride, it is assumed that the soil depth is too thin (about one meter) to see any clear results, since a shallow soil depth won’t affect the groundwater recharge enough. This could also contribute to no significant difference between chloride and soil types.  For the second part of the study a model was built in Matlab, to investigate if and how climate change will affect changes in groundwater levels and therefore if it will influence saltwater intrusion. The reference period was 2004-2020 and the future scenarios were RCP4.5 and RCP8.5, which were divided into two periods: 2021-2060 and 2061-2099. The model showed lower groundwater levels in the future, which can imply there is a greater risk of saltwater intrusion. Although there are multiple limitations and the model could be made more nuanced.  For the third part of this study, a literature study was made, where seven different measures where investigated: to control groundwater abstraction, to install waterefficient techniques in households, to drill shallower wells in risk areas, reversed osmosis, ADR (abstraction, desalination, recharge) and SWT (subsurface water technologies). These were compared to each other, where advantages and disadvantages were balanced against each other. Overall, preventative measures are preferable, although SWT and ADR are better than reversed osmosis for already contaminated water.

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