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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimization of washing steps prior to bleaching of a pulp produced by cooking with ionic liquid

Hashemi, Soraia January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the optimization of washing techniques before bleaching a pulp produced using ionic liquids. One pulp is from softwood and the other from wheat straw. Through experiments with varied temperatures and concentrations, the effectiveness of different washing conditions was evaluated, focusing on their impact on kappa number, viscosity, yield and reject amount for the softwood pulp. The wheat straw pulp was studied using the same optimal washing conditions that gave the best results for the softwood pulp. The results showed that washing at 75°C with 1.5% NaOH was the most effective. After washing, the softwood pulp had a kappa number of 20.0 and a viscosity of 162 mL/g. For the wheat straw pulp, the best result was a wash with 1.5% NaOH at 75°C, resulting in a kappa number of 16.2 and a viscosity of 446 mL/g. The washing process proved effective on a laboratory scale and the next step will be to conduct pilot-scale trials. The trials so far show that there is potential to scale up the washing of pulp produced by ionic liquid-based cooking. After washing, bleaching was performed using sodium chlorite. This method was suitable for laboratory-scale experiments, leading to a kappa number reduction from 20.0 down to 0.39 for the softwood pulp, with a viscosity loss from 162 mg/L down to 152 mL/g and a brightness of ISO 85%. For the wheat straw pulp, the kappa number decreased from 16.2 down to 0.62, the viscosity fall to 272 mL/g from 446 mg/L and the brightness reached ISO 76%. The study demonstrates that washing parameters can be optimized to achieve high brightness of the final bleached pulp without significantly altering its physical properties. The kappa number decreases while the viscosity remains relatively stable for the soft wood pulp, indicating that the process can consistently produce the same results. The wheat straw pulp lost viscosity from a high level. Loss of viscosity must be expected in some extent. The insights from this study reveal that pulp produced with ionic liquids can be washed and bleached effectively under control. The control of loss of viscosity is crucial for industrial applications. Future process development will require efficient chemical recovery. It is not possible to have wastes out of the process. It will be essential to close the process and it will ensure the sustainability of the process.

Dilute acid catalysed hydrolysis of cellulose – extension to formic acid

Kupiainen, L. (Laura) 04 December 2012 (has links)
Abstract New methods are being sought for the production of chemicals, fuels and energy from renewable biomass. Lignocellulosic biomass consists mainly of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Cellulose and hemicellulose can be converted to their building blocks, i.e. sugars, via hydrolysis. This thesis is focused on glucose production from cellulose by dilute acid hydrolysis. Acid hydrolysis has the drawback of limited glucose yields, but it has the potential to become a short-term solution for biochemical production. During acid hydrolysis, the cellulose chain is split into glucose, which undergoes further decomposition reactions to hydroxymethylfurfural, levulinic acid, formic acid and by-products like insoluble humins. The present thesis aims to increase our knowledge on complicated acid-catalysed hydrolysis of cellulose. Glucose decomposition and cellulose hydrolysis were studied independently in laboratory experiments. Kinetic modelling was used as a tool to evaluate the results. The effect of the hydrogen ion on the reactions was evaluated using formic or sulphuric acid as a catalyst. This thesis provides new knowledge of cellulose hydrolysis and glucose decomposition in formic acid, a novel catalyst for high-temperature dilute acid hydrolysis. Glucose yields from cellulose hydrolysed in formic or in sulphuric acid were comparable, indicating that a weak organic acid could function as a cellulose hydrolysis catalyst. Biomass fibres in the form of wheat straw pulp were hydrolysed more selectively to glucose than a model component, microcrystalline cellulose, using formic acid. Glucose decomposition took place similarly in formic and sulphuric acid when the temperature dependence of the hydrogen ion concentration was taken into account, but a significant difference was found between the reaction rates of cellulose hydrolysis in formic acid and in sulphuric acid. The observations can be explained by changes in the cellulose hydrolysis mechanism. Thus, it is proposed in this thesis that side-reactions from cellulose to non-glucose compounds have a more significant role in the system than has earlier been understood. / Tiivistelmä Uusia menetelmiä etsitään kemikaalien, polttoaineiden ja energian valmistamiseen uusiutuvasta biomassasta. Eräs biomassa, ns. lignoselluloosa, koostuu pääasiassa selluloosasta, hemiselluloosasta ja ligniinistä. Selluloosa ja hemiselluloosa voidaan muuttaa hydrolyysin avulla niiden rakennuspalikoikseen eli sokereiksi. Tämä väitöskirja keskittyy glukoosin tuottamiseen selluloosasta laimean happohydrolyysin menetelmällä. Happohydrolyysi kärsii rajoittuneesta glukoosin saannosta, mutta sillä on potentiaalia tulla lyhyen aikavälin ratkaisuksi biokemikaalien tuotannossa. Happohydrolyysin aikana selluloosaketju pilkkoutuu glukoosiksi, joka reagoi edelleen hajoamisreaktioiden kautta hydroksimetyylifurfuraaliksi, levuliini- ja muurahaishapoiksi ja kiinteäksi sivutuotteeksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kasvattaa ymmärrystämme monimutkaisesta happokatalysoidusta selluloosan hydrolyysistä. Glukoosin hajoamista ja selluloosan hydrolyysiä tutkittiin erikseen laboratoriokokein. Kineettistä mallinnusta käytettiin työkaluna arvioimaan tuloksia. Vety-ionien vaikutus reaktioihin arvioitiin käyttämällä muurahais- ja rikkihappoja katalyytteinä. Tämä väitöskirja antaa uutta tietoa selluloosan hydrolyysistä ja glukoosin hajoamisreaktioista muurahaishapossa, joka on uusi katalyytti korkean lämpötilan laimean hapon hydrolyysissä. Glukoosisaannot muurahaishappo-hydrolysoidusta selluloosasta olivat vertailukelpoisia vastaaviin rikkihappo-hydrolyysi saantoihin. Tämä viittaa siihen, että heikko orgaaninen happo voisi toimia selluloosahydrolyysin katalyyttinä. Kun katalyyttinä käytettiin muurahaishappoa, vehnän oljesta tehdyt kuidut hydrolysoituivat selektiivisemmin glukoosiksi kuin mallikomponenttina toimineen mikrokiteisen selluloosan. Kun vetyionikonsentraation lämpötilariippuvuus otettiin huomioon, glukoosi hajosi samalla tavalla sekä muurahais- että rikkihappokatalyytissä, mutta merkittävä ero havaittiin selluloosahydrolyysin reaktionopeudessa. Havainnot voidaan selittää selluloosahydrolyysin mekanismissa tapahtuvilla muutoksilla. Väitöskirjassa esitetään, että sivureaktioilla selluloosasta ei-glukoosi-tuotteiksi on merkittävä vaikutus systeemiin.

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