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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Confiscating the proceeds of crime : the amendments to Canada's Criminal Code, their force and effect

German, Peter Maurice January 1990 (has links)
This thesis examines the amendments to Canada's Criminal Code which target the proceeds of crime by, inter alia, criminalizing money laundering and enabling the confiscation of assets. The amendments represent the central thrust of Canada's contribution in a global effort to stem the traffic in illicit drugs, Canada belatedly following the lead of the United States, Great Britain and Australia. In the thesis, I argue that the amendments go much further than earlier crime control initiatives and represent a paradigmatic shift from the traditional, single transaction, individual-oriented structure of criminal law to one which is both property-driven and premised upon multiple-transactions perpetrated by criminal organizations. The amendments focus on the proceeds of crime, as opposed to the offender, individual or corporate, their avowed purpose being to neutralize criminal organizations rather than punish offenders. The effectiveness of the amendments is inexorably tied to the speed by which criminal proceeds can be seized or restrained and thus they operate prospectively, in anticipation of a later conviction. In order to accomplish their objectives, the amendments draw upon concepts previously the preserve of the private law of contract and tort, introducing some which are foreign to the classic norms and traditions of criminal law and sentencing, both substantive and procedural. The thesis examines the amendments from both a textual and a Charter perspective. In so doing, considerable emphasis is accorded the presumption of innocence, a strong legitimating force in criminal law. Integral to the presumption is the Crown's burden of proof - beyond a reasonable doubt. The legislation's adoption of the civil balance of probabilities test is, therefore, considered its weakest link. Other aspects of the legislation give rise to interpretive and Charter challenges. The thesis also discusses the need for tracing mechanisms, mandatory financial transaction reporting, the development of a strike force approach to implementation and a sharing of proceeds by law enforcement agencies. Further, the thesis decries any use of the legislation as a tool for plea bargaining or to target petty criminals. / Law, Peter A. Allard School of / Graduate

Relationship between Fortune 500 companies with regulatory violations and/or criminal offenses and resulting stock values.

Bhagwat, Tanya A. 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine whether publicly disclosed violations by U.S corporations, resulting in convictions or settlements, erode shareholder investment in the offending organizations. This study was designed to assess whether or not the shareholders' reactions to corporations' violations were related to a decline in organizations' stock valuations across sectors. In addition, this study attempted to assess whether or not shareholder support, expressed by stock prices, declined more after a corporation was prosecuted or reached a settlement for violations, as compared to corporations that disclosed earnings disappointments. Also, this study investigated the stock prices of violating corporations compared to the non-offending corporations from within the same business sector, as well as considered the percentage decline for repeat offenders for violation two compared to violation one. Opposite to hypothesis, results showed that stock prices for the violating companies were significantly greater 12 months after the violation compared to the other months and no significant differences in percent decline between the eight sectors on any of the five decline measures. There were also no differences between violating companies and their matched companies. Companies with a violation had significantly greater stock prices overall than those without a violation.

A study of employee theft in hospitals

Castillo-Pekarcik, Elena 01 January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

Stratagèmes criminels à la jonction des pouvoirs publics et des milieux d’affaires : les élites délinquantes et le processus d’octroi des contrats publics de construction

Reeves-Latour, Maxime 12 1900 (has links)
La thèse a été évaluée par les personnes suivantes: Carlo Morselli, directeur de recherche et professeur à l'École de criminologie; Anthony Amicelle, président du jury et professeur à l'École de criminologie; Jean Bérard, membre du jury et professeur à l'École de criminologie; Carla Nagels, évaluatrice externe et professeur à l'Université libre de Bruxelles L'auteur aimerait remercier le Fonds de recherche du Québec - Société et culture (FRQSC), le Centre international de criminologie comparée (CICC) et l'École de criminologie pour le support financier octroyé à différentes étapes de la rédaction de la thèse. / La recherche trouve ses origines d’un scandale touchant l’industrie de la construction et les milieux politiques au Québec de la fin des années 2000 (à travers les allégations de corruption et de collusion soulevées par les médias) à la fin novembre 2015 (avec le dépôt du rapport final de la Commission d’enquête sur l’octroi et la gestion des contrats publics dans l’industrie de la construction, ci-après CEIC). L’argument principal est que les années de scandale ont permis au Québec de transiter d’une province considérée comme la terre mythique de la corruption au Canada à une entité développant une des structures anticorruptions les plus novatrices et sophistiquées dans le monde. La thèse est construite comme une étude de cas qui s’intègre aux trois grandes sphères de l’étude du phénomène criminel telles que définies par Sutherland et Cressey, à savoir le passage à l’acte, la réaction sociale et le contrôle social (1947, p.1). Dans l’étude du passage à l’acte, le concept de crime étatico-corporatif est mis à profit afin d’exposer l’aspect symbiotique des systèmes criminels alimentés à travers une interaction fondamentale entre poursuite d’intérêts publics et poursuite d’intérêts privés. De tels systèmes furent en effet identifiés dans plusieurs municipalités du Québec. Pour cette partie de la thèse, les données relatives à l’ensemble des contrats de construction octroyés par appel d’offres public par la ville de Laval dans son histoire (1965-2013) sont analysées à travers diverses mesures de réseaux sociaux. Cette portion de la thèse utilise également les témoignages issus des travaux de la CEIC, et des entretiens semi-directifs réalisés avec des acteurs provenant de diverses autorités de lutte à la collusion (truquage des appels d’offres) et à la corruption au Québec. La combinaison de ces méthodes permet d’évaluer la nature intégrée, historique et spatiale des délinquances recensées au sein de diverses municipalités, avec des indicateurs de collusion qui remontent aussi loin qu’à la création de la municipalité lavalloise dans les années 1960. Dans l’étude de la réaction sociale, un modèle d’analyse intégratif emprunté au domaine de la sociologie de l’action publique (Lascoumes et LeGalès, 2012) est utilisé pour mettre en relief les forces structurelles, organisationnelles et individuelles derrière la constitution du scandale québécois. Cette deuxième grande section de la thèse illustre comment ce scandale s’insère dans des tendances nationales et internationales d’intolérance accrue du public et d’intensification des contrôles à l’égard des actes criminels (corruption, collusion, pots-de-vin, fraude) révélés au coeur du scandale. Enfin, dans l’étude du contrôle social, l’analyse des témoignages issus des audiences de la CEIC est jumelée aux données découlant d’entretiens semi-directifs réalisés avec 22 acteurs provenant d’agences de contrôle créées à la suite du scandale : l’Unité permanente anticorruption (UPAC), le Bureau de l’inspecteur général (BIG) de la ville de Montréal, et le Bureau d’intégrité et d’éthique de Laval (BIEL). Cette dernière section illustre comment la transition d’une scène réglementaire permissive et hautement déficiente à un environnement réglementaire axée sur une mobilisation sans précédent de ressources policières, sur le partage d’information et sur la poursuite des conduites illégales au pénal s’avère très avantageuse, mais s’est accomplie – et s’accomplit toujours – à travers de nombreux défis pour les contrôleurs. / The research originated from a political scandal which spanned several years (2009-2015) in the province of Quebec. The thesis’ main argument is that the scandal years saw Quebec transformed from being considered the “historical golden land” of Canadian corruption into a province which developed one of the country’s most sophisticated systems of corruption and white-collar crime control. The thesis was constructed as a case-study, and addressed the three principal objects of criminological analysis: the breaking of laws, the making of laws, and the reaction to the breaking of laws (Sutherland and Cressey, 1947, p.1). The study applied multiple methods to achieve these goals. In the study of criminal decision-making (breaking of laws), Kramer and Michalowski’s (2006) state-corporate crime concept was applied to demonstrate the presence of multifactorial features of criminal systems fuelled by misbehaving at the intersection of private and public interests. Such conspiracies were found to be generalized across several municipalities throughout the province. For this portion of the thesis, data on all construction contracts awarded through public procurement in the entire history of what appeared to be one of Canada’s most corrupt municipalities, Laval (the 13th largest in the country), was systematically collected from 1965 to 2013. It was then analyzed using various social network measures. Testimonies from Quebec’s Commission of inquiry on the awarding and management of public contracts in the construction industry (hereafter, CEIC) were also coupled with a dozen of interviews conducted with regulators and corruption authorities in Quebec. The combination of methods helped assess the integrated, spatial and historical nature of illicit activities which undergirded many municipalities, Laval being one of the most notorious one. Traces of bid-rigging indicators in public procurement were indeed traced back to as early as the city’s founding in the 1960s. In the study of the making of laws, Lascoumes and Le Galès’ (2002) sociology of public action framework was expanded to investigate the structural, organizational, and individual forces behind the Quebec scandal. This section of the thesis unravels the sudden urge to legislate and investigate schemes that were deeply rooted in the province’s history. By making sense of the Quebec scandal, this sub-section demonstrates how larger structural and contextual factors gradually established increased incentives for elected officials to enhance legal and institutional controls on white-collar and corporate crimes which were found to be systemic across Quebec’s construction and political scenes. Finally, in the study of the reaction to the breaking of laws, testimonies from the CEIC were combined with interviews conducted with 22 actors in control agencies established as a direct result of the scandal: the Permanent Anticorruption Unit (UPAC in French), the Inspector General Bureau (BIG in French) of the city of Montreal, and the Bureau of integrity and ethics of Laval (BIEL in French). This last section shows how transitioning from a state of practical passivity to one of intense controls, monitoring, institutional rearrangements, and legislative efforts was accompanied, for regulatory and police authorities, by several benefits but substantial challenges as well.

Adult sentenced female economic offenders at the Kgosi Mampuru II female correctional centre (Gauteng) : a criminological assessment of fraud

Mostert, Werda 11 1900 (has links)
This qualitative case study research endeavour is a direct result of limited research on female fraud research in South Africa. The research questions that guided this research are: What are the different pathways and lived experiences of the females incarcerated for fraud?; What are the causes, contributory factors and motives of the sample-specific female fraud offenders? and Can the criminal behaviour of each female offender be explained by means of criminological theories?. Seven adult female offenders voluntarily participated in this research project and their unique narratives, pathways and lived experiences were depicted and analysed to determine the causes, contributory factors and motives related to their offending behaviour. Criminological theories and the gendered theory of female offending were applied to explain their fraud-related behaviours. The findings suggest that overlapping causes (i.e. lack of self-control), contributory factors (i.e. rationalisation of behaviour) and motives (i.e. greed) played a prominent role in the female offenders’ fraud-related behaviours. / Lolu cwaningo lwe-case study yengqikithi ngumphumela oqonde ngqo wocwaningo olufishane lwenkwabaniso eyenziwa ngabesimame eNingizimu Afrika. Imibuzo yocwaningo eyaba ngumkhombandlela walolu cwaningo yilena elandelayo: Ngabe yini imigudu nezipiliyoni zempilo abahlangabezana nayo abesimame ababoshelwe inkwabaniso?; Ngabe yini izimbangela zenkwabaniso, yini izinto ezinomthelela kanye nezinto ezigqugquzele abesimame abenza amacala enkwabaniso kulabo ababeyisampuli yabesimame abenza inkwabaniso? kanti futhi, Ngabe ukuziphatha kobugebengu kwabesimame abanamacala kungachazwa ngamathiyori emfundo ngobubegengu? Abesimame abayisikhombisa abanamacala enkwabaniso bangenela ucwaningo ngokuzithandela kuleprojekthi yocwaningo, kanti izipiliyoni zempilo yabo kwachazwa futhi kwahlaziyiwa ukuthola izimbangela, izinto ezibe nomthelela kanye nezinto ezigqugquzele ukuziphatha kwabo kobugebengu. Amathiyori emfundo ngobugebengu kanye namathiyori ngabesimame abenza amacala nawo asetshenziswa ukuchaza ukuziphatha kwabo kwenkwabaniso. Imiphumela yocwaningo ithole ukuxhumana kwezimbangela (isib. ukwehluleka ukuzilawula, ezinye izinto ezibe nomthelela (ukuzichaza impatho yabo ngezindlela ezithile), okubagqugquzelile (isib. umhobholo) konke lokhu kwaba nendima enkulu kwabesimame abenze amacala enkwabaniso nokuziphatha kwabo. / Patlisiso eno e e lebelelang mabaka mo kgetseng e e rileng ke ditlamorago ka tlhamalalo tsa dipatlisiso tse di lekanyeditsweng tsa patlisiso ya boferefere jo bo dirwang ke basadi mo Aforikaborwa. Dipotsopatlisiso tse di kaetseng patlisiso eno ke: Dikgato tse di farologaneng gongwe maitemogelo a basadi ba ba tshwaretsweng boferefere ke afe?; Mabaka, dintlha tse di tshwaelang le maitlhomo a batlolamolao ba boferefere ba basadi ba ba dirisitsweng jaaka sampole ke eng? le A maitsholo a bosenyi a motlolamolao mongwe le mongwe wa mosadi a ka tlhalosiwa ka ditiori tsa bosenyi? Batlolamolao ba basadi ba le supa ba ithaopile go nna le seabe mo porojekeng eno ya patlisiso mme dikgang tsa bona tse di kgethegileng, dikgato le maitemogelo a ba a tshetseng di tlhagisitswe le go sekasekwa go swetsa gore mabaka, dintlha tse di tshwaelang le maitlhomo a a amanang le mokgwa wa bona wa tlolomolao ke afe. Ditiori tsa bosenyi le tiori e e amanang le bong ya tlolomolao ya basadi di dirisitswe go tlhalosa mekgwa ya bona e e amanang le boferefere. Diphitlhelelo di supa gore mabaka (go tewa go tlhoka go itaola), dintlha tse di tshwaelang (go tewa go leka go tlhalosa mabaka a maitsholo) le maitlhomo (go tewa bogagapa) a nnile le seabe se segolo mo maitsholong a amanang le boferefere a batlolamolao ba basadi. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)

Motiewe vir die pleging van bedrog; kriminologiese studie aan die hand van die misdaadgebeurtenismodel

Lambrechts, Gideon Albertus Jacobus 30 April 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Fraud is a worldwide phenomenon that is on the increase and a reason for serious concern. It is a priority crime in South Africa with serious implications both financial and socially. Fraud costs this country R150 milliard, almost three times the cost of the controversial weapon transaction. This was the goals of the researcher to determine what motivates the offender to commit fraud and how can fraud be explained in this study. A qualitative approach was followed due to the qualitative nature of the concept motivation. This resulted in a two-phase approach namely a documentary study, which was followed by interviews with experts in the field of fraud. Ten pre-sentence court reports of fraudsters were studied where after the outcome was discussed with these experts. The criminal event model served as framework for this study. Strain was incorporated as an additional component in the explanation of fraud. / Criminology / M. A. (Criminology)

Motiewe vir die pleging van bedrog; kriminologiese studie aan die hand van die misdaadgebeurtenismodel

Lambrechts, Gideon Albertus Jacobus 30 April 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Fraud is a worldwide phenomenon that is on the increase and a reason for serious concern. It is a priority crime in South Africa with serious implications both financial and socially. Fraud costs this country R150 milliard, almost three times the cost of the controversial weapon transaction. This was the goals of the researcher to determine what motivates the offender to commit fraud and how can fraud be explained in this study. A qualitative approach was followed due to the qualitative nature of the concept motivation. This resulted in a two-phase approach namely a documentary study, which was followed by interviews with experts in the field of fraud. Ten pre-sentence court reports of fraudsters were studied where after the outcome was discussed with these experts. The criminal event model served as framework for this study. Strain was incorporated as an additional component in the explanation of fraud. / Criminology and Security Science / M. A. (Criminology)

Combating financial crime : evaluating the prospect of a whole-of-government approach

Botha, André Eduan 28 June 2018 (has links)
Tax crimes, money laundering and other financial crimes threaten the strategic, political and economic interests of developed and developing countries. The problems encountered by the researcher, is the broad and vague meaning of financial crime compounded by the confusing and ill-considered use of the term by law- and policymakers, politicians, government agencies, agency officials and practitioners weakening effective communication about the phenomenon. The literature shows that given the complexity and multi-faceted nature of financial crime, combating financial crime in all its facets cannot be undertaken by investigative agencies acting in isolation. This study was undertaken with the aim to describe and systematically categorise financial crime and evaluate the prospect of using a Whole-of-Government approach as a framework to harness the capacity of the existing government agencies to combat financial crime more effectively. The research was underpinned by a pragmatic paradigm allowing the researcher to apply a qualitative research methodology using an exploratory and evaluation research design. A detailed review of the literature available nationally and internationally was conducted to establish a conceptual and practical understanding of the issues under investigation. An interview schedule with predetermined questions was developed, pre-tested and administered to participants who are active practitioners involved in combating financial crime in the primary government agencies responsible for combating financial crime based on a purposive sample. The data obtained from the literature and participants were analysed, interpreted and thematically listed according to the frequency with the aim of identifying and comparing similarities and differences between the data. The data was used to develop a system to categorise financial crime systematically based on descriptors used to describe the meaning and application of the term financial crime and to propose practical methods practises and models to combat financial crime more effectively. This research indicates that financial crime can be systematically categorised according to descriptors of the unlawful conduct and that the whole of government approach is a viable approach to combat financial crime more effectively according to the available models for arranging Whole-of-Government work. / Police Science / D.Litt. et Phil. (Police Science)

An assessment of the multi-disciplinary approach to investigate corruption in the South African public service

Smit, Christoffel Johannes 01 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study is to assess the multi-disciplinary approach in the investigation of corruption in the South African public service. Data was collected by means of in-depth interviews conducted with members of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation’s Anti-Corruption Task Team to gain a comprehensive understanding of their experiences regarding the effectiveness of the Anti-Corruption Task Team in the investigation of corruption within the public service. In addition, the researcher conducted a comprehensive literature study of local and international legislation to curb corruption, supplemented with various multi-disciplinary approaches employed internationally. Furthermore, various global Anti-Corruption Agencies were studied to comprehend their functions and efficacy. The findings of the research identified and described various impediments facing the Anti-Corruption Task Team’s effectiveness in investigating corruption within the public service. As a result, this study recommends the need to establish a single Anti-Corruption Agency with a comprehensive mandate to prevent, investigate, and educate on corruption, to critically safeguard the independence of the Anti-Corruption Task Team against political interference, as well as the allocation of adequate resources and budget for its effective operation. The research identified best practices globally to combat corruption, which can be used to amend the current anti-corruption practices to suit the South African public service. Consequently, this study contributes significantly towards effective anti-corruption investigation in the South African public service. / Maikemišetšo a dinyakišišo tše ke go lekola mokgwa wa go kopanya dikarolo tše mmalwa tša thuto go nyakišiša bomenetša ka ditirelong tša setšhaba tša Afrika Borwa. Data e kgobokeditšwe ka mokgwa wa dipoledišano tše di tletšego tšeo di dirilwego le maloko a Sehlophatšhomo sa Twantšho ya Bomenetša sa Ofisi ya Molaodimogolo wa Dinyakišišo tša Bosenyi bjo Bogolo go hwetša kwešišo ya maitemogelo a bona a go šoma ga Sehlophatšhomo sa Twantšho ya Bomenetša mo go nyakišišeng bomenetša mo ditirelong tša setšhaba. Go tlaleletše, monyakišiša o dirile dinyakišišo tše di tletšego tša dingwalwa tša peomolao ya gae le ya ditšhabatšhaba tšeo maikemišetšo a tšona e lego go fokotša bomenetša le mekgwa ya go kopanya dikarolo tše mmalwa tša thuto yeo e dirišwago ditšhabatšhabeng. Go tlaleletša, mekgatlo ya twantšho ya bomenetša bja lefase ya go fapana e nyakišišitšwe go kwešiša mešomo le mehola ya yona. Monyakišiši o utollotše le go hlaloša mapheko a go fapana go moholo wa dinyakišišo ka Sehlophatšhomo sa Twantšho ya Bomenetša mo bomenetšeng ka ditirelong tša mmušo. Ka lebaka leo, dinyakišišo di digela tlhokego ya go thoma mokgatlo o tee wa go lwantšha bomenetša wa taolela ye kgolo ya go thibela, go nyakišiša le go ruta ka ga bomenetša; go šireletša boikemelo bja sehlophatšhomo sa twantšho ya bomenetša le go thibela go tsenatsena ga dipolotiki; le go aba methopo yeo e lekanego le ditekanetšo gore e šome gabotse. Dinyakišišo di utollotše tirišo ye botse go feta ka moka lefaseng ka moka go lwantšha bomenetša, yeo e swanetšwego go mpshafatšwa go fihlelela dinyakwa tša ditirelo tša setšhaba tša Afrika Borwa. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukuhlola inqubo ebandakanya amadisiplini ehlukene ukuphenyisisa ngenkohlakalo kwezezimali kumkhakha wabasebenzi bakahulumeni eNingizimu Afrika. Idata iqoqwe ngokwenza ama-interview ajulile enziwe nabethimba elilwisana nezinkohlakalo kwezezimali, i-Anti-Corruption Task team lwabophiko lwabenza uphenyiso lobugebengu obukhulu lwe-Directorate of Priority Crime Investigation ukuthola ukuqondisisa okujulile ngezipiliyoni zabo ngokusebenza ngendlela enomphumela kwethimba le-Anti-Corruption Task Team ekuphenyisiseni ngenkohlakalo kwezezimali kumkhakha wabasebenzi bakahulumeni. Nangaphezu kwalokho, umcwaningi uye wafunda ngokujulile ngemibhalo yocwaningo imibhalo yemithetho yezwe kanye nemithetho yamazwe omhlaba enenhloso yokulwisana nenkohlakalo kwezezimali, kanye nezinqubo ezihlanganisa amadisiplini ehlukene ezisetshenziswa kumazwe omhlaba. Nangaphezu kwalokho, ama-ejensi omhlaba alwa nezinkohlakalo nawo kwafundwa ngawo ukuqondisisa imisebenzi yawo kanye nemiphumela yemisebenzi yawo. Umcwaningi waphawula kanye nokuchaza izihibe ezihlukene maqondana nokusebenza ngendlela enomphumela kophenyisiso olwenziwa ngabethimba le-Anti-Corruption Task Team kwinkohlakalo kwezeziali emkhakheni wabasebenzi bakahulueni. Ngenxa yalokhu, ucwaningo luncoma isidingo sokuthi kusungulwe i-ejensi eyodwa enamagunya ajulile okuvimbela, ukuphenyisisa kanye nokufundisa ngezindlela zokulwa nenkohlakalo kwezezimali; ukuvikela ukuzimela kwethimba lokulwa nenkohlakalo kanye nokuvimbela ukuthi ithimba lingaphazanyiswa ngabezepolitiki; kanye nokuhlinzeka ngemithombo eyenele kanye namabhajethi ukuze ithimba lisebenze kahle ngendlela enomphumela. Ucwaningo luphawule izindlela ezingcono kuwo wonke umhlaba zokulwa nenkohlakalo kwezezimali, kanti futhi lezi zinqubo kumele zichitshiyelwe noma zihlelwe kabusha ukuhlangabezana nezidingo zomkhakha wabasebenzi bakahulumeni eNingizimu Afrika. Kanti-ke futhi emuva kwalokho, lolu cwaningo luthela esivivaneni kuphenyisiso olunomphumela lokulwa nenkohlakalo kwezezimali okwenziwa kumkhakha wabasebenzi bakahulumeni eNingizimu Afrika. / Criminology and Security Science / Ph. D. (Criminal Justice)

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