Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wife""
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Análise, modelagem e predição de eventos em praças digitaisTrindade, Andrea Garcia January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Carlos Alberto Kamienski / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia da Informação, Santo André, 2018. / A utilização das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) está cada dia mais presente na vida das pessoas, gerando mudanças em nosso comportamento, no modo como nos relacionamos, como nos comunicamos, ou ainda na forma como passamos a realizar certas ações. A cidade de São Paulo oferece desde 2014 acesso à Internet gratuitamente em 120 locais públicos através do Programa WiFiLivreSP. Embora estejam disponíveis dados de desempenho dessas praças, existe uma carência de informações sobre o perfil de utilização cotidiano destes locais e o impacto causado por ocorrência de eventos, elevando o número de usuários conectados. Este estudo modela estes perfis, analisando seu uso e procura realizar através da quantidade de usuários conectados a predição de situações atípicas (anomalias), caracterizando possíveis eventos e suas consequências. Para a modelagem e predição foram utilizadas as técnicas SARIMA e Suavização Exponencial Holt-Winters, onde a modelagem SARIMA demonstrou melhor desempenho e a detecção de possíveis anormalidades desenvolvida com a técnica de janelas deslizantes. Este estudo tem por finalidade desenvolver um conjunto de informações à tomada de decisões sobre as praças digitais já implantadas e parâmetros para análises em futuras implantações. / The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) are increasingly present in people's lives, generating changes in our behavior, without terms how we relate, how we do not communicate, and how we do certain actions. Since 2014, the city of São Paulo has been offering free internet access on 120 public sites through WiFiLivreSP Project. Available performance data is available there is information about the daily usage profile of your sites and the impact caused by the occurrence of events, increasing the number of connected users. This study models these profiles, analyzing their use and seeks to perform through the number of users connected to a prediction of atypical situations (anomalies), characterizing events and their consequences. For a modeling and prediction with the SARIMA and Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing techniques, where a SARIMA modeling demonstrated better performance and a detection of possible abnormalities developed with the sliding window technique. The purpose of this study is to develop a set of information to make decisions about how digital places already deployed and for analysis in future deployments.
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Problem med trådlösa nätverkPettersson, Jack, Jansson, Frida January 2014 (has links)
Målet med detta arbete har varit att besvara frågan; ”Varför uppstår det så mycket problem med trådlösa nätverk?”. Detta har gjorts genom att studera relevant litteratur för att sedan kunna utföra två egna studier: en enkätundersökning och tre experiment. Teorin har framförallt hämtats ur kurser och material från Cisco. Undersökningen har hjälpt till att fastställa den generella datoranvändarens kunskaper om trådlösa nätverk. Respondenternas kunskapsnivå visade bland annat på skillnader i hur de använde sin utrustning; de med lägre kunskap om nätverk gick sällan eller aldrig in i sin routers webbgränssnitt. Det vanligaste problemet som uppgavs i undersökningen var en långsam trådlös hastighet; att uppleva svårigheter vid konfigurationen av en ny trådlös router visade sig däremot vara det mest ovanliga. Experimenten genomfördes med hjälp av två accesspunkter och två klientdatorer. De visade bland annat hur kanalöverlappning i trådlösa nätverk leder till minskad hastighet, och betonade även vikten av att välja rätt kanal. Avslutningsvis kunde vi konstatera att varken konsumenten eller teknikindustrin ensidigt kan beskyllas för problemen inom trådlösa nätverk. Båda två har enskilda saker att jobba på. Konsumenterna bör i allt högre grad ta reda på mer om den utrustning de använderför att undvika att ställa till problem, inte bara för sig själv men också för andra. Industrin skulle kunna underlätta genom att dra ner utvecklandet av nya standarder – och inte enbart fokusera på ökad genomströmningshastighet. / The goal with this research has been to answer the question; ”Why are there so many problems linked to wireless networks?”. This has been done by studying the relevant literature to then be able to conduct two self-written studies: one survey and three laboratory experiments. The theory has been taken primarily out of courses and material from Cisco. The survey has helped to determine the knowledge of the general computer-user in regards to wireless networks. The respondents level of knowledge showed, among other things, differences in the way they used their devices; those with less network-knowledge rarely, or never, accessed their routers web-interface. The most common problem that was selected in the survey was a slow wireless speed; experiencing difficulties when configuring a new wireless router proved to be the most unusual one. The experiments were completed through the use of two access points and two computer clients. They demonstrated, among other things, how channel overlap in wireless networks leads to a reduced data-rate, and also stressed the importance of choosing the right channel. Lastly, the work revealed that neither the consumer nor the industry can be solely blamed for the problems that appear in wireless networks. Both of them have separate things towork towards. The consumers should, to a higher extent, find out more about the equipment they use to avoid causing problems, not only for themselves but also for others. The industry could help by slowing down the development of new standards – and to not only focus on achieving higher throughput-rates.
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Šroubovicová dvoupásmová anténa pro WiFi pásmo / Dual-Band Helix Antenna for WiFi bandŠrajbr, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on the properties and types of helical antennas. The helical antenna work in the different modes. These modes are described in this thesis. There are also discussed possibility for design a dual-band helical antennas. The main aim of this work is the selection of a suitable solution and design a dual-band helical antenna for the WiFi band working at resonance frequencies of 2,4 GHz and 5 GHz. The simulation of this antenna was performed in the program CST Microwave studio.
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Videoströmning från trådlöskamera / Video Streaming from WirelessCameraKovacs, Emilie, Abrahamsson, Joel January 2015 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver utvecklingen av en referensdesign för en WiFi-modul från före- taget H&D Wireless. Referensdesignen skulle vara en kamera som kan skicka videodata trådlöst via den nyss nämnda WiFi-modulen. Projektet genomfördes under våren 2015 på företaget som examensarbete för Högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i elektronik och da- torteknik på KTH. Projektet delades upp i tre olika faser: en förstudiefas, en genomförbarhetsfas och en avslutande fas. I förstudiefasen gjordes en litteraturstudie som behandlade vanliga funktioner hos ex- isterande nätverkskameror, videokodningstekniker samt en något djupare studie av olika typer av bildsensorer. Förstudiefasen fortsatte med en analys av olika hårdvarulösningar som skulle kunna användas i projektet. I slutet av fasen valdes den hårdvara som skulle användas i projek- tet. Genomförbarhetsfasen gick ut på att ta reda på om den valda lösningen gick att ge- nomföra. I denna fas skedde huvudsakligen mjukvaruutveckling, under vilken testdriven utveckling tillämpades. En videobuffert samt en HTTP-server för videoströmning togs fram i denna fas. I den avslutande fasen färdigställdes projektrapporten och mjukvaruutvecklingen av- slutades. Mjukvaruutvecklingen för den valda videokodaren sköts upp på grund av att den levererades sent i projektet. I projektet användes en Scruminspirerad projektmetod. Projektmetoden upplevdes fungera bra på grund av metodens flexibilitet och påtvingande av tydliga uppgifter. Vid projektets slut kunde inte den trådlösa kameran färdigställas på grund av problem i kommunikationen med videokodaren. Om videokodaren hade kommit tidigare hade detta problem troligtvis hunnit åtgärdas innan projektets slut, men det är osäkert om implementationen hade hunnit färdigställas ändå på grund av den korta tid som fanns tillgänglig. Trots att projektet inte hann färdigställas helt har det gett många nyttiga lärdomar för framtiden. / company H&D Wireless. The reference design would be a wireless camera that can send video data wirelessly using the aforementioned WiFi-module. The project was carried out at the company during spring 2015 as a thesis project for the Degree Program in Electronics and Computer Engineering at KTH. The project was divided into three stages: a pilot study stage, a feasibility stage and a concluding stage. A literature study was performed during the pilot study stage, which described common functions in existing network cameras, techniques for video encoding and a slightly deeper study of different types of image sensors. The pilot study stage continued with an analysis of different hardware solutions which could be used in the project. The hardware solution which would be used in the project was chosen at the end of the pilot study stage. The purpose of the feasibility stage was to find out whether the chosen hardware solution would be possible to implement. This stage consisted mainly of software de- velopment, during which test driven development was practiced. A video buffer and a HTTP-server for video streaming was developed in this stage of the project. The project report was finished and the software development was wrapped up during the concluding stage. The development of the software for the chosen video encoder was delayed until the concluding stage because of its late delivery. A Scrum inspired project method was used for this project. The project method was perceived to work well in the project because of its flexibility and demand of clear tasks. The wireless camera could was not finished at the end of the project, because of problems in the communication with the video encoder. The problem could probably have been resolved before the end of the project if the video encoder had arrived earlier. It is not sure if the implementation had been possible to complete anyways because of lack of time. Although the project was not completely finished a lot of valuable knowledge was obtained for future work.
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Identifying Units on a WiFi Based on Their Physical PropertiesNyström, Jonatan January 2019 (has links)
This project aims to classify different units on a wireless network with the use of their frequency response. This is in purpose to increase security when communicating over WiFi. We use a convolution neural network for finding symmetries in the frequency responses recorded from two different units. We used two pre-recorded sets of data which contained the same units but from two different locations. The project achieve an accuracy of 99.987%, with a 5 hidden layers CNN, when training and testing on one dataset. When training the neural network on one set and testing it on a second set, we achieve results below 54.12% for identifying the units. At the end we conclude that the amount of data needed, for achieving high enough accuracy, is to large for this method to be a practical solution for non-stationary units.
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Pentesting on a WiFi Adapter : Afirmware and driver security analysis of a WiFi Adapter, with a subset of WiFi pentesting / Pentesting på en WiFi Adapter : En firmware och drivrutin säkerhetsundersökning av en WiFi Adapter med en delmäng av WiFi pentestingHenning, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Simple IoT devices such as WiFi adapters have the possibility of containing vulnerabilities because of the vast complexity of parsing and implementing the IEEE 802.11 standard correctly. Many of these adapters contain specific and obscure CPU archetypes, making it difficult to assess their security on the firmware from an ethical hacking standpoint. This thesis aims to identify and report possible vulnerabilities, bugs or exploits in the seemingly unexplored chipset called rtl8188eus from Realtek and its corresponding drivers and firmware within the given limitations. The methods used to assess the security of the adapter are based on the Pentesting standard, STRIDE model and corresponding OWASP lists. Several approaches were attempted to analyse the firmware for potential weaknesses, but all attempts were unsuccessful. Other approaches, such as dynamic testing, gave more promising results. One finding from the dynamic testing resulted in a Linux kernel crash through the WiFi adapter which was made possible with only two types of WiFi frames. / Enkla IoT produkter som WiFi adapters har möjligheten att innehålla sårbarheter på grund av det är svårt att implementera de komplexa IEEE 802.11 standarden korrekt. Många av dessa adapters innehåller simpla men okända processorarketyper, vilket gör det svårt att validera deras säkerhet på det firmware som används i ett etiskt hackning synpunkt. Detta examensarbete mål är att identifiera och rapportera möjliga sårbarheter eller buggar i den till synes outforskade chipsetet kallad rtl8188eus från Realtek, dess motsvarande drivrutiner och firmware inom de givna begränsningarna. Metoderna som används för att bedöma adapterns säkerhet är baserade på Pentesting-standarden, STRIDE-modellen och motsvarande OWASP-listor. Flera metoder försökte analysera firmwaret för potentiella svagheter, men alla försök misslyckades. Andra tillvägagångssätt, såsom dynamisk testning, gav mer lovande resultat. Ett fynd från det dynamiska testet resulterade i en Linux kernel krasch genom WiFi-adaptern som möjliggjordes med endast två typer av WiFi frames.
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Airbourne WiFi Networks Through Directional Antenna: An Experimental StudyGu, Yixin 05 1900 (has links)
In situations where information infrastructure is destroyed or not available, on-demand information infrastructure is pivotal for the success of rescue missions. In this paper, a drone-carried on demand information infrastructure for long-distance WiFi transmission system is developed. It can be used in the areas including emergency response, public event, and battlefield. The WiFi network can be connected to the Internet to extend WiFi access to areas where WiFi and other Internet infrastructures are not available. In order to establish a local area network to propagate WIFI service, directional antennas and wireless routers are used to create it. Due to unstable working condition on the flying drones, a precise heading turning stage is designed to maintain the two directional antennas facing to each other. Even if external interferences change the heading of the drones, the stages will automatically rotate back to where it should be to offset the bias. Also, to maintain the same flying altitude, a ground controller is designed to measure the height of the drones so that the directional antennas can communicate to each other successfully. To verify the design of the whole system, quite a few field experiments were performed. Experiments results indicates the design is reliable, viable and successful. Especially at disaster areas, it’ll help people a lot.
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Dynamic WIFI Fingerprinting Indoor Positioning SystemReyes, Omar Costilla 08 1900 (has links)
A technique is proposed to improve the accuracy of indoor positioning systems based on WIFI radio-frequency signals by using dynamic access points and fingerprints (DAFs). Moreover, an indoor position system that relies solely in DAFs is proposed. The walking pattern of indoor users is classified as dynamic or static for indoor positioning purposes. I demonstrate that the performance of a conventional indoor positioning system that uses static fingerprints can be enhanced by considering dynamic fingerprints and access points. The accuracy of the system is evaluated using four positioning algorithms and two random access point selection strategies. The system facilitates the location of people where there is no wireless local area network (WLAN) infrastructure deployed or where the WLAN infrastructure has been drastically affected, for example by natural disasters. The system can be used for search and rescue operations and for expanding the coverage of an indoor positioning system.
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Contribution à la modélisation, à la simulation et à l'évaluation d'applications nomades à intelligence répartie : application à l'assistance aux voyageurs aveugles dans les transports publics et les pôles d'échanges / Contribution to modeling, simulation and evaluation of mobile applications with distributed intelligence : application to the assistance of blind travellers in public transports and interchange areasEl Sayah, Jihane 18 December 2009 (has links)
Le développement des systèmes de communication et de localisation et les progrès des dispositifs mobiles rendent possible la mise en œuvre de nouvelles applications et services, permettant l'accès à des informations temps réel et l'amélioration de l'intégration des personnes aveugles. Dans ce contexte, la thèse a contribué au développement d'un système d'information et de guidage destiné aux personnes aveugles dans les transports en commun. La thèse a porté sur deux aspects critiques de ce type de systèmes: la fiabilité de la transmission de données et la capacité à localiser et à guider l'utilisateur de manière robuste. Elle a d'autre part développé un environnement de simulation pour le prototypage et l'analyse du fonctionnement de l'application nomade ainsi que l'étude des aspects réseaux de communication mobile. Les travaux se sont appuyés sur les acquis des projets RAMPE et INFOMOVILLE / The development of communication and locating systems and the progress of mobile devices have made possible new applications and services, allowing access to real-time information and improving the integration of blind people. ln this context, the thesis has contributed to the development of an information and guidance system to be used by blind travellers in public transports. The work has focused on two critical aspects for this kind of systems: the reliability of data transmission and the ability of localizing and guiding the user in an efficient way. A simulation environment has also been developed that can be used for the prototyping and the analysis of the mobile application as well as for the study of communication over the wireless network. The thesis is based on the results of the RAMPE and INFOMOVILLE projects
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Optimalizace ethernetové sítě ve výrobním podniku / Optimization of Ethernet network in manufacturing plantKratochvíl, Petr January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the work performed in the optimization of the corporate network in the company Alps Electric Czech to expand the amount of information obtained about the state of the network and thus improve the response of the IT department to potencial errors. During the optimization, a monitoring system was also deployed and its connection to the helpdesk and a tailor-made website running on the Flask microframework. With the gradual deployment, adjustments were made based on feedback from the IT department staff. Overall, the network has become more clarified, increasing the efficiency of maintenance and service.
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