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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Eyewitness Choosing Behavior: The Role of Ecphoric Experience and Non-Memorial Cues

Cahill, Brian S 13 November 2015 (has links)
Researchers’ attempts at understanding the processes underlying witness choosing behavior have focused on applying models that predict that identifications will be primarily driven by memorial factors. However, research has shown that several non-memorial variables affect witness choosing behavior (e.g., administrator influence, clothing bias, co-witness information); thus a full understanding of the processes underlying witness choosing behavior needs to account for these effects. While the memory-based models do attempt to provide explanations for the effects of non-memorial based variables on choosing behavior they all do so within a memorial context. However, I will argue a lineup task is not simply a memory task but a task that allows both memorial and non-memorial variables to impact choosing behavior, with the latter affecting choosing through an inferential process. The purpose of the present study was to provide an initial test of a novel, inferential based framework (i.e., the Competition/Corroboration Conceptualization). In short, this framework predicts that the effect of non-memorial cues on choosing behavior will occur via leading witnesses to deliberatively infer who the suspect is, and that the extent to which a deliberative process is engaged is dependent upon the witnesses’ ecphoric experience. Study 1 (N = 146) had mock-witnesses view several lineups with non-memorial cues embedded in them; results showed that mock-witnesses engaged in an inferential process by using the cues in the lineup to help guide their choosing behavior. Study 2 (N = 376) had witnesses view either a target-present or target-absent lineup where a non-memorial cue suggested that witnesses should either identify the target, identify a specific filler, or was not included. Witnesses then made an identification decision. Results from study 2 showed that the presence of a non-memorial cue suggesting the suspect’s guilt increased suspect identifications compared to its absence, and importantly, that this effect was greater for witnesses who had a weak ecphoric experience. Findings across both studies suggest that an inferential based framework of witness choosing more fully encompasses the underlying nature of witnesses’ phenomenological experience. Practical implications and future directions are discussed.

(un)Fixing the Eye : William Kentridge and the optics of witness

Hennlich, Andrew Joseph January 2011 (has links)
South African artist William Kentridge's (b. 1955) work frequently employs optical tools, such as the stereoscope, to highlight the contingency and instability of witness. These visual tools become metaphors for the process of historicization in post-apartheid South Africa. Kentridge is best known for his animations that are filmed by drawing with charcoal, photographing, erasing, redrawing and photographing again, leaving a palimpsest of previous traces on the paper's surface. Kentridge's prints, drawings, puppetry, theatrical projects and performances are also addressed in (un)Fixing the Eye. Kentridge's vast array of works narrates a history critical of the narrow and objective history of apartheid constructed by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's (TRC) official report. Furthermore, the metaphors suggested by Kentridge's optical tools undermine the ideology that apartheid is in the past. It suggests the necessity of colonial narratives as well as issues of class and materialism, within apartheid as traces that are very much part of the present. Each chapter of (un)Fixing the Eye uses a separate optical device to explore the narration of history in South Africa. To do so I draw from an eclectic group of thinkers: psychoanalytic models of melancholia and reparation, Jacques Derrida's work on forgiveness, Hayden White's theories of narrative and Jonathan Crary's work on optical tools and perception. Chapter one argues there is an ironic and impossible condition of forgiveness and truth in the TRC. Using Kentridge's Ubu Tells the Truth and its specific invocation of Dziga Vertov's realist 'kino-eye' and Alfred Jarry's brutal and absurd King Ubu as metaphors of absurdity and truth represented through the movie camera, this chapter argues that there is an impossibility of truth in the TRC. Chapter two reads Kentridge's Felix in Exile as a materialist response to the naturalized and a historical landscape tradition in South Africa. Felix's use of the theodolite and sextant as mapping and navigation tools highlights colonial mapping practices and the history of property ownership, particularly in the mining industry. In this way these optical tools link colonialism and mining alongside of the violence rendered in the film, unearthing a history of colonialism and class issues in apartheid narratives. Chapter three uses X-rays and CAT scans as metaphors for the testimony in the TRC, as both require an expert to decode and contextualize the testimony. Kentridge's films during the TRC use medical imaging technologies that are ambiguous and uncertain within the TRC's discourse of truth. Chapter four returns to the camera, this time as a colonial image in Namibia, arguing its usage in Black Box/Chambre Noir creates a melancholic relationship between Enlightenment Europe and colonial Africa. In this melancholia, Kentridge's history of the 20th century's first genocide in Namibia links a tremendous number of global histories. The focus in optical discourses, particularly the stereoscope is not new in Kentridge's work but (un)Fixing the Eye considers a number of tools that have not previously been a part of this optical work in Kentridge's art. It expands the political scope of Kentridge's work to include colonialism and class issues, insisting on their place in the current political landscape. Ultimately this project argues that Kentridge's work through a destabilized optical apparatus works both formally and allegorically as a way of conceiving of narrative and ideological critique in an expanded sense from the narrow confines set by the TRC.

Samband mellan kognitiva faktorer och förmågan att korrekt identifiera ansikten

Härdevik, Hanna, Blusi, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
Vittnesmål spelar en avgörande roll som bevisning vid brottmål och att vittna utgör en viktig del i att kunna klara upp brott. Att ögonvittnen identifierar en person är en vanlig metod för att få bevismaterial i en rättegång eller för att vägleda polisen i utrednings- och spaningssammanhang. Ögonvittnesidentifiering av ansikten är dock inte en helt säker metod då det mänskliga minnet besitter begränsningar och är sårbart för suggestioner vilket gör det nödvändigt att undersöka samband mellan kognitiva faktorer och förmågan att korrekt identifiera ansikten. Detta i syfte att minska antalet felaktiga identifikationer av oskyldiga. Syftet med studien var att besvara frågan om förmågan till ansiktsigenkänning kan prediceras av kognitiva förmågor. Studien har nyttjat insamlad data från den longitudinella studien Betula(Nilsson m.fl., 1997) som startade 1988 i Umeå. Med ett urval om 1 715 personer i åldrarna35–85 år (M = 58.22, SD = 13.79) har resultatet från nio olika kognitiva tester utforskats i förhållande till ett ansiktsigenkänningstest bestående av barnansikten. Genom korrelationsanalyser och stegvisa regressionsanalyser framkom att förmågan till ansiktsigenkänningsförmåga kan prediceras till viss del. Den starkaste prediktorn för ansiktsigenkänning var visuospatial förmåga och flytande intelligens. Förmågan att känna igen ansikten verkar inte försämras vid högre ålder, vilket gäller för andra kognitiva förmågor. / Testimony plays a crucial role in the work of presenting evidence in criminal cases and to solve crimes. Eyewitness to identification is commonly used method to collect evidence for a trial or to aid the police in their investigations. However, identification of faces is not a completely reliable method because the human memory has limitations and is vulnerable to suggestions, which stresses the importance of investigating relationships between cognitive factors and the ability to correctly identify faces. This in order to reduce the number of incorrect identifications of innocent people. Thus, the purpose of this study was to answer the question “whether theability to recognize faces can be predicted by cognitive abilities”. This study has made use of data collected within the longitudinal Betula study (Nilsson et al, 1997) which started in Umeå in 1988. With a sample of 1 715 participants in aged 35-85 years (M = 58.22, SD = 13.79)results from nine different cognitive tests were explored in relation to performance in facerecognition task consisting of children’s faces. Through correlation analyzes and stepwiseregression analyzes, it emerged that the ability to face recognition ability can be predicted tosome extent. The strongest predictor of facial recognition was visuospatial ability and fluid intelligence. The ability to recognize faces does not seem to deteriorate at an older age, required for other cognitive abilities.

Neodkladné a neopakovatelné úkony / Urgent and non-repeatable actions

Jandurová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
Urgent and non-repeatable actions Abstract The graduation thesis focuses on the ambivalent institute of urgent and non-repeatable actions, which combines two contradictory requirements. On the one hand, a balance needs to be struck between the demand to protect the state, society and the legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities and to ensure a fair trial for the person against whom criminal proceedings are being conducted, on the other. The purpose of the urgent and non-repeatable actions is to enable the authorities involved in criminal proceedings to secure perishable evidence, even at the cost of infringing the rights of the defense. However, this distortion should be compensated to the defense by providing increased protection and furthermore, urgent and non-repeatable actions should be performed only when the legal conditions are fulfilled. The main goal of the thesis is a comprehensive analysis of urgent and non-repeatable actions in the sense of the Code of Criminal Procedure and higlihgting controversial issues and problems that arise in practice. The graduation thesis is composed of four chapters, each of them dealing with different aspect of urgent and non-repeatable actions. Chapter 1 is subdivided into two parts. Part 1 describes the historical development of urgent and...

Making It Personal: The Psychological Lifecyle of Witnessing before the ICTY

McKay, Melissa M. 08 1900 (has links)
Extant transitional justice literature examining processes and functions of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia have traditionally looked at the output and outcomes from an institutional level of analysis and have neglected to examine how the witness feels about his or her own participation in the process. This project provides deeper perspective from the individual level of analysis based on sequential phases of the testimony process lifecycle: the reason the witness decided to participate with the tribunal, the psychological effect of the testimonial process, and the satisfaction the witness had about their own contribution to the ICTY. I expound upon existing findings and confirm survivors of sexual assault testify more from personal reasons than out of altruistic motivations. I further examine the two competing theories that dominate the discussion of how the testimonial process normatively effects a witness and find demonstrable evidence to confirm either. I create and confirm an explanatory theory that addresses patterns of emotional states both prior to and after completion of testifying, providing a theoretical explanation of negative emotions reported by witnesses both before and after testifying. I also confirm that witnesses who identified being motivated to testify out of an obligation reported a stronger belief that their testimony helped contribute to finding justice while witnesses who participated seeking internal or personal closure believed their participation helped the tribunal establish the truth about the wars in the former Yugoslavia. These findings and information can help to inform best practices for future tribunal services as well as assist victim and witness policies.

Entanglement in high dimensional quantum systems / Intrication dans des systèmes quantiques de grande dimension

Saideh, Ibrahim 11 July 2019 (has links)
La détection de l’intrication est une étape indispensable dans le contexte de l’information et du calcul quantique. Cette tâche importante s’est avérée difficile pour les systèmes quantiques de grandes dimensions supérieures à 2 × 3, auquel cas il existe des conditions nécessaires et suffisantes bien établies.Notre approche consiste à réduire la dimensionalité du problème. Pour ce faire, on transforme, localement, chaque sous-système en un qubit sans créer de l’intrication. Le mapping est exprimé en fonction des valeurs moyennes de trois opérateurs arbitraires dans l’état original. Nous donnons des conditions nécessaires et suffisantes pour que cette transformation soit valide d'un point de vue physique. Nous exploitons ce formalisme pour dériver des critères d’intrication pour des systèmes bipartites ou multipartites sur la base des critères existants pour les qubits.En transformant localement chaque sous-système, l’application de critères d’intrication connus pour les qubits à l’état résultant induit automatiquement des critères d’intrication en fonction d’opérateurs utilisés pour réaliser le mapping.Pour le cas multipartite, on s’intéresse aux inégalités de compression de spin. Cependant, lorsqu’on applique notre formalisme à ce cas, il est possible d’obtenir une superposition cohérente d’états avec un nombre de particules différent. Par conséquent, pour obtenir de meilleurs critères, nous avons dû prendre en compte les fluctuations quantiques et/ou classiques que l’opérateur du nombre de particules peut présenter. Nous avons dérivé une forme généralisée des inégalités de spin squeezing pour un nombre de particules fluctuant et opérateurs collectifs arbitraires. Nous avons appliqué nos résultats à un système d’atomes de chrome ultrafroids piégés dans un réseau optique, en collaboration avec l’équipe Gazes Dipolaires Quantiques du Laboratoire LPL de l’Université Paris Nord 13. Nous avons montré, dans une simulation numérique, que nos inégalités généralisées sont capables de détecter l’intrication à l’aide d’opérateurs collectifs mesurables en utilisant des techniques accessibles dans dans ce type de dispositif. / Entanglement detection is crucial and a necessity in the context of quantum information and quantum computation. This important task has proved to be quite hard for quantum systems of dimensions higher than 2×3, in which case, there exists well established necessary and sufficient conditions like Peres-Horodecki criterion.To tackle this challenge for bipartite systems, we introduce a mathematical framework to reduce the problem to entanglement in a two qubit system. This is done by mapping each subsystem locally into a qubit without increasing entanglement. The mapping is expressed in terms of expectation values of three arbitrary operators in the original state. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for such mapping to be valid from physical point of view, providing thence a versatile tool for dimension reduction in various applications.Our main use of this formalism is as a gate way to derive entanglement criteria for bipartite or multi-partite systemas based on existing ones derived for qubit systems. By mapping each subsystem locally into a qubit, applying entanglement criteria known for qubits on the resulting state automatically gives us entanglement criteria in terms of the chosen operators used to implement the mapping.For the multi-partite case, we focus on spin squeezing inequalities for qubits to derive entanglement criteria for general systems. However, when applying our formalism to this case, an interesting situation arises where one is able to obtain coherent superposition of multi-partite qubit states with different particle number. Hence, to derive better entanglement criteria, we had to consider quantum and/or classical fluctuationsthat may be exhibited by the particle number operator. We derive generalized form of Sørensen-Mølmer’s criterion and of spin squeezing inequalities for fluctuating particle number in terms of arbitrary collective operators. We applied our results to study entanglement in a system of ultra-cold Chromium atoms with spin s = 3 trapped in a bi-dimensional optical lattice incollaboration with Quantum Dipolar Gazes team in Laboratoire de Physique de Laser at Paris Nord 13 university. We showed, in a numerical simulation, that our generalized inequalities are able to detect entanglement in their system using collective operators. Moreover, we show that such observables can be measured using available techniques.

Spolupracující obviněný / Cooperating defendant

Konopa, Štěpán January 2020 (has links)
Cooperating defendant Abstract The cooperating defendant represents a relatively new instrument of Czech criminal law, it was introduced into the Czech legal system with effect from 1 January 2010. The main purpose of this legal instrument is to fight organized crime, which is characterized by its high social danger and is extremely difficult to combat for law enforcement agencies due to the considerable sophistication of the internal hierarchy of organized criminal groups. The legal instrument consists of the cooperation of the defendant with a public prosecutor, who designates them as a cooperating defendant in the indictment in exchange for information capable of making a significant contribution to the uncovering of organized criminal groups. The cooperating defendant is rewarded for their cooperation with a mitigation of their sentence and the sentence may even be dropped altogether. The first chapter of this thesis analyzes the terms of cooperating defendant and crown witness, describes the process of introducing the legal instrument of cooperating defendant into the Czech legal system and also mentions some similar legal instruments. The second chapter deals with the current legislation, some of its shortcomings and their possible solutions. The third chapter lists some of the most important benefits...

Spolupracující obviněný / Cooperating defendant

Karásková, Eva January 2020 (has links)
Cooperating defendant Abstract This thesis on Cooperating defendant is focused on the development of this institute, its connection to organized crime and relevant international and Czech legislation. The thesis consists of the introduction, five chapters, that each presents individual topics in detail, and the conclusion. The first chapter analyses historical development of the institute of crown witness and its connection to the institute of cooperating defendant, the context of adoption of this institute into the Czech legislation and the subsequent amendment of the relevant provisions. At the same time, it summarizes the planned changes concerning the institute of cooperating defendant within the framework of recodification of criminal procedure. The second chapter analyses organized crime in connection to the institute of cooperating defendant. It focuses on the occurrence of organized crime in the Czech Republic, its specific features and legislation, the purpose of which is to fight organized crime. The third chapter is focused on the international legislation of the institute of cooperating defendant, which is mainly defined by international organizations, such as the UN, the European Union and the Council of Europe. The current legal regulation of the institute of cooperating defendant is analysed...

Psychologické aspekty kriminalistické rekognice / Psychological aspects of criminological recognition

Doležalová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
There are many psychological aspects that enter the process of recognition. The theoretical part summarizes the current knowledge of the process of recognitions and explains some phenomena that may be involved in this process, among others the age of a witness and his subsequent ability to pass the process of reconciliation fruitfully. As far as foreign sources demonstrate a lot of research has been focused on this topic, however, when it comes to the domestic literature, this topic has not yet been given sufficient attention despite the fact that the percentage of the age representation in the population is changing significantly and the number of seniors, and thus potential senior witnesses, is constantly growing. Based on previous foreign research, this work presupposes that seniors have more difficulty with recognizing and identifying the offenders than younger adults do because their decision making is influenced by various factors, such as memory deterioration, higher suggestibility, or attempt to comply with authority. Subsequently, the thesis follows the connection between successful recognition and the certainty with which it was assumed. The research was conceived as an experiment and was attended by 120 participants. At first the video was presented and then participants were asked to...

Marturia in the Gospel of John : towards an emerging, missional ecclesiology within a South African Dutch Reformed context

Smit, Guillaume H 08 June 2011 (has links)
In “Marturia and the Gospel of John” the following hypothesis is investigated: Theological investigation of the ìáñôõñéá lexeme in the Gospel of John contributes significantly towards an understanding of an emerging, missional ecclesiology. The study is precipitated by the accelerated pace of change our society is currently experiencing. The technological developments of the past fifty years created a society that is totally dependent on the technology it developed. This dependence led to the developing of a new cultural paradigm in which the church is ill at home. Not only are the ecclesial structures ill-adapted to effectively minister to people who increasingly live in a different cultural milieu, but also the premises upon which itstheology is built, has increasingly come under scrutiny. The question of an emerging, missional ecclesiology is therefore not only a question of developing new ministry praxis. Neither is it a matter of reframing theological theses with new metaphors. A growing realisation exists of the need for theological research from the perspective of this developing new paradigm. Theology needs to turn to Scripture in a quest for such answers and it is proposed that a hermeneutic approach should be taken towards this investigation. This exegetical study is conducted from a New Testament perspective, specifically focusing on the Gospel of John. It is done through a sequential reading of the Gospel with special emphasis on the pericopes that contain the word-group, marturiva. Finally, the insights gathered from this study are systemized into a framework that aims to contribute towards the further development of an emerging, missional ecclesiology. It will be argued that ecclesiology serves as the integration point for reflection and practical missional ministry. As such, the church as object of investigation is the ultimate technological praxis, as the community of believers serves as the show-case of God’s presence in this world, as sacrament of his redemptive mission, and as mediator of the governance in his kingdom. Outline of the study In Chapter One attention is given to the changing cultural paradigm and the implications this holds for ministry as well as for theology. These changes are presented as the study’s research problem. The Gospel of John is also introduced as a case study in the ongoing development of an emerging, missional ecclesiology as foundational cornerstone to a postmodern theological paradigm. In Chapter Two the framework from which the hermeneutical study is undertaken, is established. A bird’s eye view of the Gospel of John is attempted and a preliminary investigation into the marturiva lexeme is also undertaken. Chapter Three investigates the testimony of John the Baptist, as recounted in John’s Gospel from John 1-4. Chapter Four reads the second part of Jesus’ public ministry, starting with John 5 and continuing until John concludes his narrative of this section of Jesus’ mission in John 12. Chapter Five studies John’s account of Jesus’ conversation with his disciples in John 13-17. It also reads John 18-21, which comprises of the Passion narrative and the Epilogue to the Gospel. In Chapter Six the matter at hand will be the development of an emerging, missional ecclesiology as a result of the exegetical study of John’s Gospel. Finally, we conclude the study by exploring some issues that need further investigation. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / New Testament Studies / unrestricted

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