Spelling suggestions: "subject:"wtp""
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An Examination of Hepatitis A Virus on Working Surfaces in a Waste Water Treatment PlantCoxe, Paul Cameron January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluation of Carbon Source Addition on Denitrification Efficiency : A study in a continuous biological leachate water treatment system.Ingfeldt, Isac January 2020 (has links)
In 2014 SÖRAB constructed a continuous biological treatment system (KBR) to handle leachate waterfrom the landfill at the facility in Löt, north of Stockholm. The KBR is mainly focused on removal ofammonium nitrogen which would otherwise be released in to the recipient and contribute toeutrophication and damage to the environment. This project has focused on replacing the currentcarbon source in the process Brenntaplus VP1 and evaluating the efficiency of denitrification andeconomy of transitioning to a new carbon source. The carbon sources glycerol and ethanol wereevaluated and compared to Brenntaplus VP1 for the denitrification efficiency and microbial profile.The experiments were performed in laboratory conditions and in pilot scale using leachate water fromLöt. The reduction of ammonia was evaluated by chemical precipitation, addition of carbon sources bymeasuring ammonia-N and nitrate-N under aerobic (nitrification) and anaerobic (denitrification)conditions. The combination of ethanol and glycerol showed an enhanced denitrification and increasedmicrobial community both in lab and pilot scale studies with reduced hydraulic retention time. Therate of nitrate reduction was 0.23 mgNO3-N 1 -1 h -1 for ethanol/glycerol compared to 0.12-0.17mgNO 3- -N 1 -1 h -1 for Brenntaplus VP1 in pilot scale. The results indicate that using ethanol, glycerolor a mix of the two as a substitute for Brenntaplus VP1 is viable. This has been based on laboratoryand pilot scale studies. Each of the carbon sources examined during this project have showed a uniqueimpact on the process and its parameters such as: denitrification rate, microbial density and microbialcomposition. The carbon sources had an impact with temperature fluctuation and faster denitrificationcompared to the conventional KBR system. This implies that the carbon sources tested in this projectcan be advantageous and beneficial for Sörab depending on the carbon source availability and theseasonal variations. / Under 2014 konstruerade SÖRAB ett kontinuerligt biologiskt reningsverk (KBR) för att hanteralakvatten från deponin för ickefarligt avfall vid anläggningen i Löt, norr om Stockholm. KBR ärfrämst konstruerad för rening av ammoniumkväve som annars skulle släppas ut till recipienten ochbidra till övergödning och skador på miljön i området. Detta projekt har fokuserat på att ersätta dennuvarande kolkällan Brenntaplus VP1 som används i processen och utvärdera effektiviteten idenitrifieringen samt ekonomin vid övergång till en ny kolkälla. Kolkällorna glycerol och etanol varde kolkällor som valdes för utvärdering i detta projekt, dessa jämfördes med Brenntaplus VP1 i desseffekt på denitrifikationseffektivitet och mikrobiell sammansättning under laboratorieförhållanden ochi pilotskala. Möjligheten att reducera ammoniumkoncentrationen i lakvattnet utvärderades genomkemisk fällning och genom mätning av ammoniumkväve och nitratkväve under aeroba (nitrifikation)och anaeroba (denitrifikation) förhållanden. Kombinationen av etanol och glycerol indikerade enförbättrad denitrifikation och ökad mikrobiell densitet både i laboratorie- och pilotskala med reduceradhydraulisk retentionstid. Nitratreduktionshastigheten var 0,23 mgNO 3- -N 1 -1 h -1 för blandningen avetanol/glycerol jämfört med 0,12 - 0,17 mgNO 3- -N 1 -1 h -1 för Brenntaplus VP1 i pilotskala. Resultatenindikerar att användning av etanol, glycerol eller en blandning av de två har goda förutsättningar föratt ersätta Brenntaplus VP1. Var och en av de tre kolkällorna som undersöktes under detta projekt harvisat en unik inverkan på processen och dess parametrar såsom: denitrifikationshastighet, mikrobielldensitet och mikrobiell sammansättning. Genom att byta kolkälla i KBR kan prestandan ökas genomatt minska den hydrauliska retentionstiden samtidigt som systemet tycks bli mindre känsligt förtemperatursvängningar. Kolkällorna som utvärderats i detta projekt kan därför vara fördelaktiga för SÖRAB beroende på dess tillgänglighet och pris.
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Investigation of biochemical methane potential in Thái Nguyên city and Sông Công city in VietnamDeo, Anurag, Axelsson Bjerg, Mette January 2017 (has links)
Currently Vietnam is facing several problems with waste handling. For instance, a lot of the municipal organic solid waste is dumped at landfills, which contributes to environmental difficulties such as greenhouse gas emissions. Anaerobic digestion has proven to be an adequate method for solving environmental problems such as waste treatment, where biogas can be produced. The methane content in the biogas can subsequently be used as a prosperous energy source for heating, electricity and vehicle fuel. The production and utilization of biogas in Vietnam is in a developing face. However, there are issues that should be tackled to improve and expand the biogas production and use. In Vietnam the main substrate used for anaerobic digestion is animal manure as most of the biogas digesters are placed on farms. The purpose of this master thesis was to identify additional potential substrates for biogas production, with focus on Thái Nguyên city and Sông Công city in the Thái Nguyên province. In order to find suitable substrates, interviews and literature research were carried out in Vietnam. Subsequently biochemical methane potential (BMP) tests were performed for the identified and acquired substrates. The BMP-tests were first performed at Thái Nguyên University but as the results were inconclusive, further experiments were performed at Linköping University (Sweden) where eight substrates from the Thái Nguyên province were investigated. The identified substrates used for the BMP-tests were three types of beer waste from the Vicoba brewery in Thái Nguyên city, food waste from different restaurants in Sông Công city, fruit waste from the fruit market in Thái Nguyên and household vegetable waste. The highest methane yield could be observed for household vegetable waste (543 Nml/g VS) followed by beer waste (yeast) with a methane potential of 497 Nml/g VS. Beer waste (hops boiling) had the lowest methane potential with a value of 230 Nml/g VS. Estimation of the total methane potential in both cities together from food waste from restaurants, beer waste and sewage sludge from the upcoming waste water treatment plant (WWTP) in Thái Nguyen city were made by combining data from interviews, literature values and the BMP-results. The estimation showed that from Thái Nguyên City and Sông Công city about 137,500 m3 CH4/year can be produced from food waste from restaurants, about 1.7 millionCH4 m3/year can be produced from sludge from the WWTP in Thái Nguyên city (under construction) and there is also a possibility to produce about 10,700 m3 CH4/year from the beer brewery in Thái Nguyên city. Thus, the total estimated methane potential sums up to 1.8 million m3 CH4/year. The results show that Thái Nguyên city and Sông Công city have potential wastes that preferably could be used as substrates for biogas production which could add on to the biogas produced currently at farm level in the Thái Nguyên region. / I dagsläget står Vietnam inför svåra problem med rådande avfallshantering. En stor del av det organiska avfallet deponeras. Detta bidrar till miljöproblem som exempelvis utsläpp av växthusgaser. Kontrollerad rötning har visat sig vara en bra metod för avfallshantering av organiskt avfall, eftersom biogasen som produceras exempelvis kan användas som energikälla för matlagning, elektricitet och fordonsbränsle, samtidigt som avfallsmängden kraftigt reduceras. Utvecklingen av kommersiell biogasproduktion i Vietnam är fortfarande i ett inledande stadie. De främsta substraten för biogassubstratet som används i landet i nuläget är olika typer av gödsel med anledning av att de flesta rötkammare är placerade på bondgårdar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka kompletterande potentiella substrat som kan användas för biogasproduktion i städerna Thái Nguyên och Sông Công som är belägna i provinsen Thái Nguyên. För att identifiera möjliga biogassubstrat genomfördes intervjuer på plats tillsammans med litteraturundersökningar. Vidare genomfördes metanpotentialbestämningar (BMP) för identifierade, utvalda och, erhållna substrat. Det visade sig ej vara möjligt inom tidsramen för besöket att genomföra BMP-testerna på ett fullgott sätt vid Thái Nguyêns universitet med anledning av begränsningar i metodförutsättningar, varför BMP-tester även genomfördes på Linköpings universitet. Totalt testades metanpotentialen för åtta olika substrat från städerna Thái Nguyên och Sông Công. De identifierade substraten som användes i BMP-studien var tre typer av bryggeriavfall från Vicoba bryggeri i Thái Nguyên, matavfall från olika restauranger i Sông Công, fruktavfall från fruktmarknaden i Thái Nguyên och hushållsavfall från ett hushåll i Thái Nguyên. Det högsta metanutbytet kunde observeras för matavfall från hushåll (543 Nml/g VS) följt av bryggeriavfall i form av jäst (497 Nml/g VS). Ölavfall från vörtkokning påvisade det lägsta metanutbytet av samtliga testade substrat motsvarande 230 Nml/g VS. En uppskattning av den totala metanpotentialen i de båda städerna från matavfall från restauranger, bryggeriavfall samt avloppsslam från reningsverket som är under uppbyggnad i Thái Nguyên genomfördes baserat på intervjuer, litteraturvärden samt genomförda metanpotentialtester (BMP). Uppskattningen visade att cirka 137 500 m3 CH4/år skulle kunna produceras från matavfall från restauranger, cirka 1,7 miljoner CH4 m3/år från avloppsreningsverksslam samt från ölbryggeriet i Thái Nguyên är det möjligt att producera cirka 10 700 CH4 m3/år. Sammantaget indikerar det en uppskattad metanpotential motsvarande ca 1,8 miljoner CH4 m3/år. Slutsatsen av den här studien visar att det finns stor potential för biogasproduktion i Thái Nguyên och Sông Công. / Developing strategies and methods for participatory planning in Thái Nguyên and Linköping
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Recebimento de lodo de ETA em ETE por lodo ativado operando com mídia plástica no tanque de aeração (MBBR). / Receiving WTP sludges in WWTP by activated sludge operating with plastic medium in the aeration tank (MBBR).Sena, Helvécio Carvalho de 11 April 2011 (has links)
O tratamento do lodo gerado em estações de tratamento de água para abastecimento (ETAs) é uma questão a ser equacionada em todo o território nacional. O tratamento desses lodos em estações de tratamento de esgoto (ETEs) é uma alternativa a ser estudada, pois pode levar a uma solução eficaz e de custos reduzidos se compararmos aos custos de implantação e operação de um sistema de tratamento de lodos nas próprias ETAs. O recebimento de lodo de ETAs em ETEs é feito em algumas ETEs dos Estados Unidos, porém no Brasil ainda são escassos estudos específicos para sanar as questões técnicas envolvidas tanto na etapa aeróbia quanto na anaeróbia. O sistema de tratamento de esgotos por lodos ativados utilizando mídia plástica como meio suporte ao crescimento microbiológico é outro atrativo ao recebimento de lodo de ETA em uma ETE, visto que estudos demonstram que este tipo de variante é capaz de tratar maior carga orgânica, sem sofrer qualquer inibição de processo. O presente estudo avaliou o recebimento de até 400 mg de SST de lodo de ETA por litro de esgoto em um sistema utilizando mídia plástica como meio suporte. O lodo de ETA utilizado foi proveniente de sistemas que utilizaram sais de Ferro e de Alumínio em seus processos. Não foi observada qualquer inibição no processo aeróbio quanto à remoção de matéria orgânica ou nitrogenada com o recebimento de lodo de ETA em qualquer concentração e operando um sistema com mídia plástica. A carga de DBO5,20 aplicada ao reator biológico ficou entre 1,7 a 15,3 gDBO5,20/m²/dia, e a concentração média da DBO 5,20 no efluente final esteve em todo o período do experimento em 34 mg/L. Com a utilização da mídia plástica o processo de nitrificação teve taxas de remoção passando de 0,9 gNKT/m²/dia para 1,7 gNKT/m²/dia, portanto aumento de 95%. A avaliação do lodo gerado no decantador primário da ETE Piloto demonstra que houve alteração em sua composição, principalmente na relação de SV/ST e o aumento na concentração de metais, principalmente o elemento Ferro. Estas características podem levar à inibição o processo anaeróbio. O teste de Atividade Metanogênica Especifica (AME) realizada com dosagens de 0,4 g e 0,8 g de ST de lodo de ETA demonstra que há inibição da metanogênese para concentrações acima de 0,4 g de ST. A concentração na qual não se observou efeito negativo corresponde a 10% da quantidade mássica que o digestor anaeróbio foi alimentado. Porém o teste de AME reproduz toxicidade aguda, não considerando a possível adaptação que pode ocorrer ou mesmo demonstrar que um esgoto que, em primeira análise é considerado biodegradável, tem na realidade toxicidade crônica. A operação do sistema utilizando mídia plástica levou a uma redução na produção de lodo na ordem de 57%. Antes da maturação do biofilme a produção era de 0,19 g SSV/g DQO removida e passou para 0,09 g SSV/g DQO removida. / An issue to be taken into account, regarding the continental size of the country is the sludge treatment generated in water treatment plants (WTPs). The treatment of the aforementioned sludge which is held in water treatment plant (WWTP) is a valid alternative considering its costs and efficacy as opposed to the budgetary considerations for the sludge treatment in the WTPs alone. The recipience of the sludge from WTP into WWTPs, is done by some North Americans WWTPs, in Brazil, nonetheless, such specific studies are of short supply to heal the technical questions regarding both the anaerobic and also the aerobic processes. The activated sludge operational swage system with plastic medium as means to aid the microbiologic development, also entices the reception of sludge from WTP into WWTPs, given the fact that some studies have demonstrated this variant type capable of treating a much bigger organic load not even suffering any inhibition over the process. This current study evaluated the reception of a sum up to 400 mg (milligrams) of sludge TSS by sewage liter in a plastic medium as means to aid such process. The sludge from WTP used in here came from systems which utilized Iron and aluminum salt in their processes. Any inhibition regarding the removal of organic or nitrogenated matter in the aerobic process operated with the plastic medium system with the reception of sludge from WTP was observed and/or noticed The BOD5,20 charge which was applied to the biological reactor ranked between 1,7 to 15,3 gDBO5,20/m²/day, and the BOD5,20 average concentration into the final effluent was all the time the experiment was going on in 34 mg/L. Regarding the usage of plastic medium over the nitrification process, removal which jumped from 0,9 gNKT/m²/day to 1,7 gNKT/m²/day, thus an increase of 95%. The evaluation of the sludge generated from the WWTPs primary settling tank demonstrates alteration in its composition, mainly related to VS/TS and the metal concentration augmentation, iron being the most present element in here. Such characteristics may lead to an inhibition regarding the anaerobic process. The specific methanogenic activity (SMA) taking into account the dosages: 0, 4 g and 0, 8 g of TS sludge from WTP shows methanogenesis inhibition for concentrations superior to 0, 4 g of TS. 10% of mass quantity is the amount which no negative effect was noticed when feeding the anaerobic digestor. The SMA test, however, reproduces acute toxicity, not taking into account the possible adaptation that may occur or even demonstrate that the sewage which at first instance could be considered biodegradable is in its real sense chronically toxic. The activated sludge operating with plastic medium has lead the sludge production to reduction of around 57%, before the biofilm maturation the production was 0,19 g VSS/g COD removed and it was upgraded to 0,09 g VSS/g COD removed.
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Diagnostic de fonctionnement par analyse en composantes principales : application à une station de traitement des eaux usées / Fault diagnosis using principal component analysis : application to a wastewater treatment plantTharrault, Yvon 11 December 2008 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse était de valider l’ensemble des informations délivrées par les capteurs utiles à la commande d’une station de traitement des eaux usées. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé l’analyse en composantes principales (ACP) pour effectuer la détection et localisation de défauts de capteurs de la station de traitement des eaux usées. Afin de construire un modèle ACP, nous avons eu recours à une matrice de données constituée de l’ensemble des mesures disponibles (obtenues lors du fonctionnement normal de la station de traitement des eaux usées) dans l’installation. Cependant, afin d’appliquer l’ACP, nous avons rencontré plusieurs difficultés : 1. Présence dans les données de valeurs aberrantes (valeurs obtenues durant des périodes de démarrage, d’arrêt, de fonctionnement dégradé, erreurs de mesure, ...) perturbant la construction d’un modèle ACP. 2. Présence de défauts multiples, ce qui entraîne une explosion combinatoire des scénarii de défauts à considérer. Afin de résoudre le premier point, nous nous sommes intéressé aux variantes robustes de l’ACP. L’estimateur robuste MCD (Minimum Covariance Determinant), méthode de référence pour ses performances, nécessite un temps de calcul important, et une connaissance a priori de la quantité de valeurs aberrantes présente dans les données (inconnue). C’est la raison pour laquelle nous avons proposé une nouvelle méthode robuste, basée sur l’utilisation de MM-estimateur, nommée MMRPCA (MM-estimator Robust Principal Component Analysis). Concernant le point 2, une méthode d’analyse du modèle en terme de capacité de détection et de localisation a été appliquée afin de réduire le nombre de défauts à considérer. Les différentes méthodes développées ont été menées avec succès afin de valider les mesures issues des différents capteurs de la station d’épuration des eaux usées / This thesis deals with the validation of the information provided by the sensors to the control of a wastewater treatment plant. For this purpose, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) approach is used in order to accomplish sensor fault detection and isolation of the wastewater treatment plant. This approach is well adapted to cope with diagnosis of complex systems because no a priori theoretical model of the plant must be considered. A data matrix, obtained by taking into consideration the available measurements in normal behaviour of the wastewater treatment plant, is used in order to build a PCA model. However, two major problems must be taking into consideration when PCA is implemented: 1. Outliers appear naturally in the collection data (caused for example by faulty data, data obtained during shutdown or startup periods or data issued from different operating mode) and consequently the PCA model can seriously be affected. 2. Multiple sensor faults introduce unavoidably a combinatory explosion of the different fault scenarios to be considered. The first problem is solved by introducing a robustness degree in the PCA methodology. Among the existing robust methods proposed in the literature, the robust estimator MCD (Minimum Covariance Determinant) is the most popular. However, this method needs a large computing time on the one hand and a priori knowledge of the quantity of outliers present (generally unknown) in the data on the other hand. To avoid these difficulties, a new robust method is proposed in this thesis. Our method, namely MMRPCA (MM-estimator Robust Principal Component Analysis), is based on MM-estimators. The second mentioned problem is tackled by reducing the considered number of faults thanks to a new analysis method of the capacities of detection and isolation of the PCA model. The efficiency of the proposed methodologies is verified by considering the real wastewater treatment plant data
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Avaliação da partida de reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente e manta de lodo (UASB), em escala real, sob condições hidráulicas desfavoráveis / Start-up of a full-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor, treating domestic sewage, under unfavorable hydraulic conditionsSulita Mendes Pierotti 08 March 2007 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a partida de reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente e manta de lodo (UASB), em escala real, no tratamento de esgoto sanitário, sob condições hidráulicas desfavoráveis. O reator UASB faz parte do sistema de tratamento da ETE Água Vermelha, e é seguido de um biofiltro aerado submerso e de uma unidade de desinfecção por ultravioleta. Foi utilizado metade do volume do reator (117 \'M POT.3\'), possibilitando menor tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH). A pesquisa foi dividida em duas fases, uma sem a adição de inóculo (fase I) e outra com inoculação (fase II). Na fase I, foram aplicados vazão de 480 \'M POT.3\'/dia e carga orgânica volumétrica (COV) de 1,74 kgDQO/\'M POT.3\'.dia com TDH de 6 horas. Para a fase II, estes valores foram de 600 \'M POT.3\'/dia, 2,88 kgDQO/\'M POT.3\'.dia e 5 horas. Os resultados mostraram que as excessivas velocidades ascensionais não permitiram que o reator tivesse desempenho satisfatório. Ocorreu remoção de matéria orgânica e sólidos suspensos apenas na fase II, com exceção dos sólidos suspensos voláteis, que apresentaram remoção nas duas fases. Os lançamentos indevidos de lodo de fossas à que a ETE está submetida, provocaram aumento de sólidos dissolvidos e alcalinidade no efluente. Os leitos de lodo formados nas fases I e II possuíam concentrações semelhantes de sólidos, porém o segundo apresentou maior eficiência de tratamento. Na fase I a remoção de matéria orgânica foi pequena e não ocorreu a formação da manta de lodo. Na fase II ocorreu o provável início da estabilização do processo, aproximadamente 60 dias após a inoculação, a partir de quando a remoção de matéria orgânica dissolvida foi considerada constante e foi observada a formação da manta de lodo. O descarte de 8,5 \'M POT.3\' de lodo pode ser feito a cada 30 dias. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the start-up of a full-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor, treating domestic sewage, under unfavorable hydraulic conditions. The UASB reactor is part of the wastewater treatment plant of Água Vermelha (São Carlos, SP, Brazil), and it is followed by a submerged aerated biofilter and an ultraviolet radiation disinfection unit. Half of the reactor volume was used (117 \'M POT.3\'), making it possible to work with a low hydraulic retention time (HRT). The research was divided in two phases, one without reactor seeding (phase I), and another when the reactor was seeded (phase II). At phase I, a flow rate of 480 \'M POT.3\'/d and a volumetric loading rate of 1,74 kgDQO/\'M POT.3\'.d were applied, with 6 hours of HRT. At phase II, this values were 600 \'M POT.3\'/d; 2,88 kgDQO/\'M POT.3\'d and 5 hours. The results showed that excessive upflow velocities prevented satisfactory performance of the reactor. Removal efficiencies of COD, BOD and TSS were obtained only in phase II, except for VSS, which showed removal in both stages. Unauthorized inputs of septic tanks sludge caused increase in dissolved solids and alkalinity in the effluent. The sludge beds obtained in phases I and II had similar solids concentration; however, the second presented better treatment efficiency. At phase I, organic matter removal efficiency was low and the blanket sludge was not observed. At phase II, the process likely stabilized 60 days after inoculation (operations\' day 240). From then on, dissolved organic matter digestion was constant and the sludge blanket was observed. The removal of the excess sludge can be done every other 30 days.
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Jose Geraldo Machado Filho.pdf: 1790649 bytes, checksum: 7797b84b3e71af503db5a84d51bfed6a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-03-13 / Bad smell originated from the sewage biological treatment results in disturbance to the communities situated around these stations and is harmful to the operators’ health. This study presents results obtained from the monitoring of a sewage station treatment aiming to reduce the organic load and total suspended solids from the final
effluent as well as the bad smell caused mainly by the hydrogen sulfide. The system comprised a Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanked (UASB), a percolator biological filter and secondary decanter. The study was divided into five phases and operated for 271 days. Phase 1 was composed of anaerobic reactor, aeration tank, percolator
biological filter and secondary decanter; phase 2 had anaerobic reactor, aeration tank, percolator biological filter, secondary decanter and sludge recirculation; phase
3 had anaerobic reactor, aeration tank, secondary decanter and mud recirculation; phase 4 was composed of anaerobic reactor, aeration tank, percolator biological
filter, secondary decanter, mud recirculation and final effluent recirculation, and phase 5 comprised anaerobic reactor, aeration tank with polyurethane foam,
percolator biological filter, secondary decanter, mud recirculation and final effluent recirculation. All phases presented efficacy to remove oxygen chemical demand and
oxygen biochemical demand ranging from 81 to 94% and total suspended solids from 71 to 92%. The sulfide removal, in the form of hydrogen sulfide in aqueous medium in the aeration tank presented 44,7% efficacy, the aeration tank release of sulphydric gas presented 70% reduction and up to 95% reduction of hydrogen sulfide in the air measured in the station area. The innovation in this operational system of treatment was the development of an aeration system, situated between the anaerobic reactor and the percolator biological filter, comprising a compressor with 1,132.7 L.min-1 air flow maximum capacity and ten fine microbubble plate diffusers, with 152.0 mm diameter and 0.5 to 1.5 mm porosity, installed 1m deep, inside the aeration tank, with
a 15.0 cm distance between them, 300 L.min-1 total air flow and keeping the average dissolved oxygen concentration in the tank from 0.5 to 5.3 mg.L-1. / O mal cheiro inerente ao processo de tratamento biológico de esgoto traz incômodo às comunidades situadas no entorno das estações e danos à saúde dos operadores. O presente trabalho apresenta os resultados do monitoramento de uma estação de tratamento de esgoto com o objetivo de redução da carga orgânica e sólidos suspensos totais do efluente final além da redução de maus odores causados principalmente pelo sulfeto de hidrogênio. O sistema é composto por reator anaeróbio de leito fluidizado, filtro biológico percolador e decantador
secundário. O estudo foi dividido em cinco fases, foi operado durante 271 dias, onde a fase I foi composta por reator anaeróbio, filtro biológico percolador e decantador
secundário, fase II reator anaeróbio, tanque de aeração, filtro biológico percolador, decantador secundário e recirculação do lodo, fase III reator anaeróbio, tanque de
aeração, decantador secundário e recirculação do lodo, fase IV reator anaeróbio, tanque de aeração, filtro biológico percolador, decantador secundário, recirculação
do lodo e recirculação do efluente final e fase V reator anaeróbio, tanque de aeração com espuma de poliuretano, filtro biológico percolador, decantador secundário, recirculação do lodo e recirculação do efluente final. Em todas as fases foram observadas eficiências na remoção da demanda química de oxigênio e demanda
bioquímica de oxigênio de 81 a 94% e de sólidos suspensos totais de 71% a 92%. A remoção de sulfetos, na forma de sulfeto de hidrogênio no meio aquoso no tanque de aeração, apresentou uma eficiência de 44,7%, a liberação de gás sulfídrico do tanque de aeração teve uma redução de 70 % e diminuição de até 95% de sulfeto
de hidrogênio no ar medido na área da estação. A inovação neste sistema operacional de tratamento foi o desenvolvimento de um sistema de aeração, situado
entre o Reator anaeróbio e o filtro biológico percolador, constituído por um compressor com capacidade máxima de vazão de ar de 1.132,7 L.min-1 e dez difusores de microbolhas finas tipo prato, com diâmetro de 152,0 mm e porosidade de 0,5 a 1,5 mm, instalados a 1 m de profundidade, dentro do tanque de aeração, com espaçamento de 15,0 cm entre eles, com vazão total de ar de 300 L.min-1, mantendo a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido no tanque em média entre 0,5 a 5,3 mg.L-1.
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Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-20T13:41:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Luiz Fernando Wagner.pdf: 2111456 bytes, checksum: e1870a4be2fbc8c765b6f4d6b0077dbe (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015-03-23 / The disposal of wastes generated in water treatment plants (WTP) by launching into water streams is considered an environmental crime by current Brazilian law and
became one of the challenges of drinking water public companies, nowadays. The objective of this study was to analyze the alternative disposal of decanter’s sludge
from a WTP, with microsand ballasted sedimentation (ActifloÒ), in a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) containing upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors (UASB)
and polishing pond, called WWTP Verde, in the city of Ponta Grossa - PR, through the sewage collection network. The treatment evaluation on the WWTP was performed for seven distinct phases. The phase 1 occurred with WWTP receiving
only sewage. Phases 2 to 7 occurred with release of WTP sludge in continuous periods ranging from 4 hours per day (phase 2) to 24 hours per day (phase 7),reaching the percentage of 3.2% of WTP sludge, in relation to the total volume tributary to WWTP. The WWTP operated in stable condition throughout the period,with an average flow tributary of 213.14 L/s. The UASBs operated with HRT in 9.9
hours, VHL in 2.4 m3/m3/d, and OLR ranging from 0.75 to 1.66 kgCOD/m3/d. The polishing pond operated with HRT in 4.5 days and OLR ranging from 765 to 2872 kgCOD/ha/d, which corresponds from 19 to 72 gCOD/m3/d. The removal efficiency of COD and TSS by UASBs and the pond was maintained even with the release of WTP sludge. The overall efficiency of the WWTP ranged between 80% and 86% for COD removal and between 92% and 96% for the TSS removal. It was observed
greater removal of nitrogen and phosphorus by UASBs and higher concentration ofnitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium in the UASB's sludge, in the period in which the WWTP was operated with the WTS sludge release. It was concluded
that the sludge release in the sewage collection network is a viable alternative to
disposal of the decanter's waste of WTP Actiflo®, not precluding the treatment of
sewage in WWTP Verde and the use of sewage sludge in agriculture. However, can
be necessary increase the UASB's sludge extraction frequency, from 16 hours of
continuous duration of WTP sludge release in the sewage collection network. / A disposição dos resíduos gerados nas estações de tratamento de água (ETA) através do lançamento in natura em corpos d’água é considerada crime ambiental
pela legislação brasileira vigente e passou a ser um dos desafios das companhias de abastecimento público de água, na atualidade. O objetivo deste trabalho foi
analisar a alternativa de disposição do lodo do decantador de uma ETA, com sedimentação lastreada por microareia (ActifloÒ), em uma estação de tratamento de
esgotos (ETE) composta de reatores anaeróbios de leito fluidizado (RALFs) e lagoa de polimento, denominada ETE Verde, no município de Ponta Grossa – PR, através
da rede coletora de esgotos. A avaliação do tratamento da ETE foi feita durante sete fases distintas. A fase 1 ocorreu com a ETE recebendo apenas esgoto sanitário. As
fases 2 a 7 ocorreram com lançamentos de lodo de ETA, em períodos contínuos que variaram desde 4 horas por dia (fase 2) até 24 horas por dia (fase 7), chegando ao
percentual de 3,2% de lodo de ETA, em relação ao volume total afluente à ETE. A ETE operou em condição estável durante todo o período, com uma vazão média afluente de 213,14 L/s. Os RALFs operaram com TDH de 9,9 horas, CHV de 2,4 m3/m3/d e COV aplicada variando entre 0,75 e 1,66 kgDQO/m3/d. A lagoa operou com TDH de 4,5 dias, com TAS variando entre 765 e 2872 kgDQO/ha/d e COV
aplicada variando entre 19 e 72 gDQO/m3/d. A eficiência na remoção de DQO e SST pelos RALFs e pela lagoa foi mantida, mesmo com o lançamento do lodo da ETA. A
eficiência global da ETE variou entre 80% e 86% para a remoção de DQO e entre 92% e 96% para a remoção de SST. Foi observada maior remoção de nitrogênio e
fósforo pelos RALFs e maior concentração de nitrogênio, fósforo, potássio e magnésio no lodo dos RALFs, no período em que a ETE operou com o lançamento
do lodo de ETA. Concluiu-se que o lançamento do lodo na rede de esgotos é uma alternativa viável de disposição dos rejeitos do decantador da ETA Actiflo®, não
inviabilizando o tratamento de esgotos na ETE Verde e o uso do lodo do esgoto na agricultura. Porém, pode ser necessário aumentar a frequência de extração do lodo
dos RALFs, a partir de 16 horas diárias de duração contínua de lançamento de lodo de ETA na rede coletora de esgotos.
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Contribution à l’étude de la présence et du devenir des résidus de médicaments dans les compartiments aquatiquesBui, Van Hoi 27 November 2013 (has links)
La présence de résidus de médicaments a été évaluée dans des eaux superficielles et des effluents de huit stations d'épuration (quatre rejetant dans l'estuaire de Seine dans le cadre du projet Medseine financé par le GIP Seine- Aval, quatre dans le cadre du projet Toxstep financé par l'Anses (ex-Afsset). Une centaine de molécules a été systématiquement recherchée dans les deux types d'eaux en appliquant des méthodologies analytiques impliquant une extraction solide liquide suivie une analyse par LC-MS/MS. Un suivi saisonnier des rejets de médicaments a été effectué également. Des résidus de médicaments ont été systématiquement quantifiés dans les deux types d'eaux. Les concentrations mesurées dans des eaux de surface sont significatives pour certains composés : de 1 à 108 ng/L pour diclofénac, de 2 à 324 ng/L pour ibuprofène. Pour d’autres, les valeurs sont beaucoup plus faibles : de 2 à 13 ng/L pour sulfapyridine, de 1 à 5 ng/Lpour nordiazépam. Dans les effluents de STEP, les anti-inflammatoires, les β-bloquants, les macrolides et les fluoroquinolones sont plus souvent détectés. Leurs concentrations peuvent varier fortement : de 62 ng/L à 10 μg/L pour sotalol, de 39 ng/L à 8 μg/L pour aténolol et plus particulièrement de 32ng/L jusqu’à 127 μg/L pour paracétamol. Par ailleurs, la stabilité des résidus de médicaments vis à vis des rayonnements lumineux a été évaluée. Des irradiations UV (à 254 nm) pouvant potentiellement être utilisés en étape finaleavant rejet dans des zones particulièrement sensibles ont été appliquées (avec des doses allantjusqu'à 1500 J/m2. Par ailleurs, compte tenu du fait que les effluents sont ensuite majoritairement rejetés dans des eaux superficielles, ils sont soumis aux rayonnements solaires et cette exposition a également été évaluée. Le phénomène de photodégradation à 254 nm a été bien observé sur certains composés comme diclofénac, kétoprofène (> 90% dégradé), ciprofloxacine,norfloxacine (jusqu’à 75% dégradé). L’azithromycine, la clarithromycine, la carbamazépine et l’aténolol... sont des composés plus stables avec les rayonnements lumineux. En exposant sous lumière solaire simulée, le diclofénac, la kétoprofène, la ciprofloxacine et la norfloxacine sontaussi des composés sensibles (> 90% dégradé) après 24 h d’exposition (172,8 kJ/m2). La carbamazépine, la sulfaméthoxazole, l’aténolol, bisoprolol et métoprolol sont des composés plus stables observés. / The presence of pharmaceuticals was evaluated in Seine surface waters and in eight wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) effluents (4 WWTP within MEDSEINE - GIP Seine – Aval project and 4 WWTP within TOXSTEP – ANSES project. A hundred molecules was systematically reseached in both types of waters by applying the analytical methodologies (SPE solid phase extraction followed by LC-MS/MS analysis). A seasonal monitoring of pharmaceutical residues was also carried out. The pharmaceutically residues have been systematically quantified in this both types of water. The concentrations in suface of waters are significative for some molecules: 1 – 108 ng/L for diclofenac, 2 – 324 ng/L for ibuprofen and the values are weakly for some molecules: 2 – 13 for sulfapyridine, 1 – 5 for nordiazepam. Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, β-blockers, macrolides and fluoroquinolones are mostly founded in the effluents of WWTP. Their concentrations were measured in the range: 62 ng/L – 10 µg/L for sotalol, 39 ng/L – 8 µg/L for atenolol, 32 ng/L – up to 127 µg/L for paracetamol.Moreover, the stability of pharmaceuticals was evaluated with light radiation . UV irradiation (at 254 nm) potentially used in the final WWTP before discharge in particularly areas have been applied (with a dose up to 1500 J/m2). Sunlight simulations have also been done. The phenomenon of photodegradation at 254 nm has been observed for some molecules such as : diclofenac, ketoprofen (>90% degraded), ciprofloxacine, norfloxacine (up to 75% degraded). Azithromycinem clarithromycine, carbamazepine and atenolol are most stable molecules observed. Exposing under simulated sunlight, diclofenac, ketoprofen, ciprofloxacine and norfloxacine are also sensitive molecules (>90 % degraded) after 24 hours of exposure (172.8 kJ/m2). Carbamazepine, sulfamethoxazole, atenolol, metoprolol and bisoprolol are most stable molecules observed.
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Recebimento de lodo de ETA em ETE por lodo ativado operando com mídia plástica no tanque de aeração (MBBR). / Receiving WTP sludges in WWTP by activated sludge operating with plastic medium in the aeration tank (MBBR).Helvécio Carvalho de Sena 11 April 2011 (has links)
O tratamento do lodo gerado em estações de tratamento de água para abastecimento (ETAs) é uma questão a ser equacionada em todo o território nacional. O tratamento desses lodos em estações de tratamento de esgoto (ETEs) é uma alternativa a ser estudada, pois pode levar a uma solução eficaz e de custos reduzidos se compararmos aos custos de implantação e operação de um sistema de tratamento de lodos nas próprias ETAs. O recebimento de lodo de ETAs em ETEs é feito em algumas ETEs dos Estados Unidos, porém no Brasil ainda são escassos estudos específicos para sanar as questões técnicas envolvidas tanto na etapa aeróbia quanto na anaeróbia. O sistema de tratamento de esgotos por lodos ativados utilizando mídia plástica como meio suporte ao crescimento microbiológico é outro atrativo ao recebimento de lodo de ETA em uma ETE, visto que estudos demonstram que este tipo de variante é capaz de tratar maior carga orgânica, sem sofrer qualquer inibição de processo. O presente estudo avaliou o recebimento de até 400 mg de SST de lodo de ETA por litro de esgoto em um sistema utilizando mídia plástica como meio suporte. O lodo de ETA utilizado foi proveniente de sistemas que utilizaram sais de Ferro e de Alumínio em seus processos. Não foi observada qualquer inibição no processo aeróbio quanto à remoção de matéria orgânica ou nitrogenada com o recebimento de lodo de ETA em qualquer concentração e operando um sistema com mídia plástica. A carga de DBO5,20 aplicada ao reator biológico ficou entre 1,7 a 15,3 gDBO5,20/m²/dia, e a concentração média da DBO 5,20 no efluente final esteve em todo o período do experimento em 34 mg/L. Com a utilização da mídia plástica o processo de nitrificação teve taxas de remoção passando de 0,9 gNKT/m²/dia para 1,7 gNKT/m²/dia, portanto aumento de 95%. A avaliação do lodo gerado no decantador primário da ETE Piloto demonstra que houve alteração em sua composição, principalmente na relação de SV/ST e o aumento na concentração de metais, principalmente o elemento Ferro. Estas características podem levar à inibição o processo anaeróbio. O teste de Atividade Metanogênica Especifica (AME) realizada com dosagens de 0,4 g e 0,8 g de ST de lodo de ETA demonstra que há inibição da metanogênese para concentrações acima de 0,4 g de ST. A concentração na qual não se observou efeito negativo corresponde a 10% da quantidade mássica que o digestor anaeróbio foi alimentado. Porém o teste de AME reproduz toxicidade aguda, não considerando a possível adaptação que pode ocorrer ou mesmo demonstrar que um esgoto que, em primeira análise é considerado biodegradável, tem na realidade toxicidade crônica. A operação do sistema utilizando mídia plástica levou a uma redução na produção de lodo na ordem de 57%. Antes da maturação do biofilme a produção era de 0,19 g SSV/g DQO removida e passou para 0,09 g SSV/g DQO removida. / An issue to be taken into account, regarding the continental size of the country is the sludge treatment generated in water treatment plants (WTPs). The treatment of the aforementioned sludge which is held in water treatment plant (WWTP) is a valid alternative considering its costs and efficacy as opposed to the budgetary considerations for the sludge treatment in the WTPs alone. The recipience of the sludge from WTP into WWTPs, is done by some North Americans WWTPs, in Brazil, nonetheless, such specific studies are of short supply to heal the technical questions regarding both the anaerobic and also the aerobic processes. The activated sludge operational swage system with plastic medium as means to aid the microbiologic development, also entices the reception of sludge from WTP into WWTPs, given the fact that some studies have demonstrated this variant type capable of treating a much bigger organic load not even suffering any inhibition over the process. This current study evaluated the reception of a sum up to 400 mg (milligrams) of sludge TSS by sewage liter in a plastic medium as means to aid such process. The sludge from WTP used in here came from systems which utilized Iron and aluminum salt in their processes. Any inhibition regarding the removal of organic or nitrogenated matter in the aerobic process operated with the plastic medium system with the reception of sludge from WTP was observed and/or noticed The BOD5,20 charge which was applied to the biological reactor ranked between 1,7 to 15,3 gDBO5,20/m²/day, and the BOD5,20 average concentration into the final effluent was all the time the experiment was going on in 34 mg/L. Regarding the usage of plastic medium over the nitrification process, removal which jumped from 0,9 gNKT/m²/day to 1,7 gNKT/m²/day, thus an increase of 95%. The evaluation of the sludge generated from the WWTPs primary settling tank demonstrates alteration in its composition, mainly related to VS/TS and the metal concentration augmentation, iron being the most present element in here. Such characteristics may lead to an inhibition regarding the anaerobic process. The specific methanogenic activity (SMA) taking into account the dosages: 0, 4 g and 0, 8 g of TS sludge from WTP shows methanogenesis inhibition for concentrations superior to 0, 4 g of TS. 10% of mass quantity is the amount which no negative effect was noticed when feeding the anaerobic digestor. The SMA test, however, reproduces acute toxicity, not taking into account the possible adaptation that may occur or even demonstrate that the sewage which at first instance could be considered biodegradable is in its real sense chronically toxic. The activated sludge operating with plastic medium has lead the sludge production to reduction of around 57%, before the biofilm maturation the production was 0,19 g VSS/g COD removed and it was upgraded to 0,09 g VSS/g COD removed.
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