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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蔣中正國家建構的型範:戰前江西之經驗(1930~37) / The importance of “Jiangxi Mode”1930-37 for Chiang Kai-shek's ideas of state-building

張智瑋, Chang, Chih-Wei Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要探討蔣中正於1930~1937年之間如何型範其建構現代國家的模式。此期間在完成北伐後對中共展開軍事圍剿,他試圖融合中國傳統社會控制方法與現代西方觀念,展開一連串政治、社會、經濟等層面的改革,從中體現了現代國家的建構過程。江西省作為對中共軍事圍剿的中心,在熊式輝主政下施行一系列地方政治改革措施,其中包含了許多傳統的中國社會控制方式,而正也體現了蔣中正其有關地方政治改革觀念。同時,江西省的農村與同時期中國其他省份農村,均面臨了嚴重的經濟與社會危機,江西農村在當時更成為毛澤東建立革命根據地並成功動員農民的大本營,並且展現了毛澤東建構現代國家的另一種模式。所以分析江西為何能夠成為中共進行武裝革命的重要根據地,以及其能成功動員農民的主要動力何在,成為理解蔣中正據以提出其著名的「三分軍事,七分政治」策略的重要原因。因此,江西省政府於1930年代進行一連串的地方政治改革,分析其方案內容以理解蔣中正對於地方政治改革與建構現代國家之間的關係。對蔣中正而言,進行地方政治改革的主要目的是為了擴張與強化國家對基層社會之基礎控制能力,借以強化對農村社會的控制。但為使改革成功而必須適應中國之國情,因此蔣中正採借了中國傳統帝國時期有關農村社會控制與動員的手段,例如保甲制度、團練與強調恢復傳統道德精神的新生活運動等。其後,蔣中正以江西省的實際作法與成功經驗作為其掌握國家權力後的具體施政參照,例如1939年對日抗戰期間國民政府毅然決定全面革新進行縣政制度,也反映了相同的政治改革邏輯。在蔣中正的政治改革理念中,不僅反映了傳統與現代性之間的掙扎、反抗與妥協,衝突、轉化與融合,並且有意或無意地採取了中國特有的習慣與制度,從而體現了現代性的多元特性。 / This dissertation focuses on the ideas and mode of how Chiang Kai-shek build the modern state in 1930-1937. In this period, he tried to integrate traditional Chinese social control methods and modern Western concepts, and launched a series of political, social, economic and other aspects of the reform. However, in the period of 1930-1937. Which embodies the construction of the modern state process. Jiangxi Province as the center of the Chinese military siege before 1935, Xiong Shi-hui implement a series of local political reform measures which contains many of the traditional Chinese social control, Chiang Kai-shek is the best embodiment of the concept of local political reform. At the same time, rural areas in Jiangxi Province and other provinces in China in the same period were facing serious economic and social crises. At that time, the rural areas in Jiangxi Province became Mao Zedong's revolutionary base areas and the headquarters where successfully mobilized the peasants, moreover, Mao Zedong to show the construction of a modern state of another model. Therefore, the analysis of why Jiangxi could become an important base for the armed revolution in China, its main motivation to mobilize the peasants, became an important reason for Chiang Kai-shek to put forward his famous "three points military, seven political" strategy. Therefore, the Jiangxi provincial government in the 1930s to carry out a series of local political reform, analysis of its program content to understand the Chiang Kai-shek for local political reform and the construction of the relationship between the modern state. For Chiang Kai-shek, the purpose of local political reform is to expand and strengthen the country's basic control of grass-roots level of social control, but to make the success of the reform must adapt to China's national conditions, so he adopted the traditional society of social control and mobilization means, such as the system of “Bar-jia”, “Tuan-Lian”(militia) and the new life movement which that emphasizes the restoration of the traditional moral spirit. The practices and successful experience of Jiangxi become an important reference after Chiang Kai-shek take the political power of nation, for example, he decided to conduct a comprehensive reform of the county system during the Sino-Japanese war in 1939, which that also reflects the same logic of political reform. In Chiang Kai-shek's ideas of political reform, not only reflects the struggle between tradition and modernity, resistance and compromise, bat also conflict, transformation and integration. At the same time, in his ideas had adopted China's unique habits and institutions intentionally or unintentionally, thus reflecting the characteristics of modernity multivariate.

行在淨土,解在唯識:近代東亞佛教的解神話詮釋學 / Demythologizing Amitābha: A Consciousness-Only Hermeneutics of Pure Land Buddhism in Modern East Asia

孫亞柏, Jakub Zamorski Unknown Date (has links)
此文獻以淨土佛教中的解神話化爭議來闡述更為廣泛的議題,意即,西方人文學科的分類(在此則特指宗教哲學)是否、以及在何種程度上,對於識別和解釋現代東亞知識發展有所助益? 在序章中,已對此一普遍議題對當代淨土佛教研究如何產生影響有所說明。該領域長期以來受到日本學者—特別是被歸類為所謂「宗學」的日本淨土教派的學者們—所左右。毋庸置疑地,這些學者們所用以談論淨土傳統的思想框架,強烈地受到19世紀末日本面對西方哲學、神學之衝擊所影響。然而,近幾年來,部分西方學者認為,這樣的觀點並不適用於中國淨土佛教的情況,因為在中國,淨土宗並非一有系統之思想內容,而僅是作為虔誠與儀式實踐。本論文將以不同的切入點來探討此爭議。本文關注於:當淨土信仰與實踐被置於「佛教詮釋學」中的爭議來論述時,意即,以較為精練的方法論來詮釋文本時,西方化的思想框架是否能夠充分地呈現這些佛經的「詮釋者」們最初的關懷。 本文所關注的議題,在於部分佛教現代主義者借助唯識思想來詮釋淨土信仰之傾向。如同在本書頭二章所敘述的,部分日本淨土「宗學家」將此種解讀歸類為將淨土佛教「解神話化」。在此,解神話被理解為對淨土神話的批判性詮釋,並以此回應現代化與西方化。此種詮釋亦被認為是回歸到淨土神話「真正的」意義,意即,阿彌陀佛實為內在真理之象徵,而非外存之他者。然而,如同第四章所述,在近代中國,以唯識學詮釋淨土教義的方法論發展,乃是對現代化之前、以及現代化早期所產生的、懸而未決之爭議的反動,而不僅是西方衝擊之下的產物。而如同第五章中所論及的,這些尚未塵埃落定的爭議其中之一,便是所謂「自性彌陀」是否應被理解為真正的救世主;又或者,其應當被視為嚮導、老師。 在接續的章節中,筆者將著重於特別選定的若干核心材料,藉以呈現前述之中國佛教徒開始大量接受現代西方概念後所發展出來的詮釋學爭論。第六章探討由19世紀在家學者沈善登所撰寫的論著《報恩論》之殘篇。就筆者所知,《報恩論》為可知成書年代的漢語文獻中,最早從「現代」觀點來檢視淨土宗與唯識學的關係之著作,意即,該類撰文者普遍熟知後啟蒙時代的西方觀點。第七章則分析中、日對於適切理解淨土宗解脫敘述的爭論。該爭論為1899年至1901年間,楊文會與淨土真宗的一組僧人,即小栗栖香頂和内記龍舟,之間的筆戰。此處所關注之抄本收載了楊文會對唯識思想與淨土信仰的關係最為早期之書面表態,意即,其堅信淨土信仰應當與唯識思想之研修相互連結。雖已有部分學者對該爭論進行研究,然而,此一特殊面向卻尚未引起太多關注。為了進一步解析前述之發展於民國初期的概念,第八章將以唐大圓之選文作為研究實例。作為改革派在家居士,唐大圓主要活躍於20至30年代之間,亦為西方概念匯聚之時期。本章不僅剖釋唐大圓之銘言:「行在淨土,解在唯識」,亦將闡述此奠基於唯識思想之「解」如何在對同期淨土傳統、特別是對法藏菩薩之神話理解的批評中,揭示呈顯出來。 最後,第九章將總結主要考察成果,並提出未來深入研究之可行方向。在第九章,筆者主張唯識思想為漢傳佛教提供了統一的準則來理解淨土神話,而此方式與兩種傳統解讀大相逕庭,意即,其並非彷彿單純的奉獻者一樣,照字面地將阿彌陀佛與淨土理解為「心外」之物,亦非如學院派讀法一般,將阿彌陀佛等同於心性。淨土信仰的唯識學詮釋能夠支持將阿彌陀佛視為人類社群的「啟發的領導者」此一現代想像;同時,其亦得以將佛教思想與現代對理想社會和社群發展的理念相互連結。

揚雄與巴蜀文學. / Yang Xiong yu Bashu wen xue.

January 1975 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學. / MS. / Includes bibliographical references (l. 288-303). / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue. / 緒 言 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一章 --- 揚雄與莊遵 --- p.5 / Chapter 第一節 --- 揚雄的出身 --- p.5 / Chapter 第二節 --- 莊遵的德業 --- p.8 / Chapter 第三節 --- 莊遵的著述 --- p.17 / Chapter 第四節 --- 蜀莊沉冥與揚雄立默 --- p.20 / Chapter 第五節 --- 莊遵對揚雄治學的影响 --- p.30 / Chapter 第二章 --- 揚雄與司馬相如 --- p.46 / Chapter 第一節 --- 揚雄賦之模擬相如 --- p.46 / Chapter 第二節 --- 揚雄與相如遭際之異 --- p.56 / Chapter 第三節 --- 宣帝時文人的地位 --- p.67 / Chapter 第四節 --- 揚與巴蜀文學 --- p.74 / Chapter 第五節 --- 揚馬與音樂 --- p.80 / Chapter 第三章 --- 揚雄與劉歆行誼之異 --- p.94 / Chapter 第一節 --- 揚雄與劉歆同任黃門侍郎 --- p.94 / Chapter 第二節 --- 揚劉二人之交誼 --- p.101 / Chapter 第三節 --- 揚雄心路抉微 --- p.111 / Chapter 第四節 --- 揚雄在著述中所表現的心迹 --- p.118 / Chapter 第五節 --- 劉歆與王莽之關係 --- p.134 / Chapter 第四章 --- 揚雄之著述及其成就 --- p.151 / Chapter 第一節 --- 揚雄的著作與專集 --- p.151 / Chapter 第二節 --- 揚雄在文學上的成就 --- p.169 / Chapter 第五章 --- 從法言分析揚雄之文學思想 --- p.189 / Chapter 第一節 --- 論文章法度 --- p.190 / Chapter 第二節 --- 論文道合一 --- p.198 / Chapter 第三節 --- 論文質消長 --- p.203 / Chapter 第四節 --- 論賦之諷諫 --- p.213 / Chapter 第五節 --- 論作賦之方法 --- p.223 / 附羅根澤「賦神論」質疑 / Chapter 甲 --- 司馬相如之「賦心」 --- p.223 / Chapter 乙 --- 揚雄「賦神論」質疑 --- p.227 / Chapter 丙 --- 揚雄「神」之觀念探原 --- p.232 / Chapter 第六章 --- 揚雄對巴蜀文學之貢獻 --- p.247 / Chapter 第一節 --- 文翁與巴蜀文教之關係 --- p.247 / Chapter 第二節 --- 揚雄對巴蜀文學之貢獻 --- p.263 / 參考書目 --- p.288

The Calderón problem for connections

Cekić, Mihajlo January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with the inverse problem of determining a unitary connection $A$ on a Hermitian vector bundle $E$ of rank $m$ over a compact Riemannian manifold $(M, g)$ from the Dirichlet-to-Neumann (DN) map $\Lambda_A$ of the associated connection Laplacian $d_A^*d_A$. The connection is to be determined up to a unitary gauge equivalence equal to the identity at the boundary. In our first approach to the problem, we restrict our attention to conformally transversally anisotropic (cylindrical) manifolds $M \Subset \mathbb{R}\times M_0$. Our strategy can be described as follows: we construct the special Complex Geometric Optics solutions oscillating in the vertical direction, that concentrate near geodesics and use their density in an integral identity to reduce the problem to a suitable $X$-ray transform on $M_0$. The construction is based on our proof of existence of Gaussian Beams on $M_0$, which are a family of smooth approximate solutions to $d_A^*d_Au = 0$ depending on a parameter $\tau \in \mathbb{R}$, bounded in $L^2$ norm and concentrating in measure along geodesics when $\tau \to \infty$, whereas the small remainder (that makes the solution exact) can be shown to exist by using suitable Carleman estimates. In the case $m = 1$, we prove the recovery of the connection given the injectivity of the $X$-ray transform on $0$ and $1$-forms on $M_0$. For $m > 1$ and $M_0$ simple we reduce the problem to a certain two dimensional $\textit{new non-abelian ray transform}$. In our second approach, we assume that the connection $A$ is a $\textit{Yang-Mills connection}$ and no additional assumption on $M$. We construct a global gauge for $A$ (possibly singular at some points) that ties well with the DN map and in which the Yang-Mills equations become elliptic. By using the unique continuation property for elliptic systems and the fact that the singular set is suitably small, we are able to propagate the gauges globally. For the case $m = 1$ we are able to reconstruct the connection, whereas for $m > 1$ we are forced to make the technical assumption that $(M, g)$ is analytic in order to prove the recovery. Finally, in both approaches we are using the vital fact that is proved in this work: $\Lambda_A$ is a pseudodifferential operator of order $1$ acting on sections of $E|_{\partial M}$, whose full symbol determines the full Taylor expansion of $A$ at the boundary.

The Solvent induced swelling behaviour of Victorian brown coals

Guy, Peter John, guyp@ebac.com.au January 2002 (has links)
The solvent-induced swelling behaviour of Victorian brown coals was examined in detail to probe the bonding mechanisms in very low rank coals (in this case Victorian brown coal). Correlation of solvent properties with differences in observed swelling behaviour were interpreted in terms of the coal structure, and means of predicting the observed behaviour were considered. Modification of the coal structure via physical compression (briquetting), chemical digestion, thermal modification, and functional group alkylation was used to further elucidate those structural features which govern the swelling behaviour of Victorian brown coals. Briquette weathering (i.e. swelling and disintegration of briquettes when exposed to variations in humidity and temperature) was examined by making alterations to briquette feed material and observing the effects on swelling in water. The application of solubility parameter alone to prediction of coal swelling was rejected due to the many exceptions to any proposed trend. Brown coal swelling showed a minimum when the solvent electron-donor number (DN) minus its electron-acceptor number (AN) was closest to zero, i.e. when DN and AN were of similar magnitude. The degree of swelling increased either side of this point, as predicted by theory. In contrast to the solubility parameter approach (which suffers from the uncertainty caused by specific interaction between coal and solvent), the electron donor/acceptor approach is about specific interactions. It was concluded that a combination of total and three-dimensional solubility parameters and solvent electron donor/acceptor numbers may be used to predict solvent swelling of unextracted brown coals with some success. Solvent access to chemically densified coal was found to be insensitive to a reduction in pore volume, and chemical effects were dominant. Thermal modification of the digested coal resulted in reduced swelling for all solvents, indicating that the structure had adopted a minimum energy configuration due to decarboxylation and replacement of hydrogen bonds with additional covalent bonds. Swelling of oxygen-alkylated coals demonstrated that the more polar solvents are able to break relatively weak hydrogen bonded crosslinks. The large difference between the rate and extent of swelling in water (and hence weathering) of Yallourn and Morwell briquettes was shown to be almost entirely attributable to exchanged magnesium. Magnesium exchange significantly increases the rate and extent of swelling of Yallourn coal. It was also shown that the swelling of briquettes due to uptake of water by magnesium-exchanged coals is reduced significantly with controlled ageing of the briquettes. The solvent swelling behaviour of Victorian brown coals is consistent with the notion that coal is a both covalently and non-covalently crosslinked and entangled macromolecular network comprising extractable species, which are held within the network by a wide range of non-covalent, polar, electron donor/acceptor interactions. Solvents capable of significant extraction of whole brown coals are also capable of significant swelling, but not dissolution, of the macromolecular coal network, which supports the view that the network is comprised of both covalent and ionic bonding. Victorian brown coals have also been shown to exhibit polyelectrolytic behaviour due to a high concentration of ionisable surface functionalities.

張載氣化論之結構-從張載反佛論談起 / The Structure of Chang Tsai Chi-hua lun

金春植, Kim, Chun-Sik Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

Sur une classe de systèmes dissipatifs hors d'équilibre

Coppex, François 17 March 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Nous considérons des systèmes dissipatifs, hors d'équilibre, de faible densité, et constitués d'un grand nombre de particules classiques en interaction. Dans une première partie, nous étudions l'annihilation balistique probabiliste, où les particules ont une trajectoire balistique sauf lorsqu'elles entrent en contact, s'annihilant alors avec probabilité p et subissant une collision élastique avec probabilité (1-p). Nous établissons pour ce système sans loi de conservation une description hydrodynamique résultant de la théorie cinétique. L'analyse de stabilité linéaire de l'état homogène montre alors que l'amplification des fluctuations par la dynamique est un phénomène transitoire. Dans la seconde partie, nous présentons un modèle mésoscopique décrivant le phénomène de brisure spontanée de symétrie observé dans certaines expériences sur la matière granulaire vibrée.

Choosing coalition partners: the politics of central bank independence in Korea and Taiwan

Byun, Young Hark 29 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

Vortices, Painlevé integrability and projective geometry

Contatto, Felipe January 2018 (has links)
GaugThe first half of the thesis concerns Abelian vortices and Yang-Mills theory. It is proved that the 5 types of vortices recently proposed by Manton are actually symmetry reductions of (anti-)self-dual Yang-Mills equations with suitable gauge groups and symmetry groups acting as isometries in a 4-manifold. As a consequence, the twistor integrability results of such vortices can be derived. It is presented a natural definition of their kinetic energy and thus the metric of the moduli space was calculated by the Samols' localisation method. Then, a modified version of the Abelian–Higgs model is proposed in such a way that spontaneous symmetry breaking and the Bogomolny argument still hold. The Painlevé test, when applied to its soliton equations, reveals a complete list of its integrable cases. The corresponding solutions are given in terms of third Painlevé transcendents and can be interpreted as original vortices on surfaces with conical singularity. The last two chapters present the following results in projective differential geometry and Hamiltonians of hydrodynamic-type systems. It is shown that the projective structures defined by the Painlevé equations are not metrisable unless either the corresponding equations admit first integrals quadratic in first derivatives or they define projectively flat structures. The corresponding first integrals can be derived from Killing vectors associated to the metrics that solve the metrisability problem. Secondly, it is given a complete set of necessary and sufficient conditions for an arbitrary affine connection in 2D to admit, locally, 0, 1, 2 or 3 Killing forms. These conditions are tensorial and simpler than the ones in previous literature. By defining suitable affine connections, it is shown that the problem of existence of Killing forms is equivalent to the conditions of the existence of Hamiltonian structures for hydrodynamic-type systems of two components.

The Interrelation of Ethnicity, Iconicity, and Form in American Comics

Kunyosying, Kom 09 1900 (has links)
xv, 186 p. : ill. (some col.) / This dissertation analyzes issues of race, ethnicity, and identity in American comics and visual culture, and identifies important areas for alternative means to cultural authority located at the intersections of verbal and visual representation. The symbolic qualities that communicate ethnicity and give ethnicity meaning in American culture are illuminated in new ways when studied within the context of the highly symbolic medium of comics. Creators of comics are able to utilize iconic qualities, among other unique formal qualities of the medium, to construct new visual narratives around ethnicity and identity, which require new and multidisciplinary perspectives for comprehending their communicative complexity. This dissertation synthesizes cultural and critical analysis in combination with formal analysis in an effort to further advance the understanding of comics and their social implications in regard to race and ethnic identity. Much like film scholars in the 1960s, comics scholars in the United States currently are in the process of establishing a core of methodological and theoretical approaches, including Lacanian theories of the image, the comic mapping of symbolic order, the recognition of self in undetailed faces, comics closure, and the implications of the comics gutter. Drawing upon these ideas and additional perspectives offered by scholars of film and literary studies, such as the relationship between ethnicity and the symbolic, the scopophilic gaze, and filmic suture, I analyze the following visual texts: Henry Kiyama's The Four Immigrants Manga, Gene Yang's American Born Chinese, and Anna Deavere Smith's Twilight: Los Angeles. The dissertation also performs a multimedia analysis of the current ascendency of geek culture, its relationship to the comics medium, and the geek protagonist as an expression of simulated ethnicity. Ultimately, the unique insights offered by the study of comics concerning principles of ethnic iconicity and identity have far reaching implications for scholars of visual and verbal culture in other mediums as well. / Committee in charge: Daniel Wojcik, Chairperson; Dr. Priscilla P. Ovalle, Member; Dr. Benjamin D. Saunders, Member; Dr. Doug Blandy, Outside Member

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