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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Devenir adulte au "Magyarisztán" : Jeunes réfugiés non accompagnés en transition : traces de vulnérabilité, voies de résilience / Becoming an adult in "Magyarisztán" : Unaccompanied refugees in transition : traces of vulnerability, pathways of resilience

Tarafas, Laura 23 October 2017 (has links)
Ce travail a été réalisé en Hongrie entre 2014 et 2017, un pays souvent considéré comme« pays de transit » pour les demandeurs d’asile et les mineurs isolés étrangers. Ce pays dont les frontières étaient difficiles à franchir pendant les années du communisme doit faire face à une vague de demandeurs d’asile de plus en plus importante. Après le début des années 2000, le nombre de demandeurs d’asile a augmenté de manière considérable et la même tendance peut être constatée concernant les mineurs isolés étrangers, dont une nombre considérable sur la région d’Europe Centre-Est est accueilli en Hongrie. La présente recherche a pour but d’identifier les voies de résilience, que de jeunes réfugiés, le plus souvent arrivés comme mineurs non accompagnés, construisent dans un pays avec un contexte politique difficile. Ce travail propose également une aperçu historique et critique des approches théorico-cliniques du trauma et de la résilience. Cette dernière notion sera examinée par rapport à la situation de réfugié. En fonction de la quasi absence de recherches sur les jeunes réfugiés en Hongrie, nous considérons ce travail comme une étude exploratoire. Cette recherche s’appuie en particulier sur l’analyse qualitative des entretiens semi-structurés réalisés auprès de 13 jeunes réfugiés âgés de 18 à 24 ans ayant obtenu l’asile. Les catégories d’analyse qui émergent sont obtenues de manière inductive en fonction de la méthode de la Théorie Ancrée (Grounded Theory). Outre l’analyse approfondie des entretiens de recherche avec les jeunes réfugiés, ce travail inclut le compte-rendu de plusieurs séjours de terrain, des entretiens réalisés auprès des professionnels impliqués dans l’accompagnement des jeunes ainsi que l’analyse d’une observation participante du chercheur pendant la crise migratoire. En complément de l’analyse nous avons utilisé un codage des entretiens avec le logiciel NVivo 11 Pro. Nous avons identifié sept catégories : Différences entre « ici » et « là-bas », Caractéristiques individuelles, Avenir, Trouver sa place au pays d’accueil est important, Tout est difficile dans la vie si tu es réfugié, Souffrance psychologique, Relations Sociales. Certaines sous-catégories attirent l’attention comme facteurs de protection importants, encore peu étudiés tel que le rôle du sport ou celui des petites amies et de leurs familles issues du pays d’accueil. Dans la lignée de précédentes études, les résultats suggèrent que la plupart des facteurs associés à la résilience dépendent du contexte, et comportent des aspects négatifs aussi bien que positifs (religion, éducation, orientation vers l’avenir). En accord avec Ni2Raghallaigh et Gilligan (2010), on peut conclure que catégoriser les jeunes réfugiés de façon binaire, comme vulnérables où résilients apparaît trop simplificateur. En outre, certaines sous-catégories semblent indiquer la présence d’éléments spécifiques au contexte du pays d’accueil. Bien que ceux-ci nécessitent davantage de recherche, elles soulignent l’interaction entre les facteurs environnementaux et individuels. Les résultats de recherche complétés par une analyse détaillée du contexte socio-culturel et historique attirent l’attention sur les spécificités du pays d’accueil comme un contexte à multiples facettes ayant un impact sur la manière dont les voies de résilience se construisent. Sans être généralisable cette étude nous ouvre des perspectives pour de nouvelles recherches. / This study was completed in Hungary between 2014 and 2017. Hungary is considered a transit country for asylum seekers and unaccompanied minors. While the country's borders were strictly controlled during the communist era, asylum seekers began arriving in the country in the post-communist period and from the early 2000's, the number of asylum seekers has increased considerably. A parallel trend can be observed in the number of whom are hosted by Hungary. This research aims to identify how young refugees, most of whom arrived as accompanied minors, form their pathways of resilience in the difficult political context of Hungary. Trauma and resilience served as conceptual frameworks for this study, wich begins with a theoretical-clinical overview of aforementioned concepts. Thes are also challenged in the study. The author attempts to define the notion of resilience in the specific context of refuge. Given the fact that very little is known about the psychological wellbeing of young refugees in Hungary, this research qualifies as an exploratory study. For this reason, a Grounded Theory approach was use to gain data inductively from the analysis of 13 interviews, wich were completed with young refugees between the ages of 18 and 24. Furthermore, the study includes field studies and interviews completed with professionals working in the sector, as well as the summary of the participatory observation the autor took part in during the refugees crisis in Hungary [...].

Gruppen i kläm : En studie om unga flyktingars upplevelser av den nya gymnasielagen / Grupp in a clamp : A study of how the unaccompanied young refugees experiences the Swedish upper secondary school act

Gul, Reaz, Li, Chunhua January 2021 (has links)
In the past decades, Sweden’s asylum policy known for its humanitarianism has taken a significant turn toward restrictiveness. In 2016 a temporary law was introduced in Sweden to restrict asylum seekers in reaction to the refugee crisis 2015. The group that has been hit hard by this law is the unaccompanied young refugees. In 2018 another temporary law referred to as the Upper Secondary School Act was enforced to allow certain unaccompanied young refugees to complete their upper secondary education studies. Those young refugees who received temporary resident permits may only extend his or her resident permit if he or she finds a permanent employment within six months after graduation from the second upper school. The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of how the Upper Secondary School Act affects the lives of those young refugees, and how those young people orientate themselves in their everyday lives to live up to the law’s requirement. The study’s data has been gathered through a qualitative research method and six interviews are conducted with six young refugees affected by the Upper Secondary School Act. The study’s theoretical approach is based on orientation/disorientation, deserving, SOC(a sense of  Coherence) and human capital theory. The study shows that the Upper secondary school Act has led to negative consequences for those unaccompanied young refugees due to the law’s difficult requirement. It causes stress, mental problems and disorientation for the young refugees. The study also shows that the young refugees worked very hard to navigate the uncertainty in their lives, to fulfil the law’s requirement and claim for belonging in Sweden.  The study concludes that the political context shapes the lives of young refugees.

The role of Social Networking Service (SNS) for young refugees’ employment in Sweden : A qualitative study on how Facebook contributes to young refugees aged 18-30 years old seeking job information in Jönköping, Sweden

Li, Jingsi, Kardgar, Milad January 2022 (has links)
This research has investigated how Facebook contributes to young refugees aged between 18-30 seeking a job in Jönköping. Past research revealed that the usage of social media has drastically increased during the past years so social media has become one of the main forms of communication. The refugee crisis started after the war in the Middle East in 2011 and refugees faced many challenges after their arrival to a new country, including finding a job which is one of the most important concerns among them. The fact we mentioned inspired us to do the research about how Facebook impacts young refugees’ employment in Sweden.  In this paper, we chose a qualitative method including interviews and surveys from a small group that is representative of the larger population. This research conducted a semi-structured interview which consisted of a list of fixed questions that followed with open-end answers to help us to gain more data. The study result showed that most of the participants think Facebook is a useful tool to use for finding job information. We concluded five features used by participants for searching job information on Facebook which were search bar, Facebook groups, companies’ Facebook pages, the Job search feature on the Facebook menu, and social networking on Facebook. In conclusion, we observed that Facebook is playing a positive role in helping young refugees aged between 18-30 in Jönköping to gain job information. This research has been conducted in a limited range of young refugees aged 18-30 in Jönköping, Sweden. Therefore, further research from a broader range of participants might be a complement to this research. Moreover, it might provide additional knowledge if the further investigation shows how Facebook impacts differently on the young refugees who come to Sweden with family or friends, and unaccompanied young refugees.

Mobile phone use among young refugees in a protracted situation through the lens of social capital / 社会関係資本の観点からみた長期化難民状況における若年層の携帯電話利用 / シャカイ カンケイ シホン ノ カンテン カラ ミタ チョウキカ ナンミン ジョウキョウ ニオケル ジャクネンソウ ノ ケイタイ デンワ リヨウ

Marwa Ahmad 18 September 2021 (has links)
This empirical investigation sheds new light on a neglected topic of research on mobile phone use among the youth population of refugees that can help understand better how vulnerable youth can maximize the use of available resources in an active attempt to reduce their distresses and overwrite a better future for themselves and their families. Therefore, in light of James Coleman's social capital theory, I examined the use of mobile phones and social networking sites among 64 young Syrian refugees aged between 14 and 25 years old living in Lebanon. / 博士(グローバル社会研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in Global Society Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Mental health, substance misuse and labour market participation in teenage refugees in Sweden – A longitudinal perspective

Manhica, Hélio January 2017 (has links)
Aim: To fill the knowledge gap about the importance of contextual factors after resettlement on mental health, substance misuse and labour market participation among young refugees who immigrate to Sweden as teenagers. Methods: Register studies in national registers of national cohorts of young refugees, unaccompanied and accompanied, who settled in Sweden as teenagers. Studies 1-4 used Cox regression models to study the risks of psychiatric care consumption and substance misuse, while Study 5 used multinomial regression to study position on the labour. These findings were compared with peers from the same birth cohorts in the general Swedish population and non-European intercountry adoptees (Studies 2 and 5). Results: The overall results suggest that young accompanied and unaccompanied refugees were more likely to be admitted to psychiatric inpatient and compulsory hospital care, but not outpatient care, with refugees born in the Horn of Africa and Iran having the highest risk (Study 1). Young accompanied and unaccompanied refugees also had higher risk of hospitalization and criminal conviction associated with substance misuse (Study 3). Longer duration of residence in Sweden was associated with increased risks of outpatient care (Study 1) and hospitalization related to substance misuse (studies 3 and 4). These increase risks of young refugees were associated with their socioeconomic living conditions (Studies 3 and 4), but risk factors associated with the country of origin of the refugee population and the intercountry adoptees were more important determinants of schizophrenia than socioeconomic conditions in Sweden (Study 2). Young accompanied and unaccompanied refugees and intercountry adoptees had a lower likelihood of being in full employment than native Swedes with comparable levels of education. Secondary education, however, increased employment chances and reduced the risk of being neither employed nor in education or training (Study 5). Conclusion: Evidence suggests that several groups of young refugees are at higher risk of mental health problems and substance misuse. They also face employment disadvantages and barriers to psychiatric care in the early stages of developing a psychiatric disorder. / Syfte: Att undersöka betydelsen av kontextuella faktorer för psykisk hälsa, alkohol- och narkotikamissbruk samt sysselsättning bland unga flyktingar som invandrat till Sverige som tonåringar.Metod: Avhandlingen baseras i sin helhet på studier i nationella register av nationella kohorter av flyktingar som anlände till Sverige i åldern 13-19 år och var folkbokförda i Sverige 2005, jämförda med övrig svensk befolkning och utlandsadopterade (Studier 2 och 5) i samma åldrar. Studierna 1-4 använder sig av Cox regressionsmodeller för att undersöka psykiatrisk vårdkonsumtion inklusive vård relaterad till alkohol- och narkotikamissbruk. Studie 5 undersöker position på arbets-marknaden bland unga ensamkommande och icke-ensamkommande flyktingar med hjälp av multinominal regression. Resultat: Unga ensamkommande och icke-ensamkommande flykting-ungdomar vårdas i större utsträckning i psykiatrisk sluten- och tvångs-vård, men ej öppenvård, med störst risk för flyktingar födda på Afrikas Horn och i Iran (Studie 1). Unga ensamkommande och icke-ensamkommande flyktingungdomar hade också högre risk för sjukhusvård och att dömas för brott i samband med alkohol- och narkotikamissbruk (Studie 3). Denna ökade vårdkonsumtion förklaras till en del av de unga flyk-tingarnas socioekonomiska levnadsförhållanden (Studier 3 och 4). Konsumtionen av psykiatrisk öppenvård ökade med tiden efter ankomsten till Sverige (Studie 1), liksom sjukhusvård till följd av alkohol- och narkotikamissbruk (Studier 3 och 4). Sjukhusvård och kriminalitet i sam-band med missbruk av alkohol och narkotika är vanligare bland unga manliga flyktingar än för kvinnliga. Faktorer associerade med flyktingars och utlandsadopterades ursprungsland var mer betydande riskfaktorer för schizofreni än de socioekonomiska förhållandena i Sverige (Studie 2). Unga ensamkommande och icke-ensamkommande flyktingar hade en högre risk att varken arbeta eller delta i en utbildning och hade också sämre utsikter till anställning än inhemska svenskar med jämförbar utbildningsnivå. Gymnasiekompetens ökade chanserna för inträde på arbetsmarknaden (Studie 5). Slutsats: Resultaten tyder på att flera grupper av unga flyktingar har en högre risk för problem med psykisk ohälsa och substansmissbruk. De konfronteras även i högre grad med arbetslöshet och olika hinder för att få psykiatrisk vård i tidiga stadier av psykisk ohälsa. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript. Paper 5: Manuscript.</p>

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