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Processos de educar e educar-se em instituição de atendimento a crianças e adolescentes em situação de risco.Silva, Lígia Maria Portela da 05 March 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-03-05 / This work investigated how educators and students, who participated in the program of
attending on children and adolescents at risk situation, are educated in order to recognize and
respect the differences and also recognize their potentialities and limits, exercising their
reflexive, critical, and propositive capacity. It was developed in 2006 and 2007, with the
Programa Conquista Criança, a municipal action of attending on children and adolescents at
risk situation, in Vitória da Conquista, in the State of Bahia, and it had as field of empiric
research two workshops developed by the Program. The goals of the research were: a) to
identify and analyze the conceptions of educators and students about education, educator,
child and adolescent, and about the aims and the action of the Programa Conquista Criança; b)
to analyze the educator s and the student s praxis and their formative process, identifying the
different spaces, experiences and moments in which this process takes place. In this work, we
understand education as a dialogical process, in the freirian perspective, in which the subjects
involved are educated in relation to themselves and to the world, through reflexion and action,
noticing reality as a process in continuous transformation. In this way, people educate and are
educated in the several social practices in which they are inserted, so education also happens
beyond the school space. For the development of the research the following proceedings were
used: conversations, non-systematic observations and systematic ones, which were all
registered in a field diary; interviews, and after the interview transcriptions, discussion with
the participants were made; data analysis elaborated by the researcher was also discussed with
the participants. Nineteen sections of observation and ten interviews were accomplished. Two
educators and two students participated in this process. The elements that appeared from the
adopted procedures permitted us establish the following categories of analysis, systematizing
the participants conceptions and experiences: Visions of oneself and of the other; Visions of
education and of the educative work in the Programa Conquista Criança; The daily work. That
analysis led to the following dimensions understanding which aims at the citizenship
formation: To do things together; To question, to listen, to say, to dialogue; To seek
coherence of one s own behavior, keeping in touch with one s own history and inner truth; To
exercise faith in the human being; To have and provide space of being and acting, exercising
autonomy and responsibility. This work contributes to the reflection and elaboration of
formative proposals to educators that act in the infantile and juvenile area, offering elements
to think about the educative work, specially the one that is developed in institutions of
attendance on children and young people at risk situation. The pointed dimensions can be of special interest to think over the practices developed at the school spaces, including the university and processes of education building knowledge. / Este trabalho investigou como educadores e educandos participantes de programa de
atendimento a crianças e adolescentes em situação de risco se educam para o reconhecimento
e respeito das diferenças e das suas potencialidades e limites, exercendo a capacidade
reflexiva, crítica e propositiva. Foi desenvolvido nos anos de 2006 e 2007, junto ao Programa
Conquista Criança, ação municipal de atendimento a crianças e adolescentes em situação de
risco, na cidade de Vitória da Conquista, Bahia, tendo como campo da pesquisa empírica duas
oficinas desenvolvidas pelo Programa. Os objetivos da pesquisa foram: a) identificar e
analisar as concepções de educadores e educandos sobre educação, educador, criança e
adolescente e sobre os objetivos e a ação do Programa Conquista Criança; b) analisar a práxis
do educador e do educando e seu processo formativo, identificando os diferentes espaços,
experiências e momentos nos quais se dá esse processo. Neste trabalho, parte-se da
compreensão de educação como processo dialógico, na perspectiva freireana, no qual os
sujeitos envolvidos se educam na relação entre si e no/com o mundo, através da reflexão e da
ação, conhecendo a realidade como processo em transformação contínua. Neste sentido, as
pessoas educam e se educam nas diversas práticas sociais nas quais estão inseridas,
entendendo-se que a educação, portanto, se dá também para além do espaço escolar. Para o
desenvolvimento da pesquisa utilizou-se os seguintes procedimentos: conversas, observações
não-sistemáticas e observações sistemáticas, todas registradas em diário de campo;
entrevistas; discussão com os participantes acerca das entrevistas após a transcrição e acerca
das análises de dados elaboradas pela pesquisadora. Foram realizadas dezenove sessões de
observação sistemática e dez entrevistas. Participaram das entrevistas e das discussões
mencionadas, dois educadores e dois educandos. Os elementos surgidos a partir dos
procedimentos adotados permitiram delinear as seguintes categorias de análise,
sistematizando as concepções e experiências dos participantes: Visões de si e do outro; Visões
de educação e do trabalho educativo no Programa Conquista Criança; O fazer cotidiano. Tal
análise encaminhou para a compreensão das seguintes dimensões que visam à formação para
a cidadania: Fazer juntos; Questionar, ouvir, dizer: dialogar; Buscar a coerência do próprio
comportamento, mantendo contato com sua história e verdade íntima; Exercitar a fé no ser
humano; Ter/proporcionar espaço para ser e agir, exercitando autonomia e responsabilidade.
Este trabalho contribui para a reflexão e elaboração de propostas formativas para educadores
que atuam na área da infância e juventude, oferecendo elementos para pensar o trabalho
educativo, em especial o desenvolvido em instituições de atendimento a crianças e jovens em situação de risco. As dimensões apontadas podem ser de especial interesse para repensar as
práticas desenvolvidas nos espaços escolares, inclusive no ensino superior e nos processos de
construção de conhecimento sobre educação.
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"Samverkan som gör att barn och unga kan växa upp och känna sig trygga" : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om samverkansforumet SSPF i Malmö / "Cooperation that allows children and youths to grow up and feel safe" : A qualitative interview study about the cooperation forum SSPF in MalmöKronberg, Tilde, Gren, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur skola, socialtjänst, polis och fritidsverksamhet i Malmö arbetar förebyggande mot ungdomsbrottslighet och narkotikabruk bland unga inom samverkansforumet SSPF. Vidare ämnade studien att undersöka vilka för- och nackdelar aktörerna upplevde med samverkan. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ metod som baserats på semistrukturerade intervjuer med yrkesverksamma inom samverkansforumet i Malmö. Materialet analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Resultatet jämfördes med en tidigare genomförd utvärdering av SSPF i Göteborg och Mölndal och analyserades utifrån tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet samverkan. Resultatet visade att SSPF tillämpas för att arbeta brotts- och narkotikaförebyggande mot ungdomar i riskzon på både grupp- och områdesnivå i Malmö. Utifrån intervjuerna framkom resursbrist och bristande engagemang från aktörer som begränsande faktorer för samverkansarbetet. Vidare ansågs samverkan leda till en stor intern nytta i form av förbättrad kommunikation mellan aktörerna och ett vidgat kontaktnät. Intervjudeltagarna upplevde även att samverkan möjliggör ett effektiviserat brotts- och narkotikaförebyggande arbete då samtliga aktörers kunskap och erfarenheter inom området kan utnyttjas till fullo. Studiens resultat visar på likheter mellan Malmö, Göteborg och Mölndal, såsom uppfattningen av syftet med SSPF, resursbrister som hindrar samverkan, och en splittrad syn på nivån av den externa nyttan. Den stora skillnaden mellan kommunerna är det grundläggande arbetssättet där Malmö arbetar på grupp- och områdesnivå medan Göteborg och Mölndal arbetar på individnivå. / The aim of this study was to examine how schools, social services, police and leisure sector in Malmö work preventively against youth criminality and drug use within the cooperation forum SSPF. Furthermore, the study aimed to investigate which advantages and disadvantages the actors experienced with the cooperation. The study was based on a qualitative method based on semi-structured interviews with professionals within the cooperation forum in Malmö. The material was analyzed through a thematic analysis. The result was compared with a previously carried out evaluation of SSPF in Gothenburg and Mölndal and was analysed based on previous research in the subject area of cooperation. The result showed that SSPF is applied to work preventatively against crime and drug use among youths at risk at both group and area level in Malmö. Based on the interviews, a lack of resources and a lack of commitment from actors emerged as limiting factors for collaborative work. Furthermore, the collaboration was considered to lead to a great internal benefit in the form of improved communication between the actors and an expanded network of contacts. The interview participants also felt that cooperation enables more efficient crime and drug prevention work, as the knowledge and experience of all actors in the field can be used to the full. The study's results show similarities between Malmö, Gothenburg and Mölndal, such as the perception of the purpose of the SSPF, resource shortages that hinder collaboration, and a divided view of the level of the external benefit. The big difference between the municipalities is the basic way of working, where Malmö works at the group and area level, while Gothenburg and Mölndal work at the individual level.
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