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Untersuchungen auf renoprotektive Effekte nach pulsatiler Perfusion beziehungsweise Minozyklingabe bei extrakorporaler Zirkulation mittels Herz-Lungen-Maschine im FerkelmodellGerdom, Maria 14 November 2014 (has links)
Im Rahmen dieser Dissertation wurden anhand eines Ferkelmodells (8-15kg Schweine, 5 Gruppen: „nicht pulsatile HLM“: n=9, „Minozyklin+HLM“: n= 6, „pulsatile HLM“: n=7, „Minozyklin-Kontrolle: n=6, „Kontrolle“: n=8) während einer 120-minütigen extrakorporaler Zirkulation (EKZ) und einer darauffolgenden 90-minütigen Rekonvaleszenzzeit der physikalische Einflussfaktor des pulsatilen Flusses sowie der pharmakologische Effekt von Minozyklin auf die Niere jeweils unabhängig voneinander untersucht.
In allen Gruppen wurden HE-Färbungen sowie immunhistochemische Färbungen (HIF-1-α, 3-Nitrotyrosin, PAR, AIF) durchgeführt um pathologische Veränderungen auf zellulärer Ebene zu detektieren. Zusätzlich wurden energiereiche Phosphate und ihre Abbauprodukte mittels High Pressure/Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) bestimmt. Zur Beurteilung der klinischen Funktion der Niere wurden nierenspezifische Blutwerte (Serumkreatinin, Serumharnstoff) und Laktat im arteriellen Blut bestimmt.
Mit der pulsatilen Perfusion konnte ein Abfall des O2-Partialdruckes nicht verhindert werden (HIF-1-α), allerdings konnte die ATP-Konzentration aufrecht erhalten werden.
Dies spricht dafür, dass die pulsatile Perfusion im Gegensatz zu der nicht pulsatilen Perfusion keinen relevanten O2-Mangel verursachte. Auch die Ergebnisse der Nitrotyrosin-3-Auswertung zeigen, dass die Bildung von Peroxynitrit reduziert und somit der nitrosative Stress auf die Zellen begrenzt wurde. Die DNA wurde jedoch unabhängig vom gewählten Blutflussprofil geschädigt (PAR).
Auch anhand der nierenspezifischen Blutparameter (Serumkreatinin, Serumharnstoff) ließ sich eine postoperative Beeinträchtigung der Nierenfunktion feststellen. Im Vergleich zu der nicht pulsatilen EKZ war hier jedoch eine geringfügige Verbesserung zu erkennen (Serumkreatinin).
Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass durch die pulsatile EKZ der Grad der Ischämie beeinflusst werden konnte, allerdings waren insgesamt keine wesentlich positiven Auswirkungen auf zellulärer Ebene und auf die postoperative Nierenfunktion festzustellen. Der Einsatz des technisch anspruchsvollen pulsatilen Perfusionssystems scheint daher in Bezug auf die Niere in der routinemäßigen Herzchirurgie nicht unbedingt erforderlich zu sein.
Durch die Gabe von Minozyklin wurde zwar der Grad der Ischämie (HIF-1-α, ATP) nicht beeinflusst, allerdings konnte Minozyklin durch seine antioxidativen bzw. antinitrosativen (3-Nitrotyrosin), PARP-1-hemmenden (PAR) sowie antiapoptotischen (AIF) Wirkmechanismen die Niere offenbar vor den Folgen einer Ischämie schützen. Anhand der nierenspezifischen Blutwerte (Serumkreatinin, Serumharnstoff) wurde erkenntlich, dass Minozyklin die Nierenfunktion positiv beeinflusst, was wiederum die histologischen Befunde bestätigt.
Für die Humanmedizin ist somit der Einsatz von Minozyklin während der EKZ eine Möglichkeit die Auswirkungen des Ischämie/Reperfusionsschadens und deren klinische Folgen hinsichtlich der Niere zu begrenzen. Allerdings muss berücksichtigt werden, dass der einmalige Einsatz eines Antibiotikums auch negativen Einfluss auf den Körper ausübt (Resistenzentwicklung, Nebenwirkungen), sodass Minozyklin aufgrund der in dieser Versuchsreihe gezeigten positiven Eigenschaften, insbesondere die PARP-1-Inhibition, lediglich als Modellsubstanz für Weiterentwicklungen genutzt werden kann.
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Analysis of water vapour mixing ratio profiles in the Arctic from Raman lidar measurements during the MOSAiC-campaignSeidel, Clara 04 April 2023 (has links)
For the first time, vertical water vapour profiles were measured in the Central Arctic North of 85°N during the MOSAiC campaign (Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate). Continuous measurements of the Raman lidar PollyXT are used to retrieve high-resolved vertical profiles of the water vapour mixing ratio (WVMR) during the polar night. The collected data are calibrated and evaluated by use of selected clear-sky profiles between 25 October 2019 and 29 February 2020.
Three different calibration methods are applied using reference data from radiosonde launches or microwave radiometer (MWR) measurements, respectively. The calibration with the least error results from a linear fit between collocated radiosonde and lidar measurements and delivers a final calibration constant of 15.96 ± 0.37 g/kg for the period from 25 Oct 2019 to 29 Feb 2020.
The calibrated WVMR profiles are analysed regarding the vertical distribution of water vapour in the Arctic, its impact on the downward thermal-infrared radiation (DTIR) at the surface, and its relation to the Arctic Oscillation (AO) index as a measure for the general atmospheric circulation.
The Arctic atmosphere is very dry during the winter time with WVMR values below 2 g/kg. The vertical water vapour distribution is strongly related to the temperature profile. Layers with higher WVMR values are often capped by temperature inversions. Layers with higher integrated water vapour values (IWV) are located either close to the surface (coupled) or in an elevated layer (decoupled), related to local or advective processes, respectively.
The impact of the vertical distributed water vapour on the clear-sky DTIR at the surface was investigated by evaluating the evolution of the air mass at the measurement location over several hours for seven clear-sky cases. The relation between the measured DTIR at the surface and the lidar IWV shows a linear correlation for each case, but with a shift in the radiation values depending on the temperature of the vertical distributed water vapour. The impact of the IWV on the DTIR is determined to be 9.33 − 15.03 W/kg from the example cases. Beside, a linear correlation is found between the temperature of the vertical distributed water vapour and the radiation temperature of the sky, which is derived from the Stefan-Boltzmann’s Law. Both results depict the high impact of the atmospheric water vapour profile on the surface energy budget during clear-sky winter conditions.
The influence of the atmospheric circulation on the vertical water vapour distribution in the Arctic is investigated by use of the AO index. While very stable conditions with a weak exchange with lower latitudes are expected during the positive phase of the AO, a stronger meridional transport is related to the negative phase of the AO. The evaluation of 71 randomly selected clear-sky profiles shows differences in the amount and the vertical structure of each WVMR profile between the two phases. Higher WVMR values and layers with higher IWV are observed during the negative AO phase. Nonetheless, a high variability between dry and humid cases is seen during all phases of the AO due to synoptic events. Two main sources for water vapour in the Eastern Central Arctic are identified independent of the AO. These are cyclones on the one hand and the occurrence of a main wind direction from the seas north of Siberia namely Laptev, Kara and Barents Sea on the other hand.
In summary, the thesis discusses different calibration methods for the derivation of WVMR profiles from Raman lidar measurements in its first part. In the second part, the thesis gives an overview over the vertical water vapour distribution in the Central Arctic winter and its complex relation to temperature profiles, radiation measurements at the surface and the atmospheric circulation.
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Incorporating the effect of heterogeneous surface heating into a semi-empirical model of the surface energy balance closureWanner, Luise, Calaf, Marc, Mauder, Matthias 01 March 2024 (has links)
It was discovered several decades ago that eddy covariance measurements systematically underestimate sensible and latent heat fluxes, creating an imbalance in the surface energy budget. Since then, many studies have addressed this problem and proposed a variety of solutions to the problem, including improvements to instruments and correction methods applied during data postprocessing. However, none of these measures have led to the complete closure of the energy balance gap. The leading hypothesis is that not only surface-attached turbulent eddies but also sub-mesoscale atmospheric circulations contribute to the transport of energy in the atmospheric boundary layer, and the contribution from organized motions has been grossly neglected. The problem arises because the transport of energy through these secondary circulations cannot be captured by the standard eddy covariance method given the relatively short averaging periods of time (~30 minutes) used to compute statistics. There are various approaches to adjust the measured heat fluxes by attributing the missing energy to the sensible and latent heat flux in different proportions. However, few correction methods are based on the processes causing the energy balance gap. Several studies have shown that the magnitude of the energy balance gap depends on the atmospheric stability and the heterogeneity scale of the landscape around the measurement site. Based on this, the energy balance gap within the surface layer has already been modelled as a function of a nonlocal atmospheric stability parameter by performing a large-eddy simulation study with idealized homogeneous surfaces. We have further developed this approach by including thermal surface heterogeneity in addition to atmospheric stability in the parameterization. Specifically, we incorporated a thermal heterogeneity parameter that was shown to relate to the magnitude of the energy balance gap. For this purpose, we use a Large-Eddy Simulation dataset of 28 simulations with seven different atmospheric conditions and three heterogeneous surfaces with different heterogeneity scales as well as one homogeneous surface. The newly developed model captures very well the variability in the magnitude of the energy balance gap under different conditions. The model covers a wide range of both atmospheric stabilities and landscape heterogeneity scales and is well suited for application to eddy covariance measurements since all necessary information can be modelled or obtained from a few additional measurements.
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