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An analysis into the implementation of Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) in Namibia : selected case studies

Thesis (MPA (Public Management and Planning))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISCH ABSTRACT:
Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) in Namibia is viewed as an essential poverty
reduction strategy in the fight against black disempowerment. However, the concept and
practice of BEE in Namibia, prevails in the absence of a national BEE policy.
Nonetheless, the government has encouraged the public and private sector to develop
their own empowerment initiatives, in accordance with the draft BEE guidelines.
The practice of BEE in Namibia has become controversial amongst the presently
disadvantaged Namibians with regard to its implementation. Criticisms on the
implementation of BEE are based on the assumption that BEE has resulted in the selfenrichment
of a small black elite as opposed to empowering the poor. Breaking the cycle
of underdevelopment and marginalization requires a commitment towards Broad-Based
Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) and broad-based ownership. The ultimate
objectives of BBBEE are to achieve significant decreases in poverty, income inequality
and unemployment.
The primary objective of the research was to analyze the implementation of BBBEE
within two companies in Namibia, namely; Namibia Mineworkers Investment Company
Financial Services (Nam-MIC FS) and the National Housing Enterprise (NHE). The
purpose was to determine whether the poor are benefiting from their respective BBBEE
strategies and to what extent. A descriptive case study approach was used to understand
the empowerment process within the identified institutions. Two data collection methods
were used, namely; open-ended questionnaires and standardized open-ended interviewing
with the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of the respective institutions.
The findings reveal that Nam-MIC FS is promoting broad-based ownership in that union
members are able to access affordable financial services and products. However, Nam-
MIC FS has failed to effectively implement BBBEE, since key areas of empowerment,
such as the implementation of a broad-based skills development programme for
employees, Small Medium Enterprise (SME) development for union members and
community initiatives have been overlooked. The conclusion is that Nam-MIC FS is promoting a minimalist approach to empowerment, since its main focus is on the
provision of affordable financial services and products, which is a short-term and
unsustainable approach to reducing income inequalities and poverty. The main
recommendations include the need to formulate and implement internal policies in
respect of the transformational guidelines and implementing a monitoring and evaluation
The findings on NHE reveal that whilst a BBBEE model has been implemented, a
shortcoming is the failure to implement a skills development programme for black SME
contractors. Moreover, of concern is the failure by NHE to promote broad-based
ownership in the provision of housing, since the poor and very poor are directly and
indirectly excluded from housing opportunities. The conclusion is that NHE is not
promoting the broader participation, capacity building and economic improvement of the
poor and very poor, which exacerbates the housing backlog through the emergence of
informal settlements. The main recommendations pertain to the need to directly or
indirectly include the poor and very poor in the provision of housing opportunities and a
need to implement a skills development programme for black SME contractors, in
addition to implementing a monitoring and evaluation system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
Swart Ekomiese Bemagtiging (SEB) in Namibië word as ‘n noodsaaklike strategie vir die
verligting van armoede in die stryd teen swart verontmagtiging beskou. Die SEB-konsep
en die beoefening daarvan staan egter sonder ‘n ondersteunende nasionale SEB-beleid.
Desnieteenstaande moedig die regering die private en die besigheidsektors aan om self
bemagtigingsinisiatiewe in ooreenstemming met SEB-konsepriglyne te ontwikkel.
Vir minderbevoorregtes in Namibië is die beoefening van SEB egter omstrede vanweë
die implementering daarvan. Kritiek oor die implementering van SEB word gebaseer op
die aanname dat SEB die selfverryking van ‘n klein groep swart elite instede van die
bemagtiging van armes behels. Verbreking van die siklus van onderontwikkeling en
marginalisering vereis verbondenheid tot Breë Basis Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging
(BBSEB) en breë basis eienaarskap. Die uiteindelike oogmerke van BBSEB is
betekenisvolle vermindering van armoede, ongelyke inkomste en werkloosheid.
Die primêre doelwit van hierdie navorsing was om die implementering van BBSEB in
twee maatskappye in Namibië, die Namibia Mineworkers Investment Company Financial
Services (Nam-MIC FS) en die National Housing Enterprise (NHE), te ontleed. Die doel
was om te bepaal of die armes enige voordeel uit die onderskeie BBSEB-strategieë trek
en in hoeverre dit gebeur. Die navorsing is met behulp van beskrywende gevallestudies
benader om die bemagtigingsproses in die betrokke instansies te kan verstaan. Twee
insamelingsmetodes is vir die verkryging van data gebruik: ope-vraag vraelyste en
gestandaardiseerde ope-vraag onderhoude met bedryfshoofde van die onderskeie
Die bevindings toon dat Nam-MIC FS breë basis eienaarskap bevorder deur vakbondlede
in staat te stel om toegang tot bekostigbare finansiële dienste en produkte te bekom, maar
nie daarin geslaag het om BBSEB effektief te implementeer nie, aangesien sleutelareas
van bemagtiging, soos implementering van breë basis vaardigheidsontwikkelingsprogramme
vir werknemers en ontwikkeling van vaardighede vir Klein en Medium
Ondernemings vir vakbondlede, sowel as gemeenskapsinisiatiewe, oor die hoof gesien is. Die gevolgtrekking is dat Nam-MIC FS ‘n minimalistiese benadering tot bemagtiging
bevorder – hulle is hoofsaaklik op die verskaffing van bekostigbare finansiële dienste en
produkte gerig, wat as ‘n korttermyn en onvolhoubare benadering tot die vermindering
van inkomste-ongelykheid, en tot armoede, beskou word. Die vernaamste aanbevelings
betrek die behoefte om ‘n interne beleid ten opsigte van transformatiewe riglyne te
formuleer en ‘n stelsel vir die monitering en evaluering daarvan te implementeer.
Bevindings oor die NHE toon dat ‘n BBSEB model geïmplementeer is, maar die firma
tekortskiet aangesien hulle nie ’n vaardigheidsontwikkelingsprogram vir swart KMOkontrakteurs
kon instel nie. Verder is dit sorgwekkend dat die NHE nie geslaag het om
breë-basis eienaarskap deur voorsiening van behuising te bevorder nie, aangesien die
armes uiters arm is en direk sowel as indirek uitgesluit word wanneer geleenthede vir
behuising ter sprake is. Die gevolgtrekking is dat die NHE nie breër deelname, die
ontwikkeling van kapasiteit, en ekonomiese verbetering van armes en uiters armes
bevorder nie, waardeur die behuisingsagterstand vererger, en informele nedersettings
ontstaan. Die vernaamste aanbevelings betrek die behoefte aan direkte of indirekte
insluiting van armes en uiters armes by die voorsiening van behuisingsgeleenthede en die
behoefte om vaardigheidsontwikkelingsprogramme vir swart KMO-kontrakteurs, tesame
met ‘n monitering- en evalueringstelsel, te implementeer.
Date03 1900
CreatorsTeek, Pia Mbemurukira
ContributorsMeyer, Ivan, University of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. School of Public Management and Planning.
PublisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
Source SetsSouth African National ETD Portal
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsUniversity of Stellenbosch

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