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臺灣少年小說出版發展之研究 / A study on the publishing history of juvenile novels in Taiwan

本研究兼採書目計量法,對台灣地區出版的少年小說創作出版品之出版年代、出版社、作者等書目資料進行統計分析,以供未來相關研究參考之用。研究結果歸納:(1)台灣少年小說出版量在1990年代急速成長;(2)1990年代以來大陸少年小說作品數呈現穩定的成長;(3)前十名重要的少年小說出版社:依序為九歌、文房、民生報社、幼獅、小魯、福地、小兵、台灣省政府教育廳、富春以及聯經出版社;(4)前五名重要的大陸少年小說出版社:依序為民生報社、九歌、聯經、風雲時代、小魯以及麥田出版社;(5)前十三名重要的少年小說作者:依序為李潼、沈石溪、管家琪、郭妮、李光福、溫小平、張之路、曹文軒、李淑真、黃海、鄭宗弦、周姚萍以及張友漁;(6)前六名重要的大陸少年小說作者:依序為沈石溪、郭妮、張之路、曹文軒、周銳以及秦文君;(7)少年小說作者生產力與80/20 定律驗證並不相符;(8)台灣少年小說出版發展歷程與出版年代的書目成長變化二者可相互呼應。
綜合研究結果,歸納建議:(1)對兒童書目資料庫的建議:早日成立一座國家兒童圖書館,專門負責建置兒童讀物書目資料庫;(2)對兒童圖書編目的建議:應將少年小說與故事書分開獨立編目,便於兒和童少年選讀適合自己的作品;(3)對出版社的建議:應採計畫出版;鼓勵作家展現本土風情的創作,培植寫作新秀;創作和翻譯作品並重,既可觀摩優秀作品又可滿足讀者需求;(4)對作者的建議:多閱讀優良中外少年小說作品,拓展國際視野;從歷史鄉土中尋找題材,持續不斷磨練寫作技巧,提升作品的品質;(5)對圖書館的建議:圖書館應竭盡所能搜羅優良的本土少年小說作品,並且定期舉辦閱讀推廣活動;(6)對相關研究者的建議:研究結果可供兒童文學界、出版社或圖書資訊服務單位作為參考。 / The start of Taiwan juvenile novels was comparably slower than European and American countries. It was as late as the 1960s when the first batch of local single-volume juvenile novels came out. Juvenile novels started to gain recognition until the 1990s when novels of high quality and high volume have been published. The study aims to discuss the process of publishing development for Taiwan juvenile novels between 1960 and 2010, and the important events and influence factors of the publishing development in Taiwan juvenile novels. The study further analyzed the changes in the growth of bibliography for juvenile novels over the years.
The study is based on historical research. According to literature review and historical data, the development of Taiwan juvenile novel publication is divided into four periods: Nurturing Period from 1960-1973. Growing Period from 1974-1987. Exchange and Expansion Period from 1988-1996. Booming Period from 1997-current. The publishing development of Taiwan juvenile novels is closely related to the social changes in political opening, economic prosperity, social diversity, and enhancement in the cultural and educational level of the overall environment. The resercher Picked up 16 major events with indicators of significance in the developing process of publication in Taiwan juvenile novels.
The study also employs Bibliometrics to conduct statistical analysis on bibliographical data including the year of publication, publisher and authors of juvenile novels published in Taiwan. The result will be used for reference in related studies in the future and is inferred below:
1.The amount of publication for Taiwan juvenile novels showed rapid growth in the 1990s.
2.The number of Chinese juvenile novels appeared in steady growth since 1990.
3.The top ten important juvenile novel publishers include the followings: namely Chiuko, Winfortune Co., Ltd. , Min Sheng Newspaper, Youth, Tien-Wei Publishing Company, Winfortune Co., Ltd., Xiaobin Publishing Company, The Department of Education, Taiwan Provincial Government, Fu Chun Publishing Company Limited, and Linking Books.
4.The top five important Chinese juvenile novel publishers include the followings: namely Min Sheng Newspaper, Chiuko, Linking Books, Storm and Stress Publishing, Tien-Wei Publishing Company, and Rye Field Publishing Company.
5.Top ten important juvenile novelists include the followings: namely Tong Li, Shixi Sheng, Jiaqi Guang, Ni Guo, Guangfu Li, Xiaoping Wen, Zhilu Zhang, Wenxuen Cao, Shuzhen Li, Hai Huang, Zhongxuen Zheng, Yaoping Zhou, and Youyu Zhang.
6.Top ten important Chinese juvenile novelists include the followings: Shixi Sheng, Ni Guo, Zhilu Zhang, Wenxuen Cao, Rui Zhou, and Wenjun Tai.
7.80/20 Rule is inapplicable to the distribution of juvenile novelists’ productivity.
8.The process of publication in Taiwan juvenile novels correspond with the changes in growth for the year of publication in bibliography.
The proposed guidelines are summarized as follows.
1.Recommendation for children’s bibliographical database: Establish a national children’s library soon possible which bears the major responsibility of building the bibliographical database for children’s books.
2.Recommendation for children’s library cataloguing: Juvenile novels and story books are recommended for separate and independent cataloguing so that children and youths could select the books suitable for their own reading requirement.
3.Recommendations for publishers: Publication should be planned and authors are encouraged to exhibit the creativity of local style while incubating the new talents in writing. Emphasize both on creativity and translated works that could offer observation of excellent works as well as satisfying reader needs.
4.Recommendations for authors: Read more excellent Chinese or foreign juvenile novels, expand international horizon, search for materials from history of localness, continue to discipline on writing skills, and improve work quality.
5.Recommendation for libraries:Libraries should do the best they could to collect outstanding local juvenile novels and hold reading promotional activities on a regular basis.
6.Recommendations for relevant researchers: The research results could be offered as reference to children’s literary circle, publishing companies or library information service units.
Creators廖冬日, Liao, Tung Jih
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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