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從「行李」成為「人」- 臺灣籍加拿大僑生的求學體驗與成長歷程 / From Luggage to Life: The Educational Experience and Transition of Taiwanese Canadian Immigrant Students

在臺灣,每年都有許多還在就學階段的孩子基於種種原因出國留學或是隨家人移民到其它國家,其中更是以加拿大這類以開發歐美國家為主。這些年輕的海外學子們在異鄉有著什麼樣的求學經驗,又對臺灣的教育有什麼樣的印象,是目前甚少被研究的議題。本研究以深度訪談的方式,對在加拿大接受過教育的受訪者進行訪談,了解他們在海外的求學與成長經歷及對臺灣教育的印象。結果顯示,年幼的受訪者由於較沒有自己的想法,跟著父母出國純粹是順從家人的決定。到了加拿大後,他們主要會遇到的困難是以語言為主,在學校方面,加拿大中等教育的師生互動比較親密,不過同學間容易以文化的不同形成小圈圈,造成受訪者出了國卻繼續留在臺灣人的文化圈裡。雖然本研究的受訪者都已經回到臺灣,不過他們還是認為自己同時是加拿大人也是臺灣人,在加拿大生活的經歷顯然已經改變了他們對自我的民族身分認同。對本研究的受訪者來說,臺灣與加拿大教育最大的不同在於社會對教育的重視性及看法,因此受訪者就算選擇在臺灣定居,不過還是會希望自己的下一代在加拿大受教育。 / In Taiwan, many school-age children are sent away by their parents to study overseas every year, or immigrate to Western countries like Canada with their families during their education process. The learning experience of these international students and their impression on Taiwanese education are issues that are seldom explored. The current research employs an in-depth interview method to investigate these international students’ learning experience through a series of interviews with subjects who have studied in both Taiwan and Canada. Result shows that the most drastic difficulty young immigrants face is having to learn a new language. Teacher-student interaction is more casual in Canadian middle education, but in terms of student interaction, students are more likely to form social groups based on different cultures, which caused the subjects to identify with both their Canadian and Taiwanese identities. In the eyes of the current study’s subjects, the most important difference between Taiwanese and Canadian education is the society’s view on education, and how important they see academic achievement. Based on these factors, the research subjects would choose to let their children receive Canadian education, even if they themselves had decided to live in Taiwan rather than Canada.
Creators賴思宇, Lai, Iris Szuyu
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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