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本研究旨在了解國民中學社會學習領域教師對領域教學在職進修之需求與成效。為達成研究目的,本研究以自編之「國民中學社會領域教師領域教學在職進修需求與成效問卷」為調查研究工具,以台北縣、市所抽樣學校社會學習領域教師390人作為正式問卷調查對象,回收332份有效問卷(回收率84.9%)。本研究針對所得的資料,以SPSS8.0 for Windows套裝軟體進行次數分配、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、Tukey法事後比較分析、獨立樣本t考驗(Independent-Samples t Test)等統計分析。依據資料分析發現,獲致以下結論:
(一) 就「授課方式」而言,教師覺得最有效的方式依次為「講述式」、「討論式」、「教學觀摩」、「個案研討」、「工作坊」。
(二) 就「授課講師」而言,教師覺得最有效的授課講師依序為「實務工作者」、「資深教師」、「大學教授」、「教育行政人員」。
(三) 就「上課成員組成方式」而言,教師覺得最有效的上課成員組成方式依序為「領域核心課程共同上課,專門科目分科上課」、「單科教師單獨上課」、「不同科目教師合科上課」。
(一) 領域核心課程部分以「社會學習領域概論」最感需要。
(二) 專門課程部分:
1. 歷史:台灣史、世界史、中國史、世界史概論、史學概論。
2. 地理:臺灣地理、氣候學、世界地理、地學通論、地形學。
3. 公民:經濟學、法學緒論、民法(一)、刑法(一)、社會學。

(一) 在「課程設計」方面較需要的項目是教學活動設計、六大議題融入教學課程設計、領域統整課程設計以及領域教學計畫撰寫。
(二) 在「教學方法」方面較需要的項目是教學方法與教學創新、教學模式與教學技巧、資訊融入教學。
(三) 在「教學資源與研究」方面較需要的項目是教學相關軟體應用與資訊概論、教學檔案之建立、社區教學資源發掘與應用。
(四) 在「評量與評鑑」方面較需要的項目是瞭解學生個別差異與診斷學生學習困擾、多元評量實務設計、回饋學習者之技巧。
關鍵字:社會領域、九年一貫課程、領域教學、在職進修、需求、成效 / The purpose of the study is to understand the needs and the effects of the teachers of social learning field in junior high schools for in-service education. In order to achieve this research, the survey employed self-administered questionnaires. Schools chosen for these questionnaires were sampled from Taipei county and Taipei city. Teachers of social learning field in the sampled schools were 390 persons for the questionnaires. The effected returns were 332. According to the returned data, statistics results by One-Way ANOVA and Turkey and Independent-Samples t test were drawn as the following conclusions:
I、The needs of the teachers of social learning field:
1. The methods of the needs:
(1). For instructional ways, teachers think the efficient ways in sequence are 「speaking」, 「discussing」,「teaching demonstration」, 「case studying」 and 「working shop」.
(2). For instructors, teachers think the efficient instructors in sequence are 「experienced workers」, 「senior teachers」, 「university professors」 and「 educational administrators」.
(3). For members in class, teachers think the efficient ways in order are the 「core curriculum together but specialized disciplines separately」, 「specialized disciplines separately」, 「all specialized disciplines together」.
2. The needs of the subjects:
(1). For field core curriculum, teachers think 「social learning field generality」 is the most required subject.
(2). For specialized disciplines:
i. history:History of Taiwan,History of the World,History of Chinese,Introduction to History of the World,Introduction to History.
ii. geography:Geography of Taiwan,Meteorology ,Geography of the World,Introduction to Geography,Geomorphology.
iii. civics:Economics,Introduction to Law,Civil law,Criminal Law,Sociology.
3. The needs of contents:
(1). For curriculum projects, the items are teaching activities design, six topics included in teaching curriculum design, field integrated curriculum design and field teaching plan writing.
(2). For teaching methods, the items are teaching methods, teaching innovation, teaching models, teaching techniques and information technology used in teaching.
(3). For resoures and research , the items are application of teaching related softwares and information technology , building teaching files and findings and applications of community teaching resources.
(4). For assessment and evaluation, the items are understanding the differences of students and diagnosing problems of students learning, multi-assessment practical designs and feedback learners techniques.
II、 The effects of the teachers of social learning field:
1. For curriculum projects, the items are teaching activities designs, field integrated curriculum designs and field teaching plan writing.
2. For teaching methods, the items are teaching methods, teaching innovation, teaching models, teaching techniques and information technology used in teaching.
3. For teaching resources and research, the items are teaching application softwares and information building teaching files and findings and applications of community teaching resources.
4. For assessment and evaluation, the items are teaching evaluation, curriculum evaluation and multi-assessment practical designs.
Based on the conclusions of this research, there are some suggestions which will be the references for the social field learning in the future.
Keywords:social learning field,1 - 9 curriculum,field teaching,in-service education,needs,effects.
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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