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Educator Supply, Demand, Attrition, and Out-of-Field Teaching in UtahRobertson, Daniel Joseph 01 May 2002 (has links)
This monograph reports the results of a comprehensive study of teacher supply and demand conditions in Utah. This research was conducted under contract with the Utah State Office of Education. The objectives of this research were as follows: (a) analyze year 2000 staffing patterns of Utah schools and estimate the potential effects of future retirement on current teacher pools; (b) use enrollment projections and base-year pupil-teacher ratios to predict teacher need for each geographic area and content area; (c) assess the supply of educators from Utah colleges of education and identify reasons why newly prepared teachers do not teach in Utah; (d) assess rates of early attrition among new teachers and identify reasons why new teachers leave; (e) assess the extent of unqualified teaching in Utah schools; (f) compare results from this study with results of nationally representative research; (g) make recommendations for future data collection. Information for this study was obtained from the deans of Utah's colleges of education, the Utah State Office of Education teacher licensure database (CACTUS), Utah State Office of Education enrollment projections, Utah Governor's Office of Planning and Budget demographic projections, and two opinion surveys.
Results indicate that between 2001 and 2005 teacher need from enrollment growth will be greatest in elementary teaching and special education assignments; that approximately 50% of new teachers educated in Utah between 1995 and 1998 did not teach in Utah within 3 years, and that most of these graduates either did not seek a teaching position or sought but did not obtain a teaching position in Utah; that 40% of new Utah teachers leave their positions during the first five years of employment, but that few leave because of dissatisfaction with teaching; that most former teachers and nonteaching graduate s would consider teaching in Utah in the future; and that nearly 5% of teachers statewide have not been formally qualified for their assignments. Comparisons with findings from nationally representative studies reveal that the reasons for attrition among Utah educators are very similar to those of educators in other parts of the nation. This report concludes with a set of recommendations for making ongoing assessments of Utah teacher supply and demand conditions.
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Návrh a realizace nástroje pro zefektivnění výuky geografie a jeho zhodnocení / The design and realization of a tool for an efficiency improvement of teaching Geography and the tool evaluationPlevová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis is to create a tool for an efficiency improvement of teaching Geography at a grammar school, which is based on several criteria. The tool is then tested in practice and its impact on students' geographical knowledge is evaluated. The work is conceptually divided into two main parts. The first of them introduces fieldwork as is generally known and construed, because the tool is based on some of the fieldwork principles and is realized outside the school building. An analysis of Czech curricular documents is not omitted in the text. The second, more voluminous part deals with practical issues. The main part presents a concept of a particular field teaching and a description of its following implementation. Subsequently, a tool, which was used to measure the effectiveness of the realized fieldwork, is described in the text. The results of the survey and the overall assessment are concluded at the end of this thesis. Key words: tool - geography - Geography field teaching - effectiveness - testing
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Botanické (dendrologické) vycházky na území Děčína / Botanical (Dendrological) Walks on the Territory of DěčínReimerová, Pavla January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, we are introduced to terrain-style (on-spot) approach to teaching botany and dendrology subjects on high school or high vocational school. The main goal of this thesis was to point out interesting spots in the city of Děčín from the dendrological point of view and design optimal walk routes for them. In the introductory part, the terrain-style approach in teaching is described, including its various types, goals, specifics of preparation phase and possibilities of using mobile applications as a tool for botany and dendrology teaching. We also wrote up about the topic of including terrain-style teaching of botany and dendrology into curricular school documents. In next segment, we described interesting spots in the city of Děčín from the dendrological point of view, such as: Zámecké zahrady (Palace gardens), Mariánská louka (Mariánská meadow) or Lesopark Kvaderberg (Kvaderberg forrest park). Overall, we designed eight walk routes.
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國中社會領域教師教學之現況分析-以臺北縣為例李佩寧 Unknown Date (has links)
一、 在教學現場有將近一成教師為代課浮動編制,且有教師證之公民師資人數百分比明顯偏低。
最後依據研究結論,提出建議。 / The purpose of this study is to understand the current status of teaching implementation on the teachers of social learning field in junior high schools, the investigation tool is a questionnaire self-prepared by the author, which is to aim at the current status on the teaching activities of the teachers on social learning field in junior high schools. The study was to aim at junior high schools of Taipei County in 2004 academic year as the study object and adopted an overall general investigation on prefect of studies and the teachers in social learning field of each school. Totaling 67 schools of returning rate which occupied 90.54% of sampling school, 58.61% of returning rate in total 541 copies of valid sample questionnaire of “Teacher Version”, the returning rate in which was 58.61%, and 59 copies of questionnaire of “Administrative Personnel Version”, the returning rate in which was 79.73%. Except the mentioned above, we also have held twice focus seminars participated by expert teacher. The data obtained from questionnaire that has further made use of SPSS 10.0 Version of statistics package software to proceed statistical analysis, the conclusions from which are as follows:
1. Approximately 10% teachers on the teaching spot are belonged to the acting teacher of floating system, the number of civil education teacher bearing teacher certificate is apparently low .
2. It exists difference of viewpoint on the implementation status of social field teaching between administrative personnel and teacher for social filed teaching. The viewpoint of administrative personnel is more optimistic and loosening, however, the teacher for social field teaching is more strict on self-discipline.
3. The number of teacher participated in the field credit study has appeared positive growth, however, there is no significant influence on the teaching behavior of the teachers participated in the field credit study, moreover, the participation willing of senior teacher is not so high.
4. Compares to the course standard of 1994 with the new course of 1-9 integrated curriculum, social field is same as the examination course in basic learning ability, its teaching target has no change, the teaching material has not been decreased, but the learning hours is largely decreased, meanwhile, the difference of learning hours among the junior high schools and grades in Taipei County has reached 240 periods, it has caused the teachers in school are difficult to fulfill in teaching, the metabolism of teacher is stopped, the structure of teacher is difficult to change, it has appeared the hardship on teaching.
5. 71.2% of teaching method by teachers that has adopted courses classified teaching. The rate of 1st Grade adopted courses combined teaching is highest (25.8%), the rate of 3rd Grade adopted course classified teaching is highest (70.6%). The decision on lecturing method made by school, more are through resolved by meeting, however, the decision on the lecturing method is subject to the influence on the location of school, scale of school, and the education policy.
6. It is less than 40% of schools to provide specialty classroom to the teacher in the social field, the factors such as equipment, contents of teaching material, lecturing hours will affect to the using frequency on specialty classroom.
7. The rate of school providing electrified equipment has reached 96.3%, exceeding 70% of administrative personnel deem that the quantity of electrified equipment provided that is sufficient to be used by teacher. Approximately 60% deem that teacher can operate independently. However, due to electrified equipment, contents of teaching material, and the lecturing hours that will influence on the using frequency by teacher.
8. The rate of school providing drawing & instrument equipment that has reached 97%, exceeding 50% of administrative personnel deem that the quantity of drawing & instrument equipment provided that is sufficient to be used by teacher. The using frequency on teaching by teacher that is influenced by the relevance between drawing & instrument equipment and contents of teaching material, convenience on borrowing from administration and course well planned by teacher.
9. 47.9% of administrative personnel and 79.8% of teachers deem that the pluralized teaching is still pending to strengthen. 54.2% of administrative personnel have already established responding measures. However, because of the teaching hours and the equipment factor that will influence on the implementation of pluralized teaching.
10. The total average score 3.71 of “Teachers’ Teaching Behavior” in social field in junior high school is fallen behind and between “Consistent” and “Very Consistent”, which means that the teaching professional behavior of teachers is over middle level.
11. The highest of scoring by integrated teachers is “Promoting Effective Communication”, the excellent item shown by teachers in teaching is “ Be able to interact with students by amicable and kind tone while teaching”, the minimum scoring is “Vitalizing Teaching Strategy”, the weakest item shown by teachers in teaching is “Be able to according to the teaching need to utilize each kind of electrified equipment”.
Finally, in accordance with the conclusion on study, we do hereby propose the suggestion.
Keyword: social field, 1-9 integrated curriculum, field teaching.
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GPS přístroje ve výuce jako prostředek pro rozvoj mezipředmětových vazeb vzdělávacích oborů zeměpis a anglický jazyk na 2. stupni ZŠ (na příkladu ORP Chotěboř)ONDRÁČKOVÁ, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis is GPS devices in teaching as a means of developing inter-subject relations between educational fields of Geography and English language at the 2nd stage of elementary school (on the example of ORP Chotěboř). Presented work consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part includes the methodology of creating both parts, where the author introduces the whole process of making her work. The first part contains the theoretical background, where the author briefly introduces the basic concepts; the chapter focus on GPS devices, their potential use in teaching and the possibilities for inter-subject relations. The integral part of the theoretical part, especially for its thematic setting, is the study of curriculum documents. The practical part of this work contains educational activities that connecting curriculum of the local region, ie. geography, with English language. All presented educational activities consist of the introductory part and a methodical commentary.
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Místo, odkud pocházím - Velké Březno a okolí / Where I Come From - Velké Březno and the surrounding areaZatloukalová, Hana January 2020 (has links)
Where I Come From - Velké Březno and the surrounding area The aim of this work is to create an educational project for pupils of the fourth and fifth grades to help them understand the connections between countryside, natural resources, population density, economic use of resources and development of transportation networks in the 19th and 20th centuries. The scope of this thesis is determined by the area encompassed by the school district of Velké Březno, that is, the right bank of the Elbe from Ústi nad Labem to Těchlovice. The theoretical part describes the area for which the project has been proposed from the socio- geographic point of view, and includes methods and lesson formats. The practical part contains work material meant as didactic inspiration for teaching local history.
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國民中學社會領域教師領域教學在職進修需求與成效之研究張光明 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解國民中學社會學習領域教師對領域教學在職進修之需求與成效。為達成研究目的,本研究以自編之「國民中學社會領域教師領域教學在職進修需求與成效問卷」為調查研究工具,以台北縣、市所抽樣學校社會學習領域教師390人作為正式問卷調查對象,回收332份有效問卷(回收率84.9%)。本研究針對所得的資料,以SPSS8.0 for Windows套裝軟體進行次數分配、獨立樣本單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)、Tukey法事後比較分析、獨立樣本t考驗(Independent-Samples t Test)等統計分析。依據資料分析發現,獲致以下結論:
(一) 就「授課方式」而言,教師覺得最有效的方式依次為「講述式」、「討論式」、「教學觀摩」、「個案研討」、「工作坊」。
(二) 就「授課講師」而言,教師覺得最有效的授課講師依序為「實務工作者」、「資深教師」、「大學教授」、「教育行政人員」。
(三) 就「上課成員組成方式」而言,教師覺得最有效的上課成員組成方式依序為「領域核心課程共同上課,專門科目分科上課」、「單科教師單獨上課」、「不同科目教師合科上課」。
(一) 領域核心課程部分以「社會學習領域概論」最感需要。
(二) 專門課程部分:
1. 歷史:台灣史、世界史、中國史、世界史概論、史學概論。
2. 地理:臺灣地理、氣候學、世界地理、地學通論、地形學。
3. 公民:經濟學、法學緒論、民法(一)、刑法(一)、社會學。
(一) 在「課程設計」方面較需要的項目是教學活動設計、六大議題融入教學課程設計、領域統整課程設計以及領域教學計畫撰寫。
(二) 在「教學方法」方面較需要的項目是教學方法與教學創新、教學模式與教學技巧、資訊融入教學。
(三) 在「教學資源與研究」方面較需要的項目是教學相關軟體應用與資訊概論、教學檔案之建立、社區教學資源發掘與應用。
(四) 在「評量與評鑑」方面較需要的項目是瞭解學生個別差異與診斷學生學習困擾、多元評量實務設計、回饋學習者之技巧。
關鍵字:社會領域、九年一貫課程、領域教學、在職進修、需求、成效 / The purpose of the study is to understand the needs and the effects of the teachers of social learning field in junior high schools for in-service education. In order to achieve this research, the survey employed self-administered questionnaires. Schools chosen for these questionnaires were sampled from Taipei county and Taipei city. Teachers of social learning field in the sampled schools were 390 persons for the questionnaires. The effected returns were 332. According to the returned data, statistics results by One-Way ANOVA and Turkey and Independent-Samples t test were drawn as the following conclusions:
I、The needs of the teachers of social learning field:
1. The methods of the needs:
(1). For instructional ways, teachers think the efficient ways in sequence are 「speaking」, 「discussing」,「teaching demonstration」, 「case studying」 and 「working shop」.
(2). For instructors, teachers think the efficient instructors in sequence are 「experienced workers」, 「senior teachers」, 「university professors」 and「 educational administrators」.
(3). For members in class, teachers think the efficient ways in order are the 「core curriculum together but specialized disciplines separately」, 「specialized disciplines separately」, 「all specialized disciplines together」.
2. The needs of the subjects:
(1). For field core curriculum, teachers think 「social learning field generality」 is the most required subject.
(2). For specialized disciplines:
i. history:History of Taiwan,History of the World,History of Chinese,Introduction to History of the World,Introduction to History.
ii. geography:Geography of Taiwan,Meteorology ,Geography of the World,Introduction to Geography,Geomorphology.
iii. civics:Economics,Introduction to Law,Civil law,Criminal Law,Sociology.
3. The needs of contents:
(1). For curriculum projects, the items are teaching activities design, six topics included in teaching curriculum design, field integrated curriculum design and field teaching plan writing.
(2). For teaching methods, the items are teaching methods, teaching innovation, teaching models, teaching techniques and information technology used in teaching.
(3). For resoures and research , the items are application of teaching related softwares and information technology , building teaching files and findings and applications of community teaching resources.
(4). For assessment and evaluation, the items are understanding the differences of students and diagnosing problems of students learning, multi-assessment practical designs and feedback learners techniques.
II、 The effects of the teachers of social learning field:
1. For curriculum projects, the items are teaching activities designs, field integrated curriculum designs and field teaching plan writing.
2. For teaching methods, the items are teaching methods, teaching innovation, teaching models, teaching techniques and information technology used in teaching.
3. For teaching resources and research, the items are teaching application softwares and information building teaching files and findings and applications of community teaching resources.
4. For assessment and evaluation, the items are teaching evaluation, curriculum evaluation and multi-assessment practical designs.
Based on the conclusions of this research, there are some suggestions which will be the references for the social field learning in the future.
Keywords:social learning field,1 - 9 curriculum,field teaching,in-service education,needs,effects.
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