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當非營利組織遇上Web 2.0-以倡議型非營利組織為例 / When Non-profit Organizations Meet Web 2.0–The Case of the Advocacy Non-profit Organizations

Web 2.0低技術門檻、雙向溝通等特性是非營利組織電子化的立基,然而,相關的實證研究顯示,大部分的非營利組織皆無法有效利用網路作為互動溝通的工具。因此,本研究針對倡議型非營利組織的網站,以滾雪球抽樣法進行線上檢閱,並挑選合適個案進行深度訪談,藉此瞭解倡議型非營利組織應用Web 2.0的實務情況,欲檢視Web 2.0對於倡議型非營利組織的優勢何在以及應如何運用,以此作為其他類型的非營利組織運用Web 2.0時的參考。由於非營利組織與政府同樣具有政策倡議的本質,因此,本研究也將提出對政府機關在應用Web 2.0時的建議。
研究結果顯示,本研究所觀察的非營利組織明顯將Web 2.0網站作為傳播組織相關資訊的工具,藉此與潛在支持者建立關係,部分組織一開始並非有系統且規劃地運用,但是在實務的運用經驗中,也逐漸發掘出各類平台的優勢與特點,發展出不同的網站應用策略,並達成這些平台當初使用的目的:與他人開啟對話空間並進而建立關係。另外,根據研究結果亦可發現,臉書逐漸取代部落格在訊息傳播的功能,而部落格則因其具備優秀的資料儲存與整理能力,而被作為議題的資料庫。最後,雖然根據相關研究顯示,多數非營利組織無法善用臉書與潛在支持者溝通,但本研究發現,倡議型非營利組織利用臉書與潛在支持者開啟對話,而有利於倡議。
根據以上研究發現,本研究可以針對不同對象提出實務建議。就非營利組織而言,本研究建議其可以善用網頁分析工具、發展完善的整合策略、發揮網頁募款的潛能以及積極發揮Web 2.0的對話潛能。就政府機關而言,本研究建議其可利用Web 2.0概念增加政府網頁的創新性與便利性,以及利用社群網站增加政府資訊的流通性。 / The characteristics of Web 2.0 promote effective communication and require low skill. These characteristics are niche for nonprofit organizations (NPOs). According to the relevant studies, however, most NPOs can’t effectively communicate with potential supporters by making the best use of the Internet. Hence, the study aims to explore whether and how advocacy NPOs utilize Web 2.0 and the efficacy.
The study samples advocacy NPOs and their websites. By snowball sampling, content analysis and in-depth interviews, the results show that these NPOs have been apparently utilizing Web 2.0 technologies as one of their tools to disseminate information and connect potential supporters. At first, most observed NPOs didn’t adopt Web 2.0 systematically, but they have found strengths of Web 2.0 from their practice, developed many strategies and succeeded in building relationship with their potential supporters. Additional findings indicate that the NPOs which use their websites to disseminate information gradually replace blogs with Facebook. Blogs, however, remain useful for the NPOs due to its advantage on information storage and information arrangement. Finally, although relevant research shows that most NPOs can’t utilize Facebook to communicate, our findings support that advocacy NPOs utilize Facebook to communicate and advocate.
The research findings contribute to suggestions on NPOs and governments in practice. NPOs should improve their website’s content, develop integrated strategy to coordinate online and offline activities, enable their websites for fundraising and communication. In addition, government should increase convenience and creativity of their websites by applying Web 2.0 technology and disseminate information by social networking sites.
Creators黃筠容, Huang, Yun Jung
Source SetsNational Chengchi University Libraries
Detected LanguageEnglish
RightsCopyright © nccu library on behalf of the copyright holders

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